Materialien und Diskussionsgrundlagen des Faches Wirtscha�sgeographie Band 28 Swati Mehta Dhawan Hans-Martin Zademach Financial Journeys of Refugees in Jordan: Empirical FINDings I 2020 Die MDW-Schriftenreihe dient als Forum für Forschungsergeb nisse, Studienmaterialien und ausgewählte studentische Beiträge aus der Arbeitsgruppe Wirtschaftsgeographie an der KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Kommentare und Anregungen sind herzlich willkommen. Abstract The work in-hand provides a consolidated overview on the empirical find- ings from the first out of the three rounds of in-depth interviews undertaken in Jordan in the context of the research project “Finance in Displacement (FIND): Exploring and strengthening financial lives of forcibly displaced persons”. The findings show that the large majority of participants in our sample, in spite of being in Jordan for up to five to eight years, are stuck in what we term as the “survivelihood phase”, where they find menial work that provides a meagre pay which has to be supplemented by handouts (from humanitarian organisations or private donors) and borrowings from their friends and families. Only a small handful experience gradual “ratcheting up” of livelihoods, albeit with challenges due to legal status and documentation. Being the first of a series of three -re ports, it also includes methodological details, e.g. on our sampling approach. A core aim of the report is to share these first insights early. Authors Swati Mehta Dhawan Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt | Professorship for Economic Geography
[email protected] Hans-Martin Zademach Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt | Professorship for Economic Geography
[email protected] Acknowledgement We would like to thank our 89 research participants in Jordan, who made the time to speak to us on an array of challenging topics, sharing stories about their journey to Jordan, financial challenges, and livelihood situation.