Law and Peasant Communities in Peru (1969-1988)

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Law and Peasant Communities in Peru (1969-1988) S201 In 951 1995-09-11 Law and Peasant Communities in Peru (1969-1988) Pedro Germán Nunez Palomino STELLINGEN 1. The legalisation process shows the complex relationship between State law and Andean law within a local space. 2. The first studies of Andean reality showed that a ingenuous and benelovent phantasy has no solid support (Castro Pozo 1973). 3. Obtaining legal recognition influences the strengthening of communal organisation and authority among the comuneros themselves and towards outsiders (this thesis). 4. The Dutch winter is favourable for working at home during the evenings. But one misses the summer! 5. The idea of a homogeneous reality very strongly prejudices intellectual discourse about communities (this thesis). 6. For some scholars, a legal system can be found in State institutions as well as in non-State ones. Factories, corporations, universities, popular organisations, peasant communities, are all involved in creating law (Griffiths 1986; Santos 1977; K. von Benda-Beckmann 1991; Merry 1988). 7. The idea that law is an instrument to overpower Indian groups in Latin America is a generalization which not always has an empirical basis. 8. A legal system can be found in State institutions as well as in non-state ones. Nevertheless, State law has a great strength in influencing the semi-autonomous social fields of a given society (Moore 1973). 9. With respect to law peasants identify themselves, with their Andean rules, procedures, sanctions and decisions. When one of their institutions becomes old fashioned, they just change it. 10. The term "community" denotes different realities, and is used by various social protagonists with different meanings. 11. Legal pluralism is a process of adaptation between legal systems in a complex process in which their boundaries are continuously redrawn. 12. I think that the outcome of my research will become a tool for the analysis in the relationship between the State and the peasant community in Peni. German Nunez Lima, September 1995 LAW AND PEASANT COMMUNITIES IN PERU (1969-1988) 0000 0670 0427 Promotor: dr. F. von Benda-Beckmann, hoogleraar recht, meer in het bijzonder het agrarisch recht van de niet-westerse gebieden Pedro Germán Nuñez Palomino LAW AND PEASANT COMMUNITIES IN PERU (1969-1988) Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor in de landbouw- en milieuwetenschappen op gezag van de rector magnificus, dr. CM. Karssen in het openbaar te verdedigen op woensdag 20 september 1995 des namiddags te vier uur in de Aula van de Landbouwuniversiteit te Wageningen CIP-DATA KONINKLIJKE BIBLIOTHEEK, DEN HAAG Nunez Palomino, Pedro Germán Law and peasant communities in Peru (1969-1988) / Pedro Germán Nuñez Palomino. - [S.l.;s.n.]. - III., maps, tab. Thesis Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen. - With ref. - With summary in Dutch. ISBN 90-5485-451-0 Subject headings: peasant communities ; Peru / legal pluralism. To all the people who helped me TABLE OF CONTENTS page List of Tables X1 List of Maps xu Preface xiii 1 Law and Peasant Communities: A conceptual framework 1 1.1 Andean Communities 2 1.2 Law and Society 5 1.3 Andean Law 10 1.3.1 Elements of Andean Law 12 1.3.2 Andean Mechanisms for Resolving Conflicts 13 2 A Historical Perspective 17 2.1 Introduction 17 2.2 The pre-Hispanic period 18 2.2.1 The Inca Period 19 2.3 The Spanish Period 20 2.3.1 The Spanish Reductiones 21 2.3.2 The Chaotic Colonial Property System 22 2.4 The Republican Period 24 2.4.1 Indigenist Thinking 25 2.4.2 The 1933 Constitution 25 2.4.3 The 1936 Civil Code 27 2.4.4 Later Legislation 28 2.5 The Agrarian Reform Period 30 2.5.1 Law Decree 1503730 31 2.6 1969 Military Agrarian Reform 32 2.6.1 Law Decree 17716 32 2.6.2 The Peasant Position regarding the Agrarian Reform 35 2.6.3 1970 Community Statute 36 2.6.4 The Response of the Communities 38 2.7 Recent Laws on Peasant Communities 40 2.7.1 The 1979 Constitution 40 2.7.2 Liberal and Populist Policies 41 2.7.3 Peasant Communities Law 24656 42 2.7.4 Land Demarcation and Title Law 24657 44 2.8 Summary and Conclusions 45 viii Contents 3 The Regional Study Context: Cuzco 47 3.1 Introduction 47 3.1.1 Different Concepts of "Region" 49 3.2 Ecological Regions of Peru 50 3.3 Economic Regions in Peru 51 - Central Region 52 - Southern Andean Region 52 3.4 Regional Economic Aspects of Cuzco 53 3.4.1 Cuzco as a Commercial Space 53 3.4.2 The Productive Features of Cuzco's Agrarian Economy 55 Types of Products 55 Production and Population Growth Rates 56 Consumption Patterns 56 Price Levels of Peasant Products 58 3.5 The Microregional Context: Quispicanchis 59 3.5.1 Description 59 - Economic Areas 60 3.5.2 The Peasant Economy in Quispicanchis 61 The Unequal Access to Urco's Market 62 3.6 Conclusions 63 4 The Peasant Community of Paroccan 75 4.1 History 75 4.2 Infrastructure 77 4.3 Paroccan's Social Organization 78 4.3.1 The Communal Organization 78 4.3.2 The General Assembly 79 4.3.3 The Executive Council 80 4.3.4 Specialized Committees 81 4.4 The Organization of Land and Labour 82 4.4.1 The Landholding System 82 4.5 Production 84 4.6 Paroccan's Recognition and Titling Procedures 86 4.6.1 The Recognition Procedure 86 4.6.2 The Social Significance of State Recognition 91 4.6.3 The Titling Procedure 94 4.7 System for Resolving Conflicts 97 Contents ix 5 The Peasant Community of Ccachabamba 103 5.1 The Hacienda De La Torre 105 5.2 The Wiracocha CAP 106 5.3 The Dissolution of the Wiracocha CAP: The Peasant Community 108 of Ccachabamba 5.4 The Landholding System and Production 109 - The Landholding System 109 - Production 110 5.5 Ccachabamba's Social Organization 111 5.5.1 The "Communal" Organization 111 5.5.2 The Executive Council 113 5.5.3 The Specialized Committees 114 5.5.4 System for Resolving Conflicts 115 5.5.5 Ccachabamba's Recognition Procedure 115 5.5.6 The Lessons of Ccachabamba's Legalization Process 118 - Conclusions: From "Directive" to "Non-Directive" change 119 6 Paroccan and Ccachabamba: Changes and Continuities 121 6.1 Changes and Continuities in Law and Legal Life 121 6.1.1 The Changing Role of State Law 121 6.1.2 The Changing Significance of the Community and Titling Legislation 123 6.1.3 Changes in the Community's Land Tenure System 125 6.1.4 Changes in the Conflict Resolution System 127 - The Ccachabamba case 131 6.1.5 Changing Interaction between State and Andean Law 132 6.2 Changes and Continuities in Social Economic and Political Organization 134 6.2.1 Changes in the Socio-Political Organization 134 6.2.2 Changing Role of Women 135 6.2.3 Changes in Land Tenure and Migration 136 6.2.4 Changes in Production and Productivity 137 6.2.5 The Changing Material Conditions of Life 138 6.3 Conclusions 139 X Contents 7 Summary and General Conclusions 141 7.1 The Effects of Legalization on the State and the Community 141 7.2 The Land Tenure System in the Communities 143 7.3 Andean Law and Conflict Resolution 144 7.4 Common Problems, Common Solutions 146 7.5 Theoretical Conclusions 148 7.5.1 State Bureaucracy and Peasant Communities 148 7.5.2 The Concept of Community 149 7.5.3 Law and Legal Pluralism: Rethinking the Concepts 149 Bibliography 153 Appendix 163 Dutch Summary 165 Curriculum vitae 169 List of tables xi LIST OF TABLES No. 1: Peru: Regional Economies up to 1980 66 No. 2: Cuzco: Changes in Consumption Patterns Measured by the Expenditure Structure 1966-1979 67 No. 3: Population Data on the Department of Cuzco (on a national level) 67 No. 4: Population Data of Cuzco (on a provincial level) 68 No. 5: District of Quispicanchis 70 No. 6: Quispicanchis Settlement Populations (by ecological levels) 70 No. 7: Officially Recognized Peasant Communities in the Province of Quispicanchis 72 xii List of maps LIST OF MAPS No. 1: Department of Cuzco 48 No. 2: Location of the Peasant Communities of Paroccan and Ccachabamba 65 No. 3: The Peasant Community of Paroccan 76 No. 4: The Peasant Community of Ccachabamba 104 PREFACE In Peru, along the coast and throughout the Andes, there are more than five thousand peasant communities, of which only about 50% are formally recognized by the State. Currently, despite this partial recognition, they are the main form of social organisation in the country, and this may well have been the case throughout Peruvian history. Due to their social significance, peasant communities have been the subject of extensive debates between Peruvian law- and policy-makers and social scientists, who have engaged in a long-standing debate, especially since the official recognition of some in 1920. The discussion on the nature, origins, significance and future of the peasant communities has been monopolized by two different perspectives. On the one hand there are those who think rural communities are obsolete institutions, lone survivors of the Inca or Spanish colonial past, and therefore obstacles to the real development of the country. This position is best described as the "disintegrative" view. It calls for the dissolution of the communities and for setting up the peasantry along different lines of social organization.
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