
* PORTLAND DAILY a plain. The view in otir rear,as wa advanced LEGAL I PRESS, on Sunday, was grand and beautiful iu the & OFFICIAL. NS TRANCE. STOVES. BUSINESS CARDS. I JOHN T. MISCELLANEOUS. OILMAN. Editor. extreme. For miles back the plain was alive Is published at No. 82J EXCHANGE STREET, by with dark waves of men, crested with a foam STATE OE IUAI\E. CONDENSED STATEMENT N. A. of glittering arms ami banners. Otficeof Collector of Internal Revenue, FOSTER A CO. waving Fifty- -of in*:- NOYES, HOWARD & thousand troops, and were 00, IUENEW STVLEl infantry artillery, First Collection District of State of Maine, it is estimated, visible at. some on our Trn Portland Daily Press ip al *i.00 points Fire Insurance Ho. IW Street. published march. The City Co., Exchange per year iu advance, or *7.n0 at tbe end of the order of inarch in the advanced il EirhangcSIreel, year. OK CONN Single copies three ceuts. divisions that day was in line of battle by liat- HARTFORD, SSS 88 I'he Maine State Press Is Thurs- I SSS SSSS Portkasp, July 17th, 1SG3. published every taboo in mass, and each brigade so marching To the Secretary of the State of Maine, Xor. Is/,1863. day S3.00 annum, in advance; £2.25 | sss ss morning,at per was at the distance BELIE-MOME SKIRTS. la paid wit bin nix months; and *2 50. if payment he supported proper by sss ss CAPITAL STOCK, paid up, Is.$250,000 00 Internal Revenue delayed beyond the year. another. The spectacle was thus made much sss Stamps. Transient advertisements must be paid for in ad- •Surplus over Capital.£115,225 70 sss more imposing than it would have been, bad Office vance sss having been made a depository of the, troops marched as usual by the Hank. ASSETS. THISRevenue Stamp*, the will be at THE LATEST P. Tracy, Traveling Agent. sss public supplied FASHION ! Sunday night and Monday, we occupied a tine 18.72 shares Itauk Stocks, market value *173.458 00 sss the following rate*: 10 Water Bouds, II,loo 00 ss sss Less than *50 at par. grove of oaks near Brandy Station. Monday Brooklyn City -AT- 7 Hartford 00 ss sss $50 to $1000, 4 percent, discount. as our for City Bond**, 7,840 evening just preparations spending 5 State Bonds, 5.GO*) 00 SSSS sss $1000 and upwards, 6 per ceut. discount. “communications. the were '* night comfortably completed—bed* HEAD QUARTERS, Other City and State Bond**, 5,600 00 ss sss NATITL J. MILLER. Collector. ANDERSON’S mailt* of tile of the red-cedar, Adjutant General’* Offic k. ( Railroad Stocks and Uuml*. lo,400 00 from fragrant boughs Letter the Army ol the Potomac. piles of oak logs and brandies procured for Augusta, October 24, 1*>3. ) Stocks and Bonds, 49,600 00 Ho. »5 Exchange Street. Lotus on of reulestate, 36,808 00 Camp xeab Brandt Va. our and or- I I mortgages Without a Station, i j camp-fires suppers cooking—the Circular. pledge of hnuk and other stocks, Til T ITT ITT PI TT Chimney! HOOP Nov. 180X der came to march at once. When the SKIRT AND CORSET 14, ) | regi- I’rcMMletil'* I’nll «f October 17, I8GL i«r market value 28,905 0*1 irrrrrrrrrrrrr To th# Editor of the Pres#: j ment was younger, say a year ago, a consid- 300,000 Volunteer*. Accrued interest on Investments, 3.063 00 ri rrn tv THITTIV'8 KEROSENE SERVER! Ca-h on hand and in banks, 6,697 4o tt tttt rr lias with more truth I crablc amount of would have fol- ASM U< 11 as some days must mills BURNER is the best of its kind now in DEP Somebody said, titan grumbling necessarily elapse Cash in hands of agents and in transit, 17,1**8 98 TTTT the OT, an hut now our INbefore arrangements can be lor J market. It is for its ‘'soldierin' is uncertain busi- lowed such order; hoys have pertected settling in tttt remarkable superiority of elegance, mighty the basis of and Personal property office, 1,095 37 either or tired ot definitely quotas, making tin *n. rrrr light; for its facility of moving about, and for it* ness." One needs but to follow the fortunes grown philosophical got of of I nder portioiiment troops required this State, it is* Total rrrr non-conducting principles, which renders it safe Mechanics' Hall. of tbe of Potomac to be grumbling. Any way they iu it very deemed essential that the work of assets, *865,225 70 Army fully convinced indulge volunteering rrrr against the effects of heating. moved about half a mile and in the roeuu of the truth of this assertion and a little sketch little. We bi- should, time, progress with all possible LIABILITIES. For the purposes of a kitchen and chamber The rrrr lamp vouacked iu im field. celerity- following principles are announc'd and for lauterns, it is invaluable. The of the movements of the aforesaid for open Tuesday morning Losses and due. None. TTTT attention of the ladies is invited to the army as governing future action in this behalf: adjusted For and conveuieuce it commends BELLA:* the few weeks will we moved into the which we now and not due, *1,683 76 rrmrrr economy itself MONTE past prove it to such of pine grove 1. The call of the President for 300.G(X) Volunteers to all house-keepers. SKIRT, which for style.quality and finish readers as think occupy, and were ordered to comfor- is made without to the reported and w aiting proof, 11,444 15 ii your may it worth their w hile prepare regard deficiencies of Stales l%o. 35 Lamp dealers throughout the country can supply unequalled. or localities former calls (’. B. President. Street. Ur peruse this said sketch. It is now lool.de table quarters for man and beast. Tills morn- upon and apportionment* BOWERS, llirliaii^e themselves on anplication to No can therefore bo Wft. E. BAKER, Secretary. t'o an account of our somewhat hurried ing, however the order was countermanded computations entered into, with OOOOO CHAULK8 h. JU8E, 158 Fore St.,Portland, give the respective Cities, Towns and Plantations in tiis State 1863. oc23 for State of and we were to no of CmwHartford County, Xor, 10 Oi H> Commission Merchants. WAKAAXTKD WHALKBOSM. ot have on Odin1 .31 Slreel. hours. On the 17th of we inside tlie rebels in their of this section. any you may present draft, or Gtrliiingt- OCX) ooo For the purchase of October, lay occupancy deficiencycalls, and these will be were former considered only in novl4 eod&wGvv ooo ooo the entrenchments at Fairfax Station. Lieut. They evidently preparing to pass the draft G case another necessary in January;" it 041000 Col. Merrill was detailed to act as winter here, and had in many cases erected therefore, the State tails to furnish and have GRAIN & Assistant mii-ter- FLOUR, PROVISIONS BARGAINS l.\ MISSES Provost Marshal at the Station, Gen. commodious and comfortable huts. They left ed into the United States service, its due quota of TWELFTH Ho. as skirts. Birney the under this it is ANNUAL REPORT Exchange Street. himself Gen. evidence of evacuated in haste. The troops required call, probable that FOH EASTERN MARKETS. signed “Maj. commanding post,” having the Draft which may be ordered in 8 SPUING DIAMOND -tDcU. of a Jntuiary next -OF T1IK- vvvvv vvvvv were laid out in for baggage the officers of brigade was found will include not the camps order, requisitions deficiency under this requi- vvv 220 West Water St., Wis. " in one for the teams only vvv Milwaukee, 10 act.. “camp and garrison equipage" were called piled place waiting which sition, but also the State’s deficiency, as claimed by vvv vvv the War •• •* for, and sent in, and looked never came to take it. In one of the tents Department upon former calls. MASSACHUSETTS 1 vvv vvv 84 South Water St., Chicago, 111. 12 Met*. “things generally” 111. All enlistments left was a voluntary made since the U. vvv vvv like a permanent halt. Gen. Sickles, too, Itad standing found letter from a rebel lIGm S. draft w as ordered, of troops that have been duly vvv vvv septa_ visited ami the was and captain to his wife. The letter the us, report current, lay upon mustered into the United States service, whether lor Mutual Life Insurance vvv vvv ffniipnllv liolinvoil lu> ♦ n tuLn o/.m. table in Co. unfinished, and beside it lay the cap- regiments or corps the field, or for the Vet. ran vvvvv 8 SPUING |V F. M. TAPE 8BIBTS.17 CM. mand of the defences of which tain's Regiments now in processor enlistment and organi- 1803. vvvvv CARSLEY, Washington, pipe. August 1, . zation, constitute a portion of this State’s 8 were to be garrisoned by the 1st and 2d Di- The men are in good and the health qu ta of vvvv aow. spirits, the call, ami those which have (iPARANTEK CAPITAL, (all 100,000 U0 vvv of our present places pro paid Up).£ visions of the Ud Our dreams of a "soft regiment is now cured such volunteers or them ... ao ou. corps. just very good. paid bounty, arc en- Kkukkvk, August 1,1862. 375,«rt>4 58 vv CABINET MAKER as the call an not means for a titled to credit for them the to thing," boys easy position, was, Though by auy spoiling fight, upon quota be nu- RECEIPTS. 18 ... 87*0. however, rudely dispelled on the evening of we are confident of our ability to whip the ll ouuced. Premiums received during tho Ho. 35 KxcliaiiKe Street. AND IV. While the Commander-in-Chief, Gov. Co- UPHOLSTERER, the 18th by the order to bo ready to move on rebel army of Northern Virginia, and willing year,..*2<»S.9K1 98 CLASPED AMD RIVETED. btun. and Maj. Gardiner, Acting Assistant Pro- Received for War Permits. 7,543 30 EEKKEKKKKEKE tbe at Accord- to 1 trust w ill soon hear that we General, direct and No. 51 Union following morning daylight. try. you vost Marshal control the woik of Received lor Interest, ( includ- KKKKEKEKKKKK Street, ou tbe of tbe we moved have done it. ,T. recruiting, me resnecuve municipal autiiontu* ot on EKE EE ingly, morning lOtb, Very truly yours, ing lute rest Guarantee prepared to do all kinds of CABINET JOB- the various cities, tow ns and plantations, are EKE W e on hand a full towards Manassas earnest- 22,388 09 in a keep constantly assortment of Junction, crossing Cub to iu this Capital,). ISBlNii prompt and satisfactory manuer. ly requested co-oporate labor, ho vital in Interest on EKE the newest aiul a stream of considerable aud tlieu accrued loan notes, 7,61t> 06 £216,532 ('2 best styles of Bun, size, importance to the Government and themselves,until EKE K swollen recent rains. We hailed for an SALE its Their and Book and by FOR & TO LET. completion. suggestions recommenda- *721,626 60 KKEEKER Show Cases made to order. hour at the Junction, and had thus an tions touching Kecruitiug < iflicers tor their KEF. E oppor- vicinities, DISBURSEMENTS. S^Farnlture Made, and Varnished at Hoop Skirts and to examine are invited, and w ill receive most respectful consid- KF.E Repaired Cartel*, tunity the now somewhat Room to Paid lor Claims JDu&th, on dilapi- Counting: Lot. eration. by EKE ■SHORT dated but still strong fortilleations thrown 26 Policies. £54,400 00 NOTICE. up ROOM over No. 90 Commercial fit. V. The Premiums aud Bounties provided by the KEF. EE Portland. 18G8. AND WILL Balance of distribution to Pol- N May 'in. tf SELL THEM here by Geu. Beauregard the first win- COUNTINGThomas Block, to let. to General Government and State for all volunteer en- KEEEEEEEEEEK during Apply Holders,. 2,05107 j is of the war. We marched on aud N. J. MILLER, listments, are on a scale of such munificence, that icy EEEEEEEEEEEE camped Paid for Salaries, Med- A CARD. mch'ildtl Over 92 Commercial Street. w hile all who can enter the service should do I Rents, at night within a mile of Bristow so, ical Examinations. &c. 15.515 45 20 Her .Station, those who from age or physical infirmity arc 35 Cent. tbe scene of the battle of Oct. 14. Our ineligi- Paid Commissions to 15,268 78 Ho. Exchange Street. Cheaper bait ble to enlistment, may find it for their interest, as Agents,. DR. S. C. Office to Let. Paid Dividend to Guarantee FERNALD, here was but lor tbe and the next morn- well as honor, to suspend their ordinary avocations sss ss than they can be had elsewhere. night, second floor, Middle Street, situated Stockholders. 00 we moved the centrally for the work of obtaining soldiers lor the Govern- 7,000 sss ssss ing forward, crossing buttle ONand easy ot access. at No. 72 Exchange Paid for rc-iusuranee.. 393 82 Apply ment, until the full number required from this Mate sss ss ground. It was dotted with the "head-boards-’ Street. Jyl7 tt Paid for Surrendered and Can- MKT1ST, is furnished. sss ss 175 of rebel of which there were a celed Policies. 22,079 07 19 No. Midi! I Street. graves, large VI. Two Regiments of Infantry and one of «'av- £116,728 sss »sraixes ui rnisi suits it number. Most of the killed seemed to have To be Let. alry, to be composed almost wholly of members that sss l*KPtiikni'E.®.Dm. Bacon and Buuliv. fi.ss. Capital and Surplus.*604.898 41 to North in the second over Store 98 have already served not less than nine mouths in the sss belonged Carolina regiments. story, * Portland, 25,1963. Fattened on the with metallic Middle street—Mitchell's Possession field and beou honorably discharged, are now sss May tf tape* elaapa. Our march this led us across two wide CHAMBERS Building. pro- Assets August 1, 1863, invested as follows: day given immediately. Inquire ol gressing in their anlistnieut ami organization at Au- sss and streams, both of which the In all enli'tin'‘i»ts of new deep troops jan2tf A. T. DOLE. gusta. recruits or veteran Mortgaycson Real Estate.!unincumbered) £213.350 00 ss SSS Dr. J. 11. 1IEALD were obliged to ford. The Hist, Bioad Bun, soldiers, they can elect, for a few woeks, to enter Loan Notes, (with interest accrued,). 177,777 24 V ss sss either of those with Three Hundred aud was crossed at Bristow Station. The B. It. To Let. organizations, *100 State Boun- Twenty-Three Shares ssss sss disposed of his entire interest in his Hosiery,Glove*, Sontags, Clouds, Hoods, ty, or some regiment or corps iu the field with Boun- Bank Stock,. 27,529 25 ss ssss HAVINGOffice to Dr. S.C FKKXALD, would at this a flue structure more Ilian OFFICES, or in suites, over Store* cheerfully bridge place, single ty to Veterans of *55; but after theso three com- Loans on Collaterals aud personal securl- reccominend him to his former and the CHOICE PATTERNS OF two hundred feet in IjtOl'RNos. 152 and 154 street, the : patients pub- length was de- Exchange opposite mands are filled, us they soon will be. every volun- 00 No. lic. Dr. Pkunald, from is completely International House. ou the to I «/».... 31,100 35 Street. long experience, prepar- tbe Apply premises teer must of necessity he sent into the field. ! L mted States I Exchange ed to insert Artificial molished, pier and abutments ol stone ma- oc2 dtf directly reaeury Securities,. 74,544 .30 Teeth on the “Vulcanite Base/’ T. 8. HATCH. VII. Under the llesolve of the Michigan State Breakfast Shawl* and sonry being partially thrown down, in addi- Legislature ot Bond*. 1.000 00 PROPRIETORS OF and allother methods known to the profession. Capes, January 27. 1803, authorizing “the Governor and Real Estate, (at cost.). 24 Portland, 25,1363. tion to the destruction of the wood work. 9,032 May tf Tor Sale or to Let. Commandor-in-Chief to continue the payment • f Deferred Premiums and Agents’ accounts. 51,992 46 Tbe rails the road iiad to recruits for the three Cash on along hero, too, been CLIFF COTTAGE, containing over 20 *55 Bounty years regiment* hand. 17,972 92 Tlio Magoo Stools.. Scarfs, «Scc., ^ of Maine torn up, the ties cross-piled and set on room*,large stable and sheds—situated tv o or Batteries Volunteers, so long as in his POWDER AGENCY. lire, the AT VS USUALLY LOIY and tbe rails laid across them. Where tbe OcDl and oue-haif miles from Portland, and the judgment public exigencies require,” thisamount «6 satisfaction to a stove which for rails were We next draft, w ithout »tate or Government great produce -NOW IN MAGAZINE- uninjured. camped Ibis night A nearly new, oue and a hall story House, Bounty, it cannot be beat! behooves them to cuuhraoe the JOHN economy 700 near Greenwich. Near the road this located ou Hill street. 7 well tin- present unparalleled I W. HUNGER & SON, We shall bo at all to ke^s Blasting and Common Sporting. through Rl pleasantly offered in Agent*. pleased, times, «h«w this stove Ifi is hod rooms, a good well of water; a wood advantage* completing the veteran organ- loO wholes.halves and quarter kegs Ride and Duck. the addrens. village is a flue mansion in tbe Gothic lil* >ept22tr to any one who may call, explain th.1 principle upon £T-Remember Fiad it oat and yea style. «. shod attached. Tin lot containing 2904 feet izations in this state, of entering a reginu nt of their I 50 cases (in cans) Rifle and Duck. Unlike most houses which it is operated, and an* able to give undoubted aan *ave in Virginia, it was in a ot land. For of the choice with a State aud Government of RUFUS money by baying at particular* enquire subscriber, Bounty £502, references a- to the truthfulness of our statement. CUSHMAN, good state of preservation, and the gardens or ALLEN HAINES, Esq., of Portland, an amount sufficient to secure to any man of reason- oc29 6w 173 Fore Street. able desires, a comfortable aud American and grounds were uninjured. The secret of sop 12 dtf ISAIAH VICKERY. permanent home for Exchange T1IC MAGEE PARLOR himself and family. Us escape was found in a placard one of ANDERSON'S upon JOHN L. HODSDON, Adj’t General. Consists of four sizes, of a chaste pattern. and beau- the gateposts. “Hrilinh ami under For Sale C'licnp, oc31 eod3w V. C. property FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY I tiful finish. The Far!or Stove is operated upon the HANSON & CO, Hafeyuard from lien.-” I have If applied for immediately, LOT No. 47 same principle as the Cook Stove. *|l forgotten Wholesale Skirt and Corset Spring street, with two Houses and OF NEW YORK. and Retail DealeM in Hoop the name. Next morning we moved KBP Dwelling Til E MAGEE PARLOR WITH is a new j Depot again;— Kill; a Stable ou the same. OVEN, Ibis time toward the railroad which we United States Internal Revenue. aud improved design. -A HD- cros'cd For terms, &c.. apply to Cnpiial 8200.000, about a mile above Catletts’ Station, and, U. WINCHESTER, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, oc3 dtf Inmire llnildinu*. Merebaniliae, llou»c* baiting, encamped near by. We were now, on the premises. MAGEE’S NEW PATENT rppernnd Sole COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. liolil Furniture. Reuls, l.ea»e«, Vr«- Leather, MANUFACTORY after two days of bard marching seven or miles from Bristow House ami Land For Sale. »«*!• on Ike Si or lit*, and other Per- Elevated Double Oven FINDINGS, SHOE TOOLS, Ac. eight Station, having NATHANIEL J. for Hou* No. corner of Cumberland and MJI.LEK, Collector the ••uni at me l.ow> Range! inarched about miles to that 179, First Collection in Property 317—Congress st.—317 twenty-five gain Elm street*. I^ot 1 District the State of Maine, With or without Hacks, with Hot Air Furnaces. 9.146 Middle St. Portland. about 50 by 100 feet. House* e*»t rrtrs. distance. Here Col. West was mustered ou j!. hereby give notice to all persons concerned, that I ■L may be examined at auv time. For particu- now tbe 22d of have received for collection tho Second Annual Col- These Ranges have been thoroughly tested, V. C. I1AS90S. ELIJAH VARNEV. October. From here we moved at lars call at 166 Middle strict, (up stairs) or N. I. to (UNDER MECHANICS’ HALL.) lection List, made and committed to me the As- SAMUEL BROWN, President. and pronounced superior auy in the market.— OClO dlf 11 o'clock on the or G. W, or by night of the Woodbury, Woodbury, sessor in with are the Ranges to which a Regulator has 3m 20th, being JOHN C. thereof, accordance the Act of Con- They only *ep3 roused time PROCTER, Lime Street. WILLIAM RAYNOR. Sccretar. ever at that by tbe bugle-cull known gress entitled, “An Act to provide Internal Revenue been applied for controlling the Draft aud reg- and Portland, Sept. 16,1863. oc6 tf the heat to the Ovens. an new Wunjoy Post Office*. as “tbe general,”—without previous notice. to support the Government, aud to pay interest on EDWARD SHAW, 102 Middle Street. ulating Hy entirely the Agent, we have slides to be used for or A N Omnibus will leave Gilbert's Store on St. HOME AGAIN! a public debt,” approved July 1, ami the ocl27 arrangement plate Law We moved mile or two in un direc- 1862, lyeod re easterly For Salt- ul u Raricniii. amendments thereto approved March 3, 1863; that pie warmers. This Rauge is heavier than any other, •iV nee Street mid Hie Post (Mice, a, follow, tion, and bivouacked. On the 28th the several of smooth castings, and beautiful orna- Hilbert'* Store. Port Office. having modern-built, three duties, taxes, (on income, carriages and de-ign.boing moved a little into tbe we splendid, story aud m—tod with bright lihli and the which * M. r. M. A. 51. r. M. Mrw. Cushman woods, were or- House, No. 486 Congress street, now plate,) licenses, assessed, enumerated and con- Notice. dlrocti—, occupied tained in said Annual are are cast on the face of the 8.15 l'2 4o 9.06 loo dered to build huts on tbe of last Jefferson 12 Second Collection List, have simple, Range, always plan winter mTliatby Cooleage, Esq., containing rPIIE Directors of the before the of the when it. #.40 1 30 ju»t returned from New York witk a Hue ae- become due and that I will in MA(XE MVTVAL FIRE eyes cook, using We sav, 10.00 1 60 and directions were to finished rooms. A good stable i» connected with payable; person or by sortmmt given brigade com- | attend to and X /XSURAXi'E C()\tPAX 1, having made the unhesitatingly, that it will do more work, with the lo.3o 2.15 11.Mi IK HAS of the LATEST STY LES of the house. Hard and soft water in abundauce. If deputy collecting receiving the afore- manders in relation to tbe selection of com- said taxes aud license* 28th assessment of said and committed same amount of fuel, than any other. 11.3o 3.00 12ou 3.20 not sold previous to the 25th iust., it will be sold at duties, assessed and payable Company, within the oi the same to me to collect, members art- to 3*5 4.06 pany grounds. This, again looked like a per- auction. Countv Cumberland in *aid District, retjiiestetl PATTERN BONNETS, at No. b* pay the amount of their bills to me, or to 4.S) 450 manent bait, and on tbe we were For particular* of J. M. 43A my office, Exchange street, Portland, from respective 2!)th, busily enquire KNIGHT, the second of an authorized me to receive the 6.16 5 36 -ASP- State or KNIGHT k No. day November, 1863, to tlie 12th agent by >atue.with- •engaged in building huts and as | street, FROST. 2 i.imc day in from MAGEE’S NEW PATENT 6.00 “policing” street. of November. 1863, both inclusive; that 1 will iu thirty days Dec. 1st, I860. 0.16 ...V- w. FRENCH V»VtMill6 mv, I7UCCIP ui it it 111 like manner attend CHARLES HUMPHREY. Collector. 7.00 7.20 MILLINERY, J) Portland, Nov. 6,1863. dSw* to collecting and receiving du- ties. taxes and as Yarmouth, Nov. 10th. 1863. 8.00 8 So to is called. Early on the morning of the 30th," licenses, aforesaid, assessed aud cod&w3v\21* Brick and Portable Furnaces which 'he imitcs the attention of her friend* and within tlie of York 8.50 V.li the came the order to be in readiness to move at payable County iu said Di*trict, public iu general. I). REEVES. Fashionable Military, Naval Ml tin- litllnipinif lipcimiuluil •.. Fare 5 cents, or Railroad Package Tickets 25 fo 7 o'clock A. M., and our dreams of com- -ADAPTED TO- />nSSS-MA A'/ V(l thmt to order. again A • and Civic Tailor, At tlic Biddeford House iu ou Home insurance Onedollar. J. J. OKKK1SH. Biddeford, Monday, < onipany, mi»i\ m ocsi dsw fortable winter quarters were broken. Strik- 93 Street. November 16th; oct20edtf P k K. A. It. Exchange Unilcliug* of nil ('lanvea mid Sixn ! Supt. K. ing the railroad at Catletts' Station, we moved At the Newichawonock House iu South Berwick, OP NEW HAVEN, CT. on November — down the track about three miles Itelotv War- COATS. PANTS and VESTS, and bus* Tuesday, 17th; n PAMER>N I ne** Suits made to at At the Berry Hotel iu Alfred, on No- CASH renton Junction and baited. Dress order, the short notice of Wednesday, CAPITAL *200,000. The success of this celebrated Furnace, is Full and Winter again Here we 12 at A. 1). vember 18th; justly Opening! hours, REEVES. 98 Exchange St. probably without a parallel. No furnaces, iu te short encamped in a largo open field, and as it was At Fetch'* Hotel in on No- r Limerick, Thursday, TAEALKKS receive 75/*.r c ut. of net profits, (or a time, and without or advertis- ARTIFICIAL difficult to wood vember 19th, 1863. newspaper puffing LEG, K / procure enough for habits, zouave J a cash discount made in lieu of have ever been so and necessary jackets, and And 1 further notice that “all participation.) ing, extensively introduced, A. D. no for Waists for give persons who so known. REEVES, Pnlroiiwed cooking, preparations winter quarters HidingFancy Ladies, cut and made to or- shall to Insures Buildings, Merchandise, Household Furni- favorably The Regulator, invented aud by (ioreniH„i> \ neglect pay the duties, taxes and licenses as- | were made. From Ibis latter we der, at A. L>. REEVES', 98 Exchange St. ture. Kei*t«, Leases, and other Insurable pateuted by Mr. Magee, was the first ever applied to Tailor cb place moved sessed upon them as aforesaid, to said Collector or Property, Draper, Loss or bv Fire. a Stove or Furnace, tor so controling the draft as to on 7th Inst. Our his within the time* above w ill against Damage world-renowned invention which received Saturday last, division, (the | deputy, specified, be any desired ot heat, aud bold ii for rpUIS DESCRIPTION of Garments for Men liable uuder the ot D. 1C. give degree any NO. 98 EXCHANGE 1 the ”Gre»t Prise Medal” at the 1st of the 3d and the 3d provisions Section 19 of the Act SATTERLF.E, President. of but STREET, World', Fair, it corps) led, brigade, 1JWEUY-i and cut at short at reasonable length time, requiring replenishing a. boys notice, of Congress aforesaid, to pay ten centum addi- Chaui.lm Wilson, Secretary. AS returned from regarded the only reliable Artificial now ours, led the division. Our A. D. per seldom, aud may be kept an entire season. These just Boston and New York I leg regiment, how- REEVES’, 98 Exchange Street. I tional upon the amount thereof." Sam'l L. Talcott, made. It it worn by of six thoutaua Surveyor. Furnaces may be used with or without the Extra U with a RICH aud FASHIONABLE assort- ! upwards per- ever, being so largely of new It is that all such son'1. embracing all classes, and It composed men, hoped persous having taxes, du- which are more went of ages profeeaiont. was for the in the of ties or licenses to will attend to Kadiatiug Pipes, desigued particu- is too well known to reuuire extended transferred to the 2d for Men pay, their — day brigade ■EVERYTHING shape Clothing payment J. W. MUNGER & larly for places requiring a quick, powerful heat description,as its in J and boys made to order with neatness and dis- ! within the time prescribed, as I am instructed to SON, Agents, all information concerning it is embraced In tho de- and place the 3d tilled by the IT. S. After a trial ot lour years, the inventor having add- patch, at A. D. 98 St. enforce the law iu all cases of Cassimeres & scriptive pamphlet, which ia sent free to nil who ip- and the 20th Indiana. 3d REEVES’, Exchange delinquency. NO. ICR FORE STREET. ed such improvements as have suggested themselves, Cloths, aharpshooters, The Persons in the County of York desirous of so do- Vestings was now offers to builders,housekeepers and all interested, ply._ brigade tints, lor the of iug. cau pay their taxe- at tuy office, No. 22 Ex- M WkF Cm of every variety ami style, which lie purchased for fc^SOI.DIF.RS ol nil the Niw Kxqlaxp Statu day composed «>1 CLOTH8, Cassimeres ami Not- J>20 Portland, Mk. their Furnaces as improved, in ten sixes: tho No. 10 wiunowed street, Portland, prior to November ca*h, and can an “tit supplied w ithout numbers ol regiments by nearly a score of bat- VARIETYing* always oi\ hand at change 10th, the largest si/e Furnace made in the country. consequently give elegant charge Very large 1803, at which time the tax lists will be removed to being out" at the lotrest cash soldiers are at the Boston Ik and it did its work uoblv. Your A. I). REEVES’. 98 St. The Furnaces a mild and summer-like prices. beiug supplied Haase. tles, tele- Exchange the of York. impart very Green street to PAI.MP.R County He invite* hi* old Mends ami customers, and the Apply fc CO.. graphic report in the "Press'’ of the 1 Oth inst- heat. Octlu wAstf NATI1LJ. MAINE to call ou him. Grateful tor the Boston. Mnsn. secoud ERY MILITARY’ and Naval Officer can be MILLER. INSURANCE CO. Also for sale. Cooking. Office and Parlor Stoves of public generally, aays,—“The division of the 3d Collector liberal corps, J lifted out at the Tailoring Establishment ol of the First Collection District all kinds for w ood or coal. Cook Stoves for coal or patrouuge he has received siuce he establish- under command of Gen. II. in the Maine. ed himself here, he solicit* a Yellow C orn. Prince, crossed A. D. REEVES, 98 Exchange St. State of Maine. Augusta, wood; Clipper, Boston and Maiue. Connecticut. Ne- continuance, aud wiU the river at Kelley's Ford, and captured 2.12 Portland, October 15, 1803. 6w vada. Green Mountain State. None Such. Our State, spare uoed'orts to give general satisfaction. Yellow Corn, for rale by fllHE Maine Insurance insure For wood: Home, ocW tt V. prisoners. ATTENTION giveu in Company against Triumph. Cottage llarp, Ariel, PRIME P. VAK.MM. getting up boys’ I A log* or damage by fire. Buildings, Merchau* aud New States. head The credit of this is SPECIALJackets, Pants and Overcoats at Republic Kuglaud Also, traukliu, Ivll Comseerainlstreet, Widgery’s wharf due to the 3d CITY OF dizo and Furniture, ou terms as favorable as it brigade uovlO dtf A. 1). PORTLAND, I can Box aud Cylinder. of the 1st division as no other REEVES', 98 Exchange St. be done bv solvent brigade took In Board ok Mayor and Aldkrmkn, t auy Company. Policies issued for or Five vears. :nt e w SI. Louiis Flour. any active part in the at November 0. 1808. i Oue, Three, fight Kelly’s Ford, 3. L. no Maine Wcslcjiiu anti Ou the petition of Messrs. & CUTLF.II, President. l'OK STEVENS’ LOUIS FLOUR, for sale by other took auy prisoners there, and no Seminary Rumery Burnham, J. II. AGENTS Female lor license to erect aud use a strain and boil- WILLIAMS,Secretary. I HAIR DRESSING SALOON! ST. P. F VARKUM, Commercial street, other crossed the river until the was College. engine fighting ers in their Franklin near Jy 13 distf head Wldgery'e wharf. miiE Winter Term will commence buildiugsou street, Com- about over. The 3d and 2d brigades lorded Nov. 90, and mercial street; LDWAUD 0 veils At the Central A continue 13 weeks, under the usual Board of In- SHAW-Arch I, Celebrated Portable J House, the river. I do not know how or when the Ortltrctl, That the 21st day of Novem- struction. Saturday, the Foal 1st but think ber iust., at 4 o’clock P. M., at the Aldermen’s No. 102 Middle Street. Opposite OlMce, Liiue Street. AM Y DO^TN brigade crossed, they also Send for a Circular. We have in store and lor sale Sheat Lead, Lead Room, be assigned a*- the time and lor the con- ocl2 eodly forded. The river was about II. 1‘. place knee-deep ns I l'ORSEY. President. sideration of said ami that said tin, Irou, Copier and Zinc. C«wi»« & Co.'s Kent’s Hill, Nov. li 1803 petition, applicants Pipe, know by actual measurement. We bad crossed novlT d3t notice PN MI*S, all sizes and kinds. Latest Improved give thereof by publishing this order in one IF- "W. ZSTICXX03L.S the river, and were lying sheltered from the of the daily papers of this city four times, the first eui»:iiTii4-rsIii|» Nulire, fire of the rebel rryebing Acadeni). publication to be at least fourteen beforehand, sharpshooters a little emi- days A. K. MOULTON, fortnerlv oi Arm ofCiiAa respectfully announce to hi* former pat- CLOTHES WRINGER! by fWYHE YVinterTeim of this Institution will that all persous interested be and be nence in front when the war com- may present K.-units & and Mr. Workers of Iron ! WOULDron* and the that he ha* tak- of cannon to the A mence beard thereon. MU Co., OEolO.K MILLIKEN Heavy public generally, Wednesday, Dec. 2d, 1863, and will con- en the room in the Tent told us that arc admitted partners in onr tlrm from this date ral House. formerly occupied right somebody was | tiuue ten weeks. Attest; J. M. Clerk. We have for work of this kind, en- “stirring up HEATH, City W. A C. R. Mil.LIKEN. machinery by Kilwell Brother*, where he hop***, bv strict atten- hornet's nest” at 1*. A. C'opv Attest: us the Station „„„_B. SNOW, 51., Principal. November 2d, lS.il. abling to turn it out iu the best possible manuer. tion to business, to merit a share of the public pat- Uajqmhaunock II. It. SEWALL, uo\7 J. M. liovlO dfcwSw and an idea of the magnitude of the move- Secretary. 11EATU, City Clerk. ronage. Krycburg, Nov. 12.193. liovW dlwfcw2«22 Particular Hair aud ment dawned upon our mind. We Smoke Stacks, Ventilators, &c.. attention given to Dying lay very NOTICE. Whiskers. oct27 dlstf quiet till dark, for though there was very for llor*r*. WE have disposed of our interest iu the store Made to Order. little man Copartnership Notice. Proposal* fighting going on, yet every who YY receutly occupied by us to M ssrs. If. .V r. head above the kuoll in Cavalry who will continue showed hie front was j rilHK uuderalgncl have this day formed a Bureau. MH.LIKKX, the business, as copart- Office ok the Cuiep heretofore. We would made a the rebel No I X uership under the name and style of quautku.master. hereby solicit for them the We have on hand a large stock of Miscelloneous N UW GOODS! target by sharpshooter. Washington, D. C\, 1863. continuance of the favor of one was August 16, our former customers articles found iu Stave stores. hurt in the 17th however. are solicited aud usually faff" Jobbing PROPOSALS aud will be received nt the trade generally, as worthy of all coulldcuce attended to. The HOWARD & this promptly prisoners taken at lids place were com- NOYES, CO., 1 office for the furnishing of CAVALRY " e have taltcu an office up stairs' in the sunn build- HORSES, to be delivered at 94 STREET. fortably clad, and did not have tlicappearance lor tlic transaction of the Pittsburg, Pa., Phila- ing- CHARLES ROUEISS & CO. ur Orders from the country respectfully solic- EXCHANGE of men who laid been lor | j dclpbia, Washington City, Syracuse, N. Y., oa ludi- Cortland, Nov.2d, 18U3. novlodinjw ited, which will receive special attention any considerable ! annpolis, I ml. time on very short rations. seemed Stove and r uniace All very Rusiiirtts, Proposals will be considered for the furnishing of The superior points of this Wringer ovsr others much at Horses in lots ol not less than HOWARD & P. II. FROST, are: pleased being made prisoners. Among AT XO. 33 KXCHAXGE STKEET. | twenty-five (25). The Removal. NOYES, CO., two or three hundred Horses to be from 11 ft ecu (16) to sixteen (16) hands 1. Simplicity of construction. who passed us 1 did not N. W. NOYES, ; ! high, from live (6) to nine (9) years old. well broken No. JJ Portland. 2. It ha-* no irou that cau ever rust the Clothes. see a single sorrowlui countenance. 1 noticed I. L. llOWAItU. Eu'liuiige Slrccl, .... ! to the saddle, compact!} built, in good tlesli, aud free MERCHANT TAILOR, 8. It U very ami not liable to ret out of or- one of our 1, 1S«3. -trong stretcher-bearers who had armed July j,3 dtf from all defects. Oct .22 lm a lace collar to J’ortland, j Has received from BOSTON and NEW YORK a der. wringing anything from a bed himself with a The Not*. 107 &z 100 <'onlinerein I bayonet picked up on the field ability of the bidder to fulfil his agreement Street, complete assortment of the BEST aud moat EAS/I- quilt, working easier than any other Wringer. must be guaranteed two Wo warrant this in and was taking in two rebels whom lie had I by rospoaBble persons, where we shall conduct a wholesale lOXAllLE Goods in the market for (iiNTLKMKX'8 Wiinger every particular and Out whoso must he utt* in section of the coun- A rebel Boquets Flowers,' signatures appended to the guarantee. wear for Fall aud Wiuter Garment*, among which IJT'Ag. wanted every captured. sergeant caused us some WREATHS The of the guarantors must beshown MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. try. A liberal discount made to tho trade his TjNCNERAL AND CROSSES, taeto- responsibility Flour and are amusement by efforts to close a A and by the official certificate of the Clerk of the Grocery, Provision Business. Vor sale at the old stand. SM Con- up squad lully arranged made to order at my es ab nearest Wringer's of District or of the United States Fine prisoners. “Get into heaps, said be lishmeut, corner of North and Montreal streets, Court, District Attor- novl0d&tv3w W. & C. IF MILLJKEN. Extra French Over-C oating», Chin- gress street. boys,” ney “into into four Munjoy Ilill. boquets may be found at Lo- E. CHAPaWAX, Jr., Agent. groups o'tours, ranks, mbt always must he to B. A. A E. chillas, Heavy Diagonals, Plain well & SenterV, Exchange street. All orders left Proposals addressed Lieutenant-Colonel ALEXANDER, oed dtf smart,” C. (i. SawtelJe, Chief and i there will be promptly attended to. j Quartermaster, Cavalry Bu- 310 Fancy Beavers. Xear Kelly’s Ford and just above it on the ALbERT reau. and be endorsed on the P. & F. A. RAILROAD. Oonjrri'fw Street, D1RWANGER, Florist. envelope "Proposals Also a large stock of SCOTCH and ENGLISH river is a ami somewhat for Horses." C. (i. (Between Oak & Green HATCH & small, dilapidated : septl9eod3in SAWTELLE, sts.,) Cloth*, for Bu.siuc** aud Drew Suits, which are CLIFFORD, Lieutenant-Colonel aud Chief Q'laitermaser very which I have heard called and the CHEAPEST Goods in the market. village Kellyville. aug22 dtf Cavarly Bureau. L'uiil t'urthor notice, the Car* will ply between now in store one of the most stylish as- popular, It cousists of a grist-mill and half a dozen HAVEsortments of the above named goods ever Clothe* manufactured in the best st)le, and a* PRODUCE COMMISSION offered for sale in this the latest Fall cheap a* can bo purchased elsewhere. houses, with the usual quantity of negro JOHN CROCKETT & Clark Street and Grand Trunk city, iucludiug c67 Subscriber Depot and Winter are also iu re- A* I do my owu cutting, and attend to gives public notice to all concern styles. They constantly personally MERCHANTS, shauties. We it on — — passed through Sunday rglHEX that KVEltY of of the latest trum tin* famaus the tnanufarturc, my customer* my -DEALERS IN- ed, she has been duly appointed and taken ceipt patterns styles, way rely upon AKD DEALKBS IB 8th lost., and alter au hour establishment of Madame Demurest. New best exertions to give satisfaction. morning, halting j upon herself the trust of Administratrix of the es- rifteon Hi mu os itto Broadway. ; or two New tlsiriiiR Day, dress als earned on I eodflra on a hill near the railroad and about siiitl Second llaud Furniture, tate of Daniel Fox, late of Portland, iu the County York. Fashiouable making iu seplT Butter, Beans, te. of Cumberland, deceased, bond the first Car leaving ( lark .Street at 7.17 A. M. and all its oct30 dtf Cheese, Eggs, Apples, two miles from the ford, we moved on toward -AND- by giving as the law l*rauches. directs; she therefore all Fraud Truuk at 7.40 A. M. The la*t c*r at this The here is a sort of rol- requests person* who are Depot Gold Found. No. .3 Lime Street, place. country indebted to the said deceased’s estate to make Wight, will leave Clark Street, at 9 aud Fraud imme- (2, in tlie street ling prairie. There is near here de- FURNISHING GOODS. diate and those who have Trunk quantity of gold coin was picked up nothing payment; anv demands Depot9.65. Vermont Uniter. it hr A on Monday. The owner can have calling J ME. serving the name of but Ine- 13S Ai lao .... Etc thereon, to exhibit the same tor settlement to n. Clifford. PORTLAND, hill, only enough Image Street, FAKE—Five C-eiitK. received, a lot of ohoico Vermont aud at the oifieo of the $ SUBAN W.FOX. liutter, City Marshal, proving property quality of surface to the of J J. FK.KHlSil, for Bate WII.LIAH L. aud fur N. B. cash far Pro- relieve monotony nuyll dtf Portland, Nov. 8,1863. d8vv Superintendent. JUST by WILSON, paving tbie advertisement. Highest prices paid Country Oct. 26. 1363. dtt octlS dtf 872 Congren. Strut. 00t; dkwtr JOHN 8. tit ALU duce ut nil glads. cell d8a 1 ————— ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. Waterville THE DAILY PRESS. BY TELEGRAPH College exhibition. SAILING OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. How, then, cau we expect permanent advantage, WATBliVILLfc, Nov. l«0l!. BTKAMhR rOUTLAND MAINS the first front the -TO THE- 10, FROM FOR FAIL* «•»“#•> Sy~Ou page—Letter To the Editor of the and revengeful' unKrupnlSu. -——- Press York Nov wll° m»kca .Now wit every peieoiiand of the l’otoiuae. ... thin' imlhl'*'•“ B"'!-v’ army llte Anglia ...Galway Boston Novi) control, ruhservii nt to annual exhibition of Lite ,Senior class of ( ity ut j wholly mill- Friday Morning. November 'AO. 1803. EVENING PAPERS. Baltimore. Liverpool ..New York Nov II Tl»"r,,u* "'iviciit the fourth for the torn, *< *r ByOu page—Wcep Aged, Waterville at the Portland.... Nov 12 wld'lc »>?'' even more is —=-- College, occurred Baptist America.Liverpool.... i« A "zujird tbau usual, -- Arabia.. I'O .Liverpool.Boston.Nov 14 iin cart s of and lur- original poetry. Church last of i.Vl. tlL om’V> life, only evening. City Limerick. Liverpool.New York Nov 14 * '■■*■'1 of our the circulation of the Daily Press is larger America. m^n i portion surpltu of rais- The exercises off Southampton..New York Nov 10 10 against thii formidable than other in the By- Captain Stanley Farmington is Three t.uter passed pleasantly to all ?™*;dio^t who make# cojleud that, of any daily city. Itaya from Europe. Borussia.Southampton.New York Nov 17 war hi* sola pursuit* a of iu interested. This is City of New York. New The rebeH are in the ing company cavalry Frankliu County. New Voice, Nov. 19. a rich treat to the citizens Liverpool_ York. Nov 18 mid.t of dealitutioa aod want Twtve, -*6.00 a year if paid within three months Nov “''““St tiupara.lele.1. and ar. The from ot this Hibernian.Liverpool.Portland Is# without a gleam ol the date or *7.00 at the end of an steamship Persia, town and to he thr from of subscription, By Rev. John Kennedy, eminent di- Liverpool 7th, ought highly appre- Scotia.Liverpool.New York Nov 21 hope tlieir eucoiiragemeut in the lutuie With the via Queenstown tfth, has arrived. Etna.Liverpool.New ■toreto (ear from .access year. vine of the ciated. York ..Nov 25 than defeat Methodist Episcopal Church iu has Bremen. York Nov tlieir bltudue-i aud liitaluation ,’t auefc” Xapoleou issued letters the sov- .Southampton.New 25 that they can „.en, inviting The Waterville Cornet Band Damascus. New York, died at Brooklyn on to a furnished ap- Liverpool.Portland_Nov 2d front their and Saturday. ereigns European Congress. City of York toraije.rmic.twm .par4 no“ Treason in the Pierce CabiiiPt. Pork.Liverpool.New Nov 28 crty-strickenpopulation. Shall it be >aid that a New The some propriate and music. Canada. s estimated that the w ool of privateer Ueorgia captured time patriotic .Liverpool.Boston.Nov 23 Kurland State, abounding in wealth and wit clip before her Nova men to In and until March 4th of the follow- arrival at John The was the order of : Scotian.Liverpaol.Portland Dee 3 troops in the world, 1856, Minnesota the will not be less Cherbourg, ship following exercises ertUo,,«"iU,< th,B 'r*’ attected h'ith- present year IVatts, from Maulmain. is uot Jura.Liverpool.Portland Dec 10 ,v t*10 **r in those sad Davis was a member of Presi- It stated what ? om/ji bereave, ing year, Jeff. Prayer. Bohemian.Liverpool.Portland.Dec 17 our than five hundred thousand pounds. she did with her. As she is to have !",r .n«,hri°"/1 r»"'e and honor have been dent at the head of the War reported * Music. “ volunteers Pierce’s Cabinet, boarded of ..New York ru.o^b?"rU bril>f upward vessels be- « Koauoke.- Havana.Nov 21 '''tv new paper to Union ninety shortly 1. Latin Nation from the Greek of Isocrates. days effort, when tbe com- J. M. Mason was in the U. S. JfA expound prin- fore at Geo Cromwell.New York New Orleans. Nov 21 !!(!?„. |” fer“ Department. arriving Cherbourg, it is supposed she IGreeuville Mellon Denham, Turner. Shite oi' Maine. 01 ,l“ » and the of the Hausa.New York.. Bremen.Nov ucpeuaiugdcDeudin»nI“1’.' upon suchto‘UfcjUi!*ti,JU Senate from On the 30th ciples support policy govern- captured more than is stated above. 2. The Slavery of 21 result#* Virginia. of Sep. Aristocracy. York.. Ha.\ Aru the wanton massw.,* Willard Whoever Fairfield. Eilinburg.New Liverpool.Nov 21 D^UARTgUR, VTA»T (i RXEKA L’R OFFICE, by thejrehel, io cold of an- ment is about to be established iu Louisville The most important and Freeman, ( arrned and defenceless blood, tember, of 185t5, Mason wrote a private letter interesting portion 3. The Navies of the World. Bohemian.Quebec.Liverpool.Nov 22 Augusta, October 31,1868. ) prisoners, ,nd the .nth-ring and of the Persia’s news is the French Ocean tauten.New York. Aspinwall. Nov 23 h “Of brave from was Ky. Emperor's Cyrus Greenwood Kichardsou, Fort Fairfield. OENKRAI. ORKKR so. 22. .Urestlon and nskednea. to Davis, which found the papers Sidon.New York.. whilei” all their soldierstroops in our among speech both this and Liverpool.Nov 25 I. The hand... b, eaptcre or bearing upon country Music. North American.. respective cities, towut and nlautationa are not other’ latter The for the in the .Portland... .Liverpool.Nov 23 Imc burn wise, only humanely treated. hut bountifullv frd oi the when his private library was tak- gy majority Union Europe. The said: apprised ol tin- due ttoued to Emperor 4. French Version from Dc Nov 25 quotas apuoi ami clothed, ell for a on Quincy. Asia.Boston.Liverpool_ eaclt, to ati.a rr the call of the Rrcaident det/rminmiion en our men at of which as recorded the elections of Certainly, the of our Teutonia.New York ol the iTtli people, that #uir«« lent men now be by Union Jackson, loyal States, by prosperity country ‘William Houry Lambert, Auburn. Hamburg.Nov 23 lust., lor Ism.wKt volunteers. furnished for am h ini would take a more course if o. Knglihh Versions from the Latin of l acitus. Morning Star New York. New Orleans Ntv23 mediate progress in the conduct of the war. a* is a the seven months, will no less rapid political .11 avoid ad rail .these uitlst be dhall reu the following copy: past aggregate of Loudon .. New York. troops furbish, I der our foe for did not tDaniel Vassalboro’. City Liverpool.Nov 23 cu auu inu-tered into pouerle**. a repetition of these at**it*- preoccupations trouble it; but in the Hayden Tavlor, tin* United Mate* service on or than three hundred awl 6. Peace from War. Saladiu.New York Port au PrinccNov 3»> Duty to our loyal b ret hie u and their tumiliea fifty thouMind. tile nations events unforeseen and inevita- before the 4fli day of next. through. gf William Pierce 1 ill. January I out the South, who are aud have been Young, Kendusktag. Anglia.Boston.Galway.Dec Allliotigit officers for the veteran suffering untold to ble arise, which must be met without fear and Persia.New York. 2 recruiting horror# from persecution and want for more ttrnu gyA great Sanitary Fair, similar that Music. Liverpool.Dec regiments and are designated the Com- two My Dear Sib: I have a letter from battery by year# now demand* all our Wise, supported without faltering. Of this number Arabia.Boston.Liverpool.Dec inauder-in-t hief, and for the | past, energies lit this l«hair which so successful at 7. Greek Version fro ntho “d»- ofliciis” of Cicero. Borussia.New York.. regiments and corns in to the of the’2 full of lie says the gov- proved Chicago, are Hamburg.Dec 3 the field the Mercy misguided rebel* Inarm* aod their 7th, spirit. the war in America, the compulsory occu- t by Acting Assistant Provost Mar.-hal fluttering Augustus Dennett Small, Carmel. America .Portland.. 5 families. make# the same demand u#. Justice to ernments ol North Carolina, South Carolina is to be held in Boston in the month of 8. .Liverpool.Dec General, Maj. J. W. 1. Gardiner, it is [ upou pation of Mexico and Cochin China, and the Success a Duty. City of New York.New York Dec 5 Augusta, the leader# of the rebellion the*e effort#. let have Liverpool. quite evideut that the active of munic- u*. then, and Louisiana, already agreed to the insurrection in Poland. •Ira Waldron, Dover, X. II. America.Now York Bremen.Dec 5 co-operation tn the name of and December. ipal authorities, and all is Humanity lleliffum, forgetting all at and W. Metrical Version loyal citizens, indi*p<-u«a- sect# rendezvous Raleigh, others will—this The distant from the Greek of /Esehvlu*. Corsica.New York Havana.Dec 7 bio to the par*»•>*, and creed#, ri#e up a* one nan and that expeditious, the objects of so complete success of this undertaking. at aay, is in most ear. He An was made to lire the Kear- tC harles Veranus j whatever ro*t, thi* rebellion mu*t now be e erea localities upon former calls and cases, but, done, by &yTkc committee in the we were to renounce all influence in 12. The Lesson of Poland. apportionments traitoriou# wishes ami and can we having charge side, No computations can therefore be entered desigus, reasouablv ev- liberal I will accede. • ember into, with c<* them with construction, hope you a and on the in the Harrison Merrill Pratt, Turner Thursday,.No* 19. the any a*#uraoce of •iM*re#s. or hope of the Bates held America, if, other, presence n-pective Cities, Towns and Plantations in t is w*r**^c5 raising College Fund, 13. Popular Ostracism. tlieir if our farm* and our mere Was there not an at the last ses- of ARRIVED. State, for an overthrow, hand be •*. appropriation immense territories occupied by the alleged deficiency orsurplus (if auy) of attention meeting at on the Dili insl. Span- Edwaed Clarendon Littlefield, Chesterville. North Ain« volunteers Py?.°” and care If we would spare our sion for converting flint into arms? Augusta Nearly ish and Steamship ricau,( Br) Dutton, Liverpool furnished prior to the date when the Gov- and percussion Dutch, alone remained without 5th iust, via neighbors our.#elve* a'continued succession of If would not ten thousand dollars are Music• ernment dralt commenced in this State afflicting so, it furnish reason for already raised. Londonderry. (July 7, 1863) bereavement* in as in the we good possessions in the Asiatic seas ? We have Steamer Lewiston, Boston. or of men or coming years, past, must e«- •Excused. t Juniors. knight. commutations obtaiued under the same ert and extending such facilities to the States ? Vir- Steann r New every energy every mean* in our power for the conquered in Cochin China a Brunswick, Winchester, Boston for 2. In apportioning the quota of this State under successful The Calais Advertiser states that Fran- position which, accomplishment of the work us. lias more arms than the other £y The committee awarded the for best St John N B. the preseut call. Col. assigned If ginia probably without subjecting us to the difficulties of lo- prize Frye, the Provost Marshal we would maintain untarnished the Southern cis Bark Eleanor. (Br) Brothers. Card ill. General of the honorable record of States, and would divide in case Hoyt, of Machias, died of in cal will us to to the last United States, says, this is exclusive our State in the and look of consumption government, permit make use of composition speaker. Filler. Bark Olive, (Br, Facev. Cardiff 12th ult. ol past, for its glory in the frituiw, need. a any deficiency you may have on diaft, or we mu-t now In letter yesterday to a committee the Oak on the immense resources of Bark S W present put forth the means of whatever intent or Hill, August 22d, passage these countries and Holbrook, Becker, Boston. former calls, and these will be considered in South I as only in magnitude, that will at once our into Carolina, gave it my to civilize them Brig Young Bilker, Beaufort NC. case another draft is bring troops thw judgment, to Sound. by commerce. Republic, necessary in if Held. Our numerous in the event of Fremont’s Puget SPECIAL Brig January;*' wealthy citisen*. and the offerer* of election, the South In after an NOTICES. Troubador, (Br) Daniels, Hillsboro NB for therefore, the State tails to furnish and have muster- our monied Mexico, unexpected resistance, Providence. institutions, may uow render the government should not but at once to “im- We ed into the United States service, its due of substantial aid pause, proceed By** learn that an interesting revival which the of our soldiers and sailors thus quota never to lw forgotten, in affording financial courage Brig Edward. Higgins. Franklin for NYork. the troops under this call, it is mediate, absolute and eternal So required probable that ari-ommoilatioii.# to *uch town* and as mav re- separation. has been on in East Machias under the have surmounted, we have seen the Sell Mary, (Br) Buiitiu, I’ictnu NS. the Draft which be ordered in plantations going population Parsons’ Celebrated may January next Uiure temporary loan# to enable them to the I am a candidate for the first halter. Ooue,b Sch Christina, Drinkwater. Baltimore. will not pay respect, of welcome us as liberators.' Our efforts will Candy include only the deficiency under this requi- ive bounties voted to his preaching Rev. Win. (1. Thomas. We also (retails only 12ctt per package,(for the cure of Broo. Sch Advance. Boston. tlieir volunteers. And not lees val- Wise says accounts from Philadelphia not be in and we Smith, sition, but also the State’s deficiency, as claimed uable will lie the service* vain, shall be largely com- chit Sch by7 aod Influence of these gentle- are Old Buck learn that Mr. Thomas has had a the is, Hoarseness, Coughs. Cohls, and Iritation of Bramhall, Kicker, Boston. the War Department former calls. men. if cheering for in Pennsylvania. call by for our upon they arw instrumental in soldier# to pensated sacrifices when the destinies the Sch Maracaibo, lieu Portsmouth. 3. All enlistments made persuading I are not’dalusive. Vale et Throat. Being wholly free from all disagreeable ley, voluntary since the U. fu,Kl*v or a portion thereof, with the .Stale hope they Salute. Baptist church in Belfast. of that which will owe to us its re- Sch Windward. Partridge, Stockton. S. draft was of country it is ordered, troops that have been duly and United Mat**# U.uutie#. in Colonel Davis. J. M. Mason. taste, peculiarly adapted to the above diseases in Sch Elizabeth Auu, Gloucester for government bond# or generation shall have been confided to a Wilson, Harps* mustered into the Uuited States service, whether lor "©me equally desirable securities ay Those who have known Joshua R. Children as well as adults. Short & well. or Here Is a treasonable whom his Prepared by regiments corps in the Held, or for the Vctcrau Bv order of 111# Kacdlencv ABNER proposition made by Prince, enlightenment and qualifi- Sell Goldfish, Brookliu for Boston. COBURN Gover- for the last either Waterhouse, corner of Free and Cousins, Regiments now iu process of enlistment mud nor and Commander-in < hlef Giddings twenty years, per- cations render of so noble a mission. Apothecaries, organi- a Senator to a Cabinet officer, both sworn to worthy CLEARED. zation, constitute a of this State’s ta of JOHN L. or Middle streets, Portland, Me. The highest testimon- portion qu IIOIiSDOX, Adj.J General sonally by reputation, will be amused to Let us, then, have faith in our Bark Union, (new. of 383 the present cal’, and those which have nov2ud3lAwIt and the and enterprises ials Brunswick, tons) Merri- places pro protect support Constitution the cau be given of the superior qualities of this ex- man. Havana—Isaac cured such volunteers or them learn that he has been arrested iu Canada as a beyond the sea. Commenced to avenge our Emery. paid bounty, are en- cellent Bark La titled to credit for them Union, and yet the proposition, if not acted honor, they will terminate in the of Cough Remedy, For sale by all Druggists. Ciguena, Adie, Matnnza*— II 1 Robinson. upou the quota to fa: an- kidnapper. triumph Biig Abide C Titcoinb. (new, of Yarmouth, 413 nounced. unuiUE KNIT was not nor was the traitor our m lores aim 11 minus Uo not Portland, Oct. 27.1803. 3medJfcweow GOODS! upon exposed, is, prejuuiceu tons) l'itconib. Havana—Isaac Emery. 4. While the Commander-in-Chicf, Gov. Co- it arrested and made to suffer for his w The Friends' Meeting House at Cen- divine the fruitfulness enclosed in the germs Sell John R Mather, t)rr, Alexandria — Orlando uuux, and Muj. Gardiner, Acting As-itdant Pro- making W. H KAMIETON. M. D.. //"m- onathist. Office Nickerson. vost Marshal ten ..... ___.1 1__D.l_ for the let us not tarnish the Geueral. direct and control the work of ...... '—“—"VS. ~ deposited future, W.i baseness aim a sinei con- and Sch New Y'ork & recruiting, the respective are opening direel from maaolacturrr. ireacuery. mason, thus so to Residence 203, corner of Congress and Wilmot Phenix, Ilenlev, York—KG Son. municipal authorities of naw glory acquired, speak, at the two the various towns and and >>eautilul ul 14th inst. It was the work of streets. Maine. cities, plantations, are earnest- de>igua stitutionist." who would allow no of day evening, extremeties of the Pekin and at Portland, Iv rtvilli.alMl In nn.niu,iut,. i.. it,:. .. liberality globe—at •Snip .roan Watts, from Maulinain for Falmouth K. Loss from six to 1*. 8. ( alls attended to at all hours. Office to the construction in behalf of freedom and aujincendiary. eiglit hun- Mexico. hours, reportedburnt the rebel was 1>74 importance Government and themselves,until popu- by pirate Georgia, its The Polish exacts 7 to 9 A. M.; 12 to 2, and 4 !o9 1*. M. tous, built at Rath in 1869, and owued McClellau completion. Their suggestions aud recommenda- SOXTAOM, lar to dred dollars. question more of explan- by tions rights, proposed “liberal construction” uovl2 d2w* k Larrabee. touching Recruit ing Officers lor their vicinities ation. When the insurrection broke out in are invited, tud will to a officer behalf of The ward in in which Bark Lizzie L Hagen, before was wreck- receive most respectful consid- Nubias, Scarfs I Cabiuet in usurpation, EJ" only New York the of and reported, eration. Hoods, Poland, governments Russia France Great Bargains at GO WELL A ed on a shoal about 40 miles to the eastward of Rau- MORRILL’S. V. treason and Who can doubt the did not lose from last were on the best relations. Since the goon; she was from bound to Recruiting officers w il I negro despotism. copperheads year peace Thibets, Plaids, aud all other of Dress J'enang, Rangoon comprise— Poplius, styles with a of cocounuts. The 1st. those enlisting men under the oi ALEXANDERS. SKATING CAPS, that the the first for which the was ward six—the “Five-Point9” ward. In the great European questions had found them cargo whole of the crew appointment halter, writer Goods. All kinds Domestics, were saved and had arrived at the Governor, for the Veteran of Infau- j 1 not Cloakings, Shawls, Rangoon. The L L H Regiments For Ladies in accord, and do hesitate to declare it. and and the of and Misses. of the above letter said he was a this they made a net of five votes. Ac., selling very cheap for cash. Now is your time registered 341) tous, rated Al], aud was built at Calais try cavalry, battery artillery, and candidate, J gain seventy a> who During the Italian war, well as at the time iii 1852, where she was owned. design entering the service therein as commis- I while the assortment is full. nov!3 eodA wtf Together with ail such goods found is • should have been used in ’VS, upon Mason for Comment is unnecessary. or the annexation ot the provinces of Nice sioned officers. usually DOMESTIC FORTS. .M. Municipal aathoritiei or persons such a letter, aud upon Davis—occu- Mr. was and Savoy, the EiU|>eror lent me the most sin- appointed by writiug or- Beecher received by his peo- It paved mv life.—Iu speaking of Coe's them to officiate, only in the absei.ee or other cere and candid Cough PUGET SOUND—At Port Angelos t)th ult, duly the lie did—for to support. Balsam, if 1 tell you the whole truth, will doubt ship designated officers for the HOSIERY AND GLOVE pying position consenting ple at his Church in 6n you Sarah Newmau.Cobb, for bark Thus recruiting cities, towus STORE, Brooklyn Tuesday That demanded scru- my word, because nine-tenths of the believe Shaughae,Idg; and iu which such receive it It good understanding people Fletcher, Soule, for Australia 10th. plantations authorities reside. and keep private ? The re-union was and the cannot be cured, and those who do 8*1. Individuals selected for evening. cordial, care, and I must have believed the Pol- Consumption SAN FRANCISCO—Sid 13th bark this purpose by the RED STOCKING pulous ult, Fremont, Governor < SIGN, can — believe this, will not avail themselves of this \alua- aud oiumander-iu-Oiief. and Or, who doubt that Wise a Rev. one of his ish cause In France not to hesi- Harriugton, Sound; 20th, Acting As- prime gcntleiuau made sparkling very popular ble will have more confidence in Puget ships Amethyst, sistant Provost Marshal j remedy. They it.if Trask. Beiliugliaiu Camden, General, Maj. J. W.T. Gar- mover in rebellion thus a hal- tate to one of the first alliances of I claim that I have been Bay; Mitchell, Puget di.nkk, whose names are Nos. 154 & early—deserved speeches. compromise only greatly benelitted. Iu Sound. dulv announced, aud who 156 Middle Street. j the and to raise voice in favor view of this 1 am willing to write a whole page.when arc furniihed with the ter In ’AC more than did old John continent, my NEW ORLEANS—Below 6th, bark Hauson requisite orders, instructions nov2o din Infinitely the fact be stated iu three words, a Greg- and blanks. jy Mr. George Bryant being on a visit to of a nation rebellious in the eyes of Russia, may giving you ory, from New York. Brown, several years later; or in the statement of my case. Consumption is hereditary in VI. While it is certaiu that dollars is that, St. took a saw him- but in our the heir ol a inscribed in KEY WEST—Sid 4th iust, bark May Stetson, for twenty-five Louis, up newspaper and eyes right the fumily, two brothers and oue sister been allowed by Government for a of God and was | having Pensacola eulistiug* veteran re- I>A sight Truth,he the most and treaties.” taken from me this disease'. eruit lor or N guilty — self the victim of a foul murder. Mr. history by alarming PHILADELPHIA Ar A G any regiuieut corps iu the field, and Al- cTn gT reported In case our 17tli, brig Cattell, teon dollar.-for a wretch that graced John Brown's execution, Napoleon’s speech to the French iny family physician concurring with Watson. Port Koval SC. new recruit for the same service, -BY Til*- Legislature otheis for the assurance Bryaut immediately telegraphed to his wife eminent their success, decided that 1 must can be afforded, that no citv. town or aud should hare been the first to is universally discussed. Interpretations differ Cld 16th, sch Honduras, Cross, Boston. swing, Hu- fall bv the same destroyer. I never expected to get plantation will fail of filliug its quota of volunteers and that he was still so that some of the re- Cld 17th, brigs Anna D Torrey, Gritlin. ; I. -A.. family kicking. widely while journals relief, had no faith in’ medicines, King-ton lor the Veteran Regiments, if not R. A. man like, from the he for especially patent Cyclone, Russ, Sagua; S Welsh, Stro New for those in the gallows prepared it as others look on it medicines, and it was with no idea of benelitted bridge, Held, through to gard eminently pacific, being Orleans; sch Leesburg, Riake. Boston. neglect recompense recruiting* offi- that old whose soul is so Candor” of the Boston Jour- that I tried Coe’s. 1 had heard it well of cer* This man, visibly “march- £y "‘Toby as indicative of war. spoken by NEW'YORK—Ar Geiu of the liberally. Association will give a course of hud within 18th, ships Ocean, VII. The has all who inv knowledge tried it, but it was Williams. government bounty of 402 dollars is in the events of the hour'.' nal, commenced rather early to organize Some of the English journals oppose a Con- Bombay; Lisbon, Brown. New Orleans; to ing along" passing not till I was overpowered by the entreaties of my bark W H paid veteraus for eulistiug either for or on Wall, Castner, Key West; brigs Crania, regiments THREE our State and his candidates gress Poland, and ask if the Emperor wife, that 1 was willing to use it. The relief] ob- corps iu tlie Held, or lor those now in Legislature put Bradford, Mau/anilla: Thackcry. Matthews, organizing this ASSEMBLIES. means that war is without tained from the first two or three doses, satisfied me Henry State, and 3U2dollars to new recruit- to for the various really inevitable Miragoane; Darien. Glace Bay CB. enter service ( uminencing To SpBsoHinEns.— Some few State offices in the Held. Bet- that it was no friends soon to Henry, in either of the old Wednesday Evening,Nov. ll.'M, gentlemen one. humbug. My began Cld ISth, ship Grahams Norton, N Orleans; organizations iu the field, and have look better. What are us- ’Polly, 100 dollar* for in promptly called iuto Die office aud paid ter wait till after Christmas. A Lord say, “Hughes, you you bark Kebecca, (Br) Yeaton, Nassau NP: if C enlisting either or the regiments or AT letter by John Russell to the British I said “C oe’s Balsam." brig the now LANCASTER HALL. for their in to-a call which ing?” Cough They replied Brooks, Newcomb, Minatitlau; schs battery being raised in this State. In addi- up daily response Minister to dated Oct. is the article was and to Unison, Mann, tion to the amouut sy The Maine Farmer i9 taking to Russia, 20, published. “that good, wished know* what Saugii'; AkaAniog, Ames, Boston. above specified as government we made a few days since tor payment. We steps I of it.” I told them “that 1 100 dollars State It says that her Majesty’s Government has no thought wished to NEWPORT—81d 17th, brig Clara P Gibbs, Tapley, bounty, bounty will be paid vete- THIRD should be to have others do or have all its subscribers pay in advance for the it a fair trial then 1 would ran recruits to iuto either of our ASSEMBLY, happy so, pay wish to prolong the correspondence for the give report." Providence for Bangor; schs La Plata, Abbott, from go regiments or the ut once to our collector when he culls. This is what 1 am now about to do. If I can be- battery now' and the same Don’t paper. It says that the of in mere Warren for New \ ork ; Ontario. Andrews, Somer- orgaui/lug. government Tuesday Evening, Nov. 94lh. system paying purpose of controversy; that Russia has lieve emiuent I can have with 45 dollars lens of him off with for those physicians—if confidence set for New York : John Snow, Grant, Machias tor bounty State bounty, to enter put gentlemen promises, has with to in mv and a or CCMMITTKX OT advance gained largely among its patrons. special obligations regard Polaud, and the opinion of family friends— if I know New York, (and ail remained in 16th.) regiment corps iu the Held New recruits for ARRAXOKMXXT*. things amount to nothing to us; we cannot the difference between aud then port the veteran and •lames lie Main, Patrick the of Poland are contained in the joy sorrow, throe regiments will receive _ Tobiu, Thomas like to read their own and rights same IIOLMES’8 HOLE—Sid lsth, bark David Nickels, battery 100 Parker, our or in They newspaper, years 1 was cured of aud I also do.iam Stale aud the like John William pay paper bill, telegraph bill, help instrument which confers the title of of ago Consumption, brigs Lyra, Chimborazoo. Edwin. Triudelen, Young bounty sum as government Kcuey, Dyer. King believe that if brothers aud sister had or for or that kind of stuff; nothing but greenbacks or save the extra bill at the end of the year. my used it, schs Eva Belle, Ida F W heeler, Ruth H bouuty, regimeuts corps in the field, will rLOOU MANAGERS. Poland on the Emperor of Russia. would have beeu here to add their to- Republic; receive a bounty of 902 bank bill* will be received those we they testimony Baker, and F C Simmons. government dollar-, payable James McMain, John McKeney. P K. Mullownr, good by Now if it fails to cure aud a sy Rev. A. D. Smith, D. D., was Liverpool, .Vor, 1th, evening.—The Laird day. then, your friend, do BOSTON—Cld 18th lost, hark W H Randall. (Br) by instalments, State bouuty of HfH-Hve dol- P.8.Doyle, J. Daley owe. So shell out for as sure as inaugu- not recommend it the for it cure lars. gentlemen, irou-clads have been valued by order of the less, may another. Phinucy, WC Africa; sch Somerset, Friable, Beau- we the will be unless a rated as President of Dartmouth It is the lot of all to die sooner or later, aud I under- To breathe, daily stopped College, as follows: The fort NC. recapitulate. Tickets for the remainder of the coarse, 81.00; tin- Government, El Toussin at stand that he does uot claim to cure 5 etcan recruit* the little more interest is manifested on the part Gov. Gilmore aud staff, mem- consumption, Ar lyth, brig Neponset. Tracey, from Grand Turk; ,/c. knowledge fort Isaac Carver, Irom-. Total...,...9502 I good others have received, will satisfy me that in of- Of which there is in »t genial to our feelings; aud besides it is a little illuminated. Cld 19th, brigs Lucy Ann. Cole, Millbridgc. to load pool trance, including oue fering this testimony, I do iny in thus for month's wages. 9175. STATEMENT OF TK£ CONDITION discreditable to our to In that only ditty urg- Washington: Minnie Miller. Auderson. Portland place put print The citizens of the afflicted to it. to load for Cuba: To same for and now in the y Salem, have resolved Sufferings of t'nion Prisoners at itichtnontl. ing try Mai ilia Iceland, regimeuts corps Acid, —nr we have men here who do not the j ALBERT W. Wasuingtou. do; from TH«- pay printer. HUGHES. schs Bauner, Jordan. Eastport: M B Ma- government. *4*ft themselves into a committee of the whole to New Nov. 10. Mahoney. F rom t We trust It will not lie so much Youk, The above is correct. MARY A. HUGHES. comber, Machias, to load for Philan- he S late. 55 longer. No 221 Frauklin I Washington; aid the mayor in their Let The Times’ Washington dispatch says, De St., thropist. Homer, Bangor. PkwiiixIuMiraiiceCeuipaay The filling up quota. New Dec. ISO?, above paragraph, which we copy from Witt C. Walter, an Indian scout to Haven, Conn., 9th, j Shi 18th, Old Dominion; brigs Geo Buruham, Total.9457 OE us do the same in this with the deter- equal For sale all C. G. CLARK A ship Of which there HARTFORD. COHN., the city, by Druggists. CO., Proteus, Sea Fount. Princeton, aud Koamcr. is paid in advance, including wages Bath Times, affords unmistakable evidence I.eatberstockiiig, captured just before (.'hieku- New as 913 >. On the mination to our Haven, Conn., Proprietors. SALEM—Cld 18th, schs Scarsville.Sears. Philadel- above, 1st day of November, 1863—made in compli- make up quota before the day and with 350 other Union New that Bro. Lincoln is beginning to understand mauga, paroled pris- Agent in Portland, W. F. PHILLIPS, 149 Middle phia; Abby Weld, Hutchins, Bangor, (aud both sld recruits for the incomplete organ ration* now ance with the Laws of Maine. of grace is over. oners, came here to-night, and tells among street. nov9cod2wA wlw same dav.)^ in thin State, receive from government. 9loo what are the duties, and GLOUCESTER—Ar From the The Stock obligations, rights other things of absorbing interest, that the av- 16tli, brig Vincennes, llodg- State. joo Capital is.1400.000 00 The men of Massachusetts are enter- don. from for over reasonable of a of a Cape Elizabeth, July 1, 1S03. Philadelphia Newbury Henrietta, Surplu' Capital. 228,866 48 expectations publisher erage number of deaths among our men in the W port; Sin:— my connection with the State Re- aketield, South Amboy for Gardiner; Shenan- Tola!. hirsute,! ox ing upon the work of up their Ire- Richmond Is a and During .92OO i /ollntrn, til: daily paper. We know him to he one of the filling quota hospitals forty-three day, form as a teacher. L. F. Atwood’s Bitters doah. Dunning. tor Of which there is 1/1 School, j Eli/abothport Salisbury; Sahwa, paid ail enure, including oue Cash on hand and in fore the that most of them their warrants were introduced used with Whitetnore. Machias for New month’s banks. 863.040 06 most forbear! 1st of January with a determination get death on there and marked success, York; Dahlia, Chaise, wages, *140. in ug, long-suffering, uncomplain- tor hand* of and due from agents, 35.885 5$ Belle Isle. That is low in Bilious affections. Albany Portland; Aurora, Day, from Uostou for To same for regimeuts aud now in and earnestness of in other sandy desert and particularly corps the Held, ! Iteal estate owned by the 17.GuO 10 ing men that can be found in a half ride worthy imitation Yours. Ac., A. P. HILLMAN. Brewer. Iron* government. i Company, day’s damp, swept by the winds and wrapped in 3002 Amount loauedou mortgages of real estate. 38.400 00 BANGOR—Ar 18th, sch L W troin From the ** hut it has States. Let there be a laudable emulation Pierce, Luring, State.. 55 t on of bank by steam, been said there is a fogs. Our men are without blankets, and but Hakotir, Me., Oct. 1,1861. Newbury port. pledge stocks, 18.740 00 the several 3.123 share* bank stocks, market value, *272.887 (a> which forbearauce ceases among New Eugland States in re- one-third ol them are sheltered in moth-eaten Dear Sir:—I have used L. F. Atwood’s Bitters point beyond to be | Total..9357 | 10(» llolyuke Water Power Co.’s bonds, U.6U1 00 tents. All the lor some 10 or 15 years. 1 have tried a great number I FOREIGN FORTS. Of w hicli there i.- paid in to the time of their starved sicken instantly, and advance, iucltidiug one 20 New Britain Water bonds, «]| 2£o 00 a virtue and Bro. Lincoln has not t° gard filling up quotas. of medicines for without effect. These 1 At Shangh&f Sept 18, ships Geu Putnam. Babsoti, month’s *130. only got run down with Four Dyspepsia.but wages, State and City bonds, 03.160 Ut) frightful rapidity. dogs, Bitters are the that have ever relieved tor Chefoo; Hurbeck, from New that man who his name as Samuel only remedy Henry True, York, VIM It is that bounties uniform iu United States 40 point bnt beyond it. syA gives enticed to the island the me of ar 3d : bark probable a- stocks, 74.540 during twenty days this distressing complaint. My neighbors Pacific. Morse, me. mount and uot less than Ar at 9100 nor exceeding *»«• per i Accumulated interest and investments, 1,863 51 With the and says he is from Walter was confined were cook- have also beeu greatly benelitted the use of them. Hong Kong Sept 21, Cutwater, (uot Cul- uow economy practised and the con- Faulkner, Wayne county there, quickly by ship man, will l*c paid tolunceers by the respective I ed and eaten. In the to JOEL HOW. tivator) Dwiglit. Liverpool. cities, towns aud stant labor N, Y., has been arrested in North as joyfully hospital which At plantations iu the‘State. Great in- Total as«efs, $028,806 48 bestowed upon the enterprize, we Conway vsr He ware of Counterfeits and bane imitations, Rangoon Sept 26, ships Tropic, Hamblin, from will be he was transferred his sole diet was justice wrought to the smaller aud lo- , the who fired Eastman’s corn-bread some of which aer signed "At.” F., instead of L. F. and for Amity. Stiosou, for Falmouth E poorer I.uibiliHt*: have no doubt the Times would incendiary Sinpapore: calities, this amouut iu > have gone Judge made without salt. Not a beef At Buenos by exceeding any instance, up animal has Atwood. The genuine is signed L. F. Ativood, and Ayres Sept 25. ship Parana. Langstou, as such town- aud Amount of premium notes, None. a week or two since. There con- for New nay And it impossible ! along but for the sudden aud ex- buildings arrived in Richmond within twelve as a safeguard against imposition bears an extra York, Idg ; bark lai Plata, Crowell, for do, to till their plantation* Liabilities for losses, and unad- swimmingly days.— quotas by reason of their citizens 1 adjusted a bkl, counter It. H HA V, Port- Idg. seeking rise tinues to Ire considerable excitement iu the is of loot!: so are the border signed Druggist, larger bounties elsewhere than are offered them at ! justed, 836.067 81 trailrdinaiy iu paper and printing mate- Virgiuia swept land, A/e., sole General At Montevideo 1st ult, Statesman. of North Agent. ships Nickels, home. HEN It V KELLOGG. President. rials portions Carolina, Tennessee and For sale dealers in medicine gener- from New York for Buenos Ayres, Win Wood- IX. generally, which lias nearly doubled tbe vicinity. by respectable disg; Attempted restrictions ui>ou the enlistment • Wk. B.CLAKK, Secretary. Kentucky. ally. jyl3 6iueodAw 4 bury. Sawyer, from Portland, :or Callao; W D disg. aud credit of men for localities other than their res- I • ot on the iuc x i1lies .ur. * irat'llicju Sewall. Jenkins, from Hurth,r lias cured thousands of cases ot Catarrh, aud the an order, nor until after the soldier entiiled shall are now the only slightest York. At the they deprived ol, evening paper The following has been received here from sales the article is A word have passed hi* muster into the l nited States *er Alleghany Arsenal, Pittsburg. Pa. termission for more that of constantly increasing. Ar at Loudon 4th, Transit. Patten. Rangoon; 6th, 75 hours have risen of is sufficient. vice, when, if not invested hi* 15-iuch for which they were to bleed so the army the Potomac: to the wise For sale by the proprietor, Kiuco, Peterson, do: Jos Gilchrist, St John NB. by desire, it should l*00O batteriug shot. willing freely the be him iu or to hi'* or Androscroggin to a pitch if ever On after reconnois- II. II. B!' RHINOTON. Providence. R. I. Also by Off the Pill 4th from St Andrews paid baud, wife, to *oiue rela- 1.000 l.Viuch shells. to establish for rarely Sunday, Kilpatrick's lust, Speedwell, tive or frieud in his having died want of support II. II. HAY. Druggist, Agent for Portlaud. for Gloue-ster. presence,aud ouly at his request. 6.000 lo-iucli shot, attained to before. Persons with sance had retired from the Rapidan. the ene- XV. after the Times' acquainted octBl eod&woni Municipal authorities, recruiting officers act- 3.000 10-inch shells. supplanting evening dis- the threw over two or three to this ing under due aud all history of freshets ou the my regiments I Ar at Mauritius 21, Wild Hunter, McKean's authority, good citizen*, are | At the St. Lttuis Arsenal, St. Mo. Androscroggin Sept ! desired to to patches. side, but not beyond the cover of their guns Island. expressly bring the knowledge of As- say that above the dams there was neveJ sis taut Provost Marshal General J. \V. T. 2.010 lo-inch shot, such on the at Raccoon Ford. MARRIED. Sid for Maj. Gar- We have said this much as hights j Sept 11, Radiant, Liverpool; 16th, Indian, din the 1 2.000 10-inch shells. introductory of a of water before. Calcutta. Kit. sev eral District Provost Marshal*, or the pitch A of the .Id corps this week turned aud the we brigade Aral Last fin Adjutant General, any all instances of contract, At Washington Arsenal. Washington, D. C. wliat intended to say iu relation to what In this Nov. R.-v, C. Fu!l« r. .John II. Calcutta Sept24, Indian, Mauritius; out and reconstructed the on the farm city. R( by agreement, or transaction, by which any enlisted zw- The news of General Sherman’s June- fencing and Miss this 26th, Garnet, Rio Janeiro; Oct 2d, Mary Crocker. 1.000 l.Viucli batteriug shot, to us to be I Allen Matilda Spiller. both of city. man is of the or appears the duty as well as for tin- of John Minor liotts, which had been de- Bombay. deprived any part of bounty boun- l.uno 16-iuch shells, tiou with General Thomas, is His In this city. Nov. IS, by Rev. S. II. Merrill. Andrew j ties to which he iseutitied. The participation ofanv interest of the business men of Bath. A important. the in that vi- McNeil and Miss Jane J. M. both of this At Bombay Oct 12th, Eliphalet Greeley for Liver- 2.000 lo-inch shot. well stroyed by troops encamping Sect, city. recruiting oilicer in such disreputable traffic, will has a wide as one Iu Orieu’tal, for do- Sea Lion, for Mauritius; 3,600 lo-inch shells. corps reputation of the best cinity. Mr. liotts is now at home, and appar- Windham, Nov. 15, by S. 31. Baker, Esq.. Oliver pool; cuu*e him to be dealt with a conducted aud judiciously edited Esmeralda, for Calcutta; Eliza, and Kossuth, unc. sunmanly by military ; The daily paper in the and he in health and Winslow aud Mips Margaret J. Rhoades, both of i commission; aud comiui.-.-doued Projectiles are to be made of the kiud of met- is army, himself is hardly second ently good spirits. Mauritius. Oct 5. Ship Chas 11 Lord, Smith, from any officer, uou- and almost, indispensable in a witii the bus- Windham. commissioned officer, or known to a), after the rules laid down in Iks city The lflth Maine has received a Calcutta for Loudon, put in here Sept 8th, private engage iu Ordnanceinspected to any General in activity, aud hand- regiment In Nov. 15. by Rev. Wiu. Davenport, leaky, this criiniual will be to i Manual, with the exception of the 16-iuch iness facilities aud of Bath. masterly new staud of colors from Ojislield, j having weather Aug 30; she is in practice, brought trial before enterprlze There Portland. <»eo. W. Rich, of Boothbay, and Miss Frances E. experienced heavy a court-martial without battering shot, which are to be made of guu metal, ling of troops in the field. The tumors of dock being coppered. delay of tensile are a hundred in The 1st New York succeeds the Wight, of o. XVI. Due week’s boanl will strength, ranging between 2»,r0u and JO.* arguments its favor not one Artillery Julia Lawrence. from Baasciu for Fal- only, be paid for anv UUU reinforcements need Ship Spear, recruit for the veteran pounds to the square inch, and these mud bo of Bragg's give no uneasi- 2d Maine Battery in front of the army, the mouth K. iuto Mauritius 28, she is regiments or battery, unless ; which need be mentioned. The Times is put Sept leaky; he is due ca*t ftoiu a reverbatorv or air ftrruace The metal is ness now latter to for engaged upou in recruiting— | that Thomas has received the addi- going Washington. discharging repairs. authority, to be charcoal and the to be tested is to as near what is as DIED. W heueo such man should be forwarded to Augusta a* : iron, sample required any oue paper can The Times’ Ship Thou Sears, Wilson, from Pedant; for New be taken from the tion of such a commander and such a Washington dispatch says:— into lost suit of mwu after their enlistment »* possible. Kuilioad projectile. be made to corps. York, put Mauritius Sept 28, leaky; of nil be; loyal to the core—seldom “Lee is back to Hanover Junction with In this Nov. Frank child of passes for tation of enlisted iuen will be Drawings the*'projectiles csu be seeu at per- falliug city, 18, Edward, only , sprung in izxen. Ac: threw overboard a portion tran-q>oi I of one. Edward aud Elizabeth furnished officer* for any the arscuals where are to be delivered, sonal in its attacks on a recent Hon. John Conuess half of his army as a to Rich- <>e*ucr. of the cargo of coffee; Sept 12, the master was lost. reeluiting veteran regiment* i they political opponents— letter, protection now 1 five projectiles are to be at the foundry In Sacnraappa. Nov. 18, at the residence of J. R. She is for organizing, upon application to the Colonel of inspected mond; the other half has towards discharging repairs. "h» re cast, but most be at tire aud never unless under the new senator from California “I have gone Andrews, Mrs. wife of the late the KfUMlt for Which fne recruit! intended — delivered various ar* very aggravating cir- says, to Margaret, Roger Lynchburg reinforce or protect the retreat of Buxtou. 86 1 mouth. Bills tor of recruits for these senals, fret of charge for transportation or handling so that all can taken PluLted, aged years SPOKEN. transportation regi- cumstances, it their pleasure in able to for the of the force sent or until delivered at the arsenal. Deliveries must be give sup- being speak against Burnside.’’ TTY uncial on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o’clock. ; Oct lat 32 66 Ion 47 Josiali ment* by stage, steamboat, prjvuto conveyance— ! 29, N, 46. ship Brudlee, made at the rate not less than as a even kind of Unionism we have iu when Relatives and friends are invited. exhibiting the name* of recruits transported—and of live per cent per port newspaper, though they should California, Nickels. lVotn Boston for Calcutta. wreck, of the uumber of certified by the recruiting officers, will be paid by ! projectiles contracted Ibr; not endorse fully its political sentiments. in Washington and elsewhere. I told them ( T. < J Bailv, U. 8. the iirst delivery to he made within 3n days after the A apt. Disbursing Officer, on 1 Rebel Toryeeto— Rebel Rome at Mobile. PASSi:\(.KRS. will also the bill* lor the date of contract, and any failure to deliver at a sp*c- We admire Br. Lincoln's as that wc had discarded like non- demand,a* ouc week’s I pluck everything ilicd time will subject the contractor to a forfeiture recently- NEW KN TS. board, aud other legitimate bills for ser- New Nov. 19. ADVERTISEM recruiting of the uumber he fail to deliver at that time exhibited. He lias been so patient we did not combatants from office, and that we were an Youk, In steamer North American, from Liverpool—Capts vices. if inndeaud certified in like manner. may A Fortress bids uiu»t lie for kiud Monroe letter to the Herald lleudersou. Carter, Scoliield, Dr Read. Lieut Bell. XVII. The enlistment paper* will lx. made iu Separate made each of pro- know that it was in him. We have out-and-out abolition and State. jectiles; and if bidder to deliver at dif- before, Emancipation ! states that the rebel torpedo to blow Mr J McCorabe, Bliss 31cCom be. Miss McAlister, Mr triplicate, amt shew the real residence of the any propose* designed L. F. PliVGREE, it ferent arsenals, bius must be made for to if the business men of Bath do not I said that we would send three the Johnston, Walter Craske, and 154 iu steerage. recruit, aud if be other than that upon whose The World’s Washinglon dispa'ch says: Starr. Projectiles." kAMMAY. advertise and pay promptly. | tary organizations of this State. lies. Chief of Ordnance. and a monthly payment from the Treasury of "Advices received to-day from the West Brig. ivl. L. In the ordinary avocations of life, complete suc- nov2o codtdec 16 $20 month so as the shall state that the rebels are on Gen. per long volunteer moving MINIATURE ALMANAC. regular meeting of this Association will be held cess ia only rendered certain by such undivided at- Richmond Burnside’s forces via Loudon, East Tenn. A at their Rooms, for business and debate, Satur- tention of each to hi* employment, as must uecesea- aar-The Enquirer mildly sug- I remain iu the service, aud for six months Fridar .November 20. Havana Sugar. that The latter are deemed to be in an impregnable day. Nov. 2I«t, 1863. at 71 o'clock, P M. rilv exclude almost entirely the pursuits of pleasure, gests true place is in the thereafter if for Suu rises.6 57 I water, m)— 6 43 Will nu mbers be in their attendance? and the individual who to uuite both, rare- liOO ho\K8 BROWN SlUAH now landing from Vallandigham's honorably discharged disa- It Is that the force now ad- High (p puuctual attempts position. thought 8uu ■ for sale at No. 1 Central Wharf Southern army. seta.4 35 | Length of davi y 3a Per order ly competes successfully with him who gives bis j ^ bark Alton, and bility. vancing has been exaggerated somewhat.’’ ibermoauter. 3 o'clock AM. 46 do*. ‘ nov2o td GEO. H. SMARDON. Mec, Sec’y. whole mind and labors to hi* legitimate business. | noiRO d8w* HOPHNI EATON MATTERS ABOUT TOWN. The Promenade Concert at new Ornerat Order Urn. Hnrllmt. rt~ City by Shipment* by the Baltimore Belief Society. 1 1 Hall, in aid of the Association for Aged Indi- Cairo, Nov. 18. Bai.ti.mobe,Nov. 19. ENTERTAINMENTS. AUCTION Supreme Judicial Comt. of Hie l.'itli no news, SALES. gent women, came oil last evening, as per an- BY Memphis papers bring Tlie shipment to-morrow lo Richmond for PRESIDING. but private itilormaHoii save that, "Ui DAVIS, J., nouncement. Tim a be- appearances starving prisoners from tlie Baltimore object being purely indicate will 0011 take Mercantile ■louse anil Lot ut the Muiiill TOT HE that another laid pinto American IUdicI Fund will consist of .iO bar- | Library Association Auction. Thursday.—In ease of Levi nevolent went for the of one, mauy purpose on the Memphis A Charleston Kailroud. rels lo do 15do >riHay' Nov »* 2 at the flour, beef, poll,-, g do bologna WVm" ». o'clock V*. F. O. J. Smith, which was tried LEOTURES ! “•> ”|r premiser, a one aud a doing something to aid a most worthy enter- Cen. Hurlbut lias issued the following gen- sausages, 1 do smoked beef, 1boxes and kail store to soap ,,uus'' Nu' ** Atlanticstreet. It has term, and in which the failed Portland eral order: a of dabbeda Hotel present jury prise. Otheis had a two-fold to have a Daily Press. supply yeast cakes, salt, aiue time. • House l,ol brought i were crowded and the door CJity Hall. adjoining,■ 40 x id densely occupied selves to the domi- Wii.mixotox, 19. feet, ou «!i eh is a ueat barn. made in the case of K. without organized resistance Del.,rNov. The same entry was move The Lecture will be MKNRA BAILEY by as many as could comfortably around. Attack nitiou of these petty tyrants, aud combined, Smithers, Union candidate for Congress, has Opening delivered by & Co., Auctioneers M. Wood et suit upon Geu. Burnside's Torce3 by Gen. nov 14 dtnovBO* O. J. Smith vs. John als.,—a All seemed in the best of and in with the to ■hxxx majority in New Castle Returns spirits the many instances, enemy procure County. •JOHN B. K S bond. the from other counlies indicate his (JOIIG1I. Q.f upou the Myers Association will realize a liberal amount Longstreet. from corrupt traders in city ol Memphis election with- in out Administrator's Sale. Xo. 330—Rufus vs. James M. Black and elsewhere supplicsdbr Hie use of the en- opposition. Wednesday Nov. 25th. Berry aid of their The whole affair was Evening, shall sell at auction on euterprize. have themselves of the \\rE* * public Friday. Nor emy. unworthy " et als. proved Subject:—“PierLIAR Pioplk. at * o'clock I*. M., House No. lost. Law^ well engineered, admirably conducted and fine- Rebels Jte/iulseil in Three Den iter- shown them the (iovernnient. reuce indulgence by street. It is a two-story wooden bouse with In this case there was a in dam- hearing ly enjoyed. Chandler's band furnished the ate It is therefore ordered, that the lines of the NEW “ “ rooms, aud One closets. ('ha ryes. APJ1IVALS HonnV*«!'*•>,8Ipo liand- No. 81 Middle j Great Battle to be on for the knowledge of the residence of Hie Street, Davis issued a decree for the complain- Expected Fought Judge soinely represented on the occasion, and jam- parties to whom they sell, and the sale of The Committee are in corrv.pondeuce with other blocks at Aaction. j NEARLY OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. eiuiuent Lecturera to the list. ants. Wednesday Last. merchandise to the lines of complete ing themselves iu the festivities, for the bene- persons beyond Ev,’hauge. Saturday Nor. 21, & A T.l>lf.>trt’r2o00 A. & K. are liable to perform the same in a country ladies and geutlemeii to our large to be obtained at the bookstore* and at Paina’s Music Bond*. Municipal Court—Nov. 19. New Fork, Nov. 19. additions of new and desirable At. k St. L K. K just issued a beautiful calender for the coming under martial law, and especially in the city floods* just itcuivtd; Store. fVJW Bonds, I A dispatch to the Herald, dated Member** Tickets member entitled to *1 f'SonOBaiijror City Bond*. Bernard for violation of the Lord's special of wberu it is known that -M'OH a 8- (each two) Dailey, year, which has a fine of our New Memphis, many each—to be- hud at E. C. Audreys', 67 St. EDWARD M. PATTEN, Auctioneer. j engraving Knoxville, Teiin., 17th, says:—(Jen. Long- to the Exchange novis his was lined one have fled escape liability to military day, by keeping shop open, I City and is bordered with a hand- street, alter crossing the Tennessee on the Dress Goods, j Building, service at home. This rule will be Linens, Tickets of the was af- strictly Rveuing 50 Cents Rncli. dollar without costs. J. II. Williams lor the some view of our It is morning 14th, attacked in the Cotton, Woolen & Domestic House city. just the tiling to applied in pursuance of orders to this elite t Goods, at Aactloa. ternoon hy ltnrnside, who drove the advanced Cussimeres, John shall defence. plaee in your shop, counting-room or office. from Major Oen. Thomas, commanding this Flannels, i}. Twitchkll, i sell at auction on .Saturday Bov 21 ut , guard hack to within a mile of the rivers John (’. Proctor, WE12 M liouae No. 24 All officers district Broadcloths, Beavers, Middle Streer |t°J a two crossed the re- department. commanding Kbe« Corky, | Lecture *tory house, in order. is non Grand edge hy nightfall. Longstreet Sealskins for &c. good occupied by7 Mrs Tub Comedy Combination'.—We Mechanic's Assemblies.—These divisions and detached brigades from this Cloakings, Buw. 1;. M a lion. .Sale popular mainder of his troops during the night, and Ukrki.hu, ; positive. Title clear. with that will to into -also- Th©§. K, Twitchkll. Committee. expect eoulldence Deering Hall will assemblies will soon commence at Mechanics' on forenoon advanced in force. Burn- corps immediately proceed press Sunday tlie service of the United States such able- ClIARl.KB E. Jo8k, | he crowded every night next week to witness Hall. Those for tickets side it impossible to with him O. M. Marrktt, J »**•'‘A'uaASfc.. wishing must get finding cope as be to bodied persons may required fill up Portland, Nov. td a dramatic with the small force at his fell hack 800 17,1868. party stronger than anything that them before the course commences. disposal, and batteries to the maxi- BALMORAL SKIRTS Every- to the rear existing regiments has hithei to Lenoir, guard skirmishing heavily visited this city, one composed of thing will bo done the to make mum. Persons so levied upon, if they enlist by managers with the enemy through the day. Three des- JUST RECEIVED, D eet*in«»- the elite of the theatrical It will for three years or the war, will lie entitled to Hall. WANTS....LOST. profession. them the best of the season. perate charges were made on our position the full benefits Act 4 of Con- Of the choicest select ions, and at the price* for which indeed be a treat to see with- but were hand- provided by plays performed during Sunday night, they If will receive and we otter them, will give an inducement to anybody Grand Wanted. O. gress. not, they clothing to Combination! out a and for this we look. I. O. F.—Attention is call to the adver- somely repulsed. buy one. Comedy blot, confidently rations, and llie question of pay w ill be settled °r HOUSEKEEPER Ou forenoon Burnside evacuated Our stock of ■a.*-A kITU^I10Xa Mrs. Barrow, to talents of the tisement relating to the anniversary ofLigon- Monday hereafter Hie authorities. When Brown auil Bleached by widow. The best of reference given highest order, but to the by proper Please address A. ia is Lenoir, owing energy with which MRS. BARROW T. 8., through the post office adds and a flue Dodge, which to take place at Odd Fel- there is no further necessity for their enforced novlftdlw* grace personal appearance; the rebels’ was he determined -and- pursuit kept up • COTTON GOODS! low’s this All service they will be discharged. critics say she docs everything well and looks Hall, Exchange street, evening. to give them a decided cheek, and accordingly I* one of the most odd fellows are came in a line of battle at complete of auy in the State, and Wanted, A loan the every thing well. Of Mr. Mark Smith we invited, and each is entitled to Campbell’s Station, Mr. Mark Smith. by Town of Scarboro. considering tile high state of the raw material, are one where a light ensued, lasting from late in the to announce that have of T, n Thousand have heard and bring friend with him of either sex. It*-mu a ha Vrc*ith very care to every- they made arrange- Fire (fundrod Dollars great the universal until il-ifl* mu' iineSlinn ../>m. «/' the nt a ml reasonable—taking especial buy things, Secretary ments for the tor the term of ten at Stifii rif in it In a St mimic thing HEG ALoou rears, 6 per cent inter- favorite he iigirac at (irlt tjn- est is wherever he appears warrants ; mantling the- road from boLh sides. The infan- parable semi-annually at the International usw Aiienuon is u v lieu to me sale oi barff, FOB NET CASH. Greatest Comedy Company Bank, Portland. the belief that he will make his murk in Port- try deployed in front ol' this and were >0011 GuTTYsni Nov. in. will houses on M II. it this j no, Pa., In Proposals bo received at the office of the 8a- unjoy, by Hailey Co., I attacked the the prices and selections of our Table Linens, that has ever travelled this the nor can that celebrated Tom by enemy, who made several gal- The President’s party arrived last but country, including lectincu in said town on and alter the 15th iustant land; actor, night I owcIk, I owefings.W tiito (>ood* of every celebrated actors. afternoon. One of them is a line cottage lant and out- tbc train which the was description, by addressing "Jos. Gunnison, Oak and be charges tlnaily succeeded, by conveyed Governors Liueu and Cambric Handkerchief?, we cannot be Hill, Mo.” Placide, behind him in public MIC. TOM each communication will state the amount appreciation; house on Atlantic other is a two flanking our in them to the cove a accident until mid- undersold, them from PLACIDE, they wlah street; the right, driving delayed by slight nearly buying direct the Unit import- M U. to take, and the he stands at the of his ers at I'HAKLKS \VA LCOT, J a proposals of those accepted will he top profession, and we of Hie batteries, which now a tei rifle so that were not able to New York. storied wooden opened night, they participate late of Laura Keene’s ( immediately answered. shall see low house, containing twenty and flic. ombiuation, comedy legitimately represented, destructive The rebels retired before in the proceedings of the night, which were of JAMES GUNNISON, 1 Selectmen rooms. Sec advertisements. MRS. CHARLES W ALCOT. Jr.. RICHARD 1 lots of without that it. gave way, and eventually fell back to the a marked character. FLANNELS ! LEAVITT. of creating tun, bufl'oouing late of uorl8d2w GEORGE W. now in Laura Keene’s Combination, CARTER.) Scartoro’. too river. It was three the afternoon. The The President, Secretary Seward and Col. | often indulged in actors. he on the and Received of every HLAFKKTS' A Mbrsrr. by Young W“T Hags City Buildings rebels a desire to renew the were and each to description. RUSSELL, PAGE, KNIGHT, 4c., showing attack, Forney serenaded, replied very heavy stock and very superior article. Shawls Charles Walcot is a some other I of JannctC* Grand capital light comedian, places, were hoisted at hall-mast and having brought three batteries to their the compliment. President Lincoln said he ot the latest styles; a heavy stock. Combination, XJ S. M A V Y. Cloaks and was greatly liked when tiere with Laura in Gen. Burnside fell back to a more was to see so many of his friends made up to order at our establishment at W W. PRATT, 4c ,4c. yesterday, commemoration of the consecra- assistance, happy pres- the shortest desirable and them battle. ent to in the notice, with whatever -election ot trim- Keene's his position again gave participate ceremonies, but he ue combination; wife,late- tion of the Soldiers’ at mings well as cloaking, cut to measure, when Reserved »cala for sale at Mr. E. Dam, Jr.'*, on WAX TED, 1000 charming Cemetery Gettysburg. at would make no The contest continued, closing nightfall speech as he hud nothing par- bought of us. Saturday next, at il o’clock ly Miss Isabel w ill also be a ! Nickerson, prom- with our in of their own ticular to Seamen k Landsman, Mechanics’ Association. —The troops possession say. Ey*Please call and examine, at tri 'ositively, for one week only, commencing Seamen,Ordinary inent favorite. renders it to regular The of the Space impossible ground. object tight having been Secretary Seward was then loudly called MONDAY, the 23d inst. novlT to Naval for debates will be held this Apply Rendezvous, foot of Exchange St individualize ail engaged, but Mrs. Barrow's meeting evening attained, and as the detention of the rebels had for. He said he was sixty years of age and Xo. 81 Middle J. P. HEATH, Kecruitiug Ottcer. in the enabled our trains to get all in had been Street, ocA dtf experience warrauts the belief that Library room. The public are invited advance, our forty years in public life. This, she has the to attend. tioops fell back during the night and early however, was the first time he had ever dared Help §irk and Wounded. gathered around her a reliable to till FEUCHTWANGER & Wanted. company Tuesday forenoon readied Knoxville, where a to address the people residing upon the bor- ZUNDER, the minor characters in the Near the Post A Kuo will be FOR 75 cents each pair. faithfully dis- SALE & TO LET large concourse of vost Marshal’s report of the drafted men who hold to-night. We have to regret the wound- He eulogized the President, and of him tributed. people present, including spoke PEARL INITIAL SLEEVE BUTTONS 4 of Geu. Saunders and ol the as one STUDS, For further information.directions and documents from this have failed to In issue of the !nh ing Capt. Sykes who would live in history :t< the saviour S1.00 each many city, aud all ihe of report, your pair. address HKJtRY II. Burokhs, SO Commercial Valuable Farm for employees cavalry, who commanded the outposts. The of the country. street, Sale. the Eastern inst., in under the head of Xorth AMERICAN PLAVINti CARDS, in neat Portland. Express Co. who could be whicli, Yar- condition of the latter is critical. Our loss at put up Situated in Bowdoinham, on the spared. Boxes, 50 cents a puck. Money may be sent to Cyrus Sturmvast, 75 The services at the Mr. Edward B. M. roail leading from Bowdoinham to house were conducted mouth, Thompson is set that tight was between :*UU and Our loss Commercial street. Portland. and stores to mem- by /Voifl Wash im/fttH, fc-IP Will be sent free by mail on receipt of price. any Bath and Brunswick, about li miles down as :{1 will not exceed 150. The loss ; her of the Army Committee. Rev. Mr. of the Methodist Church in years of age, mariner, and desert- to-day enemy’s from tile village, 10o rod* from u King C1IAS. Where more stores and moiiev to a Washington, Xov. in. DAY, Jr., convenient, may be er. on Monday, owing severe lire of our ar- _r achool-houae, about 8 miles from Gorham, assisted Rev. Mr. Mr. Edward P. M. of Xorth act of novll eoddw sent to Gcokqb H. Stuart, 13 Bank street, by Colby, formerly Thompson By Marcli 3, 1883, the of 114 Middle Street. Esq., city of Baili. and 51 miles Irom in one of tillery, could not have been less than 1,000.— Secretary Philadelphia Brunswick, minister of that but \ aimouth is about that a and the is authorized to issue the very heat neighborhoods, about 86 church, latterly age, mariner, Their loss is estimated at from 400 to Treasury $400,000,- The members of the Commission are— containing chaplain to-day arras choice land, well wooded.good meadow: about of the 12th wxs drafted. He left O00 in treasury notes, auuning not longer than George II. Mtnart, Esq., Maine Regiment. The exercises (I understand) Xew 500. Nknl os, !8kiileN! Philadelphia, 2n(t thrifty apple trees, laiard last year about SOU three and interest at a rate • Rev. Rollin If. Neale. D. D Boston. York about Gen. Shacklelbrd on had a brisk years, bearing not bushels—has grape vines which hear current consisted of reading Ilia three years ago first ofilcer of the Sunday, Chari* Deutoud, Bouton, well; scriptures, staging, higher than six per cent., which have been is- Esq., hushes,Re., Ac. Cottage house with oil. listen, John tight with the rebels on the other side of the Kev. E. S. Jar.es, I). D., New prayer by Rev. Mr. and addresses ship Porter, bound to and sued, and are to be a Bishop York, painted white, with blinds: 16 rooms. Bice cellar un- King, by Liverpool, three miles from here, lie them they legal tender for Rev. Jame* D. 1> llolston, kept Fells, Bro-klvu. der the whole house: wood-houao and Rev. Mr. and Rev. Mr. was iu her until about the lime he the their face value. Ladies’& Gentlemen’s Mitchell M. Miller, Washington. carriage-house Colby King. The body joined in check ami at night Skates, Esq., connected; hay house and bouse; new they disappeared this John P. Crozer, grain barn. was then Portland. In of men are Under authority $-">0,000,000 of the two Esq., Philadelphia, C feet wide. 60 teet and taken to the cemetery, escorted by August lK0g, and is still in Our in the best ol spit its and per- Wholesale ami Cooke. Eari., long, claphoarded shingled', years’ notes, at five per cent, interest, Retail, Jay Philadelphia. cellar under the barn, and water in The build- the members of the and has never been nearer home than fectly confident of success to-morrow. payable I»* v. M I. R. P. Cincinnati, yard. military and tire com- her, six were Thompson. ings are all in perfect condition, aua situated au an every months, negotiated with the Col.Cliuton B. Fisk, St. Louis, of since that elevation of laud panies, which deceased had been a Liverpool time. to the associated banks of the three cities on the nth John V. Far overlooking Merrymretiug Bay long According well, Eaq,, Chicago. and the Kennebec riser,about list rods from Cn 11 Miiiti t inn of the \atiottnl Centrin'!/ "t of JAMES BAILEY & the Bay, member. At the best of and belief Sept, last, which arc also a tender for CO., which adds much to the of the grate, prayer was ottered by my knowledge he is not iirttyxlmry. legal T R HAYES. A J. CH ASE, beauty place, aad their face value. If out 162 Middle makes it one of the moat attractire situations in Rev. Mr. and Rev. Mr. aware that he hxs been drafted. He has paid by the banks St., Oreeuougli llloi-k. CYRUS STURDIVANT. W K JOHNSON. tha Colby, King addressed been Nov. 19. State. Tile farm will be sold at a Gettvsbi'ko, Pa., they will to a great extent as an II If. Bl Rt• Ess. bargain. Tha operate equiv- Nov. house has a the multitude. The remarks of the 1st and id ofilcer with mein two for :!0 The ceremonies the dedication of Portland, IS, 1S03. uovlT d4w Army Com. Portland )'. Af. C. Asnoriation. large uumtier of shade tree* about It reverend ships attending alent increase of the Terms currency. n»v 11 eilim easy. F or further particulars enouir* of the on this and I know the National Cemetery commenced this after- gentlemen solcin occasion were perti- months, he Is not made of deser- Plates have already been prepared lor the proprietor. JOHN A. THOMPSON, noon by a grand military and civic nor 19 dAw3s23 nent and tion timber. He is an active and display, issue of one year notes at the same rate of in- PICTURES—27 Market impressive. intelligent, under the command ol Gen. Square. Maj. Couch. terest. at with the Reeeived Those who went from this man, and is on his to Calcutta payable maturity principal, To-Day, city to attend prudent way The line of inarch was taken at ten would inform our up which notes are also legal tender, but no de- friend? and the public For Sale or Rent. the funeral desire to in the same he has beeu in for sixteen o’clock, and the inarched WEgenerally, that we are atill at SO. 27 M AH- A acknowledge their obli- I ship procession through cision as lias been arrived at as to their VERY CHOICE STOCK OF dedrable two and yet A /•.'T where we continue to make half atory bouse, plea*, to months. the principal streets to the where Syl’.iHE, the antlv gatious the Superintendent of the York A : Respectfully yours, &e., Cemetery, issue. Vvery located, containing eleven ftniabed rooiua, the military formed iu line and saluted the Gentlemen’s with wood abed and a mall Cumberland Railioad for Sam’i, H. Sweetsek. Admiral Sliubrick fell suddenly ill Best Furnishing Goods, liable, garden u«i«r the train IV niout. nil Friday Pictures, good cultivation. Will be detaining CICVVII Ill'dU and Fall aud Winter wear, of <;loves, «old at a bargain, or will at night, before any, excepting ids most in- in all and ¥^OR consisting be let. Gorham so that coidd return in the of the arrived at the main th«-latest styles, warrant them to give I Woolen Scarf*. Neck-Ties, Collars, they procession stand. timate were aware of bis -^atiffaction. Trayelling For friends, case, it bad perfect a further particular* of 8. C. Exhibition. The President and members of the Shirts, 4c. Also, tiuo assortment of enquire BAILEY, eveniug. Cabinet, assumed a serious aspect. Under the treat- ty* Pictures finished in oil or Ink at the lowest at Woodman, True k Co No. 6U od Middle together with the chief and civic of prices. Street, or of Dam The exhibition of the Senior How- military dig- meat his physicians he has rallied, and is AUK FKOM tiie Stoum. —We learn Class, nitaries, took at the stands. The TRASK Ar CLOTHS, JOHN C. PROCTOR. positions now out of DAVIS, which will be made to order in thr tat'*t * iloin will take danger, though requiring great up styfr*, novlOdlw Lime Street. from the of College, place Monday evening, President seated himself between Mr. Seward No. 27 Market over Conductor tlie British and North j care, lie entered tbc n.ivv in I8-WI Square, Morrison's Picture -AND- Nov. 2.»d. The and their themes are and Mr. Everett. After a with iioviotr American that speakers reception the on the retired the Frame Store. For Sale. Express considerable damage though list, by operation of KIABI-1AM V Mil HIM,. ... it all m orirlif). as follows: respect and perfect silence due to the solem- tlie law of he has was done to the Graml Trunk 1 tail 18(11 been continued in ac- LOTS on and near Thomas street way at Ber- i of the man in the im- KNIGHT &■ 1. Oration in Latin, 4 harle* nity occasion, every tive service, and is now DESIRABLEto J. S. 1TSUMAN liu Fails, by the Salutatory t'rcemau President of the FROST, Apply washing away of the embank- j Libby, Portlaml. mense gathering uncovering on his appear- Hoard. IVoHins k uovlidtf No. 1 Parris Street. 2. Lighthouse Produce mid Bond, inent; also between Gilead and West Bethel, —Its Reformat ion. Frederick Hunt Ap- ance. The military then formed in a line, ex- \ Country Commission j pleton, llangor. NO. <>.1 MIDDLE several tending around the stand, the area between STREET. To Let. iu places where culverts and embank- S’ Charles Roardman Far- Philanthropy, Daggett. the stand and the Stores for Federal Prisoner* at liirhtnontl. MERCHANTS, November 14, 1863. dlw ments mington. military being occupied by A *erv desirable store to let at No. ( ongrcia were washed away; also at Snow’s -DEALERS IX- W8j 4. flie Eloquence of America, Owen Warren Da\- civilians, comprising about 150,000 people, anil Philadelphia, Nov. IP. 71 Sturt, opposite IguiiK) Laue tiovlidtl Falls and at Oxford. i* Jr.. * **• ^ LOVERINt*. a poem by Bro. S. 1*. J. T. Pattcu. Bath. novlTdSm" I Family forth this continent a new HECK El T. and there will be tttherceremonies. Soap-Maker. ern Illinois and St. Louis brought upon nation, have received the stores sent them. | Flour, representing Commercial. conceived in Members of the Order generally, are invited to be liberty, and dedicated to the Tile Christian Commission are ar- Blurksiiiilli and over making present, aud each member will be to Farrier. ECONOMY! ECONOMY ! something 2,000 barrels, which he offers Per steamship Persia at New York. that all men are created permitted bring proposition equal. rangements which lead to a hope that they e the given lives nation might live. FA( II liKIiS OF this branch ot the lmudsomest of the kind LIVERPOOL FRICTION business he has been very success- NOTICE. PROVISIONS MARKET.— dull; It is and wc New York, Nov. lit. M.VSlM have removed ful. aud ever iu this Beef altogether titling proper that ATtTIKS, from Union st. wakrabtb a cube in all Casks, after a market. inactive. Pork quiet. Bacon aud declin- to heavy should do l»ut in a sense we Steamer Creole, from New Orleans their large building recently erected, lair trial. The genuine Sapouiiier i- only pat ip in 1-lb. Iraa < Huttcr Tallow this, larger cuuuot 11th, | steady.Ijird quiet. quiet lias arrived. customers are to can*, by the and declined. dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot 5Jr“Ca*h paying invited call. Akbivai. of the Steameb. Nos. A. D. TYLER Further details from 92, 98 and 102 ..... PKXXSTL CAM/A SAL —Steamship LIVERPOOL — hallow this The brave Teclie, relative to the 94, DC, Friend St. T-MAX V FA CTVftlXO PRODUCE MARKET. Ashes ground. men, living Portland, Nor. 1C, 1863. Cw MW1F North attack on Washburne’s the CO., Puiontee* and sole Manufacturers. American, Capt Dutton, from Liver- steady. Sugar liriu and advanced tid. foflit flat. and dead, who struggled hero have consecrat- advance, show our Being largest aud oldest manufacturers of Fric- Rice Rosin tion Matches iu this 5th quiet. quiet. Linseed flat and declined ed it our loss in killed, wounded and was country, dealers, shippers, fee ware of ! pool and Londonderry 6th, arrived at her far above power to add or detract. prisoners <577. By Counterfeit* Be sure you bay the iron tid. Linseed oil easier. Cod oil Ann at 57*. captain* and consumer?, can alwav on a good Forlland A Kcnnebrc dock at Spirits The world will not note nor The 07th Ind. was captured, also most of rely Itnilrond can. this port about 6 o'clock last easier. Petroleum reflmd (Applause.) long article, aud the only match that has withstood the cveuing. declining; the 00th and the IMkli Ohio For sale in Portland W. F. Sue Turpentine remember what we say here, hut it can never Ind., lost heavily. test of years in every climate. Company. by Phillips, Darn, brings 10 cabin and 152 i of the Twitch*II 4 steerage passen- LONDON MONEY MARKET, Nou. 6.-Consolg what did here. The rebels outnumbered our forces live to one. %• Always on Laud aud packed at short notice meeting Stockholders of the Portland k Chapman. forget they (Applause.) Ills Keunebcc Railroad C. TOP Id gers and a full closed at 92J (a for We excelled them in for Card. Block, Parlor or Company will be held at PAN, Blackstone «treet, Bo-ton cargo. 92j money. for the to be dedicated here artillery, which at short shipment, Water-Proof, the non; (14 wiss'lra us, living, rather, Wood aud Box, and the Depot in Augu-ta, on Monday, the 23d ot We are Latest via Queenstown. range is to have oti Paper celebrated Bvatn day iudebted to Mr. James to the unfinished work that they have thus supposed swept large Matches. November, 1863, at 4 o’clock 1*. M.. to act upou the McNaugli- LIVERPOOL COTTON numbers of the of a The Beal Place Purser MARKET, Nor. 7.—The so tar carried on. rebels. CAUTION. subject lease of the Somerset k ken neb* c Rail- in Portland lo buy ton, of the for tiles of Brokers’ Circular the nobly (Loud applause.) road ship, papers.— say* week close* flat uud irreg- A New Orleans letter, dated ; also to take any actiou that may lx? dicined at It is rather for us to be dedicated to lllh, to the In consequence of tin* our Match- SHOES or The news has been ular, Id ® l id decline in American. Egvptiun here, high reputation necessary in relation to the extension of (be bond* BOOTS, BI BBERS. anticipated the arrival our loss in the Caron Craw es have obtained, numbers of are by and Brazil* are also Id easier. Surat's the great task before us, that from Express, says persons selling an issued the Kennebec k Portland Railroad Com- Of la at ot the nominally hate remaining article ot inferior by any kind, the Persia at New York. The list of heeu irregular at Id decline in ino*t these honored dead we affair was not less than 500 killed and wound- quality, and oven base enough to pany, dated Oct. also alter- pas- instances, aud take increased deba- use 15th, 1851: to make such more. our tiade marks. In order to avoid auv occur- ations iu One Price Ho. sengers and of occasionally The quotations are somewhut tion to that for which ed and 1000 prisoners. Our were the By-Laws of said Company as mav be Store, II Market consignees goods for this aud are as cause, they here gave troops rence of the kind hereafter, all of our matches will Square. port nominal, follow*: were deemed expedient. R. D. RICE, President. SHALL sell the last full measure of caught napping, and outnum- have on the Ladies' pebble calf balmoral tipped will he found iu their Orleans Middling. 28id; Mobile Inlands devotion, that wc here greatly printed wrappers, "Manufactured by Nov. 9,1863. novlldtd f proper places. do, 28Jd; 1 hut Augusta. I Boots at tt.W: Black cloth balmoral snow do, 28d. resolve that the dead shall not have bered. fought bravely. Two 12-pouuder BYAM, CARLTON & CO.” boots highly with heels, st *1.75: same nithont heels *1 80 In- 's business was estimated at about Parrotts were the whose /X TEEXAL TA X ES—The largest Rev enue Contempt of Friday Gum bale* died iu vain. (Applause.) That the nation captured by rebels, Tax dies’ black cloth button «uow boot* with Coi bt.—In a case on trial with a but marker of heels.*1 66 quiet unchanged The stock on a loreed numbered 5000. Our force was not paid by any manufacturer matches iu New Eng- ■Slue Million! hand i* shall, under God, have new Math of freedom is A Rare Chance for Seamen! heels. *1,60; a.small lot of ladles' goal before Davis a 149,220 bales, including 34.610 American at land paid bv B\ am, Carleton & t o., of Judge yesterday, witness was and that the of over 1800, being the rear of our Boston, balmoral, slightly defaced, sole. *1.75; same sea, from iudin. 270,000. government people the guard army. aud pay mar© than all other? combined. tiipple asked a by Cen. they w Ited soles. Ladies’ rubber question which he dcciiued to answer and for the shall not Price was reported to be at Alexandria Seamen desirous of enlisting in the shoes, best qaal- people, people, perish At wholesale ic Portland by N. L. PUKINTON. Navy, ities. Hoots; ladies' sandals. t*5 rts: ladles’ rubber on the with men, for which as as VLLcan do *o at Naval ground that he had not to from the earth. (Long continued 15,000 reason, well 187 Fore street. by applying Kcude*vou*,foot boots, best quality, $3,05; promised applause.) the of ot Exchange street. children's, accord!ugly Aeit' York Market. Three cheers were here for the impossibility getting supplies, it was Boston, Nov. 1863. cheap; Men’s rubber bools,wool liued. *5,25; men's say auy thing about it. and he would given Presi- G, novH d3m This will present a Uuc chance for seamen to ob- not lie. New deemed best to tail back. Our trains rubber shoes, best *1,85. I give bar- York. Nov. 1ft. dent and the Governors of the States. After wagon tuiu prize money, on enlisting, each seaman re- quality, great He said he Cotton—without gaiu* lit all other kinds, too numerous to inentiou supposed lie should have to take decided change; sales at 86clor the of this the were saved. ceive* two mouth* advance, and will be enabled to j Huddling uplands. delivery address, dirge and the kv, c~ mu All are invited to come and get rood bargain* at the consequences. Orders are said to have been jju avoid all expenses bv immediately going on board Arter tlle tlial was over> Flour—State and Western 5 10c benediction, the exercises and the received send- Hie next of the M M. >••*1 Market ® better; Super- concluded, meeting C. A^socia- after Enlistments for oue or 5*narr. Davis fine State o 6 ing the 1:1th army corps to for Lectures anti shipping. required Judge ordered the Sheri If to Lake the 90® 10; Extra do ti 80 (te ; Common 7] November 6th, 1863. ( novodtt to good extra Western 6 90 i/ tain him until special 72*'; Southern tinner; Trial \etr Ordnance. instructions from the tn'xed to good 7 4o 8 of QUESTION FOR DISCUSSION. ® 00; Faucy and Extra 8 10 a From the the the Curd Pictures 4 Ambro Court. ;» « .truly of Votomne. M'uleJYom pure Halsams Vermont. 106<); Canada 10c higher; common extra U4(> (a, Tbenton, N. J., Xov. ip. Tttolv d, That it is not desirable to restore the q/' types, extra to ti 50; good choice 6 60 ® 8 76. We have had a great triumph ol American Washington, Nov. 15#. States, now in rehellion, with the institution of AT LEWIS’ HEW GALLERY, EST“ The funeral of Wheat—more active; Chicago 1 40(a 1 45: received Slavery remaining in them with the constitutional N. H. Downs’s Balsamic Elixir. Scrgt. Abraham New- spring iugenuity. Intelligence to-night from the Vegetable N». 1’J over Mil waukie Club 1 40® i 45: Winter red Western 1 4S guarantees tor its protection. Market Sq., McCoy’* Cheap romh took W. F. Martin's 8 army of Potomac is to the effect that a rillllslioncst, standard old Cough place yesterday afternoon. Servi- a 1 58; Amber Michigan 1 69 (ft 1 63. inch, breech-loading rifle cavalry Per order Committee. Remedy, made More, auti opp. |r. S. Hotel. skirmish took I. in Vermont, has been used with entire success ces were Corn—in lair demand and 1 gun was fired at the near place yesterday at tiT~ i’be are invited. uo\ 18 d3t for performed at the Free Street higher; mixed West- proving grounds this morning public rears. It is Church ern 111 1 12. German Ford on the thirty-three warranted as usual for lilted Dice Dew ® city, iu the presence of ('apt. J. II. of liapUlan. up Photograph Rooms, Rev. Drs. Oats— lc better at « Upsbier, Coughs, Colds, Whipping Cough, Asthma by Bosworth and Shailer. The re- ; 86 87 lor Canada. Tiie rebels crossed the river Croup, n ith au elegant sky light, and all the latest l*i- the navy, and T. T. 8. of the when our men 'I'o wliom it Fonccni. a nr/ all diseases qf the Throat* Chest ami HAVINI. Beef—steady; Country Moss 5 00® 7 00. Maj. Laidley, may Lunas is now to make lor marks of these were War fell back our The loss and all diseases tending to prepared picture, gentlemen exceedingly Pork—a shade firmer; mess 18 12;. Department. The charge used was six- upon infantry pickets. R young men, at preseut iu the service of their Consumption. Srevemeats,DATS, at prices that will he an inducement to all was small. of our We have testimonials from of the and Sugars—inactive: Muscovado 12i « 1;]. teen of and the Some men were I^oucouutry, wish to form the acquaintance of four many best physi- lo sit for their A. C. LEWIS, interesting impressive. A detachment of pounds powder, projectile a captured. cians and gentlemen of photographs. Molasses—in fair demand; New Orleans 49 75. 150 \ some young ladies of respectability. with a view to matri- standing, among whom we ocS dlwtheu eosltf (Late Tram A Lewis. 1 the 17th IT. S. ® pound elongated shot. The gun weighs esterday evening cannonading was mention the Hon. Paul Lieut. Infantry escorted the remains mony; must be intelligent, industrious and possess a Dillingham, Gov. of and was heard iu the direction of the south of Vermont; Hon. Bates Turner, late of the 20,000 pounds, manufactured in The Rapidan, moderate share of beauty. None need apply but Judge of the Su- gallant soldier to their last but no Court of Vermont; Dr. J. Notice. resting Stock Market. Tremout Locomotive Works. Xo breech- Culpepper, particulars had been receiv- tho.se who are sincere ami would do their utmost to preme li. Woodward, ed when the make a Brigade U. S. Omnibus Tickets will be taken in payment of place. gun of this calibre lias ever been messenger left the army this af- poor man’s home happy. Address, with Surgeon Army. ~ New York, Nov. 19. loading JOHN F. HENRY & M\Fares on the Horae Railroad till Deeember isl. .Second ternoon. contidcucc, Jamah Kikg.Ueouok W. Curtis, Johx CO., proprietors, Hoard.—Stocks dull and lower, made before. The was the most Successors to ! I’hoae them Mill themselves accord- We generallv* experiment E. Fitzgerald ami John Bloom, U. S. Steamer, J N. H Dow us, holding govern invite attention to the advertise- closing steadv. successful ever made iu No sutlers have yet been the Vt. ing1.* E. B. SEE. Michigan before ordnance. granted right P. Jackson, Gulf Squadiou, Ship Island. Watkebukt, ment of Ceutral..1264 of for their Hfi'rice 25 cents, 50 cents, aud bottle. nov 19 2t Mr. L. F. Those in want HliBon transportation stores to the army. November 16, 18C3. d3w* $1 per Pingree. Central scrip,. ]2D 11.11. aud J. W. of L,-' A few succeed in Hay Perkius k Co., Portland, patterns, and Erie,. occasionally passing goods, Me.,wholesale novl9 dfcwUhw* models, machinery any kind New York Financial. but agents for Maiuo. Poet your Book*. of Ceutral. .iV, they are liable to arrest and confiscation. Keiuovnl. will do well to him a call American Xov. 10. IE MAN who is well qualified, wishes to do Job. of wool-work, give Uold.7.7.. Phii.aiiei.phia, Paymasters are busily at work iu the dis- fill subscriber has removed to the store recently GALLONS OF PORTLAND KERO- at Vo. The sales of C. A POSTIXO, 4c.. for buiiuoM man who do nut 37 Union street. "•'••rMSeitw iiw V. 5-20's to-day amounted to of their duties in almost all A occupied by Messrs. W. & R Mlllikeu. Hi 1/WWb"V-fV/ SEN E OIL, for sale at the lowest cash Limed StaUefig**!** ti « 1881 charge the army f" employ permanent Book keeper* registered,.108/ #731,650. Commercial Street. Ill* M A S SHAW. by JOHN Pt RINTON, corps. Nov 16, 1663. priot) Address ACCOUNTANT. Portland P O. aw novie edlw No. 188 Fore street. novlT dll POETRY. MEDICAL. BUSINESS CARDS. COAL & WOOD. HOTELS. STEAMBOATS. ■ J INSURANCE. }Vrittcu for the Press. MORE TESTIMONIALS! COAL & FAUKtt HOUSE. International lor the Aged* WOOD, Steamship Co. Weep CI1EAI* FOR CASH, How cruel is this war—hardly a day passes but its hor- delivered to anv part of thf:cit v HnL'si'>0U *Sit ,lo8*ou, t0 t*lu EASTPOKT, CALAIS & ST. JOHN. rors come home to some ouce happy fireside in ita most SPRING MOUNTAIN withering form. How many young men in whom the LEHIGH, (Norfolk Avenue,' 187 Washington MRS. MANCHESTER HAZELTON LEHIGH, St., aud of father and mother were centered have It has recently been Vou will Two a pride hopes COLERAINE LEHIGH, enlarged. find good Trips Week I rooms and a house for ladies and beeu cut down, sacrificed the altar of their lg constantly receiving unsolicited testimonials ol LOCUST quiet gentlemen On am! after aye, upou MOUNTAIN, or the business man. and Thursday, April 9th the cures her. prices reasonable. the Steamer Kmv country—while in the morning ot life; now is blighted astonishing performed by Among JOHN'S, John a. parks, Exolamp, ( apt. THE GENUINE Agent, K. Field, and Steamer Niw Buuxb- forever the of Now their hearts many recently received are the following, which are LUBBER V Formerly Proprietor of the Marlboro’ hopes aged parents! aged Hotel. K. B. will leave Railroad of Boston, Nov. 5. 1368. novT wiCK.Cipt. WinehetUr, a and commended to the notice the afflicted. Mrs. Man- I’urc mid Free dW&s&w3m »' loot of must bear lasting affliction in their declining days, THE PORTLAND Iluruiug. hail', State St., every Monday and Thurs- chester be consulted at COLLEGE, day, at 5 o’clock 1*. lor and St.John. go down with sorrow to the grave. Let us weep for the may 5!., Kastpoit -LOCATED1N- CUMBERLAND COAL I^TFJINATIONAL HOUSE, aged. No. 11 Clapp’s Block, Room No. 6. PARKS. Block.CJoiiizre^.s St. 5k Junction of Hr change, Conyrt«.> unil /.fine I'.St Clapp's ( FOR SMITHS’ USE. J Joli'i,byiti»tu(!r,V..W | lost. Andrews, 91.00 •st*;OJ»l»onite New City . Hurtlunfl. ■ for the because A CASK OF SPINAJj DISEASE CURED. just been added to Bryant, Stratton k fW/.fr *.<»> | I’alai*, 1.76 Weep aged—not Coals 1,118 located is If fP". « Co.’s Chain of Commercial are strictly of the best an n,;w :‘.nd ‘*cnlrally Hofei e.oo HAS Colleges, establish- quality, JJtwrm * *r?d * *us' *u a^ lijgby. Their hair is thin and gray, This is to certify that 1 went to sec Mrs. Manches- j THESEwarranted to give satisfaction. *,fi and one ed in New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Albany, t Hpfiva of the most HppoiiJtmenN, and.U'ge, so. | Monckton, 7.00 law* kllXs.M home-like houses in New Eng- For thia is nature'* ter last March with a daughter of mine troubled with Troy, Buffalo, Cleaveland', Detroit, Chicago, St. Lou- land. Charges moderate. llalifav’’ 7.701 hiiedinc, 7.00 is, Providence, and Toronto, C. W. Also, for sale, best of Nova Scotia and 8.25 In life'* declining day; spinal disease, for w hich she had been doctored for quality other ■nov- Jm O. C'. ROLLINS, L*J "•■f'l Kedeqw, The object of these is to to Proprietor. On. riot 9.50 Oh1 not that the brow Colleges impart Young MrnKS1 1 ,'''"'1 tetown, LIFE weep aged live years, and by a number ol physicians of all Men and Ladies and 1 INSURANCE. thorough practical instruction Hard and Soft Wood. Tin I,|01li'V,'"lx°ck..i.,».| ietou, 11.25 Is furrowed o'er with and she has had of in COMMERCIAL c'"“" 11 s> care, kinds; twenty-one applications BOOK-KEEPING, LAW,COM- o -John with Eu- ro,,!• » ’. v' American For Time will make the bow MEBCIAL AliiTHAIETIC,SPEXCERIAX BVSL THE it»ilr.,a.l t„r »n-tatiou? strongest electricity applied, but all to no effect; but she con- The public are to as wc are AMERICAN io Micdhu,: ana !l.om New XESS. PEXM. 1 XSIflP, ( OHT'ESPOXI)EX CE, requested call, deter HOUSE, thence with steamer Ir*»«» England Life Insurance And leave hi* there. worse. I came the as mined to give to those who cash. moreland lor and footprints tinually grew to conclusion, PHOXOGJIAPHY, Higher Mathematics, Civil En- good bargains pay Bedcuue Charlottetown. p. e I ver ■ M’ :“'eck... 1 as family7 applied physicians, supplied with all the latest improvements, are now ShurtlefT, jannu I rankliu. Freight taken as usual. It not. Oh! ceived no benefit until I called on At time open for the accommodation of the OFFICE-117 Middle Street. The will wait Deplore aged one. yon. that public. The are not undersigned upon persons The is to Company responsible for to to effect desiring proprietor prepared supply his former C'oniiuiMMion baggage Life Insurance, at his office, or at their own That to thy listening ear 1 had given up business, and was in a very bad state, Merchant*, L.D M. SWEAT. NATH AN CLEAVES any amount exceeding *50 in vaiue, aud that customers and all who may give him a call, with pic- peraou- pmcc of busiueas.aud assist them iu I* after a a al, unless notice is given and for at the rate making applica- now dcuied sweet music’s toue but takiug your medicine for short time 1 be- tures of every description, executed in the bc:t man- Having responsible Agent in Washington, will |>aid of tions. ner and at No. 1 1-2 Union Wharf Portland. 1’ri/e one passenger for *500 additional value. The Messed sense to to recover, and iu two months 1 was reasonable prices. procure Pensions, Bounty, Money, and all every References in Portland may be made to the follow- hear, gan entirely claims Fcb.13, 1803. dtf L. &T' Particular attention given to copying. against the Government, BILLINUS, Agent. ing parties: Messrs. II. J. k List—for now comes the well, and had several of flesh, and JOHN A. KM Libby Co.. Steele k angel lays gained pounds A. S. BUY, in >2 dtf Harts. Kara f Messrs. DAVIS, Proprietor. h. v. furbish arter, .Jr, H«>ward k Stront, Borne from the land. can truly say that by your skill I am a perfectly heal- Portland, July 30,1863 dtf nov8 3m Spirit Portland and New York Steamers. M**"’* JObB L»“* ‘ Co- The golden harps that sound His prais# thy man. Joseph Davis. JOHN F. SHERRY H“ekuS"d. E^l:' Boston Maryland Oak Timber. J Are waiting for thy band. t[ Maine Depot, Portland, Me. SEMI-WEEKLY LINK. JOHN W. WIRE FACTORY! CARGO now landing per brig Trenton, consist* i iiiH-raiid n MUNGER, Agent, of 1$; inauer, me No. 1GG Fore hend ol Weep not because they're doomed to wear A iug plank stock-, windless pieces, stem, m splendid and last Steamships Street, I.oug Wharf, A REMARKABLE CURE OF A CASE OF DROP- riser-. Ac., for sale bv The livery of old age, transom.-, No. 13 Market Square, Portland, (up stair*.) J AP “CHESAPEAKE,’' Capt. Willktt, dccl» PORTLAND. ME. It VAN Sc aud eodly. .S’ Y CURED B Y MRS. MANCHESTER. McGJLVKKY, DAVIS, “POTOMAC,” Captain Shku- ~ octl dtf SySeparatt room for l.ailic*’au eccive with perfect case. I have taken her medicine for Coats, 300 do Kxtra All flax prompt attention. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. All those Long | rilllF. would the dear sons you weep and grieve 30o do Post Office address undersigned respectfully notify eight months, aud am as well as any man could wish Navy Fine ) X labile tint tht*v arf tu tikp MARIK*! Will be restored -AND- prep»mi again. Delivered in Portland or Boston. Ou and after Monday, Nov. 9. 1863, RISKS on Car- to be, and no signs of dropsy. I would advise all SETH E. HE EDI r3gfij£jRjgp Shi/tt, Ilan/ues, /trigs. Schooners, If I aui loved—should I grow old— R trains will run daily, (Sundays except- goes aud freights per voyage, at current rate#, to that are to Bath, April20,1SG3. sick go aud consult Mrs. Manchester, ap22dtf ed) until turther notice, as follows: of the wvrM. Parties lusurauce As I love the aged now, Augusta, Me. any part deniring even if they have been given up by other phy- (Office No. 9 State House.) Trains. will And it for their Interest to CALL. I'll welcome all its snows and cold, Coats! Up sicians. I have sent her a number of cases of other English Walking Leave Portland for White hair and wrinkled brow. REMOVAL. RKFKUKKCKP: South Paris at 7.4*' a. m. For mu,I, RISKS diseases, aud she has cured them also. Go aud sec Made exclusively by men,and sold at a low figure. Islaud Poud at 1.10 p. m Hon.Lot M. Morrill, Hall, To any araouut—placed in responsible offices. Dear, aged pilgrim, falter for yourselves. I had no faith, but now faith Hon.JosephB. Down Trains. not, my U.S. Senate, Sec’y of State life is almost cannot be shaked iu her skill in and DK. NEWTON War Risk) Taken. Though done, telling curing 1 have also received additions to Hon. Jamo»G. Blaine, Hon.Nathan Dane, Leave Island Pond for Portland, at G a. m. large my AS removed his residence to JYo. 37 Middle But be submissive to lot— disease. Charlls S. «ei>2bd&wl4t f StateTreasurer Leave South Paris for Portland at 5.46 a m. thy Harmon, U Street, corner of Franklin street. The crown is nearly won ; Sarah E. Harmon, Office a* heretofore, .Vo. 110 Fecit an ye Street, in FIBE Stock of The are not for to IVMItWCF, And when tis A. Cloths, Noble’s Block, upstairs. Office boars from i» to 10 Company responsible baggage placed upon thy brow, Mary Harmon. amount A. M., from 2 to 3, and from 8 too’clock I*, .to. PRINTERS &■ BINDERS' any exceeding *60 in value, and that per- -BT- Thoult walk—nor be. Bangor, Maine, April 2d. making my assortment complete, which will he weary Dr. N. will contiuue. in connection with general sonal, unless notice i* given, and paid for at the rate Then no old form ol one lor *6uu additional value. Fire and age thy will bow, OrriCE Hours—From 8 A. M. till practice, to give special attention to DISEASES OF W passenger every Springfc Marine Ini. Oo., 5 P. M. MADE aroliouso, C. J. Director. But soar forever free. Mart. I P TO ORDER FEMALES. oc31 BRIDGES, Managing auglT ip&outal ed H. BAILEY, Superintendent. SrniNOFlELD, MASS. Nov. 6,1863. 29 and 31 Gold Street NEW YORK. Portland, IX THE VERY Nov. 4,1663. nov5 and Jan. BEST STYLE, SINGER’S Cash Capita) Surplus 1, 1863..*408,613 DR. HUGHES’ at short notice, aud as LOW as can be purchased MaxupactorikS—-On Broome, Sheriff Sr Cohnnlna elsewhere. •is., A. )'., anti on Foundry si., Boston,Mass. PORTLAND, SACO A PORTSMOUTH u. S. marshal's Nolirp. Eclectic medical SEWING MACHINES! Fire Insurance Company, Infirmary. RAILROAD. City United States of 1 subscriber? rn umfacturo I America, Single and Double NEW HAVEN, CONN. District of Maine, ss. J Established for the treatment of those diseases in TRUE A THECylinder and Type-Revolving both WOODMAN, CO., IP I X J't'R to Monitions from the Hon. Ashur sexes, requiring Experience, Skill, Honor and ARtthXUKMKXTS, Cash Capital and Surplus Dec. 1,1802.$298,000 Ware, of the PURSUANTJudge United States Di-trict delicacy. PRINTING Nov. 1863. within aud for CONSULT ATIONS.-Dr. AGENTS, MACHINES, Commencing 2d, Court, the District of Maine, 1 here- j nughes has P.B. FROST,Merchant Tailor, a Trains w ill leave Howard Fire Insurance by give notice that the following Libel and PRIVATEfor number of years confined his attention to Nos. 54 and 5G Middle Street. Bed Passenger the Sta- Company, public 91 EXCHANGE STREET* and Platon Book 6l Job Printing ■ in ii ( s ii Informations have been filed in said Court, viz: diseases of a certain class. During his practice he Presses, WI 11 I'ln 11 11 a 11 j (Sundays ex- ! (Adams* Patent,) as lollow*: BOSTON, mass. A Libef against Tub Schooner “Hattie Anna," j has treated thousands of cases, and in no instance OC29 lined Needles and Trimmings always on hand. ceptvu, has he met with a Leave Portland for at a. m. aud Cash and Nov.l, 1862.$152,934 seized by the Collector of the District of on failure. The remedies are mild, mchlStf Hand and Card Presses, Hydraulic Presses with Boston, 8.45 2.30 Capital Surplns Caatinc. | P. M. the sixteenth day of October last past at Baugor in and there is no interruption of business or change of wrought-irou cylinders. Standing Presses of various diet. Dr. is in Leave Boston for Portland at 7.30 a. m. •aid District. Hughes constant attendance from 8 kinds, Chases, Furniture, Cases. Stands. Brass Rule, aud 2.30 in the until 10 at at j p. m. An Information against Two Cares ok Raos and I moruing night, his office, 6 Tern- C. W. ROBINSON & CO. Composing Sticks, aud every article connected with I Eliot Fire Insnrance street. j Leave Portsmouth Company, Eighteen Casks of Bottled Gin. seized by the ! Charges moderate, and a cure guaranteed W. W. CARR & CO., the arts of and for Portland, at 10.00 a m and n JUST a Letter-press,Copperplate Lithograph- 5.00 r. m. BOSTON. MASS. Collector of the District of Portland aud Falmouth. f>leall cases. Separate rooms, so that no one will be TTAVE OPENED large and rich stock of j ic Printing, Bookbinding, Stereotyping and Electro- seen but the Dr. taken the Fruit Store These trains w and ou the second of October last at Portland himself. His remedies cure disease French aud in Having formerly occupied by always on hand or ftiruisned at short notice. ill take leave passengers at way7 Cash and Nor. 1, 1362.*333.073 day past, Thibet*, Poplins Alpaccas, Wine typing, station*. 1 Capital Surplus in said district. when all other remedies fail: cures without dieting, A new Catalogue.containing cuts and descriptions or restriction in the habits of Color, Scarlet, Magenta, Brown, Blue aud Green. Or. S W V trains leave Portland and At* Information against Thirty nine Baler of thcpatient: cures with- A K II. ol many new Machiut not betbro shown iu their Freight Boston daily. out the ami sickening effects of most w FRANCIS CHASE, Merchants' Insurance Raos aud Forty-nine Casks of Old Iron, seized disgusting other Also, a full assortment of Plain Doeskin*, Beaver*, book, ith directions for putting up, working. Ac., Superintendent. Company, the remedies; cures new cases in a few cures Portland, Oct. 30,1863. oc3l edtf tv Collector ot the District of Portland aud Fal- hours; with- No. .T Exchange aud other uselul information, is now in press, and PROVIDKNCK, R. I. out the dreadful effects of Street, mouth, ou the second day of October last past, at consequent mercury, but Spangled Beaver*, Ac., &c., iu all the new shades. when completed will bo sent to any of the cratt who is sure to annihilate the rank and Cash Capital and Surplus Not. 30,1862.f206,994 Portland in said District. jx)isonous taint Aro prepared to offer to the trade a and well will furnish their addres*. R. iloE & CO., that the blood is sure to Scarlet and Blue Broadcloth in and Am- largo York A Which seizures were for breaches of the laws of absorb, unless the proper English selected stock of uov3dlow New York and Boston. Mass. emnlM-rluHd Uniliond. the United states, and is remedy is used. The ingredients are veeet more particularly set forth entirely erican Goods, which are ble, and no effect, either they prepared to make to ! in said Libel aud Informations; that a hearing and injurious constitutional! WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. American Insurance Company, trial will be had thereon at /‘ortlaml can be caused by using them. order in the and Domestic Fruit ! aforesaid, on t locally, latest style. Foreign I. the hirst YOUNG MEN, who aro troubled with seminal PROVIDENCE, R. I'nenlay of December next, where any Wholesale and lb-tail °u an*! aftcr Mon<,aV- Oct. 2C. 1*63, interested therein weakness, generally caused bad habits in youth, Plain Scarlet aud Scotch Plaids, Long and MEDICAL. Cash and D. e. 31, 1863.*313,604 persons may appear aud show j by Square j Trains will leave as follows: Capital Surplus cause, if can be the effects of which are pain and dhuiuess in the Orangm. Spruce Gum, Lozt-ugca any shown, wherefore the same Shawls, finest and best A M. P. M. P. M. should head, forgetfulness, sometimes a in the quality style. not be decreed forfeit aud disponed of accord- ringing ears, Lein oils* Canary Seed, Candice* Portland for Saco River, at h oo 2 ««» &.:>» to law. weak eyes, etc., terminating in consumption or in- STI S It S SAllill i l lVI.VE Atlantic Fire and Ini. ing ; Superior quality of Plain Silks, iu a!! the new and bntiou Morrill’s do 8.11 2.15 6.4 i Marine Co., Dated at Portland this sixteenth of if neglected, are speedily and Lime*, Syrup. Honey, day Novembe r. sanity permanently Cumberland Mills, do 8.IS 2.23 6.49 R. I. A D. 1868. cured. desirable shades. PrUIIPH. (Wlill V util. FStla. PURE, AND FOUR YEARS OLD, PROVIDENCE, F.A.QUINBY, All Saccarappa, do 8.23 2.30 5 54 U. S. Marshal District of Maine. correspondence strictly confidential and will o Citron. Nut*, nil kind*. aud Die. Deputy — v Dale*. Gorham. do 8.35 2.45 0.06 Cash 1.1S62..9204,584 returned If desired. Address II UUI KiailMClS, OF Choice Oporto Grape, Capita! Surplus novl6 dl4t Buxton do 3.52 3 DR. J. B. Olive*, ltui»in«. Toburco, POR PHYSICIANS’ U8K. Centre, 06 6 22 HUGHES. at less than the Arrive at do 9.00 3.15 G.30 No. 6 of Agents' prices. Snrdiue*. Tomple Street, (corner LI'ddle), Uigur*. Policies issued against loss or Fire, for For A M. A M. p. M. damage by CITIf OF PORTLAND. Portland. Winter Flannels, Balmoral*. Ac., Ac. Cuutlirn tlcaer Females, Persons and Invalids amount wanted. > Risks taken uu Fancy of'nil ip lion. Weakly Saco River for Portland, at 6.35 9.30 3.30 any Dandling Send stamp for Circular. lull—d*wtf3 T^XOTICE is hereby given, that it is the intention Their Cloak Department contains all the new OCt9 dtf Buxton (eutn. do 6.43 9.40 3.38 i.1 of the Couucil to lav out a new street or Gorham, do 7.U0 10.00 3 65 City of Fail for the use styles and Winter Garments, at low public way of the city—beginning at high l Eclectic medical very Saccarappa, do 7.12 10.15 4.07 UFE lYMKA.YUU. water mark, northwesterly termiuus of Franklin Infirmary. prices. NEW FUNERAL CART Cumberland Mills, do 7.17 10.22 4.11 street, and continuing to the Harbor Commissioners’ Morrill’s, do 7.24 10.30 4.18 line ou Back W< Corner of Congress and Preble Streets Arrivp at 7 1 ir. •«> Cove. to theTadies. rilHK subscriber most respectfully begs leave to In- New England Mutual Life In«. Co., And the Joint Standing Committee of the City ocl7 JL form the citizens ot Portlaud and vicinity that The 2.00 1\ M train out and the 9.80 A M. train ou HUGHES particularly invites all Ladies who Council laying out new streets, in pursuance of hi has bees an tudertiker, vitk ail t!:<. into Portland will he Freight Trains, with BOSTON. DR.need a medical adviser, to call at his rooms. No. appointed Passenger an order ot tlw City Council passed on the 13th day and to or remove the Cars attached. 5 which will find legal rights privileges bury of November, will meet for said on Temple Street, they arranged for Aiwtti over...$2.44)0,000 purpose Tuesday, their accommodation. ttuslu'ls dead that the superintendent has, and is now ready Faros 5 cents less w hen ticket* are purchased at the 24th of November, at 3 o’clock in the after- especial 15,000 to attend to that duty iu the most careful manner. the office* than w hen in the cars. day Dr. H.’s Eclectic Renovating Medicinesareunrival* -or- paid noon, at the northwesterly termiuus of Franklin I have a new FUNERAL CAR, such as is used al- Oct. 22, 1SG3. dtl DAN | led in efficacy and superior virtue in all CARPENTER, Snp't. Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. street, the place of beginning, aud then and there i regulating most entirely iu Boston, New York, and other large Co., to aud Female Irregularities. Their action is specific and MASS. proceed view lay out said new street. BEST cities, which' I propose to use at the funeral- I attend SPRINGflELP. All certain of relief in a short time. QUALITY BARLEY persons interested will take notice aud govern I producing as undertaker, at the same that other under- LADIES will find it invaluable iu all cases of ob- price MAUVE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Assettf over.0400.000 themselves accordingly. WANTED BY F. JONES. takers charge for the city hearse, and nothing extra Given structions after all other remedies have been tried in under our hands this 16th day of November. from the old The con- WAR RISKS TAKEN. vain. It is purely vegetable, in MOSES price. poor always liberally SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. A. D 1863. containing uothing ItlORKILL, AkcuI, sidered .IAS. M. CUKKIEK, the least injurious to the and by mo hr. JACOB McLELLAN, health, may betaken Sexton of Rev. Dr. Shailer’s Church. deodly with perfect safety at all times. 204 FORE STEVENS SMITH, STREET, OP**Kkridkx< k No 7 Cfatbl Street, jy 23 d rim On and alter Mouday next, passenger Committee ou Sent to any part of the with full direction s WM. H. STEWART. country PORTLAND. UK. traius will leave u«*p..t ot'(r. to any other win* s in use, and uu excellent article for Stages Farmington daily, Strong, July. 8team Cocks, Valves, Pipe*and Connections, Whole, and 1S02, for uhich Certificates M. at his REMEDIAL INSTI IT I E FOR SPEC IA L all weak and debilita cd persons, and the aged aud Phillips. Jauuary, sale or Retail. Orders for Machine Patterns and w take the cars wore amount to $12,753,730 Heud Quarters Proves.' Klurslml. .lobbing, DISEASES. No. 28 Union street, Providence, K. 1 infirm, the beuefitting ladies Passengers lor this route ill at the issued, Forgings, executed. ocU improving appetite,and Saco I: or Keuuebcc A Additional from 1st Jauuary, 1062, to 1st promptly Accommodations for Ladies wishing to remain \ and children. Portland, Portsmouth, Port- First District STEAM AND GAS S. W. 1,740,000 Maikk, FITTING, in the City a short time for treatment. A LADIES’ WINE, land Depots, in Portland. EATON. Sup’t. January, 1S63, August 201 >i. 1S6B. f Farmington April 1, 1S63. todccl ol leu Dollurs Done in the best manner. Boston A WORD C AUTION. Because it will not intoxicate as other as it ($10) mid the n-H.uu* OF wines, Total profits for 20} years, $14,403,730 able incurred, will sums are to no mixture of or and is ABICWAKDexpenses be paid to any per- Works 0 Union St., and 233 A 235 Fore St. “Immense of money paid swindling contains spirits otherliquors, The Certificate* previous to 1861, have •ou for the apprehension and delivery of a Deserter Union Match Company. quacks annually, which is in,,si than thrown away, j admired for its rick, peculiar flavor, and nutritive KENNEBEC AND PORTLAND R.R. been redeemed by cash, 10,278,560 at these Head Quarters. Jnl4dtf PORTLAND. ME. This comes from trusting, without inquiry, to men properties, imparting a healthy tone to the digestive order Provost Marshal General. who are alike destitute of and skill, and a soft aud skin aud By celebrated honor,character j organs, blooming, heulthy SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. T RI STEEi. IT. mills though but of a few own CHARLES DOUGHTY, Company, and whose only recommendation is their false complexion. John I>. Jones, A. P. Pillot. Jo*. Gall lard, Jr.» Provost I»H. JOHN C. MOTT. JL years’ standiug, uiiiiiutactuio the various styles of themselves. 1803. aug2l d3ui Capt. and Marsh and extravagant assertions in REFER TO Commencing April O, e Lerov M I. lleur of /'*/»/MfiT/OaN MA TCIIKS, ami have sales not’ex- praise WE Charli Dennis, Wiley, Hurgy. The only way to avoid imposition is to take no man's W. II. II. Moore, l>an'l S Miller, I onieliustirinnell ceeded bv any other mautifaetui ing com puny in the a few tvellkuown and who Trains will leave & word, no matter what his pretensions are, but gentlemen physicians l'***®l*#er daily. Thus. Tilt**ton. S T. Nicoll. C. A Hand, Notice. Physician United States. The celebrity of their matches is as Surgeon, MARE INQUIRYit will cost you nothing, and have tried the Wine: (Sunday* excepted) follow*: llenrv Jo»h‘a ami excites the and ill 1 for Coit, J.Henry,Watt* Sherman, Post Office, Portland, Me., i UP COURT STREET,corner of Howard, Boston, honestly acquired, jealousy save for, as Gen. Winfield Scott.USA. Dr. WiIson.llthst.,NY, Augusta Bath. Portland and Boston, at 6.80and will older and less careful may you many regrets; advertising phy- | lieu ii.UoUou. 5:. K. Morgan. On I is consulted from 10 until and from G of manufacturers. Com- are is NY .State. Dr Ward. N.J. II. 15 A.M.. at Hrnuswick with trains on W.U.'Pickcrsgill, October 31st, 1863. J daily 2, sicians, in nine cases out of ten. bogus, there (iov. Morgan, Newark, connecting Lewis Cwrti*. David Lane, B. J. Howland, and after November Mails tor the South to 8 in the on all diseases of the bining all the good quail lieu of the old, with such as Dr. J.R <'hiltou.N. Dr. Newark. the Railroad for Lewiston, 2d, evening, Urinary no in trusting any of them, unless you know Y.City. Dougherty, Amlroscoggiu Farming- Cbas. II Rmwcdl. James Brvce. Benj. Bibcock. ONand West will close at o’clock and the and (ienital Scrofulous Humors experience and skill has suggested, they have suc- safety Dr. Parker. N. Y. N.J. ton, Ik c. 1$ P. M., Organs, Affection*, who and what they are. City. Lowell Holbrook, Win Sturgi*.Jr., FletcherWestray, Mail for of all amt ceeded in to the public, and New York. Portland for Rath and 1.00 P con- Evening the Kennebec will be discontinued. kind*, Sores, Ulcer* Eruptions, female presenting obtaining M. will send kkke. by enclosing on* stamp Drs.Darcy&. NichoIl.New- Dr. Marcv. Augusta at M., II K. R. B Mitt jrn.Jr its ;» match which, in all desirable C^Dis. P A Hargous, Hogert, *»°v2-3w A. T. DOLE. P. M. Complaints, &c. An experience of over twenty approbation, for a oil DISEASES OF WO- ark.NiJ. l)r. Cummings, Cortland necting at Brunswick with the Androscoggin R. R. Ci. W. to iu Use. The postage, pamphlet Mever4.au*. A. A. Low. Burnham, years’extensive enables Dr. M. to cure all qualities, is superior any other sub- Dr. Boston. traius for all stations on that road: aud at practice MEN, and on Private Diseases generally, giving lull Hayes, Augusta Koval Wm. E. Dodge, Fred 4 hauncey, the most difficult fuses. Medicines scriber is an agent tor this company, and will he and with the Somerset it Kennebec Railroad for W'ater- Phelps, Slate of entirely vegeta- information, with the most undoubted references without the signature of “AL- Bar>tow. Dennis Perkin*. Jam** Low. Itlaiue. ble. Advic e Fukk. supplied to meet the wants of the trade, JRP**None genuine ville, Kendall’s Mill* Ken- Caleb constantly testimonials, without which no advertising physician FRED STEER, Ca.'t-aic, N. J.,“ is overtho cork ol and S chegau; and at JOHN D. JONES, President. Mrs. M., who versed in the at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail. Mills Executive Department. 1 i*thoroughly afflictive or medicine of this kind Is deserving of AN Y CON- each bottle. dall’s for Baugor, A CHARLES DENNIS. Vice President maladies of the can be consulted BIFUS CUSHMAN, Nov sex, by ladies. FIDENT E IV IfA TEVElt. Portlaud for Bath and Augusta at 8.15 p. M. 2d VlDt Pres t. Augusta. 2, 1863. f d2w 175 Fore Street OX E TRIAL OF THIS WISE. W. H. II. MOORE, session of the Patients furnished with board aud experienced aovli M i* a educated of &TMAKR Tickets sold in Boston for ail the stations on the adjourned Executive (\mncll C ^*Dr. regularly physfciau For sale and all Urst class dealers. will be held at tho Council nurses. twenty ten of which were spent by Druggists Kennebec & Portlaud, Audroscoggiu, aud Somerset AN Chamber, in Augus- years’ experience, aud tow n the State Com- OPEN POLICIE ta, on the first of Boston, April 28,1803. codly iu an extensive until, reason of City Agents supplied by & Keuuebcc Roads. Tuesday, day December next. BARLEY WANTED. genera!practice, by missioners. tF"Appllcation*forwardi*daud he was to STACK CONNECTION*. procured by Attest, JOSEPH B. HALL, declining health* obliged relinquish that, A. and the to which for the last ten STEER,Proprietor leave Bath for Rockland at 9.00 A.M. nov2dtd Secretary of State. The highest price paid for Barley by adopt specialty New Stages daily he has devoted his whole attention. Vihbtaud—Passaic. Jersey. aud 3.00 P. M. JOB A W. ADltfiEK, Book Card & Fanov years New York. Printing f3F~Order* by mail promptly attended to. Write Office—208Broadway, Leave Augusta for Rockland at 9.00 A M. Augus- KNIVE DOLLARS will be for the detection JOHN BRADLEY, JOHN LA FOY, Paris, at 4.00 P. M St., head of Whwf, given NEATLY EX ECU TEC youraddressp/utn/y ,aud direct to DR. MATTISON ta (or Belfast, No. 166 Fore Long X and oonviction of or Agent for France aud Germany. B II any person person esteallo> IT Yoil. Street, Portland. CUSHMAN, Portland, Maine papers from the doors of our snbecri&ers. No. 28 Union street, Providence, R. I. Soldln Portland by H. H. HAY,Drugpi.t Supply Manager and Superintendent. I tne llmtcdk w6t84 doc36 PUBLISHERS OF THE PRESS AT THE 0FFI0E OF THE PRESS 1 Sept 38 dfcwtf (UeBdawlyBO tng Agent. ddc22dly Augusta, April 8, 1868. ap4ti t*b0