DH8BM œ Michael Burgmaier Diplom-Info EN 13.09.2012

Oberschwaben-Diplom (OSD) - -Award -

The German Amateur Radio Club (DARC) e.V., local group (OV) Ertingen, DOK P57, publishes this diploma, on the occasion of its 10th year of existence, which can be applied by radio amateurs and accordingly by SWLs.

The diploma applicant has to fullfil following conditions with QSOs after January 1st, 2001:

1. 10 qsos with all of the following german DOKs in the region of Oberschwaben:

Ortsverband DOK Ortsverband DOK: Pfullendorf A 48 -West P 39 Friedrichshafen P Ø3 Donau-Bussen P 43 Ravensburg P Ø9 Schussental P 46 Ulm P 14 Laupheim P 49 P 21 Ertingen P 57

2. The word „OBERSCHWABEN“ is to be formed with a letter in the suffix of the stations from the area upper swabia. The stations worked for point 1 can be also used for it.

3. The club stations DLØRIE and DLØERT of the local group P57 count once with two suffix letters for the word “OBERSCHWABEN”. All club stations of the local groups with a special DOK count as a joker (* see list above) for any local group (point 1).

All bands and modes are accepted without packet radio. The award application is sent with a confirmed list of existing QSL cards (GCR list) and with the fee* (see below) to the following address: Michael Burgmaier, DH8BM (DIG 4976) Heudorfer Str. 9 D-88521 Ertingen

(September 2001, from DH8BM. The diploma is 210 x 297mm largely, it is a four-coloured print on 160 gram heavy, white paper. It shows a 17 x 11 cm colored panorama map from upper swabia from Ulm to the Lake of Constance. The certificate was recognized on the club- meeting DARC in September, 2001.)

* Fees (09/2012): - DL: 5,00 Euro + stamp DL (1,45 Euro) = 6,45 Euro - EU: 5,00 Euro + stamp EU (3,45 Euro) = 8,45 Euro or 12 US-Dollar - DX: 5,00 Euro + stamp DX (3,45 Euro) = 12 US-Dollar

See also information at http://osd.dh8bm.de.

(*) Jokerstationen (nur mit Sonder-DOK !!) - (Stand: 09/2012) - " (xx=Jahreszahl): DKØAWG: "AWG","Ø5AWG","Ø6AWG","Ø7AWG","Ø8AWG","Ø9AWG","1ØAWG","11AWG";—08ILLW— DLØERT: "1ØERT","9ØØERT","Ø1OSD"; DLØHR: "HR";—HRxx—; DLØRIE: "1ØERT","75ØRIE"; DAØULM, DBØCUI, DK7T, DLØUL, DLØULM: "6ØULM"; DAØANT: "ANTxx","DW"; DKØFN: "IBOØx", "3ØHAM", "HR";“6ØPØ3“ DLØIBO: "IBOØx,"2ØIBO","HVØ4"; DR2M: "xFSW";“11OSD“ DFØDOX: "25DOX"; "125DORNIER"; DKØZM: "Ø3AERO"; DAØHC: "xxHAMCAMP"; DLØJRW: "JR" (04.2004 œ 08.2005); DFØPU: "25A48"; DLØLPH: "25P49"; DLØFIH: "FIH","1ØFIH"; DR3ØRADIO: "3ØHR","DVP"; DR2ØØ7ANT: "ANTØ7","DW". DL6ØIBO: "60BST"

DH8BM * Michael * DOK P57 * DIG 4976 * AFM 640 * AWG DMD024 * DSW P1004 * 10-X #73600 * PRL 3150 * HH 2406 DKØAWG * DOK P57 * AWG 040 *** DLØERT * DOK P57 * AWG 025 * PRL 3786 * HH 2468 *** DLØHR * DOK P57