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Delete Table and Replace By: Delete Table and Replace The Netherlands Coast Pilot | Sailing directions | Zeegat van Terschelling keep well clear of N-cardinal Lt buoy BO7-KZ2. The stream will ensure that the vessel arrives directly off the harbour entrance. Course should then be set to keep the harbour axis light (Iso G 6s) in the middle between the harbourThe lights. Netherlands These Coastshould Pilot not | Sailingbe allowed directions | Zeegat van Texel to come E of the harbour entrance by the stream. During the ebb stream (SW-going) vessels should head for the N cardinal Lt buoy BO7-KZ2, passing close just E of the harbour axis. 12.6.3Care must be takenAnchorages not to come W of this line as there is a real possibility of being set on the W breakwater. During sluicing a strong stream running across the fairway off Spuihaven should be expected.Den Helder There Roads is a connection with IJsselmeer through Lorentzsluizen. There are several anchorages indicated on the chart all marked with a letter. These are only Note anchorages allocated by the Harbour Coordination Centre. If another anchorage is reques- Over Terschellingerted, Gronden, this will Zuider only be Stortemelk allowed if and it is Vliereenot: northern entrance ground seas and/or heavy seas canin arise a position during dangerous winds > 6Bft. to shipping; from W-ly to N-ly directions especially when the wind runs againstnear submerged the falling cables tide (stream or pipelines; setting NW). on the leading line 191° (Den Helder harbour); 13.6.2 Military exercisewithin 800m of the W breakwater; For more informationwithin see Chapter 500m on2 – eitherNavigation side of | Traffic the radar safety, line sectionsindicated 2.9 on ‘Firing the nautical exer- chart (exclusively cises’. for use by naval vessels); within 400m of a warship. 13.6.3 Anchorages It is not permitted to anchor in a position other than that allocated by Traffic Station Behoort bij BaZ nr 98/20 BelongsDen Helder. to NL NtM 98/20 Zeegat van Terschelling Delete table Coastal and replaceanchoragesLocks by: can be found 1 n mile SW Lt buoy of ZS and 1,5 n miles SW of Lt buoy TG. Within the entrance,Den Oever anchorage can be obtained during W winds and waiting for the tide in Vliestroom. Stevinsluizen For vessels carrying hazardous cargoes anchorages are established in West meep and Maximum ship’s dimensionsInschot. LOA Beam Draught When necessary120m a vessel can anchor in fairway13m Blauwe Slenk between the Lt buoys3.5m BS8 Remarks and BS10 or BS12 andOperational: BS14 or BS2124h; and BS23. North of the harbourContact: entrance see section of Harlingen 12.4. 4.3 ‘Communicationjust south of buoys with locks’.K1 and K2 (short period). IJsselmeer | Sailing directionsTraffic | The Station Netherlands Brandaris Coast should Pilot always be consulted in selection of berth. Den Helder Delete13.6.4 table and replace by: Koopvaardersschutsluis16.6.1.1 1 – IJsselmeer and Markermeer ship’s dimensionsKornwerderzand IJsselmeerUp to the lock and master Markermeer are of minor importance to seagoing vessels. Occasionally both Remarks lakesOperational: are used 24h; by small seagoing vessels which prefer not to navigate through that part of Lorentzsluizen theContact: North Seasee section which 12.4.leads 4.3 along ‘Communication the northwest with locks’.to northern part of the Netherlands coast. IJsselmeer | Pilotage | The Netherlands Coast Pilot Maximum ship’s dimensions LOATo navigate IJsselmeer andBeam Markermeer vessels mustDraught pass several locks. 12.6.5 120mBecauseBridges of the sizes of these13m locks and the waterdepth3.5m in IJsselmeer and Markermeer there Remarks areOperational: limited conditions 24h; to seagoing vessels. When coming from Contact: a northerly see section direction 13.4. 4.3 (Waddenzee‘Communication – Kornwerderzand) with locks’. at Harlingen Den Helder Pilot. See Chapter 13 – ‘Zeegat van Terschelling’); On the north-side IJsselmeer is separated from Waddenzee by Afsluitdijk (great enclosing Moormanbrug (bascule Whenbridge comingand fixed from part) Amsterdam at IJmuiden Pilot. See Chapter 11 – ‘IJmuiden’. Delete table and replacedyke). by: IJsselmeer and Waddenzee are connected to each other by sea locks at Den Oever Maximum ship’s dimensions Waddenzee(Stevinsluizen)Up – to Kornwerdwerzand the bridge andkeeper – Binnenhaven Kornwerderzand in foreground (Lorentzsluizen). and Voorhaven from S 16.4.3Remarks Communication withOperational: locks 24h Van Kinsbergenbrug (bascule bridge) The southern part of the former IJsselmeer is called Markermeer and is separed from Maximum ship’s dimensions IJsselmeerUp to the bridge by Houtribdijk keeper (great enclosure dyke). Markermeer and IJsselmeer are connected Location toLocks each other by locks at Enkhuizen (Krabbersgatsluizen)VHF Ch and Lelystad (Houtribsluizen). Remarks Operational: Mon - Thu between 0600 - 2300; Fri between 0600 - 2359; Den Oever SatStevinsluis between 0000 - 2200. 20 Burgemeester Visserbrug (bascule bridge)Projected depths in some buoyed and lit main fairways: Kornwerderzand Lorentzsluizen 18 Maximum ship’s dimensions UpBuiten to the bridge IJ (east keeper of Oranjesluizen at Amsterdam): 3.5m; Pampus: 2.8m; RemarksEnkhuizen Operational:Krabbengatsluis Mon - Sun between 0000 - 2359.22 Vaarwater langs de Friese Kust (approach to Kornwerderzand): 4.4m; Note Contact: see section 12.4. 4.3 ‘Communication with locks’. NaviductWieringer Krabbengat Vlaak (approach to Den Oever):22 2.8m. Lelystad Houtribsluizen 20 MilitaryDen Oever exercises Amsterdam ForOranjesluizen more information see Chapter 2 – Navigation18 | Traffic safety, sections 2.9 Swing bridges (2) ‘Firing exercises’. Maximum ship’s dimensions Up to the lock master (Stevinsluizen) DeleteRemarks table and andOperational: replace 24h by: Note16.5 Pilotage Contact: see section 12.4. 4.4 ‘Communication with bridges’. Den Oever 16.5.1 Local pilotage Royal Netherlands Navy | Hydrographic Service Stevinsluis 289 Local pilotage Maximum vessel dimensions LOA Beam Draught Pilotage is not compulsory120m for IJsselmeer but if needed13m see section 16.4.2 ‘Request3.5m for a pilot’. Remarks Operational: 24h; Contact: see section 16.4.3 ‘Communication with locks’. Royal Netherlands Navy | Hydrographic Service 273 Kornwerderzand Lorentzsluizen (2 locks) Maximum vessel dimensions LOA Beam Draught 120m 13m 3.5m Remarks Operational: 24h; Contact: see section 16.4.3 ‘Communication with locks’. Enkhuizen Krabbersgatsluis Maximum vessel dimensions LOA Beam Draught 110m 11.6m 3.2m Remarks Operational: 24h; Contact: see section 16.4.3 ‘Communication with locks’. Naviduct Krabbersgat Maximum vessel dimensions LOA Beam Draught 125m 12.5m 4.5m Remarks Operational: 24h; Contact: see section 16.4.3 ‘Communication with locks’. 338 Koninklijke Marine | Dienst der Hydrografie 336 Koninklijke Marine | Dienst der Hydrografie IJsselmeer | Sailing directions | The Netherlands Coast Pilot 1 – IJsselmeer and Markermeer IJsselmeer and Markermeer are of minor importance to seagoing vessels. Occasionally both lakes are used by small seagoing vessels which prefer not to navigate through that part of the North Sea which leads along the northwest to northern part of the Netherlands coast. To navigate IJsselmeer and Markermeer vessels must pass several locks. Because of the sizes of these locks and the waterdepth in IJsselmeer and Markermeer there are limited conditions to seagoing vessels. On the north-side IJsselmeer is separated from Waddenzee by Afsluitdijk (great enclosing dyke). IJsselmeer and Waddenzee are connected to each other by sea locks at Den Oever (Stevinsluizen) and Kornwerderzand (Lorentzsluizen). The southern part of the former IJsselmeer is called Markermeer and is separed from IJsselmeer by Houtribdijk (great enclosure dyke). Markermeer and IJsselmeer are connected to each other by locks at Enkhuizen (Krabbersgatsluizen) and Lelystad (Houtribsluizen). Projected depths in some buoyed and lit main fairways: Buiten IJ (east of Oranjesluizen at Amsterdam): 3.5m; Pampus: 2.8m; Vaarwater langs de Friese Kust (approach to Kornwerderzand): 4.4m; Wieringer Vlaak (approach to Den Oever): 2.8m. 16.6.2 Military exercises For more information see Chapter 2 – Navigation | Traffic safety, sections 2.9 ‘Firing exercises’. 16.6.3 Locks Den Oever Stevinsluis Maximum vessel dimensions LOA Beam Draught 120m 13m 3.5m Remarks Operational: 24h; Contact: see section 16.4.3 ‘Communication with locks’. Kornwerderzand Lorentzsluizen (2 locks) Maximum vessel dimensions LOA Beam Draught 120m 13m 3.5m Behoort bij BaZ nr 98/20 Belongs to NL NtM 98/20 Remarks Operational: 24h; Delete table and replace by:Contact: see section 16.4.3 ‘Communication with locks’. Enkhuizen Krabbersgatsluis Maximum vessel dimensions LOA Beam Draught 110m 11.6m 3.2m Remarks Operational: 24h; Contact: see section 16.4.3 ‘Communication with locks’. Naviduct Krabbersgat Maximum vessel dimensions LOA Beam Draught 125m 12.5m 4.5m Remarks Operational: 24h; Contact: see section 16.4.3 ‘Communication with locks’. The Netherlands Coast Pilot | Port information | IJsselmeer Delete table and replace by: Lelystad 338 KoninklijkeHoutribsluizen Marine (2 locks) | Dienst der Hydrografie Maximum vessel dimensions LOA Beam Draught 190m 17.5m 3.5m Remarks Operational: 24h; Contact: see section 16.4.3 ‘Communication with locks’. Amsterdam Oranjesluizen (4 locks) Maximum vessel dimensions In consultation with lock master. Remarks Operational: 24h; Contact: see section 16.4.3 ‘Communication with locks’; When the difference in water level of inner IJ and outer IJ is more than 1.45m the locks are not operational. 16.7 Rules | Regulations See Chapter 2 – Navigation | Traffic safety, section 2.17 ‘Shipping regulations’. 16.8 Port information 16.8.1 Den Oever See Chapter 12 – ‘Zeegat van Texel’. 16.8.2 Amsterdam See Chapter 11 – ‘IJmuiden’.
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