The Doubles in Jacques Hotteterre's Airs Et Brunettes (Ca
The Doubles in Jacques Hotteterre's Airs et brunettes (ca. I72I) David Lasocki Introduction about the same date - Michel Pignolet de The name of Jacques Hotteterre "le Romain" Monteclair, Brunettes ancienes et modernes (1674-1763) is well known to woodwind players appropriees ala flute traversiere avec une basse today.1 A flautist at the court of Louis XIV, he d'accompagnement ... Premier recueil contenant published the first method for the Baroque type douze suites qui peuvent aussy se jouer sur la flute a of transverse flute (and included instructions for bec, sur Ie violon, haubois, et autres instruments the recorder and oboe), wrote another method (Paris: Boivin, ca. 1720) and Mr. R**, Brunettes ou for the musette and a treatise on the art of petits airs adeux dessus, al'usage de ceux qui preluding, and composed some attractive veulent apprendre ajouer de la flute traversiere chamber music that blended elements of the (Paris: Boivin, Le Clerc, 1725) - and even in a French and Italian styles.2 It is less well known collection of thirty years later: Michel Blavet, that around 1721, after he had finished writing Premier recueil de pieces, petits airs, brunettes, this fairly progressive music, he published a menuets, etc.: avec des doubles et variations, collection of songs arranged for the flute under accomode pour les flutes traversreres, violons, the title Airs et brunettes a deux et trois dessus pour pardessus de viole, &c (Paris: composer, Boivin, Le les flutes traversieres tirez des meilleurs autheurs, Clerc, ca. 1750).5 anciens et modernes, ensembles les airs de Mrs. As the title suggests, the majority of pieces in Lambert, Lully, De Bousset, &c les plus convenables Hotteterre's collection (all notated in the French a la flute traversiere seule, ornez d'agremens par Mr.
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