Siswanto Center for Political Studies, The Indonesian Institute of Sciences, E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Fundamentally, Irian Barat (Papua) dispute between The Netherlands – was a territorial conflict or an overlapping claim. The Netherlands as the former colonialist did not want to leave Irian Barat (Papua) or remained still in the region, meanwhile Indonesia as the former colony denied the Netherlands status quo policy in Irian Barat (Papua). Potential dispute of the Irian Barat (Papua) was begun in the Round Table Conference (RTC) 1949. There was a point of agreement in RTC which regulates status quo on Irian Barat (Papua) and it was approved by Head of Indonesia Delegation, and Van Maarseven, Head of the Netherlands Delegation. As a mandate of the RTC in 1950s there was a diplomacy on Irian Barat (Papua) in Jakarta and Den Haag. Upon the diplomacy, there were two negotiations held by diplomats of both countries, yet it never reached a result. As a consequence, in 1954 Indonesia Government decided to stop the negotiation and searched for other ways as a solution for the dispute. At the present time, Jakarta-Papua relationship is relatively better and it is based on a special autonomy, which gives great authority to the Local Government of Papua. Keywords: the Netherlands, Indonesia, status quo, Irian Barat (Papua), diplomacy

Abstrak Pada dasarnya perselisihan Irian Barat (Papua) antara Belanda –Indonesia adalah konflik teritorial atau tumpang tindih klaim. Belanda sebagai mantan penjajah tidak ingin meninggalkan Irian Barat (Papua) atau masih ingin menduduki kawasan itu, di sisi lain Indonesia sebagai bekas bangsa terjajah menolak kebijakan status quo Belanda di Irian Barat (Papua). Potensi perselisihan Irian Barat (Papua) dimulai pada Konferensi Meja Bundar (RTC) 1949. Ada kesepakatan dalam RTC yang mengatur status quo di Irian Barat (Papua) dan itu disetujui oleh Kepala Delegasi Indonesia, Mohammad Hatta dan dan Van Maarseven, Kepala Delegasi Belanda. Sebagai mandat RTC pada 1950-an ada diplomasi untuk Irian Barat (Papua) di Jakarta dan Den Haag. Negosiasi dua kali dilaku- kan oleh diplomat kedua negara, tetapi tidak pernah mendapatkan hasil sama sekali. Akhirnya pada tahun 1954 keputusan Pemerintah Indonesia menghentikan negosiasi dan mencari cara lain dalam menyelesaikan sengketa tersebut. Hubungan Pemerintah Pusat dengan Papua sekarang relatif lebih baik dan didasarkan otonomi khusus yang memberikan kewenangan besar kepada Pemerintah daerah Papua. Kata kunci: Belanda, Indonesia, status quo, Irian Barat (Papua), diplomasi 30 SISWANTO | FAILURE OF BILATERAL DIPLOMACY ON IRIAN BARAT ...

INTRODUCTION The Netherlands ‘s status quo policy is based on an argumentation that they did In the Post World War II period, decolonization not leave Papua following the Round Table or anti-colonialism was a great issue. This issue Conference in 1949 because they prepared com- is a manifestation of the common interest munities in the region to lead its independence. of countries in Asia and Africa. Number of Whereas, the Netherlands policy was strongly nations in the regions remained to be under opposed by Indonesia, which argued that the colonialism. Even today, there are certain areas entire territory of Indonesia’s independence which have not yet fully gain independence. was all of the former the Netherlands colonies Therefore, decolonization has been struggling (Dutch East Indies) including Irian Barat for centuries, even though, today, it has not (Papua). Based on this position, both of them yet succeeded completely. There are people had principal differences on Irian Barat (Papua) movement and militia who are continuously dispute. fighting for an independence. For instance, people who live in Palestine, Tibet, Kashmir, and Cyprus have not yet had clear political DECOLONIALIZATION status or full independence. In other words, Wave of decolonization issue urged the half of its sovereignty remains to be controlled Netherlands to recognize the independence of by foreign power (colonialism). Hence it is the Indonesia. On January 23, 1949, in New Delhi, responsibility of the international community India, Organized Conference of Asian Countries who cares for a solidarity as universal value were attended by 19 countries. The Conference such as independence, liberty, equality rights, declared their aspirations, as follows: “1. Leaders freedom, and well-being. of the Republic of Indonesia who became the The decolonization issues had affected Netherlands prisoner to be freed, and 2. The Indonesia-the Netherlands relationship. Thus, Netherlands troops should pull out of Yogya- the issue of decolonization was seen indirectly karta. “ (Panitia, 170,1982). An Asian solidarity as a pressure on the Netherlands colonial policy supported to the Indonesian effort against the in Indonesia. The pressure was in line with Netherlands colonialism. the national interests of Indonesia. The issue Furthermore, international community urged execution in Round Table Conference in supported the effort of Indonesia through the 1949. Knowing that the Conference regulated United Nations. UN Security Council on Janu- transferred sovereignty from the Netherlands ary 28, 1949 stipulated that; “(1) Cessation of the to Indonesia and Irian Barat (Papua) political Netherlands military operations, (2) the leaders status, which would negotiate one year follow- of the Republic of Indonesia must be returned ing the RTC. to Yogyakarta, (3). We should recognition over Alas, there were different perception sovereignty of the United States of Indonesia.” in negotiating Irian Barat (Papua) political (Tim, 1990). Based on this fact, it was also con- status between Indonesia-Netherlands. It was sidered as another support of the international the main obstacle on the Irian Barat (Papua) community for Indonesia since the Netherlands negotiation. Netherland’s political position had a will to re-occupy Indonesia’s territory, is based on status quo policy, on the other mainly in West and Central java. hand, Indonesia’s political position is based on The Conference of Asian Countries and the nationalism in looking at the existence of Irian UN Security Council gave A political pressure Barat (Papua). The difference between them on the Netherlands colonial policy in Indonesia. led to an overlapping claim on the territory. The pressure from the international community Throughout the negotiation, the difference was seen as a part of wave of decolonization, perception remained as an unsolved problem. which spread globally after World War II. The Ultimately, the negotiation on the Irian Barat Netherlands policy upon re-colonized Indonesia (Papua) dispute failed to find a solution. after World War II was a contrast action to the spirit of decolonization, thus it received great JISSH VOLUME 8, ISSUE 1, 2019 (29–40) 31 challenges from the international community. a. The fact that the agreement between The Netherlands colonial policy was criticized each party’s stance on the Papua yet to by the international community, meanwhile be achieved, so that the matter is still the the effort of Indonesia gained support from the subject of dispute; international community. b. Necessity Round Table Conference closed The international community supported successfully on 2 November 1949. the effort of Indonesia which was geared c. Important factors to remember which must towards the convening of the Round Table Con- be considered in the solution of the problem ference (RTC) in Den Haag, the Netherlands, on of Papua it; August 23 to 2 November 1949 (kemlu, n.d.) RTC d. Limited times to identify which may be held 1949 agreed upon two (2) important decisions, and resolved regarding which is concerned namely: 1) The transfer of sovereignty of the with the problem of Papua; Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic Indonesia 2) The political status of Papua is e. Hard to given the task of which will be faced the status quo and negotiated between the with the duty of promptly by the Union, and Netherlands and Indonesia a year after the RTC f. Because of determination factions which (Siswanto, 86, 2014). concerned shall maintain the principle At that time, Indonesia independence in order to all disputes which may later in 1945 had not been recognized by the turned out, resolved by means of proper and Netherlands, consequently many countries did harmonious, then the status quo residency not recognize Indonesia as a country. Meaning Papua (New Guinea) remain valid deter- that the independence of Indonesian had not mined, that within one year after the date of been perfect yet, as in international order there the transfer of sovereignty the United States are ethics, morale, and convention, or informal of Indonesia-state position Papua problem regulations relating to the independence will be resolved by means of negotiations of state. In this very case, the Netherlands’ between the Republic of Indonesia and the recognition was an utmost importance matter Kingdom of the Netherlands (Kemlu,1971). for Indonesia in international relations or intercommunication among nations. When STATUS QUO decolonization issue got the attention of the The Netherlands was in need of claiming a terri- international community, it was considered tory in Irian Barat (Papua) since it has a strategic as a good opportunity for Indonesia to achieve value. It was not a surprise as the Netherlands a recognition from the Netherlands. Eventu- maintained the region through an agreement ally, Indonesia as an independent state was in RTC 1949 implicitly. Several parties in the recognized post RTC in 1949 and the effort of Netherlands argued that Irian Barat (Papua) Indonesia against Colonialism could be done was the last pillar that must be maintained. This successfully. view encouraged the Netherlands delegation However, a year following RTC in 1949, it in RTC 1949 to retain Papua. The Netherlands raised a problem on the relation with the politi- stance towards the Irian Barat was contained in cal status of Irian Barat (Papua). In previous time the minutes of the meeting session of Council the problems were tried to be muted in order of Ministers of the Netherlands on June 7, 1949, to secure the RTC in 1949, the Netherlands and as follows: Indonesia ultimately reached an agreement on This is Status of New Guinea. the political status of Irian Barat (Papua). This Minister (Opposite the ocean) van Maarseveen agreement was delaying the completion of the ask (Prime Minister) Dr. Beel about his opinion Irian Barat (Papua) dispute or left the position on the future status “of Papua.” In the opinion of Papua in the status quo. This dispute would of the speaker (van Maarseveen) Indonesia be discussed later. Quote Article 2, RTC 1949 does not have a legal right to this territory. In addition, the possibility for the expansion Agreement on the Papua, as follows: will be better off under the leadership of 32 SISWANTO | FAILURE OF BILATERAL DIPLOMACY ON IRIAN BARAT ...

the Indonesian Netherlands. Next will be With my respects to his Excellency proclaim at important, if the Netherlands could have Noble that the Delegations to the Conference -a- pied a territory in the Far East in order have agreed as follows. to accommodate families in the Netherlands Sentence of article 2 of the draft Charter Environmental. Also for PKM (Dutch Shipping Delivery of Sovereignty which reads: “status Company) is important al in order to have quo residency Irian (New-Guinea) remain valid the ports in the “Papua.” For the purposes of means: “the continuing power of the Govern- emigration, “Papua” could be considered as a ment of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on partial way out to solve the population problem residency Irian (New-Guinea).” the Netherlands ... (Suwarno, 1999) “I hope as good as His Majesty proclaimed to The Netherlands fancied to be the master me, whether Excellency that His Majesty may in Irian Barat, consequently the Netherlands did approve the above. (Natanegara, 1986) not want to leave the Papua. If we refer to the This letter was replied by Mohammad previous documents, the Netherlands had an Hatta on the very same day and date. The interest to make Irian Barat as its colony. This content of the reply was Hatta approved the related to the population, the Netherlands had request. Papua remained to be under the an urge to make Irian Barat as shelters of their Netherlands rule. Papua was excluded from most population. The Netherlands is a small the areas handed over from the Netherlands to territory country, which has problems with land Indonesia in the RTC, 1949, as follows: for a place to stay. In addition, the Netherlands With respect to the majesty of our proclaim citizens which were living in Indonesia Union at Noble Excellency that His Majesty letter required a new shelter because of a change in has been received; Please be informed that the political status of the Netherlands East the Delegations of the Republic of Indonesia Indies. Another consideration related to the and the Federal Consultative Meeting for the Round Table Conference noted that the economic aspect, the Netherlands desired to Delegations to the Conference have agreed have a port in Irian Barat for ships, especially as follows: merchant vessel. Thus, the Netherlands ships Sentence of article 2 of the draft charter can maintain the transportation path from Delivery of Sovereignty which reads; Residency to Asia and vice versa since it has a status quo Papua (New-Guinea) remains in seaport in the region. It gave economic benefits effect means:’ with the continuing power to the Netherlands. Moreover, the Netherlands of the Government of the Kingdom of the can take advantage of Irian Barat as a military Netherlands on residency Papua (New-Guinea) (Natanegara, 1986) base. At least, three points of advantages can be achieved by the Netherlands namely economic, demography, and military. REALISTIC DECISION The RTC agreement in 1949 postponed the The stance of the Indonesian delegation was political status of Irian Barat. It was the starting to approve the request of the Netherlands point of the between Indonesia delegation. Prior to replying to his letter, and the Netherlands. The status quo on Irian Hatta discussed with members of Indonesian Barat was a part of the RTC agreement. The delegation. However, Hatta as the Head of the delegations of Indonesia and the Netherlands Indonesian delegation had a strong influence in made correspondence to discuss Irian Barat response to the letter. Hatta was responsible to political status. On November 2, 1949 J.H. Van the Agreement RTC article 2, 1949. With the ap- Maarseven, Head of the Netherlands Delega- proval Maarseveen letter, Papua as an excluded tion sent a letter to Mohammad Hatta, Head territory was submitted to the Indonesia in of Indonesia Delegation who requested that RTC 1949. Papua position was in status quo or not to be In this case, Indonesia was more concerned included in the hand over from the Netherlands to achieve success of the RTC in 1949 than to Indonesia, as follows: the Netherlands. The essence of the RTC in 1949 was the transfer of sovereignty from the JISSH VOLUME 8, ISSUE 1, 2019 (29–40) 33

Netherlands East Indies to Indonesia. Should produce solely for the interests, it was a pity the RTC in 1949 failed, the Netherlands if they left Indonesia for granted without any would not be a problem. Notwithstanding, for remuneration. Thus, the attitude of the Neth- Indonesia, if RTC in 1949 failed, they would erlands retaining Papua to master was to gain lose the opportunity to obtain recognition of practical advantages. Netherlands responded sovereignty from the Netherlands. Recognition on urging the international community, yet of sovereignty was important for Indonesia remained to get a real advantage. despite being declared independence in 1945. In diplomacy perspective, the Netherlands The recognition of sovereignty was one of the did not want RTC 1949 to be seen as the Neth- characteristics of a country’s existence. As previ- erlands defeat of Indonesia. The Netherlands ously been described, the Netherlands was also wanted to occupy parts of Indonesia, even willing to organize the RTC in 1949 because of for a while. Although Indonesia had gained the pressure from the international community. support of the international community, the RTC held in 1949 was not a sincere intention of Netherlands did not want to merely waving the government of the Netherlands. Therefore, white flag and restored the entire region once for the Netherlands, Round Table Conference controlled. The Netherlands struggled and (RTC) 1949 may well be a successful attempt and defended it from the other side. In this case, or a flop. For the Netherlands, RTC was merely the country was not at ease to get hand over to show to the world that they were trying to from the Netherlands East Indies as a whole hand over the sovereignty of Indonesia. to Indonesia. This submission related to the Based on the previous idea, the Indonesian authority of the Netherlands as a force that delegation eventually was in realistic mind in had already occupied Indonesia for a long time. RTC 1949. The Indonesian delegation approved Thus, the delay delivery of Irian Barat (Papua) the status quo Netherlands over Irian Barat was a counterweight to save their prestige. (Papua) although it was painful. Indonesia, as they expected that the handover of sovereignty PSEUDO DIPLOMACY throughout the former of the Netherlands colony was without exception. Hence, Irian The Netherlands and Indonesian tried to solve Barat (Papua) should not be an exception by the Irian Barat (Papua) dispute through negotia- the Netherlands. However, if Indonesia insisted tion. Since 1950 negotiations on the political on this, a greater interest could be jeopardized. status of Papua had been done, however the two Transfer of sovereignty could fail because of a sides did not reach an agreement. Ultimately, deadlock. Indonesia weighed greater interest, bilateral diplomacy strategy as mandated by the thus there was no other way but to accept the RTC in 1949 failed in solving Irian Barat (Papua) formula as set forth in 1949. RTC Netherlands between the two countries. transferred sovereignty to the Indonesia Union, In March 1950, the Netherlands delegation yet Irian Barat (Papua) remained in the status visited Indonesia. Their arrival was to attend the quo until there was a further result of negotia- Conference of Ministers of Netherlands-Indo- tion between the Netherlands and Indonesia. nesian Union. One issue of this meeting was the In opportunism perspective, the RTC 1949 political status of Papua. RTC mandate in 1949 was manipulated by the Netherlands to obtain stated that the political status of Papua would be real benefits. The Netherlands seemed set Irian negotiated one year following the Conference. Barat (Papua) as the price to be paid by Indonesia During the meeting, the Netherlands and for the hand over of sovereignty. For the Nether- Indonesia did not reach an agreement on Irian lands the transfer of sovereignty should not pass Barat (Papua). The Netherlands delegation had without giving a real advantage. Moreover, the an opinion that the Papua was excluded from Netherlands had been accustomed to enjoying those to be submitted to the Indonesia Union at the benefits as an occupier in Indonesia. The the time of the RTC in 1949, while for Indonesia, Netherlands had a regular dredge in Indonesia political status of Irian Barat (Papua) remained unfinished. Thus, Indonesia expected that Irian 34 SISWANTO | FAILURE OF BILATERAL DIPLOMACY ON IRIAN BARAT ...

Barat (Papua) should be negotiated, and then to the Netherlands is earlier or mixed handed over to Indonesia. enterprises; At first, Mohammad Hatta was optimists 6) Guarantees for freedom of religion and that Indonesia could return Irian Barat (Papua). assistance to the humanitarian work It was based on a conversation by letter with Van of religious missions by the Indonesian Maarseveen in RTC 1949, Minister for Overseas Government; Netherlands, which guaranteed the Netherlands 7) Effort to be made to operate and a fully would hand over Irian Barat (Papua) to Indo- Democratic government in Papua with nesia. On the contrary, the various political a representative body to be established forces in Indonesia were pessimistic that the as soon as possible with the population Netherlands returned Irian Barat (Papua) to possessing full autonomy and a voice in Indonesia at the end of negotiations in 1950. the government; (Bone, 30,1962). At that time, Netherland promises were never This proposal was submitted by the been fulfilled. There was no indication, the Indonesian delegation including the posi- Netherlands would withdraw from Papua, they tion of Indonesia and accommodated the built infrastructure in the region instead. socio-economic interests of the Netherlands. In December 1950, there was a negotiation Referring the Netherlands cabinet meeting on between the Netherlands –Indonesian. The June 7, 1949, the Netherlands various interests delegations of the countries would negotiate were accommodated. In fact, the conces- on Irian Barat (Papua) dispute. The negotiation sions granted by Indonesia in excess of the was held in The Hague, Netherlands. The Indo- Netherlands at the cabinet met expectations. nesian delegation was led by Foreign Minister, It was, among others, the Netherlands was Mr. Mohammad Rum, while the Netherlands given the opportunity to perform religious delegation was led by Mr. Van Maarseveen. At activities or activities of missionaries in Irian the negotiation the Indonesian delegation put Barat (Papua). The Netherlands society was forward a proposal, as follows: allowed to become administrative personnel in 1) Recognition of the existing economic the region nevertheless. Thus, the Indonesian and financial the Netherlands rights and delegation tried to forge a compromise with concessions plus special consideration the Netherlands. in connection with new investments Referring to the proposal, the Netherland and concessions and in the develop- should turn over their political power in Irian ment and exploitation of soil and forest Barat (Papua) to Indonesia. Should the Neth- resources; preferential treatment for the erlands had the economic assets and certain Netherlands interests in such areas as rights for citizens in Papua, all these rights must trade, shipping and industry; be regulated by the Government of Indonesia. 2) The Netherlands men to be eligible for Residents stayed must implement policies employment administrative; which had been formulated by the Government 3) Pension’s for the Netherlands officials of Indonesia. Should the Netherlands involved to be guaranteed by the Indonesian in formulating policy, it could be done as far Government, as in the case of the Round as the policy was in line with the provisions Table Conference Agreements; outlined by the Government of Indonesia. Thus, 4) Immigration of the Netherlands nationals the Netherlands had a big concession, yet lost to Irian to be permitted and due attention their political authority in Papua. Indonesia’s paid to supplying the manpower needs proposal was rejected and the counter proposal of West; was submitted by the Netherlands, as follows: 5) Incorporation of Papua into the Indone- 1) The sovereignty of Papua should be trans- sian communications system but with ferred to the Netherlands-Indonesian due attention to the concessions granted Union, with the stipulation that the de facto control over that territory and JISSH VOLUME 8, ISSUE 1, 2019 (29–40) 35

administration would remain in the it was proven wrong. Conversely, pessimism Netherlands hands; majority of political forces, to the Netherlands 2) The negotiations should be continued -Indonesian negotiation over Irian Barat was under the auspices of the still extant proven right due the Netherlands remained United Nations Commission for Indo- evasive to hand over the territory. nesia or any other organ could render Furthermore, on January 26, 1954 Sunario, any service to the make that possible Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia sent a negotiation. letter to the Prime Minister, Sastroamidjojo, 3) since the future of the area had not concerning the relationship between Indonesia been decided by negotiation within the and the Netherlands. This letter contains some year’s period stipulated in article 2 of the matters which are summarized as follows: Charter of the Transfer of Sovereignty, 1) Agreement RTC in 1949 is a bridge to gain the Netherlands sovereignty and the full sovereignty of Indonesia. status should be maintained. (Bone, 2) Agreements RTC should not give special 31,1962). status to the Netherlands. The Netherlands through the proposal 3) Netherlands-Indonesian Union and the declared that the country did not want to RTC in 1949 hurt Indonesia therefore lose power in Papua. By political power should be disbanded. over the Netherlands-Indonesian Union, 4) The relationship between Indonesia and the Netherlands had the economic rights the Netherlands plagued by two prob- and social without having to request it from lems, namely; Netherlands-Indonesian Indonesia. The Netherlands expected to Union matter, and the matter of Papua. control the administration of Papua, despite the transfer of sovereignty implemented the 5) In the negotiations with the Netherlands Netherlands-Indonesian Union. Referring to should stand on principle: a.) Indonesian paragraph 2 of the Charter of the RTC 1949, the Union dissolved unconditionally, then position of Papua will be forever in the status after that the RTC 1949 also uncondition- quo, except the Netherlands handed it over ally disbanded and replaced with equal to Indonesia through negotiation. In fact, the international relations. b). If the prin- Netherlands avoided negotiations were they ciples were rejected by the Netherlands invited to negotiate the substance handover of Indonesian side can unilaterally dissolve the territory to Indonesia. If the Netherlands the RTC 1949. c). Papua will be fought at did not submit it, Indonesia would not receive international forums inside and outside forever Papua through negotiation. the UN. Referring to item-1 proposal to the Neth- 6) Negotiations this time should be carried erlands, the transfer of sovereignty to offer the out by authorized officers by the Indone- Netherlands Irian Barat (Papua) was essentially sian government and the Netherlands. false. Papua transfer of sovereignty would not (Yamin, 1954) happen without the transfer of political power Sunario looked the Netherlands -Indone- and administration. If the logic of the Nether- sian relations had been unprofitable Indonesia. lands proposal was followed, Irian Barat (Papua) He proposed to the Prime Minister in order to would be handed over to the Indonesian-Dutch set up a meeting to discuss official future of Union, not to Indonesia. Hence, submitting the relationship. Sunario suggested that the Irian Barat (Papua) to Indonesia principally did Netherlands-Indonesian Union and the RTC not exist. 1949 revisited. Both considered it inhibits the The Indonesian delegation rejected the Netherlands -Indonesian relations. Moreover, proposal the Netherlands and negotiation the Netherlands could not be expected in stalled. Bung Hatta was optimistic that the a matter of dispute resolution Irian Barat Netherlands would hand over Irian Barat yet (Papua) therefore Indonesia needed a new 36 SISWANTO | FAILURE OF BILATERAL DIPLOMACY ON IRIAN BARAT ...

strategy for resolving dispute Papua. Indonesia the Netherlands further strengthens its status needed to take advantage of the support of the quo policy over Irian Barat. On the other hand, international community. Indonesia’s effort for Papua gained more burden Sunario had an important recommenda- because of the consolidation of the status quo tion to the Prime Minister for the development policy. of the Netherlands -Indonesian relations. Regarding unilateral action, the Nether- These inputs were as a reference in addressing lands entering into the territory of Irian Barat relationship Indonesia - the Netherlands. In (Papua) across the ocean deemed to violate the this regard, Indonesia suggested to lead equal rules. Netherlands violated paragraph 2, 1949. international relations between the Nether- RTC Charter stipulated that the political status lands and Indonesia. It was as commonly done of Papua would be negotiated by the Nether- globally. Thus, Sunario had made a strategic step lands and Indonesia. The Netherlands actions in the right and in response to the Netherlands incorporating Irian Barat into its overseas -Indonesian relations. territory was deemed contrary to the spirit of Sunario letter as Minister of Foreign the Charter of 1949. RTC Netherlands violated Affairs and Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee the agreement in 1949 that was witnessed by Netherlands-Indonesian Union addressed to the international community. RTC 1949 which the Prime Minister for the support the Council was attended by the United Nations and the of Ministers. Mr. A.W. Soerjoadingrat, Secretary United States. The Netherlands unilateral of the Council of Ministers, sent a letter to action can be categorized as acts of provocation. Sunario dated February 10, 1954, No. 3361/54 These actions threatened the stability, security, concerning the Netherlands -Indonesian Union. and peace. Accordingly, the Netherlands had The letter explained that the meeting of the been showing the action of a violation of Council of Ministers in its meeting to-33 dated international law and did not care about the February 3, 1954 approved the Sunario letter presence of the international community who dated January 26, 1954. After receiving a letter witnessed the RTC 1949. from Sunario seemed that the Prime Minister Furthermore, Chargé Indonesia in The discussed the letter in a cabinet meeting or Hague sent a memorandum to the Minister the Council of Ministers and its provisions of Foreign Affairs, Sunario. The memorandum supporting the ideas Sunario Union upon dated March 24, 1954, that some of the contents Indonesia-Netherlands and the RTC 1949. were summarized as follows: Sunario, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Commit- 1) The bilateral relationship between tee Indonesian-Dutch Union, was responsible Indonesia and the Netherlands hampered for the development of relations between In- by two things: a). Problem Netherlands- donesia and the Netherlands and the dispute Indonesian Union, and b) Case Papua. over Irian Barat (Papua). He was trusted to 2) Therefore, the obstacles that need to be formulate and give input about the future of removed in a way, namely: a. changing the relations between Indonesia and the Nether- relationship on the basis of Statute Union lands. Furthermore, he was expected to give became a regular international relations direction to the Prime Minister to address the and removing harmful agreements state. development of the Netherlands -Indonesian B). immediately seek the return of Papua. Union and the dispute over Irian barat (Papua). 3) The Government of Indonesia should This needs to be done so that the presence of propose ministerial level talks coordi- Indonesian-Dutch Union will not prejudice the nated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs position of Indonesia. and implemented no later than April 1954. On February 19, 1952 Netherlands unilater- (Soerjoadiningrat, 1954) ally assigned Irian Barat (Papua) as an overseas Chargé Indonesia in The Hague was territory. The Netherlands incorporate the looking at that matter Indonesian-Netherland region into the Constitution. This means that JISSH VOLUME 8, ISSUE 1, 2019 (29–40) 37

Union and Papua should get immediate need of multilateral diplomacy such as the United treatment by the Indonesian government. This State Organization (UNO, 56, 1954) which was a constraint improvement of bilateral rela- decision making based on majority role (the tions between Indonesia and the Netherlands. UNO Charter,1945). Moreover, Indonesia made As far as this issue was not resolved, relations special approach to amount countries in the five between Indonesia -Netherland will always states countries in Colombo, 1954, which in the face with the tension if one does not want to conference Indonesia was struggling for Irian say hostility. Indonesian government needed to Barat (Sastrasmidjojo,1974,321) take concrete steps and fast to overcome it. Rep- Furthermore, in 1960 as a climax of anger resentatives of Indonesia and the Netherlands of Indonesia to the Netherlands regarding needed to sit together to discuss their problems Irian Barat dispute was marked by the closing thus bilateral relations between Indonesia and diplomatic relations by . The closing the Netherlands would run normally. of diplomatic relations as a sign that Indonesia Indonesia decided to cancel the charter had begun to dare the Netherlands in the RTC Indonesia 1949. The action is based on military. Firstly Indonesia requested American the law No. 13 of 1956 on the cancellation of military assistance though it was unsuccessful. the relationship between Indonesia and the Consequently, they turned to the Netherlands under the agreements Round Table (Subandrio, 2001,37). Indonesia and Soviet Conference. Some important articles of the law had similar interests that was anti-colonialism. cited as follows: (Abdulgani dan Gromyko, 1956). After Indonesia Article 2 received Soviet’s assistance armaments, such as Charter of transfer of sovereignty, the transfer Mig-17, anti-tank, canon, rocket, submarine, of sovereignty, as well as the exchange of letters and destroyer, (Said, 1984,105). At that time, on the status quo of Papua hereby abolished Indonesia Air Force was the most feared in and therefore is void. South East Asia (Pohan, 2002,137) and it was Section 3 better than Australia Airborne (Bhakti,1985,4). Netherlands-Indonesian Union as intended Indonesia became more confident to confront in the Statute Union hereby abolished and the Netherlands in the military. If it cannot be therefore is void. solved politically, Indonesia would be able to Article 6 solve the militarily or through the war against the relations between the Republic of Indonesia the Netherlands. The USA saw it as a threat and the Kingdom of the Netherlands changed for stability in Asia- Pacific, hence the USA which is prevalent relationship between the built a balance of diplomacy by approaching to countries which fully sovereign, based on President Sukarno (Gardner, 199,346) in order international law (Undang-undang No.13,1956). to negotiate the dispute under the UN and the Cancellation of RTC in 1949 was also USA. Finally it could be solved by New York seen as a gesture of Indonesia to escape from Agreement 1962. the Netherlands’s trap status quo on the dispute. Paragraph 2 of the Charter of the RTC JAKARTA-PAPUA RELATIONSHIP 1949 stated that the political status of Irain TODAY Barat (Papua) was in the status quo before the Netherlands handed it over to Indonesia The statement of independence was declared through negotiations. Negotiation in March at the first Papuan People’s Congress in 1961. in Jakarta and December 1950 in Den Haag did Behind this fact was nevertheless the strategy of not work towards agreement on the delivery the Netherlands in facing the Dutch-Indonesian of Papua. Until eventually, the Netherlands in diplomacy war. At that time, the people in Papua 1954 declared no longer willing to negotiate were in fact not ready to become independent Irian Barat dispute with Indonesia. Thus, the because during the colonialism in Indonesia the effort of Papua through bilateral diplomacy Netherlands had ignored development in this was closed and needed another approach or region. The Netherlands solely focused on de- 38 SISWANTO | FAILURE OF BILATERAL DIPLOMACY ON IRIAN BARAT ...

velopment in Java. The Dutch failed to convince discussed and the results of the assembly that the international community through support majority of countries supported the referendum. for an independent Papuan state because it was It is meaning that the international community merely the Dutch strategy to maintain its power recognized Papua as part of Indonesia. in the region, but unfortunately this strategy When Indonesia entered the reformation was seriously interpreted by some Papuans. A era, freedom of speech penetrated all region number of people believe that it was true. in Indonesia. Therefore, the second Papuan The conflict between the Netherlands and People’s Congress was held in 2000. Surpris- Indonesia ended with the 1962 New York agree- ingly the Congress rejected the 1962 New York ment in which the agreement to hand over the Agreement and the 1969 referendum (Chauvil, sovereignty of West Irian (Papua) to Indonesia 2005,9). It should not happen if the central through the United Nations. The bilateral diplo- government at that time was firm. On the macy between Indonesia and the Dutch which contrary the Indonesian and the international had been going on since the 1950s had never community were not in a position to turn back succeeded. Indonesia changed its strategy by history. Therefore, the Indonesian Govern- bringing the issue of de-colonialization Papua to ment’s diplomacy strategy was consistent and the UN forum and got support to be discussed adhered to the 1962 , the there. Based on the Cold War consideration the 1969 referendum, and the decision of the United United States changed the stance to Papua from Nations General Assembly. It was the right track a neutral passive policy to become an active diplomacy. In the past, Papua’s political dispute mediation policy. between the Netherlands and Indonesia was The Independent Movement of Papua or in regulated in Article 2, the Round Table Confer- Indonesian is called Organisasi Papua Merdeka ence in The Hague in 1949, mentioned that the (OPM) was established in 1965. The movement is political status of Papua was negotiated between a struggling forum for independence. The OPM the Netherlands and Indonesia. Ultimately, it continued the idea of independence which was met a solution by the New York Agreement in declared at the first Papuan People’s Congress 1962. in 1961. Therefore, the OPM rejected the 1962 Later we have delivered a bias perspective New York Agreement because its content of that the Papuan dispute is seen by the ethnic transform of power in Papua from the Dutch to and racial identity perspective. Whereas the Indonesia through the United Nations. This was existence of a state in modern civilization is a contrary to the promise of the Netherlands to not based on identity politics as this will eas- give independence to the people of Papua. ily lead to narrow fanaticism, radicalism, and Hereafter, the self-determination in Papua in-tolerance. Countries in the era of modern was carried out in 1969. The implementation civilization are open in terms of ethnicity and was indeed not one man one vote but carried race. Therefore, ethnic and racial identity are out through a system of representation by tribal irrelevant to the foundation of a country. For leaders in Papua. In the referendum there was instance, the ethnic Malays inhabited Southeast people participation represented by its chief Asia, but not necessarily the ethnic Malays since the Papuan people at that time were established the Greater Malay state. Malay eth- seen as left behind society thus, they were not nicity is divided into several countries, namely ready to carry out direct elections system or Indonesia, , Philippines, Singapore, one man one vote look like in modern people. and Brunei Darussalam. Caucasus races on the In conducting this referendum, the majority American continent are also divided into several of the Papuan people chose to join Indonesia. countries, namely Canada, the United States This implementation was witnessed by UN and Mexico. Caucasus races in the southern representatives and the United States Party. world are also divided into Australia and New After that, the results of the referendum were Zealand. Caucasus in Europe is also divided in brought to the UN General Assembly to be many countries. The only embryo of a country JISSH VOLUME 8, ISSUE 1, 2019 (29–40) 39 that wants to stand based on politics of identity post the RTC 1949. The RTC was the caused (religion), yet it failed and was shown by Iraq and of losing its colony or Dutch East Indies Syria Islamic State (ISIS). The country’s embryo (Hindia Belanda). Although the Netherlands failed to stand because it was destroyed by the colonialism came to an end, they needed sphere United States coalition. influence in Far Eastern for its national interest In discussing about Papua, the main namely plantation, mine, over population, and perspective is politics and international law, shelter for Netherlander who lived in Indonesia. but other perspectives such as anthropology can All of these considerations encouraged the complement and help contribute to met a solu- Netherlands to take status quo policy in Irian tion nonetheless. The root of problem in Papua Barat (Papua). is political problem. By the approach we have After the OPM was dissatisfied to the a relevant and comprehensive solution. One of Indonesian Government, they continued the solutions that the problem of Papua should the effort for independence and was gaining have been completed with special autonomy sympathizers and advisors abroad. Later the which gave great authority to the people of OPM and pro-independence society have Papua. It is done and still going continuously, raised the issue of political identity based on even though it needs to be revised to be even racial differences, however it did not become better. However special autonomy is an ideal a reference in modern civilization thus it was compromise for the Government of Indonesia difficult to accept. Therefore, the best solution and the OPM. in the Papuan dispute is a compromise between the Jakarta Government and the OPM. If it CONCLUSION seems difficult to see face to face, they may ask for help from a third party as a mediator. 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