Official U. S. Bulletin
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GBfiirial ll’aullriin PUBLISHED DAILY UNDER ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT BY THE COMMITTEE 08 PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, CHAIRMAN Vol. 1. CALL FOR SUPPLIES CABLED NEED AID OF STATE COUNCILS Naval Gunners Captured by T0 RED CROSS FROM FRANCE U-boat That Sunk U. S. ON THE SECOND LlBERlY LOAN Ship, and Those Escaping A cabled appeal for the immediate ship The Council of National Defense has ment of supplies to France has reached Following are the members of sent the following to _the several State the American Red Cross from Maj. Gray the armed guard of the steamship councils of defense: son M.-P. Murphy. Maj. Murphy, as “ Canipana," who were taken pris The Treasury Department is now per the head of the Red Cross Commission in oners by the German submarine fecting its organization for the sale of France, has been making a survey of con when the “Campana” was sunk bonds in the “second liberty loan of ditions in the war zone and the districts on August 6: 1917.” The details concerning this bond which harbor refugees. The cable em James Delaney, chief gunner’s phasizes the urgent need in Europe for issue and concerning the campaign in its mate, commander of armed guard; vast amounts of hospital and knitting behalf will be announced later. In gren next of kin, wife, Elinor Delaney, supplies. ernl, the Treasury Department will con 12 Cleveland Street, Malden, Mass. duct the campaign through the machinery Maj. Murphy’s Cable gram. William Albert Miller, seaman already provided in the Federal re». ."ce second class; next of kin, mother, Maj. Murphy cables: banks, as was done in connection wit". the Elizabeth Grebeck, 8845 Barley “ Begin shipping at once 1,500,000 each “first liberty loan of 1917." Obviously, knitted mufflers, sweaters, socks, and Avenue, Chicago, Ill. in the management of the tremendous but wristlets. These are desperately needed Fred Stephen Jacob, seaman sec highly detailed and technically timnr-fll before cold weather. In view of the ond class; next of kin, father, Au matters involved in such a bond issue. the shortage of fuel, and other discomforts. gust Jacob, 90 Eureka Street, Treasury Department must act primarily they will be of incredible value in both Pittsburgh, Pa. through a banking medium, and it finds military and civilian work. Ray Roop, boatswain’s mate available in the organization of the Fed “ Last winter broke the record for cold second class; next of kin, mother, cral Reserve System (which antedaied and misery among the people here. They Elizabeth Garn, 415 Poplar Street, the war) the appropriate facilities. At inexpressibly dread lest the coming Boyne City, Mich. the same time, the department appreciates winter find us without supplies to meet Charles Levan Kline, gunner's the very valuable assistance which the the situation. I urge you on behalf of mate third class; next of kin, State councils of defense can render in our soldiers and those of our allies who father, Henry C. Kline, 240 \Vest this campaign, and desires their coopera will suffer in the frozen trenches. Thou Buttonwood Street, Reading, Pa. tion. Capt. Oliver, master of the ,sands of Belgian and French refugees and State Councils to Assist. repatriates are being returned through “ Campana," is also a prisoner on Switzerland to France.” the U-boat. In order that the assistance of the State The other members of the armed councils of defense may be properly co Circular of Directions. guard, who were landed safely at ordinated in the campaign which will be The woman’s bureau of the Red Cross. a French port. are: carried on within each Federal reserve district, :1 letter has been sent by the under the direction of Miss Florence M. Henry Montgomery Lusk, sea Marshall, has prepared directions with Treasury Department to the governor of man second class; mother, Flor each Federal reserve bank. In this letter, complete information as to the knitted ence E. Lusk, 203 Lampassas articles asked for by Maj. Murphy. The each Federal reserve bank governor is Street, Ennis, Tex. , asked to appoint: upon the liberty loan circular, which will be available to any George Franklin Wilcox, seaman woman who applies to the nearest Red committee of his district a member, who second class; next of kin, father, shall be charged particularly with the Cross chapter, tells exactly how to obtain Charles Wilcox, 2906 Kuchle yarn, detailed knitting instructions, and duty of linking the work of the State Street, Cleveland, Ohio. councils'of defense with the general plan where to send the garments for imme Karl Melvin Smith, seaman sec diate shipment to France. of the campaign. In this way duplication ond class; next of kin, father, of eifort will be avoided and the maxi Karl M. Smith, 4302 Holly Avenue, PICTURE INFORMATION READY. mum of effectiveness secured. St. Louis, Mo. The council of any State which does \Vray Ernest Metsker, seaman not fall wholly within one district should Pamphlet Dealing with Photographs of second class; next of kin, father, be in communication with the liberty loan Army and Navy Activities Issued. James W. Metsker, Williamsport, organizations of both districts concern A pamphlet entitled _“ Information con 1nd. ing the development of its campaign in cerning the making and distribution of George Allan McCausland, sea the respective parts of the State. The pictures that show the activities of the man second class; next of kin, Treasury Department, in the letter re Army and Navy " is ready for distribu father, William A. McCausland, ferred to above, has requested the gov tion. 4426 Frankford Avenue, Philadel crnor of each Federal reserve district to It is a detailed statement prepared for phia, Pa. advise the State councils of such States those who make, publish, or distribute Barney Vincent Artl, seaman as lie only partly within his district re photographs, motion pictures, or draw second class; next of kin, mother, garding its exact boundaries. ings. Copies may be obtained, free of Mrs. Jennie Artl, 727 East One Early Action Necessary. charge, by sending request to the Division hundred and eighteenth Street, of Pictures, Committee on Public lnfor- ' Cleveland, Ohio. We recommend that you communicate ligation, 10 Jackson Place, Washington, Cornelius Reilly, seaman; next at your earliest opportunity with the gov . C. of kin, mother, Annie T. Reilly, ernor of the appropriate Federal reserve 584 Henry Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. bank and with his appointee on the lib ENLISTKENTS IN THE NAVY. Roy August Voigt, coxswain; erty loan committee, who is designated next of kin, mother, Anna Voigt, to assist the State councils within the Total enlisted men August 13 _______ 139, 050 315 East One hundred and four district in their work (or with the two Net gain August 14 _______________ 111 teenth Street, New York, N. Y. governors and their appointees, if your Total enlisted men August 14 _____ 139. 16? State is divided), in order that arrange ARE YOU SA V INC Your Money to Invest in the Second Issue of THE LIBERTY LOAN P [0 THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1917. ments may be perfected for this important campaign, so essential to the successful CANADIANS T0 HELP HARVEST RED CRDSS SUPPLY DEPDTS TO prosecution of the war. THE POTATO CRDP lN MAINE MEET ALL DEMANDS UPDN THEM Governors of Reserve Banks. Laborers from the eastern provinces The American Red Cross authorizes the of Canada will be employed to harvest following: (Corrected to August 13, 1917.) the potato crop in Maine, where a largely The war council of the American Red Alfred_L. Aiken, Boston, Mass; Ben increased acreage was planted and where Cross announces the appointment of diVi jamin Strong, Jr., \lew York, N. Y.; Chas. the digging and preservation of the tubers sion directors of the supply service to 11 J. lihoads, Philadelphia, Pa.; E. R. Fan will begin at an early date. The Cana of the 13 territorial divisions into which cher, Cleveland, Ohio; Geo. J. Seay, Rich dians will be permitted to cross the the country has been divided. The men mond, Va.; Joseph A. McCord, Atlanta, boundary to work under the reciprocal appointed are all successful business ex Ga.;'.Ta1nes B. McDougal, Chicago, Ill.; agreement recently arranged between the ecutives and each has volunteered his Rolla Wells, St. Louis, Mo.; Theodore Governments of the Dominion and the services to the Red Cross without pay for Wold, Minneapolis, Minn.; J. Z. Miller, United States, by which American har the duration of the war. jr., Kansas City, Mo.; It. L. Van Zandt, vest hands will be allowed to go to the To facilitate the work of the American Dallas, Tex.; James K. Lynch, San Fran Canadian wheat belt when needed there. Red Cross insupplying surgical dressings, cisco, Cal. Reports received by the Chief of the hospital garments, and other comforts for Office of Farm Management, Department the American soldier and sailor, supply BURLINGTON RDAD T0 ASSIST of Agriculture, and the Commissioner depots will be located at each divisional General of Immigration show that the headquarters in charge of a divisional di lN WATERWAY DEVELOPMENT agricultural labor situation generally rector of the supply service. throughout the United States is satisfac Raw material purchased in large quan_ tory. titles by the Red Cross supply service in The following was made public by the It is deemed exceedingly fortunate that Washington will be distributed to these Secretary of Commerce to-day: notwithstanding the fact that large in divisional depots, where a three months' creases in acreage were planted and that supply will be maintained. Here the Red The. following letter from the vice presi the yield is good, the season has been of dent of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Cross chapters in the division can obtain such a nature as to permit of the making quickly the raw material which the Railroad Co.