[email protected] WGA Registered M. SHEPPO LAW AND ORDER SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT “CREDIT” TEASER FADE IN: INT. THAD AND BARRY’S APARTMENT - NIGHT THAD, a preppy looking guy in his 20s, stands in his kitchen, perturbed by a smell in the air. He opens a cabinet under the sink and grabs a bag of trash. He sniffs it. THAD Christ, Barry... (calling) Barry! He heads through the bland, middle class apartment, arriving at: BARRY’S ROOM Entering the open door, Thad looks down at BARRY, a large, unkempt man strewn across the floor. PSYCHEDELIC MUSIC plays trough a stereo. THAD Barry, please, if all you’re gonna eat is tuna, disgusting by the way, throw the empty-- Barry? Thad nudges the unmoving Barry with his foot. Nothing. He bends down to get a closer look, putting his finger tips under Barry’s oily nostrils. Again, nothing. He turns Barry’s head to the side and a frothy white substance drains out of his mouth, down his cheek. THAD (CONT'D) Oh Jesus, Barry. Barry!! Suddenly, Barry lets out a stuttered HICCUP and rolls over. There is a bong underneath him, the water soaking the floor. A content smile comes to Barry’s lips. Thad shakes his head. CUT TO: EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING ALLEY - NIGHT Thad opens a dumpster lid and tosses the trash bag inside. As he’s about to close the lid, he does a double take. He looks in the dumpster, flinching in fear. M.