HERALDS of the GYMNASTIC CLUBS “YUNAK” up to the BEGINNING of the 20TH CENTURY (Research Note)
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178Activities in Physical Education and Sport 2014, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 178-183 HERALDS OF THE GYMNASTIC CLUBS “YUNAK” UP TO THE BEGINNING OF THE 20TH CENTURY (Research note) Sergei Radoev South-West University “Neofit Rilski” Blagoevgrad Faculty “Public Health and Sport” Department “Sport and Kinezitherapy”, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Abstract In the present work are revealed the prerequisites and the reasons for the appearance of the gymnastic movement in Bulgaria. The accent is put on the fact that the gymnastic exercises are closely connected with the physical preparation of the revolutionaries in the Balkans and have great significance for the resistance and readiness to fight in the crude conditions of revolutionary life. Underlined is the significance of Vassil Levski for the organization of the “gymnastic groups”. Presented are the historic data about the first gymnastic club “Yunak” in Sofia (1895). By one of the Swiss teachers who came to Bulgaria to teach gymnastics, Bulgaria becomes co-founder of the Olympic Games. Described are the reasons for the unification of the different clubs into Union of the Bulgarian gymnastic clubs “Yunak” in Sofia in 1898. Described are the 1st and the 2nd congresses (1898 – 1900) – Sofia, as well as the 1st national meeting – 1900 in Varna, upbringing its members in love to the Homeland. Keywords: physical education, physical development of students, classes in gymnastics, physical exercises, International Gymnastics Federation, Olympic games INTRODUCTION has been preliminary training on horses – getting on and About the history of the physical education and off static or moving horse which is earlier announced by the gymnastics mainly write: Tsonkov (Цонков) (1968); Flavii Vegetsii. Tsonkov & Petrova (Цонков & Петрова) (1976); Mi- Aim of the research: tev (Митев) (1995); Bardareva (Бърдарева) (1992); Ba- Collecting of genuine data for the use of the rdareva (Бърдарева) (1991); Gevrenova (Гевренова) gymnastic exercises since the 17th till the beginning of (1992); Milev & Kotov (Милев & Котев) (1974); Rado- the 20th century. ev (Радоев), (2010). Tasks: Although there are works describing the chronology 1. Establishment of most early data for the of appearance of gymnastics in Bulgaria during the time existence of gymnastic exercises in our lands for this of Revival (by the above listed authors), here we offer period. the trace of the roots of the performing gymnastics in 2. Defining the factors which led to the appearance Bulgaria before the Revival – 17th , 18th and 19th till the of the exercises with gymnastic character. beginning of the 20th century. In pre-revival Bulgaria for use of elements from METHODS the gymnastic exercises we can talk at the time of the Review of the specialized literature in the libraries Chiprovtsi uprising (1688) when the leaders Dean – the National library “St. St. Cyril and Methodius”, Peyachevich and Luka Andrenin are well acquainted the National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” and the with military education of the Austrian army and they Library of the South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, prepare the rebels using preliminary trained horses Blagoevgrad – July 2012. Newspaper “Third age” (Вестник „Трета възраст“) 1. Studying the literature resources. Historical (2010). This gives us the grounds to suppose that there overview of the bibliography of the topic. HERALDS OF THE GYMNASTIC CLUBS... 179 2. Studying the existing literature of the topic du- The term “gymnastics” is complex and marks the ring the research period. used means for development and improvement of the basic and supplementary exercises in the educational RESULTS process. Walking, jumping, the game with ball and chelik are practiced by: teacher Tony from Rousse – 1770-1830 DISCUSSION (Milev (Милев) & Kotev (Котев) (1974), who worked The role of Vassil Levski for building the for more than 60 years until the age of 100, breaking gymnastic group the model of the education at that time which “puts the With gymnastic exercises dealt the Bulgarian legion beginning of the school physical education”, around in Belgrade (Brdareva (Бърдарева), 1992), under the 1815-1820 (Tsonkov (Цонков (1993), according to leadership of Georgi Sava Rakovski. From here comes Tsonkov & Petrov (Цонков & Петрова) (1976). During the pen name of Vassil Ivanov Kunchev – Levskii (jump) one of the Russian-Turkish wars (1828-1829) the (1837 – 1873) “he himself on the cradle and on the ropes volunteer squads of Georgi Mamarchev nearly totally making different tricks” (Zaimov (Заимов), 1983), are completed by revolutionaries who every day perform according to MIlev (Милев) & Kotev (Котев), 1974). imitation fights, maintaining constantly the physical Herald of the organized gymnastic movement in form (Encyclopedia of Bulgaria (Енциклопедия на Bulgaria is the organized under the form of “patriotic България) (1997). groups” or “gymnastic groups”, the so called “secret The enlightener Peter Hdzhi Berovich (1824) Beron brotherhoods”, created by Levski with explanations (Берон) (2014) in opinion of Milev and Kotov (Милев about the sense and push for their use during his stay & Котев) (1974) recommends “movement against the as a teacher in the village of Voinyagovo, region of settled school life”. Karlovo and in the village of Enikyoi (the spring of The patron of the Blagoevgrad University – Neofit 1867) and Kongas (today Michael Kogulnichanou), Rilski (1793-1881), being a teacher in Gabrovo (1835) in region of Tulcha, Romania (Irchek (Иречек), 1978). the first primary school, introduces classes in “testament He uses in the education: jumping ditches, over jumps, for health” – care about the physical development of (Kostov (Костов) & Кавдански, 1996) climbing students. Neofit Bozveli in “Short holy history and trees (Encyclopedia of Bulgaria (Енциклопедия на holy catechism” writes: the body upbringing must be България), which are the applicable exercises from the before the spiritual education of child” [40 years Union basic gymnastics. They are equivalent to the military “Yunak” 1898-1938 (40 години „Съюз Юнак” 1898 – physical education preparation of the young people for 1938) (1939). the coming national liberation war. Here is possible The same year under the form of friendly meeting parallel between „patriotic gymnastics” of Friedrich and fun the participants in Velchova conspiracy (April Jahn and the “patriotic gymnastic groups” of Levski 1835) have had “exercises in shooting and learning to and not only names but aims are similar – resistance walk in order” Newspaper “The Third Age” (Вестник and attack against the enslavers which requires healthy „Трета възраст“) (2010), which in their essence are and strong men. This gives grounds to some authors order exercises (Barshay (Баршай), 1985); Bonchev (Tsonkov (Цонков), 1968), according to Tsonkov (Бончев), 1871); Ignatov (Игнатов), 1966) in basic (Цонков) (1993) to define Levski as “ancestor of the gymnastics (Radoew (Радоев), 2010, 1991). physical education in Bulgaria” The first teacher who defines special classes in gymnastics is Ivan Momchilov from Elena school Teachers in gymnastics before the liberation (1843). The first teaching gymnastics in three classes For the right moral and physical upbringing appeals is Naiden Gerov (1846) in Koprivshtitsa and the study Drumev (Друмев) (1870) and as physical education Bo- progamme included: Law of God, Bulgarian language, nchev (Бончев) (1871), according to Brdarev (Бърда- mathematics, general history, geography, natural history, рева) (1992) is recommended gymnastics. writing, physics and gymnastics (Tsonkov (Цонков), Peter Berkovski in Haskovo (1782) actively educates 1993). the students with gymnastic exercises on equipment that In this country the gymnastics is co-introduced he constructed himself. by the revolutionaries of Layosh Koshut (1847-1848) Under the form of gymnastic exercises is given and Nikola Stefanov by teaching military exercises at military physical education to the young people and Gabrovo class school (1860-1864). preparation for the coming patriotic liberation processes For the first time in Bulgarian language the word (Stoyanov (Стоянов), 2007). “Gymnastics” is written by P. Slaveikov in newspaper In this country the teaching of gymnastics in acco- “Gaida” in 1866 – “Gymnastics and physical education rdance with the methodology of education penetrates by are important instrument for the preparation of the young foreigners – the first appointed teacher in gymnastics in people for the liberation of the Homeland” (Slaveykov Bulgaria is the Hungarian Kiril Colman Rongier (1869- (Славейков), 1886), according to Milev & Kotev 1871) in Soumen in “painting, geometry and gymn- (Милев & Котев, (1974). astics” who teaches about 20 years in different cities 180 S. Radoev (Tsonkov (Цонков), 1993). The International Federation in Gymnastics = Fede- In this country during the time of Revival under ration International Gimnastique (FIG) is created 1881 “gymnastics” has been understood (as it was in ancient – 11 years before the second – in rowing. times) the performance of any kind physical exercises, In 1883 T. Yonchev publishes in Varna “Gymnastics. with instruments and additional devices (Bozhilov – Guidebook for teachers” and in 1884 G. Vazov publishes 1979, according to Barshay (Баршай) (1985), because “For the military gymnastics at school and in society” “gymnastics is not self-aim, but simply way for (Milev & Kotev (Милев & Котев), 1974). upbringing”, in opinion of Milev (Милев) & Kotev In the struggle for the Unification