The Ukrainian Weekly 1963

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1963 •t*ftx*uvf Tьл Y1Tл ' 4. 151 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1963 SECTION TWO No. 151 VOL. LXX 34 UKRAINIAN SCOUTS TAKE PART U.S., BRITAIN AND USSR SIGN A-TEST BAN TREATY WITH TOAST TENTH UKRAINIAN CULTURAL IN JAMBOREE TO FUTURE AND 'COEXISTENCE'' COURSES OPEN AT 'SOYUZlVKiy Moscow; Aug; 5 (UPD—The MARATHON, Greece—(Spe- mander of the Ukrainian Scout United State*. Britain and the SOYUZIVKA. Kerhonksen., Woloshyn. also a former leader dal).—On Thursday, August'camp is Senior Scout Dr. A. USSR signed today a partial N. Y.—(Special).—On Monday, of the UYL-NA, and Eugene 1, 1963 the solemn and official Figol, while Senior Scout My- nuclear teat baa treaty that August 5, 1963, the 10th U- Wadiak, chairman of the UYL- opening of the XI World Scout kola Svitukha is the official Premier Khrushchev said would krainian Cultural Courses open- NA Foundation. Jamboree took place with some representative of the Ukrainian free the world from "lethal ed here with 59 students, in-1 In addition. Messrs. Daniel 15,000 Boy Scouts from all Boy Scout organization. mushroom clouds." The signa­ eluding 37 boys and 22 girls.! Slobodian and Walter Kwaa in- over the world participating. tories toasted the future in aa mostly of the junior college formed the students about Among them are 34 Ukrainian UKRAINIAN STAMPS AT and high school level. The sol- their rights and duties. Also JAMBOREE air of conviviality not seen Boy Scouts, who are taking since Moscow and the West emn opening was preceded by best wishes to the students official part in the Jamboree, TORONTO. Canada — (Spe­ were Allies in World War II. a Mass celebrated by the Rev. were expressed by J. Evanchuk, along with other exile Boy cial).—The Supreme Command Lubomyr Husar, Ukrainian UNA supreme auditor from Scout organizations. The U- of Ukrainian Scouting issued East and West hailed the Catholic chaplain of Soyuzivka. Chicago; Dmytro Szmagala krainian contingent arrived in special Ukrainian Scout stamps treaty—signed by the U. S., After the Mass the students, and William Hussar. UNA su- two groups: the first, led by bearing the traditional Ukrain­ British and Soviet foreign min­ professors and instructors, as preme advisors from Cleveland Senior Scout Dr. Athanas Figol ian Scouting emblems, which sters in a 45-minute Kremlin well as repreaentauves of the and Rochester, respectively; came to Marathon on July 26, were taken by the Ukrainian ceremony. But both sides a- UNA and many guests gather-1 Walter Didyk of Detroit, for- 1963, and the other, under the Scouts to the Xlth World Scout Treed that it did not eliminate ed in the large auditorium, mer UNA advisor and now field leadership of Rev. Bohdan Jamboree in Greece. The stamp? the danger of nuclear war. where Prof. Vasyl Steciuk. di- organizer; John Halychyn, Srayk, came from Italy two design, was drawn by artist M Khrushchev, who put off his rector of the Ukrainian Cul- [ brother of the late UNA presi- days later. After their arrival Levytaky, and it was printec vacation to attend the cere- tural Courses, delivered the dent Dmytro Halychyn; and the Ukrainian Boy Scouts paid with the financial support of nony, praised the U.S. and Bri­ opening address, emphasizing Stephen Dembitsky, UNA field an official visit to the principal і Harry Poworoznyk, president tain for signing the, pact that the importance of the courses, organizer. All of them plus headquarters of the Greek j of Essex Packard, Ltd. and p will outlaw nuclear tests in the Subsequently. Joseph Lesa-, Russell Huk, UNA supreme ad- Scouts and presented greetings veteran Ukrainian Canadian itmospherc, in outer space and wyer, UNA supreme president, visor of Hartford. Conn., had from Ukrainian Scouting. Com- leader, j under water. Bubbling with introduced the teaching staff, attended the closing of the good humor, he said it was "a consisting of Prof. V. Steciuk. | children's camp on Saturday, major success for all people of Prof. Ivan Blyznak, Miss Halya August 3. 1963. .Ukrainian Scouts Received by good will" which he hoped SIGNING Ot PARTIAL TEST BAN TREATY IN MOSCOW Savchak and Mr. Alexander The Ukrainian Cultural would better East-West rela­ On August 5, 1963 representatives of the United States, Great Britain and the USSR signed Luznytsky, both of Philadel­ Courses wilf* last four weeks. Pope Paul VI and Metropolitan tions. a treaty banning the partial testing of nuclear weapons. Left to right: Secretary of State Deaa phia, and Andrew Horniatke- In addition to their prescribed Joseph Slipy "Things are going very well," Rusk, Foreign Minister of the USSR Andrei Gr-omyko (center) and Lord Home, Foreign Min­ vych, delegated by the Ukrain­ curricula there will be special Khrushchev commented. He ister of Great Britain. In the background are U.S. Senators, members of the American delega­ ian Youth League of North A- lectures by such known edu­ tion, as well as British and Soviet officials. Behind Mr. Gromyko are Adlai E. Stevenson, U.S. merica to teach bandura-mak- cators as Prof. Roman Smal- Archbishop Ivan Buchko. A- told U.S. Secretary of State ROME—(Special.L=>-A group Rusk, in an obvious slap at the Ambassador to the U.N., U' Thant, U.N. Secretary (ieneral and Nikita S. Khrushchev, Premier ing to the students. Stocki of Marquette University. of Ukrainian Boy Scouts head­ postolic Visitator for Ukrainian of the USSR. Among other speakers who Prof. Lev E. Dobriansky of Catholics in Western Europe, Chinese Communist: "It is not ed by Rev. Bohdan Smyk, on dangerous to mix capitalism addressed the class were Rev. Georgetown University and with whom they held exten­ Prof. Clarence A. Manning, not- their way to Athens to the and Communism." L. Husar, Anthony Dragan. OTth Jamboree, visited the Vat­ sive conversations and from spread of nuclear і weapons to Talks to thrash out measures The unusual conviviality of . ed American: scholar and writ- UN Secretary General Thant, Taras Szmagala. former presi- ican and paid their respects to whom they also received the nations not now members of ( to prevent sneak military at- the statesmen whose previous dent of the UYL-NA, Eugene er. ins' Ukrainian Catholic Mer- archiepiscopal blessing.On Sun­ who. witnessed the signature the Big Three atomic . club—> tacks. postwar endounters sometimes arehs. W • day, July 28, 1963 they attend- ceremonies, immediately seized the U.S., Britain and;the USSR. [ Establishment of nuclear- threatened to plunge the World '•* On Saturday; July 27. 1963 ed the archiepiscopal Mass cele on the jubilant East-West mood Limitation of nuclear- wea- [ free zones in many world areas. into nuclear war did not deL Prof. Manning to Address the Ukrainian. Boy Scouts, a- bra ted by Metropolitan Joseph to present bis own, five-point pons stockpiles and. the supply j Convening of a general con- tract from the drama of the long with representatives of Slipy. former prisoner in So­ peace, plan. It called for: of carriers necessary to deliver ference to outlaw the use cf signing ceremony in the Krem- Ukrainian Cultural Courses Today 1 othe* Catholic Scouts, were re- viet concerirratiori camps and Agreement to prevent the'such weaponsutp>,their targets- nuclear energy for war. IhVe St. Catherine Hall. ceived iti an audience by Pope Ukrainian'' CAOidllc ' martyr, SOYUS^iyKA. Kerhonkson,, will also be attended by-several Paul VI,- who bestowed the pa- who granted'tbe Boy Bcbuts an N. Y. (Special).-"Prof. Oar-(guests vacationing>atSoymiv- ence A. Manning, outstanding і ka. His topic wuMU be-aidiscus- paubieasing upon them, subse- 'audience and'.browed uponi, Metropolitan Slipy . Names ' UCCA Calls for Mass Participation authority on Ukrainian History; sion of Lesyii UkrAmlca's Hfle and literature, and author of fin Ukrainian literature arid of In Ground-Breaking Ceremony many books on Ukraine, will! the Ukrainian literature's place Mass for Ukrainian Boy Scouts At Shevchenko Monument Site address the Ukrainian Cultur-jin the literature of other Sla- al Courses today. The lecture vie nations. 111 : і " ,i .- -. .-і • [| In the Vatican TORONTO, OnL (Special).— cheparchy of. Lviv. .They arc: The Executive Board of the by the Ukrainian Orthodox and The chancery of the Ukrainian Rev. Ivan Havryliuk, pastor of Ukrainian Congress Committee Ukrainian Catholic clergy; the Employees at 'Soyuzivka' to Stage Catholic Eparchy here an­ St. John the Baptist's Ukrain­ of America reminds all its playing of the American na­ nounced {hat Metropolitan Jo­ ian Catholic Church "in Mon­ ^Branches and Member Organ­ tional anthem by the U.S. Navy Entertainment Program seph Slipy named two Ukrain­ treal, and Rev. Stepan Kolian- izations that the first phase of Band; the singing of the U- N.J. (dance), Merrill ian Catholic priests of Canada kivsky, pastor of St! Michael's the Shevchenko monument cer­ KERHONKSON. N. Y. - News rk krainian national anthem and of Brooklyn (song). as "honorary counselors" of Ukrainian Catholic Church, emonies—the ground-breaking (Special).- The employees and Liteplo Shevchenko's Zapovlt by the Maciurak of Boston the Ukrainian Catholic Ar- also in Montreal. ceremony—will take place on workers of Soyuzivka will Oksana 'Kobzar' from Philadelphia: Lev Kalnychenko of Saturday, September 21. 1963 stage their own evening of en­ (piano), addresses by the Hon. Stewart (accordion) and Luba in Washington, D.C. Detroit Report Shows 89 Bishops Unable Udall. Secretary of the In­ tertainment today consisting of Cehelsky of Rochester (piano). In this connection the Execu­ terior: former Congressman music, song and dances. Tak­ The program will be directed tive Board of the UCCA ap­ Alvin M Bentley and Congress­ To Attend Council ing part in the program are by Ivan Kernytsky (Iker), peals to all its Branches and man John I^esinski.
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