e-Fonds AH v.2021.3.5 Andr´eHeck GENERAL LIST of PUBLICATIONS 1964-2020 Venngeist Warning The following chronological list is a personal document compiled with the sole purpose of keeping track of what has been published under my authorship/editorship and initiative. Numerous “small” items have been included for the record only. For a list of the most meaningful articles, documents and books in astronomy and related fields, please refer to the scientific biography by Joe Hube1 covering up to Year 2014 and with the contributions sorted out in several categories. The present list represents more than 150,000 published pages of various sizes, but not all of them have been scanned. On one hand, copies of 160 (or so) items were not available anymore in the archive boxes. On the other hand, even if they were differing from one version to the other because of the continual update, it was senseless to scan all (sometimes monthly) editions of the big directories and dictionaries produced by the unit as CDS publications to satisfy the incoming orders. In the available editions, only the first (introductory) pages have been scanned while the ultimate versions (Publ. 1356 & 1357 in Year 2004) have been fully provided in pdf format. Non-personal contributions in books produced as editor have not been listed nor scanned. Compilations such as the present one cannot be absolutely exhaustive, even if pretty close to completion. Finally, it should be emphasized that electronic files are no subsitute for the full collection on paper, but they can support it usefully. Flags used: [book] = full copy of book in archive boxes [dissertation] = full copy of dissertation in archive boxes [full] = full issue of magazine/journal in archive boxes [full/phot] = full issue photocopied in archive boxes [holder] = holder outside archive boxes [lecture notes] = copy of lecture notes in archive boxes [paper] = original article copy in archive boxes [pdf] = pdf copy available in e-Fonds AH directory [phot] = photocopy in archive boxes [unavailable] = no copy at hand for scanning Note that: • 1972 = beginning of refereed astro publishing • 1977 = beginning of the Potins d’Uranie column (till 2014) • 2012 = launch of the non-commercial publishing venture Venngeist • 2015 =Venngeist beginning of the Echos´ des Hauts-Plateaux column (ongoing) ah. March 2021 145 Years of Heck in Professional Astronomy, Venngeist 2016, ix + 638 pp. (ISBN 978-2-9542677-3-9) <http://www.venngeist.org/45ypa book.htm>. iii Venngeist Singapore, 24 January 2000. iv Publications Andr´eHeck Already pen in hand, Jalhay primary school, Belgium, 1952. Venngeist Andr´eHeck 1964-1968 Publications 1 1964 1. Si tout le monde parlait esp´eranto ... Les hommes de langue et de culture diff´erentes pourraient plus facilement se donner la main, Techniques Nouvelles (aoˆut 1964) 19 [paper] [pdf] 2. 20`eme congr`es des jeunes esp´erantistes, Notre Trait d’Union (octobre 1964) 7-9 [paper] [pdf] 3. Un pas de plus vers le rapprochement entre les hommes, Techniques Nouvelles (d´ecembre 1964) 33 [paper] [pdf] 1965 4. Esperanto en la lieˆga universitato, Informilo de BEJA (aprilo-majo 1965) 2 [paper] [pdf] 1967 5. Requiescat in pace ... L’espace `atrois dimensions, Notre Trait d’Union (juin 1967) 1-2 [paper] [pdf] 6. La kometoj, tiuj teruraj astroj, Esperantista Amikeco (oktobro 1967) 11-12 [paper] [pdf] 7. Les ragots de l’astronome, Int´egral (d´ecembre 1967) 4-5 [paper] [pdf] 1968 8. La bˆete noire des math´ematiciens, Notre Trait d’Union (avril 1968) 12 [paper] [pdf] 9. Une langue internationale?, Debating (mai 1968) 13-17 [paper] [pdf] 10. Uranie et les hommes, Notre Trait d’Union (octobre 1968) 5 [paper] [pdf] Venngeist 2 1969-1970 Publications Andr´eHeck 1969 11. Les g´eom´etries non-euclidiennes, Notre Trait d’Union (mars 1969) 7-9 [paper] [pdf] 12. Les ´eclipses de Soleil, Notre Trait d’Union (avril 1969) 3 [paper] [pdf] 13. Mouvement apsidal et structure interne des ´etoiles, th`ese de licence, Li`ege (mai 1969) 74 pp. [dissertation] [pdf] 14. Echange´ de vues `apropos du ‘Pourquoi et du Comment’, Notre Trait d’Union (juin 1969) 3 [paper] [pdf] 15. Apsida moviˆgo kaj stelstrukturo, Scienca Revuo 20 (1969) 115-124 [paper] [pdf] 1970 16. Kiel vivas stelo?, La Migranto 44 (1970) 18 [paper] [pdf] 17. La kometoj, tiuj teruraj astroj!, La Migranto 45 (1970) 16 [paper] [pdf] 18. A pied, `acheval ou en voiture, Esperanto en Marche (mai 1970) 4-5 [paper] [pdf] 19. Histoire v´ecue, Esperanto en Marche (juin 1970) 4-5 [paper] [pdf] 20. Duoblaj sistemoj kaj interna stelstrukturo (kun R. Sikorski), Scienca Revuo 21 (1970) 45-50 [paper] [pdf] 21. A Question of Communication (with M. H´enon), Assembly Times (27 August 1970) 2 [paper] [pdf] 22. La lakta vojo, La Migranto 46 (1970) 13 [paper] [pdf] 23. Kostoj de la jarlibro, skribas Andr´eHeck (Belgujo), esperanto (oktobro 1970) 158 [paper] [pdf] 24. L’esperanto dans la pratique (avec A. Pirlet, E. Nemes & L. Hauregard), Trait d’Union (octobre 1970) 13 [unavailable] Venngeist Temporary residence, Paris Observatory, France, first semester 1971. Andr´eHeck 1971 Publications 3 1971 25. Eclipse´ totale de Lune du 10 f´evrier 1971 (avec J. Manfroid), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (janvier 1971) 3 pp. [unavailable] 26. Eclipse´ partielle de Soleil du 25 f´evrier 1971 (avec J. Manfroid), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (janvier 1971) 1 p. [unavailable] 27. Eclipse´ totale de Lune du 10 f´evrier 1971 (avec J. Manfroid), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (f´evrier 1971) 3 pp. [paper] [pdf] 28. Eclipse´ partielle de Soleil du 25 f´evrier 1971 (avec J. Manfroid), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (f´evrier 1971) 1 p. [full] [pdf] 29. Section Observations (avec J. Manfroid), Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (f´evrier 1971) 1 p. [paper] [pdf] 30. Someraj Universitataj Kursoj, Bult. Internac. Sc. Asoc. Esperantista 30 (1971) 2-3 [full] [pdf] 31. Science et langages, Interm´ediaire (mai 1971) 19 [paper] [pdf] 32. Someraj Universitataj Kursoj 30.7-27.8.1972 (kun SUK-Estraro), Heroldo de Esperanto 1508 (1971) 3 [paper] [pdf] 33. A`utomata dissendado de la sciencaj informaˆoj, Scienca Revuo 22 (1971) 37-38 [paper] [pdf] 34. Eclipse´ totale de Lune du 6 aoˆut 1971 (avec J. Manfroid), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (juillet 1971) 4 pp. [paper] [pdf] 35. Opposition de Mars d’aoˆut 1971 (avec J. Manfroid), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (juillet 1971) 1 p. [paper] [pdf] 36. Autres curiosit´es durant le mois d’aoˆut (avec J. Manfroid), Note Int. Inst. Astrophys. Li`ege (juillet 1971) 1 p. [full] [pdf] 37. Kio estas la Saturna ringo?, Svisa Espero (septembro 1971) 10 [paper] [pdf] 38. Someraj Universitataj Kursoj 30.7-27.8.1972 (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1971) 6 pp. [paper] [pdf] 39. Universitataj kursoj en esperanto (kun SUK-Estraro), Heroldo de Esperanto 1512 (1971) 2 [unavailable] 40. La konstelacioj, La Migranto 49 (1971) 11 [paper] [pdf] 41. Hodia`ua universo, Heroldo de Esperanto 1513 (1971) Sc. Suppl. 2 [paper] [pdf] 42. 1972: cours universitaires d’´et´e`aLi`ege dans la langue internationale, Notre Trait d’Union (15 octobre 1971) 9 [paper] [pdf] 43. PriVenngeist la ekvacioj de la interna stelstrukturo, Scienca Revuo 22 (1971) 189-192 [paper] [pdf] 44. Evoluo kaj masintersanˆgo en duoblaj steloj, Scienca Revuo 22 (1971) 193-204 [paper] [pdf] 45. Cours universitaires d’´et´eau Sart Tilman, Rev. Univ. Li`ege (1971) 113 [paper] [pdf] 4 1971 Publications Andr´eHeck 46. Someraj Universitataj Kursoj 30.07-27.08.1972 (kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1971) (afiˆso) [paper] [pdf/split in two parts] 1969-1977 professional base: VenngeistLi`ege Institute of Astrophysics, aka Cointe Observatory, Belgium. Andr´eHeck 1972 Publications 5 1972 47. Kio pri la dilatiˆgo de la universo?, Svisa Espero (januaro 1972) 10 [paper] [pdf] 48. Lunettes et t´elescopes, Bull. Sect. Obs. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (janvier 1972) 4 pp. [paper] [pdf] 49. Kreado de Scienca Tradukservo de U.E.A., esperanto (aprilo 1972) 79 [paper] [pdf] 50. Section ‘Observations’ de la SAL – Bilan d’activit´es, Bull. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (f´evrier 1972) 2 [full] [pdf] 51. Les types spectraux stellaires, Bull. Sect. Obs. Soc. Astron. Li`ege (f´evrier 1972) 1 p. [paper] [pdf] 52. Kreado de Scienca Tradukservo de U.E.A., Bult. Internac. Sc. Asoc. Esperantista 33 (1972) 2-3 [full] [pdf] 53. Someraj Universitataj Kursoj 1972 (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1972) 28 pp. [paper] [pdf] 54. Le Grand Schmidt de l’Observatoire de Haute Provence, Orion 30 (1972) 138-141 [pa- per] [pdf] 55. D´etermination de la magnitude absolue moyenne des RR Lyrae, Astron. Astrophys. 21 (1972) 231-238 [paper] [pdf] 56. Notaro pri SUK-72, Li`ege (17 oktobro 1972) 1 + 10 + 4 pp. [paper] [pdf] 57. Anatomio de la homa korpo (T. Nakayama) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1972) 52 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf/cover only] 58. Enkonduko en la komputeran lingvistikon (H.D. Maas) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1972) 50 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf/cover only] 59. Bazaj nocioj de biologio (C. Støp-Bowitz) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1972) 115 pp. [lecture notes] [pdf/cover only] 60. Farmakologio por malbonuzoj de medikamentoj (S. Tadokoro) (Eldonisto, kun SUK- Estraro), Li`ege (1972) 16 pp. [unavailable] 61. Generalaˆ kaj homa histologio (W.M.A. De Smet) (Eldonisto, kun SUK-Estraro), Li`ege (1972) 68 pp. [unavailable] Venngeist 6 1973 Publications Andr´eHeck 1973 62. SUK-asocio (kun SUK-Estraro), esperanto (aprilo 1973) 72 [paper] [pdf] 63. Observation de l’occultation des Pl´e¨ıades par la Lune, le 19 mars 1972, Ciel et Terre 89 (1973) 63 [phot] [pdf] 64.
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