MMjMÉI / î TH K FILER RECORD. FILER. IDAHO 7 Erie railroad «hopment to the »I, ' number of 9000 received • 9000,000 • THE ■ ' TELEGRAPHIC TALES Christina» present when a committee Short News Notes MOFFAT TUNNEL ! Sure Relief representing the several union* and ! KITCHEN i ^FOR INDIGESTION General Manager A. W. Baldwin, From Alt Part» of ■> agreed on a new wage scale, effect CABINET ive January 1, by which wages are IDAHO ((&. 1924. Wesi.rn N«?rspBp«r Union.) fojgflgl The I A NltUMC OF THE WEEK'S raised three rents an hour, *♦*•••••••eeeeaeaaeooaaae* WÊEKLY MENU SUG­ DOINGS IN THIS AND OTHER present minimum rate is 70 cents an GREAT BORE THROUGH MOUN­ (L_-=-> 6 Bell-ans Moscow.—A total appropriation of TAINS IS BEING PIERCED COUNTRIES hour and the average 74 cents. GESTIONS $1,634,000 for the coming biennium WITH RAPIDITY Hot water — ■ - - I Elmo Bercciacini, 9 year old boy of j will be asked of the legislature by Menu planning Is the scientific meth­ Sure Relief od by which well-balanced meals, with •mpsrtsrvt Events of the Last Sevan I'awturket, K. J., played the part of the University of Idaho, President A. variety and a minimum of labor Deys Repertod by Wire and Pre- (Santa Claus at his grammar sehool j H. Upham told university students as, Progress to Date 10 Per Cent Ahead may bo served to the family. ELL-ANS POrm» tor the Benefit of the Christmas tree. Then he went home, they left for their homes to spend of Original Plans; Colorado SUNDAY—Breakfast: Fruit, eggt, *54 AND 754 BftCKAGES EVERYWHFRT y Busy Reader ■« proud of his costume that he the Christmas holidays, Bore Nearly a Third bacon, coffee cake, Dinner: Baked planned to surprise a neighbor liv­ Complete ham, Denver potatoes, apple pie. Broadcasting Cough » Boise.—Whether a county treasurer Supper: Mueh and milk. ing on the floor above. Th<- »tarway Wlu-n Gov. A1 Smith's speech whs . ...... : must accept tender of part payment MONDAY—Breakfast: Orange, broadcast at Manchester, N. H„ Ed­ WESTERN was dark and Elmo lighted hi. way #f UM, oat- deckled in the affirmative meal, cream, buttered toast. Dinner: ward Murphy sut on the stage aiid in­ | Decreases of ten per cent in the wl‘h matches. The costume took | Denver.—The Moffat tunnel, pierc­ by Judge Dana Brinck of the third Baked hash, lettuce salad, custard pie. terrupted some of the early speakers plantings of winter wheat in Wash j fire. He died of his burns, ing the continental divide of the Supper: 8ardines on I judicial district, will be taken to the toast, cookies, .by coughing., Half a mile a*ay at his ington and Idaho and an increase of î, , _ g.......... ... p , „iou.. supreme eourt for decision, accord- I Boeky mountains west of here, and tea. Dome in the residential part of the city B per cent in Oregon am estimated Henator Bursum. Republican, N • to atlorn,.yH foT County Treasur one of the wor,(,’a greatest railroad TUESDAY—Breakfast: Grapes, fried Mrs. Murphy, attending the rally by In the December report of the federal Mexico expects to bring up for pa* £thel T Clark. The Question was bores> >* nearly one-third complete l mush, bacon. Dinner: Roast of beef, radio, beard the cough, recognized 4 sage at this session of congres Ins ■ ' Booth and ’* 10 P*r cent ahea'1 of the time dhrjaion ef crop and livestock eati hill for retirement and compensa- in .*X UnsJ'to ~v’ "<*edule set by the builders, buttered beets. 8upper: Baked apples, *»* Ed’s and sent the son of the famll» mates for the Pacific northwest at cottage cheese. posthaste with some tablets to relieve *tfo y lion of tmergEwy officers liisabtal in j ^ j 'pn i,.*» »u • . t. Spokane. Wash. tK« mnrlA mmr TV*« Mfir* t nf «« property in a drainage di» To (,ate* the pioneer, or water, tun- WEDNESDAY—Breakfaet: Plums, the husband and father and prevent Vrr_Urv s «a/ » , î™ ] “râ, 1 entire at ox decision sava that Idaho haa *>€en bored 6600 feet from cereal with top milk. Dinner: Sliced hls further Interference with the suc- »•cretary of War W**eka In a tel tha measure, Henator Buraurr. »aid. *rlct* ,‘ne ‘1e<uil0n W* inat ioano | egr.m receive.! et Nan Kranctaoo ap would be about $800,000 annually, 1 1*w* *Jlow p“>""ent »I •»»» levied the east portal ami 6490 from^ the cold roast, curried apples, baked pota- • cess of the occasion, Piwred. with condition, a plan to ,n.| .. drafter the l.gi.tation JV jurisdiction, though other. *"* po,*'J°rhT*‘™£ toes. 8upper: Milk toast, preserves, sponge cake. Billy Knew the Game ! T H U R 8 D A Y—Breakfast: Grape, Billy, my small neighbor, dropped Umsted the project will c st »21 (as. ' ,b® to vfficen who suf ■ Pocstello.—Consul and Mr*. George 6316 feet from the east portal and fruit, farina with dates. Dinner: In to see me **** W,l) CO,t $Slfi$0’ « d|,“l’ility of at least 80 per | Nicholas Ifft of Nancy, France have I 4700 feet from the west, Roast chicken, boiled rice, apple and one morning. Spying a I»». The cross- toy telephone lying in the corner he rent In line of duty. J announced the engagement of their ! cut tunnels connecting the main and celery salad. Supper: Canned fruit, immediately began playing with it. Elve persona were killed, twenty daughter, Catherine Eleanor, to Eran | water bores at intervals baking powder biscuit. „ *î? Centr"1 ” he suggested, Alvin 8. Wheaton, 86, who has or from FRIDAY — Breakfast: ene miles east of Chehales, Washing cis J. Kirrhof of Denver, Colo. The J 1800 to 1500 feet, have reached a to- Banana», anu I ll be the caller-up." just died at North Concoton, N Y-, eorn flakes, doughnuts. to«*, when a tree, hurled over a bluff wedding will take place February 2 j tal of 620 feet. Each of these cross Dinner: Accordingly, be took the phone, and by a high wind, crashed through the was one of the three surviving wit 8tuffed baked fish, boiled potatoes, shouted: “Hello!” in New York City. cut tunnels is approximately seventy- nesses to the assassination of Abra steamed pudding. Supper: Omelet “Hello,” I answered. top of an automobile stage. j five feet in length. The full size ham Lincoln. Wheaton occupied a j Pocatello__Plans are under wav for with jelly, brown bread, chocolate “Oh. no, that Isn’t the “* ‘h* ***•' Plant I ***t •" Ford*, theatre op the night thfl worir.BizatU)n of th, ,,laho farrn Jai,way tunnel has Penetrated 3094 way." the cake.' little fellow corrected me. ef the Colorado Fuel A Iron company the president was shot. , bureau and according to Secretarv f fr°m the eaat and 631 feet from “I have to 8ATURDAY Breakfast: Baked say 'Hello' two resumed operations after being idle I r»a„i v n i„ * .■ * the western portal, or free times; then for several month*. Five hundred Coincident with the congressional 1 kTSZ At pre,ent the work of «"larging apple, bran, bacon, toaat, coffee. Din­ you say : ‘The line’s busy,’ an’ then I ner: Beef potple with vegetablae, gel­ bawl you out !”—Chicago Tribune. men started work and will be em '"•niorial service, for Woodrow W,l gjgj *"U *** thu main heading, which is being atin Jelly with ployed In two shifts of eight h„ur J »«". Rep^entative U Guard,., He " "{j*r ';h* ''JJ, ^„‘h‘ ' «IriUml seven ami one half by nine cream. 8upper: Creamed dried beef on toast, cocoa. Radium Ray» From Animals s-ch. .. wa. announced at Pueblo, | Pub,e*»' Ne" Yo'k' l"trodu«d a j *«»■ A-***™* conte^P will be 16x24 feet, is proceeding twice Denver Potatoes. Co orA«lo. I ronolutii>n to authoriz«* payment of ft i * Vl*11 10 ine variou* rarminjf ui.i f f t A Peel even-sized potatoes and cut ln I *'*'*"8 plants and animals are ra- MON annuity to Edith Bolling Wil trict. to explain the reorganization Z ™ tonnoi en r ^ halves lengthwise. Scoop out the cen- (llou( tiv<V giving out rays like radium,, John EilegiMd, 66. was killwsl, $10, I »on, widow of the war time president plan*' The I,laho farm bureau con engineers estimate ter with a ball cutter, trim to stand accordlng *° Albert Notion, Frem-t, OüM wurth of property was ruined This would follow custom. templates a membership campaign . ,-y/,ar , .'3 . wl h® evenly, till the cavity with butter, I K,'ient*st, says Popular Science Monrh- and three buildings were wrecked in ilnd *• hoped to secure approxi- j e main heading, sprlnkle with salt and paprika and ly‘ Decently Nodon exhibited threw a double explosion at the Du Pont John F. Dylan told the board of e* mately 700U members during the1 lhe alown*a8 ot progress on the bake In a baking dish surrounded with I Pl'°l°graPbic plates on each of which Powder company’s plant at Ihi Pont h*"1“1* *" New York that he would drive. western end is accounted for by the a little water. were unmistakable light Impressio ns. Wash 1 « mayor of Naw York another term. fact that builders have encountered Curried Apples. These, he asserted. were caused by the If anybody ha* got any thought In Twin Falla.—F’ees amounting to »oft shale and dirt rather than solid Fill rlx cored apples with one-hall rays emitted by u radioactive mineral, The conviction of L. II. Lalhrop, 8 (their mind that I Intend to retire, let ' 412,787.26 were collected in the four rock.
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