Agenda Transit Council of Chairs Committee of the Council of The Corporation of the City of

Tuesday, November 7, 2017 Regular Meeting - 1:00 p.m.

Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall

Members: Mayor Linda Jeffrey Regional Councillor E. Moore – Wards 1 and 5 Chair, Planning and Development Services Regional Councillor M. Palleschi – Wards 2 and 6 Chair, Community Services Regional Councillor G. Miles – Wards 7 and 8 Chair, Corporate Services City Councillor J. Bowman – Wards 3 and 4 Chair, Economic Development and Culture City Councillor D. Whillans – Wards 2 and 6 Chair, Public Works and Engineering

For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending (some advance notice may be required), please contact: Shauna Danton, Legislative Coordinator, Telephone (905) 874-2116, TTY (905) 874-2130

Note: Some meeting information may also be available in alternate formats upon request .

Agenda Transit Council of Chairs

Please ensure all cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non-audible mode during the meeting.

1. Approval of Agenda

2. Declarations of Interest Under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

3. Previous Minutes

4. Delegations/Presentations

4.1. Presentation by Chris Duyvestyn, Director, Transportation Special Projects, Public Works and Engineering, re: Regional Connections Initiatives Update

See Item 5.1

5. Reports / Updates

5.1. Report from C. Duyvestyn, Director, Transportation Special Projects, Public Works and Engineering, dated October 17, 2017, re: Regional Connections Initiatives Update – All Wards (File B.FX [Regional Connections])

See Item 4.1

To be received

5.2. Report from C. Duyvestyn, Director, Transportation Special Projects, Public Works and Engineering, dated October 20, 2017, re: Hurontario Transit Project Update - Noise By-Law Exemption and Operating Costs - Wards 3 and 4 (File IA.A [16-3130-481])


6. Other/New Business/Information Items

6.1. Committee discussion re: Committee Terms of Reference and Election of Chair / Vice-Chair

2017 11 07 Page 2 of 3 Agenda Transit Council of Chairs

7. Correspondence

7.1. News release from the Province of , dated October 23, 2017, re: Ontario Moving Ahead on High Speed Rail with Planning Advisory Board

Note: for information only

8. Question Period

9. Public Question Period

15 Minute Limit (regarding any decision made at this meeting)

10. Closed Session

11. Adjournment

Next Meeting: to be determined

2017 11 07 Page 3 of 3 4.1 - 1 4.1 - 2

Regional Connections – Strategic Direction

• Regional Connections – Builds on the strength of existing local and regional networks to expand opportunities for the seamless integration of local and regional multi-modal transportation networks that connect Brampton with the Greater and Hamilton Area (GTHA) and beyond

• Local and regional transportation network improvements will:

o Improve the mobility of residents and employees within Brampton and the GTHA, and increase mode choice (e.g. walking, cycling, transit)

o Support intensification and redevelopment along key corridors and nodes, which will help stimulate economic growth in the City of Brampton 4.1 - 3 Initiatives Underway

A. External Agency Led - Improve regional transportation connections between Brampton & GTHA

 Regional Express Rail (Two Way All Day GO) - Mx  Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Update - Mx  CN Freight Bypass Rail Corridor - Mx  Hwy 407 Transitway - MTO  High Speed Rail (HSR) - Province  Peel Region Sustainable Transportation Study - Peel  GTA West Corridor EA - MTO  Goods Movement - Peel  Hwy 410 Expansion - MTO  Pearson Transit Hub - GTAA  Hurontario LRT - Mx  Vision Zero - Peel

B. Brampton Led - Continue to improve transportation connections within Brampton  Queen St Rapid Transit Master Plan  Active Transportation Master Plan  LRT Extension EA (Gateway-Brampton GO)  Züm Airport Road  Brampton Transportation Master Plan (TMP)

C. Brampton Led - Mobility hubs & intensification corridors to provide higher density, transit- oriented, mixed use development  Gateway Mobility Hubs & Intensification Corridors  Downtown Mobility Hub Master Plan  Bramalea Mobility Hub Master Plan  Hurontario - Steeles Mobility Hub Master Plan

3 4.1 - 4 A. External Agency Led - Improve transportation connections between Brampton & GTHA Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency

RER will facilitate two-way all-day (TWAD) • Notice of Completion for GO Rail Network GO rail service on Kitchener GO line (and Electrification TPAP was issued on Oct. 11, 2017. others) providing 15 minute service Completion of TPAP by end of 2017. Regional between and Bramalea GO • Construction completion by 2025 1 Express Rail Station as well as incremental • Advocate for: (RER) improvements to Mount Pleasant GO o Delivery of RER improvements up to Bramalea GO Station sooner than 2025 (AMO, revised completion 2024) o Extension of TWAD GO rail along the remainder of the Kitchener GO line as soon as possible New 30 km freight rail corridor between • Master agreement to be finalized between Metrolinx Brampton and Milton that would divert CN and CN before an EA study is initiated CN Freight freight traffic from the existing CN • Advocate for delivery of Bypass Rail Corridor sooner 2 Bypass Rail Metrolinx (Kitchener) corridor, allowing extension of than 2024 in order for TWAD GO to proceed to Corridor future RER service through Brampton and Kitchener as soon as possible deliver TWAD GO rail service to Kitchener Preliminary design and environmental • Phase 1 projected to be in-service between Toronto and assessment of a new HSR corridor between London by 2025 and to Windsor by 2031 Toronto and Windsor • Province forming a HSR Planning Advisory Board to Ministry of High Speed provide strategic support for the project 3 Transportation Rail (HSR) • Confirmed that HSR will not supplant planned TWAD (MTO) GO to Kitchener (AMO) • Meet with EA project team regarding a HSR station in Brampton once EA study underway

4 4.1 - 5 A. External Agency Led – cont’d Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency

Completion of the GTA West Corridor EA • Advisory Board has until Spring 2018 to provide study (Stage 2) to finalize alignment for a recommendation to Minister for a decision for Province new highway facility. Route Planning Study to resume EA study to identify a preferred alignment GTA West Area/Corridor protection areas impeding • Advocate for a decision from the Minister by end of 4 MTO Corridor EA progress of development planning for 2017 for the Province to resume EA study to identify a Secondary Plan Areas 47, 52, and 53. preferred alignment (AMO, Advisory Panel has provided their findings to the Minister with a decision expected this Fall) Widening of Highway 410 between • Construction completion by end of 2018 Eglinton Avenue on Highway 403 and • Continue to advocate for future widening north of Hwy 410 5 MTO north of Queen Street including one High Queen Street Expansion Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane and one General Purpose Lane in each direction HuLRT implementation by Metrolinx with • RFP released to 3 short-listed proponents on Aug. 17, 20 km of Light Rail Transit (LRT) in a 2017 dedicated centre right-of-way serving 22 • Successful bidder to be selected during Q3 2018 stops between Brampton Gateway • Construction start in late 2018 Terminal and GO Station. • In-service by end of 2022 6 Hurontario LRT Metrolinx Brampton portion includes 3 LRT stops, 2 • Ensure city requirements are incorporated into the km of LRT mainline track, operations project maintenance & storage facility, cycling • Continue to follow up on Operations & Maintenance tracks and sidewalks, and streetscape and costs public realm improvements.

5 4.1 - 6 A. External Agency Led – cont’d Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency

Legislated review of the Regional • Draft RTP Update released for public review in late Transportation Plan (RTP), which outlines Sept. 2017 with comments due by Nov. 17, 2017 a strategy to develop an interconnected, • Extensive stakeholder outreach and consultation seamless transit/transportation system through Fall 2017 Regional across the GTHA. Brampton staff has been • Final RTP Update to be presented to Metrolinx Board Transportation participating in Metrolinx technical on Dec. 7, 2017 7 Metrolinx Plan (RTP) advisory committees and at Planning and • Ensure Brampton interests/issues are addressed in Update Transit Leaders’ forums. final RTP Update, and through participation in the development of an RTP Implementation Plan that follows, through 2018/2019 • Metrolinx to attend Nov. 20 Planning & Development Services Committee meeting New fully grade-separated transitway • Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP, Transit EA) Hwy 407 along Hwy 407 between Hwy 400 and completion by Spring 2018 8 MTO Transitway Hurontario Street in an exclusive right-of- • Advocate for future station at Kennedy Road and way (dedicated roadway for buses) active transportation corridor Peel Region Plan to make walking, cycling, public • Completion of study in 2018 Sustainable transit, and carpooling desirable for more • Continued participation in project to promote 9 Peel Transportation people in the Region, leading to a 50% Brampton’s interests Study sustainable mode share by 2041

6 4.1 - 7 A. External Agency Led – cont’d Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency

Several goods movement initiatives underway • Participation in Peel Region projects to promote including: Brampton’s interests through 2017/2018 • Peel Goods Movement Task Force including balancing goods movement with • Implementation of Peel Region's Goods complete streets as well as protection of the Goods Movement Strategic Plan character of adjacent communities 10 Peel Movement • Delineation of Prime Employment Areas • Greater Golden Horseshoe Multi-modal Transportation Plan • Goods movement components of upcoming Complete Street study and TMP Update New multi-modal regional transit centre at • GTAA hosted meeting on Oct. 10 with various Greater Toronto Pearson Airport that will connect the agencies including Transport Canada, MTO, Pearson Transit Toronto Airport airport area with key employment and Metrolinx, and municipalities, outlining the need 11 Hub Authority residential areas throughout the Greater for a new mobility hub (Phase 1 by 2027) (GTAA) Golden Horseshoe. • Participate in future studies and promote Brampton’s interests Vision Zero is a road safety initiative with the • Region to complete detailed report in Q1 2018 goal of achieving zero fatalities or serious • Staff to bring future report to Council for 12 Vision Zero Peel injuries on the road network. endorsement of Vision Zero once Region’s report completed

7 4.1 - 8 B. Brampton Led - Continue to improve transportation connections within Brampton

Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency

Queen Street Transit Master Plan to • PIC #2 in Q1 2018 Queen St Rapid determine dedicated rapid transit • PIC #3 in late Q2 2018 13 Transit Master Brampton technology (BRT or LRT) and alignment as • Completion of master plan by early 2019 Plan well as planning and urban design framework EA study to determine a preferred LRT • Consultant retained to undertake EA study route between Brampton Gateway • Metrolinx confirmed they will be part of Steering Terminal and Brampton GO Station with Committee for project LRT Extension LRT alternative routes along Kennedy and • Open house and four rounds of public information 14 EA (Gateway- Brampton McLaughlin Roads meetings as well as stakeholder meetings Brampton GO) • Open House in Q1 2018 • PIC #1 in late Q2 2018 • Completion of EA study in early Fall 2020 TMP provides strategic direction for a • Complete Streets Review initiated, which is essentially sustainable, safe and efficient multi- ‘Part 1’ of the TMP Update that will establish a Brampton modal city-wide transportation network framework for TMP approach and analysis Transportation 15 Brampton addressing transit, active transportation, • Confirm work plan for scheduled TMP Review by Spring Master Plan roads, goods movement and 2018 (TMP) transportation demand management • Coordinate with Development Charges By-law update due by August 2019

8 4.1 - 9 B. Brampton Led – cont’d

Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency

Develop an implementation strategy to • PIC #2 to be held on Nov. 9, 2017 Active build a connected cycling and pedestrian • Study completion by spring 2018 16 Transportation Brampton network to enable safer, more convenient • Begin implementation of recommended active Master Plan travel by non-motorized modes transportation projects work plan upon completion of master plan Züm Airport Road extends current Züm • Construction began in mid-August 2017 Bovaird service via Airport Road between • In-service by Fall 2018 Züm Airport 17 Brampton Bovaird Drive and Steeles Avenue with • Advocate for funding from Provincial and Federal Road buses connecting to Malton GO governments for extension of the service beyond Malton GO to Toronto Pearson Airport 4.1 - 10 C. Brampton Led - Mobility hubs & intensification corridors

Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency

Assess the role and function of the • Coordination with Urban Centres and Planning Vision mobility hubs, major transit station areas game changers Gateway and intensification corridors designated in • Completion of study by end of June 2018 Mobility Hubs the Official Plan in order to identify 18 & Brampton opportunities for higher density, transit- Intensification oriented, mixed-use development that is Corridors integrated with the municipal and regional transportation network Undertake planning of mobility hub at this • Coordination with Urban Centres and Planning Vision Bramalea location to provide higher density, transit game changers 19 Mobility Hub Brampton oriented, mixed use development • Retain consultant by June 2018 Master Plan • Completion of study by Summer 2020 Undertake partial planning of mobility hub • Part of Queen Street Rapid Transit Master Plan with Downtown at this location to provide higher density, draft mobility hub framework by mid-2018 20 Mobility Hub Brampton transit oriented, mixed use development • Continue to advocate for funding from Metrolinx for Master Plan full mobility hub study Hurontario- Undertake planning of mobility hub at this • Coordination with Urban Centres and Planning Vision Steeles 21 Brampton location to provide higher density, transit game changers Mobility Hub oriented, mixed use development • Retain consultant by Summer 2018 Master Plan

10 4.1 - 11 Accomplishments 1. Met with other municipalities along the Innovation Super Corridor in late July to align messaging on RER, HSR and CN Freight Bypass prior to AMO 2. Province stated that Regional Express Rail (RER) to be completed by 2024 (AMO) 3. Province confirmed that High Speed Rail (HSR) in addition to RER (AMO). Province announced that a HSR Planning Advisory Board will be formed to provide strategic support for the project. 4. GTA West Corridor EA – Province stated that recommendation from Advisory Board received with Minister’s decision expected this Fall (AMO) 5. LRT Extension EA Study – Consultant retained (HDR) and study underway 6. Hurontario LRT – RFP released to 3 short-listed proponents on Aug. 17 7. Draft RTP released for comment in late Sept with comments due by Nov. 17 8. Züm Airport Road – Construction began in mid-August with in-service by Fall 2018 9. Staff attended Pearson Hub meeting on Oct. 10 (GTAA, Transport Canada, MTO, Mx, municipalities) 10. MTO approval received for the Franceschini bridge and pathway with construction currently underway and completion expected by end of 2017 11. 407/410 Opportunity Lands – MTO to work with City on potential access to Highways 407 and 410

11 4.1 - 12 Next Steps

1. Active Transportation Master Plan – Hold Public Information Centre #2 on Nov. 9. 2. City’s proposed 2018 Provincial election engagement strategy to be presented at Nov. 15 Committee of Council meeting. 3. Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) – Submit comments on RTP to Metrolinx by Nov. 17. Metrolinx to attend Nov. 20 Planning & Development Services Committee meeting. 4. Continue to participate in Metrolinx Regional Express Rail municipal meetings. 5. Presentation to Municipal Engineers Association Conference on Nov. 22 in Brampton. 6. Follow up with MTO about Minister’s decision on the GTA West Corridor EA. 7. Meeting with new Metrolinx CEO – Phil Verster on Dec. 8. 8. Queen Street Rapid Transit Master Plan – Hold Public Information Centre #2 in Q1 2018. 9. LRT Extension EA Study – Hold Public Open House in Q1 2018. 10. Hurontario LRT - Continue to follow up with Metrolinx on Brampton’s requirements. 11. Vision Zero – Staff to bring future report to Council for endorsement once Region’s report completed, likely by Spring 2018.

12 4.1 - 13

Thank You 5.1 - 1

Report Transit Council of Chairs Committee The Corporation of the City of Brampton 2017-11-07

Date: 2017-10-17

Subject: Regional Connections Initiatives Update - All Wards (File B.FX [Regional Connections])

Contact: Chris Duyvestyn, Director, Transportation Special Projects, Public Works & Engineering (905-874-2544) [email protected]


1. That the report from Chris Duyvestyn, Director, Transportation Special Projects, Public Works & Engineering, dated October 17, 2017, to the Transit Council of Chairs Meeting of November 7, 2017, re: Regional Connections Initiatives Update – All Wards (File B.FX [Regional Connections]), be received.


 Regional Connections is one of six areas of focus for Brampton’s Strategic Plan.

 Regional Connections is about the seamless integration of multi-modal transportation networks that connect Brampton with the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.

 As more than half of the twenty-one projects making up Regional Connections are being led by external agencies, advocacy is important to ensure that other levels of government are aware of Brampton’s transportation needs.

 Progress has been made on Regional Connections including: o Initiation of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) Extension Environmental Assessment (EA) study (Gateway Terminal to Brampton GO); o Continuing preparations for the Hurontario LRT; o Initiation of construction for Züm Airport Road; and o Advocacy efforts for Regional Express Rail (Two Way All Day GO), CN Freight Bypass Rail Corridor, GTA West Corridor EA, Metrolinx 2041 Regional Transportation Plan Update, Highway 410 Expansion, Highway 407 Transitway, and Active Transportation corridors.

5.1 - 2


On March 29, 2017, Council approved six areas of focus for Brampton, stemming from the 2016-2018 Strategic Plan initiatives, known as game changers, including Regional Connections.

The primary objective of Regional Connections is to build on existing local and regional networks to expand opportunities for the integration of a seamless multi-modal transportation network connecting Brampton with the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) and beyond to communities such as Kitchener and Waterloo Region. Benefits of these improvements to the local and regional networks include:

a) Improving the mobility of residents and employees within Brampton and the GTHA, and increase mode choice (e.g. walking, cycling, and transit); and

b) Supporting intensification and redevelopment along key corridors and nodes to help stimulate economic growth in the City of Brampton.

Current Situation:

The project team for Regional Connections consists of staff from Transportation Planning, Transit, Public Works & Engineering, Planning Policy, Strategic Communications, Economic Development, and Government Relations. Upon review of the initial list of transportation projects included in Regional Connections, other key projects were added due to their importance in improving the transportation network to connect Brampton with the GTHA and other communities. Currently, the list includes 21 transportation projects, which is expected to grow as other projects are initiated. Attachment A – Regional Connections: Summary of Transportation Projects provides a brief description and the expected outcomes of each project.

The projects listed under Regional Connections are grouped into three categories:

1. External Agency-Led 2. Brampton-Led - Improve connections within Brampton 3. Brampton-Led - Mobility hubs & intensification corridors

External Agency-Led

Over half of the projects making up Regional Connections are led by external agencies such as Metrolinx, Ministry of Transportation (MTO), Peel Region, etc. This group of projects focuses on improving regional transportation connections between Brampton, the GTHA and other communities. Since Brampton does not have direct control over these externally led projects, advocacy plays an important role in bringing Brampton’s 5.1 - 3

needs to the attention of other levels of government. Networking and establishing partnerships with all levels of government (Federal, Provincial and Municipal) are important to obtaining funding and necessary approvals to ensure the timely delivery of these projects that include:

 Regional Express Rail (Two Way All  Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Day GO) - Metrolinx Update – Metrolinx

 CN Freight Bypass Rail Corridor -  Peel Region Sustainable Metrolinx Transportation Study - Peel

 High Speed Rail (HSR) - MTO  Hwy 407 Transitway - MTO

 GTA West Corridor EA - MTO  Goods Movement - Peel

 Hwy 410 Expansion - MTO  Pearson Transit Hub - GTAA

 Hurontario LRT - Metrolinx  Vision Zero - Peel

Brampton-Led - Improve Connections within Brampton

These projects seek to improve transportation connections within Brampton. Though these projects are led by Brampton, networking with all levels of government is an important component to help secure cooperative partnerships, including funding opportunities and approvals. These projects include:

 Queen St Rapid Transit Master Plan  Active Transportation Master Plan

 LRT Extension EA (Gateway-  Brampton Transportation Master Brampton GO) Plan (TMP)

 Züm Airport Road

Brampton-Led - Mobility Hubs & Intensification Corridors

Brampton is assessing the role and function of the mobility hubs, major transit station areas and intensification corridors designated in the Official Plan in order to identify opportunities for higher density, transit-oriented, mixed-use development that is integrated with the municipal and regional transportation network. These projects include:

 Gateway Mobility Hubs &  Hurontario - Steeles Mobility Hub Intensification Corridors Study Master Plan 5.1 - 4

 Bramalea Mobility Hub Master Plan  Downtown Mobility Hub Master Plan

Progress To-Date

Since the pivot to the Strategic Plan, staff has made progress on Regional Connections as follows:

 Retained a consultant in September 2017 to undertake an Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for the Extension of Light Rail Transit (LRT) from the Brampton Gateway Terminal to the Brampton GO Station.

 Release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) by Metrolinx in August 2017 to three short-listed teams to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the Hurontario LRT including the relocation of the Gateway Terminal LRT stop to the south side of Steeles Avenue to protect for a future LRT extension.

 Construction for Züm Airport Road was initiated in August 2017 to extend the current Züm Bovaird service along Airport Road to the Malton GO Station.

 Ongoing partnership and advocacy with various levels of government and agencies to ensure the City’s transportation needs are being met to deliver on Brampton’s short and long term transportation plans (e.g. Regional Express Rail (Two Way All Day GO), CN Freight Bypass Rail Corridor, GTA West Corridor EA, Metrolinx 2041 Regional Transportation Plan Update, Highway 410 Expansion, Highway 407 Transitway, and Active Transportation corridors including Franceschini Bridge over Highway 410). Some outcomes include: o 2017 Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) Conference in August, where the Province mentioned the following: . GTA West Corridor EA – The Advisory Panel has provided the Minister with their findings, with a decision on the EA study expected this Fall. . Regional Express Rail – Construction on Kitchener GO line to be completed by 2024, including the CN Freight Bypass Rail Corridor. . 407/410 Opportunity Lands – MTO to work with City regarding potential access to Highways 407 and 410. o MTO approval received for the Franceschini bridge and pathway with construction currently underway with completion expected by end of 2017.

Ongoing and Future Advocacy Opportunities

Staff will continue to monitor, engage and identify opportunities to meet with government officials to advance projects outlined within Regional Connections.

Additionally, it is expected that transportation related issues including transit will be key themes identified within the City’s proposed 2018 Provincial election engagement 5.1 - 5

strategy. At the time of preparing this report, the strategy has yet to be endorsed by Council. An update will be provided at the November 7, 2017 Transit Council of Chairs meeting.

Corporate Implications:

Financial Implications:

There are no financial implications resulting from this report.

Strategic Plan:

This report achieves the Strategic Plan priorities of Move & Connect and Smart Growth with the delivery of well-planned infrastructure and efficient transit modes to shape a liveable city and the building of complete communities to accommodate growth for people and jobs. Regional Connections is one of the six areas of focus for the Strategic Plan.


Staff will continue to look for opportunities to advance Brampton’s transportation needs including opportunities leading up to the 2018 Provincial election.

Approved by: Approved by:

Chris Duyvestyn, P.Eng. J.J. Pitushka, P. Eng. Director, Transportation Commissioner, Public Special Projects Works & Engineering


Attachment A – Regional Connections: Summary of Transportation Projects

Report authored by: Chris Duyvestyn 5.1 - 6

Attachment A - Regional Connections – Summary of Transportation Projects

A. External Agency Led - Improve regional transportation connections between Brampton & GTHA  Regional Express Rail (Two Way All Day GO) - Mx  Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Update - Mx  CN Freight Bypass Rail Corridor - Mx  Hwy 407 Transitway - MTO  High Speed Rail (HSR) - Province  Peel Region Sustainable Transportation Study - Peel  GTA West Corridor EA - MTO  Goods Movement - Peel  Hwy 410 Expansion - MTO  Pearson Transit Hub - GTAA  Hurontario LRT - Mx  Vision Zero - Peel

B. Brampton Led - Continue to improve transportation connections within Brampton  Queen St Rapid Transit Master Plan  Active Transportation Master Plan  LRT Extension EA (Gateway-Brampton GO)  Züm Airport Road  Brampton Transportation Master Plan (TMP)

C. Brampton Led - Mobility hubs & intensification corridors to provide higher density, transit oriented, mixed use development  Gateway Mobility Hubs & Intensification Corridors  Downtown Mobility Hub Master Plan  Bramalea Mobility Hub Master Plan  Hurontario - Steeles Mobility Hub Master Plan 5.1 - 7

Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency A. External Agency Lead - Improve regional transportation connections between Brampton & GTHA RER will facilitate two-way all-day (TWAD) • Notice of Completion for GO Rail Network GO rail service on Kitchener GO line (and Electrification TPAP was issued on Oct. 11, 2017. others) providing 15 minute service Completion of TPAP by end of 2017. Regional between Union Station and Bramalea GO • Construction completion by 2025 1 Express Rail Metrolinx Station as well as incremental • Advocate for: (RER) improvements to Mount Pleasant GO o Delivery of RER improvements up to Bramalea GO Station sooner than 2025 (AMO, revised completion 2024) o Extension of TWAD GO rail along the remainder of the Kitchener GO line as soon as possible New 30 km freight rail corridor between • Master agreement to be finalized between Metrolinx Brampton and Milton that would divert CN and CN before an EA study is initiated CN Freight freight traffic from the existing CN • Advocate for delivery of Bypass Rail Corridor sooner 2 Bypass Rail Metrolinx (Kitchener) corridor, allowing extension of than 2024 in order for TWAD GO to proceed to Corridor future RER service through Brampton and Kitchener as soon as possible deliver TWAD GO rail service to Kitchener Preliminary design and environmental • Phase 1 projected to be in-service between Toronto assessment of a new HSR corridor between and London by 2025 and to Windsor by 2031 Toronto and Windsor • Province forming a HSR Planning Advisory Board to Ministry of High Speed provide strategic support for the project 3 Transportation Rail (HSR) • Confirmed that HSR will not supplant planned TWAD (MTO) GO to Kitchener (AMO) • Meet with EA project team regarding a HSR station in Brampton once EA study underway 5.1 - 8

Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency A. External Agency Lead (cont’d) Completion of the GTA West Corridor EA • Advisory Board has until Spring 2018 to provide study (Stage 2) to finalize alignment for a recommendation to Minister for a decision new highway facility. Route Planning Study • Advocate for a decision from the Minister by end of GTA West 4 MTO Area/Corridor protection areas impeding 2017 for the Province to resume EA study to identify a Corridor EA progress of development planning for preferred alignment (AMO, Advisory Panel has Secondary Plan Areas 47, 52, and 53. provided their findings to the Minister with a decision expected this Fall) Widening of Highway 410 between • Construction completion by end of 2018 Eglinton Avenue on Highway 403 and • Continue to advocate for future widening north of Hwy 410 5 MTO north of Queen Street including one High Queen Street Expansion Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane and one General Purpose Lane in each direction HuLRT implementation by Metrolinx with • RFP released to 3 short-listed proponents on Aug. 17, 20 km of Light Rail Transit (LRT) in a 2017 dedicated centre right-of-way serving 22 • Successful bidder to be selected during Q3 2018 stops between Brampton Gateway • Construction start in late 2018 Terminal and Port Credit GO Station. • In-service by end of 2022 6 Hurontario LRT Metrolinx Brampton portion includes 3 LRT stops, 2 • Ensure city requirements are incorporated into the km of LRT mainline track, operations project maintenance & storage facility, cycling • Continue to follow up on Operations & Maintenance tracks and sidewalks, and streetscape and costs public realm improvements. 5.1 - 9

Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency A. External Agency Lead (cont’d) Legislated review of the Regional • Draft RTP Update released for public review in late Transportation Plan (RTP), which outlines Sept. 2017 with comments due by Nov. 17, 2017 a strategy to develop an interconnected, • Extensive stakeholder outreach and consultation seamless transit/transportation system through Fall 2017 Regional across the GTHA. Brampton staff has been • Final RTP Update to be presented to Metrolinx Board Transportation participating in Metrolinx technical on Dec. 7, 2017 7 Metrolinx Plan (RTP) advisory committees and at Planning and • Ensure Brampton interests/issues are addressed in Update Transit Leaders’ forums. final RTP Update, and through participation in the development of an RTP Implementation Plan that follows, through 2018/2019 • Metrolinx to attend future Committee/Council meeting New fully grade-separated transitway • Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP, Transit EA) Hwy 407 along Hwy 407 between Hwy 400 and completion by Spring 2018 8 MTO Transitway Hurontario Street in an exclusive right-of- • Advocate for future station at Kennedy Road and way (dedicated roadway for buses) active transportation corridor Peel Region Plan to make walking, cycling, public • Completion of study in 2018 Sustainable transit, and carpooling desirable for more • Continued participation in project to promote 9 Peel Transportation people in the Region, leading to a 50% Brampton’s interests Study sustainable mode share by 2041 5.1 - 10

Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency A. External Agency Lead (cont’d) Several goods movement initiatives underway • Participation in Peel Region projects to promote including: Brampton’s interests through 2017/2018 • Peel Goods Movement Task Force including balancing goods movement with • Implementation of Peel Region's Goods complete streets as well as protection of the Goods Movement Strategic Plan character of adjacent communities 10 Peel Movement • Delineation of Prime Employment Areas • Greater Golden Horseshoe Multi-modal Transportation Plan • Goods movement components of upcoming Complete Street study and TMP Update New multi-modal regional transit centre at • GTAA hosted meeting on Oct. 10 with various Greater Toronto Pearson Airport that will connect the agencies including Transport Canada, MTO, Pearson Transit Toronto Airport airport area with key employment and Metrolinx, and municipalities, outlining the need 11 Hub Authority residential areas throughout the Greater for a new mobility hub • (GTAA) Golden Horseshoe. Participate in future studies and promote Brampton’s interests

Vision Zero is a road safety initiative with the • Region to complete detailed report in Q1 2018 goal of achieving zero fatalities or serious • Staff to bring future report to Council for 12 Vision Zero Peel injuries on the road network. endorsement of Vision Zero once Region’s report completed 5.1 - 11

Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency B. Brampton Lead - Continue to improve transportation connections within Brampton Queen Street Transit Master Plan to • PIC #2 in Q1 2018 Queen St Rapid determine dedicated rapid transit • PIC #3 in late Q2 2018 13 Transit Master Brampton technology (BRT or LRT) and alignment as • Completion of master plan by early 2019 Plan well as planning and urban design framework EA study to determine a preferred LRT • Consultant retained to undertake EA study route between Brampton Gateway • Open house and four rounds of public information LRT Extension Terminal and Brampton GO Station with meetings as well as stakeholder meetings 14 EA (Gateway- Brampton LRT alternative routes along Kennedy and • Open House in Q1 2018 Brampton GO) McLaughlin Roads • PIC #1 in late Q2 2018 • Completion of EA study in early Fall 2020 TMP provides strategic direction for a • Complete Streets Review initiated, which is essentially sustainable, safe and efficient multi-modal ‘Part 1’ of the TMP Update that will establish a Brampton city-wide transportation network framework for TMP approach and analysis Transportation 15 Brampton addressing transit, active transportation, • Confirm work plan for scheduled TMP Review by Spring Master Plan roads, goods movement and 2018 (TMP) transportation demand management • Coordinate with Development Charges By-law update due by August 2019 5.1 - 12

Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency B. Brampton Lead (cont’d) Develop an implementation strategy to • PIC #2 to be held on Nov. 9, 2017 Active build a connected cycling and pedestrian • Study completion by spring 2018 16 Transportation Brampton network to enable safer, more convenient • Begin implementation of recommended active Master Plan travel by non-motorized modes transportation projects work plan upon completion of master plan Züm Airport Road extends current Züm • Construction began in mid-August 2017 Bovaird service via Airport Road between • In-service by Fall 2018 Züm Airport 17 Brampton Bovaird Drive and Steeles Avenue with • Advocate for funding from Provincial and Federal Road buses connecting to Malton GO governments for extension of the service beyond Malton GO to Toronto Pearson Airport 5.1 - 13

Lead Initiative Description Outcomes Agency C. Brampton Lead - Mobility hubs & intensification corridors to provide higher density, transit oriented, mixed use development Assess the role and function of the • Coordination with Urban Centres and Planning Vision mobility hubs, major transit station areas game changers Gateway and intensification corridors designated in • Completion of study by end of June 2018 Mobility Hubs the Official Plan in order to identify 18 & Brampton opportunities for higher density, transit- Intensification oriented, mixed-use development that is Corridors integrated with the municipal and regional transportation network Undertake planning of mobility hub at this • Coordination with Urban Centres and Planning Vision Bramalea location to provide higher density, transit game changers 19 Mobility Hub Brampton oriented, mixed use development • Retain consultant by June 2018 Master Plan • Completion of study by Summer 2020 Undertake partial planning of mobility hub • Part of Queen Street Rapid Transit Master Plan with Downtown at this location to provide higher density, draft mobility hub framework by mid-2018 20 Mobility Hub Brampton transit oriented, mixed use development • Continue to advocate for funding from Metrolinx for Master Plan full mobility hub study Hurontario- Undertake planning of mobility hub at this • Coordination with Urban Centres and Planning Vision Steeles 21 Brampton location to provide higher density, transit game changers Mobility Hub oriented, mixed use development • Retain consultant by Summer 2018 Master Plan 5.2 - 1

Report Transit Council of Chairs Committee The Corporation of the City of Brampton 2017-11-07

Date: 2017-10-20

Subject: Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project Update - Noise By-Law Exemption & Operating Costs - Wards 3 and 4 (File IA.A [16- 3130-481])

Contact: Chris Duyvestyn, Director, Transportation Special Projects, Public Works & Engineering (905-874-2544) [email protected]


1. That the report from Chris Duyvestyn, Director, Transportation Special Projects, Public Works & Engineering, dated October 20, 2017, to the Transit Council of Chairs Committee Meeting of November 7, 2017, re: Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project Update – Noise By-law Exemption & Operating Costs – Wards 3 & 4 (File IA.A (16-3130-481)), be received; and

2. That Metrolinx construct a pedestrian tunnel connecting the Gateway Terminal Light Rail Transit stop to the Brampton Gateway Bus Terminal as part of the Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project, removing any option for a pedestrian bridge, and Metrolinx fund any additional capital costs for the pedestrian tunnel beyond the City’s previous contribution of $5.4 million; and

3. That the City Clerk be directed to forward a copy of this report and Council resolution to Metrolinx, the City of , and the Region of Peel.


 Metrolinx released the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Hurontario Light Rail Transit (LRT) project in August 2017 to three short-listed teams with financial close with the successful bidder likely during the third or fourth quarter of 2018 before construction is expected to start in late 2018.

 The RFP as written by Metrolinx allows for the option to construct a tunnel or bridge for the pedestrian connection between the Gateway Terminal LRT stop and the Brampton Gateway Bus Terminal, despite the City’s request for only a pedestrian tunnel.

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 Metrolinx requested the City provide exemptions to the City’s Noise By-law 93-84 and that a limited weekend road closure at the Gateway Terminal stop be granted in order to facilitate construction of the Hurontario LRT and meet its opening date of late 2022.

 An agreement with Metrolinx outlining roles and responsibilities and estimated costs for the operation and maintenance of the Hurontario LRT project needs to be negotiated and approved by the City of Brampton prior to financial close with the successful bidder.


Staff is working with Metrolinx and the City of Mississauga during the implementation phase of the Hurontario Light Rail Transit (LRT) project from the Brampton Gateway Terminal to the Port Credit GO station. An update on the project was last presented to the July 5, 2017 Council meeting regarding City infrastructure and capital cost contributions towards enhanced stops.

The following is an update on the on-going implementation of the Hurontario LRT project since the previous update:

 Metrolinx announced a plan to purchase ’s Citadis Spirit Light Rail Vehicle for the Hurontario LRT in May 2017  In June 2017, three teams were short-listed by Metrolinx based on their qualifications to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the Hurontario LRT  Metrolinx released the Request for Proposal (RFP) in August 2017 to the three short- listed teams to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the Hurontario LRT  Staff are participating in the procurement process which includes reviewing the RFP documents regarding the City’s interests such as the Gateway Terminal, boulevard treatments, trees and landscaping as well as involvement in meetings with the proponents in the development of their designs  The current schedule shows contract award/financial close with the successful bidder likely during the third or fourth quarter of 2018 with construction expected to begin in late 2018, and the LRT in operation by late 2022

Current Situation:

Gateway Terminal

Staff is continuing to advocate for Metrolinx to construct a pedestrian tunnel connecting the Gateway Terminal LRT stop to the Brampton Gateway Bus Terminal. The RFP as 5.2 - 3

currently written allows for the option to construct a tunnel or bridge for the pedestrian connection. A pedestrian tunnel is preferred from an urban design and aesthetics perspective, and provides the most flexibility for a future extension of the LRT into Downtown Brampton. At its July 5, 2017 meeting, Council approved $5.4 million towards Brampton’s contribution for project enhancements to Ray Lawson and Gateway Terminal stops, which was conditional upon Metrolinx constructing a pedestrian tunnel.

Noise By-law Exemption

Metrolinx is asking the City for exemptions pursuant to the City’s Noise By-law 93-84 in order to facilitate construction of the Hurontario LRT and meet its opening date of late 2022. The City of Mississauga received a similar request. Granting this request will assist Metrolinx with accelerating the construction schedule thereby minimizing disruptions to businesses and other property owners as well as motorists along Hurontario Street, which is outlined as follows:

No. Activity Request 1. Minimal noise activities including: Work 24 hours per day, seven  Micro-tunneling for public utilities (water, days a week sewers) installation  Install and dismantle traffic control 2. Construction of Operations, Maintenance and Work 24 hours per day, seven Storage Facility (south of 407ETR) days a week 3. Weekend road closure at Gateway Terminal stop One full weekend closure for pedestrian connection 4. All other major construction activities including: Work 7:00 am to 11:00 pm,  Concrete placement (track infill, sidewalks, seven days a week curb & gutter, structures, LRT stops)  Aggregate and asphalt placement  Material movement (aggregates, track material, equipment)  Track installation  Testing of train and systems  LRT stop installation 5. Noise By-law – construction exemption period July 2018 to substantial completion of construction expected in December 2022

The Commissioner of Planning & Development Services has delegated authority under By-law 93-84 to grant noise exemptions. Metrolinx and/or its contractor will be required to submit an application for the Noise By-law exemption, meeting the conditions outlined in By-law 93-84 to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning & Development Services. The Commissioner reserves the right to withdraw the Noise By-law exemption should Metrolinx and/or its contractor fail to abide by the agreed to works, timing, and conditions outlined in By-law 93-84. 5.2 - 4

Road Closure

Metrolinx is also asking the City for a limited weekend road closure at the Gateway Terminal stop for a pedestrian connection in order to facilitate construction of the Hurontario LRT and meet its opening date of late 2022.

The Commissioner of Public Works & Engineering has delegated authority under By-law 93-93 to temporarily close any roadway under the jurisdiction of the City of Brampton that involves construction or repair of a roadway. Any road closure at the Gateway Terminal stop will be planned and coordinated in advance of the work with Peel Regional Police, Emergency Services (Fire, EMS), Traffic Services, Brampton Transit and the Region of Peel Traffic. Metrolinx and/or their contractor will be required to submit an application for a city permit under By-law 93-93 to temporarily close the road at the Gateway Terminal stop to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works & Engineering. Access to the Brampton Gateway Bus Terminal shall remain open at all times during operating hours. Metrolinx and/or its contractor will also be required to submit a similar application to the Region of Peel as Steeles Avenue including the intersection of Steeles Avenue/Hurontario Street is under the Region’s jurisdiction.

An extensive community outreach program will assist in dealing with any potential complaints to be addressed by Metrolinx and its contractor including:

 Contractor contact number for on-site supervision, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week  Construction notices  Project website  Community liaison representatives available to respond to questions/concerns from the public  Complaints tracking system of issues that may arise during construction  Construction and promotional signage.

Operating & Maintenance Costs

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Metrolinx and the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga approved at July 6, 2016 Council states that “the operations and maintenance arrangements will be dealt with in a future definitive agreement”. Metrolinx has previously indicated as far back as July 2015 that the cities would be expected to cost share the operating and maintenance costs.

Metrolinx has been preparing for the procurement process to design, build, finance, operate, and maintain the Hurontario LRT project for a 30-year period, including the preparation of cost estimates for the operations and maintenance of the project. The final costs of the project will not be known until award of the project to the successful bidder. Staff has repeatedly made requests to Metrolinx for further information on operations and maintenance including costs, roles and responsibilities, etc.; however, 5.2 - 5

Metrolinx has not provided any information to date. Staff has expressed concerns to Metrolinx about the need for ample time for negotiations, which staff understands needs to be addressed prior to contract award/financial close with the successful bidder likely during the third quarter of 2018.

Corporate Implications:

Financial Implications:

There are no financial implications resulting from this report. Any agreements such as the future Operations and Maintenance Agreement that result in additional budget implications for the City not previously approved by Council will be brought forward to Council for approval.

Strategic Plan:

This report achieves the Strategic Plan priorities of Move & Connect and Smart Growth with the delivery of well-planned infrastructure and efficient transit modes to shape a liveable city and the building of complete communities to accommodate growth for people and jobs. The Hurontario LRT project is part of Regional Connections – one of the six areas of focus for the Strategic Plan.


The RFP for the Hurontario LRT, as written by Metrolinx, allows for the option to construct a tunnel or bridge for the pedestrian connection between the Gateway Terminal LRT stop and the Brampton Gateway Bus Terminal, despite the City’s request to only consider a pedestrian tunnel.

Metrolinx and/or its contractor will be required to submit an application for the Noise By- law exemption, meeting the conditions outlined in By-law 93-84 to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning & Development Services. Similarly, Metrolinx and/or their contractor will be required to submit an application for a city permit under By-law 93-93 to temporarily close the road at the Gateway Terminal stop to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works & Engineering, as well as an application to the Region of Peel. These requests will help facilitate construction of the Hurontario LRT in order to meet its opening date of late 2022.

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An agreement with Metrolinx outlining roles and responsibilities and estimated costs for the operation and maintenance of the Hurontario LRT project will need to be negotiated and approved by the City of Brampton prior to financial close with the success bidder.

Approved by: Approved by:

Chris Duyvestyn, P.Eng. J.J. Pitushka, P. Eng. Director, Transportation Commissioner, Public Special Projects Works & Engineering

Report authored by: Chris Duyvestyn

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Transit Council of Chairs Terms of Reference


The Transit Council of Chairs (Council of Chairs) is a Committee of Council and shall be comprised of the following six (6) members:

1. The Mayor 2. Chair, Planning and Development Committee 3. Chair, Community Services section of Committee of Council 4. Chair, Corporate Services section of Committee of Council 5. Chair, Economic Development and Culture section of Committee of Council 6. Chair, Public Works and Engineering section of Committee of Council

Term of Office:

Appointments to the Council of Chairs will be concurrent with the term of Council, ending November 30, 2018. Established by:

Council Resolution C159-2017 as adopted at the June 7, 2017 City Council meeting.


Scheduled meetings will be held twice a year, in May and November, to align with annual advocacy opportunities such as Conferences (typically spring/summer), pre- budget consultations (typically fall/winter); or when time sensitive and other advocacy opportunities arise, such as public consultations; or at the call of the Chair, and scheduled by the City Clerk in consultation with the Chair and Committee. Length of meetings will vary depending on the agenda.

Reports to:

Corporate Services Section, Committee of Council

Supported by:

Meeting management support will be provided by the City Clerk’s Office, in accordance with Council’s Procedure By-law. Subject matter expertise for the Committee will be provided by staff resources, subject to budget approval.


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Committee Structure/Responsibilities: Mandate The Transit Council of Chairs will serve as an advocacy, awareness and promotion body to establish a united voice, on behalf of Council on matters pertaining to major transportation and transit plans, programs and initiatives of regional significance affecting Brampton. The Council of Chairs reports to Council through the Corporate Services Section of Committee of Council. It serves as an advocacy, awareness and promotion body to establish a united voice, on behalf of Council, on matters pertaining to major regional transportation and transit matters for the City to the federal, provincial, and regional governments. The Council of Chairs is specifically responsible for:

• Serving as a steering committee to Corporate efforts to pursue the Regional Connections “game-changer” initiatives as part of Council’s refocused 2016- 2018 Strategic Plan, including: o Grow transit services including Züm enhancements o GTA West corridor o Higher-order transit connections o Hwy 410 expansion o Mobility hubs o Queen Street rapid transit corridor master plan o Transportation master plan o Two-way all-day GO Rail o High Speed Rail o Active Transportation

• In consultation with the Mayor, in the interest of transparency and effective communication, participating (through inclusion of at least one (1) Council of Chairs member) in all scheduled Mayoral meetings, teleconferences and discussions with senior levels of government regarding regional transportation and transit matters, and report a summary of all such meetings and communications to Council in a timely fashion.

• Hosting meetings of locally elected MPP’s and MP’s, and their staff, to discuss Regional Connections “game-changer” priority for the City of Brampton. Non-Voting Resource Group and Subject Matter Experts: Representation from the following (but not limited to) departments, organizations and groups will be invited to attend and participate in the Transit Council of Chairs meetings, when necessary: 1. City of Brampton Commissioners and Departments:


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i. Planning and Development Services ii. Brampton Transit iii. Public Works and Engineering iv. Government Relations

2. Region of Peel Departments i. Public Works ii. Corporate Services (Planning)

3. Provincial Ministries and Agencies: i. Metrolinx ii. Ministry of Transportation

4. Other external subject matter experts


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NEWS Office of the Premier

Ontario Moving Ahead on High Speed Rail with Planning Advisory Board Historic Project Would Cut Travel Times by Half in Toronto-Windsor Corridor October 23, 2017 1:15 P.M.

Ontario is pushing forward with plans to bring high speed rail (HSR) to the Toronto-Windsor corridor by establishing an HSR Planning Advisory Board to provide strategic support on the landmark project. Canada's first high speed rail service will slash people's travel times, providing a faster, greener travel option that creates new opportunities for workers, businesses and anyone traveling in this part of the province.

Premier Kathleen Wynne announced this important step forward today in a speech to the Greater Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber of Commerce. In addition to providing strategic advice on major business issues associated with the project, the HSR Planning Advisory Board will engage with the private sector, stakeholders and Indigenous communities. The team members will bring a breadth and depth of expertise to the project, including in the high tech and innovation sectors; engineering, environmental sciences and transportation planning; and the financing and delivery of infrastructure projects. Members will include the best and brightest in these fields from across Ontario and Canada.

High speed trains between Toronto and Windsor would travel at up to 250 kilometres per hour on a combination of existing track and new dedicated rail corridors. This could cut travel times between these major centres from over four hours to just over two. By expanding Ontario's Innovation SuperCorridor to Windsor, high speed rail will support and enhance opportunities for economic growth in Southwestern Ontario and across the province. It will help businesses attract the best talent and boost their productivity, and help Ontario make the transition to a low- carbon innovation economy.

Investing in high speed rail is part of Ontario's plan to create fairness and opportunity during this period of rapid economic change. The plan includes a higher minimum wage and better working conditions, free tuition for hundreds of thousands of students, easier access to affordable child care, and free prescription drugs for everyone under 25 through the biggest expansion of medicare in a generation.

7.1 - 2 QUOTES

" High speed rail will dramatically change what’s possible for people in Southwestern Ontario. Whether that’s giving people a faster, greener way to get to a great job in the tech industry, allowing family members to visit more often or helping people discover more of our beautiful province. Canada’s first high speed rail service will also help companies along the Toronto- Windsor corridor to continue to attract top talent and take their business to the next level." - Kathleen Wynne Premier of Ontario

" High speed rail will have a transformative impact on travel in Southwestern Ontario, helping people to innovate, connect with each other, and travel for work, study and play. This is just one part of our plan to invest in transit across the province — connecting communities and supporting growth in jobs and the economy." - Steven Del Duca Minister of Transportation


 In order to ensure that HSR is effectively implemented, Ontario is establishing an HSR Planning Advisory Board. In his May report, Special Advisor David Collenette recommended a phased approach to delivering high speed rail in the corridor, and establishing the HSR Planning Advisory Board is part of the first phase towards delivering high speed rail.  Today, Ontario launched a website with details of what high speed rail will mean for people in Southwestern Ontario and across the province, and how people can provide feedback and input.  Ontario will continue to engage with private and public partners, including Indigenous communities and municipalities, while the environmental assessment, design work and ridership forecasting are completed.  The high speed rail line will serve a corridor that’s home to more than seven million people. The proposed stops are Windsor, Chatham, London, Kitchener-Waterloo, Guelph and Toronto Union Station, with a connection to Pearson International Airport.  The corridor was selected because it is a hub for leading startups, research institutions, and the manufacturing and agricultural sectors, and the region is growing faster than its current transportation network can accommodate.


 High Speed Rail  Special Advisor for High Speed Rail: Final Report  Interactive map of Ontario’s infrastructure investments in transit, hospitals, schools, roads and bridges

Available Online Disponible en Français