In This Issue Fabricating Carbon Fiber Airframes, Part 2: Finishing Cover Photo: Lift-off shot by Erin Card at NARAM56 in Pueblo, CO Apogee Components, Inc. — Your Source For Rocket Supplies That Will Take You To The “Peak-of-Flight” 3355 Fillmore Ridge Heights Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907-9024 USA e-mail:
[email protected] Phone: 719-535-9335 Fax: 719-534-9050 ISSUE 371 AUGUST 12, 2014 Fabricating Carbon Fiber Airframes Part 2: Finishing By Alex Laraway Congratulations! You’ve moved onto what is frankly the most Start by releasing the lip of the mylar from around one side tedious part of fabricating tubing: getting it to look pretty. of the tube. Once you are finished, use a long dowel to be- One of the reasons carbon fiber is so highly valued is its aes- gin breaking the bond between the mylar and the epoxy on thetic characteristics. For this reason, bare carbon fiber is an the inside of the tube. Ram the dowel to the opposite end of attractive option for the finish on high-end sports cars, bikes, the tube and slowly work it around so that the entire mylar motorcycles and, of course, rockets. Getting a smooth gloss layer is broken out from the epoxy. After this step, the mylar “naked” carbon fiber is tiresome at best, especially starting should slide out with ease! with a peel ply texture. The basic idea is to give it a series of epoxy coats and sand each coat down with a different series of sandpaper grits with each epoxy pass.