An Essay on the Antiquity of Hindoo Medicine, Including an Introductory
V. ^ 1 \v I ' & ": k ^t^ •tfr Oj y,s.;/////y //,7 ',' SJ?s /j/v: TRANSFERRED TO YALE MEDICAL LIBRARY HISTORICAL LIBRARY AN ESSAY ANTIQUITY OF HINDOO MEDICINE, INCLUDING AN INTRODUCTORY LECTURE TO THE COURSE OF MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS, DELIVERED AT KING'S COLLEGE. J. F. ROYLE, M.D., F.R. & L.S., Sec. G.S., LATE OF THE MEDICAL STAFF OF THE BENGAL ARMT, MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC, THE MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL SOCIETIES OF CALCUTTA, OF THE ROYAL MEDICAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH, AND OF THE MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON ; &C. PROFESSOR OP MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS, KING'S COLLEGEj LONDON. LONDON: Wm. H. ALLEN & Co., 7, Leadenhall Street ; and J. CHURCHILL, Princes Street. 1837. A \ f, a o -•? Wis*. Printed by J. L. Cox and Sons, 75, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn lieldt.. DEDICATED UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH, AS A MARK HIGH RESPECT AND GRATEFUL FEELING THE AUTHOR. ADVERTISEMENT. As some incongruity is obvious between the title and the commencement of the present publication, it is advisable to state how it has originated. The Author, on entering on the course of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in King's College, having been requested by his colleagues, as well as some distinguished members of the Profession, to print his Introductory Address, and by others to give proofs of his opinions more in detail ; determined, in complying with the former, to attend as much as possible to the latter request. From the pressure of other occupations, it was not until the greater part of the Lecture was in print that the additions (with a few exceptions, those from p.
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