PORTLA XI) DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JPIW 88, 1868. VOL·. Π. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNTNG DECEMBER 9, 1872. TERMS «8.00 PKR nil ΓΟΒΤΙΛΙΠ) DAILY PRESS TO LE1. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. Β published every day (Sundays excepted) by th REAL ESTATE. i USIN ESS DIB ECTOR Y MISCELLANEOUS. Let, for instante be POBTLAN» PIBLWHIPTO Rooms To Let. THE coal, discovered in CO., PRESS. in Maine Lost. Agency for Sewing Machines. I and there will be no fur- ITHER with or without Geo. R. Davis & Co.'i At 109 Exchange St, Portland. board at 101 Oxford St. Wodnesday afternoon, between 3and 5 o'clock H. M. l*o. ! ! tlier need to corner of Street. DYER, Middle*!. All Another List of Prices ! MONDAY DEC. hold forth extra Terms : Dollars a Year In Ε Myrtle de7*lw ON a draft on New York for $65. payable to thi kinda MORNING, », inducements to Eight advance of Machiuea for «aie nud I· let· 1872." order of I. H. Washburn. The fiuaer will be susta BULLETIN. foreign capital to invest within our borders. To Let. blv rewarded by leaving the same at the Press Office Bepairiii£. THE MAINE STATE PRESS The questions embodied in this article WO dcc6-3t TO MAKE ROOM Gossip and Oleauing». must front rooms, with board, pleasantly situated $20,000 (o Loan ! ! Σ FOR Ο Lit soon In Thursday Sutiable Bakers. assume a higher than published every Morning at $2 59 Τ for Gentlemen and Wive·. *V. importance they if in at We arc to loan C. 1J at )ear; paid advance, §2 00 a year. de5*lw Enquire at 38 FREE STREET. Key Found. prepared money iu eumi COBB,Ho. Pearl Ml. ι present and we _ who use a candle for hair occupy, propose to discuss SMALL KEY from to amount Aral I CHRISTMAS GOODS People dressing made like P. 0. key. The own 9100 nuy desired, ou them in a Rates of Advertising : One Booksellers and few brief articles. inch ot space,!] (•ood Location Tor a A er can have the dame at' clasN iu Stationers. should be careful to remove all vestige of the ; of column, Phrscian. by «ailing mortage* Portlnud Cape Eliza- We are now length constitutes a "square." d©5dlw THIS OFFICE. IIOVT, FOtiO &- selling §150 per square LEASE, the located brick 01 Wchfbrook, or de- BRIIKD,!lo.9l Middle wick before into The daily tiret week; 75 ccnts centrally house, beth, Deeriug. Partie· going company. .Hntthcw Colli) House week three p« FOR corner contains tei Street. and its after; insertions, or less. SI 00; coutinu Congress Street, Chestnut, Found. sirous of bnililrny;rnn also beaccommoda REAL Origin In·; every other day after first good rooms, Gas &c., Stable attached. BLACK MOHAIRS. Owner. week, 50 cents. ted with loans. Half square, three Apply to WM. H. JERR1S, Real Estate the P. S. & P. K. R. a SILVER WATCH Book A insertions or on Agent. Binders. at coroner's jury at found that To the JÀlitor week. les?,35 cent·; Bp28 The owne*· can have the 50,00,05. 75,87 Quincy, 111., of th>·. Pnu : $1 00; 50 cents per week after. 3w AT same by calling on th< GKO. K. DAVIS & CO,, IV.n. Λ. Boons 19, DO, #1.00,1*1.45 J Special Ticket Master of the P. S. & «(171NCY, II, Prtnter'a au old who died there died of Notices, one third additional. P., proving propertj Real Entitle and Brokers. lady suddenly, From your report of the Uudcr head of and char. es. i?Iortgage Exrhaugr, No. Ill Ml. of this "Amukmements," $2 00 To Lei. paying dec3tf tf Hxt'han^r burning per week; three per nquar eep24 R.HA1jL & superannuation. house, it seems it is insertions or less $1 50. half of double House No. 47 Pleasant street HHACKFOBU, >0. 35 Plum past repair. It calls Advertisements Lost. Street. BLACK up inserted*in the "Maine Statj ONEin good order, eleven rooms, furnace, gas anc ALPACAS my early recollections of the Press" (which Law a FOR SALE. A Danburian wants to if a house and the large circulation in Sebago water. Stable room for one horse and car- PACK AGE addressed to Leaviti disgusted know of the for every par £ummin?s, at old of the State) $1 00 per square for first insertion riage. nov2tf & Widber, was lost betweei priccii, 45, 30, 37 1-2, 40, woman was to family original owner. and 50 cents A Tuesday evening SECOND linnd Buggies Printing Press, card Carpenters aud Builders. 44, 45, designed be the equal of man. I per square for each subsequent inser Eastern Express Office and Street. A libera] 50, aad 75 ctft· On to tion. Quincy A and circular, for sale cheap. Call or address. WHITNEt & Pearl β tree 55, OO, 65, it is she my first visit Portland, in To Let. reward will be paid on its to Eastern Ej MEANS, t, op- why can't whistle. 1816, then Address all delivery HARRIS BROS., poaitc Park. communications to press Office. nov302w only seven old, mv tither PLEASANT rent of 7 rooms, on Wilmot near oct30dtf 135 Portland, Me. years stopped his PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Spring St., Street. For call on in front Λ Congress particulars Black Mrs. Gwiu of assisted sleigh of "Mathew Cobb'*," to show nol6tf L. TAYLOR. Dentists. Cashmeres Davenport the kitch- Vessels Wanted »B. W. B. me "'the finest house in town." I had j €HA^DL£R HOUSE, JOHMOON, orer 11 II. Hay'a. en fire last week with the kerosene can. The heard BUSINESS CARDS. Beet lot ia of its rich For Kent. TO LOAD AT Portland at 91ΌΟ, $1.45, £1*45, rain a owner, nnd looked at his stately BETHEL HILL, ME., Dye-House. heavy kept good many from attending FIRST CLASS residence,«centrally located, con- 1.50, l.OO, 1.75, 4.00, 4.45, 4.50, 3.00. mansiou with F. India Ml. the funeral. wonder, my boy-eyes magnify· taining 13 bath room. on and Fori 8Y.VONDS, Veirel Cloak* HENRY F. T. Λ rooms, Àc., stable Piéton, Sydney, Uugan FOR it to the MERRILL, premises. suited for a EVEN8ACO. ,61 Exhange Inquire oi MRS. H. E. Sreet aud 48 Ularket St. But He hath known that It will reach thy sights The coaches in THOMPSON, HOLLAND & CO., Springfield Mats. novl3WFM3w HOLIDAY always stopped front of Mr. Lowell, Mass., GOODS, j And not a giief can darken or , j Cobb's, for the horses to blow and the Or, SHEPARD & COMPANY, same block, FOR SALE! I boys M. ! Photographers. Swell in heart, or dim with tears thine ·}·«·», brums7 J. C. PROCTER, Wanted. thy to cheer; a would have A. 8. DAVIS Ac CO., No. SO Middle Street. in étranger supposed jeSdtf 93 Exchange St. IOAT and Pant makers and Machine at j ! But it is Bent mercy and in love SHOW CASE Girl, I Dec. 1872. that some lived and MANUFACTURER, C sp26tf CHESLEY'S. 167 Middle st. J. U. LAMSON, 15* Middle St.,cor. Croaa. Wednesday, 4, To bid thy helple&sness seek strength above. dignitary there, that To Letr j 19 1-2 Market tebbetsT these cheers were iutcnded for him. Sqr. (up Stain.) No. 92 Middle Wanted. house, Plumbers. street, recently eceupied by Mr. Cobb came from A of eases made. STOREHoyt, & Breed. JANES Poor ! Just bear what a Vien- Cape Cod to Bidde- good variety always ready Fogg and SPRINGVALE. 91ILLER,No. 91 Federal Street. j I am to inform friends and the Quaker city je3-jf MATTOCKS & 88 Middle experienced bookkeeper accountant, happy my general |yMr. is to obtain FOX, st. wants an Κ very description of Water Fixtures ar- of return ford; in his he was a B., always ready employment AN opportunity to keep a small set of j public my from 3ttëw York with a very na paper says of her: "Philadelphia is a younger days, shoe- for Scandinavian Those desirir such books or or to do ranged and net np in the beet manner. and Immigrants. g accounts, oopying, or other work, in j elegant large assortment w good# adapted to the but was a owner can as WILL BE SOLD CHEAP! attended to. of about a souls. maker, ship when he came help apply above or at No. 10 Elm St. the evening. Address Jobbing promptly j holidays, consisting ot city half million Of these un26eodGm to from j EDUCATIONAL. sep26 W. E., Press Office. As the owner wants to go "West. 25 are on an assassinated Portland, Biddcford. The first notice Stucco Ladice' and Gentlemen'· Weceuariee, average daily. The Plasterer, Worker, &c. I lindof is in Dr. jan3t SAMUEL I). TEBBETS. make and when a him, Dean es' diaiy; under II. L. P. FEENlf, Cor. Cumberland and Frank- police hardly any arrests, GREGG & Co., Vessels Wanted. Jewelry Caskets. the date he is ABBOTT lin m*. criminal is taken before the judge the latter 1705, mentioned as having Successors to "Warren & Gregg. I built a barn that year, (there were no "sta- FAMILY SCHOOL FOR To freight Coal from New York and THE LAST OF THE LOAN Ileal Estate Agents. Work Boxes, frequently îecognizes in him a former asso- SHÏP BOYS, Philadelphia to Portland and ether bles" then) he also lost a son BROKERS, east. JOON C. PBOCTEB, No. 9.1 Exchange Glove mid Handkerchief ciate, and they leave the court arm in arm aged twelve, points — Boxe·, AMD At "Little Rlae," Me· OF ΤΠΒ— Street. the same Farmington, ROSS Λ STURDIVANT, to imbibe at the nearest saloon." year. This barn was the one now raar26thdtf 170 Commercial GEO. R. j COMMISSION MERCHANTS ! st. DAVIS & Co., No. 301 1-ï* Con- I Portfolios, standing on High street, the gre·» Street. adjoining house he CHICAGO Some a woman in New- ; probably theu lived in the vicin- 108 Walnut St., Philadelphia. WINTER division of the 32dvear of its suc- Writing; Desks, years ago young Silver Smith and Gold and Silver Plater. in "his own hired THEcessful prosperity will open on WEDNESDAY, York wore $50,000 worth of diamond* at her ity house" and this build- J. L. Gregg, J. B. Je. & Sons M. No. near Hamkl, Jannary 1st. 1873. All the comforts of Home com- Chickering PEARSON, Temple St., Cigar Stands, ing was to hold the hay which ou his jan23-ly bined with tne school in which are found the ablest CongreM. All kinds» of Silrer and Plated wedding, and now a woman with six chil- g#ew ~~ teachers. Danville & Yincennes Ware Repaired. and the materials ALABASTER GOODS, dren, who lost her only means of support by large lot, for his house, W7 L.KEIIER, ALDENJ.BLETHKN, A.M., PIANOS although that was not built until 1801. The decedlm Railftmd Silver and Plated Ware. If&antle Ornament·, Wall Pocket·, Slip- the burning of a large tailor's shop in Boston, Principal. Company. •ame with or year Joseph 11. built the FRESCO ARNER LOWELL, 301 Congre*» Street. per [Bag·,] withont Embroidery, on the ninth of November,applies to the relief Ingraham PAIHiTEB, JBT GOOD». house on State ntfw Hare Taken the First Premium committee for aid. However,the young New street, owned by Capt. Schools. all handsome in J. M. rORTLÀND, MAINE. SAFE BEYOND QUESTION. very style and finish, and a very great York woman if not the same as the Boston Churchill, which is similar in archi- FAIRBANKS Orer all Competition ENGLISH and FRENCH of SCHOOL,43· variety articles suitable for gifts of utility and tecture and 11 is seldom that upon new Railroads Street. f jr radies ornamentation, to the Cobb Order Slate at 0. M. & E. P. Brooks, 333 Mortgages CoiiBreoa beauty and Gentlemen. In addition to the matron. IN aie considered sufficiently safe for the investment ot above' offer a large au i choice stock of Ladies' bouse. Congress Street. Goods to STANDARD Trust Funds. It is a Furnishing adapted the season. only when Railroad is earning, Stair Builder. The Journal says: "That small soon after Mr. orders attended to. Bay City Very Cobb built his house BTAU promptly net, an excess of its interest wit1! a cer- R. F. 17 1-4 Union obligations, LIBBV, Street, np Laces and Linen Goods a red-headed who so came in front he my28tf AMERICA, stairs. i Specialty. boy kimlly became joint owner of several tainty of a steady growth, that its Bonds can bo said vessels, Β C A. L. HOOPER Ar Successors to ! of our office, and seated himself on the rail- with Asa PORTRAIT' PAINTER. L Ε S, to he perfectly safe. G. CO., RESPECTFULLY, Capt. Clapp, who had been a ship Littlefieid êk Cor. lTork Ac Ula- ENGLAND, The Danvillk & Wilson, : ing, and tipped himself over into the base- which made him Chicago, Vincenneb Rail- pie Streets. master, better qualified for ANJ» 1JO A.D is and a J. Cr. CLOVD1HAN, doing this, has this certainty. That T. ; meet, creating momentary fright among a merchant and m.tnager than Mr. Cobb. Not Burned part of it known as tne Illinois Division (from Watches, Jewelry, &c. LOBENSTEIN, ! the 'lias local's" sincere 148 EXCHANliB ST. Out, . passers-by, "ye Capt. Clapp owned several vessels in which to 132 was finished last J. W. A II. II. middle jau22tf Chicago Dauviile, Miles.) year, ]ICD(JFFEE,Cor. 4 thanks. While women and children & Union Sts. j Beering Block, j men, Cobb owned no share. Their stores and its gross earnings have increased from $31,464 07 Congress Street, and were anxiously lookiug to see how badly he room were ÛDUAB S. BROWN, These Standard Instruments in December, 1871, to $6i,lG9 40 in October, 1872. I counting about the middle of At the Old PORTLAND. was Stand, The net earnings for October were $28,309 62, or at dec3-tf injured, he came tip stair*, leaned over, Long wharf. Their vessels were Counsellor and Attorney ai L·aw ! THE CHRISTIAN ERA, principally the rate of 44 i»er annum. The total inter- and remarked : "I'll do it now 5340^795 looking down, agin in the lumber to the No. 80 MIDDLE STREET. Are offered at >educe13 6m Portland, Me. Cheapest F just-Class Pianos now offered. payable April Dr. Dcane in 1800 which resulted iu the set- crued interest from October xst in currency. No. 60 Lagrange Street, Finest Collection of Rare Novelties longer profitably carried 011, they turned tlement of Dr. Nichols. He held several OEMS OF STRAUSS, 250 large pages, full The last week of our sales of Illinois Bivision their in the of A. CARD. BOSTON. that bave ever been the of the thoughts directipn manufac- ! of the best Strauss Music. B'ds $2.50; Ci. $3.00. imported ; designs per- al town offices, and X think was at one Bonds amounted to $500,00?. Early orders are sons Interested being frustrated by unforeseen cir- tories. "Maine" they said ''is destined to tiuie, Sleighs! Sleighs! Sleighs! We eall especial attention to ear therefore in order to secure of (Next street Seutli of cumstances, the have been sold and I have se- Siate Senator, which him THE MUSICAL TREASURE, 223 pages suggested, any portion Boylston.) goods gave the title of cured eomo for the season. becom· a great manufacturing State; her of the most popular Vosat and Instrumental Music. this extremely desirable loan. present Honorable, which his tomb stone in Please reserve until the the Eas- (The Best Thing Vet) $2.50 iu B'ds; $3.00 in CI. ; $4.00 Gilt your purchases you have water is her facilities tor Finely binding. For further particulars, statement of earnings, of power timmense; UPRIGHT PIANOS, orders solicited. privilege inspecting these goods. tern burying ground bears. Ilie of the to S3F~Country I can as usual and to reputation GEMS OF GERMAN SONG. 212 maps line, &c., apply stock of receiving exporting goods second pages' which in the finest instruments The largest RUBBERS in tbe city for was He was a man ! The best German with German and Ea- are, every particular, integrity good. of very Song* of their class and second to the at the lowest cash prices. no26eod2m I none." So, Stat* aid was invoked; an aj>- Smith's Patent Metallic gllsh Words. $2 50 in $3.00 in $4.00 manufactured, only FRAME YOUR PICTURE» great dignity of manner, and was often called | Boards; Cloth; Grand for which are a substitute. Messrs. Swan & Barrett, finely gilt binding. Piano, they good Bankers, I propriation secured, and as a result, we have by his fellow merchants, Cobb. He died in Every Pian· warranted for five years. notice" King In any style, having Oct. 1824, 67. •LIVER D1T90N & CO., Boston. an exhausted description of the '"water pow- aged STUDDED The suhscitber taken the Tea Stere Mrs. Cobbs maiden name SLEIGÇ, C. H. DITSON & CO., New York. & having er of Maine" Walter Wells. The was Mehetable Chickering Sons, 3000 FRAMES by publi- of Portland dec7d«£w2w Bangs, or vicinity. They had (Patented by Hugh Sm nartk'ular8 call on or address Robert D. C HADBOURN L· KENDALL Commerce, Agri- Bond, eacola or eome other port in the Gulf. Jones who kept tht well-known Henry late Private Mass. culture and Manufactories? Maine hitherto, boarding BY M. V. B. STIMSON. Burnliam, 9th, Battery. Apply to house. In 1849 it was will to-morrow a fall of occupied by Mayor \. ii. white; & novSdtf C. P. MATTOCKS, 88 Middle Street. open line lias not been classed as a of Co., large producer Cahoon ; it has had several tenants. A Is λ pas» book designed for the use of all clauses of ItYAN Λ Κ ELS Ε V, city dealers in every department of trade, and is an Inval- MIDLAND BONDS. minerals, or ores. Gneiss, Lime, Iron and says It came into the possession of its uable for «ncoiiraging cash payment· for 13 Place. ICI COMMERCIAL STREET. ast Mr. mediuy Temple Boston Lead Slate have for some years been quarried and fmperowner, Libby, through Mr. Wright, -Usual discount to the trade. Now ! and goods sent for from of the Houses in known to the scientific men of Maine. ready being ripped,and warranted not to smut,and pressed | any leading We & Cin, New York. It is nov 20diw w4w50 Boston and New York. Suits and Cloaks m ad a to Hazard absolutely in a style. Piano and table eovers, Mar- Corner of Federal and Market Sts., have no to cast the superior CHILDRESS' order. L. R. disposition slightest reflec- street. Patients who have ouce seilles covers bleached and framed ; blankets seoured For Savannah. MARTIN, ptire ami taken and a man to them. No. 2 raised. JOHN S. MILLER good apply Modistes Building. Elm street, tion upon the scientific it te all others. nd the wool & CO., nov4d2m gentlemen of our it prefer Physicians have de- THE fine nov26 lm· Portland. REMOVAL! sep2ft Proprietors. fast-sailing Brig Fron- State. We view with of I cided it superior to any of the other oils io S. feelings the pro- tier, A, Morgin, Master, having most Notice. fciuudest DO HON & «OCLE, Whole»* deal·» IMPROVED HOWE Rubber Boots & Shoes, \of her cargo already engaged will have pride, what they have already ac- I market. novl4-12w lu Produce sndtirurai l as For ol SLEIGHS ! W. PIERCE of retires from our HO omminion fquick dispatch above, balance Portland, corapiished in and classification. It Itterrhnnts have removed to Willi·' Block. and all other First Clan apply to CIIAS.firm, and his interest and ceases discovery Chapped freight I have a stock of responsibility I Hash·, face, rough skiu, pimples No. ΙΟΙ Commercial On· I from this date. ι is for the State Ntreel, door CURTIS A DAVIS, now to give direction, by salt-rheum enstof T. II .Weston & «Jo>». 8 EXCHANGE ST. NORTON MILLS CO., ringworm, and other cutaucous af- No. 152 Commercial Street. the for a j uyl6dtf Fine and Lumber Manufactures. furnishing necessary means sys- fections cured, and the skin made soft and Machines uov25 tFebl dec3 <11 w Sleighs Carriages, Norton Mills and Island Pond, Vt. ! of research- Sewing Island tematlc aud thorough smooth, by the Juniper Tar Business for Finish and are not lx Pond, Sept. 5, 1872. dc7tf prosecution using Soap,made A Fine Opening Î for 3·. WOOD ! WOOD Style, Durability surpassed some one GOOD MACHINE THEBAD spools any. es whose aim shall be to discover by Caswell, Hazard & New York. Be 10H λ or middle ag«d man of unexoeptiena- For Ellsworth. Co., young For Sale at ten cent than can lx indi- cbaraaler. accountant and one per cheaper Piano for Sale. : or more named minerals, sure to the Tar as there are I blc Xxperianaed and sorr WOOD for rale at No. 43 Lin in the of specifically get Juniper Snap, dollars ll tavited. R. Warbnrton. 165 Middle Street. bought city. 7 thouaaad Mpital. InvaeUgatioo HARD•oln street. At»o CH. is VEW, first-class, oetavc Piano for sale on of which in worthless with common Me. Mv21tf Dry Edgings. PATRIOT, Southard, master, receiving JOHN ADAMS, Sacearappa. eae; Ί cations of the existence large many imitations made AMrua Uux MM Portland WM. HUBE. at il terms. s«pl9'72 S freight W^gery>8 wharf. dec5d3t# Nov, 21st, 1872. nov22eod2m* exist. tar. novl4-12w sep28tf M. G. PALMER ! quantities are known to IVïsUtuSrl'JU iXaitei-S. "An Open Lelt*»·." Λ wild animal, which has beau prowling >υ MAHHÏTO, the oflKHSt Jeflforsun for auiun SPECIAL NOTICES. NEW NEW The following letter from Sinclair Tousey, TluinUy Huit·, ADVERTISEMENTS THE PRESS. και shot un tho Sfitli ult, by Chapman. ADVERTISEMENT» of Mr. aa72 ΒΑ1ΤΓ.Ε FI.AOS. I have made arrangements with a number of lead- Buxton, IDtli, Monday, December 9th. of under the PENOBSCOT COUNTY. and Mrs. of Portland. in the Tribune Satarda.r, heading ng Physicians which will enable mc to supply Drug- ham, Lucy Clary OF ALL KINDS A that In Nov. 1). Edwards and Anna Washington correspondent says The Bangor Whig says that Oliver C. Webb pets anl Physicians with Fresh Vaccine that can Oxford, 24, Sidney of "au open letter." F. Ward well. ftirnishtd by the at short Eveuy regular attache of the Press is furnished Gen. Grant said in conversation of who is in the of Holnian >e relied upon. 10th. cargo, notice, at lo^eit recently the : Orono, employ In Oxford. Nov. Oriu A. Uolden of Sweden and Tuesday, December certificate Stanley T. To the President of shovel handle With every Vaccine crust or point I will Fend the 28, prices. with a card countersigned by some who were at Johnson,the great manufacturer, Emma L. Merrill of Oxford. hotel with gentlemen the White Sin:— I trust that I shall not be lato of its removal from the child, name of Physi- Editor. All steamboat and charged recently turned in a single day, two hundred In Lovell, Nov. Franklin W. Brooks and Abbie -BY- Pullen, railway, in cian, and when possible, the name and age of the 17, demanding Ilouie, that should Congres» pas» the reso'.u- with presumption addressing you on the and dozen handles. W December 11th managers will confer a favor upon u.< by seventy-five ;hilu. GEO. W. WHITT 1ER, Druggist, liitney. Wednesday, lioo the names of tho battles of the subject of this letter. I want to thank yon, not CURTIS * credentials of claiming to represent oil" directing Thomas D. McMahon of has Junction of Free and Congress Sts., DAVIS, every person for any favor bestowed on or shown Eddington, "bum- war for the of the rebellion to be my friends, two cows aud a three old dec4sn Portland. 132 Com'l Stre.» wo have information that several suppression year heifer, from DIED. journal, as removed from the to me. Thanks for such tilings are common as Argue Copy. detteco lia in the name of the flags of those regiments whose milk l!00 pounds of butter has been made mers" are seeking courtesies the benefits they confer. 1 desire to thank you DON'T PAW TOO HIGH. which took part in it be neces- from May 3d to December 3d of this year. We need §ome more room for our and we have no disposition to be, even pas- them, might for greater and better than PiiESS, to something these; If anything you wish to buy, In Rockland, Nov. 28. Mr·. Abb", widow of the late sary immediately order the imprisonment for much the The Light of are sively, a party to such fraud. something beyond ordinary prac- llersey Infantry Oldtown, Take «are you do not pay too high : Joshua Swift, aged 69 years 7 month·.*· f ii* life of all the one-armed and the one- to a ball on the 15th of in CHRISTMAS tice of high official life. I desire to thank you give masquerade next You'll find it is the wisest plan Belfast, Nov. 22, Ca|>t. James E. Burgess, aged CHRISTMAS GOODS, 1872 soldiers of that save a 52 legged the land, they might for the respect shewn by you to Mr. Greeley 011 month, To dollar if you can. years. We do not real anonymous letters and communi- nut remind his A trifling sum if saved each In Winterport, Nov. 23, Mr. Jamea B. the people of the struggle through death-bed, and for the great respect you Daniel Stcvens.Esq., of North one day, Chick, aged I he re fore w* shall sell for theee tùree day· at Dixmont, With cave if laid 77 vear?. cations. Tho name and address of the writer are in which the nation had triumphantly passed. paid his character and memory by your atten- of the and influential citizeus of that proper away. leading Will help your daily needs In Rockland, Dec. 2, Daniel E., son of Elbridge W. all not for dance on his funeral. It was a died on of heart supply. cases indispensable, necessarily publication MB. BOUTWELL ON THE NEGOTIATION OF great compli- town, Saturday week, disease. When you your labors have laid by. Dean, aged 19 years β mouths. ment for the head of a nation to He was LOWER PRICES but as a guaranty of good faith. great decline ab jut 65 years of age. If you have Boys, and they need In Lanark, 111., Nov. 20, very suddenly. Rev. Jona NEW BONDS. ''Clothes," TUE attendance 011 an official while a 4,SUIT" them low* κ 47 of this State. We cannot undertake to return or preserve com- festivity pri- Euoch J. Ames h;s been appointed postmas- They'll at Georue F ν no's, Merriam, aged years,—formerly the lias inform- v te citizen was a citizen who had no Coat, rauts, Vest. Hat and Shoes In Brooklyn, Ν. Y., Dec 7. Maria F., wife of Thomas than the can be bought at wholesale. that are not used. The Secretary of Treasury dying, ter at South ν be Edmund T. complete, goods munications Exeter, Carney Corner of Beacil and street. P. and of James of ν ΕW YEAR'S tee of and means that he claims ou the sympathy of the official, either of Washington Beals, daughter Simonton, Esq., is»:». ed the c mi ii it ways resigned. dec4-7w this blood or close It was a much city. has received an offer for three hundred mil- friendship. PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. One lot Tard wide Thibets for 75e. when that Executive laid Aroused at Last. of the new five per cent, and greater compliment " lions bonds, aside the duties of his Henry Williams, the man reported lost, was PIANOS. "WEBER" and other cmi- all Wool Plaids for 40c. with it an oiler for one pressing great office,and, PASSENGERS. carrying hun- found a for at a hunt- " ·' Those persons to whom the apathy of pub- perhaps making a night journey of hundreds of miles, by party searching him, PIANOS. nent for 87 l-2c. millions of four and a half cent, er's in No. makers, Serges dred per at an inclement took the of a camp 8, Piscataquis county. He lic men in to the decline of American season, place PIANOS. Sold by ED. B. ROBINSON, 4< " Hoc. We have prepared ourselven for the regard from the same European syndicate with had been lost several days aud when found his In the Polynessian, for —Sir Hy Burnard Satinets for private persen, among the thousands gathered ami Sir Wm commerce liai been a matter of for he lias hid that feet wree so frozen that it is that 5 Cahoon Block· opposite City Hall, lady, Logan. Archbishop of Quebec, Rev " " surprise which transactions, except to pay the last tribute of respect that badly thought Η Serges for 45c. together will Cooke, D McLean, Miss Billbrough, Edw Blank at toe llothseliilds are now concerned in the can they bave to be amputated. AT " the last four or five years, will be gratified the living pay to the dead. For your re- myl7 REDUCED PRICES eomly and wife, John Proctor, J Plamondon, Miss McNab. Blk. Alpaccas for ■ 25c. oiler. The Secretary further said be could membrance of Mr. Greeley, for your at- IFroni our Correspondent^ W G un η and wile, Mr Hanson and wife, Geo Stevens. the present interest manifested in the subject. dying; Λ Silk for 87 l-2c. HOLIDAYS never the new bonds with one-half tendance at his for the tearful atten- The Sabbath School Convention held inUNICIPAL REAL ESTATE J Whaley and wife, and 57 others in saloon and S3 iii Poplins or negotiate funeral; recently A member of a Cabinet officer to sad oc- steerage. " 90c. Congress, of one per ceut. to which he is now limited, tion you paid the ceremonies of that in Guilford was au interesting and profitable SECURITIES : Βlk. Repeliants for own other official who a scheme of his and must either be allowed casion, Mr. President, I thank you with all " " hasn't oue and a half meeting. Crochet Buttons 20c. a doz. by puuliasing » earnestness. Jiiaiature Almanac December 9. for back to the seventy mil- per cent, to place them, or be authorized to There is just euough snow to make capital BONDS of Towns and Cities, and MORTGAGES « " " " giving America 1 am sure that in so I bnt echo 12c. as be very doing the of Real Estate in the 10 Sun rises 7.19 I Moon sets 1.30 AM Bep. to earn in dispose, did bofore, of the new bonds sleighing throughout county. Improved west, bearing per " lions annually she ought carrying the sentiments of hundreds of thousands of cent, interest, payable in the east, for sale by Sun sets 4.27 I High water 7.00 PM Tassel Ties for ... 45c. ninety days before redeeming the old ones. The attempt to annex certain towns in Som- from countries, is your fellow-citizens, whose views of CHARLES M. HAWICES, " Selection merchandise to and foreign public erset and Penobscot to this will be re- Windsor Ties for 50.·. Choice of Goods THE INTERNAL REVENTE REFORM BILL. affairs led them and myself to support, in the county, 28 Exchange st., Portland. It is to do some- sisted town " an anomaly. time, surely, late the man to whom have shown nearly unanimously by every in the scp28satf Dress Protectors 12 l-2c. a Commissioner Douglass' b 11 and canvass, you MARINE NEWS. yard. when the of our revising such By these acts have re- county. " thing proportion foreign the internal revenue establishment high respect. you To Let 2-Buttou Kid Gloves for 50c reducing Mr. of Illiuois is a •uitablc for the on in moved prejudices, changed opponents into Shepard making temper- eea«on, consisting of commerce carried American vessels has which the a PORT OF passed House by· substantially friends, and shown the world that offi- ance lecture tour of the county. commodious four storied Brick Store, No. 57 FOBTLAND. great Commercial St.—immediate We hare also one lot actually fallen off from 38 per cent, in 1871 to unanimous vote Friday alternoon. is the sec- cial life need not deaden the better instincts of THE |K>session given. The Baptist church in Parkman have secured of ELLAS THOMAS & CO ond measure which the House has our common these acts Inquire Saturday, Dec. 7· 28 per cent, ill 18721 As the thing nears the important humanity, liy you the pastoral services of llev. Henry Libby, a No. 90 Commercial St. the first week of the ses- have the nations that Americans never ARRIVED. Turkey Bed Damask for 90c. per yard. is despatched during taught of Chicago University, for one year. Or ot W, W. THOMAS, Canal National Bank. vanishing point there actually an excite- is due to Steamer New ion. All of the amendments from the com- forget what the characteo of their ÎraduateIe is to enter upon his labors the first Sabbath septl2sntf Franconia, Bragg, York—passengers NOBIAS, SCARFS, and mdse to Henry Fox. Such were ncrer offered before In thi· ment about it. Barnum being ou the point mit cec and one bv Mr. were great citizens, and that the passions of an ex- in bargain· city. Bingham January. Sell Sarah Inness, citing coutest never destroy the re- BAM OF PORTLAND· Hill, Bangor. of securing the last American vessel engaged agreed to. Tne important modifications of political The winter term of the Parkman Seh D Pierson. Pierson, Bat n, to load for Savannah that American partisan opponents have High and after this the un will the bill are those which reduce the number spect School will commence on the 23d inst. On, date, 'ersigned carry Sch Seguin, Rogers. Bath, to load for Savannah. in foreign commerce, for his museum, it is for the lives of good men. on a strictly at the Banking of revenue from to twen- good Banking business, Sch , Hadlock, Cranberry Isles. special ageuts fifty SOMBHSBT COUNTY. Rooms now the Second National MITTEN S. that matters have reached a crisis. I thank you, Mr. President, and pray that occupied by Bank, Sch John & George, Mt Desert. Coine and the perceived the commissioner to effect the in under the of the "BANK Smàllage, early avoid rush ty-live, require a long and happy life may await you. And The Kennebec Journal is informed that the Portland, Maine, style Sch Medora, Farnham, Boothbay. Time was when the from this consolidation the first of OF PORTLAND" and as such, will receive Deposits Representative proposed by July when it shall please the Great Iluler to send snow is two feet in northern CLEARED. that we are sure to have. deep Somerset. end make Discounts, in the regular course of the district seemed to be the man in Con- next at the latest, limit the one-half of oue the of death to call you hence, your only angel may The which so Banking Business. Steamship Polynesian, (Br) Brown, Liverpool—H (KID MITTENS.) per cent, allowed collectors to $4500 annual- to the tomb be made smooth the af- epizootic, prevailed generally j We have lots of other Good· at gres» who took more than a passing interest passage by in northern Somerset, is abating. W. N. GOOLD. & A Allan. ly in the aggregate, and require collectors to fections of kind friends, and the grave close Portland, June 24th, 1872. Steamer Carlotta, Mulligan, Halifax, Ν S —John in the he a The Fairfield Chronicle that J. Winslow GBE.1T BARGAINS. matter. However, kept up vigor- give new bonds on assuming their new du- over you with the heartfelt prayers of your says jun23uewlt then sn tf Porteous. Jones of this lias the "Point" Carrie Ε ous and as soon as Mr. Hale came in ties. Most of these are made with countrymen for your eternal rest. Very re- city, purchased Long, Park, Havana—Ε Churchill fight, changes at Kendall's Mills fur a corn es- & Co. the of the commissioner and other spectfully, your friend, large canning Τ ο ο GLOVES he also, as the representative of the leading approval Sinclair Tocsbï. tablishment. Brig Eudorus, Farr, Matan as—Isaac Emery. prominent revenue official· now in towu. It Sch Grace Girdler, Smith, Philadelphia—J Nicker- shipbuilding district in the Union, took an New York, Dec. G, 1872. WALDO COUNTY is expected that the Senate finance commit- COAT, PANTS AND VEST son. Covell Ac The railroad depot at was Sch Lena Company, —AXD— active and efficient part in the contest. At tee will take prompt action on the bill and- Unity Village Breed, Wheaton, Philadelphia—J Nick- Noisy Reception at the Vatican.—The broken open a few nights since and the money erson. the whole Maine that it will become a law in time to length delegation ample drawer was taken and carried away. The Sch L & D Fisk, Baker, Philadelphia—Orlando Cor. and Brown all under the law. correspondent of the New York Times, at MAKERS WANTED 1 Niekerson. Congress 8ts., made a united demonstration at the prevent difficulty present Rome, lucky rascals obtained a $2 counterfeit* bill aud a Sch Col McBean, New York—Bunker Bros. Mr. Dawes in the course of his remark· on furnishes the following account of recent thirty cents in good as the result of their Eddy, de«9 tf last iession and the scrip Sch Mvstie Tie, Snow, La Have, NS. HOSIERY! pushed through the bill this made the statement in "Eternal venture. ON READY afternoon, scene the City": MADE WOKK. Sch S* Ε H il liar measure a drawback on Nightingale, d, Eastport—Natli'l allowing foreign that the committee of ways ana means ex- Thus the reception at the Vatican, last Sun- YORK COUNTY. ί Blake. session material entering into vessels to be used in pected during the present to report a was of a character uot unlike the levees Mrs Livermore delivers the next lecture in D«. 8. Presents day, OBIN 1IAWH.ES & Sonda?, Holiday bill all internal revenue our was the Saco lecture CO., the foreign trade, only two months employ- abolishing remaining at White House. The crowd excessive course, Wednesday evening, ARRIVED. —AT TUB — Slipper Pattern* taxes excepting those on whiskey and tobac- and uproarious; in the presence of the head of Dec. 18th. Subject—"Marriage vs. fre· love. ! Barque Ellen Stevens, Skinner, Philadelphia. ment in coasting being permitted. Aud now tumultuous Downs. co. all Christendom cries were raised, The Timet says that Freeman C. Ham of novlisntf £90 & 99*3 Congress Street. Brig Merriwa, Philadelphia. and at bold adveturers dared to out at Sch Maggie Bell, Hall, liondout—cement to C A Β everybody has a handjn the matter. The THE CREDIT MOBILIER INVESTIGATION. last, cry South Berwick, lost a valuable horse, several Eureka Dollar Store. the of their voices: "Death to Morse Λ Co. top the Bezerri," days When the cav- for President, who waked up on the subject a Speaker Blaine expect· to be called as the ago, by epizootic. opened GUNS, SchR C Thomas, Gregory, Vinalhaven for New With Worsteds Filling ! (the name given to the Piedmontese and all ad- of the chest was full of first he moved the ity matter. York. year or two before the most of our statesmen witness, having investiga- herents of the King's Government,) and more POWDER, The Biddeford Timet that a invi- BELOW—A and a fleet of coal and Λ aplendk! line of tion. An impression is already well defined than one "Death to Victor says grand deep brig large and who commended the bills reported from Emmanuel," ming- tation ball, under the of the York In- SHOT, lumber loaded sehoonors. and increasing in the best informed circles, led with the enthusiastic cheers for "The auspices Mr. committee in an extra- Pope- stitute, is to come off iu CAPS. Lynch's special that the results of the whole our Sovereign." And all these fu- City Hall, Saao,Thurs- proceeding will King, ouly day, Dec. 26th. Brig Ernestine, Blanehard, hem Troon Oct 9th for GLASS WAKE ordinary message to Congress, is fully alive to be altogether disproportionate to the excite- rious crie« and fearful curses were not only BUY THEM AT 51 EXCHANGE ST., Portland, put iDto Cutler, Me, 6tli iust. The Biddeford Times that the — IS — Embroidered Linen of So is ment and attention which the has at- heard by the pious vicegerent of Christ upon says masquer- Setts, the importance doing something. subject ade of the of MEMORANDA. tracted. and that but little of general intere»t earth, but allowed to pass unreproved! It is Knights Pythias, Friday night Secretary Boutwell, though he omits to make said that Cardinal who was at was the finest affair of the kind that has come Seh of Belfast, from for New Vases, Toilet Setts, Silver Glass Ware, will be developed. All of the Culleu, present J. B. LUCAS. Georgia, Bangor York, Senators and Representatives the manifested his amazement a'ld off in that city for many years. The company Sept 18-sntf with lumber, put into Newburyport 5th with loes of any practical suggestion. Rep- and Senators mentioned in connection reception, Glass Setts, Goblets, &c., with his at the scandal in such marked was very large. deck load, , boat, &c. (COLLAR AND CUFFS) full bills indignation of reseutatives have their of the matter the manifest no Sch Volta, Ingalls, and from for Boston — — packets during campaign manner that the Pope's immediate attendant· The farm house and out-buildings of Mr. VERMONT BUTTER ! Eastport 1* with old iron, herring, &c, struck on Capt 5th on the the hour. anxiety except that the whole truth shall be were Split bearing question of profoundly impressed by the impropriety Ambrose Sanborn in Acton, were destroyed by inst and sunk. Crew saved. told and the entire of the Credit Mo- of the at 100 Tubs Choice Vermont But- the two that have history scene, and last prevailed upon the an accidental fire on Friday But Barque Vesuvius, from Alexandria for San Fran- New, Choice and Rieh Designs, Already parties always bilier aud its morning. RIBBONS, operations disclosed. When Pope to notice the breach of decorum. little of the household furniture was saved,and cisco, got ashore in the Potomac River 5th inst, where disclosed themselves whenever this is ter. For Sale by received from the beat in subject this is done it will probably be found that one Perhaps be became himself aware of the dan- this in a badly damaged condition. Mr. San- she remained,although she might float at high water. jait manuCytories Europe, had Sch Traverse, Stinson.from for Boston, without doubt the are each other. On the or two of the named held for a ger he incurred by playing so long with the born had no insurance ou his Bangor put agit..ted opposing gentlemen property. SHAW & IIASKELL, into Gloucester 5th with bowsprit aad head dam- short time small ignorance and the fanaticism of the common gear JEWELRY, one sid· are the Lvnchs and Hales who say amounts of Credit Mobilier aged by collision off Thatcher's Island. BEST people; at all events, he once more addressed .HAKE, stock, but that thsy at once and The Human Kitchen aad it· WHOLESALE GROCERS, that the shipbuilding interest must be favor- long ago the motley crowd, and with his gentlest voice Danab< withdrew from all connection with the com- DOMESTIC PORTS. GREATEST and most us of the Waiters. 147 Commercial St., Portland. VARIETY, ed aud stimulated in order to secure any re- and have winning smile—reminding GALVESTON—Cld sch Robt McDonald- FANS, pany since had nothing to do with irresistible charm of his earlier The li with aliment vssseli which 29th, Ruff, days—he told body supplied by oct4-eod3mosn* I Pensacola. viral of American commerce that is worth it. connect the stomaeh and its auxiliaries with the AND LARGEST STOCK them that adversaries like these were not to be PENSACOLA—Ar 2d. barque Nor- venous system, and, so to perform the offlse LEA A ™ Clenfucgos, an effort for. On the other hand are met with sword and cannon, but with speak, Havana; brig Ponvert, Allen, 5th making ï_ W prayers of dumb waiter in a restaurant. Cienfuegos; KVKR OFFHHED II* PORTLAND. &c.,&c., See. and works. The Irish In other words, Houghton, Hose, good cardinal list- these media of communication Caution! Worcestershire Sauce Îrave.jje Aspinwall. the Coxes and Brookses, the representatives great between the animal DARIEN—Cld 29th, Ella for The Dominion lias ened with eager ami tried to to kitchen and its to eaeh brig Maria, Hexie, ministry created the attention, give dependents supply member are cautioned to avoid the numerous Coun- I New York. I of the of New York and oth- his features an Buyers Also a assortment of great importers expression of relief, but as he aad organ, near or remote, the and kind of terfeits and large office of "rain at a a quantity Imitations offered for sale. BRUNS\vICK, GA—Cld 2d, Jas with our «wortmeut guager" «alary of $2000 into his even the most sustenance to it When the brig Crosby, Tap- together usual of er commercial who declare that stepped carriage, care- reqnired keep going. I ley, Boston. cities, ship- less stemach is derelict in its or the dunb waiters JOHN OIJlVCAiTS SONS, New year, ami appointed Mr. Perry to that office observer could not have failed to notice the duty, York, SAVANNAH—Sid 5lh, sch Annie Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Travelling Bags, is as the Pha- inert or It Bliss, Melntyre, building as hopelessly dead and which the scene ebetrueted, is the peculiar provlnoe ef Boston. I for the Province of Ontario who a deep painful impression Hostetter's Agents for the United States. ! ■■ resigned Celebrated Stomach Bitters to Sil- and that th one to he had just witnessed had made upon his intel- strength- oct!6 CHARLESTON—Sid 5th, schs L S Baskets, Pictures, Fancy Boxes, raohs, thing necessary en and regulate them. Heaeo its marvelous cures eodsnly Davis, Bisliop, seat in the Assembly to make room for a ligent and well-balanced mind. 1 New York; A F Ames, Aehorn, Baltimore. Ladies' Goods. re us back the bulk of the of chronic indigestion, and the emaciation, debility ver Ware, Jewelry, Table Cut- Furnishing gi carrying trade, jl GEORGETOWN, SC—Ar sch the and which arc hv -rm. « %jm. «·μ *_/aa^eaaa*--*»a m unit 27th, Seventy-Six, ministry favorite,as opposition paper» say. languor generally its concomitante. Dyer, New Yoik. which is worth a delightfully cool seventy It is, moreover, a powerful alterative anil Toys, Ladies and Gents' The make a deal of tun The mohal asi'Bct of a { corrective, WILL PROVE ITSELF. Cld 30th, Chas lery, opposition at the ex- modern execution is and the with which it cheeks I brig Wesley, Harding, Point-a-Pe- millions a year, is to permit free trade in rapidity irregularitlee trc; seh Mary Β Harris, for New Bedford. of in a few lines taken from of the liver anil and bracee and 1st—Far more Children's We offer our at tbe pense the rain gua?er and hope lie will given a report of the I bewels, Invigorates beautiful then any other. BALTIMORE—Cld 5th. brig Ocean Underclothing, good» our ti:e asrrous is a Belle, Kellev, ships, thus giving American shipbuilding I system, marvel aot only to the gen- 2(1—More then schs Eastern have the showers distiibuted over hanging of a mi érable wretch named eral durable any other. Boston; Queen, Dunbar, for Rockport; Ac. equally the Rogers, j public, but t-o profeesional men. ! Fur·, &c., &c„ which took in New York last 3d—Lower iu price then pure Lead au J Oil. Maggie Mulvey, Allen, Savannah; Delmont, Gales, province. place City Friday ; Nassau, NP. 4tli— To be all American forever and a Their as follows : ready for use. I Also cld Geo shipyards day. The Toronto Globe of the 5th, brig jGflchrist, IIart._ Matanzas ; LOWEST CASH PRICKS. says President's 5th—To no Persons for b a one. The SPECIAL NOTICES. require thinning or drier. looking argument specious They say police and politicians crowded around to PHILADELPHIA— Cld message : 6th—The best wood ever discovered. 5th, brig Isaac Carver, see the "show. on preservative that shipbuilding has been killed by lingers, being brought out Carver, Portland. Useful and It is written in a moderate looked around the crowd as if for the 7th—Rain (before dry) dees not wash it. NEW YOItK—Ar 5th, schs A L Ornamental Presents the tariff. This is only conciliatory searching SKATES. Fitch, Webber, proposition tone, with nothing calculated to hurt the sen- face of a friend. He dropped his head and 8th—It will not in or chalk. Portland ; Corvo, Pickering, Providence; Sandal- Pembroke. Should call at the half an for at the close sibilities of nation or individual. It was walked on steadily iiut-il he stood in front 9th—It is water' and fife phon, Aylward, exaggeration, any right Acme Club and positively proof. of the and then lie looked and «aw Common Skates, Pocket ONE PRICE ONLY. of the war, when Rebel cruisers hid necessary to speak of the Washington Treaty, gallows, up 10th—Covers old work as well as new. and to satisfaction at the the dangling rope. His fac: contracted and he £nreka Dollar Store half car- express result of the Knives, Razors, 11th—Superior for covering brick. done their work, about of the showed of fear. lie was Geneva Arbitration and the San Juau Award. great sijjus kept in this terrible 8eii»r> in eel· an Λ «ingle pairs. 12th—The best paint for iron buildings. before elsewhere. rying trade still remained to us. They fur- But it is position in front of the rope, amd Ar 7th, ships J Τ Foster, Sparrow, Don purchuing done in a modest quiet There Gun· and as This has is Calcutta; way. looking at it for four minute», while the clergy- Sporting Good» usual. paint been, and being used upon the fin- Quixote, Nelson, Manila. ther say that they are quite to remove is not the of willing slightest appearance crowing men were reading the burial service, At it3 €S. L est villas and buildings both public and private, in Cld 5th, schs Lizzie Major, Tabbott, Mosquito I idte; over the issue as if involved BAILEY, Harriet 284 the cause of the desolation of the it the defeat or conclusion, nerves succumbed to the this and uni- Newell, Gould, Boston. Congress Street, entirely Roger's dec9au3w 48 EXCHANGE RTREET. country, north, south, east, west, giving Graham's ■humiliation of Britain. fearful strain on Cld Gill, ship Polly, Burgess, Havre ; A. M. PEABODY S them, and falling forward he versal satisfaction, and in all cises has its brig »hip-yards. "Come now," they exclaim,' proved Keystone, Barter, Havana; sen Gen for The Halifax fainted. He was supported on each side and Hall, Wade, Opposite Preble House. with these duties in iron and steel and Recorder notes a case where I. O. O. F. £ ear to be fully twice as long, without chalking or Aux Cayes. "away one of the clergymen threw water on his head Passed Hell Gate the time between the Member» of any other through 5th, schs Walter mortuary and marital which had down on his EASTERN STAR ENCAMPMENT acking,.as paint. Irving, hemp and copper and lumber! We are dropped chest. One of Thorndike, fru New York for Salem ; Palo»*, No. 2 are notified Bellaty, H. LOFIËLD & process was just two which it thinks tlic under-sheriffs joined the noose and rope,and hereby that the Resolutions in faror D. M. Eiizabethport for Boston ; H Curtis, Haskell, Hobo- CO., i Ladies' I We detest them worse than you do! weeks, YEOMÂNS, Furnishing Store, ready the iown over his The Sheriff of a Fund will be on ken for do; Clara Sawyer. for New is in with the of the pulled cap eyes. establishing Sinking acted at Jersey City do; I are to branches of keeping juxtaposition shook Kaslcni Zealand. Hatch, Hobokeu tor do. PROPRIETORS. They depressing industry his hand, which was nerveless, and at !lf the next regular session, to l»e held Dec. at Oeneral Agent, words of the 11, 1872, Passed through Hell Gate 6th, schs dec9 tdec25 dear to our constituents also. Down with song: o'clock the rope was cut and the man was Odd Fel lews' Hall. A 83 Commercial Sammy Ford, general attendance is request- St., Portland. Allen. A m boy for Portsmouth: Nautilus, Crockett, '•My wife died, hanged. For several minutes convulsive move- for the tariff ! Let the tariff and bol- ed. By order of the Encampment, Sopt21eodsntl Eiizabethport Bo-ton; Harriet Newell, Gould, :Μό remain, I got another one." ments of the muscular cord» of the neck and Newburjr for do; Alice Rideout, Congress Street, WILLIAM K. Scribe. Oakes, Hoboken for arms were a NEAL, Wm REMOVAL ster up the wilted shipbuilders with draw- The revenues of the Dominion Gov- obseryable. He struggled great CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED do; McCobb, Horton, New York fordo; Maria deal. Portland, Dec. 9,1872. 3t lioxana, Palmer, Port Johnson for Fall River; Maria backs, bounties and such quack ernment for the month of October amounted Adelaide, Kent, do for Salem remedies, « 8CHENCK 8 PULMONIC SYRUP, ; New Zealand, Cook, waile other kinds of business are left to bear to and the WATCHES Ai\l> JEWELRY! New York for Portland. PORTLAND. $2,163,820.49 expenditures during Sews and other Iiemi. sch ucT MC1IEN€K'8 MEAWfiED TONIC, PROVIDENCE—Ai*5th, Alpine, Marshall, _ ^ the whole weight of protective duties? the same time were $2,133,128.48. Of the Of the thirty-six committee» of the United Hoboken. New Sid 5th, eeh W G R Store, Never! It is too too ab- States nine now NCHENCK's* IflANDBAKE PILLS, Mowrey, Eaton, Calais. unphilosoplucal, revenue $1,353,924.20 was derived from cus- Senate, have New England NEWPORT—Ar sch NEW 5th, Viiginia, Small, Rondout DAMAGED GOODS. Senator» as STOCK fjr Boston. surd! If you will not join us in toppling toms. It will be seeu that the current chairmen. Are the only medicines that will cure expen- Pulmonary Sailed 5th iust, echs Martha over tariff The of black men in restaurant» JUT RECEIVED consumption. Sewall, Lowe, from this monstrous you shall get no aid ses of the Dominion is more right ha» been FROM NEW YORK.. Portland for : than one-fourth Sometimes medicines that will stop a cough will of- Eiizabethport Fred Gray, Lakeman, New Goods. from us in selfish effort for re- dubiously decided in A aaloon ten occasion tlie death of the It locks P.angor tor Washington; Burmah, do for your special as large as the actual expenses of the United Washington. patient. up the Wmslow, who liver, stops the circulation «f the blood, New -York. for own constituents! keeper refused to sell liquor to a negro hemorrhage lief, your We will States for running the government, exclusive follows, and, in fact, clogging the action of the In port 5th, brig Etta M Tucker, Tucker, from at very Croostadt. for New turn in the merchant fleets of except higher prices than those charged LADIES' GOLD WATCH f8, organs that caused the cougli. York; sch Game Cock, Robbins, England upon of public debt interest and other matters St Marc ior Boston. C. A.VALPEY & Co. white people has been discharged. Liver complaint and dyspepsia are the causes of you, and you can then see what of GENTS' GOLD two-thirds of the cases of are VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar4th, brig Mattie Β Rus- M. A. BRIGGS grass crops growing out the war. The WATCHES, consumption. Many & CO., experiments in oil boring in Nova Scotia now complaining with dull pain in the side, the bow- sell, ¥ork. Hoboken for Portsmouth. your are of Ar shipyards capable producing." ThePeticodiac bridgs between Moncton N. have been abandoned. BOYS' WATCHES, els sometimes costive anil sometimes to loose, tongue 5th, brig Alfaratta. Small, Peneacola 24 days for Will offer Such is the of B. and Gold Vest Chilian, coated, in the shoulder Boston ; schs G W Rawley. Rawley, for Beg leave to inform their friemla and the in effect argument the New Clevedale, sixteen hundred feet in The pain blade, feeling sometimes Philadelphia public genr attic of an old church in Westchester very restless, ami at other times the food Boston ; Louis Smith, Webber, Bangor for erally that they have removed from 323 Congres» a length was on and drowsy; Bridge- Yorkers. Looking at it in speculative way formally opened Thursday Gold, Opera I^eontini Chain·, that is taken lies on the port, (lott anchor and 30 fathoms street to tlic and store with county, New York, was recently visited and heavily stomach, accompani- chain); Emma W spacious elegant considerable ceremony. ed with acidity and belchiug of wind. These Day, Clark, do for do; Saml Hart, Holbrook, from St it is a very strong one. The effect of ultra found to have been Gold Jewelry in Setts. symp- ON MONDAY, DECKMBEftl 9, The fitted up by professional toms usually originate irom a disordered condition of George for Choptank River; Addic BlaisdelI, Gar- Quebec Chronicle says that 4 on and England's the stomach or a liver. Persons field, Gardiner tor Baltimore; from protection shipbuilding commerce, thieves for their use. It contained a Large stock of torpid so affected, if Magellan, Calais opinion of President Graut that while quantity take one or two and if tor Apponaug, (lost anchor and 75 iathoms No. 305 and the and is, of they heavy colds, the cough in chain.) Congress Street, patching, bolstering stimulating burglar tools, and among the rest of the ar- these cases be the Sid barque Ellen Stevens; that nation lias no reason to love it be- suddenly stopped, lungs, liyer ami 5th, brigs Tally Ho, Ma- At tbelr bounties and ex- him, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Seal Rings, stomach and remain and ria Wheeier, Mattie Β Russell; sch» Union Store, —the drawbacks, special ticles two hundred keys adapt,nil to clog, torpid inactive, and Flag, C Formerly occupied by C'roumns Ac Co., lieves him to be "better fitted for the opening HOLID before the patient is aware of his the Cobb, A F Cole, Il G Bird, , desired as a means of rid high care. NECK "CHAINS, &e. situation, lungs Nulato, emptions, getting freight are a mass of sores, and ulcerated, and death is the Drcsdeu, Wm Mitchell, and others. Dra||i(ta,) post which lie than other man Mair BOSTON—Ar 6th, schs of exhibit in the occupies any Some alluiions have been made to Jewelry made to order in large variety of inevitable result. Ligure, Richardson, Calaie; it, strongest possible light, big fires stvles. Foss, who has on Sclienck's Pulmonic Syrup is an expectorant which Eagle, Hancock; Valparaiso,Walls, Mt Desert; No. appeared the public platform of in Boston in where will be to wait all 127 MIDDLE the of the system. But the Maine previou» years. The loss the does not contain any nor calculated Ximena, Ingalle, Machiat·; Adelaide. Hutchins, Steu- they pleased t.pon their old STREET, futility by GEO. A. HARMON, opium, anything and will be politics in America." lato fire at the lowest to check a ben; A Hooper. Parker, do; Virgiuia, Fickett, Mill- patrons, prepared to accommodate a are oblieed to meet the estimate was not less than cough suddenly. host of new delegation question 317 CONGRESS STREET, Sclienck's Seaweed tonic dissolves the mixes bridge; Advance, Blake, do: Cicero, Cookson, Ban- once, for we have opened one of The Quebec board of trade is and that was food, the Ûnest stocks of as men and not as urging upon eighty millions, more than the with the gastric juice of the stomach, digests gor; Express, Perry, do; Concordia, Bartlett, practical speculative phil- the Grand Trunk Under mechanics' Hall. easily, Sedg- Railway the establishment total valuation of the whole in 1835. doc7 nourishes the system, and creates a healthy circula- wick; Challenge, Bennett, Damarlscotta; Eddie F Corner know that an to city sn3w Bath Church Street, osophers. Tliey attempt of a merchant's express train to Montreal in tion of the blood. When the bowels are costive, skin Treat, Mclntire, ; Harry Percy, Percy, Bath ; Congressman of has Persis L Portland. free from its bonds a general order to obviate the Hawley shallow, and the patient is of a billious Smith, Upton, LADIES' shipbuilding by extortionate charges of habit, Ar 7th, FURNISHING GOODS written a letter his utter to To be Let. Sclieuck's Mandrake Pills are required. barque Florence, Mayo, Charleston; brigs the exprc-ss stating opposition Helen M New tariff reduction would be futile. Whether company. Front Office on the These medicines are prepaired Dr. J. H. Rowley, Rowley, ; the of another acre second floor in the Canal by $rleans Lizabel, granting of land to SCHENCK & Northeast corner of Tabbutt. Pascagoula; schs Northern so In an before the election com- public National Bank SON, Sixth and Light, Plnm- ever offered in this which will be sold at would do if they could we do not investigation THE Building, recently occupied by mer, State, the they railroads. He thinks that Mattocks & Fox. Als· Arch streets, Philadelphia. Penn., and tor sale Sagua; Boxer, Sutton, and Emma, YARDS mittee of the corporations have rooms in the Third story. by Wiscasset. Hotchkiss, 5,000 know, and it is not necessary to It Quebec Assembly, the fact at the Bank. GEO. C. GOODWIN & CO., 38 Hanover street, Bos- inquire. sufficient power in the older State». Enquire dec7snlf Cld 7th. schs John came out the already ton, and John F. Henry, 8 College place. New York, McAdam, Willard, Portland, to is sufficient to know that the in testimony that the govern- load for Charleston Lizzie enterprise An Albany thief of cast of mind sale by Druggists generally. sept3sueodtf ; Eee, Smith, Franklin, Me. VERY LOWEST — — melancholy GLOUCESTER—Ar schs RATES' or be ment contract with a private insane CHRISTMAS OOODS Î Gth, Intrepid, Anderson, would quixotic. asylum is on trial charged with and from stealing ninety-six Avcrill Chemical Paint Co., Jamos, Tapley, Portland for Boston ; Willie Protection being the established policy of was obtained by paying to the agents of the coffins. Martin, Blake, do for do. Manufacturers of PORTSMOUTH-Ar 5th, sehs Lilly, ftu the and ministry quit»a suin to be used ia A convict who himself iu Hutchins, THE ONE PRICE country, having supporters enough carrying hung jail at Dane- A choice lot of Gardiner for Boston ; Mary Louisa, Simpson, do for SYSTEM elections in its favor. Ν. New York; Victor, Dver, Franklin for Boston at present to uphold it in spite of all oppos- mora, Y., carefully swathed the rope with a ; Em- PUREST WHITE ! ma Iiotchkiss. Alley, Richmond for do; Areola, Wol- will be strictly adhered to, and its trial has Damaged Woolens, On the 23d an towel so that it would not PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS 1 thorough era, they have good ground for saying that nit., during arbitration be- hurt his neck. ston, Woolwich for do; Hannah Eldridge, proved it to be for the best interest of tEe Mr. AND Hodgdon, buyer. tween Rochester, M. P., and Mr. G. The New York judiciary cost» the Boston for Bootlibay. there are the best possible reasons for show- $537,500; —FROM THE— Preston, in Ottawa, on account of a entire damag- judicial system of the United States costs Any Desired Shade or Color, FOREIGN PORTS. ing commerce and shipbuilding special con- ing statement made by the M. P. Mr. Pres- but 8319,810. JEWELRY JEWELRY ! Ar at Elsinore 15th ult, Thankful for sideration. It is true that they have not suf- ton hurled an inkstand at his head. The Prepared for Immediate Application. barque Genevie M Tucker, past favors so liberally bestowed aoon A St. John Hill, from Cronstadt for . tts, we to see at our new and loriner ducked and the paper report» that in Charlotte hope you staud, snail fered alone from the effect of the tariff, but escaped missile; FANCY GOODS 1 Ar at Callao Oct 28, ships spare no efforts in the as in the and other SOLD Vigilate, Whittemore, future, past, to merit BOSTON Preston then ran out—so Mr. Rochester said county part» of *»ew Brunswick the By-The GALLON ONLY Newport. E: 3(Mh, Corsica, San your continued confidence and FIRE, are the branches of that J14RRRETE Havener, Francisco; patronage. they only industry —for a iron" and a swine have been JEWELRY, 1st ult. H L Richardson, Anderson, "shooting policeman had attacked with a distemper so Cardiff; 7th, have been extinguished by it. If to be called in to WHITBY Lathly Rich, Mitchell, Valparaiso; 10th, Jamestown. well-nigh mount guard erer the bel- sudden and that in some JEWELRY, violent, instance» they ECONOMICAL. Call, Macabi; 11th, Martha Cobb, Healey, from Port FOR WOMEN the system is should ligerent RUBBER JEWELRY, DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL, BRIGGS & MEN, protective right, why disputants. do not live fifteen minute» after taken. Gamble. CO., SUITABLE being Ar at do 1st ult, Jos these most important of industries not share On the 25th ult., four men entered a house The D. M. YEOMANS, ships Clark, Carver, Macabi ; champion Yankee reside» in Waie. He Real Jet and Imitation Bracelets, 2d. Gentoo, Linnell, Now York. are in the parish of Ν. after General Eastern Agent, & in its benefits ? They brought into com- Simonds, B., and, business a Sid Oct 30, ship H S Sanford, 2d CHILDREN'S GARMENTS, the began by buying watch for 87.50. In CLOCKS IN Ο RE Λ Τ VARIETY- Duephy, ; ult, 305 CONGRESS STREET treating inmates iu a brutal manner, set 83 Commercial St. Portland. bar«|iie Malleville, Patten, San Francisco 6th, with the whole world. The duties the course of time the watch was ; ship petition the building on fire, which was burnt to ash- traded for so28-eodtf su Pacific, Blanchard, Guanape; Columbus, Blethen,do. ort ult, ships Emma, Rich ; Gen Berry, after several DENTAL NOTICE. Leveiisalier, and Nancy Pendletou, Pendleton, char- as is invite it to on The Toronto trades the man found himself Ladies and Gents' tered El tures, alleged, only prey Globe in noticing the fact that pos- Portmonies, ; Dorado, Winding, San Francisco ; barque sessed of a horse worth Field, BONDS. our commerce and prepare for it an easy vic- Boston trade interests have induced .$125, 8135 in money, a Arc. REMOVAL,. Moonbeam, seeking. the pro- Fancy Cutlery, Arc., AtGuauape 4th ult, ships Charter of the pair of Oak, Niehole; STATE OF .«ΑΙΝΕ tim. It cannot be protected by duties, like prietors Allan line of steamers to make wheels, robes, blanket», &c., and during Eric the Red, Small; Resolute. Nichols; Gen Sheply, β'· all the R. ÏÎ. M ACALAS tTr BROS., Jane Wholesale & that city a joint American port the trades made he never paid one dollar to SWIFT, Patten; Fish, Brown; Harry Morse. Wymaii; Retail. cotton and woolen mills, iron manufac Aires during Freedom. and Golden PORT I. AND β'· winter with Portland, ventures the boot. DENTISTS, Bradley, Rule, Hall, all idg; dec6dlw and mines. then, be opinion UNDER MECHANICS' HALL. II A Litchfield, Spaulding, and Jas G Pen- copper Letit, protecled that Portland will not be slow to decT Have removed CLEVELAND, 7'· enterprise The consolidation of the Eastern and the Bos- sn3w their office to Rooms over George W. dleton, Gilmore, ldg. OHIO, and means of drawbacks, boun- notice the fact and take measures to hold Whittier's Ar at Oct 26, Hattie Ε upheld by ton and .Maine railroads is Drug Store, Congress Square. Valparaiso ship Tapley .Tap- what it now again agitated, and Dr. Macalaster is now at his new ZANEMVILLE, OHIO 8·· ties and other for its bene- UNDER S II in Τ S ready office to lev, Hamburg. EXPOSITION special provisions wait on those those who know best are of the opinion that the requiring his protessional services. in port 3d ult. shipNorway.Woodbury. wtg orders; The appointment Sir John A. McDon- Entrance to Dental Uncle Drink »T, LOUIS, β'» fit. by interests of the and Rooms, Tobey, water, from Guanape for Fal- OF public the — ald of Mr. S. A. a· stockholders AND — Blake, Q. C., Vice Chan- 39i ΝI reel and mouth, E, reloading. would be Congrcfts 95 Free Street, Ar at 2lst LOUISVILLE, The Maine corresnondent of the Boston cellor meets with universal approbation. Mr. promoted. Aspinwall ult, barque Caribou, Bibber, KY.,. 7»· nov7 PORTLAND. ME. sntf Baltimore; 25th, brig Jessie Boston HOLIDAY GOODS. Blake is a political opponent of Sir and Rhynas, Willis, cook county ! Herald says that the Democratic leaders of John, DRAWERS Sid 2Gth. barque Sagadahoc. Gever. seokitiir *'· n brother of the Hon. Edward his At wuantauamo 10th ult, brig : are of the can- Blake, STATE CARBOLiATE Manlius, Nichols, MAINE this State already talking j arty great political rival. NEWS. LIME. from St Jago, to load for New York. CENTRAL R. R. Consoli- — At Havana 30th didate for Governor in and further states AT — ult, barques Brilliant, Johnson, 1873, The Bank of Montreal with a of Highly recommended for use in. Stables to H D dated, capital prevent and Stover, Pierce, for New York: brig Gipsey 7'» Schumacher Bros. that Hon. Edmund Wilson of Thomaston, 68,000,060, has voted to increase its .-toeκ to ANDROSCOGGIN Queen, York, tor Savannah; schsCora COUNTY. HORS SO DISTEMPERS Etta, Sleeper, NORTHERN S and will be for North of Hatteras ; for PACIFIC R. R 7-30'· Will W. H. Simpson, esq., of the Belfast Journal, 12,000,000, the largest bank on A collision in Auburn VERY LOW PRICES. Commerce, Arey, Phila- make, coasting resulted in a a ml othvr OixeaaiM mo delphia; and recent arrivals. the continent. Old share-ho'.aers will be en- broken prevalent now· EUROPEAN Ac and W. H. of this are al- log, Thursday. At do 30th, ships Enoch Talbot· and Mar· IV. AU. R. R Qeld ·'· Clifford, esq., city titled to their Kimball, On proportionate part of the new The Le vision Journal Sold cheap by ci a C Day, Chase, une; barque Homeward Wednesday, Dec. named in connection with the nomina- reports the '"loveliest Bound, DANVILLE A 4th, ready stock at a premium of 20 per cent. in that Merriman, do; brigs Caprera, Blanchard; Clara J CHICAGO, VIN· sleighing" locality. tHARLES Cl'STIS & W. W. WHIPPLE & Adams, and Au extensive exhibition of tion. It strikes us thai this is needless cruel- CO., CO., McFiidden, Iza, Noyés, une; ech Β F CENXES R. R. «aid goods In tlieir line. The Lewiston Journal is une. 7>· Navy Yabd Matters.—Since the exodus of justly proud of the oct25sntf DruggiNt·*,^! Uurkol Waite, Aylward, to thus name the victims. New which is Mqnnrr. tor New ty early City Hall, one of the finest Chartered—brig Torrent, York. 2000 boxes CENTRAL IOWA R. R. «eld Deantifnl Swiss Delicate Por- the four or five hundred men from 493 CONGRESS at Geo tor 7'· Carving's, the navy buildings of its kind in New England. NTRGET. BATCHELOB'S 61AIR DTE. sugar, 80 cts; Burnham, Delaware Break- octll water, 1000 do at 90 cts, or New York at $1. celain Orna· jrard, matters have been lather here. The tnlf TOPEKA ft R. V. C*ld Paintings, Exquisite Senator Wilson, who lias asked the Sen- quiet AROOSTOOK COUNTY. This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world. Ar at Mansanilla 21st ult, brig A J Ross, ATCniSON, I'm on Che True and Wyma·. nieuts in Caned Paint- repairs ilie dock are The an ouly Perfect Dye. Harmless Reliable Boston. Ivory,Oil of floating progressing diptheria 1 mumps prevail to some ex- A HORSE ate to be excused from the chairmanship tnd Instantaneous; no no ridiculous Ar «at Little Glace von SALS BT so that it soon tent in Oakfield. disappointment; Bay CB, 28th ult, ings, American, tier, rapidly, will be lfcady for any Wanted, not tess than ints or barque Tejuca, English, the Committee, has occupied that weighing fourteen hundred unpleasant odor. Remedies the ill effects of Blanchard, Wood's Hole. Military iliance vessel that KENNEBEC and >ad washes. Produces a man, French and Italiani may come along for repairs. COUNTY. fifty lbs., bj dyea Immediately superb Ar at St Johu, MB, 5th, sch Geo G Jewett, Patter- SWAN & BARRETT. sixteen the war he Black or Natural Brown, and leaves the hair sou, Portland. position years. During \11 work has been suspended on the At a late meeting of the trustees of the Hai- nov20sntf JOS. H. POOR Ac Β BO. Chromos, Marion, :lean, soft and beautiful. The signed W. A. At 23d ult. Bankers and w*s instrumental in a num- lowell Classical School, Simou genuine, Musquash. NB, sch Ella G McLean, Brokers. procuring large ind but a small force is kept on the Mononge- Page and P. F. Satchelor. Sold bv all Druggists. Cook, for Portland. .Sanborn were added to the We do not pretend that LORING'S CHAS. BATCH Ε 100 MIDDLE ber of reforms for the benefit of enlisted men lela. It will be remembered that tbe Mo- building committee, VEGETABLE LOR, Prop., Ν. Y. STREET. Engravings, Lithographs, and §15,000 was voted for the octl d&w lyr s s enlargement and SPECIFIC will cure every disease under the [Latest by European steamers.] Sept 7-eodtf-n and doing away with many abuses growing longeliela was at St. Thomas at the time of the Lake man Sun, Photograph*, Stereoscopic (iooils. rebuilding mansion. Prof. Ar at Falmouth 20th, Helen j custom. of but we do say, and the of A Book lor Marion, Heldcn, New Ac., At. out of lie will te succeeded by Gen if the great earthquake, when the tidal Tenney's name, Ν. Y., and lately connccted testimony every person Every Man. Orleans for Hamburg. with the institutes of this "was who Cardiff— Enr out John rave bore her far into tlie She Stati», urged has taken the remedy confirms our The "SCIENCE OF or SELF-PUESERVA- l.Sth, Brice, Morse. Callao. Christmas Having made many additions fn nur framing de- Logan. up city. for of tbe statement, LIFE, Ar at Licata 9th Presents! kiiul principal Classical but no PION," a Medical Treatise on the Cause and Cure of ult, Marathon, Donnell, jwrtment we bave a full ass rtment of every ol School, that for the an Fiurne, ras launched, brought home, and lias been action was taken. treatment 1 cure of the Exhausted Premature [and sailed 10th for Palermo and New York.) moulding, and are manufacturing many new and Tue friends of Hon. W. distressing Vitality, Decline in Mau, Ner- H. Vinton say ous and Sid fm Marseilles 18th ult, Palo beautiftLi style* of framer. Our pneos are reasona- lioroughly rebuilt, furnished with new boilers, Prof. Denton will the Waterville maadies CONSTIPATION and DYSPEPSIA thore Physical Debility,Hypochondria, Impotency, Alto, Tennev, for of open lecture or Seminal Matnnzas. ble, our good h first class. that the election Mr. Webb as is course ipermatorrlicea Weakness, and all other Speaker nd is fitted with all the modern im- witli six on is like Ar at Alicante We invite the attention of cus- being up geology. nothing it in medicine. iseases arising from the errors of or the in- 10th ult, Horace Beals, Strout, New GERRISH& respectfully friends, as youth not "conceded" by them, stated in The iscretions or excesses York. PEARSON, tomers and Observ- rovements of the day. She is of superior Waterville Mail says that a new iron deeSsntf of mature years. This is in- strangers. LORING, Proprietor. a book for man. Sid fm 16th Era Ν er's letter from Augusta, but that Mr. railroad bridge across the Kennebec at that eed every Thousands have been Malaga ult, Johnson, Johnson, Νβ MIDDLE Vinton îodel, and will be one of the the finest ships this work the true tîew York. STREET, 5 Drrriug Block, CssgM·· Street. point is one of the things talked abont. O. aught by way to health and liap- is still a candidate for the place. f her class in the I'umor that I. O. F. inese. It is the and best medical Sid fm Cadis 14th ult, barque S W Swasey, ■Iec4 lw navy. says The cheapest work Colson, har· rCMived a flae Msortment of Kennebec Journal says the Insane Hos- ver ami the one on Gloucester. The members of Maine Lodge No. are published, only this class of ills aptain J. S. Thornton, who was the executive pital Board was 1, hereby rorth 190th reorganized Thursday by the notified readiug. edition, revised, much en- that the question of a 8POKEM. Bold from Mr. fficer of the at the time of her en- choice of Dr. \V. B. of ai establishing Sinking irged, illustrated, bound in beautiful French cloth, and Silver Chains RAïUOSiD'S Sad Letters Greeley.—Among Kearsarge Laphain Augusta, Fund Watches, and Dr. ,T. T. Oilman of will come up at the next regular Dec. 'rice only §1. Sent by mail post-paid on cf Sept 20, lat 31 S, Ion 40 E, ship Vermont, from Cal the last letters of Mr. the to agement with the Alabama, is to command President, Portland,as meeting, receipt οΓ all Greeley following It was 9. A full attendance is rice. Address PEA BODY MEDICAL 1NST1- rutta for Hull, E. kinds, Jeweler and Secretary. voted to reduce the price of requested. y dancing academy , Gen. Leslie of Ky., are er. The Nantasket has been broken 'UTE, No. 4 Bultinch Street, Boston, Mass., or Dr. Nov 2, lat 24 03, Ion 23 10, ship from New- Combs, Lexington, partially board of the patients from $4 to the re- J. K. Industry, S3.75, MERRILL, Sec'y. V. H. PARKER, Assistant Physician. Ν. B. The ;astle tor New York. Silver Ware. made show how heart pand herboilers and removed.— duction to commence with the current dec! UWASTEB HALL. public. Tliey completely machinery quarter. 5t uthor may be consulted on the above as well as all also voted to another Also ft new broken he was: 'orty men were taken on Friday in the depart- They employ assistant iscases requiring skill and experience. »tjle of Silver Ware, after the Japanese ; ment of physician at a salary not S30U PARLOR en mar25-dly 'atUrii, New York, Oct. 28, 1872. construction and repairs. L. exceeding per STOVES! NEW Tftry popular. annum, and a committee was appointed to car- ADVERTISEMENTS. Λ. W, Jfear wife still with us, Napkin Rings, Sllrer and Plated. ΜΗ. RAYMOND respectfully an- Friend—My lingers ry out the of this vote. The assets The Very Bent in the nouuees to the citizens of but is Aocuient.—A lad at provisions market, und for DEPARTURE OFOCEAN 8TEAMERK Portland and that very feeble She may off any day. cicent occurred ri MALL a vicinity drop jf the Institution over liabilities are 52ΰ,000. eale at Low Prices HOTEL, FOU SALE. Location of A he will oi»en school in tor new I wish she were and 1 she does. t liochrstrr Ν. H. by NAME FROM FOR DATE groa FINE STOCK OF SILVER PLATED Dancing beginners at well, lay where last Friday Λ Ο valu·, thoroughly well the above hall on morning. A charter for a railroad from West Water- tenry Chauncey.. .New York.. Aspinwall Dec 10 ill established, furnished Yours, Horace Greeley. oung man named Daniel through and in perfect order, modern WARE.—FRENCH CLOCKS. Ciarey, whose fami- rille to will be asked for this ava New York. Dec 11 ] improve- To Gen. Leslie Combs, Augusta winter. BUCKNAM & .Liverpool nents, splendid run of regular and transient Dec. 1874. Lexington, Ky. consisting of bis mother BAILEY, lab ο New York.. Liverpool Dec 11 nd business Monday Evening, 9, r, and two KNOX COUNTY. continually on the eau be New Nov. brothers, New York. .Havana Dec IS increase, at a York, 10,1872. at while at No. 109 Fore St.; between rfpeentCity 1 mrgaiu as the owner is from bought rkkcti, Gouts' $8.00 Dear Old îside Alfred, work a Exchange and oamlin avian Portland... retiring the or OPERA GLASSES! " My Friend—My sky is black. 1 may shingling The Camden Herald announces the death of Liverpool Dec 14 k ould sell half interest. business; Ladies·....···· 2.00 never write Plum Streets. of York. Worthy of investigation. you 1 thank at Rochester slipped and fell G. one ity Brussels New .Liverpool Dec 14. for twelve again. you for your uilding to the Samuel Adams, Esq., of the oldest diUdît TAYLOR &CO. 3 Stat» wli· ar« leuonii. letter of the New York. .Havre Dec 14 St, Boston. with a graat to purchaser·, 4th, and that the of him merchants most men octlO-sntf Washington variety pi»*·» Tlie term will clos»· wit h a Hull. dec6d2w pray evening round, killing; instantly. His remains and influential of the New York. .Ν 0& your days may be and iberty Havana Dec 16 inrited to call and examine. bright sunny, and that town, at the of lia If yon want a nice 1 FRUIT. be blest in erf taken to Alfred, where they were interred .Monday, age years. Photograph or Tin" [innesota New York.. Liverpool Dec 18 PERIODICAL AND

    • ΒΜΒ·ΒΜΜ·8ΒΒΒΜΜΜΒΒ·ΒΜ8ΜΜ ^juÎia^ajÎiwia^ ■ '. >κ ■ Λ Vaw Attention hiu ft· οιηηώί na ih« tlm« of tb* OM ittriior Wo tight u Λ lis venilViJ to get aigmitt»» ta a pe- lia· U»n «ei»oû *· The Louisiana àlaiiUnd, κ. ά., Clifton foi fu» 1 1 No 1 Had THE PREBB. called t.. an which that it tnakos any dlBereiioe whether it we» tition to be pveaented to tnut Squabble. Ûflè 4 M4| 1 02; Ko 2 do 1 1M. enterprise will, Congres, asking violation of the customs law». Corn 1h & shade Setter at gr&ntod til··.next or the next \ve»k; that tlio tax on !) !ne ί.·ΐ abolished ot l-odnc Ί- 30$ @ tor new high Μιχ- AUCTION if owried out, make Poitlund one 2 at uf oômmercial cltie» Ί hr Λ at New P. Ε. I. 32?c. Clover Seeds 5 13. Dressed at MONDAY MORNING, DEC. 9, 1872. the greateat of the globe. cient. t-lion of Ju Jife Dumli The Bfptrt Harbor, 4 7«. Hogs The se has forwarded i'1 The achooner Thomaa l)aly, from Weymeuth of 'team η » Japa government of l«<- Αι ., at It is the opening communication with Third. As to mechanics prefer; to hang Examining Board—The .Ifililary Receipts—1000 bbl» bush r;;i-nitur«>, Carpets, Auction Clew λmagnificent piece of «ilk. in re.·■ for Boston with a cargo of lumber, after being bush flour, 3,000 wheat, 12.000 the The «bout the city, ns know of nono that are Heury Nii!h iu of the State Hioie ,4c- corn. 1.000 bush «Kite. WEDNESDAY. Dec. llth,»t 10 a. m., we thai . project, which is the offspring ogn'tiou of his to and information fi- Charge exposed to weather for live days, sell at. CITY AND VICINITY. to do thi». courtesy tempeitaou· Shipmeu:»—1000 bbla flour, b ub O.N house, 3$ Castro St.. parlor fhruiture In of Portland and obliged nished the tioji of Proininrn: i'itlzrn», etc., elr. ou mistook Yarmouth 00υ Uuih :»,0i!0 wheat. I ·.- black genius, which is to he carried Fourth. The of the Japanese embassy while travel):.ν Tueiday evening light corn, 3,000 bunh oaf». walnut and hair cloth, whatnot, 3-ply carpet·, majority daily passengers in became coal out solely by Portland this country. for Pubnico light and went ashore, and Dec· parlor stove, curtains, painted chamber sets and capital, contemplate· would be glad to have th· β.20 train made a per- at 1 7·—Wheat active and extra THi: PBGMS a total wreck. The mata wa« lost while trying ,