Calendar of Events

Sat. Apr. 7 Hamburger Abend, 7:00pm Wed. Apr. 11 Konversationsabend: Reconstruction of the Imperial Palace, 6:00pm Sat. Apr. 14 Women’s Auxiliary Monthly Meeting, 10:00am Sat. Apr. 14 Buchclub: Flugasche by Monika Maron, 1:30pm Wed. Apr. 18 Genealogy and House History Seminar at the Delaware County Bar Building, 12:00pm Fri. Apr. 10 Friday Film Fest: Winnetou: Eine Neue Welt, 6:30pm Sun. Apr. 22 “Wister and More!” and the Delius Society present Choral Arts Philadelphia, 3:00pm Spring 2018 Mon. Apr. 23 Lecture by Prof. Juergen Overhoff: William Penn—Früchte der Einsamkeit, 7:00pm Wed. May 2 Lecture by beer historian Rich Wagner: Breweries of the Northern Liberties, 7:00pm Sat. May 5 Women’s Auxiliary Anniversary Luncheon, 12:00pm President’s Message Wed. May 9 Konversationsabend: Music and Poetry, 6:00pm Sat. May 12 Buchclub: Unterleuten by Juli Zeh, 1:30pm The snowy weather seems, fortunately, to be able and, as of now, we are not raising any Fri. May 18 Friday Film Fest: Das Salz der Erde, 6:30pm coming to an end and we are completing our membership fees. Sat. May 19 Frankfurt in May, 3:00pm first winter season of heating the entire build- However, the Board of Directors has decided to Sun. May 20 “Wister and More!” presents the Academy of Vocal Arts, 3:00pm ing using our new geothermal well field. The institute an adjustment to our membership Sat. June 2 Women’s Auxiliary Monthly Meeting, 10:00am system is meeting our expectations and we are level structure by eliminating the levels Sun. June 3 Annual Members Meeting and Elections of the Board of Directors, 3:00pm looking forward to summer and the opportuni- “Student = $25 annually” and “Language Stu- ties that will open up for GSP events as well as In this issue… dent = $30 annually.” These discounted mem- for our rental business. In addition to having President’s Message 1 Library’s New “Adopt a Book” Program 6 berships will be replaced with an Associate the building waterproofed since 2014, which Annual Fund Donors 2 Strategic Planning at the GSP 7 Membership for students and language pro- Beyond Bilingual 3 Development Report 8 allowed other upgrades and opportunities in- gram participants for an annual membership KA Update 4 Board Candidate Statements 10 cluding the Leidy Terrace, the geothermal sys- fee of $30. Participants at this Associate Mem- History of the KA 4 GSP Member Receives Award 14 tem allows us to approach the summer season bership level will enjoy all rights and benefits Genealogy Seminar 5 Strengthening our Transatlantic Ties 15 confidently, knowing we will not have to adjust of Society membership except the right to vote our schedule and/or operations due to the un- and to hold office. This alteration became effec- predictable humidity and temperature condi- tive immediately. Any existing memberships in tions in Philadelphia. the old categories will continue, but any renew- We have currently reviewed our building pro- als will fall into the Associate, Individual, ject list in preparation for 2019 – 2025 strate- Household/Family, Sponsor, Corporate or gic planning and have recognized quite a few Benefactor (Lifetime) levels. accomplishments in building upgrades and op- I hope to see you at our upcoming events like erational improvements. A well functioning the Hamburger Abend, where you can enjoy a building is an important part of the basis for night of music, dancing, food and fun using the developing the German Society in the years to recently renovated Ratskeller entrance. This come. Thanks to your continued support (by the renovation is a part of the overall waterproof- way the annual fund drive is still going on!), the ing construction project. trust that supporting organizations have placed in us and the commitment of our volunteers, Despite unfortunate weather conditions, we we are certainly stronger on every level of hosted about 200 guests (part of the approxi- presentation, programming and operation to- mately 1000+ participants) on the Leidy Ter- th day than we were five years ago. race during the 7 annual BierFest on February 24th. Our second outdoor event this year, the In the past year, we began important discus- third year of the Frankfurt in May celebration, sions about our organizational structure as will take place on May 19th at 3pm. We are look- well as about risk management for parts of our ing forward to enjoying regional food and bev- programming, our membership level structure erages from the Frankfurt area as well as mu- 19, and membership fees. We believe that our cur- sic and entertainment. rent membership fees, compared to other Ger- man American organizations, are very reason- - Tony Michels

Annual Fund Donors Beyond Bilingual

When our daughter Zoë was born, there was no a sudden, I had a whole new support system to Donors names have been removed from online version for their privacy. question that we would raise her to be bilin- help ensure that my daughter would be bilin- gual. My husband Marc was from Dortmund, gual and bicultural. The PhillyKinder commu- and we already spoke primarily German at nity nurtured the lingual and the cultural as- home with one another. When Zoë was a baby, I pects of being German not only for my daugh- read articles and books about simultaneous ter but also for me! I am so grateful that my bilingualism. I fielded questions from both family has had the support of PhillyKinder over sides of our families, and I assured everyone the past four years. that Zoë would do fine with both languages. I We were just in this Christmas for a also took note of challenges that my husband few weeks, and two occasions during our trip and I would most likely encounter, while Zoë’s confirmed to me that Zoë is bilingual and bicul- speech abilities developed. tural. The first occasion was at the local In the beginning, I felt an enormous sense of Weihnachtsmarkt. When it came time for the responsibility to make sure that Zoë spoke Ger- Kasperltheater, my daughter was up in the man well. I wanted Zoë to be able to communi- front yelling responses to Kasperl in German cate in German with Marc’s family, and I just like all the other German children. Then a wanted her to feel “at home” in Germany. As a few days later, Zoë attended a Turnen/ former foreign language teacher, I knew that Spielgruppe class with her younger cousin. My Zoë’s language skills would blossom as long as father-in-law reported back that Zoë knew all Marc and I proactively spoke German at home. of the songs that they sang and games that Once my concerns regarding the language ac- they played during the class. I mean, without quisition subsided, a new topic came to the PhillyKinder, Zoë and I wouldn’t be able to sing forefront. We didn’t just want our daughter to Aramsamsam! It is nice knowing that a whole SPEAK German; we wanted her to BE German. community is here in Philadelphia to support As a Greek-American, I know all too well the us, even when we are living so far away from difference between being bilingual and bicul- Germany. tural. When I was growing up, I considered my- - Adrienne Frangakis self to be Greek. My best friends were Greek, we ate Greek food, and we patronized primarily Greek businesses. The only problem was, I did not speak much Greek. Unfortunately, those in my family who could have passed Greek onto me as a mother tongue did not. Not speaking much Greek was not a problem until I was an adult. At that point I realized that not being flu- ent in Greek made me somewhat of an outsider in my own culture. I was bicultural, but I was not bilingual as a child. My daughter would be bilingual, but what could I do as a Greek-American to make sure that she would be bicultural (German and Greek-American) also? Fortunately we discovered PhillyKinder when my daughter was about 17 months old. We en- rolled in the “mommy and me” class, and all of

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Notes from the KA Zur Geschichte des Konversationsabends nen dort sitzen und über die Ökologie sprechen”. Auch hielt ich im Frühjahr 2003 einen Vortrag We had a fabulous Hot Punch in Flames night Mein Eindruck war, die Wissenschaftler hatten über die europäische Gegenkultur von 1900- on February 13th. It was Fastnachtsdienstag, Im November 1977 gründete Dr. George Beichl, Tunnelblick. Aber in ihren Fachgebieten haben 1920. or Mardi Gras, as New Orleans calls it. We had damals Präsident der German Society of Penn- sie sehr interessante Konversationsabende Die Leitung der Konversationsabende von a marvelous buffet (thanks to Renate Ruthberg, sylvania, den Konversationsabend. Es gab an- veranstaltet. Hardy von Auenmueller brachte eine neue Art fangs Tische für verschiedene Gruppen, von Rosemarie Gaeffke and many others). Herta von Unterhaltung mit Weihnachtsparties in Anfängern bis zu Fortgeschrittenen. Es waren Dr. Guenter Kuehl hielt erst einen Vortrag über von der Gruen concocted a terrific Feuerzan- verschiedene Weinsorten, später einen über seinem Haus im Stadtzentrum von Philadel- meist Amerikaner dort. Die Muttersprachler phia. Hardy gab auch eine sehr informative genbowle with the most wonderful blue and kamen erst später. den Alkohol in Bier und Schnaps. orange flames, creating an inspiring backdrop Diavorführung vom Schicksal des Auenmueller Irgendwann in den 80er Jahren wollte Dr. Ein Arbeitskollege von Dr. Guenter Kuehl na- -Herrenhauses unter den Kommunisten in Ost- for all the poems, jokes, anecdotes, and little Beichl den Konversationsabend aufgeben. Ich mens Dr. John L. Schlenker gab einige sehr in- deutschland. stories contributed by participants. There was teressante Vorträge. Einmal sprach er über bat ihn, nicht aufzuhören. Er sagte mir, “Sie ha- Dr. Helga Halbfass begann ihre Konversation- even a charming first hand history of the KA as ben ihr Kurzwellenradio und die Deutsche Mineralien. seen and “erlebt” by Ed Maciocha (see next col- sabend-Leitung in Januar 2011. Ich würde in Welle Köln, Sie brauchen den Konversationsa- Dr. Schlenker gab auch einen persönlichen der Zukunft gern darüber sprechen, wie Dr. umn for the full story). Majed Subh was our bend nicht”. Vortrag über die Geschichte der Familie Timothy Leary deutschen Graduate Studenten photographer. And Inge Niebisch passed Ich sagte, in den 60er Jahren studierte ich bei Schlenker und ihre Migration zum Mittleren an Harvard von 1959 bis 1963 geholfen hat. around a bottle of sweet “Liqueur” so we could Westen der USA. Die Familie erwarb dort einen einer Abendschule Russisch. Aber ich fand - Ed Maciocha drink (and sing) to celebrate her birthday. Well, keine Gesprächspartner und nach ein paar Bauernhof von 3,000 Acres. we thought we should share this with you, and Jahren hatte ich Russisch völlig verlernt. Am Freitagabend, 4. April 1997, gab ich einen thanks to Majed we have pictures to prove it. Schnell erlernt und schnell verlernt. Ich wollte Vortrag über Dr. Timothy Leary, der Hermann Genealogy and House History nicht mein Deutsch verlernen. in den USA berühmt gemacht hat. Er war Seminar Später hat Dr. Beichl im Staatsboten die Fort- es, der in den 60er Jahren während seiner Col- setzung des Konversationsabends bekanntge- lege Lecture Circuits, die Werke von Hermann The Society will be sponsoring a seminar macht. Er schrieb, die Deutsche Gesellschaft Hesse in Bezug auf die psychedelische Erfah- on genealogy and house histories using lo- habe die Aufgabe, die deutsche Sprache zu rung zitierte. Ein Neffe von Hermann Hesse cal records on April 18th, led by Society pflegen. schenkte Dr. Timothy Leary ein Aquarell-Bild als member Chip Lippard. The presentation Anerkennung für die Bekanntmachung von will take place from noon til 3:00pm start- In den Jahren nach Dr. Beichl besuchte nur Hermann Hesses’ Büchern in den U.S.A. Das ing at the Delaware County Bar Building eine Handvoll Teilnehmer den Konversationsa- Aquarell war von Hermann Hesse selbst gemalt. and concluding with a tour of the Register bend. Irgendwann kamen hochgebildete Wis- Meine Lieblingsbücher von Hermann Hesse and Recorder’s Offices at the Media Court- Renate, Oliver, Rosemarie and Herta waiting senschaftler mit Doktorwürde dazu. Sie haben waren das Glasperlenspiel und der Steppen- house. for the flames. den Konversationsabend anders gestaltet. Sie planten grössere Veranstaltungen, wobei eine wolf. Ich zeigte auch einen Abschnitt von dem You will learn what information is available, Person einen Vortrag gab. Ich bevorzugte die Film STEPPENWOLF auf Video auf dem Rat- the sometimes “tricky” art of accessing it, Konversation in kleinen Gruppen. skeller TV. Dies war ein erfolgreicher Konver- and what you can find out about the history sationsabend mit 23 Teilnehmern. of your house. You can bring a lunch if Im Nebenraum innerhalb des Ratskellers war you’d like. The site is a 10-minute walk an Freitagabenden die Schlaraffia. Die Tür zum Um 2000 kam eine Wende in der Leitung des from the Media Train Station, and five min- Ratskeller war immer offen für Konversation- Konversationsabends. Eine kurze Zeit war ein utes from the last trolley stop in Media. sabend-Teilnehmer ohne Rücksicht auf ihre ehemaliger Deutschlehrer Mike Maslow von St. Zahl. Die Schlaraffia sorgte auch für eine lus- Joseph’s Prep der Leiter. Dann übernahm Seating is limited, so if you wish to attend, tige Atmosphäre im ganzen Ratskeller. Hardy von Auenmueller das Ruder. please make your check, in the amount of $6.00, payable to the German Society of Bei einem Konversationsabend machte ich den Im Herbst 2002 gab ich einen Vortrag über Um- Herta in full action! Pennsylvania, 611 Spring Garden Street, Vorschlag, über Architekturbiologie zu spre- welt/Naturschutz. Dieser Konversationsabend Philadelphia, PA 19123 ($10.00 for non- chen. Die Wissenschaftler hatten kein Interesse hatte sehr viele Besucher. Am Ende sagte Dr. members). dafür. Einer von ihnen sagte: “Wir machen das Guenter Kuehl, “Sie haben 90 Minuten nicht Licht aus und schalten das Gas ab und Sie kön- über den Umweltschutz, sondern über die - Chip Lippard Natur gesprochen.” 4 5

Library Committee Set to Unveil New “Adopt a Book” Program Strategic Planning at the GSP Fundraising initiative will preserve holdings while celebrating library’s treasures Effective short- and long-term planning is the The German Society of Pennsylvania’s Library An exhibition sampling the initial forty books to hallmark of all successful institutions, includ- Committee will soon unveil a new program de- be put up for adoption will soon open in the ing nonprofits like the German Society. Our signed to raise money for the preservation of reading room of the German Society’s Library, short-term planning centers around the annual the Society’s historic collection of books, while and the Library Committee is preparing a cata- Business Plan that we produce every year in celebrating some of the Library’s little-known logue of adoptable books, which will be distrib- the late summer. This plan has two main parts: treasures. uted shortly. Books will be available at multiple the first section gives the big picture - our Mis- The “Adopt a Book” program will enable Ger- price points. Adoptive parents will receive an sion, history, governance, highlights of the past man Society members and other interested official Certificate of Book Adoption from the year, key challenges etc.; and a second section parties to support the conservation of Library Committee, listing the name of the book they contains all the one-page detailed action plans books that have become damaged over the selected, as well as what treatments their do- contributed by the committee and program years. Common repairs needed on the books nations will support. If they so wish, the par- leaders (11 to 13 of these). include front and back cover reattachment, fix- ents’ names will be listed in the books’ online Long-term planning focuses on the Strategic ing bindings, building small enclosures for vol- Library catalogue records, so that future re- Plan, which was last updated in the 2012-13 searchers will know who sponsored repairs on umes to keep the books safe, and other basic time period. This plan looks ahead at least five repairs that will help preserve the books for the books in question. This program is de- years and provides the framework for the an- future generations. signed so that donors may adopt books on their This large edition of Johann Wolfgang von nual plan and all other key decisions. In addi- own behalf, or do so in honor of a friend or Goethe’s Faust, published in Stuttgart and tion, it continues to be a part of our funding re- Founded in 1817, the German Society’s Library loved one. Tübingen in 1854, will be one of the books put is home to remarkable treasures that docu- quests to governments, foundations, and other The Library Committee is planning an exclusive up for adoption by the German Society of Penn- granting organizations. ment the literary culture of German readers in sylvania’s Library Committee. Philadelphia and beyond for over two centu- event to be held later this year for the books’ We have assembled a Core Team consisting of ries. After so many years, some of the Library’s adoptive parents, to focus on methods of book Bill Hardham. Tony Michels, Hajo Oltmanns, books are in need of conservation treatment in conservation and exploration of the Library’s and Ernie Weiler that has created sub-teams to order to preserve them for future study and holdings. The Committee is finalizing its plans address different areas of our focus. The teams use. As books age, their pages tend to become for its initial roster of adoptable books, and Ger- and their leaders are: brittle, and bindings begin to deteriorate. This man Society members should look for further communications on this project in the near fu-  Membership, finances, building mainte- is especially true for nineteenth-century vol- nance/renovation, capital plan – Core Team umes, meaning that many of the Library’s ture. In the meantime, any questions can be for-  Library – Maria Sturm books require attention from professional con- warded to the Library Committee’s Adoption Co-  Cultural Programs — Hans Mueller servators. ordinator, Dr. Alex L. Ames, at [email protected].  Student-oriented Programs — Marwan The Library Committee has been working for Kreidie months to select volumes in need of care that  Related Businesses & Programs – Lew Vol- are also likely to be of interest to prospective genau adoptive “parents,” who will pay for the conser- Your help is also needed – the team has created vation treatments. This in-depth effort has in- a survey to capture your ideas. Please either go volved searching the library’s shelves for items to in need of repair and conferring with respected and complete the survey online, or return the Philadelphia book conservator Ruth Scott survey enclosed with this issue. Your input is Blackson, who will perform the treatments. vital to planning for a viable and exciting future Items slated for adoption include a pamphlet Published in Nuremberg in 1678, this book by for our beloved institution; please complete the about beer published in 1894, a guide to fire- Georg Andream Böckler titled Nützliche Hauß- survey one way or another by May 1. works published in 1823, an 1865 copy of a und Feld-Schule is one of the oldest up for - Bill Hardham eulogy to Abraham Lincoln that was preached adoption. after his assassination, as well as some of the This music book, published in Philadelphia by library’s oldest volumes, including works pub- Schäfer und Koradi in 1883, will also be made - Dr. Alex L. Ames lished in the 1600s and 1700s. available for adoption. 6 7

Development Report nor’s father, and a $150,000 award by the Max gas lights as originally designed. We have in- Gifts-in-Kind eral members elected to make a gift-in-kind Kade Foundation. We are approaching the half- structions on how to best rewire the fixtures donation rather than or, in some cases, in addi- way point toward our interim goal of $600,000, and what solvents to use to remove an earlier As reported in the last issue of the Staatsbote, tion to also making a donation to the Annual which is absolutely wonderful. paint coating to restore the brass to their origi- we started a letter campaign to secure two 50 Fund. However we certainly encourage every- nal brilliance. The work could be done at home inch and one 75 or 80 inch high definition TVs In 2017 we received a $30,000 challenge grant, one to participate in the Annual Fund drive, as for all members of the Society, from the and we would suggest that a qualified and in- and this was partially successful. We ap- these gifts provide an important source of terested volunteer might work at his or her lei- proached 13 manufacturers or major retailers Barthelmes Foundation, payable in 2020. At funding to keep our yearly budget in the black. this point, we have collected $17,435 toward sure with one or two of them at a time. If any- of TVs and the Sam’s Club organization came Gift-in-kind examples used by members in- one is interested in this project, please give us through for us with two high definition and WIFI the unique opportunity and are hopeful that in clude: donations toward the purchase of new the next twenty months we will be able to raise a call at the office. enabled TVs and the corresponding wall toilets and replacement of several broken win- mounting racks. We also took out a ‘corporate’ the remaining funds - $12,565 for the Horner - E.D. Weiler dows in the auditorium, funds to be used for Memorial Library Endowment Fund. membership in Sam’s Club and will do some of landscaping the new Leidy Terrace, cost asso- our shopping for supplies at the Philadelphia ciated with fixing broken chairs or furniture, During our Annual Fund drive, several mem- Coming up at Friday Film Fest... based store. the purchase of new eating utensils, paying for bers included an additional donation to benefit our scholarship program. We thank them for Join us on April 20 at One of the TVs will be used in the reception selected repairs around the building, purchas- these gifts and the funds are added to our 6:30pm for a movie area to welcome guests to the Society. The sec- ing paints need in our maintenance efforts and adaptation of a literary ond set will enhance learning experiences in there many other examples. Clearly these gifts Scholarship Fund, also with the Philadelphia Foundation. The current balance is $340,000 classic. This movie is our F. Otto Haas Language School. Moreover, are very much appreciated and are welcome as based on Karl May’s we will have the opportunity to acknowledge they help us keep maintenance cost under con- and following the restrictions associated with gifts made by the major donors many years 1893 novel “Winnetou the four organizations (the German Society of trol and directly help us financially. In sum- 1” and was made in New York City, the Cannstatter Foundation Inc., mary, we are always in need of free contribu- ago we use only a portion of the yearly growth in the fund for scholarships. 2016 by director Phil- the Max Kade Foundation and the William Penn tions and if any member would rather help us lip Stölzl for television. It is the first part of the Foundation) that have contributed the bulk the through a gift-in-kind donation, please give the Hands-On Opportunity new Winnetou-Trilogy (Part2: Das Geheimnis funds – $568,500 - for the new HVAC system by office a call and we will contact you as quickly vom Silbersee. Part 3: Der letzte Kampf). The as we can. We suspect that some members of the Society running a short slide show listing their respec- are very skilled with their hands and we would movie tells the story of the expansion of the tive names on the new TV in the entrance area. Endowment Funds like to call your attention to a truly hands-on railroad by Central Pacific Railroad in the We believe this is a more fitting way to ac- opportunity. We have twelve wall-mounted American West through Indian Territory. Win- knowledge these generous gifts rather than to We have written about our efforts to grow the candelabra – each has two candles or arms – netou and Old Shatterhand meet here for the design another donation plaque. General Endowment and the Horner Memorial Library Endowment accounts in almost every in our auditorium and on the balcony which re- first time and start a great friendship. Together We are still seeking a 75 or 80 inch high defini- issue of the Staatsbote for the past five years. quire some attention. The wiring needs to be they defend the “Land der Apachen” against the tion TV to be used for our film showings, or It is important to remember that it is our long- replaced and the fixture should to be cleaned ever expanding and invading railroad and white other venues in the Ratskeller or the new Me- range goal to secure a predictable funding and polished. They are somewhat delicate and settlers. The film will be shown in German with dia Room, which is still in the planning stage. source that will cover possibly 20% of our date back to 1888. In fact, they might have been German subtitles. With the new townhouse door, to be installed yearly operating costs. The Scholarship Fund is by the end of March, we will require a third 50 our third endowment with the Philadelphia Give the Gift of Community! inch set to be used in the office area to verify Foundation and our yearly awards to college who is at the door and is requesting permission students are funded from this account. German Society memberships are the per- to enter the building. This set will also allow us fect gift for the Germanophile in your life! to use a split screen feature, once additional With the strong market in 2018 the balance in Whether it’s for Christmas, a birthday, or security cameras are installed along Spring the General Endowment Fund now stands at just because, please consider purchasing a Garden Street and will cover the Leidy Terrace. $1.25MM and our interim goal remains German Society membership for a friend or Here is a gift-in-kind donation opportunity as $2.00MM. loved one. From movie nights to concerts to described below. The balance of the Horner Memorial Library wine and beer tastings to lectures, our events appeal to people from all walks of Over the past 10 years we have solicited and Endowment Fund by end of March should be life. Contact the office to purchase a benefited from a number of gift-in-kind dona- slightly over $290,000, pending two generous donations – a $20,000 gift in memory of the do- membership. tions from various companies. However, sev- 8 9

Annual Members Meeting and Board Elections future of the organization. Now that I have been the huge celebration at the 23rd St. Armory held On Sunday, June 3, 2018 at 3:00pm, the German serve the administrative and financial needs of presented with the opportunity to reverse the di- by Brauhaus Schmitz and other similar events. Society will hold its 2018 Annual Meeting and the Society as your Treasurer. rection of my telescope and view the GSP finan- This past fall the Brauhaus Schmitz event had Elections for Directors at 611 Spring Garden cials from that angle, I feel confident that I pro- five sessions, each of which was as crowded and Brian Norton: VP of Finance Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123. Members must be vide the German Society with the same level of as fun as Munich. Although I am sure that many in good standing to be eligible to vote, i.e. current It is with great honor and hu- service I have provided these other organizations Society members attended, we had no formal on dues no later than end of business Friday, mility that I ask for your sup- in the past. presence. As part of Membership Outreach, I June 1, 2018. Members wishing to vote must be port to serve as the VP of Fi- would like to see if we can organize a formal Should you have any questions I welcome them present at the meeting—there is no provision for nance of the German Society of presence at this and other similar events which at the annual meeting to elect Directors. absentee ballots or proxy voting under the Soci- Pennsylvania. we could then use to encourage more interest in ety’s By-laws. Not quite five years ago I came Candidates for Directors membership in our Society. If you have any questions about your current to the German Society for lan- Allen Krumm Edward Cattell membership status, please contact the Society’s guage classes, looking for a I would like to continue to sup- office. Vision statements and photos of the slate new hobby, something complicated and challeng- I think I can make a contri- port the German Society in its of approved candidates can be found below. ing. What I found was a language well-known for bution to the Society in sev- various programs aimed at its reputation for complications, but I also found eral areas: There are two Officer positions up for election: preserving German heritage cultural activities, an amazing library, and a Treasurer and VP of Finance. There are also six 1. Investment Returns – By and culture. The progress group of people intermeshed between Philadel- openings for Directors on the Board—five in the working with the Society made over the past few years phia and Germany, from the recently arrived to class of 2021 and one in the class of 2020—and Committees and officers in terms of building improve- the multi-generational German-American. eight candidates competing for those positions. charged with responsibility ments and establishing a Having served just one year of my first term on for management of the So- sound financial basis should serve as both an en- Candidates for Officers the Board of Directors and slightly more than that ciety’s investments and fund raising, I think I can couragement and a source of motivation for all as an ad hoc member of the Finance Committee, offer insights and suggestions which may be able the members of the Society. Lew Volgenau: Treasurer I’ve been pleased to see so many committed to enhance the performance of the Society’s in- Frank Klare For the past year, I have members of the Society contribute their efforts to vested funds and cash flow from these invest- been your Vice President of build up the Society’s base of members and en- ments. Having been a member of the Administration and Assis- sure the long-term future of it for generations to German Society since 2003, I 2. Relationships with other Colonial Societies – I tant Treasurer. Prior to come. served on the board for sev- was introduced to the German Society when I at- that, I was your Treasurer eral years. Currently I am the I feel that my professional experience provides tended the Stiftungsfest representing St An- for six years, served as chairman of the Stiftungsfest me with a strong background for the role of VP of drew’s Society of Philadelphia. I have joined the Vice President of Finance, committee, organizing the an- Finance. I worked for fifteen years as a financial German Society to learn more of my German and participated in several nual gala. It has been exciting professional for a variety of non-profit organiza- Heritage, and have since found a good many committees. I now seek your support to be your to see the German Society tions, as well as a multi-billion dollar insurance members of St. Andrew’s Society who are also Treasurer for another term. overcome many challenges and continue to grow company and small cultural organizations with members of the German Society. There are mem- over the years. To serve its members and to fur- Over those past years, we have had excellent narrow missions. I worked for one organization bers of St. Andrew’s who could also join the Ger- ther the German Language and culture are the growth in our investment portfolio and endow- that relied on the support of a sole individual with man Society, but have not yet done so. While I most important aspects of the Society. ment funds with balanced budgets most years tremendous means and also for an organization encourage them to join, and would do so even if despite large expenditures for much needed with so many resources that the funds and the not elected as a Director, I think a more formal Born in Radeburg near Dresden, I grew up in Mu- capital projects. Kudos to Ernie Weiler for obtain- real estate it controlled became an actual im- outreach, as a Director, could be effective. Mem- nich, where I met my wife Elizabeth. We emi- ing funds for these with special thanks to the pediment to the success of the organization. bers of St. Andrew’s are also members of the St. grated to the US in 1965. Our two daughters live Women’s Auxiliary and several individuals whose Lastly, I worked for a venerable 125 year old non George Society, the Welsh Society, and St. Pat- in Manhattan and upstate New York and have donations made these improvements possible. -profit organization whose mission was becom- rick. Cross-pollination between and among the given us five grandchildren. We are on strong path to preserve our finances ing obsolete, necessitating a reinvention of the Societies could produce some excellent results, In my professional career in the hotel industry I and infrastructure into the future. To achieve our organization to ensure its survival. Throughout from increased membership to increased atten- worked for several international companies, vision to be recognized as the premier German my involvement with these diverse organizations, dance at our events, and opportunities to attend managing hotels around the world. Upon return- ethnic Society in the United States, we must all I performed my duties as chief financial officer or the events of the other Societies. ing to the US, I managed the Philadelphia Radis- do our part by renewing memberships, attending controller with dedication to the accurate and im- 3. Beer – The Society has discontinued its Heri- son Warwick Hotel in Center City. After retiring in events and volunteering our time and money to partial reporting of the financial activities, so that tage Festival (aka Oktoberfest) given the rise of 2002 I formed my own hotel consulting business. support the Society. I look forward to continue to the Board could make the best decisions for the 10 11

I look forward to the privilege of being part of the ently employed by the Com- Hajo Oltmanns have been a member of Board again and the opportunity to contribute to monwealth of Pennsylvania’s the Society for 45 years The German Society of Penn- the Society to reach its goals and objective for the Department of Human Re- (since 1972). I was on sylvania has a long, proud future. sources as an auditor and he the board about half that history of achievements and also has a private accounting, time (24 years), starting Hardy von Auenmueller impact. Our mission and vi- tax and legal practice. He is in 1990 under George sion have served us well and I enjoyed an idyllic childhood a life-long resident of Phila- Beichl. I have served on support important activities. “to the manor born”. After delphia. all the various commit- We need to continue to adjust WWII, our landholdings were tees, and currently serve Tim has served as waiter for to a changing environment confiscated by the Soviet oc- on the Finance, Library, Membership, and Arts the Women’s Auxiliary Annual Luncheon for sev- just as the Society has during its over 250-year cupation government. We committees, and also am Parliamentarian for the eral years, volunteers at various functions and history. We have the opportunity to attract new were headed for a one-way Board of Directors meetings. promotes the Society’s reputation and unique members, refine our areas of focus and activity, ride to Siberia – which we de- historical circumstances whenever and to whom strengthen our mission and vision, and collabo- As a third generation German-American (my clined by defecting to the West ever he believes may have an interest. Tim seeks rate even more with other organizations. This will grandfather immigrated to Philadelphia in 1873), – where we re-settled in a bombed-out building a Board position to lend his business, legal and reinforce the foundation for the next 250 years. I am very fortunate to associate with many native on an abandoned airfield. During those formative financial expertise to assist the Board in guiding -born Germans at the German Society. Being a years, I learned to live frugally. I joined the Society shortly after relocating to the Society’s future operational success. member here has been like having an extended Philadelphia in 2009 for professional reasons. I When I came to this country as a young adult – family that I treasure, whose members and em- Barbara Afanassiev grew up in Germany where I still have family. My with a business degree and a treaty trader visa in ployees have sustained me through many diffi- spouse, Anne, is from Cincinnati and our three hand – I was privileged to work for a multi- As a past Board Member of cult times in my life. My surrogate mother, Frau young boys were each born in a different city national firm called Hoechst on the 82nd floor of The German Society of Penn- Friedl Sonnenberg, lived here in the building for (Chicago, Amsterdam, and Philadelphia). We the Empire State Building. That was the physical sylvania, I have continuously 30 years, from 1967 to 1997, as the Hausfrau. My speak German and English at home. In our family, zenith of my life. After 20 years of faithful service been interested in the pro- life has certainly been enriched by the many peo- it is very important to be multi-lingual and to be to that company, I ventured out on my own. Re- gress of the organization and ple here that I have met over the years. aware of our cultural heritage. We celebrate both structuring faltering enterprises became my spe- have seen with great pleasure our German and American background. I strongly One of my main goals for the German Society is cialty, in the US and – following the fall of the the various programs and believe the Society has an important role in the to integrate it into the broader regional German Wall – in Eastern Germany. events offered; thereby, serv- life of families like ours and helps us connect our American culture of the Philadelphia area. I think ing the GSP membership and the surrounding Fifteen years ago, after having moved to Phila- children with their background. Professionally, I this would have enormous benefits to the Ger- community. In recent times, I have joined the delphia for my retirement, and becoming a Ger- work as a senior executive for Elsevier in Phila- man Society, educating the approximately 30 Frankfurt in May Committee, as well as the man Society member, I recognized an opportunity delphia. Prior, I was a management consultant. other German organizations about the historic Stiftungsfest Committee, in order to help support to apply my trade as turn-around specialist at richness of our Society, especially our beautiful the activities of the Society. I am very honored to be part of the slate of candi- this venerable cultural institution. My first at- library and building. dates for the election. During the last several tempt to join the Board failed, but on the next try, As a native of Munich, I have always been active months, I have had the opportunity to help some As current President of the German American I was successful…, and soon thereafter I was in promoting German heritage, culture and lan- members of the executive committee in prepar- Committee of Philadelphia and Vicinity and Vice elected President, then Chairman, Senior Vice guage. Throughout my career, I have held posi- ing the updating of the strategy plan. As part of Chairman of the Pastorius Unit of the Steuben President, and most recently Treasurer. tions with bilingual/bicultural corporations and/ this I have learnt much more about the Society Society of America, I have interacted with all the or conglomerates. As co-founder and President Due to other professional commitments – for a and our opportunities. As Board member, I would other German groups here over the last nine of the German-American Chamber of Commerce Rostock based shipbuilding company, and as re- be committed to and focused on evolving the So- years. I think this broader exposure will help the – Philadelphia, as well as the Honorary Consul of cently elected President of the German-American ciety to capture the opportunities we have in our German Society grow and make our heritage Germany, I have served the German-American Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC – I changing environment. I would bring to the board thrive. community in the Tri-State area for many years. thought it prudent to resign as an officer of the strong business acumen, a successful track re- Since my retirement, I am once again teaching My congratulations and admiration to all those German Society, but wish to continue my service cord in strategy, business development, partner- German at the Immanuel German Language volunteers who spend countless hours coordinat- at the Board level, after having supported the op- ships and collaborations, as well as experience in School. ing the activities and events here at the German erations to the fullest, for the past twelve years. bi-lingual education. I would like to ask you for Society, especially the members of the Women’s It would be my pleasure and honor to again serve your support in the election. Timothy Rausch Auxiliary, the Music, FilmFest, and Konversation- on the Board of the German Society and to utilize Lou Oschmann sabend committees, and all others who help Tim is an attorney and Certified Public Account- the experiences I have gained. make the German Society thrive. ant who has previously served as the German As a candidate for the German Society Board of

Society’s Treasurer for two years. Tim is pres- Directors in 2018, I am honored and humbled to 12 13

GSP Member Jean Godsall- phases of their history, noting that early on, many. It was founded in 1930, on the 200th an- eign policy, generous economic aid in the form Myers Receives Award for she and her husband had traveled in Eastern niversary of Baron von Steuben’s birth- of the Marshall Plan, and massive military en- Service in Germany Germany. The first time was at a point when day. During the Hitler years, it was silenced. In gagement led to a vibrant West Germany within scarcely anyone thought of Unification, let 1948, while Germany was still under Allied NATO, and finally to German reunification. Originally published in the alone believed in it. Later they directed the control, it was re-established by foresighted With the announced closing of the US Army Mitteldeutsche Zeitung ELCA Wittenberg Center until its close. Finally, people, who recognized the importance of Monday, January 22, 2018 headquarters in Heidelberg, Dr. Eckart as retirees, they returned in 2017 to Wittenberg maintaining a good transatlantic relationship Würzner, Lord Mayor of Heidelberg and Prof. by Corinna Nitz "and have worked with thousands in the vine- with the United States. That is no less impor- Translation by Jean Godsall-Myers Frieder Hepp, Director of the Kurpfälzisches yard of the Lord", as Jean Godsall-Myers for- tant now. Museum, came to visit the German-American mulated it and emphasized: "We understand While we are preparing ourselves for a third Heritage Museum (GAHM) in Washington, to see now even better, how the heart beats here." "Frankfurt Day" on our terrace on May 19, how its activities could complement their plans There were many other things that were dis- 2018, I will be traveling to Frankfurt on March for a similar institution, called Mark Twain Cen- cussed, such as when Haseloff undertook an 23 to take part in their 70th anniversary cele- ter for Transatlantic Relations (MTC) – a site of excursion through history noting the signifi- bration in the Kaisersaal of The Römer, one of remembrance, a research institution, and a fu- cance of Heinrich Melchior Mühlenberg, who Frankfurt’s oldest buildings going back to the ture-oriented meeting place. taught at the Franke Foundations in Halle and Middle Ages. It has also been Frankfurt’s City The MTC will preserve an essential historical worked as a missionary in the USA with the Hall for centuries, and is located not far from site. Established as officer’s quarters for the spread of Lutheranism. And, what else was the Paulskirche. The latter is the equivalent to German Army in the 1930’s, the building be- Stephen and Jean Godsall-Myers have received the there on this Saturday morning? Music - of- our Independence Hall, i.e. the symbol of Ger- Honorary Medal from Reiner Haseloff in the Castle came the commandant’s headquarters for the fered by the in-house Gospel Choir. Among oth- man democracy after the revolution of 1848. Church. US Armed Forces in Europe after World War II. ers, they sang a song from the Pop-Oratorio As you may remember from your history The period-authentic, original rooms and fur- "Luther", which was performed in the Reforma- Wittenberg/MZ - For Reiner Haseloff, the classes, the first pillars of German-American nishings at these impressive premises, their tion Summer 2017. Jean and Stephen Godsall- relations were erected by Germans who emi- convenient proximity to the city center, and the Catholic and Minister President (Governor) of Myers were part of that performance. They still the state of -Anhalt, the Castle Church in grated to America after that failed revolution of spacious park surrounding them portend the know the text and melody of "We are God's 1848. Among those “Forty-Eighter” were Carl great potential of this site. Wittenberg is "with St. Peter's Cathedral the Children". most important church in Christianity". Who- Schurz, the US Secretary of the Interior in the Based upon the proposal submitted to the City ever as a Christian hasn't been here, well ... Rutherford B. Hayes administration, who was Council, a site plan – with cost estimates for that person… "Will not get into heaven". If the first to organize the U.S. National Park Ser- the scope of work – was drawn up, and appro- Haseloff (CDU) is right, then two people don't vice, and Friedrich Hecker, a legend in the Hei- priate funding from the German federal gov- have to worry: Jean and Stephen Godsall- Strengthening our Transatlantic delberg region. Both were friends and wartime ernment has since been secured. While it envi- Myers. Alone in 2017, the two Americans spent Ties supporters of Abraham Lincoln. sions a two-step approach for the realization of almost 100 days in the town, serving in the During the second half of the 19th Century, the MTC project, the initial phase aims to make Castle Church under the auspices of the Fed- Two years ago, Dr. Ingrid Countess zu Solms- many international guests visited Heidelberg, the central part of the existing building usable eral Volunteer Service. "With heartfelt warmth Wildenfels, President of the Steuben-Schurz- which was known as the “Inn of Germany”. for special exhibits, video projects and literary and hospitality" (Haseloff) and don't forget bi- Gesellschaft (SSG), came to visit us with a dele- Among the American visitors of that time was events (see sketch of Entrance Hall below). lingualism, they helped people to get oriented gation from Germany – as part of the new sis- Mark Twain, the American writer, who loved While GAHM will be a cooperative partner of in the midst of the whirlwind of the Reforma- ter city agreement between Philadelphia and the German language and poked fun at it. His tion Jubilee. And for this, the professor and the MTC in the future, I took it upon myself to intro- Frankfurt. At that time, we signed a coopera- impression and memories can be read in his duce the leadership of SSG to this new project. pastor received the honorary medal of the tion agreement with book – A Tramp Abroad. On two occasions, we jointly traveled to Heidel- state, bestowed by Haseloff on Saturday morn- the SSG. ing. The City of Heidelberg plans to recognize the berg, and I am now pleased to report that SSG Since then I have acted legacy of the American presence in Germany will be given a prominent space in the MTC The award ceremony in the Castle Church was as liaison to that or- with a project in tribute to the US Army, which building where they can showcase their organi- attended by a range of people, who had, or still ganization, which is had its headquarters there, for close to 70 zation with a permanent exhibit and presence. have, diverse connections to the couple from the oldest German- years. After all, Germany owes its democracy – Hardy von Auenmueller Harleysville, be it as professionals or as American cultural in- and freedom to the United States during the friends. Jean Godsall-Myers shared several stitution based in Ger- Cold War. The combination of a steadfast for-

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