Congressional Record-House House Of
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1935 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2029 MISSISSIPPI dom in all our deliberations of this day. May we ever lean Malcolm E. Wilson, Marks. on Thy strong arm and keep so close to Thee that we shall Henry W. Mangum, Mendenhall. feel the pulsations of Thy great heart of love. Bless our Singleton C. Tanner, Mize. President, our beloved Speaker of this House of Representa Olive Alexander, Rolling Fork. tives, and every Member thereof, and may our one great desire be to render Thee such service, in both national and MISSOURI private life, that when the great day of reckoning comes we Giles K. Hunt, Arcadia: may hear Thy Son say, "Come ye blessed of my Father, Ezra W. Mott, Armstrong. inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation Samuel S. Harrison, Auxvasse. of the world." In Jesus' name we a.skit. Amen. Reece G. Allen, Benton. Herman C. W. Strothmann, Berger. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and John H. Essman, Bourbon. approved. Fred R. Morrow, Bufialo. ADJOURNMENT OVER Angie B. Messbarger, Burlington Junction. Mr. TAYLOR of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous Frank F. Page, Canton. consent that when the House adjourns today it adjourn to George K. Spalding, Chesterfield. meet on Monday next at noon. Melville C. Shores, Clark. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Allen W. Sapp, Columbia. gentleman from Colorado? · Harold H. Cash, Curryville. There was no objection. George W. Shelton, Dixon. INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE IN PETROLEUM Charles Shumate, Edina. Mr. DIES, from the Committee on Rules, submitted the Vernon D. Washington, Eldorado Springs. following privileged report <Rept. No. 150) to accompany Richard Pearce, Fairfax. House Resolution 113: Fred G. Lane, Gerald. Resolved, That immediately upon adoption of this resoluticn it Mary E. Woody, Golden City. shall be in order to move that the House resolve itself into the Ledrew E. Ryals, Greenfield. Committee of the Whole House on the state oi the Union for con Joseph V. Cassiedy, Herculaneum. sideration of S. 1190, a bill to regulate interstate and foreign com merce in petroleum, and so forth. That after general debate, Clarence C. Wilkins, Hornersville. which shall be confined to the bill and shall continue not to Walter Morrow, Iberia. exceed 2 hours, to be equally divided and controlled by the Chair Jesse M Hawkins, Ironton. man and ranking minority member of the Committee on Interstate John R. Thompson, Jonesburg. and Foreign Commerce, the bill shall be read for areendment unc!er the 5-minute rule. At the conclusion of the reading of the bill Leah B. Diggs, Laddonia. for amendment the Committee shall rise and report the same to Bryan B. Austin, Licking. the House with such amendments as may have been adopted, Harvey B. Lynch, Lincoln. and the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and amendments thereto to final passage without interve!l1ng John E. Craig, Mansfield. motion, except one motion to recommit, with or without instruc Fred J. Jacobi, Jr., Martinsburg. tions. William Arthur Girdner, Mercer. COMMITTEE ON UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES Leslie c. Sheckelsworth, Meta. Mr. KRAMER. Mr. Speaker, the Committee on Un Elsie L. Eskridge, Platte City. American Activities filed its report this morning. I offer a Charles F. Heathman, Smithville. resolution, which I send to the desk, and I ask unanimous Meredith B. Lanes, Sullivan. consent for its immediate consideration. John J. Henderson, Valley Park. The Clerk read as follows: Brook Miller, Weston. Resolved, That the special committee to investigate un-Amerl NEBRASKA can activities and other communistic propaganda is authorized to William E. Goodhard, Elkhorn. continue the investigation begun under authority of House Reso lution 198 of the Seventy-third Congress and continue the sa1d Fred L. Orr, Lyons. House Resolution 198 and report to the House as soon as prac Irene E. Hines, St. Columbans. ticable, but not later than January 3, 1937, the results of its fur NORTH CAROLINA ther investigation. Any unexpended balance of the total amount authorized for the use of said special committee under House George Carroll Sales, Fletcher. Resolution 199 of the Seventy-third Congress is hereby continued Wayne A. Mitchell, Kinston. available until said date, and such further amount as may here after be authorized. SOUTH CAROLINA The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Eugene B. Mack, Elloree. gentleman from California [Mr. KRAMER]? William M. Thornton, Enoree. Mr. PATMAN. Reserving the right to object, I wish to Capers N. Jones, Langley. direct a parliamentar'y inquiry to the Speaker. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. PATMAN. If the resolution is considered, will we have an opportunity to discuss it or ask questions of the FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1935 author of it, except by unanimous consent? The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. BLANTON. If he chooses to move the previous ques Rev. Dr. John Compton Ball, pastor of the Metropolitan tion, you would not have any opportunity to ask questions. Baptist Church, Washington, D. C., offered the following The SPEAKER. If the House gives consent for considera prayer: tion of the resolution, the gentleman from California [Mr. KRAMER] will have 1 hour. Of course, as the gentleman from Almighty God, eternal in the heavens and on earth; the Texas [Mr. BLANTON] said, the gentleman from California same yesterday, today, and forever. What a joy it is to know may move the previous question at any time within that that we may come to Thee with all our problems and per hour. plexities, our defeats and victories, and realize that like as Mr. PATMAN. I should like to have an understanding a father pities and helps his children, so Thou, our Heavenly with the gentleman that I have 20 minutes in which to ask Father, dost manifest vital interest in every detail of our him questions about this particular report. lives. This morning we bow before Thee in adoration and Mr. BLANTON. Well, reserving the right to object, I want worship, acknowledging Thy goodness and mercy, and plead to ask some questions now. ing- that the shortcomings of our yesterdays may be met by Mr. KRAMER. Very well. I will answer any question the long goings of Thy love that there may be no break the gentleman may desire. between our souls and Thyself. Give us of Thy divine wis- Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, regular ·order. 2030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 15 Mr. BLANTON. Well, then, I object. If we cannot have to capitalize and use to the party's interest this honest man•s some understanding about this matter, I object. reputation. The SPEAKER. Objection is heard. The people of Pittsburgh will not stand for their Govern .. PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE ment being but the plaything for a political organization. Mr. GUYER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that The Democratic Party is in jeopardy and the leaders cannot after the special orde1· for today I be allowed to proceed for do this even on the coat tails of such a beloved President of 10 minutes, or such part of that time as I choose. the United States as we have now. I do not believe, Mr. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Speaker, nor can I convince myself, that it is the Democratic gentleman from Kansas? State chairman who in his heart desires this obnoxious Mr. TAYLOR of Colorado. Reserving the right to object, litigation. I believe he is a subject of the lash of the press, upon what subject? and fears that in future campaigns, unless he complies with Mr. GUYER. I have been requested to speak upon the the press's wishes, he will not have the aid of the press. birthday of Susan B. Anthony. Mr. Speaker, the press has arisen in the city of Pittsburgh The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the as a new political boss and tyrant, a hidden dictator, who for gentleman from Kansas? the last 15 years has made it a point to crush every man in There was no objection. political office unless that officeholder bows to the withering The SPEAKER. Under the previous order of the House, of their editorials. It was the same Pittsburgh press that forced the present State chairman to take off the suc the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. MORITZ] is recognized for 10 minutes. cessful Democratic candidate for council and make room for Mr. MORITZ. Ml._ Speaker, I appreciate the time given the coldest reactionary Republican, who was also counsel for to me to address this House. I rise in protest against the the traction board. obnoxious practice of ripping a man elected by the people What is the traction boai·d? It is a board composed of five out of office by a legislative act, particularly so when the members. The chairman receives $12,000 a year and the members of the legislature for the most part are not even others $5,000. For doing what? For drawing their breath voters in the district wherein the executive resides. and nothing else. There is supposed to be an arbitration This, Mr. Speaker, is the present crisis in the legislature between the city of Pittsburgh and the street-car company. convened in Harrisburg. In all seriousness, it is most un But they do nothing. This man who was made councilman democratic, and the consequences of this act will have its was counsel for that traction board. adverse effect in Pennsylvania, which is truly the Keystone It was this act that caused the city council to be without a State of the Union, and is now the Keystone State for the· Democratic majority and so tie the hands of the Democratic Democratic Party.