CloudShell 2 • Home Automation • Cloud Print • ODROID-XU4 Case Year Four Issue #40 Apr 2017 ODROIDMagazine MeetMeet WALTER:WALTER: TheThe vintagevintage lookinglooking robotrobot poweredpowered byby youryour ODROIDODROID Laptop Celebrating Forty issues of ODROID with Magazine: ODROID- A retrospective of C1+/C2 all our publications What we stand for. We strive to symbolize the edge of technology, future, youth, humanity, and engineering. Our philosophy is based on Developers. And our efforts to keep close relationships with developers around the world. For that, you can always count on having the quality and sophistication that is the hallmark of our products. Simple, modern and distinctive. So you can have the best to accomplish everything you can dream of. We are now shipping the ODROID-C2 and ODROID-XU4 devices to EU countries! Come and visit our online store to shop! Address: Max-Pollin-Straße 1 85104 Pförring Germany Telephone & Fax phone: +49 (0) 8403 / 920-920 email:
[email protected] Our ODROID products can be found at EDITORIAL elcome to our 40th issue! When we started publishing the magazine in 2014, there were only two people, Bru- Wno and Rob Roy, producing ODROID Magazine. We’ve since grown the team to eight people and publish in both English and Spanish. We are continually amazed by the creative and in- novative projects that the ODROID community sends our way for pub- lication, and do our best to educate the open source hacking communi- ty with a variety of software and hard- ware articles. Our featured project this month is an amazing retro-looking robot named Walter.