China As the Rising Power in the World Hegemony and Its Influence on the South Caucasus Region
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T.C. ANKARA YILDIRIM BEYAZIT UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CHINA AS THE RISING POWER IN THE WORLD HEGEMONY AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE SOUTH CAUCASUS REGION MASTER’S THESIS NILUFAR AHMADOVA DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ANKARA 2020 T.C. ANKARA YILDIRIM BEYAZIT UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CHINA AS THE RISING POWER IN THE WORLD HEGEMONY AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE SOUTH CAUCASUS REGION MASTER’S THESIS NILUFAR AHMADOVA DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Prof. Dr. YILMAZ BINGOL SUPERVISOR ANKARA 2020 ACCEPTATION AND CONFIRMATION PAGE The thesis, prepared by NILIFAR AHMADOVA and titled ‘CHINA AS THE RISING POWER IN THE WORLD HEGEMONY AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE SOUTH CAUCASUS REGION ’, is accepted as a master thesis at Ankara Yildirim Beyazıt University, Istitute of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration by unanimous vote/ majority vote. Title Name Surname Instituion Signature Ankara Yildirim Prof. Dr. Yılmaz BİNGÖL Beyazıt University Ankara Yildirim Assist. Prof. Dr. Başak AKAR Beyazıt University Ankara Yildirim Assoc. Prof. Dr. İdil TUNÇER KILAVUZ Beyazıt University Thesis Defense Date: 10.08.2020 I approve that the thesis fulfills the necessities to be deemed a master thesis at Ankara Yildirim Beyazıt University, Istitute of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration. Director of Graduate School of Social SCİENCES Title Name Surname ………………… DECLARATION I hereby declare that all information in this thesis has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work; otherwise, I accept all legal responsibility. (28/05/20) Signature: Name, Last name: Nilufar Ahmadova ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Yilmaz Bingol for his well-oriented instructions and helpful directions. Specifically, I would like to be thankful to venerable lecturers during the education period, my mother and all my family members for their unceasing support, tolerance and motivation. ÖZET Çin'in uzun tarihi ve gelecek dünya egemenliği konusundaki hırsları Çin'in mevcut gücü, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Rusya gibi önde gelen devletlerle ilişkileri ve Güney Kafkasya bölgesi gibi belirli bölgeler üzerindeki etkisi hakkında araştırmanın önemini kanıtlıyor. Belirtilen bölgelerde Çin'in yükselen gücünün ve belirli konumunun ekonomik veya diğer boyutlarla sınırlandırılamayacağı unutulmamalıdır. Bu nedenle, tez boyunca Çin'in iki merkezi egemen güç ve Güney Kafkasya bölgesi üzerinde spesifik etkiye sahip olma kapasitesi, ekonomi, yumuşak güç, siyasi ilişkiler ve diğer farklı etki yönlerinde açıklığa kavuşturulmuştur. İlk önce, yirminci yüzyılın ilk zamanlarından itibaren Çin’in gelişimini anlamak için onun ekonomik, iç politika ve dış politika sisteminin evrimi ve tarihsel yönü araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, Çin'in dünya egemenliğindeki rolünün aşamalıgelişimi, Çin, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Rusya arasındaki ilişkiler ve Güney Kafkasya topraklarında, özellikle Azerbaycan örneğinde ortaya çıkışı gerçeklere dayalı bazı tahminler yardımıyla analiz edilmektedir. Araştırmanın temel amacı, Çin'in evrimsel tarihini,egemen dünya sistemindeki mevcut ve gelecek rolünü ve Güney Kafkasya bölgesindeki merkezi konumunu ilgili ülkelerle birlikte incelemektir. Mevcut durumu açığa çıkarmak için Çin'in Güney Kafkasya'daki ekonomik ve siyasi varlığının yanı sıra bu bölgedeki ülkeler üzerindeki yumuşak güç politikası araştırılıyor. Bu yolda Rusya ve ABD güç ikilemi gibi bazı zorluklar bile, araştırma boyunca ana kritik noktalardır. Tüm bu analizler ilgili konu hakkındaki bazı belirsizliklerin aydınlatılmasına yardımcı oluyor ve gelecekteki tehditler ve olasılıklar hakkında bir tahmin sunuyor. Anahtar kelimeler: Çin; Ekonomik reform; Komünizm; Birleşik Devletler; Rusya; Küresel hegemonya; Tek Kuşak, Tek Yol; Güney Kafkasya; Azerbaycan; Ermenistan; Gürcistan; Çin'in yumuşak gücü i ABSTRACT The long history of China and its ambitions on future world hegemony proves the importance of research about the current power of China, its relationship with leading states such as the United States and Russia, and its impact on specific areas like the South Caucasus region. It should be noted that the rising power and concrete position of China in the mentioned regions cannot be limited within economic or other aspects of authority. For that reason, the capacity of China to have the specific effect on the two central hegemonic powers and the South Caucasus territory is cleared throughout the thesis in different directions of potency such as economy, soft power, political relations and others. Before that, the evolution and historical aspect of China’s economic, inner political and foreign policy system is investigated to understand the progress from the early times of the twentieth century. Moreover, the progressive development of China’s role in the world hegemony, the relationships among China, the United States and Russia, and its appearance in the South Caucasus territory, especially in the case of Azerbaijan are analyzed with the help of some predictions based on relevant facts. The main goal of the research is to examine the evolutionary history, the current and future role of China in the hegemonic world system, and its central position in the South Caucasus regions, in the case of correlation with the related countries. In addition to the economic and political presence of China in the South Caucasus, its soft power policy over the countries within this region is researched to bring the situation into the open. Some challenges on this road, such as Russia and the USA power dilemma are the main critical points throughout inquiry as well. All these analyses help to elucidate some obscurities about the concerning issue and give some prognosis on the future threats and possibilities. Keywords: China; Economic reform; Communism; the United States; Russia; Global hegemony; One Belt, One Road; the South Caucasus; Azerbaijan; Armenia; Georgia; the Chinese soft power ii Contents ÖZET............................................................................................................................. i ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................... v LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................... vi LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... vii INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER I ................................................................................................................. 7 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1.1. The Purposes of Research ................................................................................. 7 1.2. Research Questions ........................................................................................... 7 1.3. The Ways of Data Collection ............................................................................ 8 1.4. The Methodology, Examples and Limits of Research ...................................... 9 CHAPTER II .............................................................................................................. 10 THE HISTORY OF CHINA FROM THE BEGINNINGS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY 2.1. Evolution of Changes in Economic Power ...................................................... 10 2.2. Evolution of Changes in Administration or Inner Political System ................ 20 2.3. Evolution of Changes in Foreign Policy ......................................................... 31 CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................ 37 THE CURRENT SITUATION IN THE HEGEMONIC WORLD SYSTEM AND CHINA’S POSITION WITHIN THE SYSTEM iii 3.1. The Relation between China and the United States of America ..................... 37 3.2. The Relationship between China and Russia .................................................. 45 CHAPTER IV ............................................................................................................ 55 THE APPEARANCE OF CHINA’S POWER IN THE SOUTH CAUCASUS REGION 4.1. The Collaboration between China and the South Caucasus Countries Based on Political and Economic Relations .................................................................................... 55 4.2. The Implementation of Soft Power as an Additional Tool by China over These Three Countries ................................................................................................................ 65 CHAPTER V .............................................................................................................. 78 CONCLUSION AND EVALUATION BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 83 Internet Resources .................................................................................................. 89 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................ 90 APPENDIX -1. Curriculum