34 UKRAINIAN SCOUTS TAKE PART U.S., BRITAIN AND USSR SIGN A-TEST BAN TREATY WITH TOAST TENTH UKRAINIAN CULTURAL IN JAMBOREE TO FUTURE AND 'COEXISTENCE'' COURSES OPEN AT 'SOYUZlVKiy Moscow; Aug; 5 (UPD—The MARATHON, Greece—(Spe- mander of the Ukrainian Scout United State*. Britain and the SOYUZIVKA. Kerhonksen., Woloshyn. also a former leader dal).—On Thursday, August'camp is Senior Scout Dr. A. USSR signed today a partial N. Y.—(Special).—On Monday, of the UYL-NA, and Eugene 1, 1963 the solemn and official Figol, while Senior Scout My- nuclear teat baa treaty that August 5, 1963, the 10th U- Wadiak, chairman of the UYL- opening of the XI World Scout kola Svitukha is the official Premier Khrushchev said would krainian Cultural Courses open- NA Foundation. Jamboree took place with some representative of the Ukrainian free the world from "lethal ed here with 59 students, in-1 In addition. Messrs. Daniel 15,000 Boy Scouts from all Boy Scout organization. mushroom clouds." The signa­ eluding 37 boys and 22 girls.! Slobodian and Walter Kwaa in- over the world participating. tories toasted the future in aa mostly of the junior college formed the students about Among them are 34 Ukrainian UKRAINIAN STAMPS AT and high school level. The sol- their rights and duties. Also JAMBOREE air of conviviality not seen Boy Scouts, who are taking since Moscow and the West emn opening was preceded by best wishes to the students official part in the Jamboree, . Canada — (Spe­ were Allies in World War II. a Mass celebrated by the Rev. were expressed by J. Evanchuk, along with other exile Boy cial).—The Supreme Command Lubomyr Husar, Ukrainian UNA supreme auditor from Scout organizations. The U- of Ukrainian Scouting issued East and West hailed the Catholic chaplain of Soyuzivka. Chicago; Dmytro Szmagala krainian contingent arrived in special Ukrainian Scout stamps treaty—signed by the U. S., After the Mass the students, and William Hussar. UNA su- two groups: the first, led by bearing the traditional Ukrain­ British and Soviet foreign min­ professors and instructors, as preme advisors from Cleveland Senior Scout Dr. Athanas Figol ian Scouting emblems, which sters in a 45-minute Kremlin well as repreaentauves of the and Rochester, respectively; came to Marathon on July 26, were taken by the Ukrainian ceremony. But both sides a- UNA and many guests gather-1 Walter Didyk of Detroit, for- 1963, and the other, under the Scouts to the Xlth World Scout Treed that it did not eliminate ed in the large auditorium, mer UNA advisor and now field leadership of Rev. Bohdan Jamboree in Greece. The stamp? the danger of nuclear war. where Prof. Vasyl Steciuk. di- organizer; John Halychyn, Srayk, came from Italy two design, was drawn by artist M Khrushchev, who put off his rector of the Ukrainian Cul- [ brother of the late UNA presi- days later. After their arrival Levytaky, and it was printec vacation to attend the cere- tural Courses, delivered the dent Dmytro Halychyn; and the Ukrainian Boy Scouts paid with the financial support of nony, praised the U.S. and Bri­ opening address, emphasizing Stephen Dembitsky, UNA field an official visit to the principal і Harry Poworoznyk, president tain for signing the, pact that the importance of the courses, organizer. All of them plus headquarters of the Greek j of Essex Packard, Ltd. and p will outlaw nuclear tests in the Subsequently. Joseph Lesa-, Russell Huk, UNA supreme ad- Scouts and presented greetings veteran Ukrainian Canadian itmospherc, in outer space and wyer, UNA supreme president, visor of Hartford. Conn., had from Ukrainian Scouting. Com- leader, j under water. Bubbling with introduced the teaching staff, attended the closing of the good humor, he said it was "a consisting of Prof. V. Steciuk. | children's camp on Saturday, major success for all people of Prof. Ivan Blyznak, Miss Halya August 3. 1963. .Ukrainian Scouts Received by good will" which he hoped SIGNING Ot PARTIAL TEST BAN TREATY IN MOSCOW Savchak and Mr. Alexander The Ukrainian Cultural would better East-West rela­ On August 5, 1963 representatives of the United States, Great Britain and the USSR signed Luznytsky, both of Philadel­ Courses wilf* last four weeks. Pope Paul VI and Metropolitan tions. a treaty banning the partial testing of nuclear weapons. Left to right: Secretary of State Deaa phia, and Andrew Horniatke- In addition to their prescribed Joseph Slipy "Things are going very well," Rusk, Foreign Minister of the USSR Andrei Gr-omyko (center) and Lord Home, Foreign Min­ vych, delegated by the Ukrain­ curricula there will be special Khrushchev commented. He ister of Great Britain. In the background are U.S. Senators, members of the American delega­ ian Youth League of North A- lectures by such known edu­ tion, as well as British and Soviet officials. Behind Mr. Gromyko are Adlai E. Stevenson, U.S. merica to teach -mak- cators as Prof. Roman Smal- Archbishop Ivan Buchko. A- told U.S. Secretary of State ROME—(Special.L=>-A group Rusk, in an obvious slap at the Ambassador to the U.N., U' Thant, U.N. Secretary (ieneral and Nikita S. Khrushchev, Premier ing to the students. Stocki of Marquette University. of Ukrainian Boy Scouts head­ postolic Visitator for Ukrainian of the USSR. Among other speakers who Prof. Lev E. Dobriansky of Catholics in Western Europe, Chinese Communist: "It is not ed by Rev. Bohdan Smyk, on dangerous to mix capitalism addressed the class were Rev. Georgetown University and with whom they held exten­ Prof. Clarence A. Manning, not- their way to Athens to the and Communism." L. Husar, Anthony Dragan. OTth Jamboree, visited the Vat­ sive conversations and from spread of nuclear і weapons to Talks to thrash out measures The unusual conviviality of . ed American: scholar and writ- UN Secretary General Thant, Taras Szmagala. former presi- ican and paid their respects to whom they also received the nations not now members of ( to prevent sneak military at- the statesmen whose previous dent of the UYL-NA, Eugene er. ins' Ukrainian Catholic Mer- archiepiscopal blessing.On Sun­ who. witnessed the signature the Big Three atomic . club—> tacks. postwar endounters sometimes arehs. W • day, July 28, 1963 they attend- ceremonies, immediately seized the U.S., Britain and;the USSR. [ Establishment of nuclear- threatened to plunge the World '•* On Saturday; July 27. 1963 ed the archiepiscopal Mass cele on the jubilant East-West mood Limitation of nuclear- wea- [ free zones in many world areas. into nuclear war did not deL Prof. Manning to Address the Ukrainian. Boy Scouts, a- bra ted by Metropolitan Joseph to present bis own, five-point pons stockpiles and. the supply j Convening of a general con- tract from the drama of the long with representatives of Slipy. former prisoner in So­ peace, plan. It called for: of carriers necessary to deliver ference to outlaw the use cf signing ceremony in the Krem- Ukrainian Cultural Courses Today 1 othe* Catholic Scouts, were re- viet concerirratiori camps and Agreement to prevent the'such weaponsutp>,their targets- nuclear energy for war. IhVe St. Catherine Hall. ceived iti an audience by Pope Ukrainian'' CAOidllc ' martyr, SOYUS^iyKA. Kerhonkson,, will also be attended by-several Paul VI,- who bestowed the pa- who granted'tbe Boy Bcbuts an N. Y. (Special).-"Prof. Oar-(guests vacationing>atSoymiv- ence A. Manning, outstanding і ka. His topic wuMU be-aidiscus- paubieasing upon them, subse- 'audience and'.browed uponi, Metropolitan Slipy . Names ' UCCA Calls for Mass Participation authority on Ukrainian History; sion of Lesyii UkrAmlca's Hfle and literature, and author of fin arid of In Ground-Breaking Ceremony many books on , will! the Ukrainian literature's place Mass for Ukrainian Boy Scouts At Shevchenko Monument Site address the Ukrainian Cultur-jin the literature of other Sla- al Courses today. The lecture vie nations. 111 : і " ,i .- -. .-і • [| In the Vatican TORONTO, OnL (Special).— cheparchy of. . .They arc: The Executive Board of the by the Ukrainian Orthodox and The chancery of the Ukrainian Rev. Ivan Havryliuk, pastor of Ukrainian Congress Committee Ukrainian Catholic clergy; the Employees at 'Soyuzivka' to Stage Catholic Eparchy here an­ St. John the Baptist's Ukrain­ of America reminds all its playing of the American na­ nounced {hat Metropolitan Jo­ ian Catholic Church "in Mon­ ^Branches and Member Organ­ tional anthem by the U.S. Navy Entertainment Program seph Slipy named two Ukrain­ treal, and Rev. Stepan Kolian- izations that the first phase of Band; the singing of the U- N.J. (dance), Merrill ian Catholic priests of Canada kivsky, pastor of St! Michael's the Shevchenko monument cer­ KERHONKSON. N. Y. - News rk krainian national anthem and of Brooklyn (song). as "honorary counselors" of Ukrainian Catholic Church, emonies—the ground-breaking (Special).- The employees and Liteplo Shevchenko's Zapovlt by the Maciurak of Boston the Ukrainian Catholic Ar- also in Montreal. ceremony—will take place on workers of Soyuzivka will Oksana 'Kobzar' from Philadelphia: Lev Kalnychenko of Saturday, September 21. 1963 stage their own evening of en­ (piano), addresses by the Hon. Stewart (accordion) and Luba in Washington, D.C. Detroit Report Shows 89 Bishops Unable Udall. Secretary of the In­ tertainment today consisting of Cehelsky of Rochester (piano). In this connection the Execu­ terior: former Congressman music, song and dances. Tak­ The program will be directed tive Board of the UCCA ap­ Alvin M Bentley and Congress­ To Attend Council ing part in the program are by Ivan Kernytsky (Iker), peals to all its Branches and man John I^esinski. both of Mi­ Lesia Waskiv of Elizabeth Koenigstein Germany — At. Monsignor Rindermann not- Member Organizations, espe­ the well-known Ukrainian writ­ chigan, and Prof. Roman Smal- (song), Nueia Stashynsky of least 89 Bishops of sees behind і ed that Archbishop Joseph cially to those in the Eastern Stocki, Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky er. the Iron Curtain were unable Slipy of Lviv in Ukraine was seaboard states, to take the and Joseph Lesawyer of the to attend the first session of released from 18 years of So­ most active and massive part Shevchenko Memorial Commit­ Children's 'Amateur Show' the Ecumenical Council, ac­ viet detention too late to до possible. The Shevchenko Me­ tee, and a representative of the cording to a survey made here to the council. morial Committee and the Aldrich Club of Howard Uni- At 'Soyuzivka' by Monsignor Adolf Kinder- Three Ordinaries each from UCCA believe that at least 3. versitv; Color guards provided KERHONKSON, N.Y. (Spe­ the versatile "director." Mer­ mann. and Romania were un- 000 people should take part bv the Ukrainian American cial).--On Monday, July 29. rill lateph) of Brooklyn. At the The survey noted that eight able to go to Rome since all I,n thes""*e* festivities, whicwhich are Veterans and PLAST. SUMA. 1903 a novel feature was in­ end of the performance three heads of sees in Czechoslovak­ are either in prison or other- » prelude to the final unveiling MUN and other Ukrainian A- teen-ager "artists" received THE VATICAN, (Special).—On Sunday, July 28, 1963 a troduced into the summer en­ ia Were absent from the coun­ wise under detention. Albania's !'of the Shevchenko statue in merican youth organizations. tertainment program at So­ sjKcial "prizes": Eugene Wolo­ special Mass was celebrated by the Most Rev. Joseph Slipy, shyn for dancing — first cil, including Archbishop Josef three heads of sees were like­ jMay. 1964. The second part of the fete yuzivka when several children Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Western "prize"; George Wasylciow- Beran of Prague, who is being wise kept away from the coun­ Therefore, it is urgently ap­ will take place at the May­ of guests and patrons vaca­ Ukraine, for the Ukrainian Boy Scouts enroute to the Xlth detained in an unknown place. for accordion playing—the se­ cil. pealing to all UCCA Branches flower Hotel on Saturday even­ tioning in the UNA Summer World Scout Jamboree in Athens, Greece. Metropolitan Slipy , Seven Hungarian Ordinaries cond, and Johanna Klawsnik— Of Poland's 58 Bishops, the I and Member Organizations to ing. September 21, 1963. and Resort staged an original "Chil­ (center) blesses the Ukrainian Scouts. First from right is Rev. were also unable to attend the ; begin organizing their танк for piano playing—the third. Bohdan Smyk of Utica, N.Y., leader of the Ukrainian Boy report said, only 2-і were given will consist of a concert by the dren's Show." featuring songs, first session, the study pointed і participation in the ground-J Ukrainian Chorus 'Kobzar' and The "Children's Amateur Scout delegation from the United Statc3. out. Among them was Cardinal exit permits to go to the coun­ piano playing and dances. The Show" will be presented each cil | breaking ceremony on Septem- a banquet at which the Hon. Jozef Mindszenty, Hungarian I ber 21, 1963. Executive corn- Jacob K. Javits. U.S. Senator first attempt was completely week during the summer vaca­ primate who has been living in successful due not only to the tion and will be directed by Survey Finds Reds Step Up No Bishops were able to g0|mlttcea of UCCA Branches and of New York, and Congressman asylum at the U.S. legation in to Rome from Communist-ruled j Member Organizations should Paul C. Jones of Missouri, will talented children, but also to Merrill Liteplo. Persecution Budapest since 1056. countries in Авіа: China. NorthJcontact |mmedlatcly all other be guest sj>oakcrs. and at which No Bishop from the Baltic Korea, and North Vietnam. I organizations in their localities "Shovchenko Freedom Awards" The conclusion that the So­ "Before World War П Stalin countries of Estonia, Latvia All Bishops in Yugoslavia [ід organize joint trips to Waah- to U.S. legislators will be pre­ Captive Nations Week Observance viet regime is intensifying its had practically broken up all and Lithuania were at the and East Germany were able ington by chartering special sented. In Manchester, NL H. opposition to religion is reach­ relieious organizations in the council except for those living. to attend, the survey reported buses, preparing ear pool ar­ The first phase of the Shev­ ed? in a study of the current USSR; then, to assure the war in exile. (NC) rangements, or making rail­ chenko statue observances is ——ів—^—Ьтт. мі і I | і . status of Christianity, Judaism time loyalty of the people, anti- road or plane reservations in important to the project itself and Mohammedanism in the reljjbpus pressure was relaxed. Ukrainian Postage Stamps order to get яч many of our an well as to the Ukrainian A- Soviet Union, published here MosTreligious groups were en- people to Washington as pos­ mcriean community and the by the American Committee for I £gQ"^reorganize "with" ccr- To Be Exihibited in Cleveland sible. Thev should immediately Ukrainian people on the whole. Liberation tain recognized rights such as I contact the shevchenko Me- Therefore, we must make every The survey conducted by nn James A. Rhodes, Governor tnu. West Germany will display! morja, Committee of America, limited autonomy and still n effort to make the ground­ American student of Soviet of the State of Ohio has pro­ his collection named. View 4 302 West 13th Street. New breaking ceremony a telling more limited publishing privi­ claimed the week of August life, is dated March. 1963. It Ukraine. Dr. Soichtcr is presti j Vork ц N у rrKnr,|ing hotel, and impressive success. leges. 25-31, 10ЄЗ as Ohio Stamp Col­ will be used as background by dent of the Ukraine Philathel-j ronr(.rt ,UH| banquet rrserva- We can accomplish this if "Since the war. however, lecting Week. the staff of "Radio Liberty." isten Vcrband. of Hamburgrtibns so that the probable num- each Branch and Member Or­ pressure has steadily risen, and The 69th Annual Conven­ which broadcasts into the So­ West Germany. An authority*^ .0j jjgj^ipante can be esti­ ganization in its locality will do now Khrushchev has evidently tion of the 8ocicty of Philatelic and exportizer of stamps of U-1 viet Union from 17 transmit­ mated as closely as possible in its maximum to organise the decided that the task of exter­ Americans will be held in Cle­ kraine, he has been Interested] ters in Europe and Asia. The advance. largest povslble group of par­ minating religious faith is to veland, Ohio on August 28 to in Ukrainian philately since the author, who is not named, is The tentative program of the ticipants In these ceremonies bo pushed to completion, with September 1, 1903. at the Pick, formation of Ukraine in 1 •18! described as having spent a a resort to violence comparable ground-breaking ceremony will in Washington. Carter Hotel, Cleveland. Ohio. and to this date. consist of two parts: a) the number of years in the USSR af­ only to that of the years just We repeat and remind all ter the Revolution and having The exhibits of this conven­ Since 1935, Dr Beichter has ground-breaking ceremony on following the revolution." tion will be of great importance shown his collection at rill big j Shevchenko site and b) our local branches The entire visited the country again five tne success of the Shevchenko ob- і The survey relates in detail and interest to all who arc in­ exhibits for the good of U- j concert and banquet at the years ago. servances this coming Septem- The Ukrainian group which took part in the Captive Nations the official support given to terested in philately. kralnlan Philathely. winning rMayfloweT Hotel. The survey' is published ая a ber will depend largely on the ; Week Observance in Manchester. N.H.. held on Sunday. July campaigns for atheism, and Especially to those who are 12 Gold Medals and many hon- і тПс firgt part wj|j embrace 40-page booklet under the title activity, resourcefulness and 21. 1963 at Pulaski Park. Left to right: State Sen. Louis Martel. describes the closing of Ortho­ Interested in the postage ors. Parts of his Ukrainian col-j the Invocation and benediction The Beleaguered Fortress. Its : - — devotion of each UCCA Branch і Gloria Bodnarczyk. Mary Bednarczyk. Rose Bcdnarczyk; farmer dox monasteries. Jewish syna­ sUmps of Ukraine, 1918-1920. lection will be shown in Istan- ї^^Т!!? *?"^*^?^Г «•—••. data is assembled from Soviet and Member О r g a n і z a tion. і pgi counter-agent Herbert A. Philbrick of Rye. N.H.: Rev. Ro- gogues. Moslem mosques and this will be an occasion to see bul. Turkey and Berlin. West | and the Field Post In all it publications and from reports Therefore. we ask you most Dyky. Pastor of St. Marx's Ukrainian Catholic Church: Buddhist temples. Persecution one of the largest collections Germany. will bo exhibited in ten frames, гаяп of individuals and groups in earnestly to do vour duty and Anne Chomiak and Nicholas M. Bednarczyk. Mr. N. Bednarcryk of Rite Catholics in Li­ of Ukrainian postage stamps His exhibit in Cleveland, numbers Г>1-в0. showing mint the USSR. fellow through on this request, delivered a brief talk on the enslavement of the Ukrainian n'a- thuania and Byzantine Rite on exhibition at this conven­ Ohio will consist of parts of and used stamps, full sheets The situation of believers EXECl'TIVE BOARD tion by Communist Russia. The Ukrainian Choir sang the Catholics in Ukraine is also tion. Ukraine as Kiev, EmiepTopefr postcards and letters. within the Soviet Union is sum­ OF THE UCCA і Ukrainian national nthem. while Rev. Dyky offered benediction. marized: presented. Dr. Rudolf Seichter of Sol- rovsk, Odessa, Kherson, iv.liru Yaroslav Psdyha THE MOSCOW-PEKING RIFT UNA QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS CIOtOAA&SVOBODA СВОБОДА SVOBODA By THEODORE LUTWINIAK :^T*? ішвлтшф тщшт, ЩГ •шлллтллл тлши By CLARENCE A. MANNING ЩВМЦМСМЕМА ULOJL&MHMM Vlltl MIA.* В At IV FOUNDKD 1803 It is very "obvious from the j come about by force and they Q. I read in your column lowing the initial dues pay- Ukrainian newspaper published daily except Sundays, Mondays newspapers of both the Soviet attack Khrushchev for his the- that members of the Ukrainian ment. and holidays (Saturday and Monday issues combined) XJnion and of Red China that ories of peaceful coexistence, in SJxeview National Association may pay Q. I have my three children by the Ukrainian National Association, Inc. relations between the two ma- j They affect to believe that the -4 their dues quarterly, semi-an­ insured in the UNA since 1956. at 81-83 Grand Street, Jersey City 3, N.J. jor Communist countries are j United States is a paper tiger nually or annually instead of One of them is almost 18 years KHRUSHCHEV'S "TO BE a full-scale "peaceful coexis­ monthly, and that there are old. He is interested in being Second Class Postage paid at the Post Office of Jersey City, N. J. not of the best and closest at as they expressed it during the the present time. Both are j Korean trouble and in pursu- OR NOT TO BE" tence" with the West hoping appropriate discounts. Would an acting member with the thus to improve his economy there be even a bigger discount Accepted for malting at special rate of postage proved for'Section berating the leaders of the. ance of their policy they seem The sundden and rapid ter­ right to vote at the branch and relieve the population at if dues were paid two or more 1130 of Act of October 3,191? authorized July 31, 1918 other as betrayers of Commu- to be urging the North Kore- mination of negotiations be­ meetings. Can he get this priv­ nism and Moscow even applies ans to a bolder defiance of the \ leaev partially from discontent years in advance? ilege without taking out an a- tween the United.States, Great by providing more consumer THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY the word Trotakyite to Peking American and United Nations Britain and the Soviet Union A. Yes. There is a discount, dult certificate? Subscription Rate: $ЗЛ0 Annually ($2.50 for UNA members) and that is the worst conceiv trodps on the line of demarca­ goods and other articles of computed on annual rates, of A. Yes. Holder* of juvenile regarding the conclusion of a prime necessity. able insult in the vocabulary tion, while they know full well partial test ban treaty has con­ 3Vi Я compounded on dues paid certificates in all classes except P. O. Box 346 Jersey City 3, NЛ. two or more years ahead. of those people who zealously that the Armistice Commission fronted the world with an en­ MISTRUST TOWARD MOS­ Term to Age 16, Term to Age Q. Some years ago I asked supported the stand of Stalin can be induced to look the oth­ igmatic question: 'what made COW CONTINUES 18. 16 Year Endowment, and against Trotsky, even though er way and to fail to notice about designating a contingent Whole Life Paid-Up At Age Editorial Khrushchev so "humane" and they now willingly concede that any disregard of the terms of conciliatory all of a'sudden? The signing of the atomic beneficiary on my UNA insur­ 70, who are at least 16 years Stalin was a psychopathic mad­ the Korean armistice. Was the Soviet military and test ban ^аіУ ha3 evoked .» ance certificate and was told old, may become adult mem­ man. At the same time the that the organization would ap­ bers with all privileges, with­ Khrushchev's Fear of party leadership fearful of wave of cntic.sm no only m GROUND-BREAKING CEREMONY Western world is grasping at an atomic war which would B.onn and Pans but also in the prove only the designation of out taking out new certificates, Nuclear War actual beneficiaries. I recall by signing the agreement to the idea that this rift has been definitely wipe out the Soviet United States of America. Seri­ reading in one of your columns pay the adult funds amount­ AT SHEVCHENKO STATUE SITE the cause for Khrushchev's un­ For his part Khrushchev empire? Or was it Khrush­ ous doubts arose as to the good that contingent beneficiaries ing to 15<* monthly. They would Elsewhere in this issue of The Ukrainian Weekly appear expected yielding to the West realizes the damage that would chev's conviction that he will will and intentions on the part are now being approved. Please also be eligible for benefits an appeal of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America and as regards a test ban and hence be done on both sides in a achieve a victory for commu­ of Communist Russia. Some of the most outspoken critics explain. from the Indigent Fund in the an advertisement of the Shevchenko Memorial Committee of there are many who are ex­ nuclear war and he remembers nism by " peaceful means?" pecting a relaxation of ten­ also the ease with which Stalin of the Administration—Sen­ A. A recent UNA convention event of long-standing illness America regarding the ground-breaking ceremony at the Shev­ sion between East and West, duped the Western leaders dur­ Among the many answers to ator Barry Goldwater and col­ approved the naming of con­ or permanent disability, and chenko monument site in Washington, D.C., which will take between slavery and freedom ing World War II to gain con­ this query political observers umnist David Lawrence openly tingent beneficiaries. It is now they may have double indemni­ place on Saturday, September 21, 1963. and believe confidently that a trol of a large part of Central and analysts are pointing to call the treaty a "Soviet trick." possible for new applicants, as ty coverage if they so desire. T"his is the first stage of the great Shevchenko observance new era is approaching. and Eastern Europe and sup­ one especially deserving our at­ Mr. Lawrence stated that what well as members, to name prin­ Q. I have a $500 Whole Life whicro is being prepared by the Ukrainian American community press with scarcely a murmur tention: the economic diffi­ prompted Moscow to sign the cipal beneficiaries and. in the certificate with the UNA since in 196л in connection with the 150th anniversary of the birth of Significance of the Rift the liberties of many nations culties of the Soviet Union.and treaty was not a desire to elim­ event of the death of the prin­ 1953. I would like to increase the great Ukrainian poet and national hero. that had won freedom after the satellite countries.: inate international tensions and cipal beneficiaries, contingent this certificate to $1,000. What Yet in what lies the real World War I. He realizes as In analyzing Soviet economy not. the protection of humanity beneficiaries. A sample desig­ would this cost me? For Almost three years the Ukrainian community in the significance of the rift? That is many in the West do not that Soviet specialists contend that against radiation, but a plan to nation is as follows: "Wife A. It would cost you the dif­ United States has been preparing for the important event: the still disputed or ignored for it peaceful coexistence is not step in the first half of (this, year have the West recognize the Mary if living, otherwise chil­ ference plus interest, and you unveiling of the Shevchenko monument in Washington, the is a troublesome and involved on the road to peace but a Soviet production progressed Soviet conquest of East Ger­ dren George and Anastasia." would be paying for protection capital of the United States and the greatest political center of question and there are few per­ device to infiltrate the West at a much slower tempo than many and Cuba. Q. I already am a UNA you never had! Would it not be the world. Now, this) September we are entering upon the first sons, so thoroughly aware not and to destroy morale until the In previous years. The housing Mr. Harriman. the American member. I am interested in in­ better to leave your $500 cer­ phase of this observance: the ground-breaking ceremony. only of the Russian and Chin­ force required to shatter final­ industry slowed ddwn'conaider.-; negotiator .in Moscow, stated creasing my insurance protec­ tificate as is and take out a ese interpretations of Commu­ ly the cause of freedom will be ably compared with previoue openly at the National Press tion. Would there be any spe­ new $500 certificate dated cur­ We cannot emphasize too strongly the overall importance nism that they can answer but as minimal as possible. It is years, while the production of Club m Washington that he cific advantage if I elected to rently? of this event not only for the Ukrainian American community, even these rarely have a suf­ not even impossible that his milk, pigs and chicken has also does not know the reason why take out this new insurance Q. I am 20 years old and but for the Ukrainian people on the whole. It took time and ficient understanding of the repeated joining of a non-ag­ diminished to an аіатяцпд. de­ Mpscpw dropped its objections with the UNA? have a job. Life insurance does effort to have the special legislation enacted; it took also great history-end psychology of both gression treaty to a test ban gree. The Soviet trade which to the treaty, which It refused A. Well, for one thing you not appeal to me; I am not in­ and concerted effort to collect the funds, and to select the the Kremlin and Red China to may lead to a situation where m the first half of 1962 had stubbornly for the past several would not have to pay for any­ terested in any kind of life he can easily arouse most of sculptor to execute the project of monument itself. see clearly how their interpre­ increased by 13 per cent, this years. He indicated, of course, thing but the actual insurance contract. Still I would like to tations of Communism can be the uncommitted nations to his year increased only by 2 per the Soviet economic difficulties since you are already paying all join the UNA. What would you It is true that as far as the funds are concerned, our people brought to bear upon the sub­ side through his lying propa­ cent. Other branches of in­ and the Soviet-Chinese rift, but non-insurance charges on you suggest ? are"still amiss in their duties. There are many communities, or­ ject ganda which has profited again dustry also revealed a much he rejected the possibility of first certificate (such as 8c A. Have you given any and again by Western idealism ganizations and individual citizens who have not yet come forth It is well known that Stalin lower output this year. Soviet ruse and deception. And monthly to Indigent Fund, 5c thought to the 20 Year Endow­ and love of peace more than yet it was the same Mr. Har­ monthly to Convention Fund. ment plan of insurance? This with their contributions to the monument fund. We hope that and Mao did not always see liberty. Under these circumstances they will do so before the end of this year in order to be part eye to eye as to the proper Khrushchev decided to espouse riman who as the U.S. Ambas­ 2c monthly to National Fund) should appeal to you because cf the great concerted effort of the entire Ukrainian ethnic method of bringing China un­ At bottom both Khrushchev sador paved the way for the By the same token you should you pay dues for only 20 years group in this country. der Communist rule and during and Mao foresee the victory conference, and neither be exempt from all branch and then you receive a check the period before the final sei­ ot Communism through a use pies of Southeastern .Asia,, as he nor President Roosevelt had charges. It this new certificate for the full face value. There of force but they differ whe­ any suspicions as to the gigan­ you are thinking of taking out are annual dividends after two . Importance of the Event . zure, the Western leaders were the states j erected оці of. ihp ( all inclined to think of the Chi­ ther that force is to be applied former French Indo-China.Bur- tic Soviet trick which helped із for a face value of $5.000 or calendar уеагв. Many young nese Communists as mere a- in war or in civil disturbance* Communist Russia to take hold more, you will receive a people like yourself have taken The importance of the Shevchenko monument in Washing: rnn. etc., not to speak of such grarian reformers, although as in which the Soviet forces will areas as Outer Mongolia >.and, of entire Cehtral and Eastern dues discount of $1 per $1.000 cut this form of insurance be­ ton goes , tar -beyond ite symbolic meaning. It is not only a be obliged to interfere on be­ 'Europe. ' per year. The insurance would cause of the cash return while events turned out, the Chinese 1 Manchuria which.has, been pop­ recognition by the U.S. government of Tarns Shevchenko as a turned to good advantage the half of an oppressed proletar­ ulated by Chinese; especially, ,'' Moscow has broken and vio- be in full force immediately fol- they are still living. great of Ukraine..The overall importance of the Russian seizure of Japanese in­ iat struggling for its rights, since the fall.,of the, Manchu 'iated dozens of international project lifee' In'the fact that the US. • Congress recognized in vestments and property on the even if the leaders as Lenin dynasty. Wf.;fc!?Pw too that.jf,\. treaties arid pacts.and there ЗЬСУСЬЄН**1 a^poWerfbl^ey^bol'rtpreeehtatfve of those brave mainland of Asia and especial­ end Stalin are anything but the present time, the, Cjoppiqu* IS rip'reason to believe that it Outlook in Ukraine Poor for A proletarians 1 and far-sigrited irien "whd 'fought; suffered and died* for' the ly in Manchuria. When Stalin HTst Chinese are; spreading, i^eir 'Will'.respect''the, treaty banning 8 ^ G^alhc; Harvest.! о > зшіА^І - . . _ .ь&шЛгі -. inula :»ri: << s> > • dfedi it was however Mao who hVfruerice agai^.tb.rou^ouyttbl - \Щ testing pi гігіеіеаґ weapons. w Two Imperial Centers area'as they; dM^n. Jnb^.and' cause of human freedom. claimed to be the senior and pg AN IMPORTANT AND NEW YORK—A froor jeiatD?) mcfe than a quarter, of ;tjh% £$- The магу .fast .that the movement fo^,Xhe..en.rtf-a>|.tegdjnK. | Communist and he Finally there is the national that they 'ace carrying^ ^n an- harvest is expected in Ukraine) viet grain crop and more than in'terisive resettlement of* areas' .•NECESSARY. MATTER statue of met with bitter denounciations in stressed this claim during the element to be considered Beth this year, according to "Radio half of the better wheat period of the domination of Moscow and Peking are im- which they ^ope, iOj secure for With the resettlement of U- Liberty." The soil-rich Soviet Moscow andjjrt<£v ^d^*scdreaj}»e> ffffr thafj £he {Communis^ A short crop in Ukraine, masters of Ukraine nave' grasped the meaning, of this project Malenkov, the collective leader­ nerial centres. The cars of Chinese Communism, Doe's this, krainian emigres throughout republic normally produces more perceptiHy ;0ІА!аЬ>»впе else,' bfifcauie they know* and ap/ ship and Khrushchev himself. Moscow, once they freed them meah that trie imperial inter­ different countries of the West, Communism's richest granary, ests of Moscow'arid Peking are preciate the power of Sheycnenka's idea. NoL being able to This naturally did not sit well reive from the ov.?t!crdship of arid especially in the United would lead to far-reaching eco­ with the ebullient Russian lead­ leading the two centres to a deny that Shevchenkr/Uai'a pb^ful'pVdphet 4if freedom' and the Mongol-Tatars, showed an StateV and'Canada. the num­ Ukrainian science and the TJ- nomic repercussions and pos­ er and he has lost no opportu­ amazing greed for land. They new confrontation in which pol­ humanism, they, the communist enslafe^s jin, Moscow and Kiev, ber of jfoung Ukrainian men krainian cause in general. Such sibly to changes in the Party nity to express his feelings, not only expanded in all direc­ itics and political advanta*^ ^Tid^weSen'Tn^MSlTschools and a registration, needless to add, tried at least to deny Americans of Ukrainian descent the right leadership, researchers of the first in a polite and veiled form tions but constantly sought a are veiled behind charges of colleges increased by leaps and should be conducted regularly to worship Shevchenko's universal humanism and his ardent and now more and more open­ method of penetrating India orthodoxy and heresy? bounds. Today we can find U- and should be supplemented privately supported network love of freedom. Hence the Soviet press denounced the project ly, while Mao has bluntly spo­ and of advancing into Chinese It makes little difference at krainians in many colleges and each year with the names of said. * as a wily and ingenious tool of "American imperialists" and ken out for the rehabilitation territory on the shores of the what level the cause of the universities or other scientific new professionals. "Radio Liberty's" agricultur­ their "servants—Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists." of Stalin whom he regards as Pacific Ocean. They swallowed rift is to be placed, so far as institutions. There is no doubt As an example that such a al specialists observed that a the logical and intellectual heir and left unassimilated such na­ For instance, only a few weeks ago, Mykola Bazhan, one the free world is concerned. that today there are hundreds thing can be done, we can cite prolonged dry spell late last to Lenin and whose mantle has tions as Ukraine which sought The West and especially the of Ukrainian professors, scien year and a severe winter have of the most outstanding Ukrainian poets in Ukraine, castigated the Polish Scientific Institute fallen upon his own shoulders. independence at the downfall United States must see to it tists and other highly-qualified in New York, which succeeded combined to kill off much of This is the personal aspect of the Ukrainians in the United States for their endeavors to honor of the monarchy, even though that its power for defense and and trained specialists who are; in collecting several hundreds the grain sown in Ukraine last the rift which would be ended Taras Shevchenko on the forthcoming 150th anniversary of his they received little sympathy attack, its power to stand firm engaged in useful and fruitful of names of Polish professional fall. birth in 1964. in case either Khrushchev or from those scholars and dip- for the cause of liberty must Mao passed from the scene. professions. men and women, born in Po­ It is still too early to deter-* lcmats who dreamed of an in­ not be risked under the guise What is regrettable is the land or in this country. "The peoples of the Soviet Unipn," wrote Baxhan in Lite- In this connection we cannot divisible Russia. They are still mine the outlook for Ukraine's of hopes that a peaceful co­ fact that there is no central It is incumbent upon our raturna Ukraine (April 16. І963). "and wtth them all pro­ know how far each leader is relying on these same sources corn crop, they said. Another existence mny thereby be turn­ statistical bureau or office scientific institutions — the disappointing year, however, is gressive mankind, are getting ready for a worthy observance working to bring that about to cover their next aggres­ ed into a course that will e- of the immortal memory of the genius lover of freedom... But but there is at least a possible sions. On the other hand, we which could register these new і Shevchenko Scientific Society indicated for the so-called vir­ merge as a peace with the vic­ professional Ukrainians here and the Ukrainian Academy of our enemies Are not asleep... The American imperialists, rely­ gin lands in Kazakhstan—for­ hint of it in the charge that | do not know whether there tory on the side of slavery. and in Canada. Such n general Arts and Sciences—to under­ ing on those docile servants—the Ukrainian, nationalists—are merly semi-desert areas which the Chinese are Trotskyists for . are as deep rifta within Red The problem is not which of file of all Ukrainian profession- take such a project. Such a have been brought under cul­ planning to take advantage of the 150th anniversary for the Trotsky never ceased to intri China and the unity of the the Communist rivals is to win al specialists would help in general registration of our pro­ tivation since 1954. monstrous, disgusting and provocative purpose of slandering gue against Stalin and his Chinese people for there has bnt to see that Communism it­ properly assessing our intellec­ fessional men and women would the homeland of Shevchenko, Soviet Ukraine, and our people frjends until his murder in been no adequate study of the self must be destroyed and its tual resources, which in turn serve a good purpose, inasmuch with a flood of anti-Soviet insults, provocations, muck, lies and Mexico City. component elements of the helpless victims given a new would help promote an ade­ as it would show our real in­ WHY BE ON THE OUTSIDE f distortions." The ostensible feud is over population. We do know that ray of hope and a new chance quate estimate of our intellcc- tellectual strength and capabili- JOIN NOW THE UKRAINIAN He went further in attacking Prof. Lev E. Dobriansky, the proper method of over­ the abler Chinese monarchs of to share in their own way in tual capabilities. Such n general і ties and thus enhance the good throwing the free world. The N A TI О NAL ASSOCIATION Dr. D. Dontaov and Prof. P. Zaitsev, who allegedly committed the past have exerted an over-j the developing life of the fu- registration of these forces standing of Ukrainians in the Chinese assert that it can only lordship over many of the peo- ture. would invariably help the free world. AND READ THE WEEKLY "blasphemous falsifications" of Shevchenko's works, and who were charged with attempting to present "our great poet as some kind of advocate of the modern 'American way of life.' " Scott. In the aforementioned literature with others, especial­ Prof. Manning also reveals j His introductory part about "The peoples of the world will firmly slap the dirty hands CLARENCE A. MANNING AND Ukrainian Literature he makes ly Western European litera­ the Ukrainian spirit of another | Shevchenko's life and works of the American politicians and nationalist Judases who are UKRAINIAN LITERATURE this statement about Shevchen­ tures, Prof. Manning goes into prominent Soviet Ukrainian j is of great importance for trying to besmirch the right acme of pure human spirit, the ko end Franko: the reason why Ivan Kotlya- writer. Mykola Khvylovy. who | English-speaking people be­ "When we read the work of revsky translated Virgil's Ae-; at first was ensnared by com- spirit of truth and freedom, the spirit of goodness and anger, By PROF. WASYL LEW, Ph. D. cause of its monographic char­ such men as Czars Shevchenko neid in the burlesque style of; munist ideas buf> who later the spirit of generosity and eternity, the spirit, image and word acter and excellent explana­ (П) and . we realize і travesty. Kotlyarevsky follow- j could not countenance the Rus- tions. They became acquainted of Shevchenko..." that we are dealing with true led the contemporary fashion: sification of Ukraine nor the with the epoch in which the This is a sample of how the communist enslavers represent Prof. Manning's many es­ In the course of time Prof. spiritual and intellectual lead- of travesty but in it he present- suppression of the individual! greatest Ukrainian poet lived, our work in this country on behalf of Taras Shevchenko on the says, articles and criticisms on Manning has examined some ers. who show л real faith] ed the important value of па-1 of any writer, poet or a і and with the bacTcdfop of his forthcoming 150th anniversary of his birthday. Ukrainian literature have ap­ selected aspects concerning the in democracy, and that these j tional tradition and. in addi- From this point of view he; is literary production. Prof. Man- peared in various periodicals literary work of Shevchenko. men have a message not only > tion. the ideals of real democ- compared to the Russian No- і ning compares Ukrainian cul- If anything, this campaign against our dedication and and in the form of forewords Franko and Lesya Ukrainka. for their people, but for the racy as has been established ble Prize winner, Boris Paster- tural life with that of the Rus- honoring of Taras Shevchenko alone can spur our efforts and to works dealing with Ukrain Especially, he has discussed whole world." in the United States of Ameri­ nak, who also could not suffer J sian and of other Slavic na- endeavors even to a greater success. The Russian enslavers of ian literary problems and or topics which are of general Similarly. Prof. Manning has ca. In this way he sought to thr stifling of the creativity j tions, with the Western Euro- Ukraine must be painfully hurt that we here in America have writers and poets, such as Eng- humane importance. He treats written several essays on the j combat the Czarist autoera- of an artist. Both were doomed : pean and even the American, unrestricted freedom and opportunity to present Taras Shev­ lish of the works • the problem of Prometheism in literary output of Lesya Uk­ су in Russia enslaving many victims of the Bolshevik re- { In addition, he presents in orl mc chenko in a true and unadulterated light: Shevchenko as a great of Ivan Franko and Lesya Uk-; Shevchenko works and also rainka in order to explain more non-Russian nations. S' j iginal and vivid fashion many Ukrainian poet, national hero and fighter for the freedom of all rainka. Some of the poetry of I compares his work with that I exactly and more fully aspects Prof. Manning also treats of But Prof. Manning has paid particulars and various facets these writers had been tran-і of Puehkin. Mickiewicz and Slo-1 of her poetry which were not the enslaved and the persecuted—just opposite what the Krem­ the Ukrainian spirit in Nicho­ most attention to the greatest t of the life and surroundings slated into English by the pro-! wacki. He also discusses the t explored in his foreword to las Hohol's (Gogol) works. lin is endeavoring to make out of Shevchenko: a Russia-lover Ukrainian poet, Taras Shev-1 of Shevchenko. minent Canadian philologist! ideas of the "eternal revolu-! Percival Cundy's Spirit of which were written in Russian chenko. having been interested j This introductory part con- and a forerunner of "Socialist equality." which allegedly exists and admirer of Ukrainian cul-) tionary." Ivan Franko, who in Flame. For exnmple, here we because Hohol aspired to a in Shevchenko's poetry and his ] eists of four chapters. In the now in the Soviet Russian slave empire. ture. Percival Cundy. whose ' his works upbraided for their t find the universal problem of і brilliant career in Russian so- ideas from the very beginning ! first chapter. "The Literary So, the forthcoming ground-breaking ceremony at the Shev­ death in 1947 unfortunately conservatism and backward-j the Don Juan, elaborated upon ciety. He showed that Ukrain-[ of his scholarly career. Prof. I Scene" (pp. 1-7), he presents chenko statue site is a very important event whose significance cut short his work on Franko ness some groups of the Gali- і by Lesya Ukrainka in an origi- ian themes and elements in Ho-j Manning decided to publish a j the cultural conditions in Eu- cian intelligetsia in the last і паї way. Even the matter of and meaning are great and far-reaching. Therefore, we must do I and Lesya Ukrainka. Prof. hol's works place him incon- '• book with a monographic de- { rope in the last quarter of the his task J quarter of the XlXth century. • the American всепегу in the trovertibly in Ukrainian cul- scription of Shevchenko's life; XVIIIth century. It was the everything to make the Shevchenko celebration in Washington I anMannind provideg completed forewordd s to Dicussing the problem of na-, drama In the Wilderness was ture and literature. j and work together with a time when all Europe was stir- this coming September an impreesive and resouding success these books, along with notes j tional leadership in Franko's • explained by Prof. Manning as The Ukrainian spirit similar- of his poetry, des- j red bv the French Revolution worthy of the great Ukrainian freedom fighter and of our on the authors, their impor- works. Prof. Manning places a fiction adopted by the po- ly inspired the Soviet Ukrain-; pite the fact that several Eng-1 and its freedom-loving ideas name in this country- tance for the development of I him among the most outstand-1 etess, and not intended as a ian playwright Mykola Kulish , lish translations of Shevchenko I opposing despotism and de- We can all contribute to this success by taking an active I Ukrainian literature and their j ing poets of world literature, literal picture of the American to oppose the Sovietization and had already appeared. His con- j manding true freedom for raan- part in' the ground-breaking ceremony, thus showing our іР,рОГ{ against the backdrop j ranking with Mickiewicz, Push-j landscape Russification of the Ukrainian tribution contains relatively j kind, strenght and understanding of this significant and historic feat, of world literature. | kin, Goethe, Byron and Walter I Comparing' the Ukrainian nation and culture. і the largest amount of poetry-1 (To be continued) No. 151 SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1063 ш^шшшшшшшшшшшашшшяшшттшяшяшшштшввяаая Boys' Camp: Closes at 'Soyuzivka' Family Plan: UYL-NA Convention Installation of H.N.S. Officers Sports Scene

Lees than 30 days left be­ which is only $10.00 and en­ In Hartford West Ham Beats Gornik, 1-0, fore the UYLNA Convenion! titles the young adult to all the Takes Title As usual, we all have a ten- affairs. Parents—let's take ad­ dency to leave thing until the vantage of this Family Plan By OLEH ZWADIUK very last minute—which is and bring our youth together. NEW YORK — West Ham place in the six team Eastern wrong! Have you mailed in You have reaped the benefits United of England, winner of Canada Professional Soccer your registration??? Having from past events, why not let the first section of the Interna­ League. sent "tons" of letters and re­ our youth enjoy social con­ tional Soccer League, defeated Last week, the Canadian gistration forms, the Young- tacts with young people from Gornik of Poland, winner of the atown Convention Committee all parts of the country. The press reported that Toronto second section, 1-0, last Sunday Roma doomed Ukraina with a eagerly awaits your reserva­ Executive Board and the local to gain the ISL title for 1963- tions. We know you all plan Convention Committee are 7-0 defeat but the more startl­ 64. The two teams tied In their ing thing was that three of the on coming, but don't keep putt­ planning to have "open house" first encounter, 1-1, on Wednes­ ing off that all-important task at the Hotel following the seven Roma goals were scored day July 31. England won the by Noha. of mailing in that reply. We dances on Saturday and Sun­ two-game total-goal series 2-1. have prepared a very pleasant, day evening. We want all Reading further the news ac- ' Last Mu.ste'r' of rfoy at 'Soyuzivka' Before (.losing the Camp Last Sundays match, watch­ stimulating and refreshing guests and delegates to con­ counts, said that Mike was fin­ ed by more then 8,000 specta­ weekend, which will not only be gregate to enjoy the songe, ed by Ukraina $500 dollars for tors turned into a brawl in the SOYUZIVKA, Kethonkson. Soyuzivka chaplain, who was educational, but fun. We realize music and unrehearsed spon­ an assortment of misdemean­ second half when the referee, —The closing of a camp is usu­ in charge of religious instruc­ there are many Youth Lea­ taneous entertainment of our ors. He promptly paid the fine James McClean, disallowed two ally accompanied by somewhat tion during the girls' and boys' guers who have been making "talented" members while we and reported, fe^Qoma, the АЄДЬ On July 14. 19S3. the Holy Name Society of St. Michael's goals scored by tie Polish team nostalgic memories of the days camps, also attended the pro­ the circuit for years and years. grab a bit to eat. You can dis­ Ukrainian Catholic Church in Hartford. Connecticut, of which .claiming that they were kfeked well spent in jovial carousing, gram. There are many others who, cuss the Kennedys, the Ukrain­ the Rev. Stephen Balandiuk is spiritual adviser, had its installa­ in from the offside position. The Toronto Globe and Mall heartwarming campfires, chal­ The campers, clad uniformly for personal or family reasons ian Encyclopedia or what's tion ceremony for their newly-organized chapter. By itB election. Nearly 200 fans invaded the headlined its story "Three for lenging hikes, competitive in navy blue shorts, same color have had to miss a few of the wrong with our youth today. (L-R) John P. Gvvostz, wus elected Treasurer; Peter Grogoza, pitch to dispute McCleans rul Noha. Roma Wins 7-1" and sports and other activities de­ knee-socks and Soyuzivka jer­ annual events. However, this You may not solve any prob­ Vice-President; Michael Paluch. President, and Gerald Roman ing and it took more then 30 The Toronto Daily Star head­ signed to provide the campers seys, staged their all-Ukrain- year, on the 30th Anniversary lems, but you'll enjoy talking Nesteruk. Secretary; were elected to the Executive Board. Mem­ minutes to restore order on the line read "Noha Takes Three- with a pleasant but stimulat­ inn performance in an orderly of the League, let's make a things over. So won't you bers of the New Havn chapter also participated in the ceremony. field. Goal Revenge For The $500 ing diversion during the sum­ and admirably efficient man­ concerted effort to attend. To­ please get that reservation ner. Songs, dances, verses and Bather Balandiuk is seated in the center. The referee, who was forced Ukraina Fined Him." A day mer months. But if all these day many of the original mem­ form in the mail now... not to­ later The Toronto Globe and skits followed in rapid succes­ bers have teen-age children. night... not tomorrow... right to flee the menacing crowd things were conspicuous at So­ suffered some bruises and a Mail reported that Ukraina yuzivka last Saturday, August sion with Andrew Dzhul, one How wonderful and inspiring now! We're waiting to hear of the campers, serving as Ukrainian Catholic Parish in damaged bridge work. After planned to protest "Roma vic­ 3, the feeling of. sad longing it would be to have them come from you. Remember, you are tory sparked by Noha." "master of ceremonies." High­ as a family group. We have never too old nor too young to the game resumed he refused and waiting till next^-year was lighting the program was the Rochester Plans New School and to continue officiating and one The Montreal Star reported quickly dispersed with |he ar­ made preparations for these meet with old friends and to on Saturday, August 3, that presentation of five individual younger people and are trying make new ones. of the linesman took over for rival "as early as Friday" of trophies to the boys who show­ Convent him. the Ukraina organization has older girls and boys for the to bring them into the fold. Let's go-go-go to also, released Walter Czyzo- ed above average proficiency Plans for a new parochial I West Ham scored the winn­ Cultural Courses which com­ Remember- we have the "Teen Youngstown, Ohio The general solicitation phase wych and Andy Racz plus some in special activities. The pre­ school and convent in Irunde- ing goal in the 41st minute of menced officially on Monday, Student" registration fee Mrs. Sophie Giiiick of the drive took place on Tues other players. Ukraina, the re­ sentation was made by Mr. Le­ quoit were announced by the day. June 25 through Thurs the initial period when inside August 5.—On the contrary, port said has "given up." sawyer, assisted by Mrs. Sny­ Very Rev. Stephen A. Chomko. j day, June 27 when volunteer left Geoff Hurst kicked in the there was ;a feeling, of con­ lyk. The award of "Best Cam­ UYL-NA Foundation Fund Raising pastor, with the launching, re- j workers called on fellow-par goal from a pass by Bobby After Roma-Ukraina match tinuity in activities geared to per" went to Andrew Cehel- cently, of St. Josaphat'e Capital j ishioners in their homes bet­ Moore, the outstanding West Alex Sydor reportedly said that the needs of our youth of all sky who also performed the Drive Building Fund Campaign to [ ween the hours of 5 and 9 p.m., Ham center half. "we did not give Noha his re­ ages. , - . r dance "Chumak" in the course finance construction of a newj as t hey sought two-year pledges West Ham United will meet lease, so he could not have been The program marking the of the program. Individual physical plant on parish owned to finance the program during Dukla of Czechoslovakia, the J legally signed by Roma." The closing of the boys' camp was group winners in athletics At mid-уеаг, the 1963 UYL- expand the publication of items property at Ridge Road East the parish-wide canvas. defender of the International league secretary, Bill Simpson, held on Saturday afternoon, in (consisting of varied track and NA Foundation Fund Raising nationally that will be of in­ and Stanton Lane which will і Pledges received in advance Soccer League Challenge Cup, was reported to have said that the picturesque surroundings field events) went to Michael Drive was initiated with Walter terest to all members of the serve the Ukrainian Catholic. of the genera] solicitation now in a two-game total-goal series he received a protest. of the villa "Lviv" which Malkush. Daniel (Dino) Pron- Bacad being delegated with League. However, factual in­ people of Rochester today, and total $70.172.000. starting in Chicago on Wednes­ Teams in the Eastern Cana­ • houses the campers through­ chak and Matthew Kozink. Wil- the responsiblity in that re­ formation will be required pe­ Will remain adequate t<> tin* Father Chomko stated. "Suc­ day August 7. The final match da Professional Soccer league out the summer at .Soyuzivka. linm Chupa, Jr., received the spect. An urgent appeal has riodically from all regions, needs of the parisli throughout cess of this great parish ven­ will be played here In New buy, sell and trade players in Mrs. Yaroslava Snylyk, this "Best baseballer" award. been directed to all Ukrainians that should be concise, accurate the foreseeable future. ture will dejKjnd entirely upon York on Sunday August 11 at the same way as in the Na­ year's camp supervisor, open­ After brief speeches by Mr. in the USA and Canada to for­ and timely. As in the past, this the prayers and sacrifice of 4:00 P.M. tional Hockey League. This The complete building pro­ ed the program by greeting the Lesawyer and Dr. P. Dzhul. on ward their important contribu­ news should be volunteered by the members of the parish. was the first reported case in gram calls for the erection of ] parents and the guests and by behalf of the parents, the responsible officers or members Those who have been blessed Mike Noha in the News the three year history of the tions as soon as possible. The a new church, a new school, a introducing the UNA officials campers lowered the Ukrain­ willing to take the time to do by God with a more generous ECPSL that a dispute has aris­ usual donation is at least $5.00 new multi-purpose hall, library, j present: Mr. J. Lesawyer, su­ ian and the American flags it. According to past experi­ portion of His wordly goods Mike Noha. the famous for­ en over player transaction. per person, but a larger sum cafeteria and convent. preme president, andihis wife, from the mast thus bringing ence, this usually will be done are requested to consider most ward of the Ukrainian Nation­ will be most welcome; while 1 Mr. R. :./ M,fr«Suby .^fcAfWPcia.; tions can be mailed directly to: i.l Betty Anne Kosfeweky* о Represent outlined above, should be for­ withj^odern kitchen so that in, low paгіяпіопег»4п-prayer and headway and are in the fifth tion s rulings. ь , it . шґ , UYL-NA Foundation, 2 East warded to:'— Ж ШЬЇйскТ,'222 the future 1.000 peopfe caMdj sacrifice, we shall insure the Delaware High Schools 79th St.. New York 21iNiY.43. York St. Jersey City X N.J., be served fn both halls con­ speedy completion of a parochi­ g Miss Betiy Annp Kosowsky. ** or the Foundation Publkation 03703, for immediate action. veniently, and simultaneously. al plant of St. Josaphat'e whioh daughter of Michael & Olga 5 address at:—P.O. Box,No. 26, Incidentally, the main hall, will serve ourselves today and Why be on the outside? Jjrin the Kosowsky,-' 1*11 Philadelphia Carteret. N.J..,attn., E. Wa- Michael Stebfecld, lower story, and the cafeteria our ohildren and generations to .. Pike. Wilmihgt6h 9, Delaware, diak, Chairman. Publicity Chairman will be, air-conditioned. como. 1 urg* your cooperation Ukrainian National Association . |. , members of UNA Branch 247. Plans are in the making to of UYL-NA Foundation In order to embark upon a in this important nnd vital pro­ will represent ithe State of De­ construction program which ject. God, I am sure, will re­ and read "The Ukrainian.: laware High,'.Schools.in Asburyj will coat in the neighborhood of ward you in myriad ways, for WeeiClV isJnwttimrt Park, New Jersey. This will be Book Review $525.000, the campaign's finan. your generosity and contribu­ (5K1 iff) Тл •• • . . ••• • •: • • held on August 15-І6." cial objective is set at $300,000 tions, and you will keep alive 1 as the minimum goal. This is the flower of faith, the beauti­ Betty Anne attended the U- BU KOVINA — LAND ZWTE- tion that the city of Chernivtsi the minimum amount necessary ful traditions of your parents krainian Cultural courses at SCHEN ORIENT UND OK- (CzernowiU) originated from to start the building of a new who-labored so arduously un­ the UNA Estate last year and ZIDENT. By Erich Beck. the ancient Ukrainian fortress parochial school and convent der adverse conditions to con­ SHEVCHENK0 MEMORIAL is looking forward to attend­ Pannonia' Verlag, 1963. 192 Cern which was destroyed by that will serve Ukrainians and tinue them." ing again this year unless pre­ pages, 159 large illustrations. the Tartars in 1259. There are Catholics of the Byzantine Rite. St. Josaphat's is the Mother COMMITTEE of AMERICA vented by the pageant at Ав- 25.00 D.M. (German Marks). too many unschoiarly state­ The architect's plans are be­ Church for all Ukrainian Cath­ Invites and urges bury Park. ments in the book to be enume­ ing finalized by Michael C. La- olics of the Rochester area and All Ukrainian American Organizations, throughout The newspaper clippings tell Betty Anne Kosowsky This book is an interesting rated. They may be explained Rosa. A.I.A., of Rochester, New surrounding vicinity. The par­ the country, as well as individuals most of the story, but Betty photoalbum of Bukovina with by the author's lack of aca­ York. ish will mark the 55th year of To Take Part in the has been taking dahcing les- cnoir and aiso smK8 jn tne some marginal notes on various demic preparation for writing The campaign organization is its organization in November. sons at the Mildred Bryan Stu- choir 0f ss. Peter & Paul U- aspects of life in it as seen a book on Bukovina. Many under;the personal direction of li>63. Pastors have included the GROUND-BREAKING dio since she was 3 years old. krainian Orthodox Church by some representatives of the geographical names and some Father Chomko. assisted by vo­ Rev. Basil Turula (1928-1952); She is a member of the Ukrain- Incidentally. Betty and her former German minority who local words in Bukovina are lunteer men committee workers Verv Rev. Nicholas Wolensky CEREMONY & DEDICATION ian Folk Dancers of Wilming- mother have all expenses paid during World War II emigrated frequently misspelled. of the parish. Special qifts soli­ П952-19Я2) and the Very Rev. ton, and la 9 sophomore at for the stay in Asbury Park. to Germany. The main empha­ In spite of these serious de­ citation will be conducted by Stephen A. Chomko (1962--). of the Mount Pleasant High School. I by the sponsors of the Miss sis in the book is laid upon the fects this book is an interesting Father Chomko. St. Josaphat's parish is under Betty is a member of theschool High School Beauty Pageant. Austrian period of history and and original publication. It has The'building fund anneal got the jurisdiction of his Excel­ SHEVCHENKO STATUE SITE culture in Bukovina. Mr. Beck's many good photographs which underway as more than one lency, the Most Rev. Bishop Jo- sweeping statement that "Czer- would be appreciated parti­ seoh Sehmondiuk. Ordinary for On Saturday, September 21,1963 ЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛ**Л*» hundred men attended Mass at )зфййвшшшл0* nowitz war stets eine deutsche cularly by the former residents 7:00 p.m. on Monday. June 21, Ukrainian Catholics in the New SOYUZIVKA Stadt" (p. 20) is indicative of of that beautiful country. followed by the fourth and final York and New England States, In Washington, D. C. his attitude in discussing his O. Starchuk, і general committee kiek-ofT- with the Chnncory Office loca­ PR00 RAM: The Ukrainian topic. -He fails even to men- University of Alberta. meeting which took place in the ted in Stamford, Conn. I lower church hall at 8:00 p.m.. At 2:00 P.M.: At 22nd and 23rd and "P" Street* National with .the Very Rev. Father (Courtesy: The Catholic Cour­ Chomko as the principal speak­ ier Journal. June 28, 1963. Ground-Breaking Ceremony Association у er. Rochester. N.Y.) At 6:00 P.M.: At Grand Ball Room. The Mayflower Hotel, RESORT і Attention! Attention! і Connecticut Ave & Do Sales Street Rochester Booters Host Toronto Concert Ukrainian "KOBZAR" Choir of Philadelphia under in the Catskill Mountains U.Y.LN.A. Ukrainians, Bow 1-0 the direction of Prof. Antln RIDNYTSKY NEAR KERHONKSON, N. Y. At 7:30 P.W.: At Grand Bait Room. The Mayflower Hotel 30th ANNUAL CONVENTION ROCHESTER. N.Y. (Special), into goals. — Presents — - In a friendly exhibition game In a preliminary game, the Festive Banquet played at Edgerton Park on Rochester Old Timers rallied to Honored guests to include Governmental officials, Saturday, August Ш, 1963 August 30 - September 2,1963 Saturday. July 27. the Toronto tie the Juniors, 2-2, as Steve leaders, national representatives and prominent Ukraina soccer team defeated Olshanski. former goalkeeper Ukrainians. Hotel PICK-OHIO — YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio the Rochester Ukrainian-Amer­ and manager of the team, tal­ Ticket for Concert * Banquet: $10.00. AN EVENING All guests reserving tickets prior to September 10, 1963 "Foyr Fun-Filled and Informative Days" ican Sports Club, 1-0, in Ro­ lied both goals for the Old for the Concert and Banquet will have their names printed in of chester. Timers, while R. Kucil Jr. and the Banquet Program. FRIDAY: SUNDAY: J. Ihnatovych, the Toronto Peter Brabunas scored for the • Keg tat ration Concert Juniors. Please fill the reservation blank below and mall to: YOUNG TALENTS Friduy-Nite Social Anniversary Banquet inside forward, scored what (MUSIC, SONG & DANCE) and Ball proved to be the winning goal Plans have been made for SHEVCHENKO MEMORIAL COMMITTEE OF AMERICA SATURDAY: of the game on a pass from a return match between the 302 West 13th Street — New York 14. N.Y. by Registration MONDAY: Leo Dowhaliuk. The Canadians two teams to be played at a RESERVATION BLANK Convention SrtMrions Convention Sessions threatened to increase the score ! later date in Toronto. Canada. I hereby wish to make a reservation for the Concert and Farewell Dance Emnlovees of Soyuzivka Welcome Dace ! on several occasions but were j The line-up of the Rochester Banquet at the Mayflower Hotel, which will be held on Satur­ day, September 21.'1963 in Washington. D. C: Oksana MACIURAK Lesia VVASKIW Registration Fee: ! prevented by Kurt Herald who Ukrainian-Americans was as Luba CEHELSKA Nusia STASHYNS Adult — $16.00. Teen-Student — $10.00 ! gave a magnificent display of follows: K. Herald. A. Ivasiv. Enclosed please find my check (money order) for 5: Levko KALNYCHENKO Merrill LITEPLO COME ONE — COME ALL! і goal-tending in the Rochester E Dashehvshchak. D. Lalka, A. Admission to Concert and Banquet at $10.00 for /Waster of Ceremonies: [Ukrainian'fl nets. On the other; Loj. M. Kohut. N. SheWChy- • persons*. j hand, the Rochester forward '.shyn . T. Marchenko. J. Tym­ Please Reserve a Room (Suite) at the Mayflower Hotel 1 Signature: Ivan KERNYTSKY (!KER) Mall al! registrations and Inquiries to: j line failed to capitalize on many I chenko. W, Latiuk. W. Oliynyk. і excellent opportunities, espe-l A. McKay, B. Zawadetski. F. Name EVERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY U. Y. L. N. A. — YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio P. O. Box 1075 — Youngetown, Ohio I cially in the first half of thejMalauskas . (Please print) | game. J. Tymchenko, the Ro-1 After the game, a banquet Organization A DANCE | cheater center forward, broke was held nt the Ukrainian-A­ Number and Street WILL BE HELD TO THE TUNES OE THE "AMOR" ORCHESTRA INSPIRING ENTERTAINING ENJOYABLE jj j through several times through merican Club followed by a Ctty і j the stout Toronto defense but dance. Telephone: • gsagga^jgg^gstegggggsSjSSB- -- : -vwavvs^rf?g'sgsaaa^I could not convert his sorties I Alexander Loj ^JVVXrWftnrrrrrTrr *****************************'* Gene Kinase wich, Harvard Hockey Akron U. Professor Published UKRAINIAN GRADUATES ON PARADE Team Captain, Visits 'Ukrainian New Material About Hetman WeeP Mazepa

Dr. Theodore Mackiw, Assist­ a delegate of the American ant 'Professor of Modern Lan­ branch of the Shevchenko guages at the University of Scientific Society, with head­ Akron who specialises himself quarters in Paris, France, to in the history, culture and lan­ the XI International Congress guages of Eastern Europe, has of Historical Sciences in Stock­ had an interesting research holm. Щ, project published by the Shev- Besides Mazepa's letter to chenko Scientific Society in Joseph I., Dr. Mackiw present­ Munich, Germany. Or. Mackiw, ed, in his new book, reports ol j now a Ui5. citizen, is a native the Austrian envoy in Moscow, | of'Ukraine. Otto Pleyer, from 1708-09. His 112-page book, the pro- These reports had been, pre­ duet of five years research in viously unpublished. several European libraries and His most recent work on Ma­ archives, especially at Vienna, zepa has already attracted in­ MOTRIA M. MATSILYNSKY, is entitled Mazepa Im Lichte ternational attention. Professor Lorrain, Ohio. HELEN PETRONCHAK, Der ZcitgcnoessJschen Deut- B. O. Unbegaun of Brasenose OLENA gHULSKY DANIEL POPOVYCH Graduate of Wayne State New Haven, Conn. sehen Quellen (Mazepa In the College, Oxford University. Kansas City, Mo. Jersey City, NJ. Gene Kinasewich, captain of the Harvard Crimson ice forces, Light of the Contemporary wrote to Dr. Mackiw on April University in Detroit, Mich., High school graduate with High school graduate, se­ High school graduate. Wood- paid a courtesy call to the Ukrainian National Association, German Sources). 21 stating, "your work is very with a B. S. degree in phar­ bridge, Conn. Also graduate of high honors. Recipient of a cond in his class (154 stu­ Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly on August в, 1963. Gene (1639-1709) be­ well documented and brings the Metropolitan A. Sheptyteky scholarship for college educa­ dents). Active in school affairs, macology. Entire family mem­ (center) is flanked by Zenon Snylyk (left) and Walter Dush- came the elected Hetman new and interesting details and editor of the school newspaper. bers of the UNA, Branch 233. Ukrainian School in New Hav­ nyck (right). At Harvard, Gene is majoring in Social Relations (Chief-Executive) of the au­ information." tion. Active in Ukrainian com­ en. Conn. Completed successful­ munity affairs as secretary of Will enroll at the N.Y. College and Guidance Counseling. To improve his tonomous Ukrainian state un­ Dr. Alexander Ohloblyn, for­ of Engineering. His older ly the Ukrainian Music Institute he spent last summer with a Ukrainian family in Lexington, der Russian protectorate in mer professor at Kiev Univer­ the local UCCA branch and and has made numerous ap­ secretary of the Ukrainian A- brother, Nicholas, is a teacher. N.Y., and his fluency in Ukrainian has improved considerably. 1687. His romantic life has sity, said in his letter of April UNA Branch 170. pearances as a soloist and ac­ He is now doing a research work for his senior thesis, "The been preserved through the 30, "this is a very valuable. merican Youth Club. companist. Also teaches mu­ Attempts of Ukrainians in America to Retain their National works of Byron, Hugo and Pu­ great contribution to the field sic. Recipient of a scholarship Identity." Gene is a Canadian orphan of Ukrainian descent, born shkin. However, the historical on Ukrainian history." at Hartford University's Ju­ in Smokey Lake near Edmonton, Canada. The Ukrainian orphan Mazepa is very different from Previous articles by Dr. Ma­ lius Hart College of Music Who never dreamt of college is now the captain of the Harvard the person depicted in litera­ ckiw concerning Mazepa have where she intends to continue hockey team, bringing honor to his name and his Ukrainian ture. appeared in The Ukrainian her education. UNA member, ancestry. ' He became an outstanding Quarterly (New York, Decem­ Branch 414. Ф • m • » figure in world history because ber, 1959, vol. 15. no. 4; pp. of his alliance with youthful 346-362) and the German cul­ Carpathian Shop in the Catskills King Charles ХП of Sweden tural magazine, Archiv fuer (1708), at a time when Sweden Kulturgeschichte (Archive for By VIRGINIA BEACH was waging war against Rus­ History of Culture. Cologne- Graz, 1962, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. In Jewett Center there are а і early evening, must keep busy sia. Opinion is divided as to 350-356). number of Ukrainian people {embroidering, sewing or doing whether or not Mazepa Invited who have made either their other similar work. Much of the Swedish King to enter U- Dr. Mackiw takes great permanent or summer homes the items in the shop come kraine which became fatal to pride in the fact that this ar­ there and, in one little gift from Ukrainian people that the letter's defeat in the battle ticle about Mazepa was review­ shop, a bit of Hutsulia can be Mrs. Sawycky and her friends of on July 7, 1709. ed by the Russian Academy of LARYSSA A. SAS-POHORET- found. Hutsulia is a section of help by sending them stock­ Dr. Mackiw believes the Swe­ Arts and Sciences in their pub­ JOHN A. GUTTER SKY, Chicago, 111. dish King would have entered lication, History of the USSR Ukraine in the Carpathian ings, underwear, shoes or other Jersey City, NJf. Graduate of the University Ukraine without any formal in­ (Moscow, 1961), Vol. 5, no. 1. Mountains. In fact, the shop badly needed items which they Graduate of Rhode Island of Illinois. Chicago branch, has been named "Hutsulka" cannot obtain easily under the vitation from Mazepa anyway, p. 225). with degree in pharmacology. because according to eye-wit­ In addition, a 110-page mo­ RADOSLA VA MARYNOV ї CH University, B. A. in Liberal which is what the girls are communist rule. In turn, U- Arts. Second Lieutenant in Scholarship recipient for ad­ called from this part of U- krains express their thanks by nesses on the route Smolensk- nograph concerning Mazepa in Jamaica, N.Y. vanced studies. Elementary ed­ Moscow, the Czar ordered ev­ contemporary English publica­ U.S. Marine Corps. Active in U- kraine. sending their handwork to High school graduate with ucation in Brazil, secondary ed­ erything to be destroyed. Since tions will be published in Lon­ krainian community , affairs their friends in this,country. high honors. Winner of N.Y. ucation in 1 Bogota, Colombia. In Hutsulia, the favorite col­ General Loewenhaupt'B corps, don within the year. since childhood, particularly in State scholarship, also J. Tal- Arrived in USA in 1959. Mem­ ors of the people are yellow, Mrs. Sawycky indicated that with supplies from Sweden on At present Dr. Mackfw is dancing groups. First appear­ cott Fund scholarship. Intends ber of the Ukrainian Student green and orange, and these she and her friends are forced the way to the army had been working on a project to1 pub­ ance in the role of T„ Shev­ to specialize in languages. Hob­ Sodlety "Obnoya/' Hobbies: colors appear in all of their to pay by the Russians л very captured, It is evident that in lish document pertaining to the chenko at the Ukrainian, Y.ou,th CIIIIYSTYKA P. CH-YTRA bies: music, painting. Active music, ballet. UNA member. handwork or artwork. And, as high duty on items they send to order to save his army from political and social revolution Festival in New York City, in , Elizabeth, ftU. \, with most of the Ukrainian their І people in Ukraine. If she in Plast, 1948. Member of the UNA famine. Charles ХП decided to in Ukraine. 1648-57. Miss ChryBtyna P. Chytra, a people, the Hutsulia artistic or sends a package valued at $100., enter the food-rich Ukraine. He has studied at the Uni­ Branch 286. „ handwork is extremely beauti­ the duty is $75 but Ukrainians ealntatorinq, гпАйяЩі І with v Dr. Mackiw first became in­ versity of Frankfort, Germany, JU VJ.Cl ful. Many examples of this fine then receive the package with­ higH'n6ndrs tms 'June' from St. terested in Mazepa's life while vhere he received his PH.D. Mary's HighcScbooi-in Eliza- • work can-he-fenad-iB-the-Hut- out, cost, m •).,. fsnot working oh his doctorate at (cum laude) in 1950. at Zurich,' sulka shop. ry;i There are many esampie* of be thy N.^.Miss,Ch>4rajreceived thier University of Frankfurt Switzerland; Seton Hall.-H^ar- the\ fplowing, offers. JjjM four Mrs. Iwanna Sawycky, who Ukrainian wc*>dtyorkhig-art m (1947-50)... vard Extension Schpol and the Hutsulka. shop .and,;there years: І from Cooper- Union— owns the shop, which is located Among the contemporary Yale University where he re­ Ц.200 per year; College)of St. at the Xenia Resort on Route arc little ba4}d-ep^roj&red German newspapers, magazine? ceived a post-doctoral research prayer, towels. These little tow­ Elizabeth- $400; and Barnard 23-A, is a native of Lviv in and тейкяю 41687-1709), the fellowship in-iftgSf.trri We sum-,' College—$1.700 per year. In Western Ukraine. She is a els, for centuries in,.Ukraine, important, previously unpub­ mer of 1962-he attendee} a efettt-i have been draped over religious addition, sbe was awarded $400 very handsome woman, who lished documents relating to mar at JesuS College of Oxford state scholarship per year. pictures as- anracBsafettwtmm. f . 'іфеакв English 3ve*ywell with a Mazepa nticoyered by Dr. Ma- University;:-;,; •'ig•» £*.'•';.; &Л', Chrystyna, along with her Linen dresses, with hafci- J slight, soft Ukrainian accent. d ckiw's research is a letter from Dr. Шск^ ha| bee^iH^ch- parents, has been a member of I She is the widow of Roman embroidered yolks, cuffs 4& Herman* Mazepa to Emperor 4ng not only Ru^iaA'inTdw&i UNA Branch 234 in Elizabeth, І 8awycky, a well-known concert pockets are ready to be wit Joseph I, making application man but also ]fcuropt|an jds- N.J., since І949. ! pianist and director of Ukrain­ and fitted and sewn. We fay for the' title '"Prince of the tory. He^Tias served on яЬе ian music in the Ukrainian In­ dresses because the length of Holy Roman Empire." Mazepa faculties of Schwyz College. stitute in New York. Mr. Sa­ the material is cut to the ap­ indeed received this title on Switzerland; Lane College, wycky died of a heart attack proximate length required for September 1, 1707. Dr. Mackiw Jackeon, Tennessee; Albertus in I960. a dress, and the hand-embroid­ found this letter in the Reiehs- Magnus, New Haven, Conn.; IHOR Y. KHARISIICHAK ered extras are pinned to the Seton Hall, and the University Pittsburgh. Pa. Since his death, Mrs. Sawyc­ adelsakten (Office of Records YURIY O. SEMCHYSHYN, material so they can be in divi- Pertaining to Nobility) of the of Rhode Island before joining ky, who is an author of chil­ dually fitted. The linen is of High school graduate with Newark, N.J. dren's books, has continued Austrian State Archives in the Akron University faculty high honors and student a- excellent quality and, of course, Vienna in 1960. last September. 1*_.-., Graduate of Georgetown Uni . . writing sometimes teaching, wards. First in his graduating STE E N СА the embroidery is the typical vcrsity, Washington. D.C.. with J„ . °Г.\? and now, for the summer, op­ That year Dr. Mackiw was class (120 students), valedic­ fine work of the hardworking •••• erates the Hutsulka Shop. She torian. Member of the National a Doctor of Medicine degree. | buffalo, ЛЛ. Ukrainian women. Magna cum luude graduate of j Canisius high school gradu- has written more than 400 A number of oil paintings Honor Society. Prize-Winning poems and 600 stories, all of Philip Gimbarzevsjcy Hono LeMoyne college in Syracuse.; ate with-highest honors and are available, all painted by ?8say ід contest sponsored by N.Y. Also graduate of St. Basil j special awards for excellence them in Ukrainian, of course. Ukrainian artists, including a *... 1— the National Gallery. Recipient Some of her books are also on Ukrainian Seminary in Stam-1 in studies. First in his grad- winter scene and others by At hie desk in the Forestry conventional ground raetHod£ of a four-year scholarship at ford. Conn', Attended the U-I anting class,-valedictorian. Re- sale in the shop and they are a Mrs. L. Morosowa of Hunter. Dept, sits a proud photogram- of measuring woodpiles. ІЛ », Long Island University in New delight to see. They are artis­ krainian Cultural Courses at і cipient of a scholarship at Ford- Mr. A. Klymko of New York metrist. Philip Gimbarzevsky, The Fraser Company eta; York, where he intends to stu­ Soydslvka. Active in Ukrainian j ham University, New York. In- tically illustrated by Ukrainian City, a very fine artist, also has who is head of the Company's has an award for a present^ dy mathematics and physics. ; artists and even without know­ affairs. particularly as speaker j tends td study medidne. Also on display a painting of the map-making section* received tion on. "logging meehmnaa- Active in Ukrainian commu­ ing the language, one can en­ and commentatdr on the U- pradunte of the ' Ukrainian newly constructed St. John word recently of haying won a tibn." Consolidated Paper Cor­ nity. Spends summers at So- krainian radio program in Sy- school in Buffalo, N.Y. Active joy looking at them. the Baptist Ukrainian Catho­ coveted award with his writ­ poration's- award is for ''me­ yurivkn as an employee of the [ racuse. Entire family members in Plast. UNA member, Branch Although her life is peaceful lic Church in Jewett Center. ten presentation on the inven­ chanical hauiing." Price Bros* UNA. Member of Branch 53.' of the UNA. 350. now, Mrs. Sawycky, ns with so This painting would be a hand­ tory of jralpwood piles by is for "the best paper on a many other Ukrainians, lived some addition to any collection. photogrammetric methods. Woodlands subject other tjjan OLENA DUDA through some very dark war In addition to Ukrainian art Philip's award le one of five mechanization." The J. A. Hastings N.Y. years. She and her husband Bothwell award is for "the Ukrainian Dancers Perf orm at New York State work, materials are sold by the annual awards donated by High school graduate with and their son were forced to member Companies of the most meritorious work in the yard for dresses or jackets, and Exposition in Syracuse high honors.- Scholarship a- spend five yeara in a labor there are also a number of Woodlands Section of the Can­ year on behalf of forest cpa-. camp in Berchtes garden, Ger­ items from Yugoslavia and oth­ adian Pulp & Paper Associa­ servation in Canada." ward winner. Intends to major many. Upon their eventual ar­ er countries. tion. All presentations cover Philip attended the annual in education. Hobbies: music, rival in the United States in For the doll collector, there five different topics. convention of the Woodlands dancing. Active member of 1940, they settled in Philadel­ are darting little Ukrainian The EUwood Wilson award, Section CPPA.. in Montreal, SUMA. UNA member. Branch 6. phia and that is still Mrs. Sa- dolls. Three in particular are which was won by Philip, is during March IP. 20 and 2lst wycky's home. і intriguing: one is a Ukrainian named after a noted early Can- This is one of Canada's largest Actually, the Ukrainian au­ "single" woman who is permiV- nadian industrial forester. This annual conventions. During the thor commended writing chil­ ted to wear flowers and ribbons '' award is given for "the most convention, held at the Queen dren's stories many years ago in her hair — and all of the effective industrial application Elizabeth Hotel, he рггесцІей In Ukraine. Her first story was women have long hair, inciden- of research projects instigated his winning paper as pan of published just after she grad­ tally—-and one doll is a mar- and carried out by a member the scheduled program. At the uated from high school. Then ried woman who must always company. annual luncheon he was pre- for years she sent stories to a drape a scarf over her head to Philip's paper dealt with the eented. along with the winners children's magazine in Ukraine indicate she is married. (These research on determining the of the other awards, with a called My Friend. After the customs are, of course,' the contents of pulpwood piles by plaque and a cheque for $100. Tv-tr. the publishers of My peasant diatoms and not use- means of low altitude stero- 00. Friend'Who had been suppres­ allv followed in the larger photographs. This method is Philip is one of the oripinal sed by the Communists, estab­ cities.) The third little doll is a much quicker, safer, less dif- employees of North Western lished themselves in Canada typical Ukrainian "teen-ager" , ficult and more accurate than who arrived in Hinton with and Mrs. Sawycky has resumed and wears the dress of the the Forestry Dept.. in the earlv contributing her children's sto­ young peasant girl in Ukraine. m eummer of 1955. Born in ries to this magazine. She is From time to time, as we meeting them in our own coun­ Ukraine, he went to public having one of her books tran­ view the work of people try. school in that country, and^at* slated and, depending on its from other lands, particularly As for Ukrainians them­ tended the University of Za­ зчесевв, will have others of her those under communist dom­ selves, they are relatively happy greb in Yugoslavia, graduating YAROSLAVA O.KOPYSTIAN. books translated into English. ination, such as Ukraine, it here, especially, they eay. when with a B. S.. degree in Forest* SKY, West Islip, N.Y. In the Hutsulka Shop there some somehow saddens us to they are in our Catskill Moun­ ry. Since then, he has special­ art many examples of the fine think that, unless the situation tains as oar terrain reminds ized in photogrammetry ns-ap» Columbia University gradu­ handwork of Ukrainian wom­ changes drastically, we will them of their own coustry. plied to industrial forestry. , ate with a B. S. degree in phar­ en. The daily life of the Ukrain­ probably never see this conn- And, needless to say, we're Philip is active in a number macology. Honor Society mem­ ian peasant woman is not easy, try, its beautiful Carpathian happy to welcome these op­ of professional organizations, The Ukrainian Dancers and 'Surma' Chorus of Syracuse. N.Y., performed at the ber. Excellent student, active according to Mrs. Sawycky Mountains, and meet its color­ pressed people In our midst. Including the Canadian Insti­ Ukrainian Field llays on Thursday snd Frfday, August 1-2, 1903, at the New York in extracurricular affairs. En­ She is expected to work in the ful and energetic |>coplp in tute of Forestry and the ЛщСг-. Sttfte- Exposition grounds in Syracuse, N.Y. These Field Days were sponsored by the tire family active in Ukrain­ fields or do other outdoor; their homeland. But. at least (Courtesy: Catskffl Daily Mail. ican Society of PhptogrammeJtr Syracuse Ukrainian National Home.Dancers are, from left,-Michael Bryndzla, Mary ian comnnmitv. UNA member, chores el] day and then, in the | we do have the plwwure of Saturday, July 20,1963) ry. Bawlinko, Irene Bobajcsok and Stephen Nowyj. 4 Branch 433.