Zofia Sawaniewska-Mochowa Polska Instytut Slawistyki Polska Akademia Nauk Warszawa

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Zofia Sawaniewska-Mochowa Polska Instytut Slawistyki Polska Akademia Nauk Warszawa Zofia Sawaniewska-Mochowa Polska Instytut Slawistyki Polska Akademia Nauk Warszawa PF 2013 (LXIV,1): 331-342 Dziewiętnastowieczne słowniki przekładowe z Litwy jako źródła do badania polszczyzny regionalnej Nineteenth-century translation dictionaries from Lithuania as resouces for studying the regional variants of Polish Słowa klucze: słowniki przekładowe, Litwa, polszczyzna regionalna Keywords: translation dictionaries, Lithuania, regional variants of Polish Summary The wave of interest in folklore and Lithuanian language that began in the 19th century resulted in the compilation of numerous translation dictionaries, in which Polish was the primary language or it was used for the translation of Lithuanian entries. Subsequent fate of these dictionaries, compiled by bilingual authors natives of the Lithuanian petty nobility (Polish: drobna szlachta), proved to be extremely complex, and many of the works were lost once and for all. Lithuanists have been lively interested in the preserved manuscripts, treating them as an interesting source for researching Lithuanian language of the 19th century. It was much later that Polish linguists developed interest in this important legacy. Over the last decade, some of the translation dictionaries were published as duplicate originals: the Samogitian-Polish Dictionary (attached to the anonymous grammar from years 1820–1830); the Polish- Lithuanian, three-volume dictionary by Szymon Dowkont (Lithuanian: Simonas Daukantas), carefully edited by Giedrius Subačius; and the master critical three- volume edition of Polish-Lithuanian Dictionary by Wawrzyniec Iwiński (Lithuanian: Laurynas Ivinskis), prepared by Ona Kažukauskaitė and Rita Šepetytė in 2010. These sources have given an open access to valuable resources for the Polish language historians, documenting nineteenth-century Polish of bilingual and bicultural writers from ethnic Lithuania. While the authors of Polish-Lithuanian translation dictionaries often borrowed the entries from other dictionaries, particularly from Samuel Bogumił Linde’s Dictionary or the so-called Vilnius Dictionary, nevertheless they brought to their works many regional characteristics, ranging from the graph to the lexis. Highly expected would be the in-depth examination of the Polish material in the contexts given in the translation dictionary by Dionizy Paszkiewicz (Lithuanian: Dionizas Poška ) and in the rich lexicographical legacy of Antoni Juszkiewicz (Lithuanian: Antanas Juška). The latter perceived reality in a way that is close to ordinary human experience. It is probable that the manuscript of the first edition of the Lithuanian-Polish dictionary by Father Juszkiewicz was known to Jan Karłowicz. .
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    Archivum Lithuanicum 5, 2003 ISSN 1392-737X, ISBN 3-447-09312-9 Giedrius Subaèius Lietuviø kalbos institutas, Vilnius University of Illinois at Chicago XVIIIXIX amþiaus lietuviðkø tekstø grafemos <I>, <J> Ðiame straipsnyje analizuoju Didþiosios Lietuvos XVIII amþiaus spaudiniø ir XIX amþiaus rankraðèiø tekstø didþiøjø raidþiø (grafemø) <I> ir <J> vartosenà. Keliamas uþdavinys nustatyti: 1) <I> ir <J> distribucijà XVIII amþiaus spaudiniuo- se ir perëjimo laikà prie modernios sistemos, kur <I> vartojama garsui [i], o <J> garsui [j] þymëti; 2) <I> ir <J> distribucijà XIX amþiaus rankraðèiuose ir perëjimo prie modernios sistemos laikà; 3) atotrûká tarp spaudiniø ir rankraðèiø vartosenos bei jo prieþastis. Ankstesniø amþiø raidþiø <I> ir <J> vartojimas ðiame ALt tome ðiek tiek aptariamas Jolantos Gelumbeckaitës (Pirmas lietuviðkas pamokslø rin- kinys Wolfenbüttelio postilë [1573]. Rankraðèio kritinio komentuoto leidimo prin- cipai ir tyrimo strategija, p. 8182; rec.: Friedrich Scholz [Hrsg.], Textkritische Edition der Übersetzung des Psalters in die Litauische Sprache von Johannes Bretke, 2003, p. 302303). 1. XVIII AMÞIAUS LDK SPAUDINIAI. Maþdaug iki XVIII amþiaus pra- dþios LDK lietuviðkuose raðtuose vyravo gotikiniø formø spausdinti tekstai, o gotikiniai ðriftai visai neskyrë didþiosios <I> nuo didþiosios <J>, buvo spausdina- ma viena raidë, tinkanti atstovauti abiem garsams [i] ir [j], panaði á <J>. Taèiau XVIII amþiuje LDK jau imta plaèiai pereidinëti prie lotyniðkosios antikvos raidþiø formos, tada jos lietuviø spaudoje galutinai ásigalëjo ir iðstûmë gotikines raides (skirtingai nuo Maþosios Lietuvos tekstø, kur dar ir XX amþiuje daþniausiai var- totas gotikinis raidynas). Pereidinëdami prie antikvinio ðrifto, pagal buvusià gotikinæ tradicijà spaustuvi- ninkai neretai dar neskyrë grafemø <I> ir <J>, tiek garsui [i], tiek [j] þymëti vartojo tà paèià grafemà: arba <I>, arba <J>.
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