The World 1 of Estonian 2 Theatre III/3
DE CULTU CIVILI ESTONICO 1 VOL III The OW RLD 2 of ESTONIAN III/3 THeatre 1 → world – Consciousness of the world and the changing identity of a person are often the main themes. 2 → Estonia – Theatre was, and still is, a testimony to Estonian independence. 3 → theatre – Theatre in Estonia can crop up in the most unexpected places. THE WORLD OF ESTONIAN theatre Estonian Institute / Estonian Theatre Agency Tallinn, 2012 Text: Ott Karulin, Monika Larini Translation: Tiina Randviir Language editor : Richard Adang Graphic design: Piia Ruber Photo credits: Paul Aguraiuja, Awentus and Heikmann, DeStudio, Eero Epner, Andrus Eesmaa, Estonian Amateur Theatres' Union, Estonian Drama Theatre, Estonian Literary Museum, Estonian National Opera, Estonian Public Broadcasting, Estonian Puppet and Youth Theatre, Estonian Theatre Agency , Estonian Theatre and Music Museum (TMM), Endla Theatre, Priit Grepp, Jassu Hertsmann, Ville Hyvönen, Peeter Jalakas, Kanuti Gildi SAAL, Andres Keil, Lauri Kulpsoo, Jaanus Laagriküll, Ülo Laumets, Peeter Laurits, Ants Liigus , Eva-Liisa Linder, Enn Loit, Teet Malsroos, Kaarel Mikkin, Kris Moor, N099, Tiit Oajsoo, Anete Pelmas, Alan Proosa, R.A.A.A.M, Harri Rospu, Piia Ruber, Scanpix Baltics, Ene-Liis Semper, Triin Sinissaar, Nele Sooväli, STÜ, Tõnu Tamm, Heigo Teder, Taivo Tenso, Jüri Tenson, Theatre Vanemuine, Ugala Theatre, Siim Vahur, Gunnar Vaidla, Taavi Varm, Liina Viru, Toomas Volmer/ETA/Scanpix, Mats Õun, Wikipedia/Gsitnikov. Published by The Estonian Institute ISBN 978-9949-9160-7-8 Wandering theatre Liina Unt Wandering theatre Theatre in Estonia can crop up in the most unexpected places. The mass scale of “found spaces” and open-air theatre during the last decade has caused a situation where visitors might be more interested in the venue rather than in what is being performed or by whom.
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