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Minutes-From-Meetings-06-1994-To 1 ZONTA CLUB OF DENVER n MEMBERSIDP LIST OFFICE HOME Wendy Albers 422·1415 Pauline Ayers·Menk 839·2555* 355·5574 Bonnie Bell 296-1999 795-4386 Brenda Bell 592·5077 979·5397 Mary Birk 7644041 699-6716 Sue Burch 698·9545 722·7221 Susan Cole 691·9732 Kathy Dean 861·0600 794-0175 Olivia DeCroce 388·8581 377·1750 Sharon Faircloth 674·2102 674·3820 Heather Fox 692·0769 692-0769 Joan Gans 436·7193 338·9433 Kiki Gilliland 756-4644 Carol Hadd 297-4821 722-6349 Emma Hanson 295·2225 238·1549 Joanne Herlihy 861·0244 733-6081 Debbie Hindin·King 592·5900 698·9447 Jan Hoyt 585-4215 756-6534 Carol Johnson 298·6178 470·1686 Kathy Judd 757·1493 Marie Kriss 572·9100 433·5266 Susanna Lienhard 866·2354 355-0350 Candy Meininger 698·3838 Ann Meyer 979-4620 Mary Moser 830·2400 979·8105 ',' ';'; rerri Otley 831·1265 333-1640 ': ~ (' ',~~yl Baader Price 337-8485** 526-9288 . G2\il Pringle 755-6369 - . ~,~ '. ,~;- \ ;.-,' '. Lorrie Reed 937-4956 693-6319 ,:' . ,,{, , ....'.' Jeannie8nider 420-0221 871-0215 ~.~~~\ " Judilh" TOliVtr 296·1880 642·7751 .. ·,PLSAS§~Pi'~:itfCALL PAULINE BEFORE 2:00 P.M. ··naYSOft~.fpaaY& Thursday . " .,', "'1: '~~-" :.'.,,.. Rev.6n/95 ...._.__..~_'_~_ bn'ri&rdU , ,-, .~ ---~ .-~~,.-",.~" •. .. ..~~-'-.~--.~,,----, .. ....----....-----­ ~~/.~~:-.:;;..~~~:< ~~ ~ ....... /~7~, -. "­ ;, c \'rVr>, ~ "v '?:?'- .----. /-" . {~ I~) V' 4-­ ••,::,-.~",~~~~~~~~p"~~::---- ...t.;.;.·1 'JJ :.•• ,,;,...... J : h '0'" ._.._ , ,,-..-;:-t._._ -"'/-~~---... - the ADULT ; . r' n c.)-.' i """..r."' .... ,'. ' (T I ! MA'U.r:l1.,,- ..:..".,;,;~ -.... ,;:.----­ ( \ J;' ," LEARNING // to: , ~ "~',~ SOURCE !II-~ <,', :,' i"~'( '~s,;,/' \'" ~.££::i~~:~~~;zL~--~~b-~:F~== 3607 MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD. DENVER. COLORADO 8fJ205 Ms. Ga.ll Pringle Lonta C~ub of Denver,II Hall and ~vans L.L.G. 1200 17tll Street, Suite 17uO Denver, cO 80202 JI .. ',II ..... , ,'"," .. '.11 .. 1.1 lit "1111.1,1,1,1, ,'1111,1 "'1111.1.1 .,....,"'~., .. --.-·-·~--,--~:;;:-:PV_';'1'l"7__=_ ~"""~ .-:':~".:'~ __.__."..:.~-"- _________....______________..".....".___..,.....,......_______•______....... the ADULT LEARNING SOURCE 3607 MAR1Ir·J LUTil[l< KING SIVD. DENVER. COLOi,lpDO 8Cl2CJ5 (303) 394-3464 • ~py 394-0059 May 24, 1994 Ms. Gail Pringle Zonta Club of Denver II Hall and Evans, L.L.c. 1200 17th Street, Suite 1700 Denver, CO 80202 Dear Ms. Pringle: On behalf of everyone at the Adult Learning Source, I would like to thank you for your recent contribution of $3,000 from Zonta Club of Denver II to help fight illiteracy in our community. There are over 400,000 functionally illiterate adults in Colorado -- including over 200,000 in the Denver-metro area alone! As you can guess, this level of illiteracy is enormously expensive for the entire community. At the Adult Learning Source, we can educate one student for one year for just $300 -- a small price to pay to get people off welfare and into the workforce. Your contribution helps to ensure the future of our community. Every penny that comes into the Adult Learning Source helps wage the war against illiteracy. We are committed to our cause, and we are greatly appreciative of your support. Again, thank you for your contribution. Sincerely, Susan A. Lythgoe Execu tive Director Safe House for Battered Women, Inc. P.O. Box 18-0 Denver, Colorado 80218 303/830-8181 FAX 303/832-2929 SafeHouse July 7, 1994 Board of Directors Ms. Cynthia Butterfield Chair Dear Zontians: Mr. Ronald S. Allen Chair Elect I sincerely apologize for not being able to attend your Mr. Douglas Koff last lunch meeting as planned. We have had to be very Past Chair responsive to any request from the media for interviews Ms. Toni Cohig Vice Chair, Development and on that particular day, I was "it". The media Ms. Saundra Proctor attention has been overwhelming but at the same time it Vice Chair, Administration helps to promote our cause. We hope that the Simpson Ms. Eileen Byrne tragedy will remove some more blinders in our society. Vice Chair, Programs Mr. John Giannaula I cannot thank you wonderful Zontians enough for all Secretary/freasurer you have done for SafeHouse. Your major sponsorship Ms. Kelly Belue for the race was a great boost to the event, to say the Ms. Elisa J. Hamill least. I am also grateful for all you have done as Ms. Kelli Kindel volunteers for this organization. You are a group of Ms. Mary M. Phillips Mr. Dave Price women truly dedicated to improving our community. Div. Chief Miriam Reed Ms. Maureen Tarrant I hope you plan to continue your relationship with Ms. Unda Watson SafeHouse even though we cannot currently provide you Ms. Unda Weiler with a member/liasion, such as, Gail Lorenz. We value your relationship a great deal! If some of you would be interested in helping with yet Ms. Pamela Lozow another bulk mailing we are planning one on July 27th. Interim Executive Director I will call with mor information. Advisory Board Sincerely, Dr. Shirley Asher, Ph.D. /) . /1' // Mr. Stuart Boulter Ms. Joanne Davidson . ~~ {U/ZA./L;­ .' Mr. Phil Doty Cindy Carioti \1s. Jean East, MSW ~s. Gina Ellls ~...,. Clarke Godfrey, M.D. cc Gail Pringle i Mr. William Gritzbaugh Bonnie Bell . Ms. Carolyn Henderson Mr. Stephen Kaplan Ms. Karen Steinhauser ... Ms. Wilma Webb Mr. Starr Yelland 10 """ W" H"" H•• CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER AGENCY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS FIRST WESTERN PLAZA AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS SUITE 1600 303 W. COLFAX AVE. WELLINGTON E. WEBB Lawrence H. Borom, Executive Director DENVER, CO 80204 • Mayor DENVER WOMEN'S COMMISSION TE~EPHONE: (303) 640-2621 TOD: (303) 640-3132 Chaer Robert, Director FAX: (303) 640-4627 June 8, 1994 Dear friend: The Denver Women's Commission would like your help with our most recent project. We have agreed to serve as one ofthe 200 "program partners" with the U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau for their Working Women Count questionnaire. The survey will document the views ofworking women and their assessment ofany barriers they face. The Women's Bureau will give copies ofthe report to Congress and the President. From the results, they and local partners like us can design programs or public information efforts that fit the • identified needs. Enclosed are two copies ofthe survey. Please return one ofthe surveys for yourself and use the other to copy for members ofyour organization, co-workers or friends. (Please answer all questions and do not alter the survey, so that the tabulation can be consistent.) Mail completed forms back to us by August 20,1994. Ifyou have already received a copy ofthe survey from another local partner, do not complete another survey. Ifyou have questions, please contact DWC Director Chaer Robert at (303) 640-3955 voice, 640­ 3132 TDD. Thank you for your help in making this project a success. Nan Flynn utler, Chair Denver Women's Commission • WORKING WOMEN COUNT! A NATIONAL QUESTIONNAIRE onsored by the Women's Bureau of the u.s. Department of labor and ToOOy, 58 mmion women hold paid ~bs in knerica. This ~ the largest nurrr Please return th~ questionnaire to: ber of working women in our history - and the number confinues to grow. Wyou're one of these women, the Women's Bureau at the U.S. Denver Women's Commission Depm1ment of Labor wants to know what you think about your job - how to AGENCY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS make tt better. _NO COMMUNITY RElATIONS Please allSNer this ~estioonaire and return nto the address at right. SUITE 1'>00,303 W. COLFAX AVE. We1 give the results right to the President and (ongress so theyll know what DENVER, CO 80204 issues are inportont to you. ~ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR As aworking woman, yoor voice counts! ,~ Robert B. Reich, Secretary Thanks for your help. ~ Koren Nussbaum, Director, Women's Bureau 1. Would you describe your main work for pay as: 3. How many hours aweek do you work for pay?__ o CIericol/support (secretory, recepfionist, clericol supervisor, computer opemtor, stock derk, insurance investigator) 4. The things you like most about your job are (check up to 3): o Croft/repair (mechanic, electrical/electronic repair, ~umber, painter) o Iget paid weD o Exerulive or maneger (OOanaal manager, buyer, marketing manager, o I have good benefits accountant, auditor) o My hours ore fleXible • 0 Farming, forestry, or fishing o I have job training opportunities o Homemaker o I hove the authority I need to get the job done o Opemtor/fobricator (rrmchine operator, packaging machine operotor o My job is secure o Professional (teacher, /owyer, computer scientist, doctor, RN) . o I om productive o Soles (soles supervisor, cashier, soles representative) o I enjoy the company of my ((}Workers o Service (security, chudcare, food service, health aid, hairdresser) o I learn new things o Technical (LPN, computer progmmmer,legol assistant, dental hygienist) o Iike what Ido o Tronsportotion (motor vehide operotor, truck or tractor operator) o I5ke working os part of 0 team 2. How many paid jobs do you have?__ o Other: _____________ 5. Are any of the following issues a" problem for you at work? (If so, One of the very somewhal not very not aI aD OOESN1 check off how serious aproblem ft. is. If nOf, check DOESN'T APPlY): . most serious' serious serious serious' serious APPlY Idcin'i get paid what I think my job is worth Ineed be"er benefits Iwork too many hours Iworry about losing my job Idon't hove the flexibility to meet family responsibt1ities Iom under too much stress Ido not hove the sh1ls to get abetter job tt's hard to find quafity chnd or elder core that ICDn afford Ihove lost ajob or 0 promotion becouse of my mce or sex Iknow someone who lost 0 job or promotion becouse of mce or sex • Isuffer other problems at my job (please explain below): 6.
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