SEC'THlx" OI* THK . SHOWING LONGITUDINAL * - » b* and utilized every modern improvement to Ê««^ * *-* - ¦^-» Tic bnllden of *. THsnfc procl_dH___! »>e flooded «H* to the ship s«a sus s-..- *s... rendered ¡t imponible to constnic._____^____Ä_xrrÄ^eornimrtmontt of such size that they muid ¦^.¦¡.J* aïswt^^JE^Sasttj raws SW

suction that would surely draw ¡n time of dereA to torn tAT awr.y to be of the great on land and sea that men have often observed under. »rred to the The steamship Carpathia, with several hun both gallant them d'Hvn when the Titanic dropped Virginian. true that men make this sacrifice at *U to 'MOÜÍÍLS,"W disaster. It is generally Not Quail at Thought of Dsath. red of the Titanic, is now en route to New York.'' who travel in the first and Cificors Do passengers women of the steerage as well as to those Darkness and fog added to the difficulty. Total darkness undoubtedly pre¬ crew were The statement that all the passengers and transferrei name dynamos that fed second cabins." vailed when the Ilfeboati were launched, for the lighting raies m m their data that the the dim light of oil .as qualified later. The officials figured from thi wireless had long before passed out of commission. By the Titanic sank when well that within a few hours they woul«l "AT 2:20 THE TITANIC FOUNDERED." was forty miles from the place where lanterns the Titanic*» officers, knowing Olympic at o'clock last back th«-» cowards and helped the women So she sent the news last night. They calculated that 7 rest on the bottom with their chip, kept Wireless Operators Inter¬ the was out as the messag Shortly afterward following given the was 1,080 miles east of Sandy Hook. As the aver¬ 'nfl chl'dren to sa fet v. the "S O S" night Carpathia reach New The Titanic had. it Is thought, twenty lifeboats, e.ach capable of holding forty preted Signal rom Captain Haddock: run of the Carpathia is fifteen knots an hour, she should age pcrs-ou.--. At best these life craft could not care fur more than eight hundred That Supplanted "C Q D." a. m. the Titanic foundered. to Nev "At 2:20 Carpathia proceeding York early on Thursday evening. life rafts the use of these was not S. S. per-ons. There were sov«-*ral on hoard, but fork with passengers. H. J. HADDOCK, Olympic." mentioned in the «"»lympic's messages. There was plenty of help coming, but he said After this message was handed to Vice-President Franklin the sad part of it all waa that willing hands wer* too far away. OPERATOR OF EXPERIENCE TITANICS CAREER the a few "It is horrible ! HOW Women of the saloon who had been making merry aboard ship threi hours before were h'istled. with their Jewels and their purple and fine linen, "As far as we know, it has been rumored from Halifax that ENDED BY ICEBERG John George Phillips, Trusted WAS clad of the For once In lifi the the Car Into lifeboat« with their modestly sisters steerage. Employe of Marconi Com« iteamers have passengers on board, namely, Virginian, each a to this they were on a -nmmnn plane, huddled top-ether In lifeboats, where had While the new ten-mllllon-doll .r White Star liner Titanic, carrying pany, Had Best Appa« «thia and the Parisian. comm-in thought that she was leaving behind a father, husband or son to perish of the richest end most prominent pf»r3ons In the I'nlted States and ratus at Command. Haddock that the Titanic sanl Tort some lac» that them to the r