The Historic Woodland Ferry Continued from Pg 1 Isaac and His Younger Brother, Jacob Continued Until 1843
The Historic Woodland Ferry continued from pg 1 Isaac and his younger brother, Jacob continued until 1843. A sensational power the boat Jr. inherited the Cannon Ferry. The end came to their shady business along the cables. brothers were shrewd businessmen practices. On April 10, 1843, Jacob, The Delaware and became very wealthy. By 1816, Jr. was at the ferry dock, having Department of they owned almost 5000 acres of land, just returned from appealing to the Transportation operating not only the ferry, but stores, Governor for protection against began overseeing warehouses, and houses. They owned threats from people, whom he claimed the ferry in 1935, slaves and a number of commercial he had aided. He was approached purchasing a new vessels that traveled to Baltimore. by Owen O’Day, who accused Jacob wooden boat. By They became the loan sharks of the of stealing property, supposedly a 1958, the old ferry, day, lending money, extending credit, gum tree branch, containing a hive of known as the Patty Collection R. Zebley of Hagley Museum , F. Courtesy Ferry, Men at honey. In broad daylight, Cannon became unserviceable due to placed on the National Register Owen shot Jacob with his increased traffic and failure to meet of Historic Places, recognizing its musket. As Owen fled, U.S. Coast Guard standards. The state historical and cultural value. It is a part Jacob stumbled home. A seriously considered a bridge instead of the Nanticoke Heritage Byway. The doctor found over 27 pieces of refurbishing or replacing the ferry. Woodland Ferry keeps history alive at of musket shot in Jacob’s The cost of a bridge, plus the uproar this river crossing.
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