T H E W O R L D B A N K Public Disclosure Authorized Country Studies Country Studies are part of the Education Reform and Education Reform and Management Publication Series Management (ERM) Publication Series, which also in- Vol. II No. 2 November 2003 cludes Technical Notes and Policy Studies. ERM publica- tions are designed to provide World Bank client coun- tries with timely insight and analysis of education reform efforts around the world. ERM Country Studies examine how individual countries have successfully launched and The Bolivian Education Reform 1992-2002: implemented significant reforms of their education sys- Case Studies in Large-Scale Education Reform tems. ERM publications are under the editorial supervi- sion of the Education Reform and Management Thematic Group, part of the Human Development Network—Educa- tion at the World Bank. Any views expressed or implied should not be interpreted as official positions of the World Bank. Electronic versions of this document are available Public Disclosure Authorized on the ERM website listed below. Manuel E. Contreras Maria Luisa Talavera Simoni EDUCATION REFORM AND MANAGEMENT TEAM Human Development Network—Education The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA Knowledge Coordinator: Barbara Bruns Research Analyst: Akanksha A. Marphatia WEB: www.worldbank.org/education/ globaleducationreform Public Disclosure Authorized E-MAIL:
[email protected] TELEPHONE: (202) 473-1825 FACSIMILE: (202) 522-3233 Public Disclosure Authorized T H E W O R L D B A N K Country Studies Country Studies are part of the Education Reform and Education Reform and Management Publication Series Management (ERM) Publication Series, which also in- Vol.