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REFORMATION and INNOVATION Saxony-Anhalt SAXONY-ANHALT – WHERE GERMANY IS AT ITS BEST. REFORMATION AND INNOVATION Saxony-Anhalt Saxony-anhalt 1,200 Miles 600 Miles 300 Miles Germany Saxony-Anhalt When people in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) launched a voted for the city of Magdeburg to become the capital and the seat peaceful revolution in the fall of 1989, their central demands were for of the parliament. The state has been governed by a grand coalition both true freedom of the press and freedom of expression, and for of the CDU (Christian Democrats, Christlich Demokratische Union) free and fair elections, and a secret ballot. The government formed and SPD (Social Democrats, Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) after the east German general election on March 18, 1990 prepared since 2006, and since April 2011 under Minister-President Dr. Reiner the way for the reunification that very year of a country which had Haseloff. been divided for over 40 years. Germany’s political reunification on October 3, 1990 led to the re- SIZE /// 7,897 sq mi, roughly the size of New Jersey (7,354 sq mi) or establishment of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, which had been created Massachusetts (7,800 sq mi) in 1947 but effectively dissolved in 1952 when the GDR administra- POPULATION /// 2.317 million (October 31, 2011) roughly equal to tive districts were formed. In one of its first decisions following the the population of Utah (2.351 million) or Nevada (2.241 million) elections on October 14, 1990, the newly elected regional parliament DISTANCE /// from the state capital Magdeburg to Berlin: c. 100 miles More information is available here: 2 A WORD FROM SAXONY-ANHALT’S MINISTER-PRESIDENT The United States of America and the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt have close historical ties through General von Steuben from Magdeburg. As Inspector General of George Washington’s army, Steuben played an important part in the establish- ment of the United States. Our Reformation heritage also links Saxony-Anhalt and the United States. It was from Saxony-Anhalt that Luther’s message spread across Dr. reiner Haseloff Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt the world, and Protestantism has strong roots in the United States. I would there- fore like to invite all Americans to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with us in 2017 at the place where it began. Since the reunification of Germany and the reestablishment of Saxony-Anhalt, the United States has made a significant contribution to economic revival, accounting for almost a fifth of foreign investments. Together with representatives of industry, I am pleased to use this occasion to present and promote our state as an excellent place to do business. I look forward to engaging in productive discussions on a wide range of areas, to foster and develop relations. Dr. Reiner Haseloff Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt CONTACT: CV/// Reiner Haseloff was born on February 19, 1954 in Bülzig, near Wittenberg. State Chancellery of He studied physics in Dresden and Berlin before joining the Institut für Umweltschutz Saxony-Anhalt (Institute for Environmental Protection) in Wittenberg, where he worked until 1990. Minister-President Dr. Reiner Haseloff Dr. Haseloff was the Deputy Landrat (district administrator) for the district of Witten - Hegelstr. 42 berg from 1990 to 1992, and for ten years thereafter the Director of the Wittenberg 39104 Magdeburg employment agency. In May 2002, he was appointed Permanent Secretary to the Minis- Germany ministerpraesident@ try of Economic Affairs and Labor of the State of Saxony-Anhalt. He became Minister of Economic Affairs in the Saxony-Anhalt government following the regional elections in 2006, and was elected Minister-President in 2011. Dr. Haseloff is married with two sons. 3 HARNESS THE POTENTIAL OF SAXONY-ANHALT 76 PERCENT oF SAXONY-ANHALT’S WORKInG PoPULATION /// Success depends on a skilled holdS AT LEASt ONE DEGREE OR TRAINEEShIP and expert workforce. That is why companies value the wealth of highly motivated and qualified specialists in Saxony-Anhalt. Part- time courses for additional quali- fications are also a popular option here. Companies in Saxony-Anhalt lead the field in Germany for staff professional development. /// This makes Saxony-Anhalt the leader in eastern Germany for 310 foreign direct investments and a DIRECT INVESTMENTS TOTALInG NEARLY 10 BIllION highly attractive investment loca- eUROS WERE MADE By FOREIGn InVeSTORS In SAXONY- tion – both for traditional sectors ANHALT oVER THE PaSt 20 YEARS such as mechanical and plant engi- neering, and for innovative growth areas such as medical technology and the chemical and synthetics industry. The United States is a leading investor in the state, where US business projects have created or secured nearly 12,000 jobs. /// Saxony-Anhalt has a tradition of inquiring minds. This is where the 12 world’s first color film, synthetics SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS In SAXONY-ANHALT and the first all-metal airplane were ARE CLOSELY lInKED TO BUSINESS, UnIVERSItIeS, AND THE invented. Now, the state is home to TRADES nearly a dozen Fraunhofer, Leibniz and Max-Planck institutes and centers. Numerous competence networks and partnership projects promote the transfer of innova- tion between business and science, driving forward research & devel- opment at companies operating in the region. 4 FACTS AND FIGURES SAXONY-ANHALT /// Study, life and work are easy to combine in Saxony-Anhalt thanks 54,903 to modern universities, free higher STUDENTS In THE 2011/2012 WINTER SEMESTER are usinG THE education and the low costs of living. EXCELLENT oPPORTUnItIeS AT THE STATE’S tWo UnIVERSItIeS Word of these benefits is spreading. AND eIGht hIGHER EDUCATION InStItUtIONS Around 30 percent of new students are now from outside eastern Germany, and thousands of young people from all over the world come here to study. Companies in Saxony- Anhalt don’t need to look any further for their future specialists and managers. 4 /// Saxony-Anhalt makes history. UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES REFLECt THE hISTORIC The state is dotted with great historic ImPORTANCe oF a STATE In THE HEART oF GERMAN hISTORY sites unique in the world. Breathtaking WITH oVER 60,000 MONUMENTS examples include four UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Bauhaus and the Masters’ Houses in Dessau, Luther memorials in Wittenberg and Eisleben, the Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz and the collegiate church, castle and old town of Quedlinburg which has over 1,300 half-timbered houses. /// Saxony-Anhalt is popular. In 2011, there was a 3.9 percent rise in the number of tourists from across the world who came to enjoy 2.98 cultural and city tours – along the MILLION TOURISTS VISITED SAXONY-ANHALT In 2011, the „Romanesque Road“ – as well TENTH CONSeCUtIVe ANNUAL VISITOR RECORD as sporting trips and the great outdoors in the land of Luther, Bauhaus, the Garden Kingdom. The number of overnight stays also rose by 3.1 percent to 7.07 million. Tourism is an important factor in Saxony-Anhalt’s economy. For years, the most popular holiday destination has been the Harz mountains. 5 MEMBERS OF THE DELEGATION Stephan Dorgerloh Ulrich Thomas DR. Frank Thiel DR. Carlhans Uhle Minister of Culture of the State Member of the Saxony-Anhalt Member of the Saxony-Anhalt Managing Director of Investment of Saxony-Anhalt State Parliament State Parliament and Marketing Corporation Saxony- Anhalt – The Economic Develop- Stephan Dorgerloh was born in 1966 This trained electrician was born in Born in 1952, married with two child- ment Agency of the German Federal and is married with two children. He 1968 and is married with two child- ren. This physics graduate has been State of Saxony-Anhalt studied theology at the Universi- ren. He has run a driving school since a member of Saxony-Anhalt’s state ty of Rostock and the Humboldt 1990. He was elected to Saxony- parliament since 2002 and is the Dr. Carlhans Uhle was born in 1958. University of Berlin from 1987 to Anhalt’s state parliament in 2006 whip for his parliamentary group. After a bank traineeship, he studied 1993. In 1998, after completing his where he continues to serve. He has He also sits on the Committee on business administration at the training for the ministry, he became also been a member of Quedlinburg Science and Economic Affairs and University of Cologne. From 1989 director of youth social education at city council since 2004. Mr. Thomas the Committee on Federal and to 1993, he worked at Bayerische the Evangelische Akademie Sachsen- is closely involved in the association European Affairs and Media Policy. Landesbank in Munich. He became Anhalt (Saxony-Anhalt Protestant of friends of Quedlinburg adult Alongside his parliamentary work, director of corporate banking at Academy). He was Director of the education center (Förderverein der he is also managing director of the Sächsische Landesbank in 1993. Academy from 2000 to 2008. In Kreisvolkshochschule Quedlinburg) company Facility Management He was managing director of 2008, he was appointed by the and sits on the supervisory board of Consulting & Development. He is Strombörse Leipzig (European Energy Council of the Protestant Church in Dorothea Christiane Erxleben hospi- involved in a number of associations Exchange) from 2000 to 2004 be- Germany (EKD) as the representative tal in Quedlinburg. in his home town in a voluntary fore becoming managing director of for the Luther anniversary. He was capacity. CHOREN Industries GmbH. also appointed managing director contact: Since 2007, he is managing director of the newly established Evangeli- Landtag von Sachsen-Anhalt contact: of Investment and Marketing Corpo- sche Wittenbergstiftung (Protestant Ulrich Thomas, MdL Landtag von Sachsen-Anhalt ration Saxony-Anhalt. Wittenberg Foundation) in 2009. He Domplatz 6 – 9 Dr. Frank Thiel, MdL has been the Minister of Culture for 39104 Magdeburg Domplatz 6 – 9 contact: Saxony-Anhalt since April 2011.
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