Between Texts and Cities Writing Visual Culture #6 Writing Visual Culture Volume 6 Between Texts and Cities Dr Daniel Marques Sampaio and Michael Heilgemeir Series Editor: Dr Grace Lees-Maffei,
[email protected] Published by: The School of Creative Arts, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL10 9AB Available online: tvad-theorising-visual-art-and-design/writing-visual-culture Referees for Volume 6: Dr Daniel Marques-Sampaio from the School of Creative Arts Michael Heilgemeir from the School of Creative Arts Dr Susan Parham, Head of Urbanism, Centre for Sustainable Communities, University of Hertfordshire Design & Photography (this edition): Michael Heilgemeir Studio The papers in this publication may be cited or briefly quoted in line with the usual academic conventions. The papers in this publication must not be published elsewhere (e.g. to mailing lists, bulletin boards etc.) without the authors’ explicit permission. Please note that if you copy this paper you must: include this copyright note; not use the paper for commercial purposes or gain in any way; you should observe the conventions of academic citation in a version of the following form: Surname, Name (2015) “Paper Title”. In: Between Texts and Cities (ed. Marques Sampaio, D., and Heilgemeir, M.). Writing Visual Culture (6), 2015: (pages). From: research-areas/art-design/tvad-theorising-visual-art-and-design/writing-visual-culture/ volume-6. ISSN: 2049-7180. Accessed: (date). all images unless otherwise stated ©2015 Michael Heilgemeir ISSN: 2049-7180 BETWEEN TEXTS AND CITIES Writing Visual Culture, Vol.