Rapid Marine Environmental Impact Assessment (RMEIA) studies off Pydibhimavaram DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTED NIO/SP-13 /2019 (SSP-3235) Rapid Marine Environmental Impact Assessment (RMEIA) studies off Pydibhimavaram Sponsored by Aurobindo Pharma Ltd Pydibhimavarm January, 2019 सीएसआईआर – राष्ट्रीयसमुद्रविज्ञानसंस्थान CSIR-NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY (िैज्ञाननकतथाऔ饍योगिकअनुसंधानपररषद) (COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH) दोना पािला, िोिा भारत / DONA PAULA, GOA - 403004 India फ़ोन/Tel : 91(0)832-2450450/ 2450327 फै啍स /Fax: 91(0)832-2450602 इ-मेल/e-mail :
[email protected] http:// www.nio.org All rights reserved. This report, or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the Director, NIO. Rapid Marine Environmental Impact Assessment (RMEIA) studies off Pydibhimavaram DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTED Rapid Marine Environmental Impact Assessment (RMEIA) studies off Pydibhimavaram SPONSORED BY Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. Pydibhimavaram NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research) Regional Centre, Visakhapatnam – 530 017 January, 2019 All rights reserved. This report, or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the Director, NIO. Rapid Marine Environmental Impact Assessment (RMEIA) studies off Pydibhimavaram Foreword M/s Aurobindo Pharma Limited was commenced operations in 1988-89 with a single unit manufacturing Semi-Synthetic Penicillin (SSP) at Pondicherry. It became a public company in 1992 and listed its shares in the Indian stock exchange in 1995. In addition to being the market leader in Semi-Synthetic Penicillins, it has a presence in key therapeutic segments such as neurosciences, cardiovascular, anti-retrovirals, anti-diabetics, gastroenterology and cephalosporins, among others.