Report Frankfurt Am Main - the Metropolis on the River Main with an International Format, a Global City at the Centre of Europe
RESIDENTIAL MARKET FRANKFURTREPORT FRANKFURT AM MAIN - THE METROPOLIS ON THE RIVER MAIN WITH AN INTERNATIONAL FORMAT, A GLOBAL CITY AT THE CENTRE OF EUROPE FRANKFURT AM MAIN A CITY WHICH IS GROWING HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY, INTEGRATING MEETING THE DEMAND FOR LIVING SPACE WITH MODERN CONCEPTS! RESIDENTIAL MARKETREPORTFRANKFURT 3 BOOMTOWN 5,722,000 759,000 2,300,000 Population of the Rhine- Population of Population of Frankfurt FRANKFURT am Main Main metropolitan region Frankfurt am Main am Main and its suburbs The most international city in Germany, the largest financial centre in continental Europe & the fastest growing major city 2019: 759,000 +13.3% +7.1% P O P U L +4.4% A 2035: +2.4% TOP 4 T POPULATION GROWTH IO N FORECAST 2019–2035 (%) GR OWTH 860,000 HAMBURG BERLIN MUNICH FRANKFURT AM MAIN POPULATION GROWTH IN THE FRANKFURT RHINE/MAIN METROPOLITAN REGION FORECAST 6,100 Frankfurt am main IS THE CITY WITH BY FAR THE 5,900 STRONGEST POPULATION GROWTH FORECAST AMONG 5,700 THE TOP 4 IN GERMANY. IN ADDITION, THE RHINE-MAIN thousandsin REGION AS A WHOLE IS ALSO GROWING AT AN ABOVE- 5,500 AVERAGE RATE. 5,300 1999 2003 2007 2011 2015 2019 2023 2027 2031 2035 Source: Oxford Economics, Stadt Frankfurt am Main 4 5 FRANKFURT NO.1 Financial Centre AM MAIN Continental Europe GLOBAL FINANCIAL CENTRE 311 destinations in 97 countries BREXIT-WINNER 70.5 M Approx. 25 applications to Passengers in 2019 BaFin for new banking licences >1,400 NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN FLIGHTS departures and arrivals daily HESSEN INTERNATIONAL REACH 1 of 30 global gateway cities 5 MOTORWAYS & 6 MAJOR TRUNK ROADS link Frankfurt with SECTOR MIX TALENT BASE the whole of Europe Frankfurt am Main is regarded as the job 27 Universities and other motor of the Rhine-Main area and has by institutions of higher education, far the highest office employment rate in Frankfurt am Main 50 educational facilities with Wiesbaden Germany at over 50%.
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