e-Fonds AH v.2021.3.5




Venngeist Warning The following chronological list is a personal document compiled with the sole purpose of keeping track of what has been published under my authorship/editorship and initiative. Numerous “small” items have been included for the record only. For a list of the most meaningful articles, documents and books in astronomy and related fields, please refer to the scientific biography by Joe Hube1 covering up to 2014 and with the contributions sorted out in several categories. The present list represents more than 150,000 published pages of various sizes, but not all of them have been scanned. On one hand, copies of 160 (or so) items were not available anymore in the archive boxes. On the other hand, even if they were differing from one version to the other because of the continual update, it was senseless to scan all (sometimes monthly) editions of the big directories and dictionaries produced by the unit as CDS publications to satisfy the incoming orders. In the available editions, only the first (introductory) pages have been scanned while the ultimate versions (Publ. 1356 & 1357 in Year 2004) have been fully provided in pdf format. Non-personal contributions in books produced as editor have not been listed nor scanned. Compilations such as the present one cannot be absolutely exhaustive, even if pretty close to completion. Finally, it should be emphasized that electronic files are no subsitute for the full collection on paper, but they can support it usefully. Flags used: [book] = full copy of book in archive boxes [dissertation] = full copy of dissertation in archive boxes [full] = full issue of magazine/journal in archive boxes [full/phot] = full issue photocopied in archive boxes [holder] = holder outside archive boxes [lecture notes] = copy of lecture notes in archive boxes [paper] = original article copy in archive boxes [pdf] = pdf copy available in e-Fonds AH directory [phot] = photocopy in archive boxes [unavailable] = no copy at hand for scanning Note that: • 1972 = beginning of refereed astro publishing • 1977 = beginning of the Potins d’Uranie column (till 2014) • 2012 = launch of the non-commercial publishing venture Venngeist • 2015 =Venngeist beginning of the Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux column (ongoing) ah. March 2021 145 of Heck in Professional Astronomy, Venngeist 2016, ix + 638 pp. (ISBN 978-2-9542677-3-9) . iii


Singapore, 24 January 2000. iv Publications Andr´eHeck

Already pen in hand, Jalhay primary school, Belgium, 1952. Venngeist Andr´eHeck 1964-1968 Publications 1


1. Si tout le monde parlait esp´eranto ... Les hommes de langue et de culture diff´erentes pourraient plus facilement se donner la main, Techniques Nouvelles (aoˆut 1964) 19 [paper] [pdf] 2. 20`eme congr`es des jeunes esp´erantistes, Notre Trait d’Union (octobre 1964) 7-9 [paper] [pdf] 3. Un pas de plus vers le rapprochement entre les hommes, Techniques Nouvelles (d´ecembre 1964) 33 [paper] [pdf]


4. Esperanto en la lieˆga universitato, Informilo de BEJA (aprilo-majo 1965) 2 [paper] [pdf]


5. Requiescat in pace ... L’espace `atrois dimensions, Notre Trait d’Union (juin 1967) 1-2 [paper] [pdf] 6. La kometoj, tiuj teruraj astroj, Esperantista Amikeco (oktobro 1967) 11-12 [paper] [pdf] 7. Les ragots de l’astronome, Int´egral (d´ecembre 1967) 4-5 [paper] [pdf]


8. La bˆete noire des math´ematiciens, Notre Trait d’Union (avril 1968) 12 [paper] [pdf] 9. Une langue internationale?, Debating (mai 1968) 13-17 [paper] [pdf] 10. Uranie et les hommes, Notre Trait d’Union (octobre 1968) 5 [paper] [pdf] Venngeist 2 1969-1970 Publications Andr´eHeck

1969 11. Les g´eom´etries non-euclidiennes, Notre Trait d’Union (mars 1969) 7-9 [paper] [pdf] 12. Les ´eclipses de Soleil, Notre Trait d’Union (avril 1969) 3 [paper] [pdf] 13. Mouvement apsidal et structure interne des ´etoiles, th`ese de licence, Li`ege (mai 1969) 74 pp. [dissertation] [pdf] 14. Echange´ de vues `apropos du ‘Pourquoi et du Comment’, Notre Trait d’Union (juin 1969) 3 [paper] [pdf] 15. Apsida moviˆgo kaj stelstrukturo, Scienca Revuo 20 (1969) 115-124 [paper] [pdf]

1970 16. Kiel vivas stelo?, La Migranto 44 (1970) 18 [paper] [pdf] 17. La kometoj, tiuj teruraj astroj!, La Migranto 45 (1970) 16 [paper] [pdf] 18. A pied, `acheval ou en voiture, Esperanto en Marche (mai 1970) 4-5 [paper] [pdf] 19. Histoire v´ecue, Esperanto en Marche (juin 1970) 4-5 [paper] [pdf] 20. Duoblaj sistemoj kaj interna stelstrukturo (kun R. Sikorski), Scienca Revuo 21 (1970) 45-50 [paper] [pdf] 21. A Question of Communication (with M. H´enon), Assembly Times (27 August 1970) 2 [paper] [pdf] 22. La lakta vojo, La Migranto 46 (1970) 13 [paper] [pdf] 23. Kostoj de la jarlibro, skribas Andr´eHeck (Belgujo), esperanto (oktobro 1970) 158 [paper] [pdf] 24. L’esperanto dans la pratique (avec A. Pirlet, E. Nemes & L. Hauregard), Trait d’Union (octobre 1970) 13 [unavailable]


Temporary residence, Paris Observatory, France, first semester 1971. Andr´eHeck 1971 Publications 3


25. Eclipse´ totale de Lune du 10 f´evrier 1971 (avec J. Manfroid), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (janvier 1971) 3 pp. [unavailable] 26. Eclipse´ partielle de Soleil du 25 f´evrier 1971 (avec J. Manfroid), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (janvier 1971) 1 p. [unavailable] 27. Eclipse´ totale de Lune du 10 f´evrier 1971 (avec J. Manfroid), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (f´evrier 1971) 3 pp. [paper] [pdf] 28. Eclipse´ partielle de Soleil du 25 f´evrier 1971 (avec J. Manfroid), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (f´evrier 1971) 1 p. [full] [pdf] 29. Section Observations (avec J. Manfroid), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (f´evrier 1971) 1 p. [paper] [pdf] 30. Someraj Universitataj Kursoj, Bult. Internac. Sc. Asoc. Esperantista 30 (1971) 2-3 [full] [pdf] 31. Science et langages, Interm´ediaire (mai 1971) 19 [paper] [pdf] 32. Someraj Universitataj Kursoj 30.7-27.8.1972 (kun SUK-Estraro), Heroldo de Esperanto 1508 (1971) 3 [paper] [pdf] 33. A`utomata dissendado de la sciencaj informaˆoj, Scienca Revuo 22 (1971) 37-38 [paper] [pdf] 34. Eclipse´ totale de Lune du 6 aoˆut 1971 (avec J. Manfroid), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (juillet 1971) 4 pp. [paper] [pdf] 35. Opposition de Mars d’aoˆut 1971 (avec J. Manfroid), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (juillet 1971) 1 p. [paper] [pdf] 36. Autres curiosit´es durant le mois d’aoˆut (avec J. Manfroid), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (juillet 1971) 1 p. [full] [pdf] 37. Kio estas la Saturna ringo?, Svisa Espero (septembro 1971) 10 [paper] [pdf] 38. Someraj Universitataj Kursoj 30.7-27.8.1972 (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1971) 6 pp. [paper] [pdf] 39. Universitataj kursoj en esperanto (kun SUK-Estraro), Heroldo de Esperanto 1512 (1971) 2 [unavailable] 40. La konstelacioj, La Migranto 49 (1971) 11 [paper] [pdf] 41. Hodia`ua universo, Heroldo de Esperanto 1513 (1971) Sc. Suppl. 2 [paper] [pdf] 42. 1972: cours universitaires d’´et´e`aLi`ege dans la langue internationale, Notre Trait d’Union (15 octobre 1971) 9 [paper] [pdf] 43. PriVenngeist la ekvacioj de la interna stelstrukturo, Scienca Revuo 22 (1971) 189-192 [paper] [pdf] 44. Evoluo kaj masintersanˆgo en duoblaj steloj, Scienca Revuo 22 (1971) 193-204 [paper] [pdf] 45. Cours universitaires d’´et´eau Sart Tilman, Rev. Univ. Li`ege (1971) 113 [paper] [pdf] 4 1971 Publications Andr´eHeck

46. Someraj Universitataj Kursoj 30.07-27.08.1972 (kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1971) (afiˆso) [paper] [pdf/split in two parts]

1969-1977 professional base: VenngeistLi`ege Institute of Astrophysics, aka Cointe Observatory, Belgium. Andr´eHeck 1972 Publications 5


47. Kio pri la dilatiˆgo de la universo?, Svisa Espero (januaro 1972) 10 [paper] [pdf] 48. Lunettes et t´elescopes, Bull. Sect. Obs. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (janvier 1972) 4 pp. [paper] [pdf] 49. Kreado de Scienca Tradukservo de U.E.A., esperanto (aprilo 1972) 79 [paper] [pdf] 50. Section ‘Observations’ de la SAL – Bilan d’activit´es, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (f´evrier 1972) 2 [full] [pdf] 51. Les types spectraux stellaires, Bull. Sect. Obs. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (f´evrier 1972) 1 p. [paper] [pdf] 52. Kreado de Scienca Tradukservo de U.E.A., Bult. Internac. Sc. Asoc. Esperantista 33 (1972) 2-3 [full] [pdf] 53. Someraj Universitataj Kursoj 1972 (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1972) 28 pp. [paper] [pdf] 54. Le Grand Schmidt de l’Observatoire de Haute Provence, Orion 30 (1972) 138-141 [pa- per] [pdf] 55. D´etermination de la magnitude absolue moyenne des RR Lyrae, Astron. Astrophys. 21 (1972) 231-238 [paper] [pdf] 56. Notaro pri SUK-72, Li`ege (17 oktobro 1972) 1 + 10 + 4 pp. [paper] [pdf] 57. Anatomio de la homa korpo (T. Nakayama) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1972) 52 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf/cover only] 58. Enkonduko en la komputeran lingvistikon (H.D. Maas) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1972) 50 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf/cover only] 59. Bazaj nocioj de biologio (C. Støp-Bowitz) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1972) 115 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf/cover only] 60. Farmakologio por malbonuzoj de medikamentoj (S. Tadokoro) (Eldonisto, kun SUK- Estraro), Li`ege (1972) 16 pp. [unavailable] 61. Generalaˆ kaj homa histologio (W.M.A. De Smet) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1972) 68 pp. [unavailable] Venngeist 6 1973 Publications Andr´eHeck


62. SUK-asocio (kun SUK-Estraro), esperanto (aprilo 1973) 72 [paper] [pdf] 63. Observation de l’occultation des Pl´e¨ıades par la Lune, le 19 mars 1972, Ciel et Terre 89 (1973) 63 [phot] [pdf] 64. The First New Comet of 1973 (with F. Dossin), Sky & Tel. 45 (1973) 291 [paper] [pdf] 65. Magnitude absolue des ´etoiles du type RR Lyrae, Astron. Astrophys. 24 (1973) 313-316 [paper] [pdf] 66. Universitataj Kursoj 1974 (kun SUK-Estraro), Germana Esperanto-Revuo 26 (1973) 17 [unavailable] 67. Cours universitaires d’´et´een esperanto au Sart Tilman (Li`ege), Comm. Universitas Bel- gica 54 (1973) 19 [paper] [pdf] 68. Erstaufnahme des Kometen Heck-Sause (1973a), Orion 31 (1973) 53 [phot] [pdf] 69. Comet Heck-Sause, IAU Circ. 2479 (1973) [phot] [pdf] 70. Comet Heck-Sause (1973a), IAU Circ. 2485 (1973) [phot] [pdf] 71. Le Grand Schmidt de l’Observatoire de Haute Provence, l’Astronomie 87 (1973) 241-250 [paper] [pdf] 72. Excursion au grand radiot´elescope de M¨unstereifel (avec F. Dossin), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (avril 1973) 2 [full] [pdf] 73. Comet Heck-Sause (1973a), IAU Circ. 2545 (1973) [phot] [pdf] 74. Object Dossin-Heck (with F. Dossin), IAU Circ. 2558 (1973) [phot] [pdf] 75. Determino de la pozicio de steloj uzeblaj por la stela gvidilo de raketoj la`ulanˆckondiˆcoj, Scienca Revuo 24 (1973) 139-146 [paper] [pdf] 76. Tr`es important: Assembl´ee g´en´erale extraordinaire du 30 novembre 1973, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (novembre-d´ecembre 1973) 1 [full] [pdf] 77. Magnitude absolue moyenne des RR Lyrae, in Problems of Calibration of Absolute Mag- nitudes and Temperature of , Eds. B. Hauck & B. Westerlund, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1973) 21-22 [paper] [pdf] 78. L’´eclipse totale de Soleil du 30 juin 1973, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (d´ecembre 1973) 1-2 [full] [pdf] 79. Trac´ed’un cadran solaire sur un mur vertical, Ciel et Terre 89 (1973) 483-493 [paper] [pdf] 80. La com`ete Heck-Sause (1973a), Proc. 1`ere R´eunion Groupe Contact Astron. Astrophys. FNRSVenngeist, Bruxelles (1973) 17 [paper] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1973 Publications 7


Discovery of Comet 1973a, OHP, France, 11 January 1973. 8 1973 Publications Andr´eHeck

Li`ege Institute of Astrophysics, Belgium, 04 March 1973.


With Fran¸cois Dossin (right) during EAGB 1973, Loyengalani, Kenya, 29 June 1973. Andr´eHeck 1974 Publications 9


81. Comet Heck-Sause (1972VIII), IAU Circ. 2642 (1974) [phot] [pdf] 82. Visite des ´etablissements Carl Zeiss `aOberkochen (BRD) le 10 janvier 1974 (avec J. Manfroid), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (janvier 1974) 4 pp. [paper] [pdf] 83. Programme de d´etermination des conditions d’observation d’un astre, Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (f´evrier 1974) 2 pp. [paper] [pdf] 84. Prochain retour de la com`ete p´eriodique Encke 1786I, Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (f´evrier 1974) 9 pp. [paper] [pdf] 85. Prochain retour de la com`ete p´eriodique Encke 1786I, Orion 32 (1974) 78-79 [full] [pdf] 86. Comet Encke Makes Another Appearance, Sky & Tel. 47 (1974) 279 [phot] [pdf] 87. Com`ete Bradfield (1974b), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (mars 1974) 4 pp. [paper] [pdf] 88. Com`ete Bradfield (1974b), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (mars 1974) 4 pp. [paper] [pdf] 89. Prochain retour de la com`ete p´eriodique Encke 1786I, Ciel et Terre 90 (1974) 143-147 [paper] [pdf] 90. Comet Bradfield, Sky & Tel. 47 (1974) 414 [phot] [pdf] 91. R´esultats de l’enquˆete S.A.L. de f´evrier 1974, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (mai 1974) 2-3 [full] [pdf] 92. Un mod`ele simple d’atmosph`ere stellaire (avec J. Manfroid), Orion 32 (1974) 95-98 [full] [pdf] 93. Les grands t´elescopes du Max-Planck-Institut f¨ur Astronomie (avec J. Manfroid), Ciel et Terre 90 (1974) 284-288 [paper] [pdf] 94. Observations photographiques de la com`ete Kohoutek (1973f) au grand t´elescope de Schmidt franco-li´egeois (avec F. Dossin, M. Klutz, J. Manfroid, G. Sause, J.P. Swings & J.M. Vreux), Ciel et Terre 90 (1974) 384-387 [paper] [pdf] 95. La contribution des astronomes amateurs aux observations com´etaires, l’Astronomie 88 (1974) 318-322 [paper] [pdf] 96. A Comparative Study of Maximization Methods, Acad. Roy. Belg. Bull. Cl. Sc. 5`eme S´erie 60 (1974) 927-943 [paper] [pdf] 97. Magnitude absolue moyenne des ´etoiles du type RR Lyrae par une m´ethode bas´ee sur le principe du maximum de vraisemblance, Proc. 3`eme R´eunion Groupe Contact Astron. Astrophys. FNRS, Leuven (1974) 27 [paper] [pdf] 98. Someraj Universitataj Kursoj – Komuniko 6 (kun SUK-Estraro), Bult. Internac. Sc. Asoc. EsperantistaVenngeist40 (29 novembro 1974) 3-4 [full] [pdf] 99. Planktono kaj mara produktado (E. Balech) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1974) 88 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf/cover only] 100. Elementa ekologio (C. Støp-Bowitz) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1974) 95 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf/cover only] 10 1974 Publications Andr´eHeck

101. Enkonduko en ˆgeneralan biologion (C. Støp-Bowitz) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1974) 93 pp. [unavailable] 102. Segmentumitaj animalaj grupoj (C. Støp-Bowitz) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1974) 86 pp. [unavailable] 103. Fundamentaj konceptoj en kemio (S. Kawamura) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1974) 79 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf/cover only] 104. Informado kaj dokumentado pri kemio (S. Kawamura) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1974) 45 pp. [unavailable] 105. Enkonduko en organikan kaj biologian kemion (S. Kawamura) (Eldonisto, kun SUK- Estraro), Li`ege (1974) 47 pp. [unavailable] 106. Kemio kaj biokemio de karbonhidratoj (S. Kawamura) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1974) 47 pp. [unavailable] 107. Kemio de manˆaˆoj, ˆcefe novaj proteinoj (S. Kawamura) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1974) 95 pp. [unavailable] 108. Lingvoj, gentoj kaj lingva politiko (M. Duc Goninaz) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1974) 38 pp. [unavailable] 109. Porfirinoj, biokemio de vivnecesaj pigmentoj (M. Flint) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1974) 84 pp. [unavailable]

Venngeist On top of the ESO 3.6m dome, La Silla, Chile, 05 December 1975. Andr´eHeck 1975 Publications 11


110. L’´eclipse de Lune du 29 novembre 1974, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (janvier 1975) 2 [full] [pdf] 111. La contribution des astronomes amateurs aux observations com´etaires, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (janvier 1975) 3-5 [full] [pdf] 112. A` propos des com`etes observables tout au long de leur orbite, l’Astronomie 89 (1975) 148 [paper] [pdf] 113. Denove pri konstelacioj, Homo kaj Kosmo 13 (1975) 13-16 [paper] [pdf] 114. Application du principe du maximum de vraisemblance `a la calibration de crit`eres de luminosit´estellaire, dissertation doctorale, Li`ege (mai 1975) 146 pp. [dissertation] [pdf] 114b. R´esum´ede la dissertation pr´esent´ee par A. Heck pour l’obtention du titre de Docteur en Sciences et intitul´ee: “Application du principe du maximum de vraisemblance `ala calibration de crit`eres de luminosit´estellaire” (mai 1975) 3 pp. [paper] [pdf] 114c. D´efense orale de la dissertation pr´esent´ee par A. Heck pour l’obtention du titre de Docteur en Sciences et intitul´ee: “Application du principe du maximum de vraisemblance `ala calibration de crit`eres de luminosit´estellaire” (mai 1975) 15 pp. [paper] [pdf] 114d. Data Cards for the Calibration Programme Based on the Principle of Maximum Likelihood (Heck, A. 1975, Thesis, Univ. Li`ege, May 1975), 5 pp. [paper] [pdf] 114e. Sujet de la th`ese annexe pr´esent´ee par Andr´eHeck pour l’obtention du titre de Docteur en Sciences: “L’analyse statistique multivari´ee permet d’obtenir des indications sur la signification d’indices photom´etriques” (mai 1975) 1 p. [paper] [pdf] 115. On the Method of Statistical Parallaxes (with J. Jung), Astron. Astrophys. 40 (1975) 323-326 [paper] [pdf] 116. Relations between Luminosity, Period and in RR Lyrae Stars, Astron. Astro- phys. 42 (1975) 131-133 [paper] [pdf] 117. Absolute Luminosity Calibration of Stroemgren’s Intermediate Group, Astron. Astrophys. 43 (1975) 111-126 [paper] [pdf] 118. A Study of Mira Variables – Implications for OH Stars and Galactic Evolution (with R. Foy & M.O. Mennessier), Astron. Astrophys. 43 (1975) 175-188 [paper] [pdf] 119. uvby Photometry of Some Southern Field Stars (with J. Manfroid), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 22 (1975) 323-325 [paper] [pdf] 120. Nomlisto de konstelacioj, Scienca Revuo 26 (1975) 3-6 [paper] [pdf] 121. Calibration en luminosit´edu groupe interm´ediaire de Stroemgren, Receuil S´eminaires 1974-1975Venngeist Obs. Besan¸con (1975) 61-63 [paper] [pdf] 12 1976 Publications Andr´eHeck


122. A Few Applications Carried Out with the Files of the Stellar Data Center, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 10 (1976) 14-16 [phot] [pdf] 123. En guise d’´editorial ..., Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (f´evrier 1976) 1 [paper] [pdf] 124. Ce que peut vous offrir la Soci´et´eAstronomique de Li`ege, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (mars 1976) 2-3 [paper] [pdf] 125. Compte-rendu de l’Assembl´ee G´en´erale du 26 mars 1976, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (avril 1976) 8 [paper] [pdf] 126. Astronomio kaj esperanto (kun H.M. Maitzen), Heroldo de Esperanto 1595 (1976) 2 [full] [pdf] 127. Observations stellaires et com´etaires (avec C. Arpigny, F. Dossin, M. Klutz, J.P. Swings, P. Swings & J.M. Vreux), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (avril 1976) 10 pp. [paper] [pdf] 128. An Application of Multivariate Analysis to a Photometric Catalogue, Astron. Astrophys. 47 (1976) 129-135 [paper] [pdf] 129. Variations photom´etriques de quelques ´etoiles Ap (avec P. Renson & J. Manfroid), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 23 (1976) 413-417 [paper] [pdf] 130. Les com`etes et leur observation par les amateurs, Proc. 2`eme S´eminaire Astron. Pratique Strasbourg (mars 1974), Ed. Groupe Alsace SAF, Strasbourg (1976) 61-69 [full] [pdf] 131. Une heureuse combinaison de filtre et d’´emulsion astronomiques, Orion 34 (1976) 32-34 [phot] [pdf] 132. Quelques m´ethodes de d´etermination de la magnitude absolue, Ed. Centre Donn´ees Stellaires, Strasbourg (mai 1976) 52 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf/cover only – refer to its English translation as Publ. 192] 133. Un pas est franchi ..., Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (juillet 1976) 3-4 [full] [pdf] 134. L’inauguration du 12 juin 1976, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (juillet 1976) 5 [full] [pdf] 135. Fiche technique de l’observatoire d’Horion-Hoz´emont, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (juillet 1976) 6 [full] [pdf] 136. Revue de presse, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (juillet 1976) 8-10 [full] [pdf] 137. Les com`etes et leur observation par les amateurs, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (aoˆut 1976) 5-8 [paper] [pdf] 138. Photom´etrie uvby de quelques ´etoiles Ap (avec J. Manfroid & P. Renson), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 25 (1976) 143-149 [paper] [pdf] 139. VariationsVenngeist in the U, B, V and u, v, b, y Magnitudes of the Peculiar Be HD45677 (with A. Feinstein, R. Garnier, N. Vogt, J. Manfroid & J.P. Swings), Astron. Astrophys. 51 (1976) 269-273 [paper] [pdf] 140. Galaxies and the Universe – critique bibliographique, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (sep- tembre-octobre 1976) 7-8 [paper] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1976 Publications 13

141. Diapositives astronomiques, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (septembre-octobre 1976) 10-11 [paper] [pdf] 142. L’observatoire d’Horion-Hoz´emont (avec A. Lausberg), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (sep- tembre-octobre 1976) 15-16 [paper] [pdf] 143. Surface Distributions of Some Basic Astronomical Data (with D. Egret & F. Ochsen- bein), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 26 (1976) 65-87 [paper] [pdf] 144. On the Luminosity Criteria Relative to Late-type Stars (with S. Grenier & J. Jung), Astron. Astrophys. 52 (1976) 385-395 [paper] [pdf] 145. Important: offre exceptionnelle limit´ee, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (novembre 1976) 4 [paper] [pdf] 146. Some Comments on the Age-Abundance Relation (with S. Grenier & L. da Silva), in Abundance Effects in Classification, Eds. B. Hauck & P.C. Keenan, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1976) 215-218 [paper] [pdf]

As President, inaugurating the SAL Observatory, VenngeistHorion-Hoz´emont, Belgium, 12 June 1976. 14 1976 Publications Andr´eHeck

At the Tanzanian-Kenyan border during EAGB 1976, Namanga, 28 October 1976.


Preparing the astronomical photographic atlas, Li`ege Institute of Astrophysics, Belgium, early 1977. Andr´eHeck 1977 Publications 15

1977 147. uvbyβ Photometry of Equatorial and Southern Bright Stars, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 27 (1977) 47-53 [paper] [pdf] 148. Editorial,´ Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (janvier 1977) 2 [paper] [pdf] 149. Kinematical Data of Two Samples of Late-type Stars (with S. Grenier & J. Jung), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 27 (1977) 267-276 [paper] [pdf] 150. Photometric Observations of HD50169 (with H.M. Maitzen & P. Renson), Astron. As- trophys. 54 (1977) 635-637 [paper] [pdf] 151. Editorial,´ Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (mars 1977) 2 [full] [pdf] 152. Une conf´erence exceptionnelle, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (mars 1977) 3 [full] [pdf] 153. Important: du nouveau dans le prˆet des livres et des instruments, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (mars 1977) 5 [full] [pdf] 154. Important: appel `atous les membres de notre soci´et´e, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (avril 1977) 5 [full] [pdf] 155. Absolute Luminosity Calibration of Stroemgren’s Late Group, Astron. Astrophys. 56 (1977) 235-243 [paper] [pdf] 156. Achat group´e– Initiation `al’astronomie – Agn`es Acker, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (mai 1977) 10-11 [full] [pdf] 157. Compte-rendu de l’A.G. de la S.A.L. du 29 avril 1977, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (juin 1977) 9-11 [full] [pdf] 158. Les Potins d’Uranie – Ho et Hi(c) (Al Nath), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (juin 1977) 13 [full] [pdf] 159. A Bibliographical Catalogue of field RR Lyrae Stars (with J.M. Lakaye), July 1977, 28 pp. [paper] [pdf] 160. Les moyens d’investigation de l’astronomie moderne, Progr. Conf. Plan´etarium 77-78 (1977) 3-4 [paper] [pdf] 161. Les Potins d’Uranie – Ah! ces com`etes ..., (Al Nath), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (septembre 1977) 28 [full] [pdf] 162. Classification spectrale par des m´ethodes de cluster analysis, Proc. 8`eme R´eunion Groupe Contact Astron. Astrophys. FNRS, Louvain-la-Neuve (1977) 7 [paper] [pdf] 163. Le plan´etarium (avec G. Mathys), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (octobre 1977) 5-6 [full] [pdf] 164. Introduction du r´esum´ede la conf´erence de M. R.R.J. Rohr, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (octobre 1977) 20 [full] [pdf] 165. Compilation, Critical Evaluation and Distribution of Stellar Data – critique bibliogra- phique,VenngeistCiel et Terre 93 (1977) 239-240 [phot] [pdf] 166. Absolute Magnitudes by Statistical Parallaxes, Progr. IAU Symp. 80 (2-5 November 1977) 27 [unavailable] 167. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’astrologue de Louis XI (Al Nath), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (novembre 1977) 19 [full] [pdf] 16 1977 Publications Andr´eHeck

168. Detection of Errors in Spectral Classification by Cluster Analysis (with A. Albert, D. Defays & G. Mersch), Astron. Astrophys. 61 (1977) 563-566 [paper] [pdf] 169. A Bibliographical Catalogue of Field RR Lyrae Stars (with J.M. Lakaye), Astron. Astro- phys. Suppl. 30 (1977) 397-398 (CDS-NASA ref. C6008) [paper] [pdf] 170. Astronomical Photographic Atlas – Atlas photographique astronomique – Astronomis- cher Photo-Atlas – Atlas fotogr´afico astron´omico – Astronomia foto-atlaso (with/avec/- mit/con/kun J. Manfroid), Desoer, Li`ege (1977) 224 pp. [paper] [pdf] 170b. (same) [paper] [French dust cover] 170c. (same) [paper] [German dust cover]

Starting on an ESA position at ESTEC, VenngeistNoordwijk, Netherlands, 01 September 1977. Andr´eHeck 1978 Publications 17


171. Les Potins d’Uranie – Euler versus Diderot (Al Nath), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (janvier 1978) 22 [full] [pdf] 172. HD 72968 (3 Hya) – Another Low-Amplitude Photometric Double-wave Ap Star (with H.M. Maitzen & R. Albrecht), Astron. Astrophys. 62 (1978) 199-204 [paper] [pdf] 173. Variations photom´etriques et p´eriode de la variable spectrale HR 3413 (avec P. Renson & J. Manfroid), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 31 (1978) 199-203 [paper] [pdf] 174. Les Potins d’Uranie – Binam´eTchantch`es (Al Nath), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege 40 (1978) 46 [full] [pdf] 175. Les Potins d’Uranie – Pastiche astronomique (Al Nath), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege 40 (1978) 66 [full] [pdf] 176. The Needs for Space Astronomy in Ground-based Data, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 14 (1978) 74-76 [paper] [pdf] 177. A Few Utilizations of the uvbyβ Catalogue, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 14 (1978) 77-78 [paper] [pdf] 178. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – R´epertoire international d’associations astronomiques d’amateurs – IDAAS 1978 (with/avec J. Manfroid), Eds. A. Heck & J. Manfroid (1978) ii + 110 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & intro & ToC only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 179. Les Potins d’Uranie – Rira bien qui ... (Al Nath), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege 40 (1978) 118 [full] [pdf] 180. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – R´epertoire international d’associations astronomiques d’amateurs – IDAAS 1978/1 (with/avec J. Manfroid), Eds. A. Heck & J. Manfroid (1978) listing [unavailable] 181. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – R´epertoire international d’associations astronomiques d’amateurs – IDAAS 1978/2 (with/avec J. Manfroid), Eds. A. Heck & J. Manfroid (1978) listing [unavailable] 182. Absolute Luminosity Calibration of F Stars, Astron. Astrophys. 66 (1978) 335-342 [pa- per] [pdf] 183. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – R´epertoire international d’associations astronomiques d’amateurs – IDAAS 1978/3 (with/avec J. Manfroid), Eds. A. Heck & J. Manfroid (1978) listing [unavailable] 184. A Note on the Relation between Metallicity and Luminosity in Field RRab Lyrae Stars (with J.M. Lakaye), Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 184 (1978) 17-24 [paper] [pdf] 185. InternationalVenngeist Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – R´epertoire international d’associations astronomiques d’amateurs – IDAAS 1978/4 (with/avec J. Manfroid), Eds. A. Heck & J. Manfroid (1978) listing [unavailable] 186. Les Potins d’Uranie – Qui s’y frotte, s’y brˆule (Al Nath), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege 40 (1978) 169 [full] [pdf] 18 1978 Publications Andr´eHeck

187. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – R´epertoire international d’associations astronomiques d’amateurs – IDAAS 1978/5 (with/avec J. Manfroid), Eds. A. Heck & J. Manfroid (1978) listing [unavailable] 188. Absolute Magnitudes by Statistical Parallaxes, in The HR-Diagram, Eds. A.G.D. Philip & D.S. Hayes, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1978) 49-52 [paper] [pdf] 189. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – R´epertoire international d’associations astronomiques d’amateurs – IDAAS 1978/6 (with/avec J. Manfroid), Eds. A. Heck & J. Manfroid (1978) listing [unavailable] 190. Les Potins d’Uranie – Lick (Al Nath), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege 40 (1978) 198 [full] [pdf] 191. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – R´epertoire international d’associations astronomiques d’amateurs – IDAAS 1978/7 (with/avec J. Manfroid), Eds. A. Heck & J. Manfroid (1978) listing [unavailable] 192. Some Methods of Determining the Stellar , Vistas in Astron. 22 (1978) 221-264 [paper] [pdf] 193. In-flight Performance of the IUE (with A. Boggess, R.C. Bohlin, D.C. Evans, H.R. Freeman, T.R. Gull, S.R. Heap, D.A. Klinglesmith, G.R. Longanecker, W. Sparks, D.K. West, A.V. Holm, P.M. Perry, F.H. Schiffer III, B.E. Turnrose, C.C. Wu, A.L. Lane, J.L. Linsky, B.D. Savage, P. Benvenuti, A. Cassatella, J. Clavel, F. Macchetto, M.V. Penston, P.L. Selvelli, E. Dunford, P. Gondhalekar, M.B. Oliver, M.C.W. Sandford, D.J. Stickland, A. Boksenberg, C.I. Coleman, M.A.J. Snijders & R. Wilson), Nature 275 (1978) 377-385 [full] [pdf] 194. IUE Observations of Cool Stars: α Aurigae, HR1099, λ Andromedae, and  Eridani (with J.L. Linsky, T.R. Ayres, G.S. Basri, N.D. Morrison, A. Boggess, F.H. Schiffer III, A.V. Holm, A. Cassatella, F. Macchetto, D.J. Stickland, R. Wilson, C. Blanco, A.K. Dupree, C. Jordan & R.F. Wing), Nature 275 (1978) 389-394 [full] [pdf] 195. The UV Spectrum of HR8752 (with D.J. Stickland, F. Beeckmans, P. Benvenuti, J. Clavel, F. Macchetto, M.V. Penston & P.L. Selvelli), Comm. 27 IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars 1492 (1978) 1-2 [paper] [pdf] 196. Les Potins d’Uranie – Filtre lux (Al Nath), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege 40 (1978) 16 [full] [pdf] 197. Les moyens d’investigation de l’astronomie moderne, in D´eveloppements R´ecents en Astronomie, Ed. Plan´etarium, Bruxelles (1978) 64-71 [full] [pdf] 198. The International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) (with F. Beeckmans, P. Benvenuti, A. Cas- satella, J. Clavel, F. Macchetto, M.V. Penston, P.L. Selvelli & D.J. Stickland), ESO MessengerVenngeist15 (1978) 27-31 [full] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1978 Publications 19

VenngeistLaunch of the IUE satellite, Cape Canaveral, USA-FL, 26 January 1978. 20 1979 Publications Andr´eHeck

1979 199. IUE ESA Newsletter (Editor) 1 (January 1979) 38 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover only] 200. A Collaboration between the Stellar Data Center and the European Space Agency ‘In- ternational Ultraviolet Explorer’ Observatory (with F. Beeckmans, P. Benvenuti, A. Cas- satella, J. Clavel, F. Macchetto, M.V. Penston, P.L. Selvelli & D.J. Stickland), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 16 (1979) 90-91 [paper] [pdf] 201. On the Ultraviolet Spectrum of RR Tel (with P. Benvenuti, A. Cassatella, J. Clavel, C. Jordan, F. Macchetto, M.V. Penston & P.L. Selvelli), Abstracts First Year of IUE (1979) 10 [phot] [pdf] 202. Les Potins d’Uranie – Ee-Ee-Toy (Al Nath), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege 41 (1979) 112 [full] [pdf] 203. IUE ESA Newsletter (Editor) 2 (April 1979) 90 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC only] 204. Table of Contents, IUE ESA Newsl. 2 (1979) 90 [paper] [pdf] 205. On the Ultraviolet Spectrum of Nova Cygni 1978 (with A. Cassatella, P. Benvenuti, J. Clavel, M.V. Penston, P.L. Selvelli & F. Macchetto), Astron. Astrophys. 74 (1979) L18-L19 [paper] [pdf] 206. Spectral Classification, Photometry and Statistical Analysis, in Spectral Classification of the Future, Eds. M.F. McCarthy, A.G.D. Philip & G.V. Coyne, Ric. Astron. 9 (1979) 203-206 [paper] [pdf] 207. The International Ultraviolet Explorer, in Spectral Classification of the Future, Eds. M.F. McCarthy, A.G.D. Philip & G.V. Coyne, Ric. Astron. 9 (1979) 543 [phot] [pdf] 208. IUE ESA Newsletter (Editor) 3 (July 1979) 50 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC only] 209. Table of Contents, IUE ESA Newsl. 3 (1979) 50 [paper] [pdf] 210. Support Activity at the IUE European Ground Station – The First Six Months (with P. Benvenuti, F. Beeckmans, A. Cassatella, J. Clavel, F. Macchetto, M.V. Penston, P.L. Selvelli & D.J. Stickland), Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital. 50 (1979) 193-194 [phot] [pdf] 211. On the Ultraviolet Spectrum of P cygni (with A. Cassatella, F. Beeckmans, P. Ben- venuti, J. Clavel, H.J.G.L.M. Lamers, F. Macchetto, M.V. Penston, P.L. Selvelli & D.J. Stickland), Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital. 50 (1979) 213-214 [phot] [pdf] 212. IUE Observations of the Nebular Spectrum of RR Tel (with P.L. Selvelli, F. Beeckmans, P. Benvenuti, A. Cassatella, J. Clavel, F. Macchetto, M.V. Penston & D.J. Stickland), Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital. 50 (1979) 215-216 [phot] [pdf] 213. IUE ESA Newsletter (Editor) 4 (October 1979) 30 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC only] 214. Table of Contents, IUE ESA Newsl. 4 (1979) 30 [paper] [pdf] 215. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – R´epertoire international d’associationsVenngeist astronomiques d’amateurs – IDAAS 1979 (with/avec J. Manfroid), Eds. A. Heck & J. Manfroid (1979) ii + 288 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 216. Les Potins d’Uranie – Al Nath (Al Nath), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege 41 (1979) 222 [full] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1979 Publications 21

217. On the High-resolution Ultraviolet Spectrum of P Cygni (with A. Cassatella, F. Beeck- mans, P. Benvenuti, J. Clavel, H.J.G.L.M. Lamers, F. Macchetto, M.V. Penston, P.L. Selvelli & D.J. Stickland), Astron. Astrophys. 79 (1979) 223-229 [paper] [pdf] 218. On the UV Spectrum of RR Tel (with A. Cassatella, P. Benvenuti, J. Clavel, C. Jordan, F. Macchetto, M.V. Penston & P.L. Selvelli), in The First Year of IUE, Ed. A.J. Willis (1979) 78 [phot] [pdf] 219. Absolute Luminosity Calibration by the Maximum-likelihood Method (with T. Mikami), Progr. Autumnal Meeting Japan Astron. Soc. (1979) 112 (in Japanese) [paper] [pdf]

Moving down with Jean Manfroid (left) after an observing run on Mount Chiran, France, 21 December 1979.


At the commanding consoles for the IUE satellite, Vilspa, Spain, 22 October 1980. 22 1980 Publications Andr´eHeck

1980 220. Another Vote for Esperanto, Physics Today 33 (1980) 102 [paper] [pdf] 221. The Absolute Magnitude of the Hg-Mn Stars (with M. Jaschek, C. Jaschek, S. Grenier & A.E. G´omez), Astron. Astrophys. 81 (1980) 142-144 [paper] [pdf] 222. Possible Meteorite Crater, Meteoros 10 (1980) 15 [paper] [pdf] 223. CDS Supports our Star Observers, IUE ESA Newsl. 5 (1980) 27 [phot] [pdf] 224. About the Consistency of Absolute Luminosity Calibrations, Astron. Astrophys. 82 (1980) 370-372 [paper] [pdf] 225. Variabilit´ede la perte de masse de la superg´eante extrˆeme HR6262 `apartir des mesures IUE (avec G. Burki, P. Benvenuti, A. Cassatella, J. Clavel, M.V. Penston & P.L. Selvelli), in R´eunion sur les Etoiles Superg´eantes, Eds. M. & C. Jaschek, Obs. Strasbourg (1980) 117-121 [phot] [pdf] 226. Simultaneous Spectroscopic and Photometric Observations of ζ1 Scorpii (HD152236) (with G. Burki, L. Bianchi, A. Cassatella & J. Clavel), Progr. Second European IUE Conf. (1980) AP6 [phot] [pdf] 227. Post-maximum Changes of the EUV spectrum of the LPV χ Cygni (with A. Cassatella, D.J. Stickland, F. Querci & M. Querci), Progr. Second European IUE Conf. (1980) AP24 [phot] [pdf] 228. IUE Observations of the Crab Pulsar NP0532 (with P. Benvenuti, L. Bianchi, A. Cas- satella, J. Clavel, J. Darius, F. Macchetto, M.V. Penston, P.L. Selvelli & J. Zamorano), Progr. Second European IUE Conf. (1980) AP36 [phot] [pdf] 229. Prediction of Spectral Classification from Photometric Observations – Application to the uvbyβ Photometry and the MK Spectral Classification. I. Prediction Assuming a Luminosity Class (with G. Mersch), Astron. Astrophys. 83 (1980) 287-296 [paper] [pdf] 230. To XSPREP or Not to XSPREP, IUE ESA Newsl. 6 (1980) 37-38 [phot] [pdf] 231. L’International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE), Recueil S´eminaires Obs. Besan¸con 1978-1979 (1980) 4-5 [phot] [pdf] 232. IUE and Other New Observations of the Slow Nova RR Tel (with M.V. Penston, P. Benvenuti, A. Cassatella, J. Clavel, P.L. Selvelli, D.J. Ponz, F. Macchetto, C. Jordan, N. Cramer, F. Rufener & J. Manfroid), Progr. The Universe at Ultraviolet Wavelengths: The First Two Years of IUE (1980) 48 [unavailable] 233. IUE Observations of the Crab Pulsar (with P. Benvenuti, L. Bianchi, A. Cassatella, J. Clavel, J. Darius, F. Macchetto, M.V. Penston, P.L. Selvelli & J. Zamorano), Progr. The Universe at Ultraviolet Wavelengths: The First Two Years of IUE (1980) 107 [un- available] 234. Prediction of Spectral Classification from Photometric Observations – Application to theVenngeist uvbyβ Photometry and the MK Spectral Classification. II. General Case (with G. Mersch), Astron. Astrophys. 85 (1980) 93-100 [paper] [pdf] 235. Determination of Absolute Magnitude and Dispersion by the Maximum-likelihood Me- thod (with T. Mikami), Progr. Spring Meeting Japan Astron. Soc. (1980) 112 (in Japanese) [paper] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1980 Publications 23

236. Simultaneous Spectroscopic (UV MgII and AlII lines) and Photometric Variations of ζ1 Sco (HD152236) (with G. Burki, L. Bianchi, A. Cassatella & J. Clavel), in Second European IUE Conf., ESA SP-157 (1980) 43-46 [paper] [pdf] 237. Changes in Post-maximum Spectra of the Mira Variable χ Cygni (with A. Cassatella, F. Querci, M. Querci & D.J. Stickland), in Second European IUE Conf., ESA SP-157 (1980) 243-245 [paper] [pdf] 238. IUE Observations of the Crab Pulsar (with P. Benvenuti, L. Bianchi, A. Cassatella, J. Clavel, J. Darius, M.V. Penston, F. Macchetto, P.L. Selvelli & J. Zamorano), in Second European Conf., ESA SP-157 (1980) 339-342 [paper] [pdf] 239. Simultaneous Spectroscopic and Photometric Observations of ζ1 Scorpii (with G. Burki, L. Bianchi, A. Cassatella & J. Clavel), Abstracts Fifth European Regional IAU Meeting (1980) B5.3 [phot] [pdf] 240. The UV Spectrum of the Narrow Emission-line X-ray Emitting Nucleus of the Galaxy NGC7582 (with J. Clavel, P. Benvenuti, A. Cassatella, M.V. Penston, P.L. Selvelli, F. Beeckmans & F. Macchetto), Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 192 (1980) 769-777 [paper] [pdf] 241. On the Nature of the 125-day Cepheid V810 Cen (HR4511): IUE Spectra (with W. Eichendorf, J. Isserstedt, J. Lub, M. Pakull, B. Reipurth & A.M. van Genderen), ESO Sc. Repr. 125 (1980) 8 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover only – final version as Publ. 252] 242. Coordinated Optical, Ultraviolet, Radio and X-ray Observations of Supernova 1979c in M100 (with N. Panagia, G. Vettolani, A. Boksenberg, F. Ciatti, S. Ortolani, P. Rafanelli, L. Rosino, C. Gordon, D. Reimers, K. Hempe, P. Benvenuti, J. Clavel, M.V. Penston, F. Macchetto, D.J. Stickland, J. Bergeron, M. Tarenghi, B. Marano, G.G.C. Palumbo, A.N. Parmar, G.S.W. Pollard, P.W. Sandford, W.L.W. Sargent, R.A. Sramek, K.W. Weiler & P. Matzik), Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 192 (1980) 861-879 [phot] [pdf] 243. Simultaneous Spectroscopic (UV MgII and AlII lines) and Photometric Variations of ζ1 Sco (HD152236) (with G. Burki, L. Bianchi, A. Cassatella & J. Clavel), Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 192 (1980) 59P-65P [paper] [pdf] 244. Les Potins d’Uranie – Newton (Al Nath), Le Ciel 42 (1980) 174 [full] [pdf] 245. Tests of Two Different Maximum-likelihood Algorithms for Determining Statistical Par- allaxes (with D.H.P. Jones, J. Dawe & S.V.M. Clube), Astron. Astrophys. 89 (1980) 225-226 [paper] [pdf] 246. uvbyβ Photometry of Equatorial and Southern Bright Stars II (with J. Manfroid), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 42 (1980) 311-318 [paper] [pdf] 247. QVenngeist & A Column, IUE ESA Newsl. 8 (1980) 11-12 [phot] [pdf] 24 1981 Publications Andr´eHeck


248. The Absolute Magnitude of the Am Stars (with A.E. Gomez, S. Grenier, M. Jaschek & C. Jaschek), Astron. Astrophys. 93 (1981) 155-159 [paper] [pdf] 249. Observatory Controller’s Message, IUE ESA Newsl. 9 (1981) 2-3 [phot] [pdf] 250. Distribution of Responsibilities, IUE ESA Newsl. 9 (1981) 9 [phot] [pdf] 251. More about Trailed Spectra, IUE ESA Newsl. 9 (1981) 10 [phot] [pdf] 252. On the Nature of the 125-day Cepheid V810 Cen (= HR 4511): IUE spectra (with W. Eichendorf, J. Isserstedt, J. Lub, M. Pakull, B. Reipurth & A.M. van Genderen), Astron. Astrophys. 93 (1981) L5-L6 [paper] [pdf] 253. IUE: le pr´ecurseur des t´elescopes spatiaux, Le Ciel 43 (1981) 33 [full] [pdf] 254. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’Univers Illustr´e(Al Nath), Le Ciel 43 (1981) 46 [full] [pdf] 255. Les Potins d’Uranie – Eclipses (Al Nath), Le Ciel 43 (1981) 82 [full] [pdf] 256. The Program of Absolute-magnitude Calibration (with A.E. Gomez, S. Grenier, C. Jaschek & M. Jaschek), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 20 (1981) 34- 35 [paper] [pdf] 257. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – R´epertoire international d’associations astronomiques d’amateurs – IDAAS 1981 (with/avec J. Manfroid), Eds. A. Heck & J. Manfroid (1981) iv + 300 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 258. Stellar Data Center Terminal at VILSPA, IUE ESA Newsl. 10 (1981) 5-6 [phot] [pdf] 259. IUE and Other New Observations of the Slow Nova RR Tel (with M.V. Penston, P. Benvenuti, A. Cassatella, P.L. Selvelli, D.J. Ponz, F. Macchetto, C. Jordan, N. Cramer, F. Rufener & J. Manfroid), in The Universe at Ultraviolet Wavelengths – The First Two Years of IUE, NASA CP-2171 (1981) 469-470 [phot] [pdf] 260. IUE Observations of the Crab Pulsar (with P. Benvenuti, L. Bianchi, A. Cassatella, J. Clavel, J. Darius, M.V. Penston, F. Macchetto, P.L. Selvelli & J. Zamorano), in The Universe at Ultraviolet Wavelengths – The First Two Years of IUE, NASA CP-2171 (1981) 701 [phot] [pdf] 261. The Absolute Magnitudes of the Ap Stars (with S. Grenier, M. Jaschek, A.E. Gomez & C. Jaschek), Astron. Astrophys. 100 (1981) 24-27 [paper] [pdf] 262. Les Potins d’Uranie – De Le Gentil au Concorde (Al Nath), Le Ciel 43 (1981) 192 [full] [pdf] 263. Preliminary Results of a Statistical Study of Some Period Determination Methods (with G. Mersch), in Upper Main Sequence CP Stars, Li`ege (1981) 299-305 [paper] [pdf] 264. TheVenngeist Absolute Magnitude of δ Scuti- and δ Del-type Stars (with S. Grenier, A.E. Gomez, C. Jaschek & M. Jaschek), in Upper Main Sequence CP Stars, Li`ege (1981) 491-492 [paper] [pdf] 265. Data Link between CDS and ESA IUE Observatory, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 21 (1981) 45 [paper] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1981 Publications 25

266. August 1981 Faintening of V348 Sgr, Comm. 27 IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars 2020 (1981) 1 [paper] [pdf] 267. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – R´epertoire international d’associations astronomiques d’amateurs – IDAAS 1982 (with/avec J. Manfroid), Eds. A. Heck & J. Manfroid (1981) iv + 304 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 268. VILSPA Workshop on UV Stellar Classification, ESA IUE Newsl. 12 (1981) 11 [phot] [pdf]

Keeping company with an El Tatio geyser (about 4300m elevation), Northern Chile, 12 September 1980. Venngeist

With Chang (left) at the Great Wall, PR China, 05 December 1981. 26 1982 Publications Andr´eHeck


269. The Absolute Magnitudes of G5-M3 Stars Near the Giant Branch (with D. Egret & P.C. Keenan), Astron. Astrophys. 106 (1982) 115-120 [paper] [pdf] 270. Les Potins d’Uranie – Lune-tu-cru? (Al Nath), Le Ciel 44 (1982) 66-67 [full] [pdf] 271. UV, Optical and IR Observations of the Cepheid R Muscae (with W. Eichendorf, B. Caccin, G. Russo & C. Sollazzo), ESO Sc. Repr. 189 (1982) 18 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover only – final version as Publ. 289] 272. IUE Observatory, European Space Agency, Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station (VIL- SPA) – Report for the Year 1980 January 1 to December 31, Q. Jl. Roy. Astron. Soc. 23 (1982) 123-133 [paper] [pdf] 273. UV Observations of V348 Sgr (with L. Houziaux, A. Cassatella, S. di Serego Alighieri & F. Macchetto), Abstracts Third European IUE Conf. (1982) 38 [phot] [pdf] 274. The UV Variability of T CrB (with A. Cassatella, P. Patriarchi, P.L. Selvelli, L. Bianchi, C. Cacciari, M. Perryman & W. Wamsteker), Abstracts Third European IUE Conf. (1982) 39 [phot] [pdf] 275. The UV Classification Programme (with P. Benvenuti, L. Bianchi, J.C. Blades, C. Cac- ciari, A. Cassatella, A. Cucchiaro, D. Egret, C. Jaschek, M. Jaschek, K. Nandy, P. Patriarchi, W. Wamsteker & C.C. Wu), Abstracts Third European IUE Conf. (1982) 69 [phot] [pdf] 276. Variability and Mass Loss in the Extreme Supergiant ζ1 Sco (with G. Burki, L. Bianchi & A. Cassatella), Astron. Astrophys. 107 (1982) 205-210 [paper] [pdf] 277. Les Potins d’Uranie – Cr´edulationnisme (Al Nath), Le Ciel 44 (1982) 82-83 [full] [pdf] 278. The Spectrum of HD51585 in the Blue and in the Ultraviolet (with L. Houziaux, Y. Andrillat & K. Nandy), in Be Stars, Eds. M. Jaschek & H.G. Roth, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1982) 427-430 [paper] [pdf] 279. UV Stellar Classification – Proceedings of a Workshop Held at VILSPA 26-28 October 1981 (Editor, with B. Battrick), ESA SP-182 (1982) vi + 136 pp. (ISSN 0379-6566) [paper] [pdf/cover only] 280. Contents, in UV Stellar Classification, Eds. A. Heck & B. Battrick, ESA SP-182, (1982) iii [full] [pdf] 281. Foreword (with P. Benvenuti), in UV Stellar Classification, Eds. A. Heck & B. Battrick, ESA SP-182 (1982) v [full] [pdf/with picture of participants] 282. IUE Observation Statistics, in UV Stellar Classification, Eds. A. Heck & B. Battrick, ESA SP-182 (1982) 55-79 [full] [pdf] 283. List of Participants, in UV Stellar Classification, Eds. A. Heck & B. Battrick, ESA SP-182Venngeist(1982) 135 [full] [pdf] 284. A Collection of IUE Spectra (with D. Egret, C. Jaschek & M. Jaschek), WG UV Stellar Classification Int. Rep. 1 (1982) 256 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover only – ultimate version as Publ. 400] 285. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le calendrier (Al Nath), Le Ciel 44 (1982) 111-112 [full] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1982 Publications 27

286. Exposure Times for IUE Spectra (with P. Patriarchi), ESA IUE Newsl. 13 (1982) 40-41 [phot] [pdf] 287. Proceedings of the VILSPA Workshop on UV Stellar Classification, ESA IUE Newsl. 13 (1982) 41 [phot] [pdf] 288. Update on Madrid Taxi Fares, ESA IUE Newsl. 13 (1982) 42 [phot] [pdf] 289. UV, Optical and IR Observations of the Cepheid R Muscae (with W. Eichendorf, B. Caccin, G. Russo & C. Sollazzo), Astron. Astrophys. 109 (1982) 274-278 [paper] [pdf] 290. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’ˆage de l’univers (Al Nath), Le Ciel 44 (1982) 135 [full] [pdf] 291. VILSPA Workshop on UV Stellar Classification, IUE NASA Newsl. 19 (1982) 57 [phot] [pdf] 292. IUE Data Distribution, in Automated Data Retrieval in Astronomy, Eds. C. Jaschek & W. Heintz, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1982) 29-31 [paper] [pdf] 293. On the Structure of the Outer Layers of Cool Carbon Stars (with F. Querci, M. Querci, R.F. Wing & A. Cassatella), Astron. Astrophys. 111 (1982) 120-124 [paper] [pdf] 294. Third European IUE Conference – Proceedings of an International Conference held in Madrid, Spain 10-13 May 1982 (Editor, with E. Rolfe & B. Battrick), ESA SP-176 (1982) xiv + 622 pp. (ISSN 0379-6566) [paper] [pdf/cover only] 295. Contents, in Third European IUE Conf., Eds. E. Rolfe, A. Heck & B. Battrick, ESA SP-176 (1982) iii-x [full] [pdf] 296. UV Observations of V348 Sgr (with A. Cassatella, S. di Serego Alighieri, F. Macchetto & L. Houziaux), in Third European IUE Conf., Eds. E. Rolfe, A. Heck & B. Battrick, ESA SP-176 (1982) 225-228 [full] [pdf] 297. The UV Variability of T CrB (with A. Cassatella, P. Patriarchi, P.L. Selvelli, L. Bianchi, C. Cacciari, M. Perryman & W. Wamsteker), in Third European IUE Conf., Eds. E. Rolfe, A. Heck & B. Battrick, ESA SP-176 (1982) 229-231 [full] [pdf] 298. The UV Stellar Classification Programme (with P. Benvenuti, L. Bianchi, J.C. Blades, C. Cacciari, A. Cassatella, A. Cucchiaro, D. Egret, C. Jaschek, M. Jaschek, K. Nandy, P. Patriarchi, W. Wamsteker & C.C. Wu), in Third European IUE Conf., Eds. E. Rolfe, A. Heck & B. Battrick, ESA SP-176 (1982) 327-330 [full] [pdf] 299. Optical and Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry of Globular Clusters in the Magellanic Clouds (with C. Cacciari, F. Fusi-Pecci, C. Zavorani, K.C. Freeman, A. Cassatella, P. Benvenuti, L. Bianchi, P. Patriarchi & W. Wamsteker), in Third European IUE Conf., Eds. E. Rolfe, A. Heck & B. Battrick, ESA SP-176 (1982) 519-522 [full] [pdf] 300. List of Participants, in Third European IUE Conf., Eds. E. Rolfe, A. Heck & B. Battrick, ESAVenngeist SP-176 (1982) 615-621 [full] [pdf] 301. Carbon Abundance in the WC11 Star CPD -56◦8032 (with L. Houziaux), in Wolf-Rayet Stars: Observations, Physics and Evolution, Eds. C.W.H. de Loore & A.J. Willis, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1982) 139-145 [paper] [pdf] 302. Planning an Observational Campaign?, Astrocosmos 9 (82.08.25) 2 [full] [pdf] 28 1982 Publications Andr´eHeck

303. August 1981 Crisis of V348 Sgr (with L. Houziaux & J. Manfroid), Comm. 27 IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars 2184 (1982) 1-4 [paper] [pdf] 304. Les Potins d’Uranie – Somnium (Al Nath), Le Ciel 44 (1982) 153-154 [full] [pdf] 305. Une nouvelle lumi`ere sur V348 Sagittarii, Bull. Ass. Fran¸caise Obs. Etoiles Var. 21 (1982) 106-108 [phot] [pdf] 306. The Ultraviolet Variability of T CrB (with A. Cassatella, P. Patriarchi, P.L. Selvelli, L. Bianchi, C. Cacciari, M. Perryman & W. Wamsteker), in Advances in Ultraviolet Astronomy: Four Years of IUE Research, NASA CP-2238 (1982) 482-485 [phot] [pdf] 307. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’U.A.I. (Al Nath), Le Ciel 44 (1982) 204-205 [full] [pdf] 308. A Note on Two Be Stars (with J. Manfroid), Comm. 27 IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars 2198 (1982) 1-7 [paper] [pdf] 309. Is HD90994 a ‘Reduction Variable’, (with J. Manfroid), Comm. 27 IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars 2199 (1982) 1-4 [paper] [pdf] 310. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le rapport Field (Al Nath), Le Ciel 44 (1982) 223-225 [full] [pdf] 311. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les (Al Nath), Le Ciel 44 (1982) 276-278 [full] [pdf] 312. The Far-UV Spectrum of the Low-excitation Planetary HD138403 (with J. Sur- dej), Astron. Astrophys. 116 (1982) 80-88 [paper] [pdf] 313. The Variability of RR Tel (with J. Manfroid), ESO Messenger 30 (1982) 6-9 [full] [pdf] 314. Third European IUE Conference, ESA IUE Newsl. 15 (1982) 65-75 [phot] [pdf] 315. Absolute Magnitudes of F-, G-, K- and M-type Stars from Maximum-likelihood Statis- tical Parallaxes (with T. Mikami), Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 34 (1982) 529-539 [paper] [pdf]


Villafranca del Castillo castle as seen from Vilspa offices, 1977-1983, Spain. Andr´eHeck 1983 Publications 29


316. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’E.S.O. (Al Nath), Le Ciel 45 (1983) 5-7 [full] [pdf] 317. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le minimum de Maunder (Al Nath), Le Ciel 45 (1983) 33-35 [full] [pdf] 318. Les Potins d’Uranie – Sculpture spatiale (Al Nath), Le Ciel 45 (1983) 57-58 [full] [pdf] 319. M´ethodes statistiques en astronomie – 12-16 septembre 1983 – Strasbourg – France, Bull. Int. Obs. Paris 546 (1983) 51 [paper] [pdf] 320. IUE and Other New Observations of the Slow Nova RR Tel (with M.V. Penston, P. Benvenuti, A. Cassatella, P. Selvelli, F. Macchetto, D. Ponz, C. Jordan, N. Cramer, F. Rufener & J. Manfroid), Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 202 (1983) 833-857 [paper] [pdf] 321. Les Potins d’Uranie – YoupiiIUE! (Al Nath), Le Ciel 45 (1983) 81-83 [full] [pdf] 322. A Generalized Algorithm for Efficient Photometric Reductions (with J. Manfroid), As- tron. Astrophys. 120 (1983) 302-306 [paper] [pdf] 323. HD85037 – Nouvelle variable `a´eclipses probable (avec P. Renson), Comm. 27 IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars 2298 (1983) 1-3 [paper] [pdf] 324. Les Potins d’Uranie – A. Koestler (Al Nath), Le Ciel 45 (1983) 111-112 [full] [pdf] 325. Prediction of MK Spectral Classification from Photometry, Abstracts MK Spectral Clas- sification: Criteria and Applications (1983) 18 [phot] [pdf] 326. Les Potins d’Uranie – Et platati, et platata ... (Al Nath), Le Ciel 45 (1983) 164-166 [full] [pdf] 327. Statistical Determination of UV Spectral Classification Criteria (with D. Egret), Ab- stracts Statistical Methods in Astronomy (1983) 19 [phot] [pdf] 328. Prediction Methods: A Review, Abstracts Statistical Methods in Astronomy (1983) 27 [phot] [pdf] 329. Prediction of Spectral Classification from Photometric Data. Application to the MK Spectral Classification and to the Geneva (U, B, V, B1, B2, V1, G) Photometry (with D. Egret), Abstracts Statistical Methods in Astronomy (1983) 31 [phot] [pdf] 330. Statistical Determination of the Precision Obtained by a Photometric Reduction Algo- rithm (with J. Manfroid), Abstracts Statistical Methods in Astronomy (1983) 43 [phot] [pdf] 331. Comparative Study of Period Determination Methods (with J. Manfroid & G. Mersch), Abstracts Statistical Methods in Astronomy (1983) 54 [phot] [pdf] 332. Les Potins d’Uranie – Astronart (Al Nath), Le Ciel 45 (1983) 173-174 [full] [pdf] 333. RRVenngeist Tel: An Interesting Southern Variable (with J. Manfroid), IAPPP Comm. 13 (1983) 9-11 [phot] [pdf] 334. Les Potins d’Uranie – Catalogues (Al Nath), Le Ciel 45 (1983) 196-198 [full] [pdf] 335. Les Potins d’Uranie – Dinosaures premi`ere (Al Nath), Le Ciel 45 (1983) 226-228 [full] [pdf] 30 1983 Publications Andr´eHeck

336. On the Accuracy of the Reduction of the uvby Photometry (with J. Manfroid), Standard Star Newsl. 3 (1983) 16 [phot] [pdf] 337. Les Potins d’Uranie – Parasites terrestres (Al Nath), Le Ciel 45 (1983) 258-259 [full] [pdf] 338. Preliminary Results of a Statistical Classification of Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra (with D. Egret), in Statistical Methods in Astronomy, ESA SP-201 (1983) 59-63 [paper] [pdf] 339. Comparative Study of Period Determination Methods (with J. Manfroid & G. Mersch), in Statistical Methods in Astronomy, ESA SP-201 (1983) 117-121 [paper] [pdf] 340. Statistical Determination of the Precision Obtained by a Photometric Reduction Algo- rithm (with J. Manfroid), in Statistical Methods in Astronomy, ESA SP-201 (1983) 123-124 [paper] [pdf] 341. Predictions: Also an Astronomical Tool, in Statistical Methods in Astronomy, ESA SP- 201 (1983) 135-143 [paper] [pdf] 342. Prediction of Spectral Classification from Photometric Data. Application to the MK Spectral Classification and the Geneva Photometric System. Progress report (with D. Egret), in Statistical Methods in Astronomy, ESA SP-201 (1983) 149-152 [paper] [pdf] 343. The UV Classification Programme (with C. Cacciari, D. Egret, C. Jaschek & M. Jaschek), Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital. 54 (1983) 755-758 [paper] [pdf]


Strasbourg Observatory Big Dome, France, hosting office for the period 1983-1990 (incl. as Director). Andr´eHeck 1984 Publications 31


344. Les Potins d’Uranie – Dinosaures deuxi`eme (Al Nath), Le Ciel 46 (1984) 8-11 [full] [pdf] 345. P´eriode photom´etrique de l’´etoile Ap HR3831 (avec P. Renson, J. Manfroid & G. Mathys), Astron. Astrophys. 131 (1984) 63-66 [paper] [pdf] 346. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – R´epertoire international d’associations astronomiques d’amateurs – IDAAS 1984 (with/avec J. Manfroid), Eds. A. Heck & J. Manfroid (1984) iv + 278 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 347. Les Potins d’Uranie – A propos du T´elescope Spatial (Al Nath), Le Ciel 46 (1984) 30-33 [full] [pdf] 348. L´eon Deru (1893-1983), Le Ciel 46 (1984) 46 [full] [pdf] 349. The Ultraviolet (IUE) Spectra of the λ Bootis Stars (with B. Baschek, C. Jaschek, M. Jaschek, J. K¨oppen, M. Scholz & R. Wehrse), Astron. Astrophys. 131 (1984) 378-384 [paper] [pdf] 350. On the Accuracy of the Reduction of uvby Photometry (with J. Manfroid), Astron. Astrophys. 132 (1984) 110-114 [paper] [pdf] 351. Atlas of IUE Spectra Now Available, Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 19 (1984) 8 [phot] [pdf] 352. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies (with J. Manfroid), Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 19 (1984) 8 [phot] [pdf] 353. IUE Low-dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas. Part 1. Normal Stars (with D. Egret, M. Jaschek & C. Jaschek), ESA SP-1052 (1984) 476 pp. + 34 plates (ISSN 0379-6566) [holder] [pdf/cover & intro only – updated version as Publ. 400] 354. Statistical Classification of Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra (IUE satellite): progress report (with D. Egret, Ph. Nobelis & J.C. Turlot), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 26 (1984) 61-65 [phot] [pdf] 355. IUE Low-Dispersion Spectra Flux Catalogue. Part 1. Normal Stars (magnetic tape) (with D. Egret, M. Jaschek & C. Jaschek), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 26 (1984) 127 (CDS-NASA ref. C3083) [phot] [pdf] 356. Fifth Edition of the International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies (with J. Manfroid), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 26 (1984) 129 [phot] [pdf] 357. IUE Low-dispersion Reference Atlas (with D. Egret, C. Jaschek & M. Jaschek), Progr. Future of Ultraviolet Astronomy based on Six Years of IUE Research (1984) 118 [phot] [pdf] 358. Statistical Classification of Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra (with D. Egret), Progr. Future of UltravioletVenngeist Astronomy based on Six Years of IUE Research (1984) 119 [phot] [pdf] 359. Classification statistique des spectres stellaires ultraviolets (avec D. Egret, Ph. Nobelis & J.C. Turlot), J. Astron. Fran¸cais 20 (1984) 20 [phot] [pdf] 360. Cinqui`eme ´edition du R´epertoire International des Soci´et´es Astronomiques d’Amateurs (avec J. Manfroid), J. Astron. Fran¸cais 20 (1984) 22 [phot] [pdf] 32 1984 Publications Andr´eHeck

361. Un atlas de r´ef´erence de spectres IUE (avec D. Egret, C. Jaschek & M. Jaschek), J. Astron. Fran¸cais 20 (1984) 22 [phot] [pdf] 362. Notre couverture: M 35 = NGC 2162 et NGC 2158 (avec J. Manfroid), Le Ciel 46 (1984) 53 + 55 [full] [pdf] 363. Les Potins d’Uranie – Geminga (Al Nath), Le Ciel 46 (1984) 58-61 [full] [pdf] 364. Erratum: Les Potins d’Uranie, F´evrier 1984, page 31, Le Ciel 46 (1984) 61 [full] [pdf] 365. Les Potins d’Uranie – IRAS ou le ciel avec des yeux infrarouges (Al Nath), Le Ciel 46 (1984) 91-97 [full] [pdf] 366. HD172256 Revisited (with J. Manfroid & J.R. Percy), Comm. 27 IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars 2501 (1984) 1-4 [paper] [pdf] 367. IUE Low-dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas. Part 1. Normal Stars (with D. Egret, M. Jaschek & C. Jaschek), ESA IUE Newsl. 19 (1984) 5 [phot] [pdf] 368. Statistical Classification of IUE Stellar Spectra (with D. Egret, Ph. Nobelis & J.C. Turlot), Abstracts Fourth European IUE Conf. (1984) 35 [phot] [pdf] 369. An Estimate of V348 Sgr Effective Temperature (with U. Heber, L. Houziaux, J. Man- froid & F. Sch¨onberner), Abstracts Fourth European IUE Conf. (1984) 98 [phot] [pdf] 370. The IUE Low-dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas (with B. Hassall, A. Talavera, D. Egret, C. Jaschek & M. Jaschek), Abstracts Fourth European IUE Conf. (1984) 110 [phot] [pdf] 371. Determination of UV Standard Stars by Statistical Algorithms? (with D. Egret, Ph. Nobelis & J.C. Turlot), Abstracts IAU Symp. 111 (1984) 21 [phot] [pdf] 372. A Synthesis of Stellar Absolute Magnitudes, Abstracts IAU Symp. 111 (1984) 62 [phot] [pdf] 373. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le SETI (Al Nath), Le Ciel 46 (1984) 122-124 [full] [pdf] 374. De Le Gentil au Concorde, Ciel et Terre 100 (1984) 46 [phot] [pdf] 375. A` propos du t´elescope spatial (Al Nath), Ciel et Terre 100 (1984) 47-48 [full] [pdf] 376. International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies – IDAAS 1984 (avec J. Man- froid), Ciel et Terre 100 (1984) 78 [phot] [pdf] 377. Les Potins d’Uranie – Op´eration S´esame (Al Nath), Le Ciel 46 (1984) 151-152 [full] [pdf] 378. Cyclic RR Telescopii (with J. Manfroid), Sky & Tel. 68 (1984) 4 [paper] [pdf] 379. IUE Low-dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas. Part II. Peculiar Stars (with D. Egret, B.J.M. Hassall, C. Jaschek, M. Jaschek & A. Talavera), Progr. Cool stars with excesses of heavy elements (1984) 7 [phot] [pdf] 380. The Absolute Magnitudes of Barium Stars (with C. Jaschek, M. Jaschek, S. Grenier & A.E.Venngeist Gomez), Progr. Cool stars with excesses of heavy elements (1984) 23 [phot] [pdf] 381. Mira’s Role in RR Tel Revisited (with J. Manfroid), Progr. Cool stars with excesses of heavy elements (1984) 50 [phot] [pdf] 382. IUE Low-dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas. Part 1. Normal Stars (with D. Egret, M. Jaschek & C. Jaschek), Standard Star Newsl. 4 (1984) 4 [phot] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1984 Publications 33

383. Resolution of IAU Symposium n◦ 111 ‘Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities’, Standard Star Newsl. 4 (1984) 10-11 [phot] [pdf] 384. Emendation (I.B.V.S. 2501) (with J. Manfroid & J.R. Percy), Comm. 27 IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars 2537 (1984) 2 [phot] [pdf] 385. IUE Low-dispersion Spectra Flux Catalogue. Part 1. Normal Stars (magnetic tape) (with D. Egret, M. Jaschek & C. Jaschek), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 57 (1984) 213-216 [paper] [pdf] 386. Number of Stars Observed with IUE versus , IUE NASA Newsl. 24 (1984) 215 [phot] [pdf] 387. Statistical Classification of IUE Stellar Spectra by the Variable Procrustean Bed (VPB) Approach (with D. Egret, Ph. Nobelis & J.C. Turlot), in Fourth European IUE Conf., ESA SP-218 (1984) 257-261 [paper] [pdf] 388. IUE Low-dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas (with B.J.M. Hassall, A. Talavera, D. Egret, C. Jaschek & M. Jaschek), in Fourth European IUE Conf., ESA SP-218 (1984) 263-266 [paper] [pdf] 389. An Estimate of V348 Sgr Effective Temperature (with U. Heber, L. Houziaux, J. Man- froid & D. Sch¨onberner), in Fourth European IUE Conf., ESA SP-218 (1984) 367-370 [paper] [pdf] 390. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’amateur(Al Nath), Le Ciel 46 (1984) 196 [full] [pdf] 391. Les Potins d’Uranie – Retraite spatiale (Al Nath), Le Ciel 46 (1984) 217-219 [full] [pdf] 392. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le temps universel (Al Nath), Le Ciel 46 (1984) 243-247 [full] [pdf] 393. IUE Meeting Bibliography for Peculiar Stars, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 27 (1984) 145-157 [paper] [pdf] 394. Les Potins d’Uranie – NGC4151 amaigri (Al Nath), Le Ciel 46 (1984) 270-272 [full] [pdf] 395. IRAS ou le ciel avec des yeux infrarouges, Ciel et Terre 100 (1984) 163-167 [paper] [pdf] 396. Understanding the Universe. The Impact of Space Astronomy – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 100 (1984) 179 [phot] [pdf] 397. Early Evolution of the Universe and its Present Structure – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 100 (1984) 180-181 [phot] [pdf] 398. IUE Low-dispersion Reference Atlas (with D. Egret, M. Jaschek & C. Jaschek), in Future of Ultraviolet Astronomy Based on Six Years of IUE Research, NASA CP-2349 (1984) 507-510 [phot] [pdf] 399. Statistical Classification of IUE Low-dispersion Stellar Spectra: Progress Report (with D.Venngeist Egret, Ph. Nobelis & J.C. Turlot), in Future of Ultraviolet Astronomy Based on Six Years of IUE Research, NASA CP-2349 (1984) 512-515 [phot] [pdf] 400. IUE Low-dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas. Part 1. Normal Stars (Second edition) (with D. Egret, M. Jaschek & C. Jaschek), ESA SP-1052 (1984) 476 pp. + 34 plates (ISSN 0379-6566) [holder] [pdf/atlas] 34 1984 Publications Andr´eHeck

400b. IUE Low-dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas. Part 1. Normal Stars (Second edition) (with D. Egret, M. Jaschek & C. Jaschek), ESA SP-1052 (1984) 476 pp. + 34 plates (ISSN 0379-6566) [holder] [pdf/plates] 401. ‘Predicting’ Spectral Classification from Photometric Data, in The MK Process and Stellar Classification, Ed. R.F. Garrison, David Dunlap Obs., Toronto (1984) 222-229 [phot] [pdf]

On the Mall, Washington, USA-DC, when presenting the IUE atlas at a NASA/GSFC meeting, 08 April 1984.


With past Vilspa colleague Piero Benvenuti (right), at a CDS Council Meeting, Bordeaux Observatory, France, 14 May 1985. Andr´eHeck 1985 Publications 35


402. On Period Determination Methods (with J. Manfroid & G. Mersch), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 59 (1985) 63-72 [paper] [pdf] 403. Les Potins d’Uranie – Op´eration S´esame radio (Al Nath), Le Ciel 47 (1985) 7-9 [full] [pdf] 404. Variations in the Variability of RR Tel (with J. Manfroid), Astron. Astrophys. 142 (1985) 341-345 [paper] [pdf] 405. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les canaux de Mars (Al Nath), Le Ciel 47 (1985) 33 + 39-41 [full] [pdf] 406. Fifth Edition of the International Directory of Amateur Astronomical Societies (with J. Manfroid), IAU Comm. 46 Newsl. 17 (1985) 5 [unavailable] 407. SIMBAD - A Dynamic Astronomical Database (Editor), Publ. CDS (1985) 1 [full] [pdf] 408. Check a Possible Supernova - critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 101 (1985) 22 [phot] [pdf] 409. Photometric Variations of HD25267 (with J. Manfroid & G. Mathys), Astron. Astrophys. 144 (1985) 251-253 [paper] [pdf] 410. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies (with J. Manfroid), IAU Inform. Bull. 53 (1985) 45 [phot] [pdf] 411. Les Potins d’Uranie – Tintin en Uranie (Al Nath), Le Ciel 47 (1985) 62 [full] [pdf] 412. Les Potins d’Uranie – Credo (Al Nath), Le Ciel 47 (1985) 91-94 [full] [pdf] 413. The IUE Low-dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas (with D. Egret, B.J.M. Hassall, C. Jaschek, M. Jaschek & A. Talavera), in Cool Stars with Excesses of Heavy Elements, Eds. M. Jaschek & P.C. Keenan, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1985) 47-52 [paper] [pdf] 414. The Absolute Magnitude of Barium Stars (with C. Jaschek, M. Jaschek, S. Grenier & A.E. Gomez), in Cool Stars with Excesses of Heavy Elements, Eds. M. Jaschek & P.C. Keenan, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1985) 185-188 [paper] [pdf] 415. Mira’s Role in RR Tel Revisited (with J. Manfroid), in Cool Stars with Excesses of Heavy Elements, Eds. M. Jaschek & P.C. Keenan, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1985) 349- 353 [paper] [pdf] 416. Absolute-magnitude Calibration of Normal Stars (V) (with S. Grenier, A.E. Gomez, C. Jaschek & M. Jaschek), Astron. Astrophys. 145 (1985) 331-338 [paper] [pdf] 417. Clusters and Groups of Galaxies – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 101 (1985) 64 [phot]Venngeist [pdf] 418. Les Potins d’Uranie – Their slip is showing (Al Nath), Le Ciel 47 (1985) 125-127 [full] [pdf] 419. M´emoire pr´esent´epour l’obtention de l’habilitation `adiriger des recherches, Strasbourg (1985) 104 pp. [dissertation] [pdf] 36 1985 Publications Andr´eHeck

420. Notice pr´esent´ee pour l’obtention de l’habilitation `adiriger des recherches, Strasbourg (1985) 5 pp. [paper] [pdf] 420b. Curriculum vitae pr´esent´edans le cadre de la soutenance de l’habilitation `adiriger des recherches, Strasbourg (1985) 10 pp. [paper] [pdf] 421. Les Potins d’Uranie – T´el´e-t´elescope (Al Nath), Le Ciel 47 (1985) 151-153 [full] [pdf] 422. Catch the Minima: A Real Challenge on V348 Sgr (with J. Manfroid), IAPPP Comm. 20 (1985) 31-36 [phot] [pdf] 423. Is HD 23878 a Mild CP star? (with G. Mathys & J. Manfroid), Comm. 27 IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars 2738 (1985) 1-2 [paper] [pdf] 424. L’importance croissante de la m´ethodologie statistique en astronomie, J. Astron. Fran- ¸cais 24 (1985) 15-17 [phot] [pdf] 425. Quelques nouvelles contributions `ala statistique astronomique, dissertation pr´esent´ee pour l’obtention de l’Agr´egation de l’Enseignement Sup´erieur, Li`ege (1985) 98 pp. [dis- sertation] [pdf] 426. Les Potins d’Uranie – Giotto (Al Nath), Le Ciel 47 (1985) 189-196 [full] [pdf] 427. Un v´eritable d´efi: les minimums de V348 Sgr (avec J. Manfroid), Bull. Ass. Fran¸caise Obs. Etoiles Var. 33 (1985) 11-15 [phot] [pdf] 428. Potins d’Uranie (Al Nath), Soc. Astron. Li`ege (1985) ii + 132 pp. [book] [pdf] 429. Photometric Variations of the Irregular Variable V348 Sgr (with L. Houziaux, J. Man- froid, D.H.P. Jones & P.J. Andrews), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 61 (1985) 375-385 [paper] [pdf] 430. The Increasing Importance of Statistical Methods in Astronomy (with F. Murtagh & D.J. Ponz), ESO Messenger 41 (1985) 22-25 [full] [pdf] 431. IAU Commission 45 – Stellar Classification (Classification stellaire) – IV. Classification from Extra-atmospheric Spectra, in Reports on Astronomy 1985, Ed. R.M. West, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1985) 648-649 [phot] [pdf] 432. Fifteen Years of Statistical Parallaxes by the Principle of Maximum Likelihood, in Ca- libration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities, Eds. D.S. Hayes, L.E. Pasinetti & A.G.D. Philip, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1985) 373-375 [paper] [pdf] 433. UV Standard Stars by the Variable Procrustean Bed Approach (with D. Egret, Ph. Nobelis & J.C. Turlot), in Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities, Eds. D.S. Hayes, L.E. Pasinetti & A.G.D. Philip, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1985) 403-406 [paper] [pdf] 434. On the Homogenization of Photometric Data (with J. Manfroid), in Calibration of Fun- damentalVenngeist Stellar Quantities, Eds. D.S. Hayes, L.E. Pasinetti & A.G.D. Philip, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1985) 565-567 [phot] [pdf] 435. Final Resolution, in Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities, Eds. D.S. Hayes, L.E. Pasinetti & A.G.D. Philip, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1985) 613 [phot] [pdf] 436. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le m´eridien z´ero (Al Nath), Le Ciel 47 (1985) 240-241 [full] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1985 Publications 37

437. Newsletter of Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology (Editor, with F. Murtagh) 1 (November 1985) 12 pp. [paper] [pdf/first page only (Publ. 438)] 438. Editorial (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 1 (1985) 1 [full] [pdf] 439. Modern Astronomical Methodology Working Group (with F. Murtagh), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 29 (1985) 69-70 [paper] [pdf] 440. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies 1986 (with J. Man- froid), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 29 (1985) 113-114 [paper] [pdf] 441. The Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre (with D. Egret), Publ. CDS (1985) 8 pp. [paper] [pdf] 442. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies – R´epertoire inter- national d’associations et de soci´et´es astronomiques – IDAAS 1986 (with/avec J. Man- froid), Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 8 (1985) iv + 266 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-06-5) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 443. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’International Halley Watch (Al Nath), Le Ciel 47 (1985) 260-262 [full] [pdf] 444. Germaine Wolff (1901-1985), Le Ciel 47 (1985) 264 [full] [pdf] 445. Astronomes amateurs et observations com´etaires, Ciel et Terre 101 (1985) 115-120 [paper] [pdf] 446. Observation of λ1600 and λ3040 Features in the Spectra of Field Horizontal-branch Stars (with M. Jaschek, B. Baschek & C. Jaschek), Astron. Astrophys. 152 (1985) 439-440 [paper] [pdf] 447. Les Potins d’Uranie – Une boucle de Halley (Al Nath), Le Ciel 47 (1985) 299-301 [full] [pdf] 448. International Directory of Astronomical Societies, Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 28 (1985) 14 [phot] [pdf] 449. La carte d’identit´edes ´etoiles, Club Astron. Duttlenheim (3 d´ecembre 1985) 5 pp. [paper] [pdf] 450. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies 1986 (avec J. Man- froid), J. Astron. Fran¸cais 25 (1985) 25-26 [phot] [pdf] Venngeist 38 1986 Publications Andr´eHeck

Venngeist Presenting scientific achievements for the Habilitation to Direct Researches, Strasbourg Observatory, France, 28 January 1986. Andr´eHeck 1986 Publications 39


451. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le Chˆateau des Etoiles´ (Al Nath), Le Ciel 48 (1986) 1 + 4-6 [full] [pdf] 452. Quelques renseignements pratiques, Club Astron. Duttlenheim (4 f´evrier 1986) 6 pp. [paper] [pdf] 453. Lunettes et t´elescopes, Club Astron. Duttlenheim (4 f´evrier 1986) 8 pp. [paper] [pdf] 454. Eph´em´erides 1986, Club Astron. Duttlenheim (4 f´evrier 1986) 6 pp. [paper] [pdf] 455. Les Potins d’Uranie – Droit Spatial (Al Nath), Le Ciel 48 (1986) 55-57 [full] [pdf] 456. Le chˆateau des ´etoiles – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 28 [phot] [pdf] 457. Check a Possible Supernova, Set 2 – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 29 [phot] [pdf] 458. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies – 6e ´edition – 1986 (avec J. Manfroid), Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 33 [phot] [pdf] 459. Les Potins d’Uranie – M´et´eo-comique (Al Nath), Le Ciel 48 (1986) 99-100 [full] [pdf] 460. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies 1986 (mit J. Man- froid), Sterne und Weltraum 25 (1986) 169 [phot] [pdf] 461. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies (IDAAS) 1986 (with J. Manfroid), IAU Inform. Bull. 55 (1986) 39 [phot] [pdf] 462. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions (with J. Manfroid), IAU Inform. Bull. 55 (1986) 39 [phot] [pdf] 463. Les Potins d’Uranie – Nouvelles DelhI-A-U (Al Nath), Le Ciel 48 (1986) 148-150 [full] [pdf] 464. Statistical Confirmation of the UV Spectral Classification System based on IUE Low- dispersion Stellar Spectra (with D. Egret, Ph. Nobelis & J.C. Turlot), Astrophys. Sp. Sc. 120 (1986) 223-237 [paper] [pdf] 465. The MK Process and Stellar Classification – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 65 [phot] [pdf] 466. Newsletter of Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology (Editor, with F. Murtagh) 2 (1986) 17 pp. & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 30 (1986) 165-183 [phot] [pdf/first page only] 467. Editorial (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 2 (1986) 1 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 30 (1986) 167 [phot] [pdf] 468. WGVenngeist Members and Newsletter Addressees List, Newsl. WG Modern. Astron. Methodo- logy 2 (1986) 17 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 30 (1986) 183 [phot] [pdf] 469. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions (with J. Manfroid), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 30 (1986) 209 [phot] [pdf] 40 1986 Publications Andr´eHeck

470. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies 1986 (IDAAS) (with J. Manfroid), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 30 (1986) 214 [phot] [pdf] 471. Les Potins d’Uranie – D´ecouvertes com´etaires (Al Nath), Le Ciel 48 (1986) 204-210 [full] [pdf] 472. Multivariate Statistical Methods for Astronomy (with F. Murtagh), Int. Doc. Strasbourg Obs. (June 1986) iv + 87 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover only – final version as Publ. 521] 473. Histoire de l’astronomie (occidentale) – critique bibliographique, CAD-Astres 4 (juin 1986) 5-6 [phot] [pdf] 474. Les Potins d’Uranie – Noms de com`etes (Al Nath), Le Ciel 48 (1986) 253-254 [full] [pdf] 475. IUE Low-resolution Spectra Reference Atlas. Volume II – Peculiar Stars (with D. Egret, B.J.M. Hassall, C. Jaschek, M. Jaschek & A. Talavera), Abstracts New Insights in Astrophysics (1986) 151 [phot] [pdf] 476. Le centre de donn´ees astronomiques de Strasbourg, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 81-82 [paper] [pdf] 477. Histoire de l’astronomie (occidentale) – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 93 [phot] [pdf] 478. Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 96 [phot] [pdf] 479. Le centre de donn´ees astronomiques de Strasbourg, CAD-Astres 5 (juillet 1986) 4-7 [phot] [pdf] 480. Annotated Bibliography of Multivariate Statistical Methods in Astronomy (with F. Murtagh), Eds. F. Murtagh & A. Heck (1986) 27 pp. [paper] [pdf] 481. L’affaire des canaux de Mars, CAD-Astres 6 (aoˆut 1986) 5-8 [phot] [pdf] 482. Litterae Uraniae – Titres des p´eriodiques astronomiques (avec J. Manfroid), Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 121-122 [paper] [pdf] 483. The Search for Extraterrestrial Life – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 132-133 [phot] [pdf] 484. The Observatories of the Canaries – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 134-135 [phot] [pdf] 485. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le centre de donn´ees astronomiques de Strasbourg (Al Nath), Le Ciel 48 (1986) 300-302 [full] [pdf] 486. L’´enigme de Sirius (avec J. Manfroid), Le Ciel 48 (1986) 310-313 [full] [pdf] 487. L’´enigme de l’Etoile du Chien (avec J. Manfroid), CAD-Astres 7 (septembre 1986) 5-8 [phot] [pdf] 488. AnVenngeist Annotated Bibliographical Catalogue of Multivariate Statistical Methods and of their Astronomical Applications (magnetic tape) (with F. Murtagh), ESO Sc. Repr. 465 (1986) 5 pp. [paper] [pdf/first page only – final version as Publ. 525] 489. Celnikier (Ludwig Marian). Histoire de l’astronomie occidentale – critique bibliogra- phique, Lectures 32 (1986) 46 [phot] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1986 Publications 41

490. IUE Low-dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas – Volume II – Peculiar Stars (with D. Egret, B.J.M. Hassall, C. Jaschek, M. Jaschek & A. Talavera), in New Insights in Astrophysics – Eight Years of UV Astronomy with IUE, ESA SP-263 (1986) 661-664 [paper] [pdf] 491. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le Trait´ede la Lune (Al Nath), Le Ciel 48 (1986) 347-348 [full] [pdf] 492. Directory of French Astronomy Published, Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 32 (1986) 11 [unavailable] 493. Le temps universel, CAD-Astres 8 (octobre 1986) 4-6 [phot] [pdf] 494. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions – R´epertoire interna- tional d’institutions astronomiques professionnelles – IDPAI 1987 (with/avec J. Man- froid), Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 9 (1986) iv + 276 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-07-3) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 495. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’altitude des satellites artificiels (Al Nath), Le Ciel 48 (1986) 381-383 [full] [pdf] 496. L’altitude des satellites artificiels, CAD-Astres 9 (novembre 1986) 4-6 [phot] [pdf] 497. Le t´elescope spatial, CAD-Astres 10 (d´ecembre 1986) 3-5 [paper] [pdf] 498. The Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre (with D. Egret), Publ. CDS (1986) 8 pp. [paper] [pdf] 499. Les Potins d’Uranie – Condamine Story (Al Nath), Le Ciel 48 (1986) 409-412 [full] [pdf] 500. Litterae Uraniae – A` propos de la couleur de Sirius (avec J. Manfroid), Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 151-152 [paper] [pdf] 501. The Return of the Comet. Activity Book – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 173-174 [phot] [pdf] 502. The Mystery of Comets – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 174-175 [phot] [pdf] 503. Comet Fever – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 175 [phot] [pdf] 504. La com`ete et les proph´eties – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 176-177 [phot] [pdf] 505. Annuaire de l’astronomie fran¸caise 1986, Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 177 [phot] [pdf] 506. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions 1987 (avec J. Man- froid), Ciel et Terre 102 (1986) 177-178 [phot] [pdf] 507. A Few Comments on the Archival of Space Data, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 31 (1986) 31-33 [phot] [pdf] 508. An Annotated Bibliographical Catalogue of Multivariate Statistical Methods and of their AstronomicalVenngeist Applications (with F. Murtagh), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 31 (1986) 183-184 (CDS-NASA ref. C6037) [phot] [pdf] 509. Newsletter of Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology (Editor, with F. Murtagh) 3 (1986) 13 pp. & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 31 (1986) 201-215 [phot] [pdf/first page only] 42 1986 Publications Andr´eHeck

510. Editorial (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 3 (1986) 1 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 31 (1986) 203 [phot] [pdf] 511. Astronomy from Large Databases: Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches (with P. Benvenuti & F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 3 (1986) 11-12 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 31 (1986) 213-214 [phot] [pdf] 512. WG Members and Newsletter Addressees List, Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 3 (1986) 13 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 31 (1986) 215 [phot] [pdf] 513. CDS Special Publication n◦ 9: International Directory of Professional Astronomical Insti- tutions 1987 (with J. Manfroid), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 31 (1986) 235 [phot] [pdf] 514. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies 1986 (IDAAS) (with J. Manfroid), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 31 (1986) 240 [phot] [pdf] 515. The Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre (CDS) and the Setting up of a European Astronomical Data Network, in Data Analysis in Astronomy II, Eds. V. Di Ges`u, L. Scarsi, Ph. Crane, J.H. Friedmann & S. Levialdi, Plenum Press, New York (1986) 181- 185 [paper] [pdf] 516. Commission 5: Documentation and Astronomical Data (Documentation et donn´ees as- tronomiques). Working Group on Astronomical Data. Report of Meeting 26 November 1985 (Secretary), in Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Proceedings of the Nineteenth General Assembly, Delhi 1985, Volume XIXB, Ed. J.P. Swings, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1986) 98-99 [phot] [pdf] 517. Strasbourg Meeting on a European Astronomical Data Network, in Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Proceedings of the Nineteenth General Assembly, Delhi 1985, Volume XIXB, Ed. J.P. Swings, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1986) 99 [phot] [pdf] 518. Commission 45: Stellar Classification (Classification stellaire). IV. Scientific Meetings of the Commission. 2. Difficulties of Extrapolation of the MK System to Other Spectral Ranges, in Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Proceedings of the Nineteenth General Assembly, Delhi 1985, Volume XIXB, Ed. J.P. Swings, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1986) 303 [phot] [pdf] 519. Demonstration of SIMBAD Database (with W.H. Warren Jr), Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 18 (1986) 897 [phot] [pdf] Venngeist Andr´eHeck 1987 Publications 43

1987 520. The SIMBAD Data Bank (with W.H. Warren Jr), Handout 169 th Amer. Astron. Soc. Meeting, Pasadena, 4-8 Jan. 1987, 2p. [paper] [pdf] 521. Multivariate Data Analysis (with F. Murtagh), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 131,D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1987) xvi + 210 pp. (ISBN 90-277-2425-3, hardbound) [paper] [pdf] 522. Caro (Paul). L’oiseau-jardinier: la science est-elle un humanisme? – critique bibliogra- phique, Lectures 35 (1987) 34 [phot] [pdf] 523. L’observatoire europ´een austral, CAD-Astres 11 (janvier 1987) 3-6 [phot] [pdf] 524. L’´enigme de Sirius (avec J. Manfroid), Ciel et Espace 215 (janvier-f´evrier 1987) 30-33 [full] [pdf] 525. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le bureau central des t´el´egrammes astronomiques (Al Nath), Le Ciel 49 (1987) 6-8 [full] [pdf] 526. An Annotated Bibliographical Catalogue of Multivariate Statistical Methods and of their Astronomical Applications (magnetic tape) (with F. Murtagh), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 68 (1987) 113-115 (CDS-NASA ref. C6037) [paper] [pdf] 527. Condamine Story, CAD-Astres 12 (f´evrier 1987) 2-4 [phot] [pdf] 528. Homogenized IUE Observation Log (with D. Egret), CDS Special Report 1 (1987) 732 pp. [paper] [pdf/first page only] 529. Les Potins d’Uranie – Op´eration S´esame spatiale (Al Nath), Le Ciel 49 (1987) 42-43 [full] [pdf] 530. L’annuaire de l’astronomie fran¸caise, Le Ciel 49 (1987) 44 [full] [pdf] 531. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies 1986, IDAAS 1986 (avec J. Manfroid), Le Ciel 49 (1987) 44 [full] [pdf] 532. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions 1987, IDPAI 1987 (avec J. Manfroid), Le Ciel 49 (1987) 44 [full] [pdf] 533. Litterae Uraniae - Dates de fondation des soci´et´es astronomiques (avec J. Manfroid), Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 11-13 [phot] [pdf] 534. Cool Stars with Excesses of Heavy Elements – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 26-27 [phot] [pdf] 535. Longitude Zero 1884-1984 – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 29 [phot] [pdf] 536. Strengthening Research Links between Astronomy/Astrophysics and Computing/Statis- tics (with F. Murtagh & V. di Ges`u), ESO Messenger 47 (1987) 23-24 [full] [pdf] 537. Pr´esentationVenngeist d’ouvrage: L’odyss´ee cosmique, CAD-Astres 13 (mars 1987) 3 [phot] [pdf] 538. Directory of International Institutions Published (with J. Manfroid), Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 34 (1987) 18 [phot] [pdf] 539. Les Potins d’Uranie – Aliboronade (Al Nath), Le Ciel 49 (1987) 85-86 [full] [pdf] 540. Menaces spatiales, CAD-Astres 14 (avril 1987) 7-11 [phot] [pdf] 44 1987 Publications Andr´eHeck

541. Evolution of the Periodicity of the W UMa System  CrA (with J. Manfroid, M. Lunel & J. Bergeat), Astron. Astrophys. 176 (1987) 180-182 [paper] [pdf] 542. Les Potins d’Uranie – Star biz (Al Nath), Le Ciel 49 (1987) 123-125 [full] [pdf] 543. Les Potins d’Uranie – Space biz (Al Nath), Le Ciel 49 (1987) 172-177 [full] [pdf] 544. Het centraal bureau voor astronomische telegrammen (Al Nath), Heelal 32 (1987) 91-92 [paper] [pdf] 545. L’oiseau-jardinier – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 62-63 [phot] [pdf] 546. The Cosmic Enquirers – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 65 [phot] [pdf] 547. Goldsmith (Donald). N´em´esis, l’´etoile du destin – critique bibliographique, Lectures 36 (1987) 48 [phot] [pdf] 548. A` propos des constellations, CAD-Astres 15 (mai 1987) 2-5 [phot] [pdf] 549. Astro quiz, CAD-Astres 15 (mai 1987) 6 [phot] [pdf] 550. Les Potins d’Uranie – Astro biz (Al Nath), Le Ciel 49 (1987) 209-212 [full] [pdf] 551. Newsletter of Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology (Editor, with F. Murtagh) 4 (1987) 19 pp. & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 32 (1987) 87-109 [phot] [pdf] 552. Editorial (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 4 (1987) 1 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 32 (1987) 89 [phot] [pdf] 553. Astronomy from Large Databases: Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches – Second Announcement – Call for Papers (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 4 (1987) 11-12 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 32 (1987) 101-102 [phot] [pdf] 554. WG Member Addresses and Research Interests, Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodo- logy 4 (1987) 13-19 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 32 (1987) 103-109 [phot] [pdf] 555. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies 1986 (IDAAS) (with J. Manfroid), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 32 (1987) 132 [phot] [pdf] 555b. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions 1987 (IDPAI) (with J. Manfroid), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 32 (1987) 132 [phot] [pdf] 556. UV Stellar Spectral Classification, in Exploring the Universe with the IUE Satellite, Eds. Y. Kondo, W. Wamsteker, A. Boggess, M. Grewing, C. de Jager, A.L. Lane, J.L. Linsky & R. Wilson, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1987) 121-137 [paper] [pdf] 557. The Contribution of Amateur Astronomers to Comet Observations, Progr. IAU Coll. 98 (1987)Venngeist 34 [phot] [pdf] 558. La contribution des astronomes amateurs aux observations com´etaires, Progr. Coll. UAI 98 (1987) 34 [phot] [pdf] 559. R´eponses de l’Astro Quiz du num´ero pr´ec´edent, CAD-Astres 16 (juin 1987) 3 [phot] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1987 Publications 45

560. Droit spatial, CAD-Astres 16 (juin 1987) 4-7 [phot] [pdf] 561. SIMBAD, the CDS Database (with D. Egret), ESO Messenger 48 (1987) 22-24 [full] [pdf] 562. Photometric Variability of some CP Stars (with G. Mathys & J. Manfroid), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 70 (1987) 33-48 [paper] [pdf] 563. D´ecouvertes de com`etes, CAD-Astres 17 (juillet 1987) 2-5 [phot] [pdf] 564. Litterae Uraniae – Menaces spatiales, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 79-80 [paper] [pdf] 565. N´em´esis. L’´etoile du destin – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 93-94 [phot] [pdf] 566. Astronomical Observations. An Optical Perspective – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 96 [phot] [pdf] 567. Le centre de donn´ees astronomiques de Strasbourg, Orion 45 (1987) 113-115 [full] [pdf] 568. Les Potins d’Uranie – Space biz (Al Nath), Orion 45 (1987) 150-152 [full] [pdf] 569. Newsletter of Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology (Editor, with F. Murtagh) 5 (1987) 9 pp. & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 33 (1987) 147-156 [phot] [pdf/first page only] 570. Editorial (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 5 (1987) 1 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 33 (1987) 149 [phot] [pdf] 571. Astronomy from Large Databases: Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches - Preliminary List of Presentations (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 5 (1987) 2-4 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 33 (1987) 150-152 [phot] [pdf] 572. Les Potins d’Uranie – La place des amateurs (Al Nath), Le Ciel 49 (1987) 254-259 [full] [pdf] 573. Litterae Uraniae – De constellacionibus, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 113-114 [paper] [pdf] 574. Begegnung mit Halley – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 125 [phot] [pdf] 575. RS Ophiuchi (1985) and the Recurrent Nova Phenomenon – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 127 [phot] [pdf] 576. Neglected Parametrical Extragalactic Clustering, Abstracts Astronomy from Large Data- bases: Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches (1987) 23 [full] [pdf] 577. Rule-based Classification of IUE Spectra (with R. Rampazzo, F. Murtagh & R. Albrecht), Abstracts Astronomy from Large Databases: Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches (1987) 28 [full] [pdf] 578. Mass Analysis of Tycho Photometric Data for Variables Stars (with G. Jasniewicz & C. Jaschek),VenngeistAbstracts Astronomy from Large Databases: Scientific Objectives and Method- ological Approaches (1987) 58 [full] [pdf] 579. SIMBAD: Surface Distributions of Fundamental Data (with D. Egret), Abstracts As- tronomy from Large Databases: Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches (1987) 65 [full] [pdf] 46 1987 Publications Andr´eHeck

580. A Few Considerations on Photometric Databases (with J. Manfroid), Abstracts Astron- omy from Large Databases: Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches (1987) 72 [full] [pdf] 581. Les Potins d’Uranie – Juste ciel! (Al Nath), Le Ciel 49 (1987) 291-292 [full] [pdf] 582. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies – R´epertoire inter- national d’associations et de soci´et´es astronomiques – IDAAS 1988 (with/avec J. Man- froid), Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 10 (1987) vi + 516 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-08-1) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 583. Hot Carbon Stars: More about V348 Sgr (with L. Houziaux, P. Bouchet & J. Manfroid), Quart. J. Roy. Astron. Soc. 28 (1987) 231-238 [phot] [pdf] 584. Analyse statistique multivari´ee. Applications astronomiques, Analyse des Donn´ees en As- tronomie (2-7 novembre 1987), Formation Permanente CNRS, Marseille-Luminy, 74 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf/cover & ToC only – refer to the individual publications listed in ToC] 585. V348 Sgr: An Experience of Coordinated Observations (with L. Houziaux & J. Man- froid), Progr. & Summ. Papers Coordination of Observational Projects (1987) 9 [phot] [pdf]V348 Sgr 586. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’ICSU (Al Nath), Le Ciel 49 (1987) 319-321 [full] [pdf] 587. Rule-based Classification of IUE Spectra (with R. Rampazzo & F. Murtagh), ST-ECF Newsl. 8 (1987) 6-7 [full] [pdf] 588. Les Potins d’Uranie – Jules Verne (Al Nath), Le Ciel 49 (1987) 346-348 [full] [pdf] 589. Galil´ee – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 163 [phot] [pdf] 590. Leslie Peltier’s Guide to the Stars – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 163-164 [phot] [pdf] 591. Selling Science – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 164 [phot] [pdf] 592. The Amateur Astronomer’s Catalog of 500 Deep-sky Objects. Volume one – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 103 (1987) 165 [phot] [pdf] 593. Multivariate Data Analysis (with F. Murtagh), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 131,D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1987) xvi + 210 pp. (ISBN 90-277-2426-1, paperback) [paper] [pdf-ed as Publ. 521] 594. Les Potins d’Uranie – La place des amateurs (Al Nath), Orion 45 (1987) 226-227 [full] [pdf] 595. CDS Special Publication n◦ 10 – International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies 1988 (with J. Manfroid), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 33 (1987) 183 [phot] [pdf] 596. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies 1986 (with J. Man- froid),VenngeistInform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 33 (1987) 188 [phot] [pdf] 597. Multivariate Data Analysis – Source Programs (with F. Murtagh), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 131, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht (1987) (ISBN 90-277-9154-6, floppy disk) [refer to Publ. 521] Andr´eHeck 1988 Publications 47


598. Les Potins d’Uranie – Parano-mique (Al Nath), Le Ciel 50 (1988) 10 [full] [pdf] 599. Astronomy from Large Databases. Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches. Garching, 12-14 October 1987 (Editor, with F. Murtagh), ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 28 (1988) xiv + 512 pp. (ISBN 3-923524-28-5) [full] [pdf/first pages only, incl. picture of participants] 600. Foreword (with F. Murtagh), in Astronomy from Large Databases. Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches, Eds. F. Murtagh & A. Heck, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 28 (1988) iii [full] [pdf] 601. Table of Contents (with F. Murtagh), in Astronomy from Large Databases. Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches, Eds. F. Murtagh & A. Heck, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 28 (1988) vii-xiii [full] [pdf] 602. Mass Analysis of Tycho Photometric Data for Variable Stars (with G. Jasniewicz & C. Jaschek), in Astronomy from Large Databases. Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches, Eds. F. Murtagh & A. Heck, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 28 (1988) 111 [full] [pdf] 603. Neglected Parametrical Extragalactic Clustering, in Astronomy from Large Databases. Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches, Eds. F. Murtagh & A. Heck, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 28 (1988) 199-201 [full] [pdf] 604. Rule-based Classification of IUE Spectra (with R. Rampazzo, F. Murtagh & R. Al- brecht), in Astronomy from Large Databases. Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches, Eds. F. Murtagh & A. Heck, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 28 (1988) 227-232 [full] [pdf] 605. SIMBAD: Surface Distributions of some Basic Astronomical Data (with D. Egret), in Astronomy from Large Databases. Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches, Eds. F. Murtagh & A. Heck, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 28 (1988) 309-318 [full] [pdf] 606. A Few Considerations on Photometric Databases (with J. Manfroid), in Astronomy from Large Databases. Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches, Eds. F. Murtagh & A. Heck, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 28 (1988) 329-333 [full] [pdf] 607. Author Index (with F. Murtagh), in Astronomy from Large Databases. Scientific Ob- jectives and Methodological Approaches, Eds. F. Murtagh & A. Heck, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 28 (1988) 503-504 [full] [pdf] 608. List of Participants (with F. Murtagh), in Astronomy from Large Databases. Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches, Eds. F. Murtagh & A. Heck, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 28 (1988) 505-511 [full] [pdf] 609. NewsletterVenngeist of Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology (Editor, with F. Murtagh) 6 (1988) 20 pp. & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 34 (1988) 215-238 [full/phot] [pdf/first page only (Publ. 610)] 610. Editorial (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 6 (1988) 1 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 34 (1988) 217 [full/phot] [pdf] 48 1988 Publications Andr´eHeck

611. Luminy School on Data Analysis in Astronomy (2-7 November 1987), Newsl. WG Mod- ern Astron. Methodology 6 (1988) 2 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 34 (1988) 218 [full/phot] [pdf] 612. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le GEOS (Al Nath), Le Ciel 50 (1988) 52-54 [full] [pdf] 613. Webb Society Deep-sky Observer’s Handbook. Volume 7: The Southern Sky – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 104 (1988) 27 [phot] [pdf] 614. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le COSPAR (Al Nath), Le Ciel 50 (1988) 79-81 [full] [pdf] 615. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies, IAU Inform. Bull. 59 (1988) 45 [phot] [pdf] 616. A Bibliographical Catalogue of RR Lyrae Stars, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 11 (1988) 190 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-09-x) (CDS/NASA ref. C6045) [paper] [pdf] 617. Analyse statistique multivari´ee. Applications astronomiques, Ecole de Goutelas ‘Trai- tement de l’information: m´ethodes et concepts’ (25-30 avril 1988) 82 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf/first two pages only – refer to published papers listed in ToC] 618. Les Potins d’Uranie – Astro quiz (Al Nath), Le Ciel 50 (1988) 107 + 136 [full] [pdf] 619. Document confidentiel. [unavailable] 620. Patrick Moore’s Astronomy Quiz Book – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 104 (1988) 60 [phot] [pdf] 621. Webb Society Deep-sky Observer’s Handbook. Volume 6: Anonymous Galaxies – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 104 (1988) 61-62 [phot] [pdf] 622. Bibliographical Catalogue of RR Lyrae Stars, Comm. 27 IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars 3184 (1988) 2 pp. (CDS/NASA ref. C6045) [paper] [pdf] 623. A Bibliographical Catalogue of RR Lyrae Stars, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 34 (1988) 137-139 (CDS/NASA ref. C6045) [phot] [pdf] 624. International Directories, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 34 (1988) 260 [phot] [pdf] 625. Extraterrestrials – Science and Alien Intelligence – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 104 (1988) 92-93 [phot] [pdf] 626. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le GEOS (Al Nath), Orion 46 (1988) 74-75 [full] [pdf] 627. Newsletter of Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology (Editor, with F. Murtagh) 7 (1988) 21 pp. & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 35 (1988) 187-212 [full/phot] [pdf] 628. Editorial (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 7 (1988) 1 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 35 (1988) 189 [full/phot] [pdf] 629. TableVenngeist of Contents (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 7 (1988) 1 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 35 (1988) 189 [full/phot] [pdf] 630. IAU Commission 45 – Stellar Classification (Classification stellaire) – V. Classification from Extra-atmospheric Spectra, in Reports on Astronomy 1988, Ed. J.P. Swings, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1988) 638-639 [phot] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1988 Publications 49

631. A Bibliographical Catalogue of RR Lyrae Stars, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 75 (1988) 237-238 [paper] [pdf] 632. Davoust (Emmanuel). Silence au point d’eau – critique bibliographique, Lectures 45 (1988) 47-48 [phot] [pdf] 633. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions together with Related Items of Interest – R´epertoire international d’institutions astronomiques professionnelles ainsi que d’autres entr´ees d’int´erˆet g´en´eral – IDPAI 1989, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 12 (1988) vi + 492 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-10-3) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 634. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions – International Direc- tory of Astronomical Associations and Societies – Programmer’s Manual (1988) 141 pp. [paper] [pdf] 635. Classification of IUE Spectra: A Rule-based Approach (with R. Rampazzo & F. Mur- tagh), in Artificial Intelligence Applications for Space Projects, ESTEC (1988) 1-17 [phot] [pdf/first page only – refer to final version as Publ. 638] 636. Agence Spatiale Europ´eenne. Guide de relations m´ediatiques (traduction), (d´ecembre 1988) 10 pp. [paper] [pdf] 637. Potins d’Uranie, Ed. A. Heck (d´ecembre 1988) iv + 172 pp. [paper] [pdf/first pages only – refer to the individual articles listed in ToC] 638. Classification of IUE Spectra: A Rule-based Approach (with R. Rampazzo & F. Mur- tagh), ESA Journal 12 (1988) 385-394 [phot] [pdf] 639. Silence au point d’eau – critique bibliographique, Ciel et Terre 104 (1988) 145-146 [phot] [pdf] 640. La contribution des astronomes amateurs aux observations com´etaires, in La Contribu- tion des Astronomes Amateurs `al’Astronomie, Ed. M. Gerbaldi, Observations & Travaux Soc. Astron. France 2-3 (1988) 64-65 [paper] [pdf] 641. CDS Special Publication n◦ 12: International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions 1989 – IDPAI 1989, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 35 (1988) 227-228 [phot] [pdf] 642. International Directories, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 35 (1988) 232 [phot] [pdf] 643. The Contribution of Amateur Astronomers to Cometary Observations, in Stargazers, Eds.Venngeist S. Dunlop & M. Gerbaldi, Springer-Verlag, Heildelberg (1988) 152 [phot] [pdf] 50 1989 Publications Andr´eHeck


644. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions (IDPAI) and Interna- tional Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies (IDAAS), IAU Inform. Bull. 61 (1989) 44 [phot] [pdf] 645. XIe Journ´ee de Strasbourg (avec A. Imadache), Bull. Int. Obs. Paris 806 (9 f´evrier 1989) 45 [full] [pdf] 646. Appel `ala candidature pour la direction de l’Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, Bull. Int. Obs. Paris 806 (9 f´evrier 1989) 46 [full] [pdf] 647. Newsletter of Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology (Editor, with F. Murtagh) 8 (1989) 21 pp. & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 36 (1989) 183-223 [full/phot] [pdf/first page only (Publ. 648 & 649)] 648. Editorial (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 8 (1989) 1 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 36 (1989) 185 [full/phot] [pdf] 649. Table of Contents (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 8 (1989) 1 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 36 (1989) 185 [full/phot] [pdf] 650. New Book Announcement: Knowledge-based Systems in Astronomy, A. Heck & F. Murtagh (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, March 1989, Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 329, Price DM 55 (with F. Murtagh), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 8 (1989) 16 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 36 (1989) 203 [full/phot] [pdf] 651. XIth Strasbourg Astronomical Day (with A. Imadache), Newsl. WG Modern Astron. Methodology 8 (1989) 17 & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 36 (1989) 205 [full/phot] [pdf] 652. Knowledge-based Systems in Astronomy (Editor, with F. Murtagh), Lecture Notes in Physics 329, Springer-Verlag, Heildelberg (1989) v + 280 pp. (ISBN 3-540-51044-3 & 0-387-51044-3) [full] [pdf/cover only] 653. Table of Contents (with F. Murtagh), in Knowledge-based Systems in Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, Lecture Notes in Physics 329, Springer-Verlag, Heildelberg (1989) iii-iv [full] [pdf] 654. Foreword (with F. Murtagh), in Knowledge-based Systems in Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, Lecture Notes in Physics 329, Springer-Verlag, Heildelberg (1989) 1-2 [full] [pdf] 655. Classification of IUE Spectra: A Rule-based Approach (with F. Murtagh & R. Ram- pazzo), in Knowledge-based Systems in Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, Lecture Notes in Physics 329, Springer-Verlag, Heildelberg (1989) 161-167 [full] [pdf] 656. Short Glossary (with F. Murtagh), in Knowledge-based Systems in Astronomy, Eds. A. HeckVenngeist & F. Murtagh, Lecture Notes in Physics 329, Springer-Verlag, Heildelberg (1989) 261-263 [full] [pdf] 657. Acronyms (with F. Murtagh), in Knowledge-based Systems in Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, Lecture Notes in Physics 329, Springer-Verlag, Heildelberg (1989) 265- 268 [full] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1989 Publications 51

658. Index (with F. Murtagh), in Knowledge-based Systems in Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & F. Muratgh, Lecture Notes in Physics 329, Springer-Verlag, Heildelberg (1989) 269-280 [full] [pdf] 659. Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology – Updated Membership List (with F. Murtagh) (7 April 1989) 11 pp. [paper] [pdf] 660. Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Astronomy – Techniques d’intelligence artificielle pour l’astronomie (Editor), Obs. Astron. Strasbourg (1989) viii + 82 pp. (ISSN 0989- 621x – ISBN 2-906361-04-6) [full] [pdf/cover only] 661. Table of Contents, in Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Astronomy – Techniques d’Intelligence Artificielle pour l’Astronomie, Ed. A. Heck, Obs. Astron. Strasbourg (1989) iii [full] [pdf] 662. Pr´eface, in Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Astronomy – Techniques d’Intelligence Artificielle pour l’Astronomie, Ed. A. Heck, Obs. Astron. Strasbourg (1989) v-vi [full] [pdf] 663. Foreword, in Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Astronomy – Techniques d’Intelligence Artificielle pour l’Astronomie, Ed. A. Heck, Obs. Astron. Strasbourg (1989) vii-viii [full] [pdf] 664. Liste des participants – List of Participants, in Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Astronomy – Techniques d’Intelligence Artificielle pour l’Astronomie, Ed. A. Heck, Obs. Astron. Strasbourg (1989) 79-80 [full] [pdf] 665. N.I. Fisher, T. Lewis, and B.J.J. Embleton, Statistical Analysis of Spherical Data – book review, Sp. Sc. Reviews 50 (1989) 386 [paper] [pdf] 666. AI Applications to Space Activities, Internat. Sp. Univ., Strasbourg (1989) 20 pp. [phot] [pdf] 667. 1. New Developments in Documentation and Data Services for Astronomers – 3. De- velopments in Information Retrieval and Distribution – 3.3 International Directories Prepared at Strasbourg (with J.L. Halbwachs), in Highlights of Astronomy 8, Ed. D. McNally, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1989) 81 [phot] [pdf] 668. Knowledge-based Systems in Astronomy (with F. Murtagh), IAU Inform. Bull. 62 (1989) 37 [phot] [pdf] 669. Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Astronomy, IAU Inform. Bull. 62 (1989) 38 [phot] [pdf] 670. International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies together with Related Items of Interest – R´epertoire international d’associations et soci´et´es astronomiques ainsi que d’autres entr´ees d’int´erˆet g´en´eral – IDAAS 1990, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 13 (1989) vi + 716 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-11-1) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 671. InternationalVenngeist Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions together with Related Items of Interest – R´epertoire international des institutions astronomiques profession- nelles ainsi que d’autres entr´ees d’int´erˆet g´en´eral – IDPAI 1990, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 14 (1989) vi + 658 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-12-x) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 52 1989 Publications Andr´eHeck

672. Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology – Updated Membership List (with F. Murtagh) (9 September 1989) 11 pp. & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 36 (1989) 213-223 [phot] [pdf] 673. Analyse statistique multivari´ee – Applications astronomiques, in Traitement de l’In- formation – M´ethodes et Concepts, Ed. D. Benest, Soci´et´eFran¸caise des Sp´ecialistes d’Astronomie, Paris (1989) 141-145 [phot] [pdf] 674. IUE-ULDA/USSP: The On-line Low-resolution Spectral-data Archive of the Interna- tional Ultraviolet Explorer (with W. Wamsteker, C. Driessen, J.P. Mu˜noz, B.J.M. Has- sall, F. Pasian, M. Barylak, G. Russo, D. Egret, J. Murray & A. Talavera), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 79 (1989) 1-10 [paper] [pdf] 675. Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Astronomy – Proceedings of the XIth Strasbourg Astronomical Day (4 April 1989), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 36 (1989) 241 [phot] [pdf] 676. Techniques d’intelligence artificielle pour l’astronomie – Comptes-rendus de la XIe Journ´ee de Strasbourg (4 avril 1989), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 36 (1989) 242 [phot] [pdf] 677. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions (IDPAI) & International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies (IDAAS) – together with Related Items of Interest – 1990 Edition of the References Books, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 36 (1989) 243-244 [phot] [pdf] 678. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions (IDPAI) & International Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies (IDAAS) – together with Related Items of Interest – Edition´ 1990 des ouvrages de r´ef´erence, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 36 (1989) 245-246 [phot] [pdf] 679. International Directories, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 36 (1989) 250 [phot] [pdf] 680. International Directories of Astronomical Institutions and Associations Published, Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 47 (1989) 15 [phot] [pdf] 681. L’IDAAS 1990 et l’IDPAI 1990 viennent de paraˆıtre, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 36 (1989) 13 [phot] [pdf] 682. Les r´epertoires astronomiques IDAAS et IDPAI, Orion 47 (1989) 192-194 [full] [pdf] 683. Les Potins d’Uranie – Embrouillam´etriques (Al Nath), Orion 47 (1989) 236-239 [full] [pdf] 684. Astronomical Directories, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 21 (1989) 1067 [phot] [pdf] 685. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions (IDPAI), Ciel et Terre 105 (1989) 147 [phot] [pdf] 686. InternationalVenngeist Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies (IDAAS), Ciel et Terre 105 (1989) 147 [phot] [pdf] 687. Astronomical Directories (with J.L. Halbwachs), in Library and Information Services in Astronomy, Eds. G.A. Wilkins & S. Stevens-Rayburn, US Naval Obs., Washington (1989) 97-98 [phot] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1989 Publications 53

688. Letter to the Editor, IAPPP Comm. 35 (1989) 35 [phot] [pdf] 689. International Directories, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 37 (1989) 222 [phot] [pdf]

Lecturing on artificial intelligence at ISU, Strasbourg Summer Session, France, 19 July 1989.

Venngeist Lecturing as invited Ilustr´ıssimo Senhor Doutor Profesor at Porto University, Portugal, October-November 1990. 54 1990 Publications Andr´eHeck


690. International Directory of Professional Astronomical Institutions (IDPAI) and Interna- tional Directory of Astronomical Associations and Societies (IDAAS) 1990, IAU Inform. Bull. 63 (1990) 37 [phot] [pdf] 691. Applications de l’intelligence artificielle aux projets astronomiques et spatiaux, Ciel et Terre 106 (1990) 21-22 [paper] [pdf] 692. Journals Accepting TEX Sources, TEXhax Digest 90 (1990) 27 [phot] [pdf] 693. Applications de l’intelligence artificielle aux projets astronomiques et spatiaux, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 37 (1990) 6-8 [phot] [pdf] 694. How ‘Not’ to Succeed in Giving a Poster Presentation, Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 49 (1990) 4 [phot] [pdf] 695. Fractales en astronomie, Bull. Int. Obs. Paris 856 (1990) 113 [phot] [pdf] 696. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy & Space Sciences, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 15 (re- lease 1990.04.05) 64 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-13-8) [paper] [pdf/cover & foreword only – ultimate version as Publ. 1356] 697. Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World – ASpScROW (BDL subset – April 1990) iv + 200 pp. [unavailable] 698. L’intelligence artificielle pour les projets astronomiques et spatiaux?, Orion 48 (1990) 58 + 67-68 [full] [pdf] 699. Acronymes et abr´eviations, Bull. Int. Obs. Paris 861 (1990) 163 [phot] [pdf] 700. Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology – Updated Membership List (with F. Murtagh) (12 June 1990) 11 pp. [phot] [pdf] 701. Ultraviolet and Optical Variations in Active Galactic Nuclei: The Seyfert Galaxy NGC5548 (with W. Wamsteker,P. Rodr´ıguez-Pascual, B.J. Wills, H. Netzer, D. Wills, R. Gilmozzi, M. Barylak, A. Talavera, D. Maoz & P. Barr), Astrophys. J. 354 (1990) 446-467 [paper] [pdf] 702. List of Acronyms and Abbreviations in Astronomy and Space Sciences, IAU Inform. Bull. 64 (1990) 25 [phot] [pdf] 703. Welcome Address, in Errors, Bias and Uncertainties in Astronomy, Eds. C. Jaschek & F. Murtagh, Cambridge Univ. Press (1990) xiii [phot] [pdf] 704. Les Potins d’Uranie – O`ules ´etoiles et les robinets d’eau ne sont pas d’accord (Al Nath), Orion 48 (1990) 204-206 [full] [pdf] 705. Some New Methodological Trends, in Abstracts Book 12th IAU European Regional Astron. Meeting ‘European Astronomers Look to the Future’ (1990) III/12 [paper] [pdf] 706. HowVenngeist Can Artificial Intelligence Help Spectral Classification (with F. Murtagh), in Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths for Astrophysics and Fusion Research, Ed. J.E. Hansen, Kon. Nederlandse Akad. Wetensch. 33 (1990) 235-236 [paper] [pdf] 707. Help Needed for Voluminous Indexing in TEX on PCs, TEXhax Digest 90 (1990) 65 [phot] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1990 Publications 55

708. A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Astron. As- trophys. Suppl. 86 (1990) 189-190 [paper] [pdf] 709. CDS Special Publication n◦ 15 – List of Acronyms and Abbreviations in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Sterne und Weltraum 29 (1990) 623 [phot] [pdf] 710. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy & Space Sciences, Sky & Tel. 80 (1990) 617 [phot] [pdf] 711. Fractals in Astronomy – Proceedings of the XIIth Strasbourg Astronomical Day (Editor), Vistas in Astron. 33 (1990) 245-424 [full] [pdf/cover only] 712. Contents, in Fractals in Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Vistas in Astron. 33 (1990) 246 [full] [pdf] 713. Foreword, in Fractals in Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Vistas in Astron. 33 (1990) 247 [full] [pdf] 714. List of Participants, in Fractals in Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Vistas in Astron. 33 (1990) 423-424 [full] [pdf] 715. Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology – Updated Membership List (with F. Murtagh) (December 1990) 12 pp. & Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 38 (1990) 217-228 [paper] [pdf] 716. Publication sp´eciale du CDS n◦ 16 (ASpScROW 1991), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 38 (1990) 245-246 [paper] [pdf] 717. Publication sp´eciale du CDS n◦ 18 (List of Acronyms and Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Fields 1991), Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 38 (1990) 249-251 [paper] [pdf] 718. Special Publications of the CDS, Inform. Bull. Strasbourg Stellar Data Center 38 (1990) 255-256[phot] [pdf] 719. Un tour d’Uranie en quelques Potins (Al Nath) (novembre 1990)iv + 178 pp.[unavailable] Venngeist

The then fashionable fractals were investigated for possible applications in astronomy and astrophysics. 56 1991 Publications Andr´eHeck


720. Informations du CDS, Bull. Int. Obs. Paris 890 (10 janvier 1991) 7 [phot] [pdf] 721. Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology – Updated Membership List (with F. Murtagh) (9 January 1991) 12 pp. [phot] [pdf] 722. Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World – ASpScROW 1991 (BDL subset – January 1991) iv + 208 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – full and ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 723. Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World – ASpScROW 1991, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 16 (1991) x + 1182 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-14-6) (two volumes) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 724. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences & Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 18 (1991) xii + 530 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-16-2) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1356] 725. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences & Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 18 (February 1991) xii + 552 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-16-2) [un- available] 726. The SIMBAD Astronomical Database: Status and Prospects (with M. Cr´ez´e, F. Bonnarel & J. Watson), Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 23 (1991) 832 [phot] [pdf] 727. Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World – ASpScROW (France – March 1991) iv + 122 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – full and ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 728. Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World – ASpScROW (Pro- fessional institutions with telecom plugs – March 1991) vi + 296 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – full and ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 729. Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World – ASpScROW (En- tries with telecom plugs – March 1991) vi + 704 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 730. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences & Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 18 (March 1991) xii + 564 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-16-2) [unavail- able] 731. Astronomical Symbols, TEXhax Digest 91 (1991) 12 [phot] [pdf] 732. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences & Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 18 (April 1991) xiv + 572 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-16-2) [unavail- able] 733. LesVenngeist Potins d’Uranie – Batman, Locke, Poe & Cie. (Al Nath), Orion 49 (1991) 52-53 [full] [pdf] 734. Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, TEXhax Digest 91 (1991) 14 [phot] [pdf] 735. Colloque sur les traitements de textes, Bull. Int. Obs. Paris 900 (1991) 109 [phot] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1991 Publications 57

736. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences & Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 18 (May 1991) xvi + 580 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-16-2) [unavail- able] 737. List of Acronyms and Abbreviations in Astronomy and Space Sciences (CDS Special Publication n◦ 15), Science Internat. 43 (1991) 33 [phot] [pdf] 738. Astronomical Directories, in Databases & On-line Data in Astronomy, Eds. M.A. Al- brecht & D. Egret, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1991) 211-224 [phot] [pdf] 739. Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences (Strasbourg Astronomical Obser- vatory) (1-3 October 1991), Solar News (May 1991) [phot] [pdf] 740. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences & Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 18 (June 1991) xvi + 604 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-16-2) [unavail- able] 741. Friedmann, Herbert: The Astronomers’s Universe – Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmos (critique bibliographique), Orion 49 (1991) 129 [full] [pdf] 742. Colloque sur l’´edition `adomicile, Bull. Int. Obs. Paris 910 (1991) 205 [phot] [pdf] 743. Astronomy from Large Data Bases II, IAU Comm. 5 Working Group on Astron. Data Newsl. 2 (1991) 3 [phot] [pdf] 744. Call for DTP Papers, TEXhax Digest 91 (1991) 26 [phot] [pdf] 745. DTP Survey, TEXhax Digest 91 (1991) 27 [phot] [pdf] 746. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences & Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 18 (July 1991) xviii + 608 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-16-2) [unavail- able] 747. Astronomical Applications of Multivariate Statistical Analysis, OAC-FORMEZ School – Sant’Agata (July 1991) 30 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf] 748. Desktop Publishing in Astronomy & Space Sciences, October 1-3, 1991, Strasbourg, France, IAU Inform. Bull. 66 (1991) 44 [phot] [pdf] 749. Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences – Strasbourg Astronomical Ob- servatory – 1-3 October 1991, TUGboat 12 (1991) 311 [phot] [pdf] 750. Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World – ASpScROW (En- tries with telecom plugs – August 1991) vi + 734 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – full and ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 751. CDS Special Publication n◦ 18 – List of Acronyms and Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Fields 1991, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 39 (1991) 27 [phot] [pdf] 752. Star–TEX, Cahiers Gutenberg 9 (1991) 75-78 [paper] [pdf] 753. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences & Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDSVenngeist18 (September 1991) xviii + 610 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-16-2) [unavailable] 754. Applying Fractals in Astronomy (Editor, with J.M. Perdang), Lecture Notes in Physics m3, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1991) x + 210 pp. (ISBN 3-540-54353-8 & 0-387- 54353-8) [book] [pdf/cover only] 58 1991 Publications Andr´eHeck

755. Foreword (with J.M. Perdang), in Applying Fractals in Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & J.M. Perdang, Lecture Notes in Physics m3, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1991) v-viii [book] [pdf] 756. Contents (with J.M. Perdang), in Applying Fractals in Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & J.M. Perdang, Lecture Notes in Physics m3, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1991) ix [book] [pdf] 757. The Real Stuff, in Applying Fractals in Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & J.M. Perdang, Lecture Notes in Physics m3, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1991) 201-210 [book] [pdf] 758. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences & Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 18 (October 1991) xviii + 616 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-16-2) [unavailable] 759. A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 90 (1991) 103-104 [paper] [pdf] 760. Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World – ASpScROW (Space-linked entries – November 1991) iv + 164 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – full and ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 761. Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World – ASpScROW (As- tronomy and space sciences entries – October 1991) iv + 464 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – full and ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 762. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences & Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 18 (November 1991) xviii + 620 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-16-2) [unavailable] 763. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Fields, Physics Today 44 (October 1991) 122 [phot] [pdf] 764. Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Parts 1-2, Physics Today 44 (October 1991) 122 [phot] [pdf] 765. Bases de donn´ees en astronomie, Bull. Int. Obs. Paris 927 (1991) 350 [phot] [pdf] 766. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences & Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 18 (December 1991) xx + 626 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-16-2) [unavailable] 767. Astronomy from Large Databases II – Strasbourg Observatory – 14-16 September 1992 (with F. Murtagh), ESO Messenger 66 (1991) 46 [full] [pdf] 768. StarBriefs, le nouveau DAAASSRF 92 est arriv´e, Bull. Int. Obs. Paris 932 (1991) 384- 385Venngeist[phot] [pdf]

The home-made Stars*s Family logo, used on early web pages, later reprinted by Kluwer on the StarGuides and StarBriefs volumes. Andr´eHeck 1992 Publications 59


769. StarGuides – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (France – January 1992) iv + 106 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – full and ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 770. StarBriefs 1992 – A Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations in Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 19 (January 1992) xxvi + 668 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-17-0) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1356] 771. Newsletter of IAU Comm. 5 WG on Astronomical Data (Editor) (January 1992) 10 pp. [phot] [pdf] 772. Astronomy from Large Databases, Physics Today 45 (January 1992) 92 [phot] [pdf] 773. For Sale, Sterne und Weltraum 31 (1992) 142 [phot] [pdf] 774. Vends, Ciel et Espace 266 (f´evrier 1992) 79 [phot] [pdf] 775. StarBriefs 1992 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 19 (February 1992) xxvi + 690 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-17-0) [unavailable] 776. Astronomy from Large Databases II – September 14-16, 1992, Strasbourg, France, IAU Inform. Bull. 67 (1992) 61 [phot] [pdf] 777. StarBriefs 1992 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 19 (March 1992) xxvi + 710 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-17-0) [unavailable] 778. Astronomy from Large Databases II – Observatoire de Strasbourg – 14-16 septembre 1992, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 41 (1992) 30-31 [paper] [pdf] 779. Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences (Editor), World Scientific, Singa- pore (1992) xii + 240 pp. (ISBN 981-02-0915-0) [book] [pdf/cover only] 780. Foreword, in DeskTop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, World Scientific, Singapore (1992) v-vi [book] [pdf] 781. Contents, in DeskTop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, World Scientific, Singapore (1992) ix-xi [book] [pdf] 782. An Introduction to the Colloquium, in DeskTop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, World Scientific, Singapore (1992) 3-9 [book] [pdf] 783. Results of a Desktop Publishing Survey, in DeskTop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, World Scientific, Singapore (1992) 55-64 [book] [pdf] 784. From Compuscripts to Intelligent Information Retrieval, in DeskTop Publishing in As- tronomyVenngeist and Space Sciences, World Scientific, Singapore (1992) 125-127 [book] [pdf] 785. Databases and TEX (translating G. Weil), in DeskTop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, World Scientific, Singapore (1992) 133-136 [book] [pdf] 786. Networks and DTP Files (translating G. Weil), in DeskTop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, World Scientific, Singapore (1992) 207-210 [book] [pdf] 60 1992 Publications Andr´eHeck

787. Acronyms, in DeskTop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, World Scientific, Singapore (1992) 227-230 [book] [pdf] 788. List of Participants, in DeskTop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, World Scientific, Singapore (1992) 231-235 [book] [pdf] 789. Name Index, in DeskTop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, World Scientific, Singapore (1992) 237-240 [book] [pdf] 790. Electronic Publishing and Intelligent Information Retrieval, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 40 (1992) 127-131 [phot] [pdf] 791. Astronomy from Large Databases II (Haguenau: 14-16 September 1992), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 40 (1992) 133-138 [phot] [pdf] 792. Introducing ... the Stars*s Family, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 40 (1992) 139-141 [phot] [pdf] 793. * StarBriefs *, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 40 (1992) 143-144 [phot] [pdf] 794. StarBriefs 1992 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 19 (April 1992) xxvi + 742 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-17-0) [unavailable] 795. Vends, Orion 50 (1992) 17 [full] [pdf] 796. B´eatrice Lacoste: L’Europe `ala d´ecouverte de l’espace (critique bibliographique), Orion 50 (1992) 49 [full] [pdf] 797. Newsletter of IAU Comm. 5 WG on Astronomical Data (Editor) (April 1992) 10 pp. [phot] [pdf] 798. Astronomy from Large Databases II, Haguenau, France, Amstat News 86 (April 1992) 54 [unavailable] 799. StarBriefs 1992 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 19 (May 1992) xxxiv + 760 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-17-0) [unavailable] 800. Banque de donn´ees astronomiques, Ciel et Terre 108 (1992) 39 [paper] [pdf] 801. Astronomy from Large Databases II – September 14-16, 1992, Strasbourg, France, IRLIST Digest IX (1992) 16 [phot] [pdf] 802. Andr´eHeck – Star-TEX, TUGboat 13 (1992) 102 [phot] [pdf] 803. StarBriefs 1992 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 19 (June 1992) xxxiv + 764 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-17-0) [unavailable] 804. StarGuides – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of theVenngeist World (France – June 1992) iv + 122 pp. [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – full and ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 805. La base de donn´ees StarWays, Bull. Int. Obs. Paris 951 (1992) 198 [phot] [pdf]* 806. Astronomy from Large Databases II – Call for papers, TEXhax Digest 92 (1992) 10 [phot] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1992 Publications 61

807. Astronomy from Large Databases II – Strasbourg Observatory – 14-16 September 1992 (with F. Murtagh), SIGIR Forum 26 (1992) 47-48 [phot] [pdf] 808. Desktop and Electronic Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, TEXhax Digest 92 (1992) 12 [phot] [pdf] 809. Les Potins d’Uranie – La communication en astronomie (Al Nath), Orion 50 (1992) 66-70 [phot] [pdf] 810. The Star*s Family, CODATA Bull. 24 (1992) 136 [phot] [pdf] 811. La publication ´electronique et la recherche ‘intelligente’ de l’information en astronomie et sciences spatiales, Micro Bulletin 45 (1992) 122-133 [phot] [pdf] 812. * StarWays * – A Database of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (with A. Ciarlo & H. Stokke), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 41 (1992) 71-73 [phot] [pdf] 813. * StarGuides *, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 41 (1992) 75-76 [phot] [pdf] 814. StarBriefs 1992 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 19 (August 1992) xxxiv + 772 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-17-0) [unavailable] 815. Astronomy from Large Databases II, IAU Inform. Bull. 68 (1992) 27 [phot] [pdf] 816. StarBriefs, IAU Inform. Bull. 68 (1992) 32 [phot] [pdf] 817. StarGuides, IAU Inform. Bull. 68 (1992) 33 [phot] [pdf] 818. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’observation astronomique au futur (Al Nath), Orion 50 (1992) 147-151 [full] [pdf] 819. Andr´eHeck, Ed. Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, TEX and TUG News 1 (July 1992) 13 [phot] [pdf] 820. Astronomy from Large Databases, Haguenau, France, TUGboat 13 (1992) 231 [phot] [pdf] 821. Astronomical Databases: A User Approach, in Data Analysis in Astronomy IV, Eds. V. Di Ges`u, L. Scarsi, R. Buccheri, Ph. Crane, M.C. Maccarone & H.U. Zimmermann, Plenum Press, New York (1992) 21-28 [paper] [pdf] 822. Un tour d’Uranie en quelques Potins (Al Nath) (aoˆut 1992)vi + 201pp. [paper] [pdf/first pages only – refer to the individual articles listed in ToC] 823. StarBriefs: A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Fields, Physics Today 45 (August 1992) 71 [phot] [pdf] 824. Astronomy from Large Databases II – Abstracts (Editor, with F. Murtagh) (1992) 94 pp. [full]Venngeist [pdf/first pages only] 825. Electronic Publishing: A Key to Advanced Information Retrieval?, in Astronomy from Large Databases II – Abstracts, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh (1992) 13 [full] [pdf] 826. Yellow-page Services: Where Are We Heading?, in Astronomy from Large Databases II – Abstracts, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh (1992) 57 [full] [pdf] 62 1992 Publications Andr´eHeck

827. Starways – A Database of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (with A. Ciarlo & H. Stokke), in Astronomy from Large Databases II – Abstracts, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh (1992) 58 [full] [pdf] 828. Author Index (with F. Murtagh), in Astronomy from Large Databases II – Abstracts, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh (1992) 93-94 [full] [pdf] 829. StarBriefs 1992 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 19 (September 1992) xxxiv + 774 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-17-0) [unavailable] 830. StarBriefs 1992 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 19 (October 1992) xxxiv + 774 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-17-0) [unavailable] 831. Electronic Publishing and ‘Intelligent’ Information Retrieval in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Vistas in Astron. 35 (1992) 215-237 [paper] [pdf] 832. R´epertoire international d’associations et de soci´et´es astronomiques (IDAAS), L’Astro- nomie (novembre 1992) 34 [phot] [pdf] 833. Electronic Publishing and Intelligent Information Retrieval, in Abstracts Second Ann. Conf. on Astron. Data Analysis Software and Systems (1992) 48 [phot] [pdf] 834. Please Clean Up!, Space Digest 15 (1992) 425 [phot] [pdf] 835. StarBriefs 1992 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 19 (November 1992) xxxiv + 772 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-17-0) [unavailable] 836. Database StarWays, Space Digest 15 (1992) 446 [phot] [pdf] 837. StarBriefs 1993 – New Updated Edition, Space Digest 15 (1992) 446 [phot] [pdf] 838. StarGuides 1993 – New Publication of the Star*s Family, Space Digest 15 (1992) 446 [phot] [pdf] 839. Newsletter of IAU Comm. 5 WG on Astronomical Data (Editor) (December 1992) 18 pp. [phot] [pdf] 840. Astronomy from Large Databases II (Editor, with F. Murtagh), ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 43 (1992) x + 534 pp. (ISBN 3-923524-47-1) [book] [pdf/cover & picture only] 841. Sponsors (with F. Murtagh), in Astronomy from Large Databases II, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 43 (1992) ii [book] [pdf] 842. Scientific Organising Committee (with F. Murtagh), in Astronomy from Large Data- bases II, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 43 (1992) ii [book] [pdf]Venngeist 843. Foreword (with F. Murtagh), in Astronomy from Large Databases II, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 43 (1992) v-vi [book] [pdf] 844. Table of Contents (with F. Murtagh), in Astronomy from Large Databases II, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 43 (1992) vii-x [book] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1992 Publications 63

845. Electronic Publishing: A Key to Advanced Information Retrieval?, in Astronomy from Large Databases II, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 43 (1992) 51-62 [book] [pdf] 846. Yellow-page Services: Where Are We Heading?, in Astronomy from Large Databases II, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 43 (1992) 313-318 [book] [pdf] 847. Starways – A Database of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (with A. Ciarlo & H. Stokke), in Astronomy from Large Databases II, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 43 (1992) 319-324 [book] [pdf] 848. The Increasing Rˆole of Librarians in Information Retrieval, in Astronomy from Large Databases II, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 43 (1992) 527-528 [book] [pdf] 849. List of Participants (with F. Murtagh), in Astronomy from Large Databases II, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 43 (1992) 529-532 [book] [pdf] 850. Author Index (with F. Murtagh), in Astronomy from Large Databases II, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 43 (1992) 533-534 [book] [pdf] 851. Astronomy from Large Databases II (with F. Murtagh), ESO Messenger 70 (1992) 49 [full] [pdf] 852. Report on ALD-II – Astronomy from Large Databases II (with M. Cr´ez´e& F. Murtagh), ESO Messenger 70 (1992) 80 [full] [pdf] 853. Astronomical Organizations Available On-line, Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 63 (1992) 15 [phot] [pdf] 854. StarWays – A Database of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (announcement of a database) (with A. Ciarlo & H. Stokke), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 96 (1992) 565-566 [paper] [pdf]


Lecturing at a CODATA meeting, Beijing, PR China, 21 October 1992. 64 1993 Publications Andr´eHeck


855. The Increasing Rˆole of Librarians in Astronomical Information Retrieval, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 42 (1993) 51-55 [phot] [pdf] 856. Report on ALD-II – Astronomy from Large Databases II (with M. Cr´ez´e& F. Murtagh), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 42 (1993) 57[phot] [pdf] 857. StarGuides 1993, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 42 (1993) 71-72 [phot] [pdf] 858. StarBriefs 1993, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 42 (1993) 73-74 [phot] [pdf] 859. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le rˆole croissant des biblioth´ecaires dans la recherche de l’infor- mation en astronomie (Al Nath), Orion 51 (1993) 42-43 [full/phot] [pdf] 860. StarBriefs 1993 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 21 (February 1993) xxxiv + 778 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-19-7) [unavailable] 861. StarGuides 1993 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 20 (1993) x + 1174 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2- 908064-18-9) (two volumes) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 862. StarBriefs, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 44 (1993) 43 [phot] [pdf] 863. StarGuides, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 44 (1993) 43 [phot] [pdf] 864. The Star*s Family, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 44 (1993) 43 [phot] [pdf] 865. StarBriefs 1993 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 21 (April 1993) xxxiv + 792 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-19-7) [unavailable] 866. StarBriefs 1993 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 21 (May 1993) xxxiv + 808 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-19-7) [unavailable] 867. Font Size for Astronomical Symbols, TEXhax Digest 93 (1993) 9 [phot] [pdf] 868. Second Catalogue of Stars Measured in the Long-term Photometry of Variables Project (1986-1990) (with C. Sterken, J. Manfroid, K. Anton, A. Barzewski, E. Bibo, A. Bruch, M. Burger, H.W. Duerbeck, R. Duemmler, H. Hensberge, M. Hiesgen, F. Inklaar, A. Jorissen, A. Juettner, U. Kinkel, Liu Zongli, M.V. Mekkaden, Y.K. Ng, P. Niarchos, M. P¨uttmann, T. Szeifert, F. Spiller, R. van Dijk, N. Vogt & I. Wanders), ESO Sc. Report 12 (1993) 456 pp. [paper] [pdf/first pages with introductory text only] 869. TheVenngeist Star*s Family – An Update, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 25 (1993) 789 [phot] [pdf] 870. Metafont DOS/Unix, TEXhax Digest 93 (1993) 10 [phot] [pdf] 871. Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy & Related Space Sciences (Editor, with F. Murtagh), Kluwer Acad. Publ. (1993) iv + 214 pp. (ISBN 0-7923- 2295-9) [book] [pdf/cover only] Andr´eHeck 1993 Publications 65

872. Table of Contents (with F. Murtagh), in Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy & Related Space Sciences (Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh), Kluwer Acad. Publ. (1993) iii [book] [pdf] 873. Introduction (with F. Murtagh), in Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of As- tronomy & Related Space Sciences (Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh), Kluwer Acad. Publ. (1993) 3-8 [book] [pdf] 874. Epilogue (with F. Murtagh), in Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy & Related Space Sciences (Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh), Kluwer Acad. Publ. (1993) 197-198 [book] [pdf] 875. Abbreviations and Acronyms (with F. Murtagh), in Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy & Related Space Sciences (Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh), Kluwer Acad. Publ. (1993) 199-205 [book] [pdf] 876. Index (with F. Murtagh), in Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy & Related Space Sciences (Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh), Kluwer Acad. Publ. (1993) 207-214 [book] [pdf] 877. Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy and Related Space Sciences (with F. Murtagh), SIGIR Forum 27 (1993) 55 [phot] [pdf] 878. Astronomy from Large Databases II (with F. Murtagh), SIGIR Forum 27 (1993) 55-59 [phot] [pdf] 879. Response to A.G.W. Cameron (Letter to the Editor), TUGboat 14 (1993) 70 [phot] [pdf] 880. Report on ALD-II – Astronomy from Large Databases II (with M. Cr´ez´e& F. Murtagh), IAPR Newsl. 15 (1993) 10-11 [phot] [pdf] 881. A New CDS Project: MediaTheque – A Collection of CD-ROMs, Video Tapes, and Other Modern Media with Materials Linked to Astronomy and Space Sciences, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 43 (1993) 69-70 [paper] [pdf] 882. StarGuides 1993 (now available), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 43 (1993) 71-72 [paper] [pdf] 883. StarBriefs 1993 (new presentation: strong reusable holder), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 43 (1993) 73-74 [paper] [pdf] 884. The Star*s Family: Other Publications, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 43 (1993) 75-76 [paper] [pdf] 885. StarBriefs 1993 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 21 (July 1993) xxxviii + 820 pp. (ISSNVenngeist 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-19-7) [holder] [pdf/first pages only – ultimate version as Publ. 1356] 886. 4. International Organizations – 4.1 CODATA (Committee on Data for Science & Tech- nology IUPAC/ICSU) – Excerpt of the Minutes of the General Assembly held in Beijing, China PR, October 1992, IAU Inform. Bull. 70 (1993) 15 [phot] [pdf] 66 1993 Publications Andr´eHeck

887. StarBriefs 1993 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 21 (September 1993) xxxviii + 840 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-19-7) [unavailable] 888. Astronomy from Large Databases II (with F. Murtagh), Physics Today 46 (September 1993) 68 [phot] [pdf] 889. StarBriefs 1993 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 21 (October 1993) xl + 866 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-19-7) [unavailable] 890. Electronic Publishing & Advanced Information Retrieval, in Astron. Data Analysis Soft- ware and Systems II, Eds. R.J. Hanisch, R.J.V. Brissenden & J. Barnes, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series 52 (1993) 121-132 [phot] [pdf] 891. Les Potins d’Uranie – Trois l´egendes de ‘Down Under’ (Al Nath), Orion 51 (1993) 218-220 [full] [pdf] 892. A Review of the Star*s Family Products, in Abstracts Third Annual Conf. on Astron. Data Analysis Software and Systems (1993) 28 [phot] [pdf] 893. Available Journals, European Astron. Soc. Newsl. 6 (1993) 15 [phot] [pdf] 894. StarGates and StarWords – An On-line Yellow Pages Directory for Astronomy (with M.A. Albrecht), ESO Messenger 73 (1993) 39-40 [full] [pdf] 895. StarBriefs 1993 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 21 (November 1993) xl + 868 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-19-7) [unavailable] 896. Newsletter of IAU Comm. 5 WG on Astronomical Data (Editor) (November 1993) 13 pp. [paper] [pdf] 897. Long-term Photometry of Variables at ESO. II. The Second Data Catalogue (1986-1990) (with C. Sterken, J. Manfroid, K. Anton, A. Barzewski, E. Bibo, A. Bruch, M. Burger, H.W. Duerbeck, R. Duemmler, H. Hensberge, M. Hiesgen, F. Inklaar, A. Jorissen, A. Juettner, U. Kinkel, Liu Zongli, M.V. Mekkaden, Y.K. Ng, P. Niarchos, M. P¨uttmann, T. Szeifert, F. Spiller, R. van Dijk, N. Vogt & I. Wanders), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 102 (1993) 79-83 [phot] [pdf] 898. StarGuides. A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (announcement of a catalogue), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 102 (1993) 85-86 [paper] [pdf] 899. StarBriefs. A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields (announcement of a catalogue), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 102 (1993) 87 [paper] [pdf] 900. Un tour d’Uranie en quelques Potins (Al Nath) (d´ecembre 1993) vi + 208 pp. [unavail- able]Venngeist 901. StarBriefs 1993 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 21 (December 1993) xl + 876 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-19-7) [unavailable] 902. The Star*s Family, Planet. Space Sc. 41 (1993) 649 [phot] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1993 Publications 67

903. The Star*s Family, Vistas in Astron. 36 (1993) 316 [phot] [pdf] 904. Pierre Lacroute, 1906-1993, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 25 (1993) 1498 [paper] [pdf] 905. The Star*s Family, in NCSA Meta-Announcements (19 December 1993) [unavailable]

Venngeist Announcements of Star*s Family members in Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplements. 68 1994 Publications Andr´eHeck


906. Letters, Hemispheres (January 1994) 16-17 [phot] [pdf] 907. MediaTheque – Report 1, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 44 (1994) 29-36 [phot] [pdf] 908. The Star*s Family Grows: StarGates and StarWords Now Available at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) (with M.A. Albrecht), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees As- tron. Strasbourg 44 (1994) 51-53 [phot] [pdf] 909. An Invitation to Join ... MediaTheque. A Collection of CD-ROMs, Video Tapes, Diskettes, Cassettes, and Other Modern Media with Material Related to Astronomy and Space Sci- ences, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 44 (1994) 65-66 [phot] [pdf] 910. StarBriefs 1994 (new release), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 44 (1994) 67-68 [paper] [pdf] 911. StarGuides 1994 (new release), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 44 (1994) 69-70 [paper] [pdf] 912. StarGuides, IAU Inform. Bull. 72 (1994) 23 [phot] [pdf] 913. StarBriefs, IAU Inform. Bull. 72 (1994) 23 [phot] [pdf] 914. MediaTheque, IAU Inform. Bull. 72 (1994) 23 [phot] [pdf] 915. StarWords – A Database of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields (announcement of a database) (with M.A. Albrecht), As- tron. Astrophys. Suppl. 103 (1994) 471 [paper] [pdf] 916. StarGates – A Database of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (announcement of a database) (with M.A. Albrecht), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 103 (1994) 473-474 [paper] [pdf] 917. StarBriefs 1994 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 22 (March 1994) vi + 818 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-20-0) [unavailable] 918. StarBriefs 1994 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 22 (April 1994) vi + 716 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-20-0) [unavailable] 919. AstroWeb (with the AstroWeb Consortium), in NCSA Meta-Announcements (7 April 1994) [phot] [pdf] 920. StarGuides 1994 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 23 (April 1994) viii + 880 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-21-9) [unavailable] 921. StarGuides 1994 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations ofVenngeist the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 23 (May 1994) viii + 770 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-21-9) [unavailable] 922. StarBriefs 1994 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 22 (May 1994) iv + 738 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-20-0) [unavailable] Andr´eHeck 1994 Publications 69

923. StarGuides 1994 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 23 (June 1994) viii + 778 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-21-9)[holder] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 924. StarBriefs 1994 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 22 (June 1994) vi + 694 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-20-0) [holder] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1356] 925. StarWorlds and StarBits (with D. Egret & F. Ochsenbein), in NCSA Meta-Announ- cements (11 June 1994) [phot] [pdf] 926. StarGuides 1994 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 23 (July 1994) viii + 780 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-21-9) [unavailable] 927. StarBriefs 1994 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 22 (August 1994) vi + 712 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-20-0) [unavailable] 928. StarGuides 1994 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 23 (August 1994) viii + 784 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-21-9) [unavailable] 929. The Star*s Family: An Example of Integrated Yellow-page Services, Sidereal Times 7 (23 August 1994) 6 [full] [pdf] 930. StarHeads, in NCSA Meta-Announcements (25 August 1994) [phot] [pdf] 931. Les Potins d’Uranie – Atacama Fiction (Al Nath), Orion 52 (1994) 188-190 [full] [pdf] 932. The Star*s Family, in New Data Challenges in Our Information Age, Eds. Ph. Sloane Glaeser & M.T.I. Willward, CODATA Proc. Series 2 (1994) B110-B113 [phot] [pdf] 933. SMR Stars, Strong-CN stars, and R Stars (with P.C. Keenan), Revista Mexicana Astron. Astrof. 29 (1994) 103-110 [paper] [pdf] 934. The AstroWeb Database (with R. Jackson, D. Wells, H.M. Adorf, D. Egret A. Koeke- moer & F. Murtagh), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 45 (1994) 21-25 [paper] [pdf] 935. MediaTheque – Report 2, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 45 (1994) 27-34 [paper] [pdf] 936. The Star*s Family Grows Bigger: StarWorlds and StarBits Now Available at CDS (with D. Egret & F. Ochsenbein), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 45 (1994) 55-59 [paper] [pdf] 937. Yellow-page Services at CDS (with D. Egret), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 45 (1994) 61-65 [paper] [pdf] 938. AnVenngeist Invitation to Join ... MediaTheque. A Collection of CD-ROMs, Video Tapes, Diskettes, Cassettes, and Other Modern Media with Material Related to Astronomy and Space Sci- ences, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 45 (1994) 71-72 [paper] [pdf] 939. StarBriefs 1994, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 45 (1994) 73-74 [paper] [pdf] 70 1994 Publications Andr´eHeck

940. StarGuides 1994, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 45 (1994) 75-76 [paper] [pdf] 941. A Few Facets of the Kaleidoscope of Scientific Information, in Scientific Program and Abstracts 14th Intern. CODATA Conf. – 18-22 Sept. 1994, Chamb´ery, France – Data and Knowledge in a Changing World – The Quest for a Healthier Environment, 118 [phot] [pdf] 942. A Review of the Star*s Family Products, in Astron. Data Analysis Software and Systems III, Eds. D.R. Crabtree, R.J. Hanisch & J. Barnes, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series 61 (1994) 135-138 [phot] [pdf] 943. AstroWeb – Internet Resources for Astronomers (with R.E. Jackson, H.M. Adorf, D. Egret, A. Koekemoer, F. Murtagh & D. Wells), in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems 1994 – Baltimore – Final Program, 27 [phot] [pdf] 944. WWW in Astronomy and Related Space Sciences (with D. Egret), Advance Proc. Second Intern. WWW Conf. 1994 – Mosaic and the Web, Eds. I. Goldstein, J. Hardin, T. Berners- Lee, L. Brandt, R. Cailliau, J. Fullton, T. Krauskopf, Ed Krol, Y. Kikuta, B. Kucera, C. Moore, R.P.C. Rodgers, M. Schwartz, Y. Rubinsky, T. Rutkowski, J. Stewart, M. Tenenbaum & J. Thot-Thompson (1994) 109-116 [phot] [pdf] 945. StarBriefs 1994 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 22 (October 1994) vi + 726 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-20-0) [unavailable] 946. StarGuides 1994 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 23 (October 1994) viii + 794 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-21-9) [unavailable] 947. Commission 5: Documentation and Astronomical Data (Documentation et donn´ees as- tronomiques). Working Group on Astronomical Data. Report of Meeting 18 August 1994, in IAU Comm. 5 Electron. Newsl. 9 (October 1994), Ed. B. Hauck [unavailable] 948. Commission 5: Documentation and Astronomical Data (Documentation et donn´ees as- tronomiques). Astronomical Data. Report of Meeting 23 August 1994, in IAU Comm. 5 Electron. Newsl. 9 (October 1994), Ed. B. Hauck [unavailable] 949. Commission 5: Documentation and Astronomical Data (Documentation et donn´ees as- tronomiques). Information Handling. Report of Meeting 23 August 1994, in IAU Comm. 5 Electron. Newsl. 9 (October 1994), Ed. B. Hauck [unavailable] 950. Les Potins d’Uranie – Maoris, Rona, Maaui & Te Raa (Al Nath), Orion 52 (1994) 245-246 [full] [pdf] 951. AstroWeb – A Database of Links to Astronomy Resources (announcement of a database) (with R. Jackson, D. Wells, H.M. Adorf, D. Egret A. Koekemoer & F. Murtagh), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 108 (1994) 235-236 [paper] [pdf] 952. StarGuidesVenngeist 1994 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 23 (November 1994) viii + 794 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-21-9) [unavailable] 953. StarWorlds – StarBits (announcement of two databases) (with D. Egret & F. Ochsen- bein), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 108 (1994) 447-448 [paper] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1994 Publications 71

954. StarGuides 1994 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 23 (December 1994) viii + 808 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-21-9) [unavailable] 955. Weaving the Astronomy Web (with D. Egret), NCSA What’s New? (3 December 1994) [phot] [pdf] 956. Round Table Discussion (with panel), in Handling & Archiving Data from Ground-Based Telescopes, Eds. M.A. Albrecht & F. Pasian, ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 50 (1994) 215-232 [phot] [pdf] 957. What is Electronic Publishing? (Letter to the Editor), Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 73 (1994) 2 [phot] [pdf] 958. Weaving the Astronomy Web (with D. Egret), Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 73 (1994) 10 [phot] [pdf] 959. The AstroWeb Database of Internet Resources (with H.M. Adorf, D. Egret, R.E. Jackson, A. Koekemoer, F. Murtagh & D. Wells), ESO Messenger 78 (1994) 44-46 [full] [pdf] 960. Electronic Information Handling in Astronomy and Related Space Sciences, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 26 (1994) 1513 [phot] [pdf] 961. L’astronomie tisse sa toile ... (avec D. Egret), Bull. Int. Obs. Paris 1066 (22 d´ecembre 1994) 391 [phot] [pdf] 962. Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy and Related Space Sciences (with F. Murtagh), CODATA Newsl. 69 (1994) 4 [phot] [pdf] 963. Les Potins d’Uranie – L´egendes des longues nuits arctiques (Al Nath), Orion 52 (1994) 275-276 [full] [pdf] 964. The Star*s Family: A Comprehensive Set of Yellow-page and On-line Services, Vistas in Astron. 38 (1994) 401-418 [paper] [pdf]


In the second (post-directorial, 1990-2014) office at Strasbourg Observatory, France, with an occasional cigar during a brief smoker period, 28 November 1995. 72 1995 Publications Andr´eHeck

1995 965. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (January 1995) viii + 814 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [holder] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 966. StarBriefs 1995 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 26 (January 1995) vi + 744 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-24-3) [holder] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1356] 967. StarGuides 95, Ciel et Espace 298 (janvier 1995) 80-81 [phot] [pdf] 968. Weaving the Astronomy Web (WAW), IAU Inform. Bull. 74 (1995) 60 [phot] [pdf] 969. Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy and Related Space Sciences (with F. Murtagh), IAU Inform. Bull. 74 (1995) 70 [phot] [pdf] 970. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (Latin-America subset), Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (January 1995) vi + 50 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – full and ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 971. AstroWeb – Internet Resources for Astronomers (with H.M. Adorf, D. Egret, R.E. Jack- son, A. Koekemoer, F. Murtagh & D. Wells), ST-ECF Newsl. 22 (1995) 26-27 [full] [pdf] 972. StarHeads (announcement of a database), Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 109 (1995) 265 [paper] [pdf] 973. Report on CODATA ’94 and CODATA General Assembly, in IAU Comm. 5 Electron. Newsl. 10 (February 1995), Ed. B. Hauck [phot] [pdf] 974. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (Subset: France), Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (February 1995) viii + 102 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – full and ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 975. StarBriefs 1995 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 26 (February 1995) vi + 758 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-24-3) [unavailable] 976. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (February 1995) viii + 822 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [unavailable] 977. MediaTheque, in NCSA What’s New? (3 March 1995) [phot] [pdf] 978. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations ofVenngeist the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (March 1995) viii + 826 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [unavailable] 979. StarBriefs 1995 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 26 (March 1995) vi + 764 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-24-3) [unavailable] Andr´eHeck 1995 Publications 73

980. MediaTheque – Report 3, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 46 (1995) 33-38 [paper] [pdf] 981. An Invitation to Join ... MediaTheque. A Collection of CD-ROMs, Video Tapes, Diskettes, Cassettes, and Other Modern Media with Material Related to Astronomy and Space Sci- ences, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 46 (1995) 39-40 [paper] [pdf] 982. The Star*s Family Grows Again Bigger: StarHeads Now Available at CDS, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 46 (1995) 41-42 [paper] [pdf] 983. StarGuides 1995 (new release), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 46 (1995) 43-44 [paper] [pdf] 984. StarBriefs 1995 (new release), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 46 (1995) 45-46 [paper] [pdf] 985. Weaving the Astronomy Web (WAW). A Conference Organized at Strasbourg Astronom- ical Observatory, France. 6-7 April 1995 (with D. Egret), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 46 (1995) 47 [paper] [pdf] 986. R´eflexions sur les technologies de l’information, in L’Internet Professionnel, Ed.´ A. Simeray, CNRS Editions,´ Paris (1995) 303-308 [paper] [pdf] 987. The Star*s Family, in NCSA What’s New? (22 March 1995) [phot] [pdf] 988. Czech Characters, TEXhax Digest 8 (1995) 2 [phot] [pdf] 989. Weaving the Astronomy Web (with D. Egret), Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 74 (1995) 14 [phot] [pdf] 990. About this WAW Conference ... and More Generally on the WWW Practice, in Weaving the Astronomy Web – Programme – Abstracts – List of Participants (1995) 7 [full] [pdf] 991. The Star*s Family on the Web (with D. Egret & F. Ochsenbein), in Weaving the Astronomy Web – Programme – Abstracts – List of Participants (1995) 17 [full] [pdf] 992. WWW in Astronomy and Related Space Sciences (with D. Egret), in Third Internat. WWW Conf. – Poster Proceedings (1995) 95-98 [phot] [pdf] 993. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (April 1995) viii + 834 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [unavailable] 994. StarBriefs 1995 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 26 (April 1995) vi + 778 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-24-3) [unavailable] 995. Stellar Contribution, Internet World (May 1995) 10 [phot] [pdf] 996. Converging Computing Methodologies in Astronomy – A European Science Foundation Scientific Network, 1995-1997 (with A. Bijaoui, V. Di Ges´u, M.J. Kurtz, P. Linde, M.C. Maccarone,Venngeist R. McMahon, R. Molina, F. Murtagh & E. Raimond), ESO Messenger 79 (1995) 38-39 [full] [pdf] 997. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (May 1995) viii + 840 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [unavailable] 74 1995 Publications Andr´eHeck

998. StarBriefs 1995 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 26 (May 1995) vi + 790 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-24-3) [unavailable] 999. Electronic Publishing or Electronic Information Handling?, Library and Information Ser- vices in Astronomy II – May 10-12, 1995 – ESO Garching Germany – Programme and Abstracts Booklet (1995) 14 [phot] [pdf] 1000. The Star*s Family – Status Report, Library and Information Services in Astronomy II – May 10-12, 1995 – ESO Garching Germany – Programme and Abstracts Booklet (1995) 14 [phot] [pdf] 1001. AstroWeb – Internet Resources for Astronomers (with R.E. Jackson, H.M. Adorf, D. Egret, A. Koekemoer, F. Murtagh & D. Wells), in Astron. Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, Eds. R.A. Shaw, H.E. Payne & J.J.E. Hayes, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series 77 (1995) 52-54 [phot] [pdf] 1002. Facets and Challenges of the Information Technology Evolution, ICSTI Newsletter 20 (1995) 3-5 [full] [pdf] 1003. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (June 1995) viii + 848 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [unavailable] 1004. StarBriefs 1995 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 26 (June 1995) vi + 814 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-24-3) [unavailable] 1005. Un tour d’Uranie en quelques Potins (Al Nath) (juin 1995) vi + 224 pp. [unavailable] 1006. Sympathy, ISU News Digest 2/381 (23 June 1995) [unavailable] 1007. Again Sympathy, ISU News Digest 2/382 (24 June 1995) [unavailable] 1008. Final Comments and a Suggestion, ISU News Digest 2/383 (25 June 1995) [unavailable] 1009. T´elescopages – Internet International, Ciel et Espace 304 (juillet-aoˆut 1995) 11 [phot] [pdf] 1010. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (July 1995) viii + 866 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [unavailable] 1011. StarBriefs 1995 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 26 (July 1995) vi + 826 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-24-3) [unavailable] 1012. Les Potins d’Uranie – Plus de grˆace pour le ciel? (Al Nath), Orion 53 (1995) 125-126 [full] [pdf] 1013. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations ofVenngeist the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (August 1995) viii + 892 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [unavailable] 1014. StarBriefs 1995 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 26 (August 1995) vi + 846 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-24-3) [unavailable] Andr´eHeck 1995 Publications 75

1015. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (September 1995) viii + 906 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [unavailable] 1016. StarBriefs 1995 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 26 (September 1995) vi + 870 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-24-3) [unavailable] 1017. Weaving the Astronomy Web (Editor, with D. Egret), Vistas in Astron. 39 (1995) i-x + 1-126 [full] [pdf/cover only] 1018. Table of Contents (with D. Egret), in Weaving the Astronomy Web, Eds. D. Egret & A. Heck, Vistas in Astron. 39 (1995) iii-v [full] [pdf] 1019. Foreword (with D. Egret), in Weaving the Astronomy Web, Eds. D. Egret & A. Heck, Vistas in Astron. 39 (1995) vii [full] [pdf] 1020. About this WAW Conference ... and More Generally on the WWW Practice, in Weaving the Astronomy Web, Eds. D. Egret & A. Heck, Vistas in Astron. 39 (1995) 1-6 [full] [pdf] 1021. The Star*s Family of Astronomy Resources on the Web (with D. Egret & F. Ochsenbein), in Weaving the Astronomy Web, Eds. D. Egret & A. Heck, Vistas in Astron. 39 (1995) 107 [full] [pdf] 1022. List of Participants (with D. Egret), in Weaving the Astronomy Web, Eds. D. Egret & A. Heck, Vistas in Astron. 39 (1995) 123-126 [full] [pdf] 1023. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (October 1995) viii + 908 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [unavailable] 1024. StarBriefs 1995 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 26 (October 1995) vi + 872 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-24-3) [unavailable] 1025. Un tour d’Uranie en quelques Potins (Al Nath) (octobre 1995) vi + 228 pp.[unavailable] 1026. Facets and Challenges of the Information Technology Evolution, in Information & On- Line Data in Astronomy, Eds. D. Egret & M.A. Albrecht, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1995) 1-14 [paper] [pdf] 1027. A Global Perspective on Astronomical Data and Information: The Strasbourg Astronom- ical Data Center (CDS) (with D. Egret, M. Cr´ez´e, F. Bonnarel, P. Dubois, F. Genova, G. Jasniewicz, S. Lesteven, F. Ochsenbein & M. Wenger), in Information & On-Line Data in Astronomy, Eds. D. Egret & M.A. Albrecht, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1995) 163-174 [paper] [pdf] 1028. TheVenngeist Star*s Family: An Example of Comprehensive Yellow-page Services, in Information & On-Line Data in Astronomy, Eds. D. Egret & M.A. Albrecht, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1995) 195-205 [paper] [pdf] 1029. MediaTheque – Report 4, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 47 (1995) 21-29 [paper] [pdf] 76 1995 Publications Andr´eHeck

1030. An Invitation to Join ... MediaTheque. A Collection of CD-ROMs, Video Tapes, Diskettes, Cassettes, and Other Modern Media with Material Related to Astronomy and Space Sci- ences, Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 47 (1995) 31-32 [paper] [pdf] 1031. Integrating Astronomical Data and Information Services at the CDS (with D. Egret, F. Genova, P. Dubois, S. Lesteven, F. Ochsenbein, M. Cr´ez´e, F. Bonnarel, G. Jasniewicz & M. Wenger), in Library and Information Services in Astronomy II, Eds. F. Murtagh, U. Grothkopf & M.A. Albrecht, Vistas in Astronomy 39 (1995) 195-201 [paper] [pdf] 1032. Electronic Publishing or Electronic Information Handling?, in Library and Information Services in Astronomy II, Eds. F. Murtagh, U. Grothkopf & M.A. Albrecht, Vistas in Astronomy 39 (1995) 203-207 [paper] [pdf] 1033. The Star*s Family – Status Report, in Library and Information Services in Astronomy II, Eds. F. Murtagh, U. Grothkopf & M.A. Albrecht, Vistas in Astronomy 39 (1995) 269 [paper] [pdf] 1034. StarGuides 1995 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 25 (November 1995) viii + 912 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-23-5) [unavailable] 1035. StarBriefs 1995 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 26 (November 1995) vi + 882 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-24-3) [unavailable] 1036. Letters – Livin’on the Astronet, Astronomy 23 (December 1995) 14 [phot] [pdf] 1037. Des f´elicitations et des pr´ecisions, Astronomie-Qu´ebec (novembre-d´ecembre 1995) 4 [paper] [pdf] 1038. Chemical TEX/LaTEX, TEXhax Digest 95/18 (1995) [phot] [pdf] 1039. WWW in Astronomy and Related Space Sciences (with D. Egret), Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28 (1995) 161-166 [paper] [pdf] 1040. Les Potins d’Uranie – La ‘tapisserie’ de Bayeux (Al Nath), Orion 53 (1995) 318 [full] [pdf] 1041. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995), Orion 53 (1995) 323 [full] [pdf] 1042. The Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center (CDS): Current Status and Future Trends (with F. Genova, F. Bonnarel, M. Cr´ez´e, P. Dubois, D. Egret, G. Jasniewicz, S. Lesteven, F. Ochsenbein, M. Wenger & J.R. Watson), Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 27 (1995) 1418 [phot]Venngeist [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1995 Publications 77

With Fionn Murtagh (right) during the WAW conference, Strasbourg Observatory, France, 06 April 1995.

Venngeist At the Centro de Estudios del Hombre Austral, University of Punta Arenas, Southern Chile, 22 November 1995. 78 1996 Publications Andr´eHeck


1043. StarGuides 1996 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 27 (January 1996) viii + 916 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-25-1) [holder] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only - ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 1044. StarBriefs 1996 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 28 (January 1996) vi + 906 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-26-X) [unavailable] 1045. Electronic Publication and Information Handling: A Few Issues and Challenges, in Draft Papers from Invited Speakers – Joint ICSU Press/UNESCO Conference on Electronic Publishing in Science – UNESCO, Paris, 19-23 February 1996 (1996) 49-56 [phot] [pdf] 1046. StarGuides 1996 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 27 (February 1996) viii + 914 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-25-1) [unavailable] 1047. StarBriefs 1996 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 28 (February 1996) vi + 936 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-26-X) [unavailable] 1048. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le chat `al’envers (Al Nath), Orion 54 (1996) 37 [full] [pdf] 1049. StarGuides 1996 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 27 (March 1996) viii + 920 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-25-1) [unavailable] 1050. StarBriefs 1996 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 28 (March 1996) vi + 938 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-26-X) [unavailable] 1051. StarGuides 1996 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 27 (April 1996) viii + 914 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-25-1) [unavailable] 1052. StarBriefs 1996 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 28 (April 1996) vi + 930 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-26-X) [unavailable] 1053. A Few Facets of the Kaleidoscope of Scientific Information, in Data and Knowledge in a Changing World. I. The Information Revolution: Impact on Science and Technology, Eds. J.E. Dubois & N. Gershon, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1996) 71-82 [phot] [pdf] 1054. StarGuides 1996 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 27 (May 1996) viii + 928 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-25-1) [unavailable] 1055. StarBriefsVenngeist 1996 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 28 (May 1996) vi + 944 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-26-X) [unavailable] 1056. MediaTheque – Report 5, (with S. Lesteven) Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 48 (1996) 51-55 [paper] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1996 Publications 79

1057. StarGuides 1996 (new release), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 48 (1996) 59-60 [paper] [pdf] 1058. StarBriefs 1996 (new release), Bull. Inform. Centre Donn´ees Astron. Strasbourg 48 (1996) 61-62 [paper] [pdf] 1059. StarGuides 1996 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 27 (June 1996) viii + 936 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-25-1) [unavailable] 1060. StarBriefs 1996 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 28 (June 1996) vi + 976 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-26-X) [unavailable] 1061. Facettes et challenges de l’´evolution du traitement de l’information, Ciel et Terre 112 (1996) 103-113 [full] [pdf] 1062. StarGuides 1996 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 27 (July 1996) viii + 936 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-25-1) [unavailable] 1063. StarBriefs 1996 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 28 (July 1996) vi + 984 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-26-X) [unavailable] 1064. Faut-il vraiment exorciser la dite ‘publication ´electronique’, SFSA Message 77 (15 Juillet 1996) [phot] [pdf] 1065. Commission 5: Documentation and Astronomical Data (Documentation et donn´ees as- tronomiques). Session 1. Businees Meeting. 18 August 1994. Working Group on As- tronomical Data, in Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Proceedings of the XXIInd General Assembly, Den Haag, 1994, Volume XXIIB, Ed. I. Appenzeller, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1996) 123 [phot] [pdf] 1066. Commission 5: Documentation and Astronomical Data (Documentation et donn´ees as- tronomiques). Session 2. 23 August 1994. Astronomical Data, in Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Proceedings of the XXIInd General Assembly, Den Haag, 1994, Volume XXIIB, Ed. I. Appenzeller, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1996) 125 [phot] [pdf] 1067. Commission 5: Documentation and Astronomical Data (Documentation et donn´ees as- tronomiques). Session 3. 23 August 1994. Information Handling, in Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Proceedings of the XXIInd General Assembly, Den Haag, 1994, Volume XXIIB, Ed. I. Appenzeller, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1996) 126 [phot] [pdf] 1068. ElectronicVenngeist Publishing and Information Handling: Plenty of Roses, but also Some Thorns, Vistas in Astron. 40 (1996) 303-316 [paper] [pdf] 1069. StarGuides 1996 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 27 (August 1996) viii + 938 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-25-1) [unavailable] 80 1996 Publications Andr´eHeck

1070. StarBriefs 1996 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 28 (August 1996) vi + 990 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-26-X) [unavailable] 1071. Internet – Armand Dufour (critique bibliographique), Ciel et Terre 112 (1996) 164 [phot] [pdf] 1072. Les Potins d’Uranie – Cosmic BD (Al Nath), Orion 54 (1996) 163 [full] [pdf] 1073. Internet, par Arnaud Dufour (critique bibliographique), Orion 54 (1996) 196 [full] [pdf] 1074. StarGuides 1996 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 27 (September 1996) viii + 948 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-25-1) [unavailable] 1075. StarBriefs 1996 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 28 (September 1996) vi + 984 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-26-X) [unavailable] 1076. From an Early Electronic-Publishing Concept Towards an Advanced Electronic Informa- tion Handling, in Electronic Publishing in Science, Eds. D. Shaw & H. Moore, ICSU Press & UNESCO, Paris (1996) 95-101 [phot] [pdf] 1077. StarGuides 1996 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 27 (October 1996) viii + 950 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-25-1) [unavailable] 1078. StarBriefs 1996 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 28 (October 1996) vi + 988 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-26-X) [unavailable] 1079. Electronic Astronomical Information Handling, in International Workshop on Data Anal- ysis in Astronomy. Programme and Abstracts (1996) 2 [phot] [pdf] 1080. StarGuides 1996 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (Selected subset), Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 27 (November 1996) viii + 162 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-25-1) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – full and ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 1081. Strategies and Techniques of Information for Astronomy (Editor, with F. Murtagh), Vistas in Astron. 40 (1996) 361-440 [full] [pdf/cover only] 1082. Foreword (with F. Murtagh), in Strategies and Techniques of Information for Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, Vistas in Astron. 40 (1996) 361 [full] [pdf] 1083. A Few Comments on Information Strategies and Techniques for Astronomy, in Strategies and Techniques of Information for Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, Vistas in Astron. 40 (1996) 365-367 [full] [pdf] 1084. List of Participants (with F. Murtagh), in Strategies and Techniques of Information for AstronomyVenngeist, Eds. A. Heck & F. Murtagh, Vistas in Astron. 40 (1996) 439 [full] [pdf + picture] 1085. StarGuides 1996 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 27 (November 1996) viii + 944 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-25-1) [unavailable] Andr´eHeck 1996 Publications 81

1086. StarBriefs 1996 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Related Fields, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 28 (November 1996) vi + 988 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-26-X) [holder] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1356] 1087. Navigation cybercosmique, Ciel et Terre 112 (1996) 179-185 [full] [pdf] 1088. Les Potins d’Uranie – L´egendes de Patagonie (Al Nath), Orion 54 (1996) 288 [full] [pdf]

The 1996 Mailly Prize diploma from the Belgian Royal Academy, Venngeistacknowledging the statistical investigations of photometric indices. 82 1997 Publications Andr´eHeck


1089. StarGuides 1997 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 29 (January 1997) viii + 956 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-27-8) [unavailable] 1090. StarGuides 1997 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 29 (February 1997) viii + 978 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-27-8) [unavailable] 1091. La Lumi`ere – Emile´ Bi´emont (critique bibliographique), Ciel et Terre 113 (1997) 42 [phot] [pdf] 1092. An Alternative to Selling Stars, Sky & Tel. 93 (March 1997) 8 [phot] [pdf] 1093. StarGuides 1997 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 29 (March 1997) viii + 982 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-27-8) [unavailable] 1094. StarGuides 1997 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 29 (April 1997) viii + 980 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-27-8) [unavailable] 1095. Absolute Magnitudes of G5-M3 Stars Near the Giant Branch (with D. Egret & P.C. Keenan), in Hipparcos Venice ’97 – Programme (1997) 92 [phot] [pdf] 1096. StarGuides 1997 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 29 (May 1997) viii + 990 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-27-8) [unavailable] 1097. Les Potins d’Uranie – L´egendes de Californie (Al Nath), Orion 55/2 (1997) 17 [full] [pdf] 1098. Les Potins d’Uranie – Legenden aus Patagonien (Al Nath, Ubersetz.¨ E. Holzer), Orion 55/2 (1997) 18 [full] [pdf] 1099. StarGuides 1997 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 29 (June 1997) viii + 984 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-27-8) [unavailable] 1100. Etoiles´ `aadopter, Ciel et Espace 337 (juin 1997) 15 [phot] [pdf] 1101. Sirius et les Dogons, Orion 55/3 (1997) 31-32 [full] [pdf] 1102. Les Potins d’Uranie – Rayons verts (Al Nath), Orion 55/3 (1997) 32-33 [full] [pdf] 1103. Litterae Uraniae – Haut les ´etoiles! (Al Nath), Ciel et Terre 113 (1997) 134-135 [full] [pdf] 1104. StarGuidesVenngeist 1997 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 29 (July 1997) viii + 992 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-27-8) [unavailable] 1105. Un tour d’Uranie en quelques Potins (Al Nath) (juillet 1997) vi + 244 pp. [unavailable] Andr´eHeck 1997 Publications 83

1106. StarGuides 1997 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 29 (August 1997) viii + 998 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-27-8) [unavailable] 1107. StarHeads, StarHeck, Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 86 (1997) 18 [phot] [pdf] 1108. Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy (Editor), Astrophys. Sp. Sc. 247 (1997) viii + 250 pp. [full] [pdf/cover only] 1109. Table of Contents, in Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. 247 (1997) iii-iv [full] [pdf] 1110. Foreword, in Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. 247 (1997) vii-viii [full] [pdf] 1111. Electronic Publishing in its Context, in Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. 247 (1997) 1-10 [full] [pdf] 1112. Electronic Yellow-Page Services: The Star*s Family as an Example of Diversified Pub- lishing, in Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. 247 (1997) 211-220 [full] [pdf] 1113. Register Your Homepage!, Sidereal Times 2 (19 August 1997) 4 [phot] [pdf] 1114. Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy (Editor), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 224, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1997) viii + 250 pp. (ISBN 0-7923-4820-6) [book] [Publ. 1108 reprint] [pdf/cover only] 1115. Table of Contents, in Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1997) iii-iv [book] [Publ. 1109 reprint] [pdf] 1116. Foreword, in Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1997) vii-viii [book] [Publ. 1110 reprint] [pdf] 1117. Electronic Publishing in its Context, in Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1997) 1-10[book] [Publ. 1111 reprint] [pdf] 1118. Electronic Yellow-page Services: The Star*s Family as an Example of Diversified Pub- lishing, in Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1997) 211-220 [book] [Publ. 1112 reprint] [pdf] 1119. StarGuides 1997 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 29 (September 1997) viii + 1018 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-27-8) [unavailable] 1120. M´et´eores et effets lumineux dans l’atmosph`ere terrestre – Emile´ Bi´emont (critique bib- liographique), Ciel et Terre 113 (1997) 174 [full] [pdf] 1121. RosesVenngeist et ´epines en navigation cybercosmique, Orion 55/5 (1997) 26-28 [full] [pdf] 1122. Les Potins d’Uranie – Delvaux en Uranie (Al Nath), Orion 55/5 (1997) 29-30 [full] [pdf] 1123. StarGuides 1997 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 29 (October 1997) viii + 1022 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-27-8) [unavailable] 84 1997 Publications Andr´eHeck

1124. The HR Diagram of G5-M3 stars Near the Giant Branch from Hipparcos Trigonometric Parallaxes (with D. Egret, J.L. Vergely & P.C. Keenan), in Hipparcos Venice ’97, ESA SP-402 (1997) 335-337 [paper] [pdf] 1125. Un tour d’Uranie en quelques Potins (Al Nath) (novembre 1997) vi + 248 pp. [paper] [pdf/first pages only – refer to individual papers listed in ToC] 1126. The Star*s Family of Astronomy, European Astron. Soc. Newsl. 14 (October 1997) 14-15[phot] [pdf] 1127. Les Potins d’Uranie – Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) (Al Nath), Orion 55/6 (1997) 33 [full] [pdf] 1128. The Astronomical Yellow Pages, Observatory 117 (1997) 369 [paper] [pdf] 1129. Enregistrez-vous dans StarHeads!, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 55 (d´ec. 1997) 58-59 [phot] [pdf] 1130. Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy (Editor, with V. Di Ges´u, M.J.B. Duff, M.C. Maccarone, L. Scarsi & H.U. Zimmermann), World Scientific, Singapore (1997) xiv + 422 pp. (ISBN 981-02-3171-7) [full] [pdf/cover only] 1131. Table of Contents (with V. Di Ges´u, M.J.B. Duff, M.C. Maccarone, L. Scarsi & H.U. Zimmermann), in Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy, Eds. V. Di Ges´u, M.J.B. Duff, A. Heck, M.C. Maccarone, L. Scarsi & H.U. Zimmermann, World Scientific, Singapore (1997) v-x [full] [pdf] 1132. Preface (with V. Di Ges´u, M.J.B. Duff, M.C. Maccarone, L. Scarsi & H.U. Zimmer- mann), in Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy, Eds. V. Di Ges´u, M.J.B. Duff, A. Heck, M.C. Maccarone, L. Scarsi & H.U. Zimmermann, World Scientific, Singapore (1997) xi-xii [full] [pdf] 1133. Electronic Astronomical Information Handling and Flexible Publishing, in Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy, Eds. V. Di Ges´u, M.J.B. Duff, A. Heck, M.C. Maccarone, L. Scarsi & H.U. Zimmermann, World Scientific, Singapore (1997) 365-376 [full] [pdf] 1134. Author Index (with V. Di Ges´u, M.J.B. Duff, M.C. Maccarone, L. Scarsi & H.U. Zim- mermann), in Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy, Eds. V. Di Ges´u, M.J.B. Duff, A. Heck, M.C. Maccarone, L. Scarsi & H.U. Zimmermann, World Scientific, Singapore (1997) 421-422 [full] [pdf/incl. picture] 1135. Contributions on Electronic Publishing and Information Handling, in Advanced Tech- niques and Methods for Astronomical Information Handling, Eds. M.C. Maccarone, F. Murtagh, M. Kurtz & A. Bijaoui, Ed. Obs. Cˆote d’Azur, Nice, 119-120 [phot] [pdf] 1136. Contributions on Internet and the World-Wide Web, in Advanced Techniques and Meth- ods for Astronomical Information Handling, Eds. M.C. Maccarone, F. Murtagh, M. Kurtz &Venngeist A. Bijaoui, Ed. Obs. Cˆote d’Azur, Nice, 121 [phot] [pdf] 1137. La publication ´electronique, Acad. Roy. Belg. Bull. Cl. Sc. 6e S´erie, Tome VIII, 1-6 (1997) 21-26 [paper] [pdf] 1138. From Information Fusion to Data Mining (Editor, with R. Molina & F. Murtagh), Vistas in Astron. 41 (1997) 327-462 [full] [pdf/cover only] Andr´eHeck 1997 Publications 85

1139. Foreword (with R. Molina & F. Murtagh), in From Information Fusion to Data Mining, Eds. R. Molina, F. Murtagh & A. Heck, Vistas in Astron. 41 (1997) 327[full] [pdf]/incl. ToC]

As an organizer, monitoring, from the back of the auditorium, the progress of a post-Hipparcos conference in Haguenau, France, 14 September 1998. Venngeist(Duccio Macchetto, lower right) 86 1998 Publications Andr´eHeck


1140. StarGuides 1998 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 30 (January 1998) viii + 1022 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-28-6) [unavailable] 1141. Nul n’est proph`ete ..., Ciel et Espace 333 (F´evrier 1998) 15 [phot] [pdf] 1142. StarGuides 1998 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 30 (February 1998) viii + 1008 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-28-6) [unavailable] 1143. Les Potins d’Uranie – Plic, ploc, pLick (Al Nath), Orion 56/1 (1998) 36 [full] [pdf] 1144. Les Potins d’Uranie – Legenden aus Kalifornien (Al Nath, Ubersetz.¨ E. Holzer), Orion 56/1 (1998) 37-38 [full] [pdf] 1145. La lumi`ere – Emile´ Bi´emont (critique bibliographique), Orion 56/1 (1998) 38 [full] [pdf] 1146. StarGuides 1998 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 30 (March 1998) viii + 1068 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-28-6) [unavailable] 1147. StarGuides 1998 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 30 (April 1998) viii + 1080 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-28-6) [unavailable] 1148. Aucun progr`es en un si`ecle?, Orion 56/2 (1998) 23-24 [full] [pdf] 1149. Les Potins d’Uranie – Indiens d’Am´erique (Al Nath), Orion 56/2 (1998) 26-27 [full] [pdf] 1150. Les Potins d’Uranie – Mercure au t´elescope (Al Nath), Orion 56/2 (1998) 27-28 [full] [pdf] 1151. Les Potins d’Uranie – The Griffith Observatory (Al Nath), Orion 56/2 (1998) 29 [full] [pdf] 1152. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le septi`eme ciel (Al Nath), Orion 56/2 (1998) 29-30 [full] [pdf] 1153. About Statistical-parallax Algorithms (with J.A. Fernley), Astron. Astrophys. 332 (1998) 875-876 [full] [pdf] 1154. StarGuides 1998 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 30 (May 1998) viii + 1082 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-28-6) [unavailable] 1155. StarGuides 1998 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 30 (June 1998) viii + 1084 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-28-6) [unavailable] 1156. DistributionsVenngeist g´eographiques des activit´es observationnelles astronomiques, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 56 (mai 1998) 42-48 [phot] [pdf] 1157. Geographical Distribution of Observational Activities in Astronomy, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 130 (1998) 403-406 [paper] [pdf] 1158. Les Potins d’Uranie – Cave media (Al Nath), Orion 56/3 (1998) 39-41 [full] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 1998 Publications 87

1159. StarGuides 1998 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 30 (July 1998) viii + 1086 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-28-6) [unavailable] 1160. Astrosociology, ASTROLIB Message for Astronomy Librarians (9 Jul 1998) [phot] [pdf] 1161. Astronomy Around the World, Astronomy Now 12/8 (August 1998) 52-53 [paper] [pdf] 1162. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le droit de rester ‘internelligent’ (Al Nath), Orion 56/4 (1998) 39-40 [full] [pdf] 1163. Klatschereien der Urania – Drei Legenden von “Down Under” (Al Nath, Ubersetz.¨ E. Holzer), Orion 56/4 (1998) 40-42 [full] [pdf] 1164. StarGuides 1998 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 30 (August 1998) viii + 1094 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-28-6) [unavailable] 1165. Un tour d’Uranie en quelques Potins (Al Nath) (aoˆut 1998) viii + 266 pp. [paper] [pdf/first pages only – refer to the individual articles listed in ToC] 1166. Electronic Publishing in its Context and in a Professional Perspective, Rev. Modern Astron. 11 (1998) 337-347 [phot] [pdf] 1167. StarGuides 1998 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 30 (September 1998) viii + 1116 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-28-6) [unavailable] 1168. Astronomy-related Organizations over the World, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 132 (1998) 65-81 [paper] [pdf] 1169. StarGuides 1998 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (Selected Subset – San Francisco Bay), Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 30 (September 1998) 22 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-28-6) [paper] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – full and ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 1170. StarGuides 1998 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 30 (October 1998) viii + 1116 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-28-6) [unavailable] 1171. M´et´eores et effets lumineux dans l’atmosph`ere terrestre – Emile´ Bi´emont (critique bib- liographique), Orion 56/5 (1998) 40 [full] [pdf] 1172. StarGuides 1998 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 30 (November 1998) viii + 1116 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-28-6) [holder] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 1173. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’univers d’Escher (Al Nath), Orion 56/6 (1998) 31-32 [full] [pdf] 1174. Plaudereien der Urania – Legenden der langen arktischen N¨achte (Al Nath, Ubersetz.¨ E.Venngeist Holzer), Orion 56/6 (1998) 32-33 [full] [pdf] 1175. A New Working Group, European Astron. Soc. Newsl. 16 (1998) 14 [phot] [pdf] 1176. Book Review: D. Maoz, A. Sternberg, and E.M. Leibowitz (eds.), Astronomical Time Series, Proceedings of The Florence and George Wise Observatory 25th Anniversary Symposium, Space Science Reviews 85 (1998) 549 [paper] [pdf] 88 1999 Publications Andr´eHeck


1177. StarGuides 1999 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 31 (January 1999) viii + 1124 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-29-4) [unavailable] 1178. Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles (Editor, with F. Caputo), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 237, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1999) x + 284 pp. (ISBN 0-7923-5348-X) [book] [pdf/cover only] 1179. Table of Contents (with F. Caputo), in Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles, Eds. A. Heck & F. Caputo, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1999) v-vi [book] [pdf] 1180. Foreword (with F. Caputo), in Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles, Eds. A. Heck & F. Caputo, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1999) vii-ix [book] [pdf] 1181. StarGuides 1999 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 31 (February 1999) viii + 1124 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-29-4) [unavailable] 1182. Les Potins d’Uranie – Clips d’´eclipses (Al Nath), Orion 57/1 (1999) 31 [full] [pdf] 1183. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les trois soleils de McCullogh (Al Nath), Orion 57/1 (1999) 32 [full] [pdf] 1184. StarGuides 1999 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 31 (March 1999) viii + 1126 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-29-4) [unavailable] 1185. Euro Sign, TEXhax Digest 99 (1999) 3 [phot] [pdf] 1186. 3 Columns in TEX, TEXhax Digest 99 (1999) 3 [phot] [pdf] 1187. The Age of Astronomy-related Organizations, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 135 (1999) 467-475 [paper] [pdf] 1188. Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Post-Hipparcos Era (with D. Egret), Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 111 (1999) 123-124 [phot] [pdf] 1189. StarGuides 1999 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 31 (April 1999) viii + 1120 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-29-4) [unavailable] 1190. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’´etoile des Fagnes (Al Nath), Orion 57/2 (1999) 20-22 [full] [pdf] 1191. Les Potins d’Uranie – Va-t-on encore marcher sur la Lune? (Al Nath), Orion 57/2 (1999) 23 [full] [pdf] 1192. StarGuides 1999 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations ofVenngeist the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 31 (May 1999) viii + 1116 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-29-4) [unavailable] 1193. Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Post-Hipparcos Era (Editor, with D. Egret), Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series 167 (1999) xxiv + 342 pp. (ISBN 1-886733-88-0) [book] [pdf/cover only] Andr´eHeck 1999 Publications 89

1194. Table of Contents (with D. Egret), in Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Post- Hipparcos Era, Eds. D. Egret & A. Heck, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series 167 (1999) xiii-xvi [book] [pdf] 1195. Preface (with D. Egret), in Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Post-Hipparcos Era, Eds. D. Egret & A. Heck, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series 167 (1999) xvii-xix [book] [pdf] 1196. Participant List (with D. Egret), in Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Post- Hipparcos Era, Eds. D. Egret & A. Heck, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series 167 (1999) xx-xxiii [book] [pdf/incl. picture] 1197. Author Index (with D. Egret), in Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Post-Hipparcos Era, Eds. D. Egret & A. Heck, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series 167 (1999) 340-341 [book] [pdf] 1198. Boycott?, ASTROLIB Message for Astronomy Librarians (13 May 1999) [phot] [pdf] 1199. Characteristics of Astronomy-related Organizations, Amer. Astron. Soc. Centennial Meet- ing (1999) 38 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1200. Erratum – The Age of Astronomy-related Organizations, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 136 (1999) 615 [phot] [pdf] 1201. Characteristics of Astronomy-related Organizations, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 31 (1999) 1002 [paper] [pdf] 1202. StarGuides 1999 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 31 (June 1999) viii + 1110 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-29-4)[holder] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 1203. Les Potins d’Uranie – La nuit du coyote (Al Nath), Orion 57/3 (1999) 3.1 [full] [pdf] 1204. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le po`ete du Nord Gel´e(Al Nath), Orion 57/3 (1999) 3.4 [full] [pdf] 1205. StarGuides 1999 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 31 (July 1999) viii + 1114 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-29-4) [unavailable] 1206. Characteristics of Astronomy-related Organizations – Updated Maps and Diagrams, Royal Astron. Soc. NAM99 (1999) 38 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1207. Characteristics of Astronomy-related Organizations – Transparencies Royal Astron. Soc. NAM99 (1999) 26 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1208. Characteristics of Astronomy-related Organizations, NAM99 Programme and Abstracts (1999) 7 [paper] [pdf] 1209. StarGuides 1999 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations ofVenngeist the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 31 (August 1999) viii + 1126 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-29-4) [unavailable] 1210. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le ciel sur la tˆete (Al Nath), Orion 57/4 (1999) 4.3-4.4 [full] [pdf] 1211. The Tale of Crazy Harman (critique bibliographique), Orion 57/4 (1999) 30 [full] [pdf] 90 1999 Publications Andr´eHeck

1212. StarGuides 1999 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 31 (September 1999) viii + 1134 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-29-4) [unavailable] 1213. Colloquium on Quantitative Socio-Dynamics of Astronomy, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 59 (1999) 27 [phot] [pdf] 1214. Parution de livres – Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 59 (1999) 27 [phot] [pdf] 1215. Parution de livres – Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy J. Astron. Fran¸cais 59 (1999) 27 [phot] [pdf] 1216. StarGuides 1999 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 31 (October 1999) viii + 1138 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-29-4) [unavailable] 1217. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’´eclipse de Perry (Al Nath), Orion 57/5 (1999) 22 [full] [pdf] 1218. Les Potins d’Uranie – Polluciel (Al Nath), Orion 57/5 (1999) 5.3-5.4 [full] [pdf] 1219. StarGuides 1999 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 31 (November 1999) viii + 1144 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-29-4) [unavailable] 1220. Sociodynamique de la communaut´eastronomique et caract´eristiques de ses organisations – Transparents, S´eminaire Univ. Lausanne 16 nov. 1999) 32 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1221. Context and Future of Electronic Publishing, in Electronic Communication and Research in Europe, Eds. J. Meadows & H.D. B¨ocker, Off. Publ. Eur. Comm., Luxembourg (1999) 153-167 [phot] [pdf] 1222. StarGuides 1999 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World, Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 31 (December 1999) viii + 1150 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-29-4) [unavailable] 1223. ASTROLIB Message: Duplicates Available (20 Dec 1999) [phot] [pdf] 1224. Les Potins d’Uranie – Space biz bis (Al Nath), Orion 57/6 (1999) 30-31 [full] [pdf] 1225. Les Potins d’Uranie – Abelardo Morell et l’oeil de ses lentilles (Al Nath), Orion 57/6 (1999) 31-32 [full] [pdf] 1226. Two-line Headlines and Footlines in TEX, TEXhax Digest 99 (1999) 11 [phot] [pdf] 1227. Carlos Jaschek: Une vie au service de l’astronomie (with D. Egret), J. Astron. Fran¸cais 60 (1999) 2-3 [phot] [pdf] 1228. Carlos Jaschek, 1926-1999 (with D. Egret), Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 31 (1999) 1602 [full]Venngeist [pdf] Andr´eHeck 2000 Publications 91


1229. Where the Astronomers Are: A Stagnant Century, Sky & Tel. 99 (January 2000) 32-35 [full] [pdf] 1230. StarGuides 2000 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (Release 2000.1.2), Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 32 (2000) viii + 1140 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-30-8) [unavailable] 1231. StarBriefs 2000 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Related Space Sciences and Related Fields (Release 2000.1.14), Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 33 (2000) vi + 802 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-31-6) [holder] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1356] 1232. StarGuides 2000 – A Directory of Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (Release 2000.1.14), Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 32 (2000) viii + 1132 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-30-8) [unavailable] 1233. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le vieil homme et Rigel (Al Nath), Orion 58/1 (2000) 30 [full] [pdf] 1234. Les Potins d’Uranie – Artisan du m´eridien (Al Nath), Orion 58/1 (2000) 1.6 [full] [pdf] 1235. StarGuides 2000 – A Directory of Sstronomy, Space Sciences and Related Organizations of the World (Release 2000.3.5), Publ. Sp´ec. CDS 32 (2000) viii + 1128 pp. (ISSN 0764-9614 – ISBN 2-908064-30-8) [holder] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 1236. Invitation to Collaborate – Socio-dynamics of Astronomy, Int. Sociol. Ass. (8 March 2000) [phot] [pdf] 1237. Invitation to Collaborate – Socio-dynamics of Astronomy, Bull. M´ethodol. Sociol. – RC33 (9 Mars 2000) [phot] [pdf] 1238. Les Potins d’Uranie – La grenouille dans la Lune (Al Nath), Orion 58/2 (2000) 2.2-3 [full] [pdf] 1239. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’appel de la Baie (Al Nath), Orion 58/2 (2000) 2.3 [full] [pdf] 1240. Characteristics of Astronomy-Related Organizations, in 1999 August Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, Observatory 120 (2000) 90-91 [phot] [pdf] 1241. Des observatoires virtuels?, Orion 58/3 (2000) 19 [full] [pdf] 1242. Les Potins d’Uranie – La piste du ma¨ıs (Al Nath), Orion 58/3 (2000) 22 [full] [pdf] 1243. Astrophysics with the NOT – Eds. H. Karttunen & V. Piirola (critique bibliographique), Orion 58/3 (2000) 45 [full] [pdf] 1244. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les grands chambardements (Al Nath), Orion 58/4 (2000) 17-18 [full]Venngeist [pdf] 1245. Amateur and Professional Astronomers in Associations, Orion 58/4 (2000) 19 [full] [pdf] 1246. ASTROLIB Message: StarGuides & StarBriefs 2001 (23 Aug 2000) [phot] [pdf] 1247. Updates to StarPages Listing, AAS Electron. Ann. 86 (Sept. 2000) [phot] [pdf] 92 2000 Publications Andr´eHeck

1248. Inter-item Spacing, TEXhax Digest 2000 (2000) 1 [phot] [pdf] 1249. StarGuides 2001 – A World-wide Directory of Organizations in Astronomy, Related Space Sciences and Other Related Fields, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) xiv + 1224 pp. (ISBN 0-7923-6509-7) [book] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1357] 1250. StarBriefs 2001 – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols in Astronomy, Related Space Sciences and Other Related Fields, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) viii + 814 pp. (ISBN 0-7923-6510-0) [book] [pdf/cover & ToC & intro only – ultimate version as Publ. 1356] 1251. Les Potins d’Uranie – La tour de 300 m`etres ... et la coupole du 200 francs (Al Nath), Orion 58/5 (2000) 38-39 [full] [pdf] 1252. Information Handling in Astronomy (Editor), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 250, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) x + 242 pp. (ISBN 0-7923-6494-5) [book] [pdf/cover only] 1253. Table of Contents, in Information Handling in Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) v-vi [book] [pdf] 1254. Foreword – The information flow in astronomy, in Information Handling in Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) vii-x [book] [pdf] 1255. From Data Files to Information Hubs: Beyond Technologies and Methodologies, in In- formation Handling in Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) 223-242 [book] [pdf] 1256. StarGuides and StarBriefs 2001, European Astron. Soc. Newsl. 20 (2000) 12 [full] [pdf] 1257. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’Arl´esienne (Al Nath), Orion 58/6 (2000) 29 [full] [pdf] 1258. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les masqu´es de la Pierre de Lune (Al Nath), Orion 58/6 (2000) 29-30 [full] [pdf] 1259. Les Potins d’Uranie – Rendez-vous `aSydney (Al Nath), Orion 58/6 (2000) 31 [full] [pdf] 1260. StarGuides und StarBriefs 2001, Astron. Ges. Rundbrief 2 (2000) 4 [full] [pdf] 1261. ASTROLIB Message: Non-professional Astronomy Magazine Survey (27 Dec 2000) [phot] [pdf] 1262. Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy (Editor), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 256, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) x + 222 pp. (ISBN 0-7923-6671-9) [book] [pdf/cover & first pages only, incl. Houziaux’s foreword] 1263. Table of Contents, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) v [book] [pdf] 1264. Introduction,Venngeist in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) 1-5 [book] [pdf] 1265. Astronomy-related Organizations: Geographical Distributions, Ages and Sizes, in Orga- nizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) 7-66 [book] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 2000 Publications 93

1266. Communicating in Astronomy, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) 165-184 [book] [pdf] 1267. Bibliography of Socio-Astronomy in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) 211-221 [book] [pdf – ultimate version as Publ. 1433] 1268. Recent Ramblings in Astro-Art Relationships, in The Inspiration of Astronomical Phe- nomena III – Palermo, 31 December 2000 - 6 January 2001 – Abstracts, Oss. Astron. Palermo (2000) [no page numbering] [phot] [pdf] 1269. Parution de livres – Information Handling in Astronomy, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 62 (2000) 41-42 [phot] [pdf] 1270. Parution de livres – StarGuides 2001 and StarBriefs 2001, J. Astron. Fran¸cais 62 (2000) 42-43 [phot] [pdf] 1271. Characteristics of Astronomy-related Organizations, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. 274 (2000) 733- 783 [paper] [pdf] 1272. Perceptions of Science, EASST Review 19 (2000) 8-9 [full] [pdf]

Three Chairmen of the IAU Comm. 5 WG on Astronomical Data in Viking hands at York, Venngeistth England, on 12 August 2000 during the XXIV IAU General Assembly held in Manchester. (Bernard Hauck, left & Gart Westerhout, center). 94 2001 Publications Andr´eHeck


1273. StarGuides & StarBriefs 2001, PAMnet Message (3 Jan 2001) [phot] [pdf] 1274. Information Handling in Astronomy, in Encyclop. Astron. Astrophys., Ed. P. Murdin, Inst. Physics Publ. & Nature Publ. Group (2001) 1200-1207 [phot] [pdf] 1275. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le prudent lever du Soleil (Al Nath), Orion 59/1 (2001) 32 [full] [pdf] 1276. Non-professional Astronomy Magazine Survey, ASTROLIB Message (26 Feb 2001) [phot] [pdf] 1277. Virtual Observatories or Rather Digital Research Facilities?, Amer. Astron. Soc. Newsl. 104 (2001) 2 [phot] [pdf] 1278. Information Handling in Astronomy: Beyond Technologies and Methodologies, HEP Li- braries Webzine 3 (2001) [phot] [pdf] 1279. Les Potins d’Uranie – Baiona et les indiens (Al Nath), Orion 59/2 (2001) 23-25 [full] [pdf] 1280. Ce que je sais de vous ... disent-ils, G´erard Miller, Stock, Paris (critique bibliographique), Orion 59/2 (2001) 29 [full] [pdf] 1281. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’heure de Djakarta (Al Nath), Orion 59/2 (2001) 2.6-2.7 [full] [pdf] 1282. Un bon rang pour l’Astronomie, l’Astronomie 115 (2001) 200 + 204 [phot] [pdf] 1283. Book Review: Sun Symbolism and Cosmology in Michelangelo’s ‘Last Judgment’, Valerie Shrimplin, Truman State Univ. Press, Kirksville, Observatory 121 (2001) 184-185 [phot] [pdf] 1284. Les Potins d’Uranie – Ursa Major (Al Nath), Orion 59/3 (2001) 32-33 [full] [pdf] 1285. Les Potins d’Uranie – La Peau du Ciel (Al Nath), Orion 59/4 (2001) 34 [full] [pdf] 1286. The Impact of New Media on 20th-Century Astronomy: From Individual Records to Catalogs, Data Centers, Information Hubs and so-called ‘Virtual Observatories’, Astron. Ges. Abstract Series 18 (2001) 128 [phot] [pdf] 1287. Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory: Its People through its Eventful History (Progress Report), Astron. Ges. Abstract Series 18 (2001) 130 [phot] [pdf] 1288. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le Grand Feu (Al Nath), Orion 59/5 (2001) 24-26 [full] [pdf] 1289. Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy II (Editor), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 266, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2001) x + 280 pp. (ISBN 0-7923-7172-0) [book] [pdf/cover & first pages only, incl. Blaauw’s foreword] 1290. Table of Contents, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy II, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad.Venngeist Publ., Dordrecht (2001) v [book] [pdf] 1291. Introduction, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy II, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2001) 1-8 [book] [pdf] 1292. Creativity in Arts and Sciences: A Survey, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy II, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2001) 257-268 [book] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 2001 Publications 95

1293. Updated Bibliography of Socio-astronomy, in Organizations and Strategies in Astron- omy II, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2001) 269-280 [book] [pdf – ultimate version as Publ. 1433] 1294. Potins d’Uranie – La Tyrannie du Communiqu´e(Al Nath), Le Ciel 63 (2001) 242-243 [full] [pdf] 1295. Potins d’Uranie – O`ules ´etoiles et les robinets d’eau ne sont pas d’accord, Le Ciel 63 (2001) 277-280 [full] [pdf] 1296. Les Potins d’Uranie – Well, Wells + Welles = Panic! (Al Nath), Orion 59/6 (2001) 35 [full] [pdf] 1297. Fabeln vom Himmel – Das grosse Feuer (Al Nath, Ubersetz.¨ H.R. M¨uller) Orion 59/6 (2001) 36-37 [full] [pdf] 1298. Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory: Its People through its Multinational History, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 33 (2001) 1301 [paper] [pdf]


The information flow in astronomy (cf. Publ. 1274). 96 2002 Publications Andr´eHeck


1299. Cr´eativit´een arts et sciences: Mˆemes Recettes?, Orion 60/1 (2002) 37-38 [full] [pdf] 1300. Les Potins d’Uranie – Zepp de ligne (Al Nath), Orion 60/1 (2002) 38-40 [full] [pdf] 1301. Les Potins d’Uranie – La qualit´ede la vie (Al Nath), Orion 60/1 (2002) 1.3-1.4 [full] [pdf] 1302. Advertizing from Space: A Real Danger?, Abstracts Int. Conf. on Light Pollution, La Serena, Chile, 5-7 March 2002, 16 [phot] [pdf] 1303. Potins d’Uranie – Bouquins c´elestes (Al Nath), Le Ciel 64 (2002) 83-85 [full] [pdf] 1304. The StarPages, Observatory 122 (2002) 110-111 [paper] [pdf] 1305. Book Review: Astronomical Observatories and Planetariums of the World, Map Link, Santa Barbara, CA, Observatory 122 (2002) 111-113 [paper] [pdf] 1306. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le nouvel Eldorado (Al Nath), Orion 60/2 (2002) 2.7-2.8 [full] [pdf] 1307. Les Potins d’Uranie – A` la St¨offler (Al Nath), Orion 60/3 (2002) 27-28 [full] [pdf] 1308. La pollution lumineuse – Un colloque tr`es r´eussi, Orion 60/3 (2002) 29-32 [full] [pdf] 1309. Fabeln vom Himmel – Das neue Eldorado (Al Nath, Ubersetz.¨ H.R. M¨uller), Orion 60/3 (2002) 39 [full] [pdf] 1310. Light Pollution, European Astron. Soc. Newsl. 23 (2002) 6-7 [full] [pdf] 1311. Les Potins d’Uranie – Tout faux, tout flammes (Al Nath), Orion 60/4 (2002) 32-33 [full] [pdf] 1312. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’exil´ede Hauteville House (Al Nath), Orion 60/4 (2002) 35-36 [full] [pdf] 1313. La pollution lumineuse: un colloque historique, Le Ciel 64 (2002) 160-163 [full] [pdf] 1314. Les Potins d’Uranie – Contrails (Al Nath), Orion 60/5 (2002) 34-35 [full] [pdf] 1315. The Impact of New Media on 20th-century Astronomy, Astron. Nahr. 323 (2002) 542- 547 [paper] [pdf] 1316. Now Is Already Yesterday, HAD News 61-62 (2002) 5-6 [phot] [pdf] 1317. Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy III (Editor), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 280, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2002) x + 234 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-0812-0) [book] [pdf/cover & first pages only, incl. Cayrel’s foreword] 1318. Table of Contents, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy III, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2002) v-vi [book] [pdf] 1319. Editorial,Venngeist in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy III, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2002) 1-10 [book] [pdf] 1320. Updated Bibliography of Socio-astronomy, in Organizations and Strategies in Astron- omy III, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2002) 217-234 [book] [pdf – ultimate version as Publ. 1433] Andr´eHeck 2002 Publications 97

1321. Les Potins d’Uranie – La grande peur de Djusse (Al Nath), Orion 60/6 (2002) 23-26 [full] [pdf] 1322. Les Potins d’Uranie – Herschel en Ib´erie (Al Nath), Orion 60/6 (2002) 26-27 [full] [pdf] 1323. Recent Ramblings in Astro-art Relationships, in INSAP III – The Inspiration of Astro- nomical Phenomena, Palermo, 31 December 2000 – 6 January 2001, Ed. S. Serio, Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital. 73 (Spec. Num. 1-2002) 221-224 [paper] [pdf]

VenngeistThe maintenance diagram for the Star*s Family products (cf. Publ. 1332). 98 2003 Publications Andr´eHeck


1324. Les Potins d’Uranie – Coulisses (Al Nath), Orion 61/1 (2003) 1.7-1.8 [full] [pdf] 1325. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le pav´ede Saint-Jacques (Al Nath), Orion 61/1 (2003) 28 [full] [pdf] 1326. Potins d’Uranie – Chambres obscures (Al Nath), Le Ciel 65 (2003) 21-24 [full] [pdf] 1327. Strasbourg Observatory Archives Revisited, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 35 (2003) 566 [phot] [pdf] 1328. Information Handling in Astronomy – Historical Vistas (Editor), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 285, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) xii + 294 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-1178-4) [book] [pdf/cover only] 1329. Table of Contents, in Information Handling in Astronomy – Historical Vistas, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) vii-viii [book] [pdf] 1330. Foreword, in Information Handling in Astronomy – Historical Vistas, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) ix-xii [book] [pdf] 1331. Half a Century of Intense Maturation, in Information Handling in Astronomy – Historical Vistas, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) 1-13 [book] [pdf] 1332. From Early Directories to Current Yellow-page Services, in Information Handling in As- tronomy – Historical Vistas, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) 183-205 [book] [pdf] 1333. Les Potins d’Uranie – Vespertilio Homo (Al Nath), Orion 61/2 (2003) 43-44 [full] [pdf] 1334. Potins d’Uranie – Le pav´ede Saint-Jacques (Al Nath), Le Ciel 65 (2003) 124-127 [full] [pdf] 1335. Astronomy Communication (Editor, with C. Madsen), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 290, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) x + 226 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-1345-0) 1336. Table of Contents (with C. Madsen), in Astronomy Communication, Eds. A. Heck & C. Madsen, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) v-vi [book] [pdf] 1337. Editorial (with C. Madsen), in Astronomy Communication, Eds. A. Heck & C. Madsen, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) 1-2 [book] [pdf] 1338. Astronomy Professional Communication, in Astronomy Communication, Eds. A. Heck & C. Madsen, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) 203-220 [book] [pdf] 1339. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les petits miracul´es de l’univers (Al Nath), Orion 61/4 (2003) 35-37 [full] [pdf] 1340. Les Potins d’Uranie – Singl´es! (Al Nath), Orion 61/4 (2003) 37-38 [full] [pdf] 1341. Advertising from Space: A Real Danger?, in Light Pollution: The Global View, Ed. H.E. Schwarz,Venngeist Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) 269-276 [phot] [pdf] 1342. O`ules ´etoiles et les robinets d’eau ne sont pas d’accord [extrait], Aquanews 134 (2003) 16 [full] [pdf] 1343. Fabeln vom Himmel – Singl´es! oder Einzelg¨anger! (Al Nath, Ubersetz.¨ H.R. M¨uller), Orion 61/5 (2003) 38-39 [full] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 2003 Publications 99

1344. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’Univers de Stephanie Rayner (Al Nath), Orion 61/5 (2003) 39-41 [full] [pdf] 1345. Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 4 (Editor), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 296, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) xii + 325 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-1526-7) [book] [pdf/cover & first pages only, incl. McNally’s foreword] 1346. Table of Contents, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 4, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) v-vi [book] [pdf] 1347. Editorial, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 4, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) 1-12 [book] [pdf] 1348. Updated Bibliography of Socio-astronomy, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 4, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) 305-325 [book] [pdf – ultimate version as Publ. 1433] 1349. L’Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg et son histoire multinationale – Premi`ere partie: Le contexte, Orion 61/6 (2003) 16-19 [full] [pdf] 1350. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le Carton Rouge de Mars (Al Nath), Orion 61/6 (2003) 37 [full] [pdf] 1351. Fabeln vom Himmel – Vespertilio Homo (Al Nath, Ubersetz.¨ H.R. M¨uller), Orion 61/6 (2003) 38 [full] [pdf] 1352. Wrong Impact!, European Astron. Soc. Newsl. 26 (2003) 4-5 [full] [pdf]

An unusual request for reproducing an excerpt of Publ. 704 & 1295 came from CIBE (CompagnieVenngeist Intercommunale Bruxelloise des Eaux, Brussels, Belgium, today Vivaqua) for its July/August 2003 special issue of Aquanews. 100 2004 Publications Andr´eHeck


1353. L’Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg et son histoire multinationale – Deuxi`eme partie: Les directeurs, Orion 62/1 (2004) 11-15 [full] [pdf] 1354. Fabeln vom Himmel – Die rote Karte f¨ur Mars (Al Nath, Ubersetz.¨ H.R. M¨uller), Orion 62/1 (2004) 1.5-1.6 [full] [pdf] 1355. Les Potins d’Uranie – Scots story (Al Nath), Orion 62/1 (2004) 1.7-1.8 [full] [pdf] 1356. StarBriefs Plus – A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms and Symbols in Astronomy and Related Space Sciences, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2004) viii + 1114 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-1925-4) [book] [pdf] 1357. StarGuides Plus – A World-Wide Directory of Organizations in Astronomy and Related Space Sciences, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2004) xii + 1140 pp. (ISBN 1-4020- 1926-2) [book] [pdf] 1358. L’Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg et son histoire multinationale – Troisi`eme partie: Des instruments et des grands projets, Orion 62/2 (2004) 4-9 [full] [pdf] 1359. Les Potins d’Uranie – Chariots c´elestes (Al Nath), Orion 62/2 (2004) 67 [full] [pdf] 1360. L’Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg et son histoire multinationale – Quatri`eme partie: Encore quelques grands hommes, Orion 62/3 (2004) 21-26 [full] [pdf] 1361. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le Merle et les Crapauds (Al Nath), Orion 62/4 (2004) 31-32 [full] [pdf] 1362. Les Potins d’Uranie – Influences cosmiques? (Al Nath), Orion 62/4 (2004) 32-33 [full] [pdf] 1363. Potins d’Uranie – Herschel en Ib´erie (Al Nath), Le Ciel 66 (2004) 48-52 [full] [pdf] 1364. Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 5 (Editor), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 310, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2004) x + 309 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-2570-x) [book] [pdf/cover & first pages only, incl. Pilachowski’s foreword] 1365. Table of Contents, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 5, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2004) v-vi [book] [pdf] 1366. A Matter of Achievement, of Maturity, and of Evaluation (Editorial), in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 5, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2004) 1-9 [book] [pdf] 1367. Switzerland towards ESA and ESO: Diversity, Perseverance, and Diplomacy – An Inter- view with Marcel Golay in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 5, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2004) 123-140 [book] [pdf] 1368. Updated Bibliography of Socio-astronomy, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – VolumeVenngeist 5, Ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2004) 287-309 [book] [pdf – ultimate version as Publ. 1433] 1369. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les ´etoiles des sapins de No¨el (Al Nath), Orion 62/6 (2004) 50 [full] [pdf] 1370. Les Potins d’Uranie – M´ephisto (Al Nath), Orion 62/6 (2004) 50-51 [full] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 2004 Publications 101

1371. Fabeln vom Himmel – Himmliche Wagen (Al Nath, Ubersetz.¨ H.R. M¨uller), Orion 62/6 (2004) 52 [full] [pdf] 1372. Muller, Ch.: La langue fran¸caise vue d’Orthonet, Presses Univ. Strasbourg (critique bibliographique), Orion 62/6 (2004) 54 [full] [pdf] 1373. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’´eclipse de Gabriel Garc´ıa M´arquez (Al Nath), Orion 62/6 (2004) 6.4 [full] [pdf] 1374. Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory: Its People through its Multinational History, Beitr. Astronomiegeschichte 7 (2004) 292-294 [phot] [pdf]

With Bob Stencel at Mount Evans Observatory (USA-CO, 4305m elevation, then about -25◦C) Venngeiston 30 May 2004. 102 2005 Publications Andr´eHeck

2005 1375. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’Einstein du Merlion (Al Nath), Orion 63/2 (2005) 38-39 [full] [pdf] 1376. Les Potins d’Uranie – La lune rousse (Al Nath), Orion 63/2 (2005) 2.3-2.4 [full] [pdf] 1377. Potins d’Uranie – Les ´etoiles des sapins de No¨el (Al Nath), Le Ciel 67 (2005) 128 [phot] [pdf] 1378. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le catalogue d’Hipparque retrouv´e? (Al Nath), Orion 63/3 (2005) 35-36 [full] [pdf] 1379. Les Potins d’Uranie – La paupi`ere du ciel (Al Nath), Orion 63/3 (2005) 37 [full] [pdf] 1380. The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory (Editor), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 330, Springer, Dordrecht (2005) viii + 310 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-3643-4) [book] [pdf/cover only] 1381. Table of Contents, in The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observa- tory, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2005) v-vi [book] [pdf] 1382. Foreword, in The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2005) vii-viii [book] [pdf] 1383. Strasbourg Observatory and its Multinational History, in The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2005) 1-61 [book] [pdf] 1384. Vistas into the CDS Genesis, in The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2005) 191-209 [book] [pdf] 1385. Strasbourg Observatory, Astronomical Phenomena and the Regional Press (with W. Bodenmuller), in The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2005) 227-244 [book] [pdf] 1386. The Coronelli Globe of Strasbourg Observatory, in The Multinational History of Stras- bourg Astronomical Observatory, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2005) 245-254 [book] [pdf] 1387. Strasbourg Green Rays, in The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Ob- servatory, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2005) 255-261 [book] [pdf] 1388. Strasbourg Observatory Council Members (with Ch. Bruneau), in The Multinational His- tory of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2005) 263-269 [book] [pdf] 1389. CDS Council Members (with Ch. Bruneau), in The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2005) 271-275 [book] [pdf] 1390. Strasbourg Observatory Personnel (with B. Traut & H.W. Duerbeck), in The Multina- tionalVenngeist History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2005) 277-292 [book] [pdf] 1391. Strasbourg Observatory Publications (with Ph. Vonflie), in The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2005) 293-310 [book] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 2005 Publications 103

1392. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’Association Fran¸caise des Observateurs d’Etoiles´ Variables (AFOEV) (Al Nath), Orion 63/4 (2005) 28-29 [full] [pdf] 1393. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les castors retors (Al Nath), Orion 63/4 (2005) 32-33 [full] [pdf] 1394. Strasbourg Observatory: A Multinational History, Mercury 34/4 (2005) 32-37 [full] [pdf] 1395. Potins d’Uranie – L’Association Fran¸caise des Observateurs d’Etoiles´ Variables (AFOEV) (Al Nath), Le Ciel 67 (2005) 274-276 [phot] [pdf] 1396. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le tir `ala past`eque (Al Nath), Orion 63/5 (2005) 31-32 [full] [pdf] 1397. Les Potins d’Uranie – Lu moh`et (Al Nath), Orion 63/5 (2005) 5.7-5.8 [full] [pdf] 1398. Potins d’Uranie – Lu moh`et (Al Nath), Le Ciel 67 (2005) 354-356 [phot] [pdf] 1399. Ombres lors de l’´eclipse de Soleil du 3 octobre 2005 `a San Lorenzo de El Escorial (photo), Orion 63/6 (2005) 27 [full] [pdf] 1400. Les Potins d’Uranie – Berlin Story (Al Nath), Orion 63/6 (2005) 34 [full] [pdf] 1401. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le spirou grigou (Al Nath), Orion 63/6 (2005) 6.4 [full] [pdf] 1402. Br¨uggenthies, W. & Dick, W.R.: Biographischer Index der Astronomie – Biographical Index of Astronomy, Acta Historica Astronomiae Vol. 26, Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt am Main (critique bibliographique), Orion 63/6 (2005) 36 [full] [pdf]

Venngeist While attending a conference in Cambridge MA, being interviewed on 03 November 2005 by Danish students Nanna Torpe Jørgensen and Lars Holm Nielsen (University of Roskilde) on credibility matters for a project financed by ESA/HST. 104 2005 Publications Andr´eHeck

TheVenngeist seven volumes Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy (2000-2006), distinguished by the International Stroobant Prize 2007. Andr´eHeck 2006 Publications 105


1403. Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 6 (Editor), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 335, Springer, Dordrecht (2006) xii + 344 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-4055-5) [book] [pdf/cover & first pages only, incl. Cesarsky’s foreword] 1404. Table of Contents, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 6, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2006) v-vi [book] [pdf] 1405. A Matter of Words, of Worlds, and of Ways (Editorial), in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 6, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2006) 1-10 [book] [pdf] 1406. AFOEV: Serving Variable-Star Observers since 1921 - An Interview with Emile´ Schweit- zer, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 6, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2006) 243-252 [book] [pdf] 1407. Updated Bibliography of Socio-astronomy, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 6, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2006) 321-344 [book] [pdf/first page only – ultimate version as Publ. 1433] 1408. Potins d’Uranie – Le spirou grigou (Al Nath), Le Ciel 68 (2006) 127-128 [phot] [pdf] 1409. Les globes de Vincenzo Coronelli (1650-1718): G´enie ou m´egalomanie?, Orion 64/2 (2006) 16-21 [full] [pdf] 1410. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les pav´es de Paris (Al Nath), Orion 64/2 (2006) 24-26 [full] [pdf] 1411. Les Potins d’Uranie – La grue volage (Al Nath), Orion 64/2 (2006) 27 [full] [pdf] 1412. JASCHEK Karl (Otto R¨udiger) dit Carlos (notice biographique), Nouv. Dict. Biogr. Alsacienne 45 (2006) 4713-4714 [paper] [pdf] 1413. LALLEMAND Andr´e(notice biographique), Nouv. Dict. Biogr. Alsacienne 46 (2006) 4762-4763 [paper] [pdf] 1414. MULLER Paul (notice biographique), Nouv. Dict. Biogr. Alsacienne 46 (2006) 4829- 4830 [paper] [pdf] 1415. Concept for a Peer-Reviewed Community-supported Web Site (with R. Albrecht), in Library and Information Services in Astronomy V – Common Challenges, Uncommon Solutions – Program and Abstracts, 35 [paper] [pdf] 1416. Les Potins d’Uranie – Brouillards plan´etaires (Al Nath), Orion 64/4 (2006) 27-29 [full] [pdf] 1417. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le “truc d’Ernest” (Al Nath), Orion 64/5 (2006) 26-27 [full] [pdf] 1418. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’axe du monde (Al Nath), Orion 64/5 (2006) 28-29 [full] [pdf] 1419. Les Potins d’Uranie – Etreinte´ c´eleste (Al Nath), Orion 64/5 (2006) 30-31 [full] [pdf] 1420. ConferenceVenngeist on: Future Professional Communication in Astronomy, EAS Newsl. 32 (2006) 7 [full] [pdf] 1421. Monier R.: Les ´etoiles et le milieu interstellaire – Introduction `al’Astrophysique (cours, exercices et probl`emes r´esolus), Ed.´ Ellipses, Paris, 2006, xvi + 504 pp., ISBN 2-7298- 2786-2, e45 (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 68 (2006) 352 [phot] [pdf] 106 2006 Publications Andr´eHeck

1422. Les Potins d’Uranie – Pas de pot pour Pluton (plus pleinement plan`ete) (Al Nath), Orion 64/6 (2006) 18-21 [full] [pdf] 1423. Les Potins d’Uranie – Wikikwa? (Al Nath), Orion 64/6 (2006) 21-22 [full] [pdf] 1424. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’oeil de P´ekin (Al Nath), Orion 64/6 (2006) 23-26 [full] [pdf] 1425. Monier R.: Les ´etoiles et le milieu interstellaire – Introduction `al’Astrophysique (cours, exercices et probl`emes r´esolus), Ed.´ Ellipses, Paris, 2006, xvi + 504 pp., ISBN 2-7298- 2786-2, e45 (critique bibliographique), Orion 64/6 (2006) 28 [full] [pdf] 1426. Future Professional Communication in Astronomy (and its impact on evaluation), IAU Inform. Bull. 99 (2006) 67 [phot] [pdf] 1427. Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 7 (Editor), Astrophys. & Sp. Sc. Library 343, Springer, Dordrecht (2006) xii + 594 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-5300-2) [book] [pdf/cover & first pages only, incl. Bonnet’s foreword] 1428. Table of Contents, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 7, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2006) v-vii [book] [pdf] 1429. A Matter of Innovation, of Communication, and of Credibility (Editorial), in Organiza- tions and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 7, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2006) 1-12 [book] [pdf] 1430. The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) – An Interview with Roger M. Bonnet, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 7, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2006) 115-124 [book] [pdf] 1431. The ADS Success Story – An Interview with G¨unther Eichhorn, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 7, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2006) 307-314 [book] [pdf] 1432. The Progressive World Penetration of the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center (1970- 1990), in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 7, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2006) 315-354 [book] [pdf] 1433. Updated Bibliography of Socio-astronomy, in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 7, Ed. A. Heck, Springer, Dordrecht (2006) 565-594 [book] [pdf] 1434. ROUGIER Gilbert (notice biographique), Nouv. Dict. Biogr. Alsacienne 47 (2006) 4900- 4901 [paper] [pdf] Venngeist Andr´eHeck 2007 Publications 107


1435. Les Potins d’Uranie – La Soci´et´edes Connaissances N´ebuleuses (Al Nath), Orion 65/1 (2007) 24 [full] [pdf] 1436. Les Potins d’Uranie – Ya-hoh! (Al Nath), Orion 65/1 (2007) 24-26 [full] [pdf] 1437. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le bouvier salvateur (Al Nath), Orion 65/1 (2007) 26-27 [full] [pdf] 1438. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les moh`etes (Al Nath), Orion 65/1 (2007) 28-29 [full] [pdf] 1439. Kommandosache “Sonnengott” – Geschichte der deutschen Sonnenforschung im Dritten Reich und unter alliierter Besatzung, par Michael P. Seiler, Acta Historica Astronomiae Vol. 31, Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt am Main, 2007, 246pp., ISBN 978-3-8171- 1797-0, e22,80 (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 69 (2007) 98-99 [full] [pdf] 1440. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les pompiers de Seattle (Al Nath), Le Ciel 69 (2007) 102-105 [full] [pdf] 1441. Seiler, Michael P.: Kommandosache “Sonnengott” – Geschichte der deutschen Sonnen- forschung im Dritten Reich und unter alliierter Besatzung, Acta Historica Astronomiae Vol. 31, Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt am Main, 2007, 246pp., ISBN 978-3-8171- 1797-0, e22,80 (critique bibliographique), Orion 65/2 (2007) 33-34 [full] [pdf] 1442. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les pompiers de Seattle (Al Nath), Orion 65/2 (2007) 29-31 [full] [pdf] 1443. Chapati et l’astronome en Inde, par Cr´ez´e, Michel, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2007, 48pp., ISBN 978-2-296-02727-5, e9 (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 69 (2007) 135 [full] [pdf] 1444. The Hands-On Guide for Science Communicators – A Step-by-Step Approach to Public Outreach, par Lars Lindberg Christensen, Springer, New York, 2007, xvi + 270pp., ISBN 0-387-26324-1, e24.95 (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 69 (2007) 135-136 [full] [pdf] 1445. Les Potins d’Uranie – Encore des abus de langage ... (Al Nath), Le Ciel 69 (2007) 150-152 [full] [pdf] 1446. Future Professional Communication in Astronomy (and its impact on evaluation), As- tron. Astrophys. 464/3 (2007) (inside cover) [paper] [pdf] 1447. FPCA Brussels Colloquium, ASTROLIB Message for Astronomy Librarians (5 Apr 2007) [paper] [pdf] 1448. Les grands globes de Coronelli restaur´es, Orion 65/3 (2007) 21-22 [full] [pdf] 1449. Honor of Prof. Andr´eHeck, Associated Editor of the Journal Orion, Orion 65/3 (2007) 30 [full] [pdf] 1450. HonneurVenngeist de Prof. Andr´eHeck, r´edacteur associ´ede la revue Orion, Orion 65/3 (2007) 30-31 [full] [pdf] 1451. Les Potins d’Uranie – Plutonis´e! (Al Nath), Orion 65/3 (2007) 32 [full] [pdf] 1452. Les Potins d’Uranie – Encore des abus de langage ... (Al Nath), Orion 65/3 (2007) 32-33 [full] [pdf] 108 2007 Publications Andr´eHeck

1453. Lindberg Christensen, Lars: The Hands-On Guide for Science Communicators – A Step- by-Step Approach to Public Outreach, Springer, New York, 2007, xvi + 270pp., ISBN 0-387-26324-1, e24.95 (critique bibliographique), Orion 65/3 (2007) 34 [full] [pdf] 1454. Future Professional Communication in Astronomy (and its impact on evaluation) – Colloque, La Lettre des Acad´emies 6 (2007) 1 + 12 [full] [pdf] 1455. Vincenzo Coronelli (1650–1718): Globes & Co., Le Ciel 69 (2007) 176-185 [full] [pdf] 1456. Book review: The Hands-On Guide for Science Communicators – A Step-by-Step Ap- proach to Public Outreach, by Lars Lindberg Christensen (Springer, New York), 2007, xvi + 270pp., 23.5 × 18cm, e24.95 (paperback; ISBN 0-387-26324-1), Observatory 127 (2007) 249-250 [phot] [pdf] 1457. Book review: Kommandosache “Sonnengott” – Geschichte der deutschen Sonnenforschung im Dritten Reich und unter alliierter Besatzung, by M.P. Seiler (Acta Historica Astrono- miae Vol. 31, Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt am Main), 2007, 246 pp., 14.5cm × 21cm, e22.80 (paperback; ISBN 978-3-8171-1797-0), Observatory 127 (2007) 260-261 [phot] [pdf] 1458. COUDER Andr´e(notice biographique), Nouv. Dict. Biogr. Alsacienne 48 (2007) 5077- 5078 [paper] [pdf] 1459. ESCLANGON Ernest (notice biographique), Nouv. Dict. Biogr. Alsacienne 48 (2007) 5087-5088 [paper] [pdf] 1460. IUE – Also Pioneering Observing and Archiving Strategies, Astron. Nachr. 328 (2007) 694 [paper] [pdf] 1461. Les Potins d’Uranie – Communiquer l’astronomie au public (Al Nath), Le Ciel 69 (2007) 303-306 [full] [pdf] 1462. Multi-Book and Article Review: German Astronomy during Nazi Times, HAD News 71 (2007) 9-11 [full] [pdf] 1463. Future Professional Communication in Astronomy (Editor, with L. Houziaux), M´em. Acad. Royale Belgique in 8◦, Tome XXVII, n◦ 2047 (2007) 256 pp. (ISBN 978-2-8031- 0238-9) [paper] [pdf/cover only] 1464. Editorial, in Future Professional Communication in Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & L. Houzi- aux, M´em. Acad. Royale Belgique in 8◦ XXVII (2007) 7 [full] [pdf] 1465. Participants, in Future Professional Communication in Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & L. Houziaux, M´em. Acad. Royale Belgique in 8◦ XXVII (2007) 9-13 [full] [pdf/incl. photograph] 1466. Future Professional Communication in Astronomy: Questions and Challenges, in Future Professional Communication in Astronomy, Eds. A. Heck & L. Houziaux, M´em. Acad. Royale Belgique in 8◦ XXVII (2007) 19-36 [full] [pdf] 1467. TableVenngeist of Contents (with L. Houziaux), in Future Professional Communication in Astron- omy, Eds. A. Heck & L. Houziaux, M´em. Acad. Royale Belgique in 8◦ XXVII (2007) 253-255 [full] [pdf] 1468. Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Observatory 127 (2007) 336-337 [paper] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 2007 Publications 109

1469. L’observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg de 1877 `a nos jours, Ann. Soc. Amis Vieux Strasbourg XXXII (2007) 137-154 [paper] [pdf] 1470. Les Potins d’Uranie – Pas mieux l`a-haut? (Al Nath), Le Ciel 69 (2007) 332-335 [full] [pdf] 1471. Concept for a Peer-Reviewed Community-Supported Web Site Serving Professional As- tronomy (with R. Albrecht), in Library and Information Services in Astronomy V – Common Challenges, Uncommon Solutions, Eds. S. Ricketts, Chr. Birdie & E. Isaksson, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series 377 (2007) 155-158 [phot] [pdf] 1472. Andr´eHeck et L´eo Houziaux, Future Professional Communication in Astronomy, Actes de Colloque, 3e s´erie des m´emoires in-8◦ de la Classe des Sciences, t. XXVII, 2007, 255 p., La Lettre des Acad´emies 8 (2007) 11 [full] [pdf] 1473. Future Professional Communication in Astronomy, Observatory 127 (2007) 375-379 [paper] [pdf]

With Philippe Vonflie (center) and L´eo Houziaux (right) at the opening reception of the FPCA meeting, 10 June 2007, VenngeistRoyal Academy, Brussels, Belgium. 110 2008 Publications Andr´eHeck


1474. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le Chien Qui Fume (Al Nath), Le Ciel 70 (2008) 22-27 [full] [pdf] 1475. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le chat du Hanscroufe (Al Nath), Le Ciel 70 (2008) 46-49 [full] [pdf] 1476. Les Potins d’Uranie – Missing Cheetah (Al Nath), Le Ciel 70 (2008) 78-84 [full] [pdf] 1477. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le bouvier salvateur (Al Nath), Le Ciel 70 (2008) 126-129 [full] [pdf] 1478. Book Review: Von Sonnenuhren, Sternwarten und Exoplaneten – Astronomie in Jena, by Reinhard E. Schielicke (Verlag Dr. Bussert & Stadeler, Jena-Quedlinburg, 2008), HAD News 72 (2008) 5 [full] [pdf] 1479. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les sourires du ciel (Al Nath), Le Ciel 70 (2008) 182-185 [full] [pdf] 1480. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le belv´ed`ere des ´etoiles (Al Nath), Le Ciel 70 (2008) 212-216 [full] [pdf] 1481. Book Review: Von Sonnenuhren, Sternwarten und Exoplaneten – Astronomie in Jena, by R.E. Schielicke (Verlag Dr. Bussert & Stadeler, Jena-Quedlinburg), 2008. Pp. 354, 11.5 × 22.5 cm. Price e24.90 (hardcover, ISBN 978-3-932906-80-0), Observatory 128 (2008) 243-244 [phot] [pdf] 1482. Von Sonnenuhren, Sternwarten und Exoplaneten – Astronomie in Jena, par R.E. Schielicke, Verlag Dr. Bussert & Stadeler, Jena-Quedlinburg, 2008, 364 pp., ISBN 978-3-932906- 80-0, e24.90, Le Ciel 70 (2008) 255-256 [full] [pdf] 1483. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’astronomie allemande `al’´epoque nazie (Al Nath), Le Ciel 70 (2008) 258-263 [full] [pdf] 1484. Book Review: Un globe-trotter de la physique c´eleste – L’astronome Jules Janssen, by Fr. Launay (Ed. Vuibert & Obs. Paris), 2008, Pp. 282, 15.5 × 24.0 cm. Price e30 (paperback, ISBN 978-2-7117-7069-4 (Vuibert), and 978-2-901057-57-4 (Obs. Paris), Observatory 128 (2008) 413-414 [phot] [pdf] 1485. Un globe-trotter de la physique c´eleste – L’astronome Jules Janssen, par Fr. Launay, Ed. Vuibert & Obs. Paris, 2008, vi + 282 pp., ISBN 978-2-7117-7069-4 & 978-2-901057- 57-4, e30 (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 70 (2008) 303-304 [full] [pdf] 1486. Les Potins d’Uranie – La chaise de Cassiop´ee (Al Nath), Le Ciel 70 (2008) 308-310 [full] [pdf] 1487. Book Review: Fran¸cois Arago, un savant g´en´ereux – Physique et astronomie au XIXe si`ecle, by James Lequeux (Ed. EDP Sciences & Obs. Paris, Paris, 2008), HAD News 73 (2008)Venngeist 5 [full] [pdf] 1488. Book Review: Un globe-trotter de la physique c´eleste – L’astronome Jules Janssen, by Fran¸coise Launay (Ed. Vuibert & Obs. Paris), HAD News 73 (2008) 8-9 [full] [pdf] 1489. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le loup du houx (Al Nath), Le Ciel 70 (2008) 351-354 [full] [pdf] 1490. Les Potins d’Uranie – Stanley (Al Nath), Le Ciel 70 (2008) 392-398 [full] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 2008 Publications 111

1491. Compiling Biographical Encyclopediae of Astronomers, Observatory 128 (2008) 495-499 [paper] [pdf] 1492. Book Review: Fran¸cois Arago, un savant g´en´ereux – Physique et astronomie au XIXe si`ecle, by James Lequeux (EDP Sciences & Observatoire de Paris, Paris), 2008. Pp. 524, 16 × 24 cm. Price e35 (paperback, ISBN 978-2-86883-999-2 & 978-2-901057-56-7), Observatory 128 (2008) 501-502 [phot] [pdf] 1493. Book Review: La m´eridienne de France et l’aventure de sa prolongation jusqu’aux Bal´eares, by Pierre Bayart, with a foreword by Jean-Claude Pecker (L’Harmattan, Paris), 2007. Pp. 250, 13.5 × 21.5 cm. Price e21.50 (paperback, ISBN 978-2-296-03874-5), Observatory 128 (2008) 502-503 [phot] [pdf] 1494. Book Review: L’observation en astrophysique, 3rd Edition, by Pierre L´ena, Daniel Rouan, Fran¸cois Lebrun, Fran¸cois Mignard & Didier Pelat, with the collaboration of Laurent Mugnier (Ed. EDP Sciences/CNRS Editions,´ Paris), 2008. Pp. 742, 15.5 × 32.0 cm. Price e64 (paperback, ISBN 978-2-86883-877-3 [EDP Sciences] & 978-2-271-06744-9 [CNRS Editions]),´ Observatory 128 (2008) 514 [phot] [pdf]

Kurrentschrift (German cursive) and S¨utterlin script have to be mastered forVenngeist local historical research through documents such as those pictured above, retrieved from Strasbourg city archives (AVCUS). 112 2009 Publications Andr´eHeck

2009 1495. The Strasbourg Large Refractor and Dome: Significant Improvements and Failed At- tempts, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 41 (2009) 186-187 [paper] [pdf] 1496. Guide de donn´ees astronomiques 2009 pour l’observation du ciel – Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes (EDP Sciences, Paris); 15,5cm × 24cm; broch´e; 2008, 416 pp., prix: e29 (ISBN 978-2-7598-0352-1) (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 10-11 [full] [pdf] 1497. Agenda astronomique 2009 (EDP Sciences, Paris); 16cm × 21cm; reliure spirale; 2008, 180 pp., prix: e14 (ISBN 978-2-7598-0094-0) (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 11 [full] [pdf] 1498. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les trains de traˆıneaux (Al Nath), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 12-17 [full] [pdf] 1499. Photographies d’A. Heck/F. Dossin (EAGB 1973) et de la coupole r´esin´ee de Horion- Hoz´emont, Le Ciel 71 (2009) 30-31 [full] [pdf] 1500. Les Potins d’Uranie – Perdus? (Al Nath), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 58-62 [full] [pdf] 1501. Book Review: Un astronome des lumi`eres – J´erˆome Lalande, by Simone Dumont with a foreword by Jean-Claude Pecker (Ed. Vuibert/Observatoire de Paris, Paris), 2007. Pp. 360, 15.5 × 24.0 cm. Price e35 (paperback, ISBN 978-2-7117-4028-4 & 978-2-901057- 54-3), Observatory 129 (2009) 35-36 [phot] [pdf] 1502. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le coyote, les loups et les fl`eches (Al Nath), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 108-111 [full] [pdf] 1503. Les Potins d’Uranie – Faute de grives ... (Al Nath), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 126-129 [full] [pdf] 1504. Book Review: La carte du ciel, edited by J´erˆome Lamy (EDP Sciences, Paris, 2008), HAD News 74 (2009) 3+6 [full] [pdf] 1505. Book Review: Un astronome des lumi`eres: J´erˆome Lalande, by Simone Dumont (Ed. Vuibert/Observatoire de Paris, Paris, 2007), HAD News 74 (2009) 7-8 [full] [pdf] 1506. Book Review: Lettres `aMadame du Pierry et au Juge Honor´eFlaugergues – Lalandiana I by J´erˆome Lalande, edited, annotated and commented by Simone Dumont and Jean- Claude Pecker (Ed. Vrin, Paris), HAD News 74 (2009) 8 [full] [pdf] 1507. La carte du ciel, ouvrage collectif ´edit´epar J. Lamy (EDP Sciences, Paris); 16cm × 24cm; broch´e; 2008, 252 pp., prix: e29 (ISBN 978-2-7598-0057-5) (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 163-164 [full] [pdf] 1508. Les Potins d’Uranie – Pipistrelles et tarantules (Al Nath), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 178-180 [full] [pdf] 1509. Le m´eridien de Paris – Une randonn´ee `atravers l’Histoire, par Philip Freriks (Ed. EDP Sciences & Obs. Paris, Paris), 2009, 132 p., 13,5 × 24 cm, e19 (Broch´e, ISBN 978- 2-0078-0Venngeist & 978-2-901057-62-8) (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 204 [full] [pdf] 1510. Hidden Universe, par Lars Lindberg Christensen, Robert Fosbury & Robert Hurt (Wiley- VCH, Weinheim), 30 cm × 25 cm, cartonn´e, 2009, 146 p., prix: env. e20 (ISBN 978- 3-527-40-866-5) (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 205 [full] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 2009 Publications 113

1511. Guide de localisation des astres, par Chr. Gentili (EDP Sciences, Paris); 16 cm × 24 cm, broch´e; 2008, 288 p., prix: e39 (ISBN 978-2-7598-0059-9) (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 205 [full] [pdf] 1512. Un astronome des lumi`eres – J´erˆome Lalande, par Simone Dumont avec un avant-propos de Jean-Claude Pecker (Ed. Vuibert/Observatoire de Paris, Paris), 2007, viii + 360 p., 15,5 × 24.0 cm. Prix e35 (Broch´e, ISBN 978-2-7117-4028-4 & 978-2-901057-54-3) et Lettres `aMadame du Pierry et au Juge Honor´eFlaugergues – Lalandiana I, par J´erˆome Lalande – Textes ´edit´es, annot´es et comment´es par Simone Dumont et Jean- Claude Pecker (Ed. Vrin, Paris), 2007, 272 p., 13,5 × 20,5 cm. Prix e25 (Broch´e, ISBN 978-2-7116-1939-9) (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 205-206 [full] [pdf] 1513. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’hercule-centaure (Al Nath), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 219-221 [full] [pdf] 1514. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les vieilles pies (Al Nath), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 266-269 [full] [pdf] 1515. Book Review: La carte du ciel, edited by J. Lamy (EDP Sciences, Paris), 2008. Pp. 252, 24 × 16 cm. Price EUR 29 (paperback; ISBN 978-2-7598-0057-5), Observatory 129 (2009) 222-223 [phot] [pdf] 1516. Book Review: Astronomical Applications of – Ten Years of Exploitation of the Hipparcos Satellite Data, by M. Perryman (Cambridge University Press), 2009, Pp. 672, 25 × 19.5 cm. Price £70/$140 (hardbound; ISBN 978-0-521-51489-7), Observatory 129 (2009) 223 [phot] [pdf] 1517. L’observatoire wilhelminien de Strasbourg, l’Astronomie 19 (2009) 42-46 [full] [pdf] 1518. La vill´egiature pyr´en´eenne de la lunette m´eridienne de Li`ege (avec J.M. Rousseau), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 326-330 [full] [pdf] 1519. Book Review: Astronomical Applications of Astrometry: Ten Years of Exploitation of the Hipparcos Satellite Data, by Michael Perryman (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK, 2009), HAD News 75 (2009) 7 [full] [pdf] 1520. DVD Review: Tours du monde. Tours du Ciel. Une exploration de l’univers `atravers les ˆages, film by Robert Pansard-Besson (Arkab Productions & EDP Sciences, Paris; set of 4 DVDs + booklet of 274 pp., 2009), HAD News 75 (2009) 7 [full] [pdf] 1521. Book Review: Lettres `aMadame du Pierry et au Juge Honor´eFlaugergues – Lalandiana I, by J´erˆome Lalande; texts edited, annotated, and commented by Simone Dumont and Jean-Claude Pecker (Ed. Vrin, Paris), 2007, Pp. 272, 20.5 × 13.5 cm. Price e25 (paperback; ISBN 978-2-7116-1939-9), Observatory 129 (2009) 288 [phot] [pdf] 1522. Book Review: Le m´eridien de Paris – Une randonn´ee `atravers l’Histoire, by Philip Freriks (Ed. EDP Sciences & Obs. Paris, Paris), 2009, Pp. 132, 24 × 13.5 cm, Price e19 (paperback; ISBN 978-2-0078-0 & 978-2-901057-62-8), Observatory 129 (2009) 288-289Venngeist[phot] [pdf] 1523. Tours du monde. Tours du Ciel. Une exploration de l’univers `atravers les ˆages, film de Robert Pansard-Besson (Arkab Productions & EDP Sciences, Paris); coffret de 4 DVDs + livret de 274 pp.; 2009, prix: e49 (ISBN 978-2-7598-0357-6) (critique bibli- ographique), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 346 [full] [pdf] 114 2009 Publications Andr´eHeck

1524. Guide de donn´ees astronomiques 2010 pour l’observation du ciel – Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes (IMCCE/BDL & EDP Sciences, Paris); 15,5cm × 24cm; broch´e; 2009, 386 pp.+ 12 cartes, prix: e29 (ISBN 978-2-7598-0466-5) (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 346 [full] [pdf] 1525. Agenda astronomique 2010 (EDP Sciences, Paris); 16cm × 21cm; reliure spirale; 2009, 188 pp. + encart d´epliable, prix: e12 (ISBN 978-2-7598-0467-2) (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 346 [full] [pdf] 1526. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’´etoile des fagnes (Al Nath), Le Ciel 71 (2009) 388-391 [full] [pdf] 1527. Book Review: Tours du monde. Tours du Ciel. Une exploration de l’univers `atravers les ˆages, film by Robert Pansard-Besson (Arkab Productions & EDP Sciences, Paris), 2009. Set of 4 DVDs + booklet of 274 pp. Price: e49 (ISBN 978-2-7598-0357-6), Observatory 129 (2009) 395-396 [phot] [pdf] 1528. La Tour de l’Hˆopital de Strasbourg: un observatoire astronomique? (avec J.P. Beck), Cahiers Alsaciens d’Arch´eologie, d’Art et d’Histoire LII (2009) 129-138 [full] [pdf]

Venngeist The astronomy-communication process (cf. Publ. 1466 & 1550). Andr´eHeck 2010 Publications 115


1529. Les Potins d’Uranie – La petite lumi`ere (Al Nath), Le Ciel 72 (2010) 16-17 [full] [pdf] 1530. Future Professional Communication in Astronomy II IAU Inform. Bull. 105 (2010) 68 [phot] [pdf] 1531. Future Professional Communication in Astronomy II Astron. Astrophys. 509 (2010) [paper] [pdf] 1532. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les masqu´es de la pierre de Lune (Al Nath), Le Ciel 72 (2010) 60-62 [full] [pdf] 1533. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le grand feu (Al Nath), Le Ciel 72 (2010) 113-115 [full] [pdf] 1534. Les Potins d’Uranie – Lu neˆur djˆale (Al Nath), Le Ciel 72 (2010) 160-165 [full] [pdf] 1535. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les castors retors (Al Nath), Le Ciel 72 (2010) 192-193 [full] [pdf] 1536. Verre d’optique et lunettes astronomiques, par Philippe V´eron, Ed. Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, Florence, 2009, 456 pp., 16,5cm × 23,0cm (prix inconnu, broch´e, ISBN 978- 88-88649-22-1) (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 72 (2010) 202 [full] [pdf] 1537. Les Potins d’Uranie – La ronde des macrales (Al Nath), Le Ciel 72 (2010) 228-235 [full] [pdf] 1538. Book review: Verre d’optique et lunettes astronomiques, by Philippe V´eron (Ed. Fon- dazione Giorgio Ronchi, Florence), 2009, Pp. 456, 23.0 × 16.5 cm. Price e67.50 (Europe, about £60) or e70 (North America) (paperback, ISBN 978-88-88649-22-1), Observatory 130 (2010) 177-178 [phot] [pdf] 1539. Strasbourg’s First Astronomical Observatories: From Prestige to Real Science, ICHA Newsl. 10 (2010) 1-7 [full] [pdf] 1540. Les Potins d’Uranie – Artistes bruts (Al Nath), Le Ciel 72 (2010) 274-276 [full] [pdf] 1541. Les Potins d’Uranie – La vieille poule grise (Al Nath), Le Ciel 72 (2010) 316 [full] [pdf] 1542. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le merle et les crapauds (Al Nath), Le Ciel 72 (2010) 355-357 [full] [pdf] 1543. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les cornues (Al Nath), Le Ciel 72 (2010) 407-413 [full] [pdf] Venngeist 116 2011 Publications Andr´eHeck


1544. Les Potins d’Uranie – Singl´es! (Al Nath), Le Ciel 73 (2011) 33-35 [full] [pdf] 1545. Les Potins d’Uranie – Reflets s´epia (Al Nath), Le Ciel 73 (2011) 71-73 [full] [pdf] 1546. Les Potins d’Uranie – IUE: Tranquille faiseur d’histoire (Al Nath), Le Ciel 73 (2011) 91-95 [full] [pdf] 1547. Les Potins d’Uranie – La croix vagabonde (Al Nath), Le Ciel 73 (2011) 132-136 [full] [pdf] 1548. Les Potins d’Uranie – Grand Central Terminal (Al Nath), Le Ciel 73 (2011) 180-183 [full] [pdf] 1549. Les Potins d’Uranie – Sofia (Al Nath), Le Ciel 73 (2011) 216-219 [full] [pdf] 1550. Future Professional Communication in Astronomy II: Opening Remarks, in Future Pro- fessional Communication in Astronomy II, Ed. A. Accomazzi, Springer, New York, 1-10 [full] [pdf] 1551. Les Potins d’Uranie – Ph´enix imp´erial (Al Nath), Le Ciel 73 (2011) 256-258 [full] [pdf] 1552. Strasbourg’s “First” Astronomical Observatory, Beitr. Astronomiegeschichte 11 (2011) 208-219 [full] [pdf] 1553. Strasbourg’s “Academy” Observatory, Beitr. Astronomiegeschichte 11 (2011) 220-231 [full] [pdf] 1554. Les premiers observatoires strasbourgeois, l’Astronomie 43 (2011) 34-40 [full] [pdf] 1555. Les Potins d’Uranie – Etresˆ d’eau (Al Nath), Le Ciel 73 (2011) 296-302 [full] [pdf] 1556. Taking Possession of Astronomy – Frontispieces and Illustrated Title Pages in 17th- Century Books on Astronomy, par Inga Elmqvist S¨oderlund (Ed. Center for History of Science, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm), 2010, 400 pages, 17cm × 24cm, prix: SEK 150 (environ EUR 16), broch´e, ISBN 978-91-7190-137-8 (critique bibliographique), Le Ciel 73 (2011) 303 [full] [pdf]Le Ciel 73 (2011) 303 1557. Les Potins d’Uranie – La grande peur de Djusse (Al Nath), Le Ciel 73 (2011) 346-351 [full] [pdf] 1558. Les Potins d’Uranie – La vue de Magellan (Al Nath), Le Ciel 73 (2011) 388-393 [full] [pdf] 1559. Taking Possession of Astronomy – Frontispieces and Illustrated Title Pages in 17th- Century Books on Astronomy, by Inga Elmqvist S¨oderlund (Center for History of Science, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm), 2010. Pp. 400 pages, 24 × 17 cm. Price: SEK 150 (about £14), Paperback (ISBN 978-91-7190-137-8) (book review), Observatory 131 (2011) 399 [phot] [pdf] 1560. L’observatoireVenngeist astronomique de l’Acad´emie de Strasbourg (XIXe si`ecle), Cahiers Alsa- ciens d’Arch´eologie, d’Art et d’Histoire LIV (2011) 141-151 [paper] [pdf] Andr´eHeck 2012 Publications 117


1561. Les Potins d’Uranie – Ces vieux astronomes ... (Al Nath), Le Ciel 74 (2012) 14-17 [full] [pdf] 1562. Eine Sternwarte als Spielball der Politik (mit V. Witt), Sterne u. Weltraum 2 (2012) 82-88 [full] [pdf] 1563. Les Potins d’Uranie – Chevelures (Al Nath), Le Ciel 74 (2012) 52-55 [full] [pdf] 1564. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’axe du monde (Al Nath), Le Ciel 74 (2012) 114-118 [full] [pdf] 1565. Les Potins d’Uranie – Dr. Faust (Al Nath), Le Ciel 74 (2012) 142-146 [full] [pdf] 1566. Les Potins d’Uranie – Noctua (Al Nath), Le Ciel 74 (2012) 174-177 [full] [pdf] 1567. Les Potins d’Uranie – Fl`eches c´elestes (Al Nath), Le Ciel 74 (2012) 224-227 [full] [pdf] 1568. Les Potins d’Uranie – L’AAS et ses soeurs (Al Nath), Le Ciel 74 (2012) 258-259 [full] [pdf] 1569. Organizations, People and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 1 (Editor), Venngeist, Duttlenheim (2012) ii + 324 pp. (ISBN 978-2-9542677-0-8) [book] [pdf] 1570. Table of Contents, in Organizations, People and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 1, Ed. A. Heck, Venngeist, Duttlenheim (2012) i-ii [full] [pdf] 1571. A Matter of Continuity, of People, of Ethics, and of Vision (Editorial), in Organizations, People and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 1, Ed. A. Heck, Venngeist, Duttlenheim (2012) 1-13 [full] [pdf] 1572. Historical Examples of Lobbying: The Case of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatories, in Organizations, People and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 1, Ed. A. Heck, Venngeist, Duttlenheim (2012) 295-318 [full] [pdf] 1573. Les Potins d’Uranie – La grue volage (Al Nath), Le Ciel 74 (2012) 295-298 [full] [pdf] 1574. Les Potins d’Uranie – Babayes (Al Nath), Le Ciel 74 (2012) 334-338 [full] [pdf] 1575. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le “truc d’Ernest” (Al Nath), Le Ciel 74 (2012) 373-375 [full] [pdf] Venngeist 118 2013 Publications Andr´eHeck


1576. Les Potins d’Uranie – Les moh`etes (Al Nath), Le Ciel 75 (2013) 15-17 [full] [pdf] 1577. Organizations, People and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 2 (Editor), Venngeist, Duttlenheim (2013) ii + 474 pp. (ISBN 978-2-9542677-1-5) [book] [pdf] 1578. Table of Contents, in Organizations, People and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 2, Ed. A. Heck, Venngeist, Duttlenheim (2013) i-ii [full] [pdf] 1579. A Matter of Quality of Life, of DOBEs and MEEPs, of Appropriate Recognition, and of Targeted Information (Editorial), in Organizations, People and Strategies in Astronomy – Volume 2, Ed. A. Heck, Venngeist, Duttlenheim (2013) 1-14 [full] [pdf] 1580. Les Potins d’Uranie – Rangifer (Al Nath), Le Ciel 75 (2013) 64-65 [full] [pdf] 1581. Les Potins d’Uranie – Custos Messium (Al Nath), Le Ciel 75 (2013) 100-102 [full] [pdf] 1582. Les Potins d’Uranie – Ya-hoh! (Al Nath), Le Ciel 75 (2013) 140-143 [full] [pdf] 1583. Les Potins d’Uranie – Paul Delvaux en Uranie (Al Nath), Le Ciel 75 (2013) 199-203 [full] [pdf] 1584. Les Potins d’Uranie – Timbr´es! (Al Nath), Le Ciel 75 (2013) 273-278 [full] [pdf] 1585. Les Potins d’Uranie – Le chˆene de Charles (Al Nath), Le Ciel 75 (2013) 293-298 [full] [pdf] 1586. Pic`etes (Al Nath), Les Potins d’Uranie 244 Venngeist (Oct. 2013) 4 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1587. Walhalla (Al Nath), Les Potins d’Uranie 245 Venngeist (Nov. 2013) 5 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1588. Le bric-`a-brac c´eleste (Al Nath), Les Potins d’Uranie 246 Venngeist (D´ec. 2013) 6 pp. [paper] [pdf]


With Wilhelm Seggewiss (left) at Hilmar Duerbeck’s commemorative colloquium, 09 March 2013, Bonn Institute of Astronomy, Germany. Andr´eHeck 2014 Publications 119


1589. Hypathia (Al Nath), Les Potins d’Uranie 247 Venngeist (Janv. 2014) 6 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1590. Astro-tourisme (Al Nath), Les Potins d’Uranie 248 Venngeist (F´ev. 2014) 6 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1591. Une pour le Web? (Al Nath), Les Potins d’Uranie Venngeist 249 (Mars 2014) 4 pp. [book] [pdf] 1592. L`es steˆules d’amon-nos-ˆotes (Al Nath), Les Potins d’Uranie Venngeist 250 (Avril 2014) 6 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1593. Les saintes constellations (Al Nath), Les Potins d’Uranie 251 Venngeist (Mai 2014) 6 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1594. Herschel au ciel (Al Nath), Les Potins d’Uranie 252 Venngeist (Juin 2014) 7 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1595. Une histoire de noeuds (Al Nath), Les Potins d’Uranie 253 Venngeist (Juillet 2014) 2 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1596. Ces ch`eres disparues (Al Nath), Les Potins d’Uranie 254 Venngeist (Aoˆut 2014) 10 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1597. Les constellations des Potins d’Uranie (Al Nath), Venngeist, Duttlenheim (2014) 300 pp. (ISBN 978-2-9542677-2-2) [paper] [pdf] 1598. Mission `aBerlin, lettres `aJean III Bernoulli et `aElert Bode – Lalandiana II, par Jerˆome Lalande, Textes ´edit´es, annot´es et comment´es par Simone Dumont et Jean- Claude Pecker (Ed.´ Vrin, Paris), 2014. pp 390, 13,5 × 20,5cm. Prix: e34 (Broch´e, ISBN 978-2-7116-2537-6), Le Ciel 76 (2014) 360 [full] [pdf] 1599. Mission `aBerlin, lettres `aJean III Bernoulli et `aElert Bode – Lalandiana II, by Jerˆome La- lande, edited by Simone Dumont & Jean-Claude Pecker (Ed. Vrin, Paris), 2014. Pp 390, 13.5 × 20.5cm. Price EUR 34 (about £28) (paperback; ISBN 978 2-7116-2537-6), Ob- servatory 134 (2014) 288-289 [full] [pdf] 1600. L’astronomie de Saint-Sa¨ens (Al Nath), Les Potins d’Uranie 255 Venngeist (Septembre 2014) 6 pp. [paper] [pdf] 1601. L’Observatoire de Strasbourg dans la premi`ere guerre mondiale, l’Astronomie 77 (2014) 40-45 [full] [pdf] Venngeist 120 2015 Publications Andr´eHeck


1602. Pic`etes (Al Nath), Le Ciel 77 (2015) 82-88 [full] [pdf] 1603. Des Hauts-Plateaux `al’`ere spatiale (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP001, Ven- ngeist (Janvier 2015) 9 p. [paper] [pdf] 1604. L’eusses-tu cru? (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP002, Venngeist (F´evrier 2015) 5 p. [paper] [pdf] 1605. L’homme du vide (Joe Hube), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP003, Venngeist (Mars 2015) 6 p. [paper] [pdf] 1606. Une enfance de campagne (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP004, Venngeist (Avril 2015) 4 p. [paper] [pdf] 1607. Le cendrier d’argile (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP005, Venngeist (Mai 2015) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1608. Tapis rouges pour moustiques-tigres (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP006, Ven- ngeist (Juin 2015) 2 p. [paper] [pdf] 1609. L`es ¸cans di bat`eme (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP007, Venngeist (Juillet 2015) 2 p. [paper] [pdf] 1610. Lu rodje djote, l`es p´etr˚ales `el`es fromb˚ahes (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP008, Venngeist (Aoˆut 2015) 2 p. [paper] [pdf] 1611. Mon beau h˚arkˆe(Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP009, Venngeist (Septembre 2015) 2 p. [paper] [pdf] 1612. Petites baies bleues (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP010, Venngeist (Octobre 2015) 5 p. [paper] [pdf] 1613. Les Amis du Progr`es (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP011, Venngeist (Novem- bre 2015) 4 p. [paper] [pdf] 1614. Films de guerre & Hauts-Plateaux r´ealit´e(Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP012, Venngeist (D´ecembre 2015) 6 p. [paper] [pdf] Venngeist Andr´eHeck 2016 Publications 121


1615. Le remblai (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP013, Venngeist (Janvier 2016) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1616. Batifoler dans les foins (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP014, Venngeist (F´evrier 2016) 4 p. [paper] [pdf] 1617. Et les oeufs de chez vous? (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP015, Venngeist (Mars 2016) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1618. Contrails (Al Nath) [rem.], Le Ciel 78 (2016) 226-229 [full] [pdf] 1619. Par´eidolie (Joe Hube), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP016, Venngeist (Avril 2016) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1620. Coupe-coupe BD (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP017, Venngeist (Mai 2016) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1621. Les col`eres du Soleil, par Viviane Pierrard (Collection L’Acad´emie en Poche, Ed.´ Acad´emie Royale de Belgique, Bruxelles), 2016, 92p., 11cm × 17,5cm. Prix: e5 (Broch´e, ISBN 978-2-8031-0524-3), Le Ciel 78 (2016) 260-261 [full] [pdf] 1622. Le r`egne du temps, par Emile´ Bi´emont (Collection M´emoires de la Classe des Sciences, Ed.´ Acad´emie Royale de Belgique, Bruxelles), 2016, 364p., 16.5cm × 24cm. Prix: e20 (Broch´e, ISBN 978-2-8031-0504-5), Le Ciel 78 (2016) 260-261 [full] [pdf] 1623. Assume et apprends, eh m’fi! (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP018, Venngeist (Juin 2016) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1624. 45 Years of Heck in Professional Astronomy (Joe Hube), Venngeist, Duttlenheim (2016) iv + 638 pp. (ISBN 978-2-9542677-3-9) [book] [pdf] 1625. Wallons d’ailleurs: Hanau (Joe Hube), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP019, Venngeist (Juillet 2016) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1626. Le GPS c´er´ebral (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP020, Venngeist (Aoˆut 2016) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1627. Lu cw`epˆıd`eviy`edje (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP021, Venngeist (Septembre 2016) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1628. Le r`egne du temps, par Emile´ Bi´emont (critique bibliographique), l’Astronomie 97 (2016) 71 [full] [pdf] 1629. Gotha (Joe Hube), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP022, Venngeist (Octobre 2016) 11 p. [paper] [pdf] 1630. Lettres `aFranz Xavier von Zach (1792-1804) – Lalandiana III, par Jerˆome Lalande, Textes ´edit´es, annot´es et comment´es par Simone Dumont et Jean-Claude Pecker (Ed.´ Obs.Venngeist Paris & Vrin, Paris), 2016, 278 p., 13,5 × 20,5cm, Prix: e27 (Broch´e, ISBN Obs. Paris: 978-2-901057-71-0, ISBN Vrin: 978-2-7116-2666-3), Le Ciel 78 (2016) 455-456 [full] [pdf] 1631. On bˆestron du dj’vˆo(Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP023, Venngeist (Novem- bre 2016) 2 p. [paper] [pdf] 122 2016 Publications Andr´eHeck

1632. Gotha (Joe Hube), Le Ciel 78 (2016) 532-542 [full] [pdf] 1633. La bˆete dent´ee (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP024, Venngeist (D´ecembre 2016) 3 p. [paper] [pdf]

With (almost) all publications and books, VenngeistDuttlenheim, France, 07 March 2016. Andr´eHeck 2017 Publications 123


1634. L`es ritch˚as (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP025, Venngeist (Janvier 2017) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1635. L`es cataplames `et lu r˚ayeˆud’dints (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP026, Ven- ngeist (F´evrier 2017) 2 p. [paper] [pdf] 1636. Lettres `aFranz Xavier von Zach (1792-1804) – Lalandiana III, par Jerˆome Lalande, Texts edited, annotated, and commented by Simone Dumont and Jean-Claude Pecker (Ed. Observatoire de Paris & Vrin, Paris), 2016, Pp. 278, 13.5 × 20.5cm. Prix: e27 (about $24) (paperback; ISBN Paris Obs.: 978-2-901057-71-0, ISBN Vrin: 978-2-7116- 2666-3), Observatory 137 (2017) 31-33 [phot] [pdf] 1637. Chick-chack (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP027, Venngeist (Mars 2017) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1638. Va-z-`e! (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP028, Venngeist (Avril 2017)5 p. [paper] [pdf] 1639. La belote des m´ecanos (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP029, Venngeist (Mai 2017) 7 p. [paper] [pdf] 1640. Les jumelles salvatrices (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP030, Venngeist (Juin 2017) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1641. Le barbier ´egorgeur (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP031, Venngeist (Juillet 2017) 4 p. [paper] [pdf] 1642. La verdte fontaine (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP032, Venngeist (Aoˆut 2017) 11 p. [paper] [pdf] 1643. La Saint-Michel (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP033, Venngeist (Septembre 2017) 4 p. [paper] [pdf] 1644. La jambe de caf´e(Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP034, Venngeist (Octobre 2017) 4 p. [paper] [pdf] 1645. L’´etoile filante et les cadeaux pourris (Al Nath), Le Ciel 79 (2017) 587-589 [full] [pdf] 1646. Les siffleurs `alongue queue (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP035, Venngeist (Novembre 2017) 8 p. [paper] [pdf] 1647. L’´etoile filante et les cadeaux pourris (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP036 Venngeist (D´ecembre 2017) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1648. Ferocious Post-Mortem Professional Memories (meant for historians of astronomy), Ven- ngeist, Duttlenheim (2017.12.26) vi + 934 pp. (ISBN 978-2-9542677-4-6) [confidential – updatedVenngeist as Publ. 1673] 124 2018 Publications Andr´eHeck


1649. Le Violle (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP037, Venngeist (Janvier 2018) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1650. L’`a-poil paradoxal (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP038, Venngeist (F´evrier 2018) 5 p. [paper] [pdf] 1651. La boutonni`ere de Darwin (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP039, Venngeist (Mars 2018) 4 p. [paper] [pdf] 1652. La vache tortionnaire (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP040, Venngeist (Avril 2018) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1653. Bonjour, M. Baudet (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP041, Venngeist (Mai 2018) 2 p. [paper] [pdf] 1654. Le commissaire et les popioˆules (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP042, Venngeist (Juin 2018) 12p. [paper] [pdf] 1655. L’ombre de Jupiter (Joe Hube), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP043, Venngeist (Juillet 2018) 12 p. [paper] [pdf] 1656. World Line Crossings with Waltraut Seitter and Hilmar Duerbeck, in In Memoriam Hilmar Duerbeck, Eds. W.R. Dick & C. Sterken, Acta Hist. Astron. 64 (2018) 213-225 [full] [pdf] 1657. Les vacances sur place (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP044, Venngeist (Aoˆut 2018) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1658. Merci, M. Malvoz! (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP045, Venngeist (Septembre 2018) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1659. L’ombre de Jupiter (Joe Hube), Le Ciel 80 (2018) 465-477 [full] [pdf] 1660. Le val d’enfer bavarois (Joe Hube), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP046, Venngeist (Oc- tobre 2018) 15 p. [paper] [pdf] 1661. La 13e adresse (Joe Hube), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP047, Venngeist (Novembre 2018) 11 p. [paper] [pdf] 1662. L’´eveil aux grands espaces (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP048, Venngeist (D´ecembre 2018) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] Venngeist Andr´eHeck 2019 Publications 125


1663. Les noctambules (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP049, Venngeist (Janvier 2019) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1664. Le long sommeil (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP050, Venngeist (F´evrier 2019) 2 p. [paper] [pdf] 1665. Les cong`eres de Boston (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP051, Venngeist (Mars 2019) 5 p. [paper] [pdf] 1666. Les migrants de Cand`eze (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP052, Venngeist (Avril 2019) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1667. Basenhaut (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP053, Venngeist (Mai 2019) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1668. L`es steˆules d’amon-nos-ˆotes (Al Nath), Le Ciel 81 (2019) 342-349 [full] [pdf] 1669. Le commissaire et les balowes (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP054, Venngeist (Juin 2019) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1670. T`aimi`ao & Ti¯ant´an (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP055, Venngeist (Juillet 2019) 5 p. [paper] [pdf] 1671. Les grandes gueules (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP056, Venngeist (Aoˆut 2019) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1672. L’´etoile des fagnes (Al Nath), A` la d´ecouverte de ma commune Jalhay, Off. Tourisme Jalhay-Sart (2019) 8-9 [full] [pdf] 1673. Ferocious Post-Mortem Professional Memories (meant for historians of astronomy), Ven- ngeist, Duttlenheim (2019.08.31) viii + 1040 pp. (ISBN 978-2-9542677-4-6) [confiden- tial – updated as Publ. 1683] 1674. L’illusion naufrag´ee (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP057, Venngeist (Septembre 2019) 4 p. [paper] [pdf] 1675. Lu p`el´eye mak`ete (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP058, Venngeist (Octobre 2019) 3 p. [paper] [pdf] 1676. La salade de Page (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP059, Venngeist (Novembre 2019) 7 p. [paper] [pdf] 1677. Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory Scientific Personnel from Foundation to about Year 2000 [Update: November 2019], Venngeist, 12 p. [paper] [pdf] 1678. Festoyeurs (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP060, Venngeist (D´ecembre 2019) 6 p.Venngeist[paper] [pdf] 126 2020 Publications Andr´eHeck


1679. La belle Cantonnaise (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP061, Venngeist (Janvier 2020) 7 p. [paper] [pdf] 1680. Le colis des Hollandais (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP062, Venngeist (F´evrier 2020) 5 p. [paper] [pdf] 1681. L’oeil dans la nuit (Al Nath), Le Ciel 82 (2020) 163-169 [full] [pdf] 1682. Rencontres nocturnes (Joe Hube), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP063, Venngeist (Mars 2020) 6 p. [paper] [pdf] 1683. Ferocious Post-Mortem Professional Memories (meant for historians of astronomy), Ven- ngeist, Duttlenheim (2020.03.21) viii + 1072 pp. (ISBN 978-2-9542677-4-6) [confiden- tial – available post mortem] 1684. Titine et les gendarmes (Al Nath), Le Ciel 82 (2020) 240 [full] [pdf] 1685. Titine et les gendarmes (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP064, Venngeist (Avril 2020) 2 p. [paper] [pdf] 1686. La Toledana (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP065, Venngeist (Mai 2020) 9 p. [paper] [pdf] 1687. D’on v`ete vˆeye `aon v´eye vˆeye (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP066, Venngeist (Juin 2020) 9 p. [paper] [pdf] 1688. Le gabelou de Paname (Joe Hube), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP067, Venngeist (Juillet 2020) 11 p. [paper] [pdf] 1689. Le miracle du bus (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP068, Venngeist (Aoˆut 2020) 5 p. [paper] [pdf] 1690. Chhuuutt! (Al Nath), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP069, Venngeist (Septembre 2020) 14 p. [paper] [pdf] 1691. D´epartement 96 (Joe Hube), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP070, Venngeist (Octobre 2020) 24 p. [paper] [pdf] 1692. Travels (Update: 30/10/2020), 93 pp. [confidential – available post mortem] 1693. Journeys of a Coronelli Celestial Globe, Venngeist (October 2020) 14 p. [paper] [pdf] 1694. Gisements de p´epites (Joe Hube), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP071, Venngeist (Novem- bre 2020) 9 p. [paper] [pdf] 1695. L’itin´eraire d’un globe c´eleste (Joe Hube), Le Ciel 82 (2020) 596-606 [full] [pdf] 1696. Butin de guerre globulaire (Joe Hube), Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux HP072, Venngeist (D´ecembre 2020) 11 p. [paper] [pdf] 1697. Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory Scientific Personnel from Foundation to about YearVenngeist 2000 [Update: December 2020], Venngeist, 12 p. [paper] [pdf] Indices

The following section offers breakdowns according to the people, periodicals and publishers mentioned in the previous list of publications, as well as a general index, itself structured with thematic sub-indices (such as astronomical objects, observatories, proceedings, series, etc.). Cross-references (“see”) are pointing towards one or several main entries (separated by •), or towards hierarchies (with steps to lower levels marked by £). For the context of most of the publications, please refer to the scientific biography by Joe Hube2 covering up to Year 2014 and offering exhaustive indices. Watch also for the Ferocious Post- Mortem Professional Memories (meant for historians of astronomy), Venngeist, Duttlenheim (ISBN 978-2-9542677-4-6) available, as per their title, in a while ...


245 Years of Heck in Professional Astronomy, Venngeist 2016, ix + 638 pp. (ISBN 978-2-9542677-3-9) .

127 128 Indices Andr´eHeck

Venngeist Publications Index of People 129

Index of People

Accomazzi, A., 116 Blades, J.C., 26, 27 Acker, A., 15 Blanco, C., 18 Adorf, H.M., 69–72, 74 B¨ocker, H.D., 90 Albert, A., 16 Bode, E., 119 Albrecht, M.A., 57, 66, 68, 71, 75, 76 Bodenmuller, W., 102 Albrecht, R., 17, 45, 47, 105, 109 Boggess, A., 18, 44 Al Nath, see Nath Bohlin, R.C., 18 Andrews, P.J., 36 Boksenberg, A., 18, 23 Andrillat, Y., 26 Bonnarel, F., 56, 75, 76 Anton, K., 64, 66 Bonnet, R.M., 106 Appenzeller, I., 79 Bouchet, P., 46 Arago, F., 110, 111 Brandt, L., 70 Arkab, see Index of Publishers Brissenden, R.J.V., 66 Arl´esienne, 92 Bruch, A., 64, 66 Arpigny, C., 12 Br¨uggenthies, W., 103 Ayres, T.R., 18 Bruneau, C., 102 Buccheri, R., 61 Balech, E., 9 Burger, M., 64, 66 Barnes, J., 66, 70 Burki, G., 22, 23, 26 Barr, P., 54 Bussert, see Index of Publishers £ Dr. Bussert Barylak, M., 52, 54 & Stadeler Barzewski, A., 64, 66 Baschek, B., 31, 37 Cacciari, C., 26–28, 30 Basri, G.S., 18 Caccin, B., 26, 27 Batman, 56 Cailliau, R., 70 Battrick, B., 26, 27 Cameron, A.G.W., 65 Bayart, P., 111 Cand`eze, E., 125 Beck, J.P., 114 Caputo, F., 88 Beeckmans, F., 18, 20, 21, 23 Caro, P., 43 Benest, D., 52 Cassatella, A., 18, 20–24, 26–29 Benvenuti, P., 18, 20–24, 26, 27, 29, 34 Celnikier, L.M., 40 Bergeat, J., 44 Chandrasekhar, S., 76 Bergeron, J., 23 Chang, 25 Berners-Lee, T., 70 Chapati, 107 Bernoulli, Jean III, 119 Christensen (Lindberg), see Lindberg Christensen Bianchi,Venngeist L., 22–24, 26–28 Ciarlo, A., 61–63 Bibo, E., 64, 66 Ciatti, F., 23 Bi´emont, E.,´ 82, 83, 86, 87, 121 Clavel, J., 18, 20–24 Bijaoui, A., 73, 84 Clube, S.V.M., 23 Birdie, C., 109 Coleman, C.I., 18 130 Index of People Andr´eHeck

Condamine (de La), see La Condamine du Pierry, Mme, 112, 113 Coronelli, V., 102, 105, 107, 108, 126 Dupree, A.K., 18 Couder, A., 108 Coyne, G.V., 20 Ee-Ee-Toy, 20 Crabtree, D.R., 70 Egret, D., 26, 27, 29–36, 39–41, 43, 45, 47, 52, Cramer, N., 22, 24, 29 57, 69–76, 82, 84, 88–90 Crane, P., 42, 61 Eichendorf, W., 23, 24, 26, 27 Cr´ez´e, M., 56, 63–65, 75, 76, 107 Eichhorn, G., 106 Cucchiaro, A., 26, 27 Einstein, A., 102 Elmqvist S¨oderlund, I., 116 Darius, J., 22–24 Embleton, B.J.J., 51 Da Silva, L., 13 Ernest, 105 Davoust, E., 49 Escher, M.C., 87 Dawe, J., 23 Esclangon, E., 108 Defays, D., 16 Euclid, 2 de Jager, C., 44 Euler, L., 17 de la Condamine, see La Condamine Evans, D.C., 18 de Lalande, see Lalande de Loore, C.W.H., 27 Faust, J.G., 117 Delvaux, P., 83, 118 Feinstein, A., 12 Deru, L., 31 Fernley, J., 86 De Smet, W.M.A., 5 Field, G.B., 28 Desoer, see Index of Publishers Fisher, N.I., 51 Deutsch, see Index of Publishers £ Harri Deutsch Flammarion, C., 96 Dick, W.R., 103, 124 Flaugergues, H., 112, 113 Diderot, D., 17 Flint, M., 10 Di Ges´u, V., 42, 43, 61, 73, 84 Fosbury, R., 112 Dijk (van), see van Dijk Foy, R., 11 di Serego Alighieri, S., 26, 27 Freeman, H.R., 18 Djusse, 97, 116 Freeman, K.C., 27 Dogons, 82 Freriks, P., 112, 113 Dossin, F., 6, 8, 9, 12, 112 Friedmann, H., 57 Driessen, C., 52 Friedmann, J.H., 42 Dubois, J.E., 78 Fullton, J., 70 Dubois, P., 75, 76 Fusi-Pecci, F., 27 Duc Goninaz, M., 10 Duemmler, R., 64, 66 Galilei, G., 46 Duerbeck, H.W., 64, 66, 102, 118, 124 Garnier, R., 12 Duff, M.J.B., 84 Garrison, R.F., 34 Dufour, A., 80 Genderen (van), see van Genderen Dumont, S., 112, 113, 119, 121, 123 Genova, F., 75, 76 Dunford,Venngeist E., 18 Gentil (Le), see Le Gentil Dunlap, see General Index £ Observatories £ Gentili, C., 113 DDO • Index of Publishers £ David Gerbaldi, M., 49 Dunlap Obs. Gershon, N., 78 Dunlop, S., 49 Ges´u(Di), see Di Ges´u Publications Index of People 131

Gilmozzi, R., 54 Indians, 86, 94 Glaeser (Sloane), see Sloane Glaeser Inklaar, F., 64, 66 Golay, M., 100 Iron Lady, see Thatcher Goldsmith, D., 44 Isaksson, E., 109 Goldstein, I., 70 Isserstedt, J., 23, 24 Gomez, A.E., 22, 24, 32, 35 Gondhalekar, P., 18 Jackson, R.E., 69–72, 74 Gordon, C., 23 Jager (de), see de Jager Grenier, S., 13, 15, 22, 24, 32, 35 Janssen, J., 110 Grewing, M., 44 Jaschek, C., 22, 24, 26, 27, 30–35, 37, 40, 41, Grothkopf, U., 76 45, 47, 54, 90, 105 Gull, T.R., 18 Jaschek, M., 22, 24, 26, 27, 30–35, 37, 40, 41 Jasniewicz, G., 45, 47, 75, 76 Halbwachs, J.L., 51, 52 Jones, D.H.P., 23, 36 Halley, E., 37 Jordan, C., 18, 20–22, 24, 29 Hanisch, R.J., 66, 70 Jørgensen, N.T., 103 Hanscroufe, 110 Jorissen, A., 64, 66 Hansen, J.E., 54 Juettner, A., 64, 66 Hardin, J., 70 Jung, J., 11, 13, 15 Hassall, B.J.M., 32, 33, 35, 40, 41, 52 Hauck, B., 6, 13, 70, 72, 93 Karttunen, H., 91 Hauregard, L., 2 Kawamura, S., 10 Hayes, D.S., 18, 36 Keenan, P.C., 13, 26, 35, 69, 82, 84 Hayes, J.J.E., 74 Kinkel, U., 64, 66 Heap, S.R., 18 Klinglesmith, D.A., 18 Heber, U., 32, 33 Klutz, M., 9, 12 Heintz, W., 27 Kluwer, see Index of Publishers Hempe, K., 23 Koekemoer, A., 69–72, 74 H´enon, M., 2 Koestler, A., 29 Hensberge, H., 64, 66 Kondo, Y., 44 Herschel, C., 119 K¨oppen, J., 31 Herschel, J., 97, 100, 119 Krauskopf, T., 70 Herschel, W., 119 Krol, Ed., 70 Hi, 15 Kucera, B., 70 Hiesgen, M., 64, 66 Kukita, Y., 70 Hipparchus, 102 Kurtz, M., 84 Ho, 15 Kurtz, M.J., 73 Holm, A.V., 18 Holzer, E., 82, 86, 87 La Condamine, C.M. de, 41, 43 Houziaux, L., 26–28, 32, 33, 36, 46, 108, 109 Lacoste, B., 60 Hube, J., ii, 120–122, 124, 126, 127 Lacroute, P., 67 VenngeistLakaye, J.M., 15–17 Hugo, V., 96 Hurt, R., 112 Lalande, J., 112, 113, 119, 121, 123 Hypathia, 119 Lallemand, A., 105 Lamers, H.J.G.L.M., 20, 21 Imadache, A., 50 Lamy, J., 112, 113 132 Index of People Andr´eHeck

Lane, A.L., 18, 44 Mekkaden, M.V., 64, 66 Launay, F., 110 Mennessier, M.O., 11 Lausberg, A., 13 Mephisto, 100 Lebrun, F., 111 Mersch, G., 16, 22, 24, 29, 30, 35 Lefran¸cois de Lalande, see Lalande Mignard, F., 111 Le Gentil, G., 24, 32 Mikami, T., 21, 22, 28 Leibowitz, E.M., 87 Miller, G., 94 L´ena, P., 111 Molina, R., 73, 84, 85 Lequeux, J., 110, 111 Monier, R., 105, 106 Lesteven, S., 75, 76, 78 Moore, C., 70 Levialdi, S., 42 Moore, H., 80 Lewis, T., 51 Moore, P., 48 Lichtenstein, R., 84 Morell, A., 90 Lick, J., 18, 86 Morrison, N.D., 18 Lindberg Christensen, L., 107, 108, 112 Mugnier, L., 111 Linde, P., 73 Muller, C., 101 Linsky, J.L., 18, 44 M¨uller, H.R., 95, 96, 98–101 Locke, R.A., 56 Muller, P., 105 Longanecker, G.R., 18 Mu˜noz, J.P., 52 Loore (de), see de Loore Murdin, P., 94 Louis XI (King), 15 Murray, J., 52 Lub, J., 23, 24 Murtagh, F., 36, 37, 39–52, 54–56, 58, 61–66, Lunel, M., 44 69–74, 76, 77, 80, 84, 85 Lynski, J.L., 18 Nakayama, T., 5 Maas, H.D., 5 Nandy, K., 26, 27 Maccarone, M.C., 61, 73, 84 Nath, Al, 15, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26–33, 35– Macchetto, F., 18, 20–24, 26, 27, 29, 85 37, 39–41, 43–49, 52, 54–56, 61, 64, Madsen, C., 98 66, 69–71, 74–76, 78, 80–84, 86–92, ´ Mailly, E., 81 94–103, 105–110, 112–126 Maitzen, H.M., 12, 15, 17 Nemes, E., 2 Malvoz, E., 124 Nemesis, 44, 45 Manfroid, J., 3, 9, 11, 12, 16–18, 20–25, 27–33, Netzer, H., 54 35–37, 39–47, 50, 64, 66 Newton, I., 23 Maoris, 70 Ng, Y.K., 64, 66 Maoz, D., 54, 87 Niarchos, P., 64, 66 Marano, B., 23 Nielsen, L.H., 103 M´arquez, G.G., 101 Nobelis, P., 31–33, 36, 39 Mathys, G., 15, 31, 35, 36, 45 Matzik, P., 23 Ochsenbein, F., 69, 70, 73, 75, 76 Maunder, E.W., 29 Oliver, M.B., 18 McCarthy,Venngeist M.F., 20 Ortolani, S., 23 McCullogh, J., 88 McMahon, R., 73 Pakull, M., 23, 24 McNally, D., 51 Palumbo, G.G.C., 23 Meadows, J., 90 Panagia, N., 23 Publications Index of People 133

Pansard-Besson, R., 113, 114 Rouan, D., 111 Parmar, A.N., 23 Rougier, G., 106 Pasian, F., 52, 71 Rousseau, J.M., 113 Pasinetti, L.E., 36 Rubinsky, Y., 70 Patriarchi, P., 26–28 Rufener, F., 22, 24, 29 Payne, H.E., 74 Russo, G., 26, 27, 52 Pecker, J.C., 111–113, 119, 121, 123 Rutkowski, T., 70 Pelat, D., 111 Peltier, L., 46 Saint-Sa¨ens, C., 119 Penston, M.V., 18, 20–24, 29 Sandford, M.C.W., 18 Percy, J.R., 32, 33 Sanford, P.W., 23 Perdang, J.M., 57, 58 Sargent, W.L.W., 23 Perry, C.O., 90 Sause, G., 6, 9 Perry, P.M., 18 Savage, B.D., 18 Perryman, M., 26–28, 113 Scarsi, L., 42, 61, 84 Philip, A.G.D., 18, 20, 36 Schielicke, R.E., 110 Pierrard, V., 121 Schiffer, F.H. III, 18 Pierry (du), see du Pierry Scholz, M., 31 Piirola, V., 91 Sch¨onberner, D., 32, 33 Pirlet, A., 2 Schwartz, M., 70 Poe, E.A., 56 Schwarz, H.E., 98 ´ Pollard, G.S.W., 23 Schweitzer, E., 105 Ponz, D.J., 22, 24, 29, 36 Scots, 100 P¨uttmann, M., 64, 66 Seggewiss, W., 118 Seiler, M.P., 107, 108 Querci, F., 22, 23, 27 Seitter, W.C., 124 Querci, M., 22, 23, 27 Selvelli, P.L., 18, 20–24, 26–29 Serego Alighieri (di), see di Serego Alighieri Rafanelli, P., 23 Serio, S., 97 Raimond, E., 73 Shaw, D.F., 80 Rampazzo, R., 45–47, 49, 50 Shaw, R.A., 74 Rayner, S., 99 Shrimplin, V., 94 Reidel, see Index of Publishers £ D. Reidel Sikorski, R., 2 Reimers, D., 23 Silva (De), see De Silva Reipurth, B., 23, 24 Simeray, A., 73 Renson, P., 12, 15, 17, 29, 31 Sloane Glaeser, P., 69 Ricketts, S., 109 Smet (De), see De Smet Rodgers, R.P.C., 70 Snijders, M.A.J., 18 Rodr´ıguez, P., 54 S¨oderlund (Elmqvist), see Elmqvist S¨oderlund Rohr, R.R.J., 15 Sollazzo, C., 26, 27 Rolfe, E., 27 Sparks, W., 18 Rona, 70VenngeistSpiller, F., 64, 66 Ronchi, see Index of Publishers £ Fondazione Springer, see Index of Publishers Giorgio Ronchi Sramek, R.A., 23 Rosino, L., 23 Stadeler, see Index of Publishers £ Dr. Bussert Roth, H.G., 26 & Stadeler 134 Index of People Andr´eHeck

Stencel, R., 101 Vonflie, Ph., 109 Sterken, C., 64, 66, 124 von Zach, F.X., 121, 123 Sternberg, A., 87 Vreux, J.M., 9, 12 Stevens-Rayburn, S., 52 Vrin, see Index of Publishers Stewart, J., 70 Vuibert, see Index of Publishers Stickland, D.J., 18, 20–23 Stock, see Index of Publishers Walloons, 121 St¨offler, J., 96 Wamsteker, W., 26–28, 44, 52, 54 Stokke, H., 61–63 Wanders, I., 64, 66 Støp-Bowitz, C., 5, 9, 10 Warren, W.H. Jr, 42, 43 Stroemgren, B., 11 Watson, J.R., 56, 76 Stroobant, M., 104 Wehrse, R., 31 Stroobant, P., 104 Weil, G., 59 SUK Estraro, 5, 9 Weiler, K.W., 23 Surdej, J., 28 Welles, O., 95 Swings, J.P., 9, 12, 42, 48 Wells, D.C., 69–72, 74 Szeifert, T., 64, 66 Wells, H.G., 95 Wenger, M., 75, 76 Tadokoro, S., 5 West, D.K., 18 Talavera, A., 32, 33, 35, 41, 52, 54 West, R.M., 36 Tarenghi, M., 23 Westerhout, G., 93 Tchanch`es, 17 Westerlund, B., 6 Tenenbaum, M., 70 Wiley, see Index of Publishers Te Raa, 70 Wilkins, G.A., 52 Thot-Thompson, J., 70 Willis, A.J., 21, 27 Tintin, 35 Wills, B.J., 54 Traut, B., 102 Wills, D., 54 Turlot, J.C., 31–33, 36, 39 Willward, M.T.I., 69 Turnrose, B.E., 18 Wilson, R., 18, 44 Wing, R.F., 18, 27 Urania, 1, 15, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26–33, 35– Wit (de), see de Wit 37, 39–41, 43–49, 52, 54–56, 61, 64, Witt, V., 117 66, 69–71, 74–76, 78, 80–84, 86–92, Wolff, G., 37 94–103, 105–110, 112–119 Wu, C.C., 18, 26, 27 van Dijk, R., 64, 66 Zach (von), see von Zach van Genderen, A.M., 23, 24 Zamorano, J., 22–24 Venngeist, see Index of Publishers Zavorani, C., 27 Vergely, J.L., 84 Zimmermann, H.U., 61, 84 Verne, J., 46 Zongli, L., 64, 66 V´eron, P., 115 VespertilioVenngeist Homo, 98, 99 Vettolani, G., 23 Violle, J., 124 Vogt, N., 12, 64, 66 Vonflie, P., 102 Publications Index of Periodicals 135

Index of Periodicals

A&A, see Astron. Astrophys. Cahiers Alsaciens d’Arch´eologie, d’Art et d’Histoire, A&AS, see Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. see CAAAH AAS Electron. Ann., 91 Cahiers GUTenberg, 57 AAS Newsl., 31, 37, 41, 43, 52, 54, 63, 71, 73, CDS Inform. Bull., see Inform. Bull. CDS 83, 94, 167 C&E, see Ciel et Espace Acad. Roy. Belg., Bull. Cl. Sc., 9 Ciel (Le), see Le Ciel Acta Historica Astronomiae, 103, 107, 108, 124 Ciel et Espace, 43, 59, 72, 74, 82, 86 Amstat News, 60 Ciel et Terre, 6, 9, 15, 31–33, 35, 37, 39–41, Ann. Soc. Amis Vieux Strasbourg, 109 43–46, 48, 49, 52, 54, 60, 79–83 Aquanews, 98, 99 CODATA Bull., 61 Assembly Times, 2 CODATA Newsl., 71 Astrocosmos, 27 Comm. 27 IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars, 18, 25, ASTROLIB Message, 87, 89–92, 94, 107 28, 29, 32, 33, 36, 48 Astron. Astrophys., 5, 6, 11–13, 15–17, 20–24, Comm. Universitas Belgica, 6 26–29, 31, 35, 37, 44, 86, 107 Computer Networks and ISDN, 76 Astron. Astrophys. Suppl., 11–13, 15–17, 23, Debating, 1 33, 35, 36, 43, 45, 49, 52, 55, 58, 63, 66–68, 70, 72, 86–89 EAS Newsl., 66, 84, 87, 92, 96, 99, 105 Astron. Nachr., 96, 108 EASST Review, 93 Astron. Ges. Abstract Series, 94 Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux (column), see Gen- Astron. Ges. Rundbrief, 92 eral Index Astronomie (l’), see l’Astronomie Editor, see General Index Astronomie-Qu´ebec, 76 ESA IUE Newsl., 27, 28, 32 Astronomy, 76 ESA Journal, 49 Astronomy Now, 87 ESO Messenger, 18, 28, 36, 43, 45, 58, 63, 66, Astrophys. J., 54 71, 73 Astrophys. Sp. Sc., 39, 83, 92 ESO Scientific Reprint, 23, 26, 40 Astrophys. Sp. Sc., 93 Esperantista Amikeco, 1 esperanto, 2, 5, 6 Bull. AAS, 42, 52, 56, 64, 67, 71, 76, 89, 90, Esperanto en Marche, 2 95, 98, 112 Bull. AFOEV, 28, 36 Germana Esperanto-Revuo, 6 Bull. Int. Obs. Paris, 29, 50, 54, 56–58, 60, 71 HAD News, 96, 108, 110, 112, 113 Bull. M´ethodol. Sociol. – RC33, 91 Heelal, 44 Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11–13, 15, Hemispheres, 68 Venngeist17, 18, 20 Heroldo de Esperanto, 3, 12 Bulteno ISAE, 3, 5, 9 Sc. Suppl., 3 Homo kaj Kosmo, 11 CAAAH, 114, 116 CAD-Astres, 40, 41, 43–45 IAPPP Comm., 29, 36, 53 136 Index of Periodicals Andr´eHeck

IAPR Newsletter, 65 Monthly Not. RAS, 17, 23, 29 IAU Circ., 6, 9 IAU Comm. 05 Electron. Newsl., 70, 72 Nature, 18 IAU Comm. 05 WG on Astron. Data Newsl., NCSA Meta-Announcements, 67–69 57, 59, 60, 62, 66 NCSA What’s New?, 71–73 IAU Comm. 46 Newsl., 35 Newsl. WG Modern Astronomical Methodol- IAU Inform. Bull., 35, 39, 48, 50, 51, 54, 57, ogy, 37, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 59, 61, 65, 68, 72, 106, 115 50, 55 ICHA Newsl., 115 Notre Trait d’Union, 1–3 ICSTI Newsl., 74 Impact factors, 99 Observatory, 84, 91, 94, 96, 108–116, 119, 123 Inform. Bull. CDS, 12, 17, 20, 24, 31, 33, 37, Orion, 5, 6, 9, 12, 45, 46, 48, 52, 54, 56, 57, 60, 39–42, 44–50, 52, 53, 55, 60, 61, 64, 61, 64, 66, 69–71, 74, 76, 78, 80–84, 65, 68–70, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79 86–92, 94–103, 105–108 Informilo de BEJA, 1 Associated Editor, 107 Int. Sociol. Ass., 91 Int´egral, 1 PAMnet Mess., 94 Interm´ediaire, 3 PASP, see Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific Internet World, 73 Physics Today, 22, 58, 59, 61, 66 ISSN, see General Index Planet. Space Sc., 66 ISU News Digest, 74 Potins d’Uranie, see Les Potins d’Uranie (col- IUE ESA Newsl., 22–25 umn) in General Index IUE NASA Newsl., 33 Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 28 Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88 J. Astron. Fran¸cais, 31, 32, 36, 37, 52, 54, 57, 59, 64, 84, 86, 90, 93 Quart. J. RAS, 26, 46 Journals Accepting TEX Sources, 54 Recueil S´eminaires Obs. Besan¸con, 11, 22 La Lettre des Acad´emies, 108, 109 Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof., 69 La Migranto, 2, 3 Rev. Univ. Li`ege, 3 l’Astronomie, 6, 9, 11, 62, 94, 113, 116, 119, Ric. Astron., 20 121 Le Ciel, 23, 24, 26–33, 35–37, 39–41, 43–48, Scienca Revuo, 2, 3, 6, 11 95, 96, 98, 100, 102, 103, 105, 107– Science Internat., 57 110, 112–126 Series, see General Index Lectures, 40, 43, 44, 49 SFSA Message, 79 Les Potins d’Uranie (column), see General In- Sidereal Times, 69, 83 dex SIGIR Forum, 61, 65 Lettre des Acad´emies (La), see La Lettre des Sky & Telescope, 6, 9, 32, 55, 82, 91 Acad´emies Solar News, 57 L’Univers Illustr´e, 24 Space Digest, 62 VenngeistSpace Sc. Reviews, 51, 87 Mercury, 103 S&T, see Sky & Telescope Meteoros, 22 Standard Star Newsl., 30, 32, 33 Micro Bulletin, 61 ST-ECF Newsl., 46, 72 Migranto (La), see La Migranto Sterne und Weltraum, 39, 55, 59, 117 Publications Index of Periodicals 137

Survey of non-professional astronomy magazines, 92, 94 SuW, see Sterne und Weltraum Svisa Espero, 3, 5

Techniques Nouvelles, 1 TEX and TUG News, 61 TEXhax Digest, 54, 56, 57, 60, 61, 64, 73, 76, 88, 90, 92 Titles of astronomical periodicals, 40 Trait d’Union (Notre), see Notre Trait d’Union TUGboat, 57, 60, 61, 65

Vistas in Astronomy, 18, 55, 62, 67, 71, 75, 76, 79, 80, 84, 85

Venngeist 138 Index of Periodicals Andr´eHeck

Venngeist Publications Index of Publishers 139

Index of Publishers

Acad. Royale Belgique, 108, 109, 121 L’Harmattan, 107, 111 Arkab Productions, 113, 114 ASP, see Astron. Soc. Pacific Map Link, 96 Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88, 89 Nature Group, 94

Brussels Planetarium, 15 Obs. Cˆote d’Azur, 84 Bussert & Stadeler (Dr.), see Dr. Bussert & Observatoire de Paris, 110–113, 121, 123 Stadeler Observatoire de Strasbourg, 51, 52, 102 Office du Tourisme, Jalhay-Sart, 125 Cambridge University Press, see CUP CDS, 12, 35, 37, 41, 46, 48, 49, 51, 54–62, Plenum Press, 42, 61 64–66, 68–76, 78–83, 86–91 Presses Univ. Strasbourg, 101 Center for History of Science, 116 CNRS, 46, 73, 111 Reidel, see D. Reidel CUP, 54, 113 Ronchi, see Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi Royal Swedish Acad. Sciences, 116 David Dunlap Obs., 34 Desoer, 16 SFSA, 52 Deutsch, 103, 107, 108 Soc. Astron. France, 49 Dr. Bussert & Stadeler, 110 Soc. Astron. Li`ege, 36 D. Reidel, 6, 13, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 42–44, 46 Springer, 49–51, 57, 58, 78, 102, 105–108, 116 Dunlap Obs., 34 Stock, 94 SUK, 5, 9, 10 EDP Sciences, 110–114 Ellipses, 105, 106 Truman State Univ. Press, 94 ESA, 30, 31, 34, 35, 41 UNESCO, 80 EU, 90 Venngeist, ii, 117–127 Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, 115 Vrin, 112, 113, 119, 121, 123 Giorgio Ronchi, see Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi Vuibert, 110, 112, 113

Harmattan (L’), see L’Harmattan Wiley-VCH, 112 Harri Deutsch, 103, 107, 108 World Scientific, 59, 60, 84

ICSU Press, 78, 80 IMCCE/BDL,Venngeist 114 IoP, 94

Kluwer, 48, 51, 57, 58, 64, 65, 75, 79, 83, 88, 92–96, 98–100 KNAW, 54 140 Index of Publishers Andr´eHeck

Venngeist Publications General Index 141

General Index

AAS, 117 Achievements, 100 HAD, 108, 110, 112, 113 Acronyms, 54–62, 64–66, 68–70, 72–76, 78–81, Meetings 91, 92, 100 169th (1987), 43 Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astron., Space Centennial, 89 Sc. & Related Fields, 56–58 Abbreviations, 54–62, 64–66, 68–70, 72–76, 78– Acronyms & Abbreviations in Astron. & Space 81, 91, 92, 100 Sc., 54 A Bibliographical Catalogue of Field RR Lyrae ADASS Stars, 15, 16 II (1992) A Bibliographical Catalogue of RR Lyrae Stars, Abstracts, 62 48, 49 Proceedings, 66 Absolute magnitude, 15, 18, 21, 22, 32 III (1993) δ Del stars, 24 Abstracts, 66 δ Sct stars, 24 Proceedings, 70 Algorithm, 11, 23, 86 IV (1994) Am stars, 24 Abstracts, 70 Ap stars, 24 Proceedings, 74 Barium stars, 32, 35 Adopting celestial objects, 82 Calibration, see Algorithm • Determination ADS, see NASA methods • Programme Advances in Ultraviolet Astronomy Consistency of calibrations, 22 Proceedings, 28 Determination methods, 18 AFOEV, 103, 105 Field RRab Lyrae stars, 17 Age-abundance relation, 13 F stars, 17, 28 Agence Spatiale Europ´eenne, see ESA G5-M3 stars, 26 Agr´egation de l’Enseignement Sup´erieur Uni- G stars, 28 versitaire, see Degrees £ ProfDSc Hg-Mn stars, 22 AG Tagungen K stars, 28 Innsbruck, 87 Late-type stars, 13 M¨unchen, 94 M stars, 28 ALD, see Astronomy from Large Databases I & Normal stars, 35 II Programme, 24 Amateur astronomers, 9, 11, 12, 17, 18, 20, 24, RR Lyrae stars, 5, 6, 9, 11 25, 31–33, 35, 37, 44–46, 49, 91 Stroemgren’s American Astronomical Society, see AAS Intermediate group, 11 Analyse statistique multivari´ee. Applications as- LateVenngeist group, 15 tronomiques (lecture notes), 48 Abundance Effects in Classification An Annotated Bibliographical Catalogue of Mul- Proceedings, 13 tivariate Statistical Methods (magnetic Acad´emie Royale de Belgique, see Belgian Royal tape), 41, 43 Academy Annotated Bibliographical Catalogue of Multi- 142 General Index Andr´eHeck

variate Statistical Methods (An) (mag- Retrieval, 27 netic tape), 41, 43 Surface distributions, 13, 45, 47 Annotated Bibliography of Multivariate Statis- User approach, 61 tical Methods in Astronomy, 40 Working Group Applying Fractals in Astronomy (book), 57, 58 Chairman, 93 Apsidal motion, 2 Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Sys- Archive centers and libraries, 126 tems, see ADASS AVCUS, see AVCUS (as main entry) Astronomical institutions, see Astronomical or- Archives de la Ville et de la Communaut´eUr- ganizations • Databases • Directories baine de Strasbourg, see AVCUS Astronomical organizations, 43, 92, 94–96, 99, Art, see Astro-art 100, 104–106, 108, 117, 118 Artificial intelligence, 49–54 Ages, 88, 89 Artificial Intelligence for Space Projects Astronomy and space sciences entries, 58 Proceedings, 49 Characteristics, 89, 91–93 Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Astronomy Database, 61–63, 68, 70 Editor, 51, 52 Directory, 37, 39–44, 46, 48–62, 64, 66, Proceedings, 51, 52 68–76, 78–80, 82, 83, 86–92, 100 Artworks Entries with telecom plugs, 56, 57 Celestial Embrace, 105 France, 56, 59, 60 Last Judgment, 94 Geographical distributions, 87, 91 Le pav´ede Saint-Jacques, 98 Professional institutions with telecom plugs, Pav´ede Saint-Jacques (Le), see Le pav´e 56 de Saint-Jacques Space-linked entries, 58 ASE, see ESA Astronomical Photographic Atlas (book), 14, ASpScROW, see Directories 16 Association Fran¸caise d’Observateurs d’Etoiles´ Astronomical societies, see Astronomical orga- Variables, see AFOEV nizations • Databases • Directories Associations, see Astronomical organizations • Astronomical Society of the Pacific, see ASP Databases • Directories Astronomische Gesellschaft, see AG Astro-art, 29, 80, 83, 84, 86, 87, 90, 93, 94, Astronomischer Photo-Atlas (book), see Astro- 97–99, 101, 105, 107, 118 nomical Photographic Atlas (book) Astronet, 76 Astronomy communication, 2, 54, 61, 92–94, Astronomia foto-atlaso (book), see Astronom- 98, 105, 106, 108, 109, 114, 116 ical Photographic Atlas (book) Astronomy Communication (book), 98 Astronomical Applications of Multivariate Astronomy from Large Databases I, 42, 44, 45 Statistical Analysis (lecture notes), 57 Abstracts, 45, 46 Astronomical associations, see Astronomical or- Editor, 47 ganizations • Databases • Directories Proceedings, 47 Astronomical data, 70, 79 Astronomy from Large Databases II, 57–61, 63, Compilation, 15 65 CriticalVenngeist evaluation, 15 Abstracts, 61, 62 Distribution, 15 Editor, 62, 63 Large amounts, 42, 44–47, 57–66 Proceedings, 62, 63 Newsl. IAU Comm. 5 WG, 57, 59, 60, 62, Report, 64–66 66 Astronomy, Space Sciences and Related Orga- Publications General Index 143

nizations of the World, see Directories Compiling biographical encyclopediae, 111 £ ASpScROW Biographies, 103 Astrophysics and Space Science Library, see Se- Chandrasekhar, S., 76 ries £ ASSL Couder, A., 108 Astrophysics Data System, see NASA £ ADS Esclangon, E., 108 AstroWeb (database), see Databases Jaschek, C., 90, 105 Atlases Lacroute, P., 67 Astronomical Photographic, 14, 16 Lallemand, A., 105 IUE Low-Dispersion Spectra, 32, 33, 35 Muller, P., 105 Normal Stars, 31, 32, 34 Rougier, G., 106 Peculiar Stars, 32, 33, 40, 41 Books Atlas fotogr´afico astron´omico (book), see As- 45 Years of Heck in Professional Astron- tronomical Photographic Atlas omy, 121 (book) Anatomio de la homa korpo, 5 Atlas photographique astronomique (book), see Applying Fractals in Astronomy, 57, 58 Astronomical Photographic Atlas (book) Astronomia foto-atlaso, see Astronomical Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths for As- Photographic Atlas trophysics and Fusion Research Astronomical Photographic Atlas, 14, 16 Proceedings, 54 Astronomischer Photo-Atlas, see Astronom- Automated Data Retrieval ical Photographic Atlas Proceedings, 27 Astronomy Communication, 98 AVCUS, 111 Atlas fotogr´afico astron´omico, see Astro- BDL, 112, 114 nomical Photographic Atlas Beijing Astronomical Observatory, see Obser- Atlas photographique astronomique, see As- vatories tronomical Photographic Atlas Belgian Royal Academy, 84, 121 Bazaj nocioj de biologio, 5 Edouard´ Mailly Prize, 81 Constellations des Potins d’Uranie (Les), FPCA 2007, 108, 109 see Les Constellations des Potins Mailly Prize (Edouard),´ see Edouard´ Mailly d’Uranie Prize Electronic Publishing for Physics and As- Paul & Marie Stroobant Prize, 104 tronomy, 83, 90 Stroobant Prize (Paul & Marie), see Paul Elementa ekologio, 9 & Marie Stroobant Prize Enkonduko en ˆgeneralan biologion, 10 Besan¸con Observatory, see Observatories Enkonduko en la komputeran lingvistikon, Be Stars 5 Proceedings, 26 Enkonduko en organikan kaj biologian kemion, Bibliographical Catalogue of Field RR Lyrae Stars 10 (A), 15, 16 Farmakologio por malbonuzoj de medika- Bibliographical Catalogue of RR Lyrae Stars mentoj, 5 (A), 48, 49 Ferocious Post-Mortem Professional Mem- BibliographicalVenngeist reviews, 12, 15, 33, 35, 39–41, ories (meant for historians of astron- 43–46, 48, 49, 51, 57, 60, 80, 82, 83, omy), 123, 125, 126 86, 87, 89, 91, 94, 96, 101, 103, 105– Fundamentaj konceptoj en kemio, 10 108, 110–116, 119, 121, 123 Generalaˆ kaj homa histologio, 5 Biographical compilations Informado kaj dokumentado pri kemio, 10 144 General Index Andr´eHeck

Information Handling in Astronomy, 92 Abstracts, 32 Historical Vistas, 98 Proceedings, 36, 40 Intelligent Information Retrieval, 64, 65 Resolution, 33 IUE Low-Dispersion Spectra Reference At- Carl Zeiss, 9 las, 32, 33, 35 Carte du Ciel, 112, 113 Normal Stars, 31, 32, 34 Catalogues, 29, 94 Peculiar Stars, 32, 33, 40, 41 Amateur Astronomer’s Catalog of 500 Deep- Kemio de manˆaˆoj, ˆcefe novaj proteinoj, sky Objects (The), 46 10 Bibliography Kemio kaj biokemio de karbonhidratoj, 10 Field RR Lyrae Stars, 15, 16 Knowledge-Based Systems in Astronomy, IUE for Peculiar Stars, 33 50, 51 Multivariate Statistical Methods in As- Les Constellations des Potins d’Uranie, 119 tronomy, 40, 41, 43 Lingvoj, gentoj kaj lingva politiko, 10 RR Lyrae stars, 48, 49 Multinational History of Strasbourg Astro- Sociology of astronomy, 93, 95, 96, 99, nomical Observatory (The), see The 100, 105, 106 Multinational History of Strasbourg As- IUE Low-Dispersion Spectra Flux for Nor- tronomical Observatory mal Stars, 31, 33 Multivariate Data Analysis Long-term Photometry of Variables, 64, 66 Floppy disk, 46 Surface distributions, 13, 45, 47 Hardbound, 43 The Amateur Astronomer’s Catalog of 500 Paperback, 46 Deep-sky Objects, 46 Source programs, 46 CBAT, 43, 44 Multivariate Statistical Methods for Astron- CCMA, see ESF omy, 40 CDS, 12, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24, 31, 33, 37, 39–50, OPSA volumes, see OPSA volumes (as main 52–56, 60, 61, 64, 65, 68–70, 73, 75, entry) 76, 78, 79 OSA volumes, see OSA volumes (as main Catalogues, see Catalogues (as main entry) entry) Council Porfirinoj, biokemio de vivnecesaj pigmen- Meeting, 34 toj, 10 Members, 102 Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles, 88, 90 Dictionaries, see Dictionaries (as main en- Potins d’Uranie, 36 try) Quelques m´ethodes de d´etermination de la Directories, see Directories (as main entry) magnitude absolue, 12 Genesis, 102 Segmentumitaj animalaj grupoj, 10 The Multinational History of Strasbourg History, 102, 106 Astronomical Observatory, 102 Information Bulletin, see Index of Periodi- Bordeaux Observatory, see Observatories cals Borders, 126 MediaTheque, see Databases (as main en- Bureau Central des T´el´egrammes Astronomi- try) VenngeistSIMBAD, see Databases (as main entry) ques, see CBAT Bureau des Longitudes, see BDL Special Publication, see Series (as main en- try) CAD, 37, 39 Special Report, 43 Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities StarBits, see Databases (as main entry) Publications General Index 145

StarHeads, see Databases (as main entry) Cool Stars with Excesses of Heavy Elements StarWorlds, see Databases (as main entry) Proceedings, 35, 43 World penetration, 106 Program, 32 Celestial Embrace, see Artworks Coordinated observing, 46 Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams, see Coronelli globes, 102, 105, 107, 108, 126 CBAT COSPAR, 48 Centre de Donn´ees astronomiques de Strasbourg, Crab Pulsar, see Objects see CDS Creativity, 94, 96 Centre de Donn´ees Stellaires, see CDS Credibility, 103, 106 Centro de Estudios del Hombre Austral, 77 CUP, see Index of Publishers CERN DAA HEP Libraries, 94 DAA II Chiran Observatory, see Observatories £ OHP Proceedings, 42 CIBE, 99 DAA IV Cluster analysis, 15 Proceedings, 61 CODATA, 63, 69 DAA V 14th Intern. Conf., 70 Abstracts, 80 19th General Assembly, 72 Editor, 84 CODATA ’92, 65 Proceedings, 84 CODATA ’94, 70, 72 Data Analysis in Astronomy, see DAA Cointe Observatory, see Observatories Data Analysis in Astronomy (Luminy school), ´ Column “Echos des Hauts-Plateaux”, see 48 ´ Echos des Hauts-Plateaux (column) Data and Knowledge in a Changing World Comet 1972VIII/1973a, see Objects Abstracts, 70 £ Comet Heck-Sause, see Objects Comet Proceedings, 78 1972VIII/1973a Databases, 57–66 Comets, see Objects AstroWeb, 68–72, 74 Committee on Data for Science and Technol- MediaTheque, 65, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76, ogy, see CODATA 78 Communication of astronomy, see SIMBAD, 35, 42, 43, 45, 47, 56 Astronomy communication • StarBits, 69, 70 Scholarly Communication • StarGates, 66, 68 Science Communication StarHeads, 69, 72, 73, 83, 84 Compagnie Intercommunale Bruxelloise des Eaux, StarWays, 60–63 99 StarWords, 66, 68 Compilation, Critical Evaluation and Distribu- StarWorlds, 69, 70 tion of Stellar Data Surface distributions, 13, 45, 47 Proceedings, 15 User approach, 61 Constellations, see Objects Databases & On-line Data in Astronomy Constellations des Potins d’Uranie (Les), see (book), 57 VenngeistLes Constellations des Potins d’Uranie David Dunlap Observatory, see Observatories (book) £ DDO Contrails, 96, 121 Degrees Converging Computing Methodologies in As- HDR, 38 tronomy, see ESF £ CCMA Curriculum vitae, 36 146 General Index Andr´eHeck

Dissertation, 35 IDAAS 1986, 37, 39, 40, 42–44 Notice, 36 IDAAS 1988, 46, 48 Master of Mathematics IDAAS 1990, 51, 52, 54 Dissertation, 2 Programmer’s Manual, 49 PhD IDPAI, 39, 50, 52 Annex thesis, 11 IDPAI 1987, 39, 41–44 Data cards for maximum-likelihood algo- IDPAI 1989, 49 rithm, 11 IDPAI 1990, 51, 52, 54 Dissertation, 11 Programmer’s Manual, 49 Notes for oral presentation, 11 Latin America, 72 R´esum´e, 11 Professional institutions with telecom plugs, ProfDSc 56 Disertation, 36 San Francisco Bay, 87 DeskTop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Space-linked entries, 58 Sciences, 56, 57 StarGuides, 58–62, 64, 66, 68 Editor, 59, 60 StarGuides 1993, 64, 65 Proceedings, 59, 60 StarGuides 1994, 68–71 Desoer, see Index of Publishers StarGuides 1995, 72–76 Dictionaries StarGuides 1996, 78–80 Acronyms and Abbreviations, 54–58 StarGuides 1997, 82, 83 StarBriefs, 58, 60, 61, 64, 66 StarGuides 1998, 86, 87 StarBriefs 1992, 58–62 StarGuides 1999, 88–90 StarBriefs 1993, 62, 64–66 StarGuides 2000, 91 StarBriefs 1994, 68–70 StarGuides 2001, 91–94 StarBriefs 1995, 72–76 StarGuides Plus, 100 StarBriefs 1996, 78–81 Discovery of Comet 1972VIII/1973a, see Ob- StarBriefs 2000, 91 jects £ Comet 1972VIII/1973a StarBriefs 2001, 91–94 Dissertations StarBriefs Plus, 100 HDR, 35 Director, Strasbourg Obs., see Strasbourg Ob- L’analyse statistique multivari´ee permet d’obtenir servatory des indications sur la signification d’indices Directories, 43, 48, 49, 51–53, 57, 98 photom´etriques, 11 ASpScROW, 54, 56, 58 Li`ege, 2, 11, 36 ASpScROW 1991, 55–57 Master of Mathematics, 2 Astronomy and space sciences entries, 58 M´emoire pr´esent´epour l’obtention de l’habilitation BDL, 54, 56, 112, 114 `adiriger des recherches, 35 Entries with telecom plugs, 56, 57 Mouvement apsidal et structure interne des France, 56, 59, 60, 72 ´etoiles, 2 French astronomy, 41, 43 PhD, 11 IDAAS, 50, 52, 62 ProfDSc, 36 IDAASVenngeist 1978, 17, 18 Quelques nouvelles contributions `ala statis- IDAAS 1979, 20 tique astronomique, 36 IDAAS 1981, 24 Strasbourg, 35 IDAAS 1982, 25 Distance scale, 88, 89 IDAAS 1984, 31, 32, 35 DOBE, 118 Publications General Index 147

EAGB From Information Fusion to Data Mining, EAGB73, 8, 112 84, 85 EAGB76, 14 Fundamentaj konceptoj en kemio, 10 Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux (column), 120–126 Generalaˆ kaj homa histologio, 5 Eclipses, 24, 88, 90, 101 Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Moon Post-Hipparcos Era, 88, 89 10 Feb 1971, 3 Informado kaj dokumentado pri kemio, 10 06 Aug 1971, 3 Information Handling in Astronomy, 92 29 Nov 1974, 11 Historical Vistas, 98 Belgium, 3, 11 Intelligent Information Retrieval, 64, 65 Li`ege, 3, 11 IUE ESA Newsletter, 20 Sun, 2 Kemio de manˆaˆoj, ˆcefe novaj proteinoj, 03 October, 103 10 25 Feb 1971, 3 Kemio kaj biokemio de karbonhidratoj, 10 30 Jun 1973, 6 Knowledge-Based Systems in Astronomy Kenya, 6 (book), 50, 51 Loyengalani, 6 Les Constellations des Potins d’Uranie, 119 Ecole´ de Goutelas, see SFSA Lingvoj, gentoj kaj lingva politiko, 10 Ecole´ de Luminy, see Data Analysis in Astron- Newsl. IAU Comm. 5 WG on Astronomical omy (Luminy School) Data, 57, 59, 60, 62, 66 Editor, ii Newsl. WG Modern Astronomical Method- Anatomio de la homa korpo, 5 ology, 37, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, Applying Fractals in Astronomy, 57, 58 50, 55 Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Astron- OPSA volumes omy, 51, 52 Vol. 1, 117 Astronomy Communication, 98 Vol. 2, 118 Astronomy from Large Databases I, 47 OSA volumes Astronomy from Large Databases II, 61–63 Vol. 1, 92, 93 Bazaj nocioj de biologio, 5 Vol. 2, 94, 95 DeskTop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Vol. 3, 96 Sciences, 59–61 Vol. 4, 99 Electronic Publishing for Physics and As- Vol. 5, 100 tronomy, 83, 90 Vol. 6, 105 Elementa ekologio, 9 Vol. 7, 106 Enkonduko en ˆgeneralan biologion, 10 Planktono kaj mara produktado, 9 Enkonduko en la komputeran lingvistikon, Porfirinoj, biokemio de vivnecesaj pigmen- 5 toj, 10 Enkonduko en organikan kaj biologian kemion, Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles, 88, 90 10 Potins d’Uranie, 49 Farmakologio por malbonuzoj de medika- Segmentumitaj animalaj grupoj, 10 Venngeistmentoj, 5 SIMBAD - A Dynamic Astronomical Database, Fifth Workshop on Data Analysis in As- 35 tronomy, 84 Someraj Universitataj Kursoj 1972, 5 FPCA 2007, 108 Strategies and Techniques of Information Fractals in Astronomy, 55 for Astronomy, 80 148 General Index Andr´eHeck

Techniques d’Intelligence Artificielle pour European astronomical data network, 42 l’Astronomie, 51, 52 European Astronomical Society, see EAS The Multinational History of Strasbourg European Science Foundation, see ESF Astronomical Observatory, 102 European Southern Observatory, see ESO Third European IUE Conference, 27, 28 European Space Agency, see ESA Un tour d’Uranie en quelques Potins, 55, IUE, see IUE (as main entry) 61, 66, 74, 75, 82, 84, 87 Evaluation, 15, 100, 108 UV Stellar Classification, 26 Exp´edition Astrophysique et G´eophysique Weaving the Astronomy Web, 75 Belge, see EAGB Edouard´ Mailly Prize, see Belgian Royal Aca- Exploring the Universe with the IUE Satellite demy (book), 44 Electronic Communication and Research in Eu- Extraterrestrial life, 32, 40, 48 rope Fabeln vom Himmel, see Les Potins d’Uranie Proceedings, 90 (column) Electronic publishing, 56, 57, 59–63, 66, 71, 74, Fifth Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy 76, 78–80, 83, 84, 87, 90, 92 Editor, 84 Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astron- Proceedings, 84 omy (book), 83, 90 First Two Years of IUE (The) Electronic Publishing in Science Proceedings, 24 Proceedings, 80 Program, 22 Encyclop. Astron. Astrophys. (book), 94 First Year of IUE (The) Errors, Bias and Uncertainties in Astronomy Abstracts, 20 Proceedings, 54 Proceedings, 21 Welcome address, 54 FNRS ESA, 20, 24, 26, 100, 103 Contact Group, 6, 9, 15 ESTEC, 16, 49 Four Years of IUE Research Guide de relations m´ediatiques, 49 Proceedings, 28 IUE, see IUE (as main entry) FPCA Villafranca de Castillo Satellite Tracking Sta- FPCA 2007 tion, see Vilspa (as main entry) Editor, 108 Vilspa, see Vilspa (as main entry) Meeting, 105–109 ESF Proceedings, 108 CCMA Network, 73 FPCA 2010 CCMA Workshop, 80 Meeting, 115 ESO, 29, 43, 47, 66, 74, 100 Proceedings, 116 La Silla, 10 Fractals, 58 ESO 3.6m telescope, 10 Fractals in Astronomy Scientific Reprint, 23, 26, 40 Editor, 55 StarGates, 68 Meeting, 54 StarWords, 68 Proceedings, 55 ESTEC, Venngeistsee ESA From Information Fusion to Data Mining Ethics, 117 Editor, 84, 85 European Astronomers Look to the Future Proceedings, 84, 85 Abstracts, 54 Future of Ultraviolet Astronomy Based on Six Meeting, 54 Years of IUE Research Publications General Index 149

Proceedings, 33 Colloquium # 47, 20 Program, 31 Colloquium # 64, 27 Program, 31 Colloquium # 98 Program, 44 Future Professional Communication in Astron- Colloquium # 110, 52 omy, see FPCA Commission # 05, 42, 70, 72, 79 Commission # 45, 36, 42, 48 Galactic evolution, 11 European Regional Meeting GEOS, 48 Fifth, 23 Giotto, see Observatories Twelfth, 54 £ Goddard Space Flight Center, see NASA GSFC General Assembly Green rays, 82, 102 XIXth (1985), 42 Groupe d’Alsace de la Soci´et´eAstronomique de XXIInd (1994), 79 £ France, see SAF SAFGA XXIVth (2000), 93 GSFC, see NASA Highlights in Astronomy, 51 Reports on Astronomy, see Series (as main Habilitation `aDiriger des Recherches, see De- entry) £ IAU Reports on Astronomy grees £ HDR Symposium # 54, 6 Handling & Archiving Data from Ground-based Symposium # 72, 13 Telescopes Symposium # 80, 15, 18 Proceedings, 71 Symposium # 98, 26 Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Post- Symposium # 99, 27 Hipparcos Era Editor, 88, 89 Symposium # 111 Meeting, 77, 85, 88 Abstracts, 32 Proceedings, 88, 89 Proceedings, 36 Haute Provence Observatory, see Observatories Resolution, 33 £ OHP Transactions, 42, 79 HDR, see Degrees WG on Astronomical Data, 42, 70, 79 Hipparcos, see Observatories Chairman, 93 Hipparcos Venice ’97 ICSTI, 74 Proceedings, 84 ICSU, 46, 78 Programme, 82 IDAAS, see Directories Historians, 123, 125, 126 IDPAI, see Directories History of astronomy, 40, 94–96, 98–103, 105, Impact factors, 99 107–117, 119, 122–126 Information & On-Line Data in Astronomy (book), HST, see 75 Hubble Space Telescope, 31, 32, 41, 103 Information flow, 3 Human component, 117 Information handling, 2, 3, 43, 46, 48, 52, 57, 62, 64–66, 70, 71, 73–76, 78–81, 83– IAC, 40 85, 92–96, 98, 108, 116, 118 IALg, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14 Information Handling in Astronomy (book), 92, MeridianVenngeist instrument, 113 93 PhD, see Degrees (as main entry) Historical Vistas (book), 98 ProfDSc, see Degrees (as main entry) Information hubs, 94 IAU, 28, 39 Information retrieval, 63, 118 CBAT, see CBAT (as main entry) Infrared Astronomical Satellite, see Observato- 150 General Index Andr´eHeck

ries £ IRAS International Workshop on Data Analysis in As- Infrared astronomy, 26, 27, 32, 33 tronomy, see DAA Innovations, 106 Internet (network), see Networks INSAP ISBN INSAP III 0-387263241, 107, 108 Abstracts, 93 0-387510443, 50 Proceedings, 97 0-387543538, 57 Inspiration from the Astronomical Phenomena, 0-702366719, 92 see INSAP 0-792322959, 64 Institut d’Astrophysique de Li`ege, see IALg 0-792348206, 83 Institutions, see Astronomical organizations • 0-79235348X, 88 Databases • Directories 0-792364945, 92 Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Canarias, see IAC 0-792365097, 92 Instrumentation, 5, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 36, 39, 115 0-792371720, 94 ESO 3.6m telescope, 10 1-402008120, 96 Hubble Space Telescope, see Hubble Space 1-402011784, 98 Telescope (as main entry) 1-402013450, 98 International Ultraviolet Explorer, see IUE 1-402015267, 99 (as main entry) 1-402019254, 100 IUE, see IUE (as main entry) 1-402019262, 100 NOT, 91 1-40202570X, 100 OHP Big Schmidt, 5, 6, 9 1-402036434, 102 Space Telescope, see Hubble Space Tele- 1-402045555, 105 scope (as main entry) 1-402053002, 106 Intelligent information retrieval, 59–64, 66 1-792365100, 92 Intelligent Information Retrieval (book), 64, 65, 1-886733880, 88 71, 72 2-729827862, 105, 106 International Astronomical Union, see IAU 2-906361046, 51 International Council for Scientific and Techni- 2-908064065, 37 cal Information, see ICSTI 2-908064073, 41 International Council of Scientific Unions, see 2-908064081, 46 ICSU 2-90806409X, 48 International Directory of Amateur Astronomi- 2-908064103, 49 cal Societies, see Directories £ IDAAS 2-908064111, 51 International Directory of Astronomical Associ- 2-90806412X, 51 ations and Societies, see Directories £ 2-908064138, 54 IDAAS 2-908064146, 56 International Directory of Professional Astro- 2-908064162, 56–58 nomical Institutions, see Directories £ 2-908064170, 59–62 IDPAI 2-908064189, 64 InternationalVenngeist Space Science Institute, see ISSI 2-908064197, 64–66 International Space University, see ISU 2-908064200, 68–70 International Standard Book Number, see ISBN 2-908064219, 68–71 International Standard Serial Number, see ISSN 2-908064235, 72–76 International Ultraviolet Explorer, see IUE 2-908064243, 72–76 Publications General Index 151

2-908064251, 78–80 978-3817117970, 107, 108 2-90806426X, 78–81 978-3932906800, 110 2-908064278, 82, 83 978-8888649221, 115 2-908064286, 86, 87 978-9171901378, 116 2-908064294, 88–90 981-0209150, 59 2-908064308, 91 981-0231717, 84 2-908064316, 91 ISSI, 106 3-540510443, 50 ISSN 3-540543538, 57 0379-6566, 26, 27, 31, 34 3-923524285, 47 0764-9614, 37, 41, 46, 48, 49, 51, 54, 56– 3-923524471, 62 62, 64–66, 68–76, 78–83, 86–91 90-27724253, 43 0989-621X, 51 90-27724261, 46 ISU 90-27791546, 46 1989 Summer Session, 53 978-2271067449, 111 IUE, 18, 20–24, 29, 31, 33, 44–47, 49, 50, 108, 978-2296027275, 107 116 978-2296038745, 111 Controller’s Message, 24 978-2711619399, 113 Data distribution, 27 978-2711625376, 119 Eight Years of UV Astronomy 978-2711626663, 121, 123 Proceedings, 41 978-2711740284, 112, 113 European Conference 978-2711770694, 110 Second, 22, 23 978-2759800575, 112, 113 Third, 26–28 978-2759800599, 113 Fourth, 32, 33 978-2759800940, 112 Exposure times, 27 978-2759803521, 112 First Two Years Symposium, 22, 24 978-2759803576, 113, 114 First Year Symposium, 20, 21 978-2759804665, 114 Four Years Symposium, 28 978-2759804672, 114 In-flight performance, 18 978-2803102389, 108 Launch, 19 978-2803105045, 121 Log of observations, 43 978-2803105243, 121 Low-Dispersion Spectra Flux Catalogue for 978-2868838773, 111 Normal Stars, 31, 33 978-2868839992, 111 Low-Dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas, 32, 978-2901057543, 112, 113 33, 35 978-2901057567, 111 Normal Stars, 31, 32, 34 978-2901057574, 110 Peculiar Stars, 32, 33, 40, 41 978-2901057628, 112, 113 Low-dispersion stellar spectra, 31, 33, 39 978-2901057710, 121, 123 Low-resolution archive, 52 978-2954267708, 117 Meeting Bibliography for Peculiar Stars, 33 978-2954267715,Venngeist 118 Newsletter Editor, 20 978-2954267722, 119 Observation statistics, 26, 33 978-2954267739, ii, 121, 127 Observatory, 20, 21, 24, 25 978-2954267746, 123, 125, 126 Report, 26 978-3527408665, 112 Peculiar stars, 33 152 General Index Andr´eHeck

Preliminary Results Workshop, 20 Characteristics of Astronomy-related Orga- Six Years Symposium, 33 nizations – Updated maps and diagrams, Program, 31 89 Support activity, 20 Elementa ekologio, 9 Trailed spectra, 24 Enkonduko en ˆgeneralan biologion, 10 ULDA, see ULDA Enkonduko en la komputeran lingvistikon, 5 Japan Astronomical Society Enkonduko en organikan kaj biologian kemion, 1979 Autumnal Meeting, 21 10 1980 Spring Meeting, 22 Farmakologio por malbonuzoj de medika- Journ´ee de Strasbourg e mentoj, 5 II (1980) Fundamentaj konceptoj en kemio, 10 Proceedings, 22 e Generalaˆ kaj homa histologio, 5 XI (1989) Editor, 51, 52 Goutelas, 48, 52 Meeting, 50 Informado kaj dokumentado pri kemio, 10 Proceedings, 51, 52 ISU, 51 XIIe (1990) Kemio de manˆaˆoj, ˆcefe novaj proteinoj, Editor, 55 10 Proceedings, 55 Kemio kaj biokemio de karbonhidratoj, 10 Jupiter, see Objects Li`ege, 5, 9, 10 Lingvoj, gentoj kaj lingva politiko, 10 KBS, see Knowledge-based systems Luminy, 46 Kluwer, see Index of Publishers Marseille, 46 Knowledge-Based Systems in Astron. (book), OAC-FORMEZ, 57 50, 51 Planktono kaj mara produktado, 9 Kurrentschrift, 111 Porfirinoj, biokemio de vivnecesaj pigmen- Languages, 2, 3, 107 toj, 10 Czech, 73 Quelques m´ethodes de d´etermination de la English, 25 magnitude absolue, 12 Esperanto, 1–3, 5, 6, 12, 22 Sant’Agata, 57 French, 101 Segmentumitaj animalaj grupoj, 10 Walloon, 119, 121, 125 SFSA, 48, 52 La Silla Observatory, see ESO £ La Silla Sociodynamique de la communaut´eastro- Last Judgment, see Artworks nomique et caract´eristiques de ses orga- A LTEX, see TEX nisations, 90 Lecture notes Strasbourg, 12, 51 AI Applications to Space Activities, 51 Legends, 66, 71, 81, 82, 86, 87, 107, 112, 118 Analyse statistique multivari´ee. Applications Le pav´ede Saint-Jacques, see Artworks astronomiques, 46, 48, 52 Les Constellations des Potins d’Uranie (book), Anatomio de la homa korpo, 5 119 AstronomicalVenngeist Applications of Multivariate Les Potins d’Uranie (column), 15, 17, 18, 20, Statistical Analysis, 57 23, 24, 26–33, 35–37, 39–41, 43–49, Bazaj nocioj de biologio, 5 52, 54–56, 61, 64, 66, 69–71, 74–76, Characteristics of astronomy-related orga- 78, 80–84, 86–92, 94–103, 105–110, nizations, 89 112–119 Publications General Index 153

Librarians Max-Planck-Institut f¨ur Astronomie, see MPIA Increasing rˆole, 63, 64 Maximization methods, 9 Library and Information Systems in Astronomy, Maximum-likelihood principle, 9, 11, 21–23, 28, see LISA 32, 36 Li`ege Astronomical Society, see SAL MDA, see Multivariate data analysis Li`ege Institute of Astrophysics, see IALg Medias, 65, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 86, 94– Li`ege International Astrophysical Colloquium 96, see also Index of Periodicals and 23rd (1981) WWW Proceedings, 24 MediaTheque (database), see Databases Li`ege meridian refractor, see IALg £ MEEP, 118 Meridian instrument Methodologies, 54, 73, 92, 94 Li`ege University, 1, 2, 11, 36 MK classification system, 39, 42 Master of Mathematics, see Degrees (as MK Spectral Classification: Criteria and Appli- main entry) cations PhD, see Degrees (as main entry) Abstracts, 29 ProfDSc, see Degrees (as main entry) Proceedings, 34 Light pollution, 90, 96, 98 MNHSO, see The Multinational History of Stras- Linguistics, 5 bourg Observatory (book) L’Internet Professionnel (book), 73 Moon, see Objects LISA Mosaic (navigator), see WWW LISA I (1988) Mount Evans Observatory, see Observatories Proceedings, 52 MPIA, 9 LISA II (1995), 76 Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronom- Abstracts, 74 ical Observatory (book), see Proceedings, 76 The Multinational History of Strasbourg LISA V (2006) Astronomical Observatory Abstracts, 105 (book) Proceedings, 109 Multivariate data analysis, 12, 15, 16, 40, 43, Litterae Uraniae, 40, 41, 43, 45, 82 45, 47, 52 Lobbying, 117 Multivariate Data Analysis (book), 43, 46 Long-term Photometry of Variables (project), 64, 66 NAM, see RAS Louis Pasteur University, see Strasbourg Uni- NASA, 16, 31, 41, 43, 48 versity ADS Luminosity calibration, see Absolute magnitude History, 106 Luminy School on Data Analysis in Astronomy, GSFC, 24, 34 48 IUE, see IUE (as main entry) National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Mailly Prize (Edouard),´ see Belgian Royal Academy see NASA £ Edouard´ Mailly Prize NDBA MAM, see Modern Astronomical Methodology Couder, A., 108 VenngeistWG Esclangon, E., 108 Mars, see Objects Jaschek, C., 105 Mass exchange, 3 Lallemand, A., 105 Master of Mathematics, see Degrees Muller, P., 105 Maturity, 98, 100 Rougier, G., 106 154 General Index Andr´eHeck

Networks, 59 Comet Halley, see Halley Comet Europe, 42 Comet Heck-Sause, see Comet Internet, 70–72, 74, 80, 84, 87 1972VIII/1973a New Data Challenges in Our Information Age Comet Kohoutek 1973f, 9 Proceedings, 69 Comets, 1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 15, 37, 40, 41, 44, New Insights in Astrophysics 45, 49 Abstracts, 40 Constellations, 3, 11, 28, 44, 45, 94, 102, Proceedings, 41 107, 110, 113, 116–120, 125 Newsl. IAU Comm. 5 WG on Astronomical Data Cool carbon stars, 27 (Editor), 57, 59, 60, 62, 66 Cool stars, 18 Newsl. WG Modern Astronomical Methodology CPD-56◦8032, 27 (Editor), 37, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, CP stars, 24, 36, 45 50, 55 Crab Pulsar, 22–24 Nordic Optical Telescope, see Instrumentation Custos Messium, 118 • Observatories £ NOT Deep sky, 46, 48 Nouveau Dictionnaire de la Biographie Alsaci- Dossin-Heck, 6 enne, see NDBA Equatorial bright stars, 15 , 110 OAC-FORMEZ School, 57 Field Horizontal-Branch stars, 37 Object Dossin-Heck, see Objects Field RRab Lyrae stars, 17 Objects, 46 F stars, 17 α Aur, 18 G5-M3 stars, 26, 82, 84 χ Cyg, 22, 23 δ Del stars, 24 Galaxies, 35, 48 δ Sct stars, 24 Geminga, 32  CrA, 44 Giant branch, 26  Eri, 18 Giant stars, 82, 84 λ And, 18 Globular clusters, 27 λ Boo stars, 31 Guide stars (rockets), 6 ζ1 Sco, 22, 23, 26 Halley Comet, 37, 41, 45 3 Hya, 17 HD23878, 36 Adopting, 82 HD25267, 35 Al Nath, 20 HD45677, 12 Am stars, 24 HD50169, 15 Ap stars, 12, 17, 24, 31 HD51585, 26 Barium stars, 32, 35 HD72968, 17 Be stars, 12, 26, 28 HD85037, 29 Big Dipper, 71 HD90994, 28 Binary stars, 2, 3 HD138403, 28 Cassiopeia, 110 HD152236, 22, 23 Clusters, 35, 125 Hg-Mn stars, 22 CometVenngeist 1972VIII/1973a Horizontal-Branch stars, see Field Horizon- Discovery, 6, 7 tal-Branch stars Positions, 6, 9 Hot carbon stars, 46 Comet Bradfield 1974b, 9 HR1099, 18 Comet Encke 1786 I, 9 HR3413, 17 Publications General Index 155

HR3831, 31 SN1979c, 23 HR5411, 23, 24 Southern bright stars, 15 HR6262, 22 Southern field stars, 11 HR8752, 18 Stars, 125 Jupiter, 124 Adopting, 82 Late-type stars, 13, 15 Selling, 82 M35, 32 Steˆules, see Stars M100, 23 Stroemgren’s Magellanic Clouds, 27, 116 Intermediate group, 11 Mars, 35, 40, 99, 100 Late group, 15 Aug 1971 opposition, 3 Strong CN stars, 69 Mercury, 86 Sun, 88, 94, 107, 108, 121 Meteorites, 22 Eclipses, see Eclipses (as main entry) Milky Way, 2 Supergiant stars, 22 Mira variables, 11, 32, 35 Supernovae, 35, 39 Moon, 6, 26, 41, 88, 91, 92, 102, 115 T CrB, 26–28 Eclipses, see Eclipses (as main entry) Ursa Major, 94 Nath (Al), see Al Nath V348 Sgr, 25–28, 32, 33, 36, 46 NGC2158, 32 V810 Cen, 23, 24 NGC2162, 32 Variable stars, 45, 47, 64, 66 NGC4151, 33 Visibility, 6, 9 NGC5548, 54 Wolf-Rayet stars, 27 NGC7582, 23 W UMa systems, 44 Noctua, 117 Observational astrophysics, 61 Nova Cygni 1978, 20 Observatoire de Besan¸con, see Observatories £ Novae, 45 Besan¸con Observational planning, 27 Observatoire de Bordeaux, see Observatories £ Observing conditions, 9 Bordeaux OH stars, 11 Observatoire de Cointe, see Observatories £ P Cyg, 20, 21 Cointe Peculiar stars, 32, 33, 40, 41 Observatoire de Haute Provence, see Observa- Pleiades tories £ OHP Occultation, 6 Observatoire de la Cˆote d’Azur, see Observa- Pluto, 106, 107 tories £ Cˆote d’Azur Rangifer, 118 Observatoire de Paris, see Observatories £ Paris Rigel, 91 Observatoire de Strasbourg, see Strasbourg Ob- R Mus, 26, 27 servatory RR Lyrae stars, 5, 6, 9, 11, 15, 16, 48, 49 CDS, see CDS (as main entry) RR Tel, 20–22, 24, 28, 29, 32, 35 Porte de l’Hˆopital, see Strasbourg Obser- RS Oph, 45 vatory (as main entry) £ Hospital Gate R stars,Venngeist 69 Toit de l’Acad´emie, see Strasbourg Ob- Saturn, 3 servatory (as main entry) £ Academy Selling, 82 roof Sirius, 40, 41, 43, 82 Tour de l’Hˆopital, see Strasbourg Observa- SMR stars, 69 tory (as main entry) £ Hospital Gate 156 General Index Andr´eHeck

Observatoire Europ´een Austral, see ESO SAL, see SAL (as main entry) £ Observa- Observatories, 96, 110 tory Beijing, 106 Silla (La), see ESO (as main entry) £ La Besan¸con, 11, 22 Silla Bordeaux, 34 SOFIA, 116 Canaries, see IAC (as main entry) Space Telescope, see Hubble Space Tele- Chiran, see OHP £ Chiran scope (as main entry) Cointe, 4 Strasbourg, see Strasbourg Observatory (as Cˆote d’Azur, 84 main entry) David Dunlap, see DDO Tycho, 45, 47 DDO, 34 USNO, 52 Dunlap (David), see DDO Virtual, 91, 94 Effelsberg, 6 Wise, 87 ESO, see ESO (as main entry) Observatory Director, Strasbourg, see Strasbourg European Southern, see ESO (as main en- Observatory try) OHP, see Observatories Evans (Mount), see Mount Evans OPSA volumes Geographical distributions, 86 Vol. 1, 117 Giotto, 36 Vol. 2, 118 Griffith, 86 Optical astronomy, 23, 26, 27, 45 Hipparcos, 77, 82, 84, 85, 88, 89, 113 Organizations, see Astronomical organizations • Databases • Directories Horion-Hoz´emont, 12, 13, 112 Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, see HST, see Hubble Space Telescope (as main OSA volumes entry) Organizations, People and Strategies in Astron- Hubble Space Telescope, see Hubble Space omy, see OPSA volumes Telescope (as main entry) Orthonet, 101 IAC, see IAC (as main entry) OSA volumes, 104, 108 Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Canarias, see IAC Vol. 1, 92, 93 (as main entry) Vol. 2, 94, 95 International Ultraviolet Explorer, see IUE Vol. 3, 96 (as main entry) Vol. 4, 99 IRAS, 32, 33 Vol. 5, 100 IUE, see IUE (as main entry) Vol. 6, 105 La Silla, see ESO (as main entry) £ La Vol. 7, 106 Silla Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, see Ob- Lick, 18, 86 servatories £ Palermo Mount Evans, 101 M¨unstereifel, 6 Pasteur University (Louis), see Strasbourg Uni- NOT, 91 versity OHP, 7 Paul & Marie Stroobant Prize, see Belgian Royal BigVenngeist Schmidt, 5, 6, 9 Academy Chiran, 21 Pav´ede Saint-Jacques (Le), see Artworks £ Le Palermo, 93 pav´ede Saint-Jacques Paris, 2, 29, 50, 54, 56–58, 60, 71, 121, Period determination methods, 24, 29, 30, 35 123 PhD, see Degrees Publications General Index 157

Photometry, 20, 29, 34 tories £ Strasbourg £ Hospital Gate  CrA, 44 Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles (book), 88, 90 ζ1 Sco, 22, 23 Potins d’Uranie (Les), see Les Potins d’Uranie 3 Hya, 17 (column) Ap stars, 12, 17, 31 Predictions, 22, 29, 30, 34, 41 Be stars, 12, 28 Principle of maximum likelihood, see Maximum- CP stars, 36, 45 likelihood principle Databases, 46, 47 Prizes Data homogenization, 36 Edouard´ Mailly, 81 Equatorial bright stars, 15, 23 Mailly (Edouard),´ see Edouard´ Mailly HD23878, 36 Paul & Marie Stroobant, 104 HD25267, 35 Stroobant (Paul & Marie), see Paul & Marie HD45677, 12 Stroobant HD50169, 15 Problems of Calibration of Absolute Magnitudes HD72968, 17 and Temperature of Stars HD85037, 29 Proceedings, 6 HD90994, 28 Proceedings (Editor) HD152236, 22, 23 Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Astron- HD172256, 32 omy, 51, 52 HR3413, 17 Astronomy from Large Databases I, 47 HR3831, 31 Astronomy from Large Databases II, 62, 63 Long-term, 66 DeskTop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Multivariate analysis, 12 Sciences, 59, 60 Reduction accuracy, 29–31 Fifth Workshop on Data Analysis in As- Reduction algorithm, 29 tronomy, 84 Relationship with spectral classification, 22 Fractals in Astronomy, 55 R Mus, 26, 27 From Information Fusion to Data Mining, RR Tel, 22, 24, 28, 29, 32, 35 84, 85 Southern bright stars, 15, 23 Future Professional Communication in As- tronomy, 108 Southern field stars, 11 Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Tycho, 45, 47 Post-Hipparcos Era, 88, 89 UBV, 12 Strategies and Techniques of Information uvby, 11, 12, 17, 30, 31 for Astronomy, 80 uvbyβ, 15, 22, 23 Techniques d’Intelligence Artificielle pour V348 Sgr, 25, 28, 36, 46 l’Astronomie, 51, 52 Variable stars, 66 Third European IUE Conference, 27 Planes Ultraviolet Stellar Classification, 26 Concorde, 24, 32 Weaving the Astronomy Web, 75 Planetariums, 96 Public outreach, 108 Brussels, 15, 18 Planning,Venngeist 27 Quality of life, 118 Pleiades, see Objects Quelques m´ethodes de d´etermination de la mag- Population Synthesis nitude absolue (lecture notes), 12 Proceedings, 30 Porte de l’Hˆopital de Strasbourg, see Observa- Radioastronomy, 6, 23, 35 158 General Index Andr´eHeck

RAS Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 20, 30, 97 NAM ’99, 89 NASA CP, 24, 28, 33 Recognition, 118 NDBA, see NDBA (as main entry) Reidel, see Index of Publishers Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege, 3, 9, 12 Rocket guidance, 6 OPSA volumes, see OPSA volumes (as main Royal Astronomical Society, see RAS entry) Rule-based methodology, 45, 47, 49, 50 OSA volumes, see OSA volumes (as main entry) SAF, 49 Publ. Sp´ec. CDS, 37, 41, 46, 48, 49, 51, Groupe d’Alsace, 12 54–62, 64–66, 68–76, 78–83, 86–91 SAFGA, see SAF £ Groupe d’Alsace Rev. Modern Astron., 87 SAL, 3, 6, 9, 11–13, 15, 17, 18, 20 SETI, 32 Observations Section, 3, 5 Set of Identifications, Measurements and Bib- Observatory, 12, 13, 112 liography for Astronomical Data, see Scholarly communication, 2, 3, 54, 93, 98, 106, Databases £ SIMBAD 108, 116 SFSA, 79 Science communication, 2, 3, 95, 107, 108 Ecole´ de Goutelas, 48 Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, see SETI SIMBAD, see Databases Selling celestial objects, 82 Sirius, see Objects Seminars Soci´et´eAstronomique de France, see SAF Besan¸con, 11, 22 Soci´et´eAstronomique de Li`ege, see SAL Series Acad. en Poche, Acad. Royale Belgique, Soci´et´eFran¸caise des Sp´ecialistes d’Astrono- 121 mie, see SFSA ASSL, 43, 46, 64, 83, 88, 92, 94, 96, 98– Sociology of astronomy, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 31, 100, 102, 105, 106 37, 41, 43, 46, 49, 51, 54, 56–58, 63, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf., 66, 70, 74, 88, 64, 66, 69–73, 75, 76, 86–94, 96, 98– 89, 109 100, 104–106, 108, 116–118 Astrophysics and Space Science Library, see Bibliography, 93, 95, 96, 99, 100, 105, 106 ASSL Someraj Universitataj Kursoj, see SUK Beitr. Astronomiegeschichte, 101, 116 Space advertising, 96, 98 CDS Spec. Publ., see Publ. Sp´ec. CDS Space astronomy, 17, 24, 33, 41, 43 CERN HEP Libraries Webzine, 94 Spacecraft Cl. Sciences Acad. Royale Belgique, 84 Giotto, see Observatories £ Giotto CODATA Proc., 69 Hipparcos, see Observatories £ Hipparcos ESA SP, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31, 33–35, 41, IRAS, see Observatories £ IRAS 84 IUE, see IUE (as main entry) ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc., 47, 62, 63, Space Telescope, see Hubble Space Tele- 71 scope (as main entry) ESO Sc. Report, 64 Tycho, see Observatories £ Tycho Highlights in Astronomy, 51 Space data archival, 41 IALg,Venngeistsee Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege Space law, 39, 45 IAU Reports on Astronomy, 36, 48 Space Telescope, see Hubble Space Telescope IAU Transactions, 42, 79 Space Telescope European Coordinating Facil- Lecture Notes in Physics, 50, 51, 57, 58 ity, see ST-ECF M´em. Acad. Royale Belgique, 108, 109, 121 Spectral classification, 5, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, Publications General Index 159

25–27, 29–36, 39–42, 44–50, 54 Director, 50 Prediction, 22 Habilitation to Direct Researches, see De- Programme, 26, 27, 30 grees (as main entry) £ HDR Spectral Classification of the Future History, 94, 95, 98–103, 109, 112–117, 119 Proceedings, 20 Hospital Gate, 114–116 Star*s Family, 60–62, 64–71, 73–76, 83, 84 Large refractor, 112 Logo, 58 Personnel, 102, 125, 126 Maintenance diagram, 97 Publications, 102 StarBits (database), see Databases Scientific personnel, 102, 125, 126 StarBriefs (dictionary), see Dictionaries Strasbourg University, 35, 36, 53 StarGates (database), see Databases Habilitation to Direct Researches, see De- StarGuides (directory), see Directories grees (as main entry) £ HDR StarHeads (database), see Databases Strategies, 80, 92–96, 99, 100, 104–106, 108, StarHeck, 83 117, 118 StarPages, 91, 96 Strategies and Techniques of Information for StarWays (database), see Databases Astronomy StarWords (database), see Databases Editor, 80 StarWorlds (database), see Databases Proceedings, 80 Statistical analysis, 12, 16, 20, 29–32, 36, 39, Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astron- £ 40, 43, 45–48, 51, 52, 57 omy, see Observatories SOFIA £ Statistical astronomy, 29, 36, 40, 43 Stroobant Prize, see Belgian Royal Academy Statistical Methods in Astronomy Paul & Marie Stroobant Prize SUK, 3, 6, 9 Abstracts, 29 SUK72, 3–5 Proceedings, 30 SUK74, 6 Statistical parallaxes, 11, 15, 18, 23, 28, 32, 36, Sun, see Objects 86 Sundials, 6, 110 Stellar classification, see Spectral classification S¨utterlin script, 111 Stellar Data Center, see CDS Symbols, 56, 59–62, 64–66, 68–70, 72–76, 78– Stellar luminosity, see Absolute magnitude 81, 91, 92, 100 Stellar structure, 2, 3, 9 Steˆules, see Objects £ Stars Teaching Strasbourg Academy roof, see Observatories £ AI Applications to Space Activities, 51 Strasbourg £ Academy roof Analyse statistique multivari´ee. Applications Strasbourg City & Urban Community Archives, astronomiques, 46, 48 see AVCUS Astronomical Applications of Multivariate Strasbourg Data Center, see CDS Statistical Analysis, 57 Strasbourg Hospital Gate, see Observatories £ Goutelas, 48 Strasbourg £ Hospital Gate ISU, 51 Strasbourg Observatory, 22, 38, 40, 51, 52, 55, Luminy, 46 57, 59, 61, 71, 73, 77 Marseille, 46 AcademyVenngeist roof, 115, 116 OAC-FORMEZ, 57 Big Dome, 30, 112 ProfDSc, see Degrees (as main entry) CDS, see CDS (as main entry) Quelques m´ethodes de d´etermination de la Council magnitude absolue, 12 Members, 102 Sant’Agata, 57 160 General Index Andr´eHeck

SFSA, 48 Universe at Ultraviolet Wavelength (The) Strasbourg, 12, 51 Proceedings, 24 Techniques d’Intelligence Artificielle pour Program, 22 l’Astronomie Universidad de Punta Arenas Editor, 51, 52 Centro de Estudios del Hombre Austral, 77 Proceedings, 51, 52 Universidade do Porto, 53 T´elescope Spatial, see Hubble Space Telescope Invited Chair Professor, 53 TEX, 54, 56, 57, 59–61, 64, 73, 76, 88, 90, 92 Universit¨at Bonn Indexing, 54 Astronomisches Institut, 118 The First Two Years of IUE Universit´ede Li`ege, see Li`ege University Proceedings, 24 Institut d’Astrophysique, see IALg Program, 22 Universit´ede Strasbourg, see Strasbourg Uni- The First Year of IUE versity Abstracts, 20 Universit´eLouis Pasteur, see Strasbourg Proceedings, 21 University The HR-Diagram University of Roskilde, 103 Proceedings, 18 University of Strasbourg, see Strasbourg Uni- The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astro- versity nomical Observatory (book), 102 Upper Main Sequence CP Stars The Universe at Ultraviolet Wavelength Proceedings, 24 Proceedings, 24 USSP, 52 Program, 22 UV spectroscopy, 39, 44 Third European IUE Conference, 28 α Aur, 18 Editor, 27 χ Cyg, 22, 23 Proceedings, 27  Eri, 18 Toit de l’Acad´emie de Strasbourg, see Observa- λ And, 18 tories £ Strasbourg £ Academy roof λ Boo, 31 Tour de l’Hˆopital de Strasbourg, see Observa- 1 ζ Sco, 22, 23, 26 tories £ Strasbourg £ Hospital Gate Cool carbon stars, 27 Travels, 126 Cool stars, 18 Tycho, see Observatories CPD-56◦8032, 27 UAI, see IAU Crab Pulsar, 22–24 UEA Field Horizontal-Branch stars, 37 Scienca Tradukservo, 5 Globular clusters, 27 ULDA, 52 HD51585, 26 Software Support Package, see USSP HD138403, 28 ULP, Universit´eLouis Pasteur, see Strasbourg HD152236, 22, 23 University HR1099, 18 Ultraviolet astronomy, see UV spectroscopy HR5411, 23, 24 UNESCO, 78 HR6262, 22 UniformVenngeist Low-Dispersion Archive, see ULDA HR8752, 18 Union Astronomique Internationale, see IAU IUE low-dispersion flux catalogue, 31 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul- IUE Low-Dispersion Reference Atlas tural Organization, see UNESCO Normal Stars, 31, 32, 34 Universal time, 33, 41 Peculiar Stars, 32, 33, 40, 41 Publications General Index 161

IUE low-dispersion reference atlas, 32, 33, WGMAM, see Working Groups £ Modern As- 35 tronomical Methodology Magellanic Clouds, 27 Wiley, see Index of Publishers NGC5548, 54 Wolf-Rayet Stars: Observations, Physics and Evo- NGC7582, 23 lution Normal stars, 33 Proceedings, 27 Nova Cygni 1978, 20 Working Groups P Cyg, 20, 21 Astronomical Data Peculiar stars, 33 Chairman, 93 R Mus, 26, 27 Modern Astronomical Methodology, 37, 39, RR Tel, 20–22, 24, 29 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50–52, 54–56 SN1979c, 23 World-Wide Web, see WWW Spectral classification, see Spectral classi- World Scientific, see Index of Publishers fication (as main entry) World War I, see Wars £ WWI Standard stars, 31, 32, 36 WWI, see Wars T CrB, 26–28 WWW, 58, 70, 73, 76, 83, 84, 105, 106, 119 V348 Sgr, 26, 27, 32, 33 AstroWeb, see Databases (as main entry) V810 Cen, 23, 24 Mosaic (navigator), 70 UV Stellar Classification, 25 Practice, 73 Editor, 26 StarBits, see Databases (as main entry) Proceedings, 26, 27 StarHeads, see Databases (as main entry) WG Int. Rep., 26 StarWorlds, see Databases (as main entry) Weaving the Astronomy Web, 71–73, see Variable Procrustean Bed, see VPB Weaving the Astronomy Web (as main entry) Venngeist, see Index of Publishers Abstracts, 73 Villafranca del Castillo, see Vilspa WWW Conference Vilspa, 24–28, 34 Second Virtual observatories, see Observatories Proceedings, 70 Vision, 117 Third Vivaqua, 99 Proceedings, 73 VO, see Observatories £ Virtual VPB, 33, 36 X-ray astronomy, 23 Vrin, see Index of Publishers Vuibert, see Index of Publishers Yellow pages, 61, 63, 66, 69, 71, 75, 83, 84, 98

Zeppelin, 96 Wars WWI, 119 WAW, see Weaving the Astronomy Web Weaving the Astronomy Web, 71–73 Abstracts, 73 Editor,Venngeist 75 Meeting, 77 Proceedings, 75 Web, see WWW Webb Society, 48