CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2301 HON
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November 17, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2301 HONORING WILL GILL, JR., SENIOR Uechi-Ryu is traditional Okinawan Karate, ber of the House of Delegates and later Na- FARMER OF THE YEAR developed by Master Kanbun Uechi and his tional Vice Chair, Treasurer, a member of the son Kanei Uechi. Uechi-Ryu has its origin in Board of Trustees and National Chair. As Na- HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH the ancient Chinese tradition of martial arts. tional Chair, he was responsible for leading OF CALIFORNIA Today, it is the only form of Okinawan Karate nearly 600,000 volunteers and staff nation- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that remains in its original Soke, handed down wide. He is currently Trustee Emeritus, and is Monday, November 17, 2003 from father to son from generation to genera- a member of the National Medical and Sci- tion. entific Council. Bill also serves on the Board of Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise Master Folta is a seven-time world cham- Directors of the Alliance for Lupus Research, today to honor Will Gill, Jr., as the Madera pion of Uechi-Ryu and an inductee in the mar- where he is a founding member. County Chamber of Commerce and Madera tial arts hall of fame. He has demonstrated a A native Cincinnatian, Bill is Senior Asso- County Farm Bureau Senior Farmer of the strong aptitude for and commitment to the ciate Athletic Director at the University of Cin- Year. Mr. Gill will be recognized at the Madera study of karate. cinnati, and has been with U.C. for 30 years. County Farm Bureau’s 82nd Annual Members The Academy of World Champion Nestor He is in his 24th year as head of the athletic Meeting and Senior Farmer Presentation on Folta (AWCNF), located in Fairfax County, department’s fundraising efforts, and pre- November 6 in Madera, CA. carries on the Uechi-Ryu tradition. Through viously held positions in Alumni Affairs and Will’s dedication to his country and his the study of Uechi-Ryu Karate, over 100 Public Affairs. He is a graduate of St. Xavier strong work ethic have brought much success AWCNF students learn self-defense, self-dis- High School, and received his Bachelor’s of for him and his family. He has contributed 61 cipline, and self-respect. Uechi-Ryu encour- Business Administration from the University of years to Madera County agriculture. Mr. Gill’s ages the formation of high personal standards Cincinnati and his Master’s of Education from family, natives of Iowa, migrated to Porterville, and respect for fellow men and women. The Ohio University. CA, in the 1870s and an agriculture legacy AWCNF’s mission is to use Uechi-Ryu to help Bill and his wife, Beth, live in Anderson began. By the 1940s, the family’s ranching op- students become positive, successful, re- Township. Their son, Billy, is a graduate of the erations were flourishing in Porterville and spected, contributing members of society. University of Cincinnati and is a valued mem- Madera. Upon the death of his father, Will, Each year, AWCNF tuition raises an esti- ber of the staff of the U.S. House of Rep- and his wife Jane, moved from Southern Cali- mated $25,000 for Fairfax County. In addition, resentatives’ Committee on Ways and Means. fornia to Madera to manage the family’s local the AWCNF has raised over $20,000 for 9/11 All of us in Southern Ohio congratulate Bill agriculture interests. Not long after his arrival, victims. on receiving this prestigious honor, and appre- he was sent to Fort Sill, OK, where the U.S. Mr. Speaker, in closing, I would like to rec- ciate his dedicated service. Army needed his service in the midst of WWII. ognize Master Folta’s efforts to better himself, f Mr. Gill served as an army sergeant of the his students, and his community through the RECOGNITION OF THE ARMED Military Police in the China-Burma-India The- practice of Uechi-Ryu. I wish him a happy FORCES RELIEF TRUST FUND atre. In 1946, Will returned to Madera and re- birthday, commend 20 years of success, and sumed his work in the family’s crop and live- extend him all of my best for the years to stock investments, which included oat and al- come. I call upon all my colleagues to join me HON. MIKE ROGERS falfa hay, cows, and stocker and feeder cattle. in applauding Master Folta. OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As a proud member of many organizations f and the recipient of several awards, Will is no Monday, November 17, 2003 HONORING WILLIAM J. MULVI- stranger to his community. He served on Gov- Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I ernor Ronald Reagan’s Advisory Committee HILL, SR. AS HE RECEIVES THE ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION’S rise today to recognize the outstanding efforts on Foreign Trade, was past-president of the of the National Association of Broadcasters for Madera Rotary Club, a member of the Madera CHARLES B. HARDING AWARD FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE their partnership with the Armed Forces Relief County Air Pollution Board, a 60–year member Trust Fund. The Armed Forces Relief Trust of the California Cattlemen’s and National Fund serves as an umbrella organization in- Cattlemen’s Associations, and the list goes on. HON. ROB PORTMAN corporating the four Military Aid Societies from Will was named Madera County Cattleman of OF OHIO the Army, Navy-Marine, Air Force and Coast IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Year in 1963 and California Livestock Man Guard collecting and distributing donations of the Year in 1972. His favorite venture, rais- Monday, November 17, 2003 that help reduce the burden on families of our ing quarter horses, has made his 53–year Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to military men and women. The partnership with membership to the American Quarter Horse honor William J. Mulvihill, a friend and con- National Association of Broadcasters will help Association particularly enjoyable. The list of stituent, who received the Arthritis Founda- create and broadcast public service announce- Will’s achievements and commitments goes tion’s prestigious Charles B. Harding Award ments to encourage Americans to donate to on, reinforcing his benevolent character. during the Foundation’s national meeting on the Armed Forces Relief Trust Fund. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate November 14, 2003. The Arthritis Foundation While our military men and women are serv- Will Gill, Jr., for being named Senior Farmer of is the only nationwide nonprofit organization ing our country, it is paramount that the Amer- the Year by the Madera Chamber of Com- leading efforts to prevent, control and cure ar- ican people band together so that we can en- merce and Madera County Farm Bureau. His thritis, which is our nation’s number one cause sure that no family incurs hardships while their contributions to America’s agriculture commu- of disability. loved one is away. Military aid programs, fund- nities have been invaluable. I invite my col- The Charles B. Harding Award is the high- ed by private donations, provide services like leagues to join me in commending Mr. Gill for est honor the Arthritis Foundation presents for college tuition for children and health care for this achievement. service as a volunteer. The award was estab- pregnant wives, services that could have been f lished in 1976 and is given annually to the in- provided if their family member had not been HONORING MASTER FOLTA dividual who best exemplifies the highest called to duty. Last year alone, the four mili- standards of concern and commitment to the tary aid societies provided over $109 million in HON. TOM DAVIS arthritis cause. Previous recipients of this high grants and interest free loans to 145,000 fami- lies. OF VIRGINIA honor include former First Lady Betty Ford I am confident that with the help of the Na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and actress Jane Wyman. Bill has spent more than 20 years raising tional Association of Broadcasters the Armed Monday, November 17, 2003 awareness and advocating on behalf of the Forces Relief Trust Fund can far exceed the Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I more than 43 million people affected by arthri- number of families it was able to help last would like to congratulate Master Nestor Folta tis and its related diseases. Diagnosed with year. As an increasing number of Americans on his 50th birthday and 20 years of success- rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 25, he be- answer the call to duty, more and more fami- ful Uechi-Ryu Karate study. came active locally in the Southwestern Ohio lies will be asking the Armed Forces Relief Master Folta is a civil engineer with the U.S. Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, and went Trust Fund for help. The public service an- Department of Energy. He resides in Oakton on to serve as Senior Chair, Chair and Vice nouncements developed by The National As- with his wife and two children. For years, he President. sociation of Broadcasters will help to increase has dedicated notable time and energy to the In 1985, Bill became active with the Foun- donations and insure that the trust fund has study and teaching of Uechi-Ryu Karate. dation on the national level, becoming a mem- the solvency to answer this call. VerDate jul 14 2003 04:35 Nov 18, 2003 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.006 E17PT1 E2302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2003 Mr. Speaker, the continued support of the CONGRATULATING THE After serving in the regular Army for a few brave men and women serving this country is HOMENETMEN SCOUTS FRESNO years, Colonel Arlinsky attended college at the extremely important to me.