Concern for the Power of Spirit Dear Readers, Dear Pilgrims!

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Concern for the Power of Spirit Dear Readers, Dear Pilgrims! WYD 2016 Special Edition DAILY The first issue of “Polska Zbrojna” came out on October 5, 1921. The daily, as it activities, also for civilian readers. “Polska Zbrojna” is celebrating its 95th anniver- was the formula of the magazine then, was addressed to soldiers. It informed about sary this year as the oldest Polish magazine. This special edition dedicated to World events important to them, described military reality and formed opinions. “Polska Youth Day contains information on initiatives, performances and exhibitions orga- Zbrojna” had special meaning to Marshal Józef Piłsudski. Today, it is published as nized for pilgrims, which are worth visiting and seeing and which refer to the tradi- a monthly and still serves the army, promotes our armed forces and writes on their tion and history of Polish arms. World Youth Day, Kraków, July 26–31, 2016 Concern for the Power of Spirit Warsaw, July 14, 2016 “There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the spirit” (Napoleon Bonaparte). The power of the sword is determined by military potential and the strength of the army, its equipment, training and professionalism of commanders and soldiers. It is in prayer that a man de- velops the power of spirit, realizing that when fighting The military banner is the most precious relic for a soldier. evil, he is not alone. God is on his side and helps “over- Photo: Michał Niwicz come evil with good.” Taking part in the Eucharist also strengthens the human spirit, so that it could defend the highest values and make the greatest sacrifice. Final- ly, human history is shaped by the power of spirit. The Dear Readers, Dear Pilgrims! Decalogue and the commandment of love of God and I am extremely pleased that as the Minister of Nation- and undertake heroic deeds. There is a reason why most neighbor are a guidance on how to change oneself and al Defense of the Republic of Poland I have an oppor- of the highest military decorations are cross-shaped. the world. Holy Father Francis keeps underlining that in tunity to address you – the participants of World Youth Dear Pilgrims, many dimensions of his ministry. Day. You have gathered here, in Brzegi near Kraków, I am glad that I can address you, young people, full World Youth Day will gather young people from on the land which is close to every Pole. Kraków was one of enthusiasm and love for God. You are the future 187 countries around the world. Among them there will of the first capitals of the Polish state, which is celebrat- of the world. Thanks to your religious upbringing and be Polish soldiers and representatives of a dozen or so ing the 1050th anniversary of its baptism this year. Not love for the Homeland, you guarantee that the world armies of NATO. For people wearing a military uniform, far from here, in Wadowice, the most outstanding Pole around us can be better. Your attitude brings hope that meeting with Pope Francis in the royal city of Kraków known to all people – Pope Saint John Paul II, was born. war and terror can pass into oblivion. will be a unique opportunity to strengthen the power of Today, on the occasion of World Youth Day, I am On the other hand, history shows that it is young peo- spirit, to better serve peace and security. recalling Saint John Paul II, as his life was inseparably ple like you, gathered here in Brzegi, who can stand up In the Holy Bible we read: “He shall judge among linked to the Polish Army. His father was one of the Poles to fight for the most important objectives when such the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall who joined the reborn Polish Army after Poland regained need arises in the crucial moments of history. This is beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into independence in 1918, and reached the rank of captain. how young Poles behaved on the memorable days of Au- pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against na- The Pope himself always treated the Army and the uni- gust and September 1944, when they fought an unequal tion, neither shall they learn war anymore (Is 2:4). Al- form of a Polish Soldier with respect and esteem. battle to defend Warsaw from Germans. The Warsaw though keeping peace should be a concern of all of us, in For every soldier, it is the highest distinction and Uprising is a symbol of sacrifice of young people – particular those who serve in the armed forces of their honor to serve the Homeland. However, it also means the flower of the Polish society – defending the Home- countries, we must remember that God is a teacher, being ready for sacrifice, including the ultimate sacri- land and the free world. an arbitrator, a righteous judge, and a peacemaker. fice of their own life. A testimony to such readiness is an Fortunately, today there is no need to fight for freedom In this particular time, we gratefully recall St. John example of priest Ignacy Skorupka, who suffered a he- with weapons in hand. However, people must do every- Paul II, the initiator of World Youth Day. During his roic death near Ossów in 1920, when he was charging thing to make peace a paramount value. Strong faith and pilgrimage to Poland in June 1987, in one of his speech- together with soldiers at the Bolsheviks in the Bat- conviction that evil may be defeated with good come very es he referred to Westerplatte – the place of heroic re- tle of Warsaw. But this readiness has also been prov- helpful here. That is how you, the participants of World sistance of Polish soldiers who fought in World War II. en in more recent times by all those who, until 1963, Youth Day, live. The theme of World Youth Day 2016 in Kraków is: engaged militarily against the communist occupation, I would like to thank you sincerely for that, joining you “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” and those who in recent years have served abroad and in prayer for a free and safe world. (Mt 5:7). May these words from the Gospel according given their lives in the struggle for peace and security to St. Matthew be our guide and source of hope. Let us of the weaker. experience this special time, when the youth from the The military banner is the most precious relic for a sol- whole world meet with Christ and Pope Francis, with dier. It contains the words “God,” “Honor” and “Home- an open and joyful heart. May God’s blessing accompany land,” which confirm how important faith was and is you on your life journey. for people wearing uniforms. Religion helps to survive Antoni Macierewicz the most difficult moments and overcome fear and anxi- Minister of National Defense of Józef Guzdek ety. It is faith which allows to make the greatest sacrifice the Republic of Poland Field Bishop of the Polish Army Special Edition World Youth Day 8 also with blunt weapons and bows. However, their most important A hauberk and a basinet seized at The Most Important Battle weapons were very long lances. They Vienna in 1683 (Turkey, 17th c.). Military Service is a Dictate of Heart were so long that before adversar- Photo: Votive Art Collection at the ies reached the hussars with their Jasna Góra Monastery in History weapons, lances had knocked them to the ground or pierced straight through. Sometimes conducted in the area. In On September 12, 1683, the Muslim plans to con- one hit could pierce several recognition of their com- quer Central Europe were ruined. enemies at a time. mitment, Sobieski himself However, not murderous led that unit in the gener- lances became a symbol al charge. The Christian of hussars, but wings that army under the Polish hussar squires (that is pri- king swooped down on vates) attached to their backs. the Muslims and won! They served, among others, “God and our Lord, forever to shy enemy horses. blessed, gave such victory and The hussars were charging fame to our nation as had nev- in a tight formation, close to one er been heard of before in past another. They were riding so close centuries,” this is how Jan III that their feet and knees touched. Sobieski began a letter to his When such a “steel wall” with long wife after the victorious battle. lances, waving pennants, skins and wings “It was an enormous defeat and failure on their backs began to gallop, no one was […], the most disastrous one to have tak- able to stand in their way. Only obstacles en place since the foundation of the Ot- could stop the charge. To eliminate such toman statehood,” confirmed Sobieski’s risk, prior to the general charge, Jan III words an Ottoman historian Silahdar Sobieski sent a single hussar banner, Findiklili Mehmed Agha. It has rarely a small unit numbering slightly over 100 happened in history that the opponents horses, whose task was to check wheth- were so unanimous in assessing the sig- er the site was suitable for cavalry. That nificance of a battle. The Battle of Vi- A fragment of the painting “Jan III Sobieski at Vienna” by Jan Matejko seemingly suicidal mission (the knights enna changed the world history, and its broke in the middle of the enemy for- commentators at the time were aware Under the walls of Vienna, besieged seized from Christians in past centuries, mation, where the Turkish command- of that fact.
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