The European Journal of Life Writing VOLUME II(2013)T81–94

Bibliography on Life Writing from Eastern Europe

The present bibliography is an attempt to bring together work on life writing from Eastern Europe. We welcome further references to national scholarship in the attempt to make more visible the Eastern European presence in life writing. The European Journal of Life Writing provides the ideal format for an open ended sharing of references to which all inter- ested scholars in the field are invited to contribute. Aarelaid, Aili, and Li Bennich-Björkman.Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads. : Routledge, 2012. Print. ---. Cultural Trauma and Life Stories. : Kikimora, 2006. Print. Anghelescu, Mircea. Literatura Autobiografica˘: Pus¸ca˘ria la Români Note De Curs s¸i Antologie. [Autobiographical Literature: Prison Writings. Anthology and Course Notes]. Bucures¸ti: Editura Universita˘t,ii din Bucures¸ti, 2008. Print. ---. Literatur i biografie. [Literature and Biography]. Bucure ti: Editura Universal Dalsi, 2005. Annuk, Eve. “In Search of an Autobiographical Room of Her Own: First Feminist Lilli Su­ burg (1841–1923) as an Autobiographer.” Aspasia. International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women’s and Gender History 7 (2013): 1–18. Print. ---. “Letters as a New Approach to History: A Case Study of an Estonian Poet Ilmi Kolla (1933– 1954).” NORA: Nordic Journal of Women’s Studies 1 (2007): 6–20. Print. ---. Ilmi Kolla ja tema aeg: biograafilise lähenemisviisi võimalusi nõukogue aja kontekstis. [Ilmi Kolla and Her Time: The Possibilities of Biographical Approach in the Context of Researching the Soviet Period]. : Tartu UP, 2006. Print. Avižienis, Jura. “Learning to Curse in Russian: Mimicry in Siberian Exile.” Baltic Postcolonial- ism: On the Boundary of Two Worlds: Identity, Freedom, and Moral Imagination in the Baltics. Ed. Violeta Kelertas. 6th ed. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006. 186–202. Print. ---. “Performing Identity: Lithuanian Memoirs of Siberian Deportation and Exile.” History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th and 20th Centuries. 4th ed. Ed. Marcel Corni -Pope and John Neubauer. Vol. 4. Amsterdam: J. Ben- jamins, 2010. 504–14. Print. Bak, Janos. “Political Biography and Memoir in Totalitarian Eastern Europe.” Political Mem- oir: Essays on the Politics of Memory. George W. Egerton. London: F. Cass, 1994. 292–301. Print.

European Journal of Life Writing, Vol II, T81–94 2013. doi: 10.5463/ejlw.2.23 82 Bibliography on Life Writing

Balkelis, Tomas. “Ethnicity and Identity in the Memoirs of Lithuanian Children Deported to the Gulag.” Maps of Memory: Trauma, Identity and Exile in Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States. Ed. Violeta Davoli t and Tomas Balkelis. Vilnius: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2012. n. pag. Web. ---. “Lithuanian Children in the Gulag: Deportations, Ethnicity and Identity in Memoirs of Children Deportees, 1941–1952.” Lituanus 51.3 (2005): 40–75. Print. Beitnere, Dagm ra. “Identit te un pašreference dz vesst st .” LZA V stis 5.59 (2005): 36–43. Print. ---. “Pretest bas t ma dz vesst stos.” Kult ra un Vara. Raksti par valodu, literat ru, tradicion lo kult ru. R ga: LU Akad miskais apg ds, 2007. 49–58. Print. Bela-Kr mi a, Baiba. “Dz vesst ssti k resurss sabiedr bas izp t : Nacion l s mutv rdu v stures projekts.” Sociolo ija Latvij . R ga: LU Akad miskais apg ds, 2010. 380–401. Print. ---. “Everyday Life, Power, and Agency in Turbulent Latvia: The Story of Otto Irbe.” Baltic Biog- raphies in Historical Crossroads. Ed. Aili Aardelaid-Tart and Li Bennich-Björkman. London: Routledge, 2012. 37–52. Print. ---. “Relationship between Personal and Social: Strategies of Everyday Life in the Process of Radical Social Changes.” Pro Ethnologia 16 (2003): 9–19. Print. ---. M s nebrauc m uz Zviedriju, lai k tu par zviedriem: mutv rdu v stures p t jums. R ga: Zin tne, 2010. Print. Bela-Kr mi a, Baiba, M ra Zirn te, and Arnolds Podmazovs, comp. Letonikas kongress. Nacion l mutv rdu v sture. Reli isk s idejas Latvij . R ga: LU Filozofijas un sociolo ijas instit ts, 2008. Print. Bennich-Björkman, Li, and Aili Aarelaid. Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads. London: Routledge, 2012. Print. B rzi a-Reinsone, Sanita. “St sti par apmald šanos: priekšstati un skaidrojumi.” Platforma 2. R ga: Zin tne (2004): 155–63. Print. ---. “Priekšstati par telpu apmald šan s st stos.” Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference in Liep ja University: Aktu las probl mas literat ras zin tn . Liep ja: Liep ja University, 2005. 262–69. Print. Besemeres, Mary. “The Family in Exile, between Languages: Eva Hoffman’s Lost in Transla- tion, Lisa Appignanesi’s Losing the Dead, Anca Vlasopolos’s No Return Address.” A/B: Auto/ Biography Studies 19.1–2 (2004): 239–48. Print. ---. “Rewriting One’s Self in English: Milosz Translated by Milosz.” Translating One’s Self: Lan- guage and Selfhood in Cross-Cultural Autobiography. Mary Besemeres. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2002. 65–85. Print. Bresi , Vinko, ed. Autobiografije Hrvatskih Pisaca. [Autobiography in Croatian Literature]. Zagreb: AGM, 1997. Print. ---. Teme novije hrvatske književnosti. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, 2001. Print. Budryt , Dovil . “‘We Didn’t Keep Diaries, You Know’: Memories of Trauma and Violence in the Narratives of Two Former Women Resistance Fighters.” Lituanus 57.2 (2011): n. pag. Web. ---. “Experiences of Collective Trauma and Political Activism: A Study of Women ‘Agents of Memory’ in Post-Soviet Lithuania.” Journal of Baltic Studies 41.3 (2010): 331–50. Rpt. in Bibliography on Life Writing 83

Memory and Democratic Pluralism in the Baltic States – Rethinking the Relationship. Ed. Eva- Clarita Onken. London: Routledge, 2011. Print. ---. “Transnational Memory as Traveling Trauma: Lithuanian Traumatic Memory after World War II.” Memory and Trauma in International Relations: Theories, Cases and Debates. Ed. Erica Resende and Dovile Budryte. New York: Routledge, 2013. Print. ---. “War, Deportation and Trauma in the Narratives of Former Women Resistance Fight- ers.” Maps of Memory: Trauma, Identity and Exile in Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States. Ed. Violeta Davoli t and Tomas Balkelis. Vilnius: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2012. Print. Buhanovska, Sintija. “Fakti un fikcija: totalit risma literat ra un m sdienu memu ri.” By Jan na Kurs te, et al. Kult ra un vara: raksti par valodu, literat ru, tradicion lo kult ru. R ga: LU Akad miskais apg ds, 2007. 149–55. Print. ---. “Reli ija uz 1940.–1960. gadu fona: ieskats memu rliterat r .” Literat ra, folkloristika, m ksla 732 (2008): 165–71. Print. Bula, Dace. “Zvejnieku b rni: Pieredzes ce i manga salnieku atmi u st stos.” Letonica 16 (2007): 7–26. Print. Cesereanu, Ruxandra. “Representations of the Gulag in the Romanian Detention Memoirs.” Echinox Journal 15 (2008): 7–15. Print. ---. Gulagul în Con tiin a Româneasc : Memorialistica i Literatura Închisorilor i Lag relor Comu- niste: Eseu de Mentalitate. [The Gulag in the Romanian Consciousness: Diaries and Literature from Prisons and Communist Camps]. Ias : Polirom, 2005. Print. Corni -Pope, Marcel. “Paul Goma: The Permanence of Dissidence and Exile.” The Exile and Return of Writers from East-Central Europe: A Compendium. Ed. John Neubauer and Borbála Zsuzsanna Török. New York: Walter De Gruyter, 2010. 342–67. Print. Cozea, Liana. Confesiuni ale Eului Feminin. [Women’s Confessional Writings]. Pite ti: Paralela 45, 2005. Print. Cr ciun, Camelia. “Monica Lovinescu at Radio Free Europe.” The Exile and Return of Writers from East-Central Europe: A Compendium. Ed. John Neubauer, and Borbala Zsuzsanna Török. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 276–303. Print. Danys, Milda. DP: Lithuanian Immigration to Canada after the Second World War. Toronto: Multi- cultural History Soc. of Ontario, 1989. Print. Danyt , Milda [Danys, Milda]. “The Emigrant Experience: Contract Hiring of Displaced Per- sons in Canadian Domestic Employment, 1947–1950.” Lituanus 29.2 (1983): n. pag. Web. Daugirdait , Solveiga. “Travelling Women in Modern Lithuanian Literature.” New Women’s Writing in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe: Gender, Generation, and Identities. Ed. Rosalind Marsh. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2012. 220–37. Print. Davoli t , Violeta. “‘We Are All Deportees.’ The Trauma of Displacement and the Consoli- dation of National Identity during the Popular Movement in Lithuania.” Maps of Memory: Trauma, Identity and Exile in Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States. Ed. Violeta Davoli t and Tomas Balkelis. Vilnius: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2012. n. pag. Web. ---. “Deportee Memoirs and Lithuanian History: The Double Testimony of Dalia Grinkevi i t .” Journal of Baltic Studies 36.1 (2005): 51–68. Print. 84 Bibliography on Life Writing

Dobos, István. “Stereotypes in Autobiographical Reading.” Neohelicon 32.1 (2005): 25–33. Print. Duppé, Claudia. “Tourist in Her Native Country: Kapka Kassabova’s Street Without a Name.” Facing the East in the West: Images of Eastern Europe in British Literature, Film and Culture. Ed. Barbara Korte, Eva Ulrike. Pirker, and Sissy Helff. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010. 423–36. Print. Elenkov, Ivan, and Daniela Koleva. “Historical Studies in Post-Communist Bulgaria: Between Academic Standards and Political Agendas.” Narratives Unbound: Historical Studies in Post- Communist Eastern Europe. Ed. Sorin Antohi, Balázs Trencsényi, and Péter Apor. New York: Central European UP, 2007. 409–87. Print. Epstein, Catherine. “The Production of ‘Official Memory’ in East Germany: Old Commu- nists and the Dilemmas of Memoir-Writing.” Central European History 32.2 (1999): 181–201. Print. Esbenshade, Richard S. “Remembering to Forget: Memory, History, National Identity in Postwar East-Central Europe.” Representations 49.1 (1995): 72–96. Print. Eyal, Gil. “Identity and Trauma: Two Forms of the Will to Memory.” History and Memory 16.1 (2004): 5–36. Print. Farkas, Zita. “The Articulation of Lesbian Identities through the Paradigm of Visibility and Invisibility in the Hungarian Context.” Proceedings of the UK Postgraduate Conference in Gen- der Studies, June 21–22, 2006: Thinking Gender – the Next Generation. Leeds: U of Leeds, n.d. Web. pdf. Garda-Rozenberga, Ieva, and Baiba Bela. “The Link between Real-Life Experiences and the Latvian Literary Ballad.” Singing the Nations: Herder’s Legacy. Ed. Dace Bula and Sigrid Rieu- werts. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2008. 309–16. Print. Garda-Rozenberga, Ieva, and Mara Zirnite, eds. Oral History: Migration and Local Identities. Riga: Latvian Oral History Researchers Association Dzivesstasts, 2011. Print. Garda-Rozenberga, Ieva. “Folkloras st st jumi par policistiem.” Platforma III. R ga: LU Akad miskais apg ds, 2007. 179–88. Print. ---. “Padomju totalit r s sist mas diskurss Zviedrijas latviešu dz vesst stos.” Kult ra un vara: raksti par valodu, literat ru, tradicion lo kult ru. By Jani na Kursi te, et al. R ga: LU Akad miskais apg ds, 2007. 74–82. Print. ---. “Person g s pieredzes st sti 20./21. gadsimta folkloristik : žanrs un evol cija.” Aktu las probl mas literat ras zin tn 14 (2009): 209–16. Print. ---. “Person g s pieredzes st sti m sdienu folkloras aspekt : Alsungas piem rs.” Letonica 14 (2006): 58–76. Print. ---. “Personisko st st jumu teic ji Alsungas novad 21 gadsimt .” Letonica. 21 (2011): 49–64. Print. ---. “Pretstat jumi k p t juma modelis suitu dz vesst stos.” LZA V stis 5.59 (2005): 30–35. Print. ---. Dz vesst sts un pašapzi a. Mutv rdu v sture Latvij . Riga: Latvian Oral History Researchers Association Dzivesstasts, 2012. Print. Goldsworthy, Vesna. “The Present of Intimacy: My Very Public Private Life.” Biography 34.1 (2011): 1–10. Print. Bibliography on Life Writing 85

Górny, Maciej. “From the Splendid Past into the Unknown Future: Historical Studies in Po- land after 1989.” Narratives Unbound: Historical Studies in Post-Communist Eastern Europe. Ed. Sorin Antohi, Balázs Trencsényi, and Péter Apor. New York: CEU/Central European UP, 2007. 101–49. Print. Hellbeck, Jochen. Revolution on My Mind: Writing a Diary under Stalin. Cambridge, MA: Har- vard UP, 2006. Print. Hinrikus, Rutt. “How to Remember? The Social Framework of Reinhold Mirk’s Reminis- cences of War.” Soldiers of Memory: World War II and Its Aftermath in Estonian Post-Soviet Life Stories. Ed. Ene Kõresaar. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011. 297–316. Print. Holban, Ioan. Literatura Subiectiv : Jurnalul Intim, Autobiografia Literar . [Subjective Literature: The Personal Diary, Autobiographical Literature]. Bucures¸ti: Minerva, 1989. Print. Hollo, Maarja. “Nostalgia and Redemption in Bernhard Kangro’s Joonatan Novels.” Haunted Narratives: Life Writing in an Age of Trauma. Ed. Gabriele Rippl et al. Toronto: Toronto UP, 2013. 279–96. Print. Ivi , Nenad i Andrea Zlatar, ur. Autobiografija, taj nemogu i žanr. [Autobiography as an Impossible Genre]. Spec. issue of Gordogan, asopis za književnost i sva kulturna pitanja. 18–19 (1997– 1998): 43–33. Print. Jaago, Tiiu. “Cultural Borders in an Autobiographical Narrative.” Folklore 52 (2012): 15–38. Print. ---. “Negotiating Place Identity in Life Stories from the Viewpoint of the Multiculturalism.” Ethnologia Fennica: Finnish Studies in Ethnology 38 (2011): 96–111. Print. ---. “One Area, Several Cultural Spaces: Comparative Analysis of Stories as the Basis of Lo- cal Identity.” Cultural Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Folklore and Popular Culture 10 (2011): 23–43. Print. Jambreši Kirin, Renata, and Maja Povrzanovi , eds. War, Exile, Everyday Life: Cultural Perspec- tives. Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, 1996. Print. Jerzak, Katarzyna, and Borbála Zsuzsanna Török. “Life in Translation: Exile in the Autobio- graphical Works of Kazimierz Brandys and Andrzej Bobkowski.” The Exile and Return of Writers from East-Central Europe: A Compendium. Ed. John Neubaue and Borbála Zsuzsanna Török. New York: Walter De Gruyter, 2009. 400–15. Print. Jõesalu, Kirsti, and Enne Kõresaar. “Working through Mature Socialism: Private and Public in the Story of an Estonian Industry Manager.” Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads. Ed. Li Bennich-Björkman and Aili Aarelaid. London: Routledge, 2012. 68–85. Print. Jõesalu, Kirsti, and Raili Nugin. “‘The Right to Happiness.’ Echoes of Soviet Ideology in Bio- graphical Narratives.” Berliner Osteuropa-info 23 (2005): 91–99. Print. ---. “Reproducing Identity Through Remembering: Cultural Texts on the Late Soviet Time.” Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore 51 (2012): 15–48. Print. ---. “The Meaning of ‘Late Socialism’: Analyzing Estonians’ Post-communist Memory Cul- ture.” Asia Europe Journal: Intercultural Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities 8.3 (2010): 293–303. Print. Jolluck, Katherine R. Exile and Identity: Polish Women in the Soviet Union During World War II. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 2002. Print. Kapr ns, M rti š, and Vita Zel e. “V sturiskie cilv ki un vi u biogr fijas. Viktora Ar ja curricu- lum vitae Latvijas Valsts v stures arh va materi los.” Latvijas Arh vi 3 (2009): 166–93. Print. 86 Bibliography on Life Writing

Kapr ns, M rti š. “Between Improvisation and Inevitability: The Soviet Era in the Memoirs of Latvian Former Soviet Officials.”Journal of Baltic Studies (2014). ---. “Constructing Generational Identity in Post-Communist Autobiographies: The Case of Latvia.” Life Writing Matters in Europe. Ed. Marijke Huisman, Anneke Ribberink, Monica Soeting, and Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012. 259–77. Print. ---. “Normalizing the Cold War Habitus: How Latvian Autobiographers Cope with Their Sovi- et-Time Experience.” The Baltic Sea Region and the Cold War. Ed. Kaarel Piirimäe and Olaf Mertelsmann. Vol. 3. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2012. 261–77. Print. Tartu Historical Studies. ---. “Outlining the Soviet Generations in Latvian Post-Communist Autobiographies.” Art His- tory and Criticism 6 (2010): 108–14. Print. ---. “Retrospective Anchoring of the Soviet Repressive System: The Autobiographies of the Latvian Intelligentsia.” Between Fear and Freedom: Cultural Representations of the Cold War. Ed. Kathleen Starck. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2010. 193–206. Print. ---. “Social Commentary as Biographical Work: Post-Communist Autobiographies in Latvia.” Auto/Biography Studies 25.2 (2010): 249–63. Print. ---. “Padomju pieredzes (re)konstrukcija biogr fiskajos v st jumos: Latvijas lok l s preses anal ze (1995–2005).” Latvijas Arh vi 1 (2009): 162–94. Print. ---. “Then and Now: Comparing the Soviet and Post-Soviet Experience in Latvian autobiog- raphies.” Satori: Interneta žurn ls (2009): n. pag. Web. ---. “Bišu m te ar primit vu dv seli: K r a Ulma a fokaliz šana Edvarta Virzas monogr fij ‘K rlis Ulmanis’.” Agora. Ed. Vita Zel e et. al. Vol. 6. R ga: Zin tne, 2007. 303–22. Print. Kenéz, Péter. “Autobiography and History.” Hungarian Studies 20.2 (2006): 223–31. Print. Kirss, Tiina, and Rutt Hinrikus, eds. Estonian Life Stories. : Central European UP, 2009. Print. Kirss, Tiina, Ene Kõresaar, and Marju Lauristin, eds. She Who Remembers Survives: Interpreting Estonian Women’s Post-Soviet Life Stories. Tartu: Tartu UP, 2004. Print. Kirss, Tiina. “Survivorship in the Eastern Exile: Estonian Women’s Life Narratives of the 1941 and 1949 Siberian Deportations.” Journal of Baltic Studies 36.1 (2005): 13–38. Print. ---. “Three Generations of Estonian Women: Selves, Lives, Texts.” She Who Remembers Survives: Interpreting Estonian Women’s Post-Soviet Life Stories. Ed. Ene Kõresaar, Marju Lauristin, and Tiina Kirss. Tartu: Tartu UP, 2004. 112–43. Print. ---. “When is the War Over? Ylo-Vesse Velvelt’s Life Story and Surviving the ‘Czech Hell.’” Soldiers of Memory: World War II and Its Aftermath in Estonian Post-Soviet Life Stories. Ed. Ene Kõresaar. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011. 365–83. Print. lis, Roberts. Atmi a un v sture no antropolo ijas l dz psiholo ijai. R ga: N.I.M.S., 1998. Print. Kõresaar, Ene and Tiiu Jaago. “(Re)constructing Conflict and Dialogue: Resistance and Ap- aptation in Soviet from Biographical and Text Analytical Perspectives.” Anthropol- ogy of History Yearbook 2.1(2) (2012): 143–61. Print. Kõresaar, Ene, ed. Soldiers of Memory: World War II and Its Aftermath in Estonian Post-Soviet Life Stories. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011. Print. Bibliography on Life Writing 87

---. “Boris Takk – the Ambiguity of War in a Post-Soviet Life Story.” Soldiers of Memory: World War II and Its Aftermath in Estonian Post Soviet Life Stories. Ed. Ene Kõresaar. New York: Rodopi, 2011. 343–63. Print. ---. Elu ideoloogiad: kollektiivne mälu ja autobiograafiline minevikutülgendus eestlaste elulugudes. [Ide- ologies of Life: Collective Memory and Autobiographical Meaning-making of the Past in Estonian Life Stories]. Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum, 2005. Print. Kõvamees, Anneli. “The Construction of Italy in Soviet Travelogues.” Interlitteraria 18.2 (2013): X–XX. Print. Kreituse, Ilga, and Sandra Ievi a. “Atmodas perioda atmi as k v stures avots.” Latvijas V sture 3.39 (2000): 55–67. Print. Krogzeme-Mosgorda, Baiba. Atmi u albumu trad cija latviešu skol nu kult r . R ga: LU Literat ras, folkloras un m kslas instit ts, 2013. Print. Kr mi a, Maija. “Nacion lais Mutv rdu v stures kr jums k avots Otr pasaules kara b g u izce ošanas motiv cijas p tniec b .” Latvijas V sture 3 (2011): 43–55. Print. Kr mi a-Ko kova, Solveiga, and M ra Zirn te, comp. Kult ras identit tes dimensijas. R ga: FSI, 2011. Print. Kruuspere, Piret. “Estonian Memory Theatre of the 1990’s: Emotional Scale from Fear to Laughter.” Nordic Theatre Studies 21 (2009): 89–97. Print. ---. “Merle Karusoo’s Memory Theatre.” Interlitteraria 7.2 (2002): 267–89. Print. Kurs te, Jan na, comp. Suitu identit te. R ga: LU Apg ds, 2005. Kurs te, Jan na, and Jolantas Stauga, comp. V rkava: tradicion l kult ra un m sdienas. R ga: Madris, 2008. Print. Kurvet-Käosaar, Leena, ed. Omaeluloolisus Eesti Kultuuriloos. [The Role of Life Writing in Estonian Culture]. Spec. Issue of Methis. Studia Humaniora Estonica, 4.5–6 (2010). Print. ---. “Voicing Trauma in the Deportation Narratives of Baltic Women.” Haunted Narratives: Life Writing in an Age of Trauma. Ed. Gabriele Rippl, Philipp Schweighauser, Therese Steffen, Tiina Kirss, and Margit Sutrop. Toronto: U of Toronto, 2013. 129–51. Print. ---. “‘Who knows, will I ever see you again,’ said the one-eyed duck.” Reflections on a Soviet Childhood in Leelo Tungal’s Life Writing. Prose Studies 35.1 (2013): 124–38. Print. ---. “Vulnerable Scriptings: Approaching Hurtfulness of the Repressions of the Stalinist Re- gime in the Life-writings of Baltic Women.” Gender and Trauma: Interdisciplinary Dialogues. Ed. Fatima Festi . Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2012. 89–114. Print. ---. “An Anthology of Lives: Jaan Kross’s Kallid Kaasteelised and Estonian Memorial Culture.” Life Writing Matters in Europe. Ed. Marijke Huisman, Anneke Ribberink, Monica Soeting, and Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012. 279–93. Print. ---. “The Situation of Translation/ Translation Situation in Käbi Laretei’s Life-Writing.” Biog- raphy 32.1 (2009): 137–47. Print. ---. Embodied Subjectivity in the Diaries of Virginia Woolf, Aino Kallas and Anaı`` s Nin. Tartu: Tartu UP, 2006. Print. ---. “Imagining a Hospitable Community in the Deportation and Emigration Narratives of Baltic Women.” Women’s Life-Writing and Imagined Communities. Ed. Cynthia Huff. London: Routledge, 2005. 59–78. Print. 88 Bibliography on Life Writing

Laanes, Eneken. “Anecdotalization of Memory in Jaan Kross’ Paigallend.” Haunted Narratives: Life Writing in an Age of Trauma. Ed. Gabriele Rippl, Philipp Schweighauser, Tiina Kirss, Margit Sutrop, and Therese Steffen. Toronto: Toronto UP, 2013. 187–210. Print. Lazda, Mara. “Women, Nation, and Survival: Latvian Women in Siberia 1941–1957.” Journal of Baltic Studies 36.1 (2005): 1–12. Print. Lebow, Katherine. “The Conscience of the Skin: Interwar Polish Autobiography and Social Rights.” Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Develop- ment 3.3 (2012): 297–319. Print. Leinart , Dalia. “Lithuanian Women and Lithuanian Men in Soviet Exile: Living Through Trauma.” Maps of Memory: Trauma, Identity and Exile in Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States. Ed. Violeta Davoli t and Tomas Balkelis. Vilnius: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2012. n. pag. Web. ---. Adopting and Remembering Soviet Reality: Life Stories of Lithuanian Women, 1945–1970. Amster- dam: Rodopi, 2010. Print. Lie, Suzanne Stiver, Lynda Malik, Ilvi Joe-Cannon, and Rutt Hinrikus, eds. Carrying Linda’s Stones: An Anthology of Estonian Women’s Life Stories. Tallinn: Tallinn UP, 2006. Print. Liljeström, Marianne. Useful Selves: Russian Women’s Autobiographical Texts from the Postwar ­Period. Helsinki: Kikimora Publications, 2004. Print. Luca, Ioana. “A Travelling Self with No Return Address: Anca Vlasopolos.” Mobile Narratives: Travel, Migration, and Transculturation. Ed. Eleftheria Arapoglou, Mónika Fodor, and Jopi Nyman. Routledge, 2013. 251–65. Print. ---. “Communism: Intimate Publics.” Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 34.1 (2011): 70– 82. Print. ---. “Between Two Worlds: Andrei Codrescu’s The Hole in the Flag: A Romanian Exile’s Story of Return and Revolution.” Auto/Biography and Mediation. Ed. Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag UP, 2010. 271–86. Print. ---. “Leaves from the Motherbook: Susan Suleiman’s Journey into Unforgetting.” Prose Studies 31.3 (2009): 267–79. Print. ---. “Post-Communist Life Writing and the Discourses of History: Vesna Goldsworthy’s Cherno- byl Strawberries.” Rethinking History 13.1 (2009): 83–97. Print. Manolescu, Ion. Literatura Memorialistica˘: Radu Petrescu, Ioan D. Sîrbu, N. Steinhardt. [Autobio- graphical Literature: Radu Petrescu, Ioan D. Sîrbu, N. Steinhardt]. Bucure ti: Humanitas, 1996. Print. Markelis, Daiva. “Talking through Letters: Collaborative Writing in Early Lithuanian Immi- grant Life.” Written Communication 20.2 (2003): 153–69. Print. Mekis, János D. “Dupla Topografija: Šandor Marai, Topografija. [Double Topography: On Sándor Márai’s Narrative Essay ‘Topography’].”Književni Magazin 9.93–94 (2009): 25–31. Print. ---. “Egymást Folytató önéletírások: A Két Háború Közötti Magyar Autobiográfia Kérdéséhez. [Autobiographies Continuing One Another: Hungarian Inter-War Life Writing]. Írott és olvasott identitás: Az önéletrajzi mu˝fajok kontextusai [Written and Read Identity: Contexts of Au- tobiographical Genres]. Ed. Zoltán Z. Varga and János D. Mekis. Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2008. 292–302. Print. Bibliography on Life Writing 89

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The editors would like to thank M rti š Kapr ns, Pawel Rodak, Jelena Šesnic´, Audron Raškauskien and Zoltán Z. Varga for their help with the current bibliography