Pragmatic Structures in Aymara Petr Homola Matt Coler Codesign, s.r.o. INCAS3 Czech Republic The Netherlands
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract highly marked typological rarity [. ]. Still more idiosyncratic is the combination of the thematic The paper describes overt marking of in- marker with a grammeme combining the two func- formation structure in the indigenous An- tions of question and negation.” dean language Aymara. In this paper we We are not aware of any other language (except show that although the word order is free, for, to some extent, Quechua) in which word or- Aymara is not a discourse-configurational der is irrelevant to information structure. Hard- language (Kiss, 1994); instead, informa- man (2000) says about Aymaran languages that tion structure is expressed only morpho- “[t]he structural elements of a sentence may occur logically by pragmatic suffixes. The mark- in any order and are at the disposal of the speaker ing of ‘topic’ is more flexible that the for stylistic play.” Hardman et al. (2001) say that marking of ‘focus’ (be it at the clause level word order in Aymara “affects only style, not the or NP-internal). Since overt marking of grammar nor basic semantics.” Bossong (1989) information structure is partial, this pa- says about Quechua (which is typologically very per also devotes considerable attention to similar) that “word order is not only free but it the resolution of underspecification in Ay- is not primarily used as a means for expressing mara. pragmatic functions as such.” A detailed analy- sis of morphological information structure mark- 1 Introduction ing in Aymara can thus shed light on this module Chomsky’s original approach to formal syntax as- of grammar which is not expressed morphologi- sumes that sentences consist of constituents and cally in most languages.