TATARICA: LANGUAGE THE EPIC POEM EDIGEY AND ITS POETIC TOPONYMY Gulfiya Kamilevna Hadieva, Kazan Federal University, 18 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,
[email protected]. Ibrahim Akish, Istanbul University, 11 Besim Ömer Paşa Str., Beyazıt-Fatih / İstanbul, 34452, Turkey,
[email protected]. Onomastics, as a branch of linguistics, has been developing rapidly from the second half of the 20th century, due to the various researches based on the material of different languages. At the same time, toponymy, one of the principal branches of onomastics, started to develop. It studies place- names, based on etymological, historical, and geographical information. Epic poems have proper names connected with historical events. This paper studies the epic Edigey, the Tatar people’s heroic poem, and its poetic toponymy revealing both its literary and aesthetic role and its semantics. It pro- vides a brief history of the toponyms Volga, Ural and Kazan, found in the epic poem, which have a social, historical, literary and cultural value. Key words: the Tatar language, poetic onomastics, poetic toponymy, etymology, epic poem Edi- gey, Volga, Ural, Kazan. The names of historical figures, geographical aim was to research stylistics functions, toponyms, names, place names, and the names created by au- and anthroponyms in the area of poetic onomastics thors as well as their functions, relations and con- [2: 184]. nections in onomastics are an area for new re- G.F.Sattarov is the first Tatar scholar who has search. studied geographical and place names as well as Proper names used in literary works are called personal names in Tatar linguistics.