Strengthen Preparations for Aug. 1 World Anti-War Day BRITAIN, FRANCE SCRAMBLE NEWS BRIEFS STILL BLAZING AWAY —By Burck
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Smashing de- feats in Indiana, Alabama and Ar- kansas—three states which the drys Bread Sales Drop 40 Percent in Western France Discusses $22,000,000 Steel Order; claimed were strongholds—have been j,, British Trade Pact Is Hastened ; decisive. Even the most ardent drys Districts; Fat Prices Prohibitive tow admit that the "noble experi- Germany Chief Loser ment” is doomed. The wets now claim MOSCOW, July 20. Mass starvation of the German that they will carry every state In masses is reported by the Paris correspondent of “Pravda,” NEW YORK.—England and France j the union. It is certain that before are making energetic bids for trade ; the year is over the Eighteenth who says that in many districts of Western Germany the con- with the Soviet Union, striving to j PUSH SLAVE CODE Amendment will be killed. sumption of bread has fallen off by 40 per cent. forestall the expected American rec- j The consumption of fats has fallen heavily, ognition of the Soviet Government j Held for Chain Gang. very as a re- suit of restrictions and take trade away both from Am- j TO AID WARSHIP NEWARK. N. J.. 20—Police the on importa- July tions of fats by Fas- erica and from Germany. are holding Albion R. instituted the here Chapman cist government, and a consequent France and Russia are discussing charge he escaped on a that from a PHILA. PREPARES ris? in prices. More than 1,000 shops terms for a $22,000,000 order for steel j BUILDING PLANS Florida chaffi gang, known as Road products, selling chiefly fats have been com- and allied and for a com-. Camp No. 44 near Jacksonville. Chap- prehensive trade agreement involving | Workers Adopt De- pelled to go out of business in the man is alleged to have been serving TORGLER DEFENSE Palatinate. the same time - extensive credits. At j seven years for robbery. He escaped from London that Brit- mands for Hearing in All food prices are rising m Ger- word comes ¦ after serving one year. lsh firms are looking forward to Washington Meeting Lays Plans to many, while the wages of all work- greatly increased business with thr ers are being cut as a part of the with Owsley to Rumania. Nazi economic Soviet Union. A $30,000 contract WASHINGTON, July 20.—T0 speed Finance Trip of program. firm has just been can- NEW YORK, July 30—Alvin M. an American the expenditure of $238,000,003 out At the same time the Russian celled, and in England, the Owsley of Dallas, Texas, former com- Lawyers being placed of public works funds for warships White Guards are especially reason given being that the British mander of the American Legion, taken care of by the Hitler govern- and to hold dowm wages of ship- firm offered better credit terms. sailed yesterday for Rumania, where ißy a Staff Correspondent.) ment. The White Guardist paper building workers, hearings on the has the job of American min- This fact supports the report that Ire PHILADELPHIA, July 20— Send- “Probushdenye Rossy” carries an an- government intends to re- ship construction code w-ere set to ister. He is a notorious labor-hater, the British begin Thursday. ing of two lawyers from this city nouncement that the White Guard sume the partial guarantees of Soviet ku-kluxer and militarist and his ap- Reichstag trial restaurant in Berlin will serve food Bidding for naval construction to sit in on the fire orders which were abrogated at the pointment by Roosevelt is his firs’: Berlin, defense counsel, free to anyone showing a member- opens in a week, when the juicy con- in as seemed time of the British embargo follow- diplomatic experience. assured today a ship card of the German White tracts for 32 will be definitely after ing the conviction of the Metropoli- battleships meeting last in the Bellevue- Guardist organization. The same handed out to rush to completion the night tan-Vickers spies in Moscor. More Dough for Stratford Hotel, called by the Law- restaurant serves its White Guard time, war program of the Roosevelt re- At the same as reported yes- Mrs. Roosevelt. yers Committee for the Defense of customers a full dinner for 15 to 81 terday, the Reconstruction Finance gime. Jews to Sharpen Political Prisoners. pfennigs. preparing to up The shipyard owners are asking NEW YORK. July 30.—Mrs. Fran- Meet Corooration is follow Press Growing A telegram was sent by the credit for Soviet cotton for a 40-hour week instead of a klin D. Roosevelt has another job. Illegal Red meet- Its $5,000,000 Anti-German Boycott ing to the German ambassidor :n purchases in America with a six-year 30-hour week, arguing that the short- She is to edit a “questions and an- Young- Bremen Toilers swers” column in Woman's Home Washington, demanding assurances credit of $55,000,000 for further cot- er work week will delay the war the allowed Companion. In her opening article LONDON. July 20.—Jewish leaders Qermany Despite Terror that the lawyers would be Disarm Storm Troopers orders, program of Swanson, Secretary of in ton the to Committees will .start Loser Navy. declared entitled “I Want You to Write to of 35 countries met In Amsterdam participate. Germany Chief Sw’anson a short immediately the work of raising BREMEN, young report says that the Me” she wants to know the problems plans " July 20.—The A from London while ago that the United States will today to work out to extend funds to defray the expenses of the trade which or sadden and They Still Appear Party, Young Workers revolutionary workers of Bremen principal terms new build a navy “second to none" in “puzzle you” of and intensify the anti-German boy- Saul Waldbaum. who presided at Britain your agreement between Great and the shortest possible time. “what brought joy into life and cott in retaliation against the Nazi j meeting, is one of lawyers have carried out a well-organiacd been agreed Have 3 Organs the the the Soviet Union have Brooklyn shipyard workers who how you are adjusting yourself to the anti-Semitic persecutions. who will go to Berlin in the at- series of raids on the fltorm Troop on, in the terms relating new conditions in this amazing particular met at Central Hall. Brooklyn, July The United States, the Union of in Berlin tempt to thwart the Nazi plans to patrols, disarming and beating a to increased Soviet purchases in En- world.” Workers wives, if j 18th rejected the wage-cutting code they South African States, Egypt, and j lynch the German Communist lead- them. gland. The agreement is expected to might say large number of proposed by the ship bosses and bothered to read the sheet, most of the countries of Europe are BERLIN. July 20. The “Rote ers Torgler. Dimitrov. Popov and go into effect in August, or Septem- some hot about adminis- Four young workers forced their passed a resolution to endorse the things ihe represented at this conference, which : Fahne," illegal central organ of the Tanev. Errol White is the other ber at the latest. tration at by way into a Storm case, held workers' own demands drawn up at Washington headed the is preparatory to a World Party, is coming out reg- attorney chosen. Troop Nazi Germany will be the chief lady's husband, Jewish Communist up the Brown Shirts with a rusty the meeting. Economic be held in ularly with four pages, so much like Jonah Goldstein of the National various deals. In 1932. * * • Conference to loser by these The demands of Committee explained the work of pistol, and took six revolvers from exports to the Soviet Union the shipbuilding London in October. the old legal edition in technical German workers be presented at the the committee to the gathering of them. Tire Nazis did not dare go were more than *110.000.000. France will Dies of Exhaustion. The present meeting is to quality that the reader almost for- Washington hearings a delegation planned professional people, and there was out into the street again for several and Great Britain are making a drive by FORT LAUDERDALE. Fla.. July organize the boycott, and to publicize gets the conditions under which it is from the yards. discussion from the floor. A Phil- hours. to gain this trade, which the Soviet 20, —Captain Alfred Nillson. master non-German products as published. All the efforts of the Nazis Among demands are the fol- substitutes adelphia newsoaperman. Saul Car- Six armed anti-fageists held up Union is glad to give elsewhere.