PRESS RELEASE An artistic and technical prowess! Since 2014, more than 60,000 people saw the new version of the popular evening show Rendez-vous à la cathédrale “The Lights of Liberty”. This success led the Intercom Tourist Office to renew the show-event in 2016. The tree of liberty and the cathedral will therefore continue this year to adorn a thousand lights throughout the summer! Directed by the company Spectaculaires, Allumeurs d’images, a world leading company in the field of monumental projections, this show is a journey to the heart of Liberty!

Liberty, a strong value in Bayeux Historic gateway to the D-Day Beaches area, first town to be liberated in 1944, Bayeux is also the guardian of the famous Tapestry and has been hosting the Prix Bayeux Calvados for War Correspondents since its creation in 1994... Bayeux is therefore a coherent venue for the show « Rendez-vous à la cathédrale », centred on liberty. The Place de la Liberté, the surrounding buildings, the cathedral and the two-hundred-year-old tree offer an ideal location for the artistic creation of the company Spectaculaires, creator of the event.

A stone facade and a plane tree used as screens Planted in 1797, the Tree of Liberty of Bayeux stands proudly at the centre of the Place de la Liberté, which, for the occasion, becomes a theatre in the heart of the medieval city. This 360 degree video mapping, a unique artistic and technical prowess, is designed to light up the trunk and branches of the tree. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, the Allied landings, the freedom of the press, the freedom to love, and the symbol of « flower power »... Liberty in and around the world is celebrated through short « modules », projected continuously during the evening (duration of a cycle: 40 minutes). The portraits of Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and General de Gaulle are shown alongside the works of Paul Eluard, Mozart and Debussy. In parallel, the cathedral is adorned with a thousand colours, right to the tip of its highest point, the Lantern Tower.

« Mind-blowing! » « Unique! » « Amazing! »

Rendez-vous à la Cathédrale : key figures ☼ More than 130 000 spectators since 2010, with more From July 12 to August 27, 2016 – Free show than 60 000 for « Les lumières de la Liberté » since 2014 On Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays ☼ A budget of 150 000 €, 50% of which stems from From dusk to 00.30 a.m. exterior funds Tree of Liberty – Cathedral ☼ In 2016, 21 evening shows

Rendez-vous à la cathédrale 2016 – Press contact : Claire BEAURUEL – Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom Tél : +33(0) – [email protected] – 1

CONTENTS « It is when Night prevails that it is fine to believe in the Light », Edmond Rostand

A story of freedom ...... p.3

An unprecedented technological challenge ...... p.4

The Tree of Liberty, a two hundred year old plane tree ...... p.5

The Bayeux cathedral and the beauty of stone ...... p.5

Bayeux, a symbol of freedom ...... p.6

Spectaculaires, a world reference ...... p.7

They talked about the show ...... p.8

The partners of Rendez-vous à la cathédrale ...... p.9

Practical information ...... p.10

A colourful triptych! ...... p.11

Contacts ...... p.12

Rendez-vous à la cathédrale 2016 – Press contact : Claire BEAURUEL – Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom Tél : +33(0) – [email protected] – 2

A STORY OF FREEDOM Rendez-vous à la Cathédrale “The Lights of Liberty” is a universal show, for the whole family, of all nationalities, enriched by a soundtrack and carefully selected images…

The first paid holidays – True ode to chosen artists. Soundtrack: Senza by holiday time, a symbol of freedom, this Camille, Circle by Bobby Mc Ferrin. scene shows alternatively blue and white bathing costumes, beach huts Liberté by Paul Eluard – A « rainbow » and games… On the melody of the song tree evolves slowly for the duration of “Nationale 7”, the resorts of Normandy the poem… Soundtrack: Rêverie by welcome holiday makers! Soundtrack: Debussy. Nationale 7 by Charles Trenet, covered by Spectaculaires in Nationale « 13 » Liberty of the press, the liberty to

inform – To the sound of radio reports, The Liberation of 1944 & the speech by the tree is covered with international the General de Gaulle in Bayeux – newspaper reports, which become After the horror of the D-day landings, stained with ink, crossed out, and the fighting, fire and desolation comes ▲ I have a dream – Black and white illegible, and censured. Just like a TV the time of release. Projected on the stripes symbolise the bars of a prison. screen, the image blurs, white dots trunk, the Cross of Lorraine, symbol of Behind them Martin Luther King’s appear and the image vanishes… French Resistance, and the speech of famous sentence “I HAVE A th General de Gaulle on 14 June 1944, in DREAM” and other symbols of

Bayeux. Soundtrack: Time by Hans freedom such as Mahatma Gandhi, Zimmer & Swing 42 by Django Reinhardt. Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks… These form a mosaic of faces, in a colourful scene, previously shown in black and white. Soundtrack: Kae le Kae by the Soweto Gospel Choir, extracts of the Martin Luther King’s


Flower Power – The “hippie” era with its utopian ideas is represented in a

highly colourful scene... Hippie ▲ Freedom to love – Hearts pierced

hairstyles, psychedelic sunglasses and with arrows – the universal symbol of

of course the peace and love symbol… love – are etched into the bark of the

Soundtrack: If you’re going to San tree... The light then dims, the tree is

Francisco by Scott McKenzie. dressed with lace, and undressed, and ▲ The Revolution, the Declaration of appears “naked” in front of spectators, the Rights of Man and of the Citizen – Artistic creation, “in the manner its bark covered with love messages th On March 30 1797, the Tree of Liberty of...” – is a poetic sequence and hearts. Soundtrack: Déshabillez- is planted in Bayeux... The symbols of inspired by the works of great moi by Juliette Gréco. freedom appear successively: artists such as Van Gogh, Klee, Klimt, Marianne, tricolour ribbons, and the Miro, and Monet… The tree first Phrygian cap... Soundtrack: Concerto appears as a sketch and gradually fills pour clarinette by Mozart. with colour and shapes evoking the

Rendez-vous à la cathédrale 2016 – Press contact : Claire BEAURUEL – Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom Tél : +33(0) – [email protected] – 3

AN UNPRECEDENTED TECHNOLOGICAL CHALLENGE Many hours of work were needed in order to dress each vein of the tree and highlight the fine texture of its bark. Complex techniques were also designed to allow the projection of animated images in the branches and leaves!

Audiovisual columns specially designed for Bayeux Spectaculaires use eight HD video projectors around the tree. The four- meter-high towers were specially designed for Bayeux and fit discreetly in the environment, unnoticed by the public. The columns are made of aluminium, and contain all the lighting, sound, video and IT equipment, needed for the projection of the show. Developing the most suitable tools and investing in research and development is one of Spectaculaires’ missions.

These technical achievements answer several constraints:  DISCRETION (unnoticed by spectators)  BULK (no impact on the circulation of the public)  SECURITY / SOLIDITY (resistance to crowd, circulation, and children)  RESISTANCE (to the wind, thermic dissipation, water-tightness)  PROTECTION (against theft and/or damage)

Advancing technology enables ideas to become real projects « We had been thinking about this scenic installation for five years but techniques needed to evolve. In 2014, the anniversary of the Liberation seemed like the perfect opportunity to propose this show. We created a fusion between light and the tree, like a technical photosynthesis, both poetic and lyrical! » Benoit Quéro, Director-Founder of Spectaculaires, Allumeurs d’images

« Current technologies enabled the organisers of “Rendez-vous à la cathédrale” to give concrete expression to the ideas which had been forming in their minds for several years. The first edition, in two parts (highlighting of the cathedral / projection of monumental images on the facade of the Deanery) was such a success that the Tourist Office decided to place a new order with the company Spectaculaires for the next challenge: lighting up the place de la Liberté and the tree in the centre of the square. It is a true work of art which once again awaits spectators. » Loïc JAMIN, President of the Bayeux Intercom Tourist Office

Rendez-vous à la cathédrale 2016 – Press contact : Claire BEAURUEL – Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom Tél : +33(0) – [email protected] – 4

THE TREE OF LIBERTY, A TWO HUNDRED YEAR OLD PLANE TREE In Bayeux, the Tree of Liberty takes centre stage in the eponymous square, the inner courtyard of the former Episcopal buildings. At the end of the Revolution in 1793, these religious buildings were seized and became part of national civil heritage. Today they house the Baron Gérard Art and History Museum (MAHB). A plane tree was planted in 1797 in the centre of this new place of authority and was called the Tree of Liberty, giving its name to the square.

Trees of liberty, a small story set amongst a bigger story Trees were planted as a symbol of freedom during the French revolution and the revolutions of the 19th century (the first one was planted in 1790). They quickly became the target of numerous crimes against the republic; the trees were lacerated with graffiti (royalist inscriptions), cut or burnt; offences depending on the evolution of the different regimes in . Rare were those who resisted until the end of the 20th century and indeed very few of these emblems of the revolution exist today. A small number are still in a minority of towns, Bayeux being one of these. They can also be seen on the coins of 1 and 2 Euros, used by the French in their everyday lives.

« Freedom has its roots in the heart of the nation, like the roots of a tree in the heart of the earth », Victor Hugo

The tree of Liberty in Bayeux, one of the last existing in France During the revolution in Bayeux a Plane Tree was chosen as a symbol of liberty. Known for its rapid development (five metres of growth in 10 years), for its longevity and its resistance to climatic variations and atmospheric pollution, the Plane tree is a symbol of life, of growth and strength. It was planted in the centre of the Place de la Liberté, the inner courtyard of the former Bishops’ palace in Bayeux, on the 30th of March 1797. Today, the tree is distinguished and protected by the label “Remarkable Tree of France” and measures 30 metres high with a trunk of approximately 2 metres in diameter.


The Bayeux Cathedral, a gem of , situated in the heart of the conservation area, remains a major example of religious buildings in Normandy. The cathedral was consecrated on 14th July 1077, by Bishop Odo of Conteville, in the presence of his illustrious brother, , duke of Normandy and king of England. The from the Middle Ages was probably intended to be hung in the cathedral nave.

Rendez-vous à la cathédrale 2016 – Press contact : Claire BEAURUEL – Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom Tél : +33(0) – [email protected] – 5

BAYEUX, A SYMBOL OF FREEDOM Bayeux, the first town liberated in 1944, is a medieval city completely spared from the destruction of war. It is the guardian of the celebrated Bayeux Tapestry, registered as World Heritage by UNESCO. The city hosts the Prix Bayeux-Calvados for War Correspondents and is a gateway to the 1944 landing beaches. The city offers the perfect setting for the show Rendez-vous à la cathédrale “The Lights of Liberty”. Lights on the city, a true symbol of freedom...

The first town liberated on 7th June 1944 Bayeux was freed on 7th June 1944, the day after the allies landed on the coast of Normandy. Several days later General de Gaulle came to the capital of the Bessin to make a speech affirming the presence of French soldiers amongst the troops of the liberation and re- establishing republican legality on national soil. He entrusted a regional commissioner of the Republic with the administration of the liberated territories and Bayeux thus became, until the liberation of Paris the 25th August, the administrative capital of France. The speech by General de Gaulle on 14th June 1944, gave the square in the centre of the town its present name, place Général de Gaulle.

The Bayeux Tapestry: a treasure for Humankind Bayeux Tapestry is one of the rare artefacts listed “Memory of the World” by UNESCO, open to the public. This thousand-year-old authentic embroidery takes you back to the days of strongholds and castles. Considered as the precursor of comic strips, it relates the Epic Adventure of William the Conqueror, the famous Duke of Normandy, who went to Hastings in 1066 to seize the throne of England. Its historical value and aesthetic quality continues to inspire artists and historians from around the world.

Prix Bayeux-Calvados (War Correspondent Prize) This event is a tribute to war correspondents who, at the risk of their lives, open a window on the world. During the week: exhibitions, public screenings, book fairs and debates. The closing evening is an opportunity to talk about the burning issues of the moment, with the many journalists present, and finishes with a Prize-giving ceremony.

Bayeux, gateway to the Landing Beaches At daybreak on 6th June 1944, the Allies landed on the Normandy beaches to liberate Europe from the grip of the Nazi. From that moment, Bessin became the scene of the military operation “Overlord”. The Battle of Normandy lasted over 3 months, causing heavy loss in men. Bessin still shows signs of the terrible conflict. Today, the historic fighting sites, the war museums and the military cemeteries are here to remind us, and to offer a message of peace to young generations. Bayeux, with its central position, has become the gateway to the Normandy Landing Beaches, attracting visitors wishing to learn about the history of the Landings and the Battle of Normandy. Rendez-vous à la cathédrale 2016 – Press contact : Claire BEAURUEL – Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom Tél : +33(0) – [email protected] – 6

SPECTACULAIRES, A WORLD REFERENCE Created in 1987, the company Spectaculaires, Allumeurs d’images offers three fields of expertise within their line of business: technical concept and artistic creation of cultural and corporate events, and scenic equipment.

Originating from Brittany, “les Allumeurs d’images” are already renowned for the creation of grandiose shows, which revealed the architectural wonders of European cities such as Nancy (opposite), Brussels, Lyon; they enchanted thousands of spectators all around the world with sensitive and inspired scenarios, in Brazil, Ukraine or Vietnam.

« Light is life! », Benoit Quéro – Directeur-Fondateur de Spectaculaires

In France, in Brittany and internationally, the company Spectaculaires, Allumeurs d'images like telling stories, and sublimating moments in time, places or buildings by creating original and poetic shows. These gatherings, serving as economic leverage, bring people together around a story, a territory, an identity or quite simply enable them to enjoy a festive occasion.

Examples of creations

From top to bottom, and left to right: - Mosquée Al Majaz, Sharjah Light Festival (Emirats Arabes Unis) - Illumi’Nantes, Cathédrale de Nantes (France) - Rendez-vous Bundesplatz, Berne (Suisse) - Palais de la Réunification - Hô Chi-Minh Ville (Vietnam) - Au fil de ŁÓdź, Light Move Festival, ŁÓdź (Pologne)

Rendez-vous à la cathédrale « The Lights of Liberty » : a poetic weapon « It is a renewal of frontal projections, an artistic challenge! The subject – liberty – is really very topical. Our creation is a poetic weapon. » Benoit Quéro, Director-Founder of Spectaculaires, Allumeurs d’images

Rendez-vous à la cathédrale 2016 – Press contact : Claire BEAURUEL – Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom Tél : +33(0) – [email protected] – 7


Report in the TF1 news – Friday 31st July 2015 Report in the FR3 news – Friday 31st July 2015 Average audience: 4,5 millions of viewers Average audience: 130 000 viewers > see online > see online

online 50 000 copies 10 400 copies

Chinese social network online 3,5 millions visitors/months

65 000 copies 32 000 copies 820 000 readers 320 000 readers 60 000 subscribers 30 000 subscribers

Rendez-vous à la cathédrale 2016 – Press contact : Claire BEAURUEL – Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom Tél : +33(0) – [email protected] – 8


Rendez-vous à la cathédrale 2016 – Press contact : Claire BEAURUEL – Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom Tél : +33(0) – [email protected] – 9


Rendez-vous à la Cathédrale « The Lights of Liberty » BAYEUX

From July 12 to August 27, 2016

On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays – From dusk to 00.30 am

Tree of Liberty – Cathedral


+ The cathedral will be opened exceptionally from 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm

Rendez-vous à la cathédrale 2016 – Press contact : Claire BEAURUEL – Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom Tél : +33(0) – [email protected] – 10

A COLOURFUL TRIPTYCH! The show Rendez-vous à la cathédrale « The lights of Liberty » is part of summer entertainment triptych, proposed each year by the Bayeux Intercom Tourist Office. These have been developed thanks mainly to the tourist tax, implemented in 2007.

Rendez-vous à la Cathédrale – Bayeux From July 12 to August 27, 2016 Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays – From dusk to 12.30 am Tree of Liberty – Cathedral Free + The cathedral will be opened exceptionally from 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm

Fireworks at Tour Vauban – Port-en-Bessin From July 8 to August 26, 2016 (except July 15) Every Friday at 11.00 pm On the quayside of Port-en-Bessin-Huppain Free

Musical evenings – Juaye-Mondaye From July 20 to August 10, 2016 Every Wednesday from 9.00 pm to 11.00 pm In the gardens of the abbey Free + The abbey will be opened to the public until 9.30 pm

Rendez-vous à la cathédrale 2016 – Press contact : Claire BEAURUEL – Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom Tél : +33(0) – [email protected] – 11

Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom RENDEZ-VOUS A LA CATHEDRALE « LES LUMIERES DE LA LIBERTE » Press kit 2016

Press contact

Claire BEAURUEL Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom 4 place Gauquelin Despallières – 14400 BAYEUX Tél : +33(0)2 31 51 28 24 – Portable : +33(0)6 30 24 00 10 [email protected] –

Contact us (General public)

Bayeux tourist office Pont Saint-Jean – 14400 Bayeux Tél : +33(0)2 31 51 28 28 – Fax : +33(0)2 31 51 28 29 [email protected] –

Rendez-vous à la cathédrale 2016 – Press contact : Claire BEAURUEL – Tourist office of Bayeux Intercom Tél : +33(0) – [email protected] – 12