Expanding Jack Kerouac's “America”: Canadian
Expanding Jack Kerouac’s “America” 31 Expanding Jack Kerouac’s “America”: Canadian Revisions of On the Road Karen E. H. Skinazi Figure 1: Commemorative stamp of Champlain’s historic voyage of 1606, issued jointly by Canada Post and the United States Postal Service in 2006. Canada Post Commemorative Stamp © Canada Post 2006. Reprinted with permission. In our history, America began with a French look, briefly but gloriously given it by Champlain, Jolliet, La Salle, La Vérendrye. (René Lévesque, An Option for Québec, 1968, 14) ‘Come into my house,’ Jack said to me when I read Doctor Sax; ‘we have so few visitors from Up There.’ —(I’ll teach you and teaching you will teach me)— (Victor-Lévy Beaulieu, Jack Kerouac: A Chicken Essay, 1972, 31) 0026-3079/2010/5103/4-031$2.50/0 American Studies, 51:3/4 (Fall/Winter 2010): 31-59 31 32 Karen E. H. Skinazi I. Introduction Fans of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road are offered a facile lesson in American history. Readers race alongside Sal Paradise as he sweeps across the land, paus- ing to exult in the vastness of what he calls “the great raw bulge and bulk of my American continent” (Kerouac, Road, 79). And as they cover “the whole mad thing, the ragged promised land” with Sal, they encounter cowboys and vagrants, students of Nietzsche and Mexican migrants, ranchers, coal-truck drivers, mothers and fathers, drug addicts, poets, con men, jazz musicians—all the people of his “American continent” across its varied, incredible landscape (Kerouac, Road, 83). Is this “American continent,” however, confined to the United States of America? At first glance, the answer must be yes: The book begins with Sal Paradise “reading books about the pioneers” and poring over maps of the United States (Kerouac, Road, 10).
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