Revolutionarywriters on May 1 Questions
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DAILY WORKER. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JANUARY IS, 1935' Page 5 ittle Lefty Big Hearted! by del Illll&P / Tue only sill “To stop HE LiSTeN<5 1b AaSo t Find iy rS Vtsk;TEk/ i-ll m - <ce ,\ Change lefts nut) uuciz Wmk* 'H* ' ltRR'OLe * I SeRY OF BROtAUYY/ J impossible for. \ Fl* YriiS RKSHf J Wl \ hunger • iay poverty Questions |H John are with-The Pfgp/lfi 1 r— =—v and is n.R.mi rr W hTion and <sufF£Rin&. “3 me in \ now. i’ll-sendI VEiean-ftou-ib WUBmm&l kT\|l 1 listen Workers r benevolent look U-t) properly care. you a cook on rj and .... - .. see MBPRKFfINNie j. ....i . PERWN6 UNO fiSK. HER £oPPoftTof= ■ Answers jjjg World! Goc ML &ILL By ZO2-T daily MICHAEL GOLD (fORMeHt.YH.R- This department appears on the feature page. All questions should he addressed to "Ques- APHIS Father Coughlin has at last got vTH£ MflC>flMiS"NoY tions and Answers,” c/o Daily Worker, 50 East IN'* Oi>TSeN(*S HER. to the point where he wants to I3th Street, New York City. around • flSSiSTfmr, EDWARD * • have every Communist shot, A. B. Magil - HE 'o Question: Is there equality of pay in the Soviet reports. Norman Thomas is a nice man, ANN &DRLRK'£ INfR^DUC* Union? If there is economic inequality, will net and the good Father says he can work with -ORV REMAPS the better-paid individuals accumulate enough to him, but the Communists are atheists and free- invest for profit?—J. D. lovers, unpatriotic, blood-thirsty monsters, and Answer: In the Soviet Union workers perform Father Coughlin wants their blood for his coffee. different functions, and their pay varies in accord- So now we know what this man of God and Labor Defender Artef Presents ance with their skill and training. But the ex- follower of the meek and lowly Christ really is after. Magnificent Murals by Burck ploitation of the toilers by an enemy class is im- He has never said that he would like any of the Features Herndon Fine Production possible. The workers have abolished the private Wall Street buccaneers shot. He has bellowed many Mooney Interiew ownership of the means of production. Individuals of J Os Gorki Plav cannot own factories, machines, land, etc., and by a mock-heroic attack on the financial wolves Depict Soviet Achievements means of exploit workers. New York, but it was only for the record. This THE LABOR DEFENDER, official this private ownership DOSTIGAYEV, a drama in three money market him- organ of the International Labor humble priest has played the acts Gorki, by The remnants of exploitation that the Soviet Defense, January, 1935, 10 cents. EXHIBITION OF MURALS, by j by Maxim Yiddish self, many personal stakes in the * L. Feinberg; presented by the Union from Czarism are being system- and he has other * * Jacob Burck, Art Students’ inherited Theatre, by Benno business racket. herndon interviews League Gallery, 215 West 57th SOVIET EDUCATION Artef directed atically destroyed. Production is organized and Angelo Street, until January 2«th. Schneider. up Tom Mooney,” is the title of planned satisfy masses, and But to build a mass following today, as Hitler * * * to the needs of the the leading article in the January Reviewed by sentiment not to pile up wealth for the exploiters. The work- well knew, one has to appeal to the of issue of the Labor Defender. Be- Reviewed by LEON ALEXANDER ers are building Socialism wherein sll those factors discontent of the hungry masses. Father Coughlin hind the bars of San Quention j LOUIS LOZOWICK "Recruits” the Artef showed He has prison, where the innocent Mooney 1 that make for class oppression and exploitation will is America’s most capable demagogue. outlines of a proletarian cul- WITHwhat it could do with a play is now spending his eighteenth ’’ disappear. built up his mass-following, by a confused, incoher- year in jail, these two met—Mooney, THEture are assuming definite shape j fa -£s? that required seml-stylized acting with remarkable vigor and direction. Given now a drama ent radical-sounding platform that has dazzled mil- whose name has become the chief and rapidity, j This does not mean that everyone in the Soviet symbol of the frame-up practices In poetry and the novel, in criticism I of phychological realism, they have lions of people of little political experience. Now receives pay. are ac- of the American rulers, and Hern- and the theatre, in graphic art and i created a production that Ls aware Union equal Workers paid he prepares to use this following in a slaughter don, leader of the newest genera- the dance, the revolutionary cul- I of every conflicting mood, even' cording to work performed and according to skill a motivation of character. At the groups tion of fighters, member of an op- tural movement can record achieve- j subtle of the real radicals, only in this coun- the same time, direction and training. The new society carried over with pressed nation whose fate is tied up ments that compare favorably with under the I are deadly earnest about the abolition Schneider, it in its emergence from capitalism the economic, try who in wdth the fate of the working class. the best in contemporary bourgeois ! of Benno they have! culture whose blood is beginning to fashioned an acting company that moral and intellectual birthmarks of the old society of the capitalist system. Herndon tells us, in this article, j '®*r ,1 none in what they had to say to an- run thin with the years. •*4WLfy . is second to its individual from which it sprang, and these are being eradicated m 9 9 one playing. other. It was a momentous inter- In this movement toward a prole- [ M|BP|Pkfe <jgg* and ensemble by the dictatorship of the proletariat. graphic | "Dostigayev” is not so much the Diabolical Plot view. tarian culture the American What is important, however, is that the Soviet The of Herndon, were among the drama of the onrushing revolution case Mooney and artists pioneers. tHT* f V& f jl pays : of the moral and cultural disin- state special attention to poorer-paid and un- HAUPTMANN, accused of kidnapping the Lind- and the cases of two of the nine The work of Minor, Gellert, Grop- fr*-&\ *S* < '.H^Vw xk iMi f '>* as t of a class. However, skilled categories of workers. They are encouraged ** with Scottsboro boys, are now In the per, Ellis, Burck and others, known, tegration bergh baby, after being caught red-handed it plays but little part in every Supreme Court of the United exhibited, reproduced and admired J| ? % Wg though to educate themselves; they have opportu- of his ■•■' the the ransom money hidden in the walls garage, States. tljree cases up on both sides of the Atlantic, is .e.*s* •# •••■'. .c. JM f* \ 2p *&mp «K'‘c"^s^VjSfe the physical action of the play, nity to obtain better jobs, and they never have to These sum in the now bases his defense on the fact that this money the chief struggles of the workers certainly more than a match for revolution is always present j fear the specter of economic insecurity. on the defense front in America, the capitalist cartoonists in minds and in the heartbeats of the given him by Isidore Fisch, a Jewish furrier even batter- like the was during past year. technique alone; as characters, an inescapable, | The better-paid individuals poorer-paid the But besides for their WKfrmM*M£k £ who has since safely died, and who cannot deny these struggles, were 1934 ideology it towers in its assertive, ing torrent before which the world ones elevate their living standards; raise their cul- there in of Dostigayev, industrialist, is grave. literally fighting clarity above the confused the tural level. But there is no place in Soviet eco- the story, therefore, from his hundreds of others. The crumbling. Labor Defender sums up the record hesitant liberalism or time-serving nomy where savings can be used to accumulate are up y„T 's(m3l %i \i. g-. The play takes place In a pro- j The Nazi papers in Germany playing for the year—terror, action, victory. obscurantism of the bourgeois car- profits. Remnants of speculation still exist. These vincial town of White Russia; the this angle as another argument against the Jews. The year 1934 was a year of toonists. time begins with July, 1917, The j are being carefully uprooted, and the workers' and great against par- Their picture of the case is that here is a fearless terror the workers: In painting, however, more collapse of the provisional Kerensky farmers' government constantly watches for any were killed, 25 lynchings 57 strikers ticularly in mural painting, the government has begun; the revolu- j attempt by fragments of the old regime to introduce and superior Nordic, pure as the snows on Mont of over Negroes came to light, 5,000 proletarian artists have thus far not tionary stream rising. any men, is The shadow j capitalist exploitation in form. Blanc, who has been caught in the web of another women and children were ar- been equally successful. Bourgeois of the coming November is already rested activity. private pub- J diabolical Jews’ plotting. for strike institutions, whether or upon Dostigayev and his class. In the Soviet Union the toilers are building a But 1934 w'as also a year of great lic, cannot be expected to lend their It is at such times that the mettle classless Socialist society in which every form of * * • defense for revolutionary painting, One of the series of mural paintings on the Five-Year Plan by struggles, and these the walls of a man and of a class come the exploitation of man by man will have been triumphantly organizations too , Jacob Burck.