THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LIFE WRITING VOLUME II(2013)T81–94 Bibliography on Life Writing from Eastern Europe The present bibliography is an attempt to bring together work on life writing from Eastern Europe. We welcome further references to national scholarship in the attempt to make more visible the Eastern European presence in life writing. The European Journal of Life Writing provides the ideal format for an open ended sharing of references to which all inter- ested scholars in the field are invited to contribute. Aarelaid, Aili, and Li Bennich-Björkman.Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads. London: Routledge, 2012. Print. ---. Cultural Trauma and Life Stories. Helsinki: Kikimora, 2006. Print. Anghelescu, Mircea. Literatura Autobiografica˘: Pus¸ca˘ria la Români Note De Curs s¸i Antologie. [Autobiographical Literature: Prison Writings. Anthology and Course Notes]. Bucures¸ti: Editura Universita˘t,ii din Bucures¸ti, 2008. Print. ---. Literatur i biografie. [Literature and Biography]. Bucure ti: Editura Universal Dalsi, 2005. Annuk, Eve. “In Search of an Autobiographical Room of Her Own: First Feminist Lilli Su- burg (1841–1923) as an Autobiographer.” Aspasia. International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women’s and Gender History 7 (2013): 1–18. Print. ---. “Letters as a New Approach to History: A Case Study of an Estonian Poet Ilmi Kolla (1933– 1954).” NORA: Nordic Journal of Women’s Studies 1 (2007): 6–20. Print. ---. Ilmi Kolla ja tema aeg: biograafilise lähenemisviisi võimalusi nõukogue aja kontekstis. [Ilmi Kolla and Her Time: The Possibilities of Biographical Approach in the Context of Researching the Soviet Period]. Tartu: Tartu UP, 2006. Print. Avižienis, Jura. “Learning to Curse in Russian: Mimicry in Siberian Exile.” Baltic Postcolonial- ism: On the Boundary of Two Worlds: Identity, Freedom, and Moral Imagination in the Baltics. Ed. Violeta Kelertas. 6th ed. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006. 186–202. Print. ---. “Performing Identity: Lithuanian Memoirs of Siberian Deportation and Exile.” History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th and 20th Centuries. 4th ed. Ed. Marcel Corni -Pope and John Neubauer. Vol. 4. Amsterdam: J. Ben- jamins, 2010. 504–14. Print. Bak, Janos. “Political Biography and Memoir in Totalitarian Eastern Europe.” Political Mem- oir: Essays on the Politics of Memory. George W. Egerton. London: F. Cass, 1994. 292–301. Print. European Journal of Life Writing, Vol II, T81–94 2013. doi: 10.5463/ejlw.2.23 82 Bibliography on Life Writing Balkelis, Tomas. “Ethnicity and Identity in the Memoirs of Lithuanian Children Deported to the Gulag.” Maps of Memory: Trauma, Identity and Exile in Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States. Ed. Violeta Davoli t and Tomas Balkelis. Vilnius: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2012. n. pag. Web. ---. “Lithuanian Children in the Gulag: Deportations, Ethnicity and Identity in Memoirs of Children Deportees, 1941–1952.” Lituanus 51.3 (2005): 40–75. Print. Beitnere, Dagm ra. “Identit te un pašreference dz vesst st .” LZA V stis 5.59 (2005): 36–43. Print. ---. “Pretest bas t ma dz vesst stos.” Kult ra un Vara. Raksti par valodu, literat ru, tradicion lo kult ru. R ga: LU Akad miskais apg ds, 2007. 49–58. Print. Bela-Kr mi a, Baiba. “Dz vesst ssti k resurss sabiedr bas izp t : Nacion l s mutv rdu v stures projekts.” Sociolo ija Latvij . R ga: LU Akad miskais apg ds, 2010. 380–401. Print. ---. “Everyday Life, Power, and Agency in Turbulent Latvia: The Story of Otto Irbe.” Baltic Biog- raphies in Historical Crossroads. Ed. Aili Aardelaid-Tart and Li Bennich-Björkman. London: Routledge, 2012. 37–52. Print. ---. “Relationship between Personal and Social: Strategies of Everyday Life in the Process of Radical Social Changes.” Pro Ethnologia 16 (2003): 9–19. Print. ---. M s nebrauc m uz Zviedriju, lai k tu par zviedriem: mutv rdu v stures p t jums. R ga: Zin tne, 2010. Print. Bela-Kr mi a, Baiba, M ra Zirn te, and Arnolds Podmazovs, comp. Letonikas kongress. Nacion l mutv rdu v sture. Reli isk s idejas Latvij . R ga: LU Filozofijas un sociolo ijas instit ts, 2008. Print. Bennich-Björkman, Li, and Aili Aarelaid. Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads. London: Routledge, 2012. Print. B rzi a-Reinsone, Sanita. “St sti par apmald šanos: priekšstati un skaidrojumi.” Platforma 2. R ga: Zin tne (2004): 155–63. Print. ---. “Priekšstati par telpu apmald šan s st stos.” Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference in Liep ja University: Aktu las probl mas literat ras zin tn . Liep ja: Liep ja University, 2005. 262–69. Print. Besemeres, Mary. “The Family in Exile, between Languages: Eva Hoffman’s Lost in Transla- tion, Lisa Appignanesi’s Losing the Dead, Anca Vlasopolos’s No Return Address.” A/B: Auto/ Biography Studies 19.1–2 (2004): 239–48. Print. ---. “Rewriting One’s Self in English: Milosz Translated by Milosz.” Translating One’s Self: Lan- guage and Selfhood in Cross-Cultural Autobiography. Mary Besemeres. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2002. 65–85. Print. Breši , Vinko, ed. Autobiografije Hrvatskih Pisaca. [Autobiography in Croatian Literature]. Zagreb: AGM, 1997. Print. ---. Teme novije hrvatske književnosti. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, 2001. Print. Budryt , Dovil . “‘We Didn’t Keep Diaries, You Know’: Memories of Trauma and Violence in the Narratives of Two Former Women Resistance Fighters.” Lituanus 57.2 (2011): n. pag. Web. ---. “Experiences of Collective Trauma and Political Activism: A Study of Women ‘Agents of Memory’ in Post-Soviet Lithuania.” Journal of Baltic Studies 41.3 (2010): 331–50. Rpt. in Bibliography on Life Writing 83 Memory and Democratic Pluralism in the Baltic States – Rethinking the Relationship. Ed. Eva- Clarita Onken. London: Routledge, 2011. Print. ---. “Transnational Memory as Traveling Trauma: Lithuanian Traumatic Memory after World War II.” Memory and Trauma in International Relations: Theories, Cases and Debates. Ed. Erica Resende and Dovile Budryte. New York: Routledge, 2013. Print. ---. “War, Deportation and Trauma in the Narratives of Former Women Resistance Fight- ers.” Maps of Memory: Trauma, Identity and Exile in Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States. Ed. Violeta Davoli t and Tomas Balkelis. Vilnius: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2012. Print. Buhanovska, Sintija. “Fakti un fikcija: totalit risma literat ra un m sdienu memu ri.” By Jan na Kurs te, et al. Kult ra un vara: raksti par valodu, literat ru, tradicion lo kult ru. R ga: LU Akad miskais apg ds, 2007. 149–55. Print. ---. “Reli ija uz 1940.–1960. gadu fona: ieskats memu rliterat r .” Literat ra, folkloristika, m ksla 732 (2008): 165–71. Print. Bula, Dace. “Zvejnieku b rni: Pieredzes ce i manga salnieku atmi u st stos.” Letonica 16 (2007): 7–26. Print. Cesereanu, Ruxandra. “Representations of the Gulag in the Romanian Detention Memoirs.” Echinox Journal 15 (2008): 7–15. Print. ---. Gulagul în Con tiin a Româneasc : Memorialistica i Literatura Închisorilor i Lag relor Comu- niste: Eseu de Mentalitate. [The Gulag in the Romanian Consciousness: Diaries and Literature from Prisons and Communist Camps]. Ias : Polirom, 2005. Print. Corni -Pope, Marcel. “Paul Goma: The Permanence of Dissidence and Exile.” The Exile and Return of Writers from East-Central Europe: A Compendium. Ed. John Neubauer and Borbála Zsuzsanna Török. New York: Walter De Gruyter, 2010. 342–67. Print. Cozea, Liana. Confesiuni ale Eului Feminin. [Women’s Confessional Writings]. Pite ti: Paralela 45, 2005. Print. Cr ciun, Camelia. “Monica Lovinescu at Radio Free Europe.” The Exile and Return of Writers from East-Central Europe: A Compendium. Ed. John Neubauer, and Borbála Zsuzsanna Török. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 276–303. Print. Danys, Milda. DP: Lithuanian Immigration to Canada after the Second World War. Toronto: Multi- cultural History Soc. of Ontario, 1989. Print. Danyt , Milda [Danys, Milda]. “The Emigrant Experience: Contract Hiring of Displaced Per- sons in Canadian Domestic Employment, 1947–1950.” Lituanus 29.2 (1983): n. pag. Web. http://www.lituanus.org/1983_2/83_2_04.htm. Daugirdait , Solveiga. “Travelling Women in Modern Lithuanian Literature.” New Women’s Writing in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe: Gender, Generation, and Identities. Ed. Rosalind Marsh. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2012. 220–37. Print. Davoli t , Violeta. “‘We Are All Deportees.’ The Trauma of Displacement and the Consoli- dation of National Identity during the Popular Movement in Lithuania.” Maps of Memory: Trauma, Identity and Exile in Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States. Ed. Violeta Davoli t and Tomas Balkelis. Vilnius: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2012. n. pag. Web. ---. “Deportee Memoirs and Lithuanian History: The Double Testimony of Dalia Grinkevi i t .” Journal of Baltic Studies 36.1 (2005): 51–68. Print. 84 Bibliography on Life Writing Dobos, István. “Stereotypes in Autobiographical Reading.” Neohelicon 32.1 (2005): 25–33. Print. Duppé, Claudia. “Tourist in Her Native Country: Kapka Kassabova’s Street Without a Name.” Facing the East in the West: Images of Eastern Europe in British Literature, Film and Culture. Ed. Barbara Korte, Eva Ulrike. Pirker, and Sissy Helff. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010. 423–36. Print. Elenkov, Ivan, and Daniela Koleva. “Historical Studies in Post-Communist Bulgaria: Between Academic Standards and Political Agendas.” Narratives Unbound: Historical Studies in Post- Communist Eastern Europe. Ed. Sorin Antohi, Balázs Trencsényi, and Péter Apor. New York: Central European UP, 2007.
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