(Filer, Idaho), 1924-12-25
MMjMÉI / î TH K FILER RECORD. FILER. IDAHO 7 Erie railroad «hopment to the »I, ' number of 9000 received • 9000,000 • THE ■ ' TELEGRAPHIC TALES Christina» present when a committee Short News Notes MOFFAT TUNNEL ! Sure Relief representing the several union* and ! KITCHEN i ^FOR INDIGESTION General Manager A. W. Baldwin, From Alt Part» of ■> agreed on a new wage scale, effect CABINET ive January 1, by which wages are IDAHO ((&. 1924. Wesi.rn N«?rspBp«r Union.) fojgflgl The I A NltUMC OF THE WEEK'S raised three rents an hour, *♦*•••••••eeeeaeaaeooaaae* WÊEKLY MENU SUG DOINGS IN THIS AND OTHER present minimum rate is 70 cents an GREAT BORE THROUGH MOUN (L_-=-> 6 Bell-ans Moscow.—A total appropriation of TAINS IS BEING PIERCED COUNTRIES hour and the average 74 cents. GESTIONS $1,634,000 for the coming biennium WITH RAPIDITY Hot water — ■ - - I Elmo Bercciacini, 9 year old boy of j will be asked of the legislature by Menu planning Is the scientific meth Sure Relief od by which well-balanced meals, with •mpsrtsrvt Events of the Last Sevan I'awturket, K. J., played the part of the University of Idaho, President A. variety and a minimum of labor Deys Repertod by Wire and Pre- (Santa Claus at his grammar sehool j H. Upham told university students as, Progress to Date 10 Per Cent Ahead may bo served to the family. ELL-ANS POrm» tor the Benefit of the Christmas tree. Then he went home, they left for their homes to spend of Original Plans; Colorado SUNDAY—Breakfast: Fruit, eggt, *54 AND 754 BftCKAGES EVERYWHFRT y Busy Reader ■« proud of his costume that he the Christmas holidays, Bore Nearly a Third bacon, coffee cake, Dinner: Baked planned to surprise a neighbor liv Complete ham, Denver potatoes, apple pie.
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