NEWSLETTER Train Traffic Situation in Europe

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NEWSLETTER Train Traffic Situation in Europe NEWSLETTER Monday, 14 September 15 Train Traffic situation in Europe Refugees travelling to and within Europe Dear Sales Agents, dear Distributors, Due to the large number of refugees travelling to and within Europe some train routes are under pressure, and/or some railway stations have limited accessibility. In this Newsletter we are sharing with you the information that we received. 1. Austria-Hungary ÖBB and MAV informed us that ÖBB temporarily suspended the railway traffic towards Hungary via Hegyeshalom station due to large number of refugees travelling. MÁV-START Co. runs the trains as published in the timetable on the domestic section, and replaces these with own rolling stock until Hegyeshalom. Due to these measures delays may occur on the Budapest-Győr-Hegyeshalom railway line. On the Austrian territory replacement buses are available between Bruck an der Leitha and Zurndorf (Nickelsdorf and Heqyeshalom stations are not reached). Additional information from MAV-START - The EuroNight train nr. 462 ’Kálmán Imre’ to München Hbf., and the EuroNight train nr. 466 ’Wiener Walzer’ to Zürich HB will depart on the 14th September evening from Vienna (from Wien Hauptbahnhof according to timetable, at 23:38) due to the suspension of passenger traffic at Hegyeshalom border. - The Keleti Railway Station is accessible and all entrances can be used -It’s recommended to advise your customers to calculate more time before departure of their train and also for changing connections. -For Pass holders, in case a reservation or any kind of assistance is needed, please advise them use to the Business Lounge of MÁV-START services - at platform 9 - open from 6 am. to 9 pm. every day. The Business Lounge works as a Eurail Aid Office, with cashier and provides some services as coffee, refreshments, snacks. 2. Germany – Denmark The trains are running again between Denmark and Germany. 3. Trains via Greece and border Idomeni / Gevgelija TRAINOSE informed us that due to problems at the border point between Greece and Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (Idomeni / Gevgelija) the direct train connection Beograd – Thessaloniki and v.v. is interrupted until further notice. For this reason passenger are 1 transferred by bus by TRAINOSE. This is applicable for the trains 334/335 HELLAS in both directions between Gevgelija and Thessaloniki. Kind regards, Eurail Group 2 .

—— Preview end. ——

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