CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2301 HON
November 17, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2301 HONORING WILL GILL, JR., SENIOR Uechi-Ryu is traditional Okinawan Karate, ber of the House of Delegates and later Na- FARMER OF THE YEAR developed by Master Kanbun Uechi and his tional Vice Chair, Treasurer, a member of the son Kanei Uechi. Uechi-Ryu has its origin in Board of Trustees and National Chair. As Na- HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH the ancient Chinese tradition of martial arts. tional Chair, he was responsible for leading OF CALIFORNIA Today, it is the only form of Okinawan Karate nearly 600,000 volunteers and staff nation- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that remains in its original Soke, handed down wide. He is currently Trustee Emeritus, and is Monday, November 17, 2003 from father to son from generation to genera- a member of the National Medical and Sci- tion. entific Council. Bill also serves on the Board of Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise Master Folta is a seven-time world cham- Directors of the Alliance for Lupus Research, today to honor Will Gill, Jr., as the Madera pion of Uechi-Ryu and an inductee in the mar- where he is a founding member. County Chamber of Commerce and Madera tial arts hall of fame. He has demonstrated a A native Cincinnatian, Bill is Senior Asso- County Farm Bureau Senior Farmer of the strong aptitude for and commitment to the ciate Athletic Director at the University of Cin- Year. Mr. Gill will be recognized at the Madera study of karate. cinnati, and has been with U.C.
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