1990 June 90

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1990 June 90 .... ,~. ,"" .., • ~~ ~~.~ ~ .~; ~ • ~ .~ • v .... , SALA BANCHETTI . VILLA CARLOTTA . - .. , 'l'- ,• - I\ • 'I:• j • • , ,1 ,, i •, ,,I I {, , , 1 I .£_.,.,... I 1,, ... ,- , ! ,, Alla Villa Carlotta si mangia, J, • I sibeve e si balla" in una sala ),n pri-l)ata capacedi ospitare • 150persone. A• voi la scelta dell'occaswne dafesteggiare!! ContattareSigS. Roberts • 071, 637 .9.941 39CharlotteStreet London WlP !HA - . =======.. 2 June 90 • I • Contents - Sommario glugno• -june• The 'Massacre, •• • • • •• •• P 5, Jovani. • • ••• , • , • ••• ••• p7 Sporting F.iat , , , " • • • •• • '. •• '. p18 , Mondial 1990 , • ,, • , . ,,,, •• · p30 l. • Due'Parole , , , , • " • .' .. • p4 Pausa Poetica • , • , • '. , , · p10 Eurofocus. , • , • , , , • • p11 , " , The Hill • • , • .' • • • • p13 Cronaca della Comunita', .. .. ,. p14 ~ Tony Collini Car Rally - Assoc, Italiana Cacciatori - MessCl di Borgotaro - Filippo Del Giudice - Ltaliani nel Mondo - FAJ.E. Dall'ltalia . • , • • • • • p19 · .' ,• '. · .' " Gliazzuriporterannolacoppa mondialeperla quarta voila? • • 11vastio corrispondente pensadino•• Vedetepagina30 Tempo Ubero •• • , • , ••• p25 Arena Musicale •• , • ,, '. • •• • • p26 • , " Cinema. • •• .' , , •• '. '. • •• p27 Mamma's Ricetta , , , •• •• •• , · p38 • • .. Where to buy Backhill •• •• •. • p12 Chiesa di San Pietro , , •• , p20 • .' •• • Calendario.• ,, .' " •• .' • ••• • • p39 Noticeboard •• , • , , • •• " • , . • p40 COPYRIGHT 199D BACKHILL 136 Clerkenwell Road, London E.C,1 PnntedbyStottingPdnting Co. Ltd. 78BOllndsGroonRoad, LondonN.l1.2E(J Giugno 1990 3 -_._-. - . Due Parol'.e DonRoberto Busso • CariAmici, modo di agire per far piacere,a debbano essere fatte iI pomeriggio tutti. o in orari che non disturbano la le Due Parole che vengono dOpo normale vita domenicale, anche la Pasqua, vi vogliono parlare di un 10 proporrei di ritornare un poco solenne. qualche cosa che puo' .rinfrescare ad una semplicita' iniziale: las­ I'attivita" religiosa della Chiesa ciamo le messe ai fedeli e alia Questi pensieri possono essere Chiesa: benvenuti i Sacerdoti oggetto di discussione vostra pri· I discorsi spirituali e le nostre dall'ltalia con i loro paesi e le loro vata 0 nei vostri comitati: ma e' meditazioni. tentano non solo di parrocchie che sono qui a Londra: assolutamente necessario che ringiovanire iI nostro spirito ma benvenuti i Cori che ci cantano le siano molto, ma molto chlari e che anche .di rendere piu' profondo iI , J . " messe, manon alle 11 am. nessuno si tiri indietro nell'espri· nostro modo di onorare Dio. perche' c'e' !I nostro Coro: ben­ mere la propria opinione, altrimenti Vedete berie come la Comunita: venuti Sindaci e Autorita', che ci diventa molto difficile organizzare Italiana cambia le sue abituclini e ii possono leggere le letture della le cose. : . suo modo di.vivere. Questa Chiesa messe sEmza fare prediche: ben­ Ho scritto piu' 0 meno,le stesse , e' in 'mezzo a queSti cambiamenti venute le altre Associazioni ita­ ~ "'" '-" " cose anche ai giovani: e ho fatto con ,le messe e con le attivita' liane, quando organizzano una • _ J , loro una proposta che, natural­ spirituali. normale messa domenicale anche menta, faccio anche a voi: vale per .voi, vale per la vostra !, famlglia, per i vostri figli, per gli amici, special· mente per coloro che voglio,no partecipare , di piu' alia , vita spiri­ tuale della Chiesa. , , I ," I:a proposta • e' questa: un " .. gruppo, una • '" ., , famiglia, una' aSSOCla·,• • • .'S; Zlone, SI ,'" l puo' pre· ..' \ l,' , , n d ere I'organizza­ .... 1 = ziol)e 'spiri- tuale di Sembra pero' che alcune volte iI solenne; e' chlaro che queste qualche messa, per farla diventare modo di agire di questa Chiesa messe.appartengono alia vita della piu' viva e anche piu' seria • non sia approvato da tutti i fedeli. domenica mattutina' di questa E' difficile spiegare le cose per Cioe' alcune messe; alcune. fun".. Chiesa mezzo dr queste Due Parole, ma zioni sembra che perdano iI loro Cosi'; anche come segno di saluto chi ha un certo interesse mi chieda as~,ett~ splrituale per.diventare'l-ln e di affetto, metteremo iI "riser- pur~ le'i~orrriazioni che desidera . po troppo mon~anE!' ~on si:, pu~: vato" solo ad alcuni primi banchi: , < ',. dare,torto 0 raglone,a una parte. 0 . ,.' Saluti da D. Cai-melo e da me. • , • • all'altra Si. puo' trov¥e:P.!:lro', ~ un' :Tutte le altre messe,pensiamo che " • " , June 4 • 90 • , , The Massacre luigiPenna ," ,. ,, ,'' " , It is estimated that over 200 million birds are killed each year in Italy for no ,", ,, '. reason other than span. The Lega Italiana Protezioni Uccelli (UPU) aims to "~ change people's attitudes and actively to promote the welfare of birds in Italy. :1, 1 ,, Each spring millions of birds are It is interesting to note how impor­ tered hunters, backed by a huge r: killed in Italy. For many birds tant Italy is to the migratory birds: armaments industry and a well I crossing the Strait of Messina, to every spring millions cross from organised gun-lobby, so the hun­ mainland Italy, migration is a one­ Tunisia to Sicily, one of the shor­ ters won't be short of funds. UPU's way trip.•Around Messina poa­ test Mediterranean crossings, and resources, however, will be limited. chers firing from huts, specially one of three main gateways into As well as national campaigns, built shooting towers and even Europe. Large soaring birds, rap­ , UPU organises volunteers to try to , rooftops kill thousands of birds. In tors and storks.. favour this narrow stop the illegal slaughter each year 1989 on one day alone L1PU front in particular. of the spring migrants. Sometimes observers recorded more than The laws in Italy largely favour'the the receive help from the local .., 3,000 shots in the Messina area. hunters, 'and those designed to police or forest guards, although , , ' Favourite targets are the migrating t~e, protect birds are, poorly enforced.. last year police helicopter arri­ birds of prey; most prized of all are UPU was founded' in 1965 to ved too 'late, after the main mig­ t , the, majestic honey buzzards, the protect wild birds and their natural ration and killing had taken place. , , . , "adorn'''. Tragically, it seems, the habitat, and now has over 20,000 The volunteers, however, are quite ,; killing of an "adorno" is still regar­ members., UPU manages nature clear that,theyare in the frontlin~ ,l ded by some young men as proof reserves and undertakes research and that can ,be dangerous. ,In of their machismo. into the threats to birds and the recent y~ars the 'UPU.offiqes 'i(1 en\(irohment in Italy., It is constantly Messina have b~e(1 blow(l,up,and. In Italy the killing of migratory birds I• campaigning for stronger bird pro- a car belonging to the local'UPU is worse than any other Mediter­ \ (.- tection laws and the enforcement representative Ariria, Giordano was ranean country: in the north, birds of the EEC Bird Directive in Italy. destroyed by fire. are trapped using' snares,and, lime and there are sophistcated trap­ In 1989 UPU (UK), the Italian ping stations. Shooting'is wide­ UPU's efforts are beginning to League fqr Bird portection - UK produce results: altitudes are spread and often indiscriminate Branch was formed and comprises throughout Italy, but is particularly changing. In 1989 over 700,00 UPU members, "Friends of L1PU", heavy in the south. Estimates of people supported UPU's cam­ supporters and sympathisers in the number of birds shot in Italy paign for a referendum to curb Britain who want to support bird hunting. In January the Italian Con­ ,I, each ,year exceed.200 million and proiection in Italy. UPU UK seeks - the'main reason for bird killing on stitutional Court declared that such to pUblicise in Britain the massacre ,, a referendum would be constitu­ , this massive scale is, quite simply, of birds in Italy and the efforts of fun. Birds are not an essential tional: Italian conserVationists to stop the source of food or income although, The referendum will give Italian massacre and also to raise extra of course, some birds are eaten or voters the opportunity to vote for funds in Britain for, UPU's bird . , sold in local markets. strict controls on hunting including protection programmes in Italy. the ,abolition of biid netting and shooting A national appeal for funds was from hides, a restriction launched in Britain by L1PU (UK's) on the hunting season patrons, conservationist Tony and effective policing Soper and 1V birdwatcher Bill of the hunting laws. Oddie. They were joined by AJex UPU expects that the Falconi, UPU's Fundraising Direc­ campaign will be tough tor who flew over from Milan. and unequal: there are For further information, contact over 2 million regis- Roger Jordan, LIPU (UK) Repre­ sentative, 6 Butlers Close, Broom­ Bill Oddt's with some field, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 5BE youngLIPU 'robins' (0245440 567). • • Giugno 90 ~-. 5 • TAR-OX TAR-OX Performance Braking Products A range of brake discs and brake pads to improve braking efficiency of vehicles for ro~d and track. The brake discs are manufactured from speCial cast iron and have ,up to 40 grooves per sUrface to increase stopping power: The brake pads can be supplied in different compounds to suit the driver's requirements. , ' .. .k Replacement Parts Fqr j ,, FIAT - Yugo - Lada­ Polski , ,; I, Lancia - Alfa Romeo " ..• i •, • .. .. .. DOUBLE GLAZING MUSICA PER OGNI 1 30%SCONTI OCCASIQNE AiteOor! diBACKHtLL Sposalizi, balli~ partics ctc •.••• !, Ramon Gallo ed il suo Complesso Ravello , si c' esibito con grande successo alia Royal • "• AIbert Hall nel ballo
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