NEW SENIOR CENTER OFFERS POOL MEMBERSHIPS! PAGE 13. •!• Greater Newark's Hometown N :· . I. ·. Newark, Del. • 50¢ 86th Year, Issue 24 ©1996 Jur.· 28, 1996 THIS WEEK Bridge IN SPORTS "·-· over LOCALRNALS troubled UNITE FOR THE BLUE­ concrete GoLDALL Elkton Road could be closed STAR GAME. 19 for bridge repairs By MARY E. PETZAK ••t t ffOfOOOfOOowo o o o oo o o o oo• oo oo o toooo o ooooo o oao o ooO . IN LIFESTV:LE NEWARK POST STAFF WR ITER One of Newark 's most-tra ' leu thoroughfares could b ~ hut dow n for repairs in the neur future. Bors &GIRLS Ac cordin g to cit y manag r Carl Lufl. officials al th e . tale department of tran ponation advi sed the city" . CLUB, BAYARD DoNATION TO CHS liBRARY traffi c division last week th at th e Elk ton Road bridg over th e hri stina Mrs. Elmer s. Monroe, right, recently donated her collection of 300 National Geographic magazines reek nedr Casho Mill Road mi ght TFAM UP FOR dating back to the 1950s to the library at Christiana High School. Her late husband served as a huve to be clos d for repair.. member of the Christina School District Board of Education. Accepting the donation Is Sylvia "I don 't want to be an alarmi st " Williamson. of the school district staff. Mrs. Williamson graduated from Newark High School when UNUSUAL Mr. Monroe was on the school board. See BRIDGE , 2 ...,_ ACfiVITY. 8 - " · IN' THE NEWS. '• QSTIX SCRATCHES HlTE CLAY Creek make an appearance, and 60 Civil ttofAfilt;c•J-JJ State Park will be the War re.-enactots will be . · ·etting for Newark's bivouacked at the park aU day. · IN SECOND Liberty Day celebration on Co rumed .soldiers will give pre: ·· , Thursday, July 4 from 11 a.m. to sentatioo. of v~rious military · · 5 p.m. acti~itie& including , hooting nhd BID FOR There i. no rain date for this drills. · event . "The·.popu lar s.oup Box Event As in past year., Blu Rocks LIQUOR Ma. cot, Rocky Bullwinkle, will LICENSE. 3 INDEX . Nt:WS 1·5 POLICE BEAT 3 OPINION 6 LIFESTYLE 8 THE ARTS 12 OBITUARIES 26 DIVERSIONS 10 CROSSWORD PUZZLE 11 SENIOR STYLE 13·15 SPORTS 19-23 CLASSIFIEDS 29-36 L\Lr. ~ • :1-\ '. \RJ.- I' >'-1 I • j 1 'I·. ~H. I 99() NEWARK PosT ·:· IN THE NEWS ' Road work may be finished by winter ' I ~/ Christina ', .... BRIDGE , from 1 ~du ce d to I5 ton s. "Th substru c­ Davies. "From what Denni s O'Shea ture is substandard," sa id Denni s . aid to me, there nothing here that !'laid Luft. "But c un il on ly meets 'Shea. a bridge management engi­ can't b done by the winter." eve ry two week!\ and th e way the nee r fo r De!DOT. ''Th concret Davies emphasized th at he could !'l tut w o rk !'~, th ci. · thin •s can com which support s the ab utments i. in not guarantee the work would be up pretty fast. " bad shape." done before winter. They try to fin ­ ·wark po lice chi ef William /\Jan Davies spokesperson for ish, but if not, they put it off unti I Suburban Plaza Hogan said , "Th !'. tate told us late DeiD T, said "An op n-end main ­ Spring." shopping center la'i t week that th e bridge might have tenance contract has just been bid Hogan said, "We cu ll ed for a ~ \\0~\) , ,' ~ pmsible struc tural probkms requir­ out for thi s bridge work ." Once the mee ting with DeiDOT as soo n as LOCATION in g lower wei ht li mits and divert ­ con tract is awa rd ed, Davies said th e possible to have a say in where ~\.~1\0 , , , ~ ing traffi c. n Monday th ey s:.t id '\evcral sma ll jobs" included in diverted traffi c will go, such as , z OF tc.:s h showed repairs w r · nc ded ." such a contrac t wi ll be prioritiz d by Sou th Co llege Avenue, and how , , ~ :aQ BRIDGE Acco rding 10 sign!\ posted some the contractor and desi gn engineer. long it would las t. " DeiDOT has the time ago by DciDOT, the weight "They try to fini sh th ese con­ final say on traffic pattern s for state ~ ~ ~' ~ Chrysler ~ limi t for the bridge already has bee n trac ts in a constru ti on season," sa id roads. plant ********************** *********** 2ntJ~nnuaL * All are * Welcome! * RTEFELD NATIONAL 1/ ./ 4th(!) ~·- uty * crJeLebration ~ Hayrides, Face Painting, Caricatures & More! Musical Entertainment by the Little Big Band. Festivities begin at 4:00 PM. Fireworks begin at 9:00 PM * 10 -Adults • $5 - Children 10 & under. BARBECUE PICNIC AVAILABLE! Directions from points South of Avondale: Follow DE Route 7 north. After passing underneath Route 41, take first left. Welcome to Hartefeld National! Call for tickets or more information 610-268-8800 or 1-800-240-7373 Hartefeld National Golf Course • 1 Hartefeld Drive, j\vondale, PA 19311 ' I 1HI.\Rt, P o~ 1 • PAc;F ~~ NEWARK PosT ·:· POLICE BLOTTER • Police Be(f{ is compiled each man ' r a~:aulted while r cc r rn g . t len property, theft Can we help? ll'eek.fmmthe.fi'le.\' of the Newark were alking in the devel­ and con spirac were John Pizza stolen Offices : The paper's offices are located Police Deptlf'flllent by SU({fwriter opm nt of Kimberton . Wh ite .Hd. 19, and a 16-y ar-o ld n June 22 around I :30 a.m. M(//:\' E. Per:.a/... Th . u pect., d cribed nl femal and 17- ear mal e. all f four men in th ir 20s \ er co nveniently in th e Robscott Bui lding , a~ fri ·an- m rican male . c n­ ewark, Dennis M . Masct:l la, I . approu heel in the parking I L 153 E. Che stnut Hill Rd ., Newa rk , DE fron ted th e hu. band and ' ife and f Wilmington, and a 16-y ar-old Cocaine arrest behind th N ' ark M di c~tl 19713 . Offi ce hours are 8:30a.m. to 5 displa ed what appear d r. b a femal fr m w a rl . Building h a group or s v n or p.m. wee kd ays . gun . c or ling to :tate poli ·e. th m re :-. u. p ·ts. Phone : (302) 737 -0724 The uspel' ts fled after taking Poli · sa id th' su-.p ct. the man 's wallet and an unknown group st le 13 hr sl r vehi ·les Facsimile: (302 ) 737-9019 amounting to in va lu e to a. sault d th four and stole their amount of cash . pizZ'l befor • fl eeing ba k to ward e-mail : newpost@dca. net n one ith informati n 1. 111.0 0 fr m eight different lots in Wilmington and Ne as tl e. ast M·1in tn.:er. To subscribe: Ca ll 737- 0724 or 1-800- a~ked to ca ll l:ount p li at Three f th . u. peeLs, includ­ 220-3311 . Co st is $15.95 per year to 57 1-793 0. The vehi ·I s w re us d for ing a 16- ea r-o il from We~ t New Ca stl e County addresses . To begin tran. p rtati n and/ r j oy riding Grove, Pa., a 17-year-old !'rom a su bscription , sim ply ca ll the Newarkers arrested an I all w re found in th e ~am Kennett quare. Pa .. and Bruce Circulation Departm ent. I cution nt Pencnd r Wood. in P u~ e . I , . or vo ndal . Pa., for car thefts Bear. were arre~tcd. To place a classified : Call1 -800-220-1230 Pous' was c< mmitred to To place a display ad: Call 737-0724 . tate poli e report that three ' arrnnt for th eft and crimi ­ Gander Hill Pri ~ ) 11 for Ia ' "- of e' ark re si lent wcr invol eel Couple assaulted nal mi:chief wa~ i:sued for Julian bail and the ju e ni lc~ were in an auto th ft . pr e berwe n Hill. 18, f Wilmington and HE STAFF of til e Newatk Post is anxio us to assrsl On Jun e I around II p.m., a re lease d to th eir parents after Treaders and advertisers. Reporters , wri ters. ed i June 1995 and Jun e 1996. poli ~ said other arrests al. o were posting bail, accordi ng to poli ·e. 72- ar-old man and a 65 - ear- rTesred and harg d ' ith tors and salespeopl e can be cont acted as listed e peered . below: James B. Streit , Jr. is the publisher uf the Newark Post. He sets poli cies and manages all departments in the NewarK Investi gation of Windows smashed, offrce . Ca ll hrm at 737·0724. Mary E. Petzak is a general assign me nt report r. Her beat includes qovernment . drivers pelted ed ucation nncl pol ice ne ws Sl1e can be sexual abuse co nta cted at 737-0724. Marty Val ania prepa res the sport s pages of this newspaper. He is a vete1 · n case conti nu es near Main Street ; spo rt s wri ter, ed rtor and enthusiast. He is se ldom in t11e office, howeve 1. he checks in frequently. Leave message Newarl-. police re sponde I to Univ~.:r\ity Delaware police a or for Marty at737· 0724 .
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