PORTLA XI) DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JPIW 88, 1868. VOL·. Π. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNTNG DECEMBER 9, 1872. TERMS «8.00 PKR nil ΓΟΒΤΙΛΙΠ) DAILY PRESS TO LE1. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. Β published every day (Sundays excepted) by th REAL ESTATE. i USIN ESS DIB ECTOR Y MISCELLANEOUS. Let, for instante be POBTLAN» PIBLWHIPTO Rooms To Let. THE coal, discovered in CO., PRESS. in Maine Lost. Agency for Sewing Machines. I and there will be no fur- ITHER with or without Geo. R. Davis & Co.'i At 109 Exchange St, Portland. board at 101 Oxford St. Wodnesday afternoon, between 3and 5 o'clock H. M. l*o. ! ! tlier need to corner of Street. DYER, Middle*!. All Another List of Prices ! MONDAY DEC. hold forth extra Terms : Dollars a Year In Ε Myrtle de7*lw ON a draft on New York for $65. payable to thi kinda MORNING, », inducements to Eight advance of Machiuea for «aie nud I· let· 1872." order of I. H. Washburn. The fiuaer will be susta BULLETIN. foreign capital to invest within our borders. To Let. blv rewarded by leaving the same at the Press Office Bepairiii£. THE MAINE STATE PRESS The questions embodied in this article WO dcc6-3t TO MAKE ROOM Gossip and Oleauing». must front rooms, with board, pleasantly situated $20,000 (o Loan ! ! Σ FOR Ο Lit soon In Thursday Sutiable Bakers. assume a higher than published every Morning at $2 59 Τ for Gentlemen and Wive·. *V. importance they if in at We arc to loan C. 1J at )ear; paid advance, §2 00 a year. de5*lw Enquire at 38 FREE STREET. Key Found. prepared money iu eumi COBB,Ho. Pearl Ml. ι present and we _ who use a candle for hair occupy, propose to discuss SMALL KEY from to amount Aral I CHRISTMAS GOODS People dressing made like P. 0. key. The own 9100 nuy desired, ou them in a Rates of Advertising : One Booksellers and few brief articles. inch ot space,!] (•ood Location Tor a A er can have the dame at' clasN iu Stationers. should be careful to remove all vestige of the ; of column, Phrscian. by «ailing mortage* Portlnud Cape Eliza- We are now length constitutes a "square." d©5dlw THIS OFFICE. IIOVT, FOtiO &- selling §150 per square LEASE, the located brick 01 Wchfbrook, or de- BRIIKD,!lo.9l Middle wick before into The daily tiret week; 75 ccnts centrally house, beth, Deeriug. Partie· going company. .Hntthcw Colli) House week three p« FOR corner contains tei Street. and its after; insertions, or less. SI 00; coutinu Congress Street, Chestnut, Found. sirous of bnililrny;rnn also beaccommoda REAL Origin In·; every other day after first good rooms, Gas &c., Stable attached. BLACK MOHAIRS. Owner. week, 50 cents. ted with loans. Half square, three Apply to WM. H. JERR1S, Real Estate the P. S. & P. K. R. a SILVER WATCH Book A insertions or on Agent. Binders. at coroner's jury at found that To the JÀlitor week. les?,35 cent·; Bp28 The owne*· can have the 50,00,05. 75,87 Quincy, 111., of th>·. Pnu : $1 00; 50 cents per week after. 3w AT same by calling on th< GKO. K. DAVIS & CO,, IV.n. Λ. Boons 19, DO, #1.00,1*1.45 J Special Ticket Master of the P. S. & «(171NCY, II, Prtnter'a au old who died there died of Notices, one third additional. P., proving propertj Real Entitle and Brokers. lady suddenly, From your report of the Uudcr head of and char. es. i?Iortgage Exrhaugr, No. Ill Ml. of this "Amukmements," $2 00 To Lei. paying dec3tf tf Hxt'han^r burning per week; three per nquar eep24 R.HA1jL & superannuation. house, it seems it is insertions or less $1 50. half of double House No. 47 Pleasant street HHACKFOBU, >0. 35 Plum past repair. It calls Advertisements Lost. Street. BLACK up inserted*in the "Maine Statj ONEin good order, eleven rooms, furnace, gas anc ALPACAS my early recollections of the Press" (which Law a FOR SALE. A Danburian wants to if a house and the large circulation in Sebago water. Stable room for one horse and car- PACK AGE addressed to Leaviti disgusted know of the for every par £ummin?s, at old of the State) $1 00 per square for first insertion riage. nov2tf & Widber, was lost betweei priccii, 45, 30, 37 1-2, 40, woman was to family original owner. and 50 cents A Tuesday evening SECOND linnd Buggies Printing Press, card Carpenters aud Builders. 44, 45, designed be the equal of man. I per square for each subsequent inser Eastern Express Office and Street. A libera] 50, aad 75 ctft· On to tion. Quincy A and circular, for sale cheap. Call or address. WHITNEt & Pearl β tree 55, OO, 65, it is she my first visit Portland, in To Let. reward will be paid on its to Eastern Ej MEANS, t, op- why can't whistle. 1816, then Address all delivery HARRIS BROS., poaitc Park. communications to press Office. nov302w only seven old, mv tither PLEASANT rent of 7 rooms, on Wilmot near oct30dtf 135 Portland, Me. years stopped his PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Spring St., Street. For call on in front Λ Congress particulars Black Mrs. Gwiu of assisted sleigh of "Mathew Cobb'*," to show nol6tf L. TAYLOR. Dentists. Cashmeres Davenport the kitch- Vessels Wanted »B. W. B. me "'the finest house in town." I had j €HA^DL£R HOUSE, JOHMOON, orer 11 II. Hay'a. en fire last week with the kerosene can. The heard BUSINESS CARDS. Beet lot ia of its rich For Kent. TO LOAD AT Portland at 91ΌΟ, $1.45, £1*45, rain a owner, nnd looked at his stately BETHEL HILL, ME., Dye-House. heavy kept good many from attending FIRST CLASS residence,«centrally located, con- 1.50, l.OO, 1.75, 4.00, 4.45, 4.50, 3.00. mansiou with F. India Ml. the funeral. wonder, my boy-eyes magnify· taining 13 bath room. on and Fori 8Y.VONDS, Veirel Cloak* HENRY F. T. Λ rooms, Àc., stable Piéton, Sydney, Uugan FOR it to the MERRILL, premises. suited for a <lyed aud finished· I ing proportions and of Solo- Particularly physician. C. _SALE. splendor n<»vl3tf to GEO. R. DAVIS & Caledonia, Β., ladies show their COUNSELOR AT Apply CO. ! ΓΙ1 HIS House will accommodate 75 guests. Always FO^IGR'H Dye House, £4 Union Street.* Young superiority to all moil's temple. Those Corinthian pilasters —t ■■ CORDED LAW, — JL filled with summer tourists the — ALPACAS No. 30 Board. WITn during season, mercenary considerations by ordering fivc- reaching to the Exchange St., Portland. with a-good show of business travel during the year. Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. nearly eaves, with carved cap- of the S. in The best location in situated at the head of in silk from Formerly U. Treasury Department am search of room* and board cau be ac- Bethel, BBOKZE, hundred-dollar dresses Paris, aud itals, made it ui.ire than COAL FOR the It has well WALTER C'OBEV & No. elegant any private Attorney in all the courts in the District of Olumbia PARTIESco nmadated by at 2U Free Stree. CUBA. Park. 50 large ventilated rooms in CO., Arcade, will applying IS in them on oiled chairs at the : residence I seen. attend to the of « noll'tf good repair, with stable and ice house. Will be sold Free Street. BROWNS, sitting freshly hud Its unsullied prosecution laims before tht MRS. M. ft. WOODARD. in and white Court of Claims aud the. Lay days guaranteed loading discharging. wiili er without the Furniture on the most favorable various departments at CKORGB Λ. No. 50 Ex· WINE first party they go to. with no of or terms if for at as WHITNEY, COLOR», frout, sign joint it Washington. ectll-tt Λ Few Good Rents applied once, the subscriber is go- seam, gave PERKINS & West. te change St. Upholstering of nil kind· the BIRD, JOB., ing Apply NAVY Bl.lK.l r Ar appearancc of its being cut from one im- applied for at ooce. done to order. ·< ICdtf F. ». CHAiVPLEB. A San Francisco woman ROSS & IF MATTOCKS & FOX, 97 South N. ΪΓ Prop'r. nlMScl*. prryanl. recently recov- mense block of the STUEDIYANT, nov5dtf H(reet) statuary marble, leaving 88 Middle street. Furniture and Uonse ered from her dressmaker the value of the carved 103 MUtc Ntrfft, Boston. novl5<Um For Sale. Furnishing Goods. ornemente standing out in relief. The WHOLESALE COAL DEALERS and Fed- material used silk To Let, ΓΙΠI IE house on State Street, occupied by the un- BfiNJ.ADA?19,cor. KxtliaugR IN NAVY BLUE AVE HAVE in making a dress, which I portico had not then been but it Boarders Wanted. eral Street». built, had a 179 Commercial 140 Oxford near with all the JL dersigned. This house is thoroughly built of the latter had St., Portland. Staeet, Elm, spoiled by improperly cutting highly ornamented arch at the front entrance. HOUSEmodern improvements; Gas and Sebago Wa- PLEASANT Parlor tc let with board in a pri- brick and stone and has all modern conveniences. HOOPER & EATON, Old Post Office, ter. on ALLEN HAINES. Streei. Thibets, Poplins, Sateens, Velours. the garment. On the door a Sole agents in Maine for the sale and shipment oi Enquire the premises. oct30tt A vate family; also rooms with board for single Exchange was polished brass knocker, Within live minutes the Portland, Sep. 18th, 1872. sep!9-tf the Celebrated Coal mined gentlemen. walkjot City L. F. IIOVT, No. II Preble Street.
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