which were founded, dissolved, amalgamated and Werner Rosenstock again divided into new splinter groups. Fratricide was the order of the day, last but not least due to the attitude of the Russian Communist Party to A COURAGEOUS ENTERPRISE their emigrated comrades from . The wellknown experience of Margarete Buber- Biographies of Emigrants Neumann, recorded in her book "Als Gefangene bei Stalin and Hitler" is one of the tragic ex­ Throughout the past years, research workers in people, especially after their—limited—emanci­ amples. The two daughters from her first marriage Various countries have published books and mono­ pation, the demographical, economic and political to Martin Buber's son Rafael now live in Israel. graphs which, in general terms or under special situation before the Nazis came to power and the As Martin Buber's wife was a Jewess by con­ ^spects, describe the history of the emigration of various stages of emigration from 1933 onwards. version, they are in the Nazi terminology and political anti-Nazis from German Altogether, the number of emigrants is estimated "quarter-Jews" and, under the Nurnberg Laws, language countries, their initial difficulties and the at 500,000, including about 30,000 active anti- Martin Buber's grandchildren would not have been Sradual adjustment to their places of resettlement, Nazis (many of whom were also of Jewish origin). permitted to marry "Jews", but only "pure fhough these works often include references to Whilst after the war quite a few political emi­ Aryans". (The reader is asked to forgive the '"dividual refugees, their main object is to give an grants returned to West and East Germany and reviewer that he cannot suppress this remark overall picture of one of the most revolutionary Austria, where some of them attained high pos­ about the absurd effects of the "racial" laws under events of our time. Others lay stress on those itions, the number of Jewish returnees is estimated the Nazis.) ^"I'grants, who have attained fame by their out- at not more than four per cent, including, accord­ The handbook also follows up the life stories of handing achievements in their particular fields, ing to the authors, very few from England. leading politicians during the Weimar era. The 'et what was missing was a kind of Who's Who Like all encyclopaedic works, the volume is not democratic politician, Erich Koch-Weser, had to °i those emigrants who did not reach the apex in free from mistakes. In some cases, lack of back­ close his lawyer's practice in 1933, because his 'he course of their activities but whose names ground knowledge has led to rather curious mother (nee Lewenstein) was of Jewish origin. He should all the same be saved from oblivion. results. Thus, in the otherwise correct biography, became the co-founder of the coffee plantation To fill this gap is the object of an enterprise a rabbi is described as having officiated in the Rolandia in Brazil. The former President ^tarted seven years ago under the auspices of the liberal Zionist (my italics) Oranienburger Strasse of Police and Prussian Minister of the Interior, Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte" (Muenchen) and the Synagogue in Berlin. In another case, a communal Grzesinski, who fled to and ultimately Research Institute for Jewish Immigration" (New worker, whose offices also included Board mem­ to the US, where he died in 1947, had to earn his .T^fk) under the guidance of Werner Roeder bership of the AJR is stated to have died in living as a metal worker, a craft in which he had jMuenchen) and Herbert Strauss (New York). They 1915 and to have been active in Jewish affairs worked before he embarked on his political career. ^8an their work by collecting the life stories of since 1917. Mistakes of this kind are so obvious He was already deprived of his German citizen­ ^hout 25,000 emigrants. Their collection in itself that they should have been noticed by the proof ship in 1933, because he was blamed for having *'1I be of the greatest documentary value for reader. There is also at least one case, in which facilitated the admission of Eastem Jews to 'Uture historians. Out of these 25,000 documents biographies of two different personalities seem to Germany. °ey selected the names of 8,000 personalities for have been rolled into one. To an unexpectedly high degree it is possible to Publication of their data, family background, One of the more serious aspects with which detect the Jewish origin also of those Jewish ctivities and writings. The first volume, compris- the editors were faced was the decision of eligi­ politicians who had left the fold. In most cases, Y^ 4,000 names in a tome of 900 pages has now bility of persons who, at one time or another, had they had become "Dissidents" like their Christian- ^en published ('"Biographisches Handbuch der held positions in the NSDAP, from which they born comrades. Yet often, the entry reads "Jewish, ^eutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933, Band I: later defected. It may nevertheless have been later Dissident", in other cases, the parents are ^olitik, Wirtschaft, Oeffentliches Leben", K. G. legitimate to accord a long and detailed entry to expressly described as Jews. There are also cases ^ur 1980, DM 298). It is to be followed by a Otto Strasser, who joined the NSDAP in 1925 but in which, under the impact of the Nazi happen­ J °nd volume covering Science, Arts and Litera- who, as the protagonist of the Socialist faction of ings, "Dissidents" became Jewish again. Yet per­ ''e. Whereas the first volume appeared in Ger- the Party, had many conflicts with Hitler and haps the most extraordinary itinerary was that of "J^n. the second volume, for reasons not ex­ founded a counter organisation. To save his life, the historian Arthur Rosenberg, who taught at plained, will be published in English. The difficult he fled to Vienna in May 1933. After an odyssey the University of Berlin. From 1924-28, he was a J"^ often arbitrary decision of eligibility for the during the subsequent years, which were full of Communist member of the Reichstag. Later, he rst or second volume could have been avoided, if political activities, he retumed to Germany in left the Party. After his emigration, he returned to . the names of personalities had been published I )55, where he died in 1974. Yet what in this Judaism and, before his re-emigration to the US, 1 alphabetical order in one single work of two reviewer's opinion definitely went too far, was the was Deputy Chairman of the Jewish Students' °'Umes. As things are now, there are quite a lot inclusion of "Putzi" Hanfstaengl, who had par­ Federation of Great Britain. His denominational . names in the first volume which might have ticipated in the Hitler Putsch, joined the Party in changes are described as follows: Jewish, Protest­ 'ed more legitimately into the second volume, 1931 and became Foreign Press Relations Officer ant, Dissident, Jewish. There are also opposite ^ the completeness of the whole work will only and personal friend of Hitler. After political dis­ developments in which Jewish refugees converted assessable when the second volume becomes agreements, he left Germany for England in 1937, to Christianity after their emigration. ailable. However, these methodical shortcomings where he was interned in 1939. Allegedly, he was Two cases of special interest are those of David e of minor importance compared with the out- Roosevelt's adviser on questions of political and Frankfurter and Herschel Grynszpan. Frankfurter, anding value which the work represents, psychological warfare from 1942 to 1944. In 1945, who in 1936 killed the leader of the Swiss group p y*® volume opens with prefaces, written by however, he was again interned, first in England of the NSDAP, was bom in Slavonia in 1909, the ofessor Martin Broszat (Director of the Institut and then in Germany. He was released in 1946 son of a rabbi. He had to break off his medical fCvf .'^^'^gsschichte) and Dr. Curt C. Silberman and lived again in Munich up to the time of his studies for reasons of health and went to Switzer­ » "Airman of the Research Foundation for Jewish death in 1975. land in 1933. Sentenced to 18 years imprisonment, ^migration), who is also Joint Chairman of the Whilst there are—rightly—quite a few refer­ he was discharged in 1946 and went to Palestine/ jOUncil of Jews from Germany. There follows a ences to conservative anti-Nazis, the majority of Israel, where he is now an official of the Ministry J, page Introduction by the two editors, Werner the political refugees consisted, apart from a of Defence. 17-year-old Grynszpan, whose family ^^oeder and Herbert Strauss, which in itself is number of Liberals, of Socialists and Communists lived in Hanover, emigrated to France in 1936. 5 ?^dy a masterpiece of historiography. It de- of various shades. Many of them passed through •bes the historical background of the Jewish the labyrinth of political groups and cliques. Continued at column 1 page 2 Page 2 AJR INFORMATION May 1981

Continued from page 1 A COURAGEOUS ENTERPRISE FROM THE GERMAN SCENE When, like all Polish Jews, his parents were deported in 1938, he took revenge by shooting the POLL SHOWS CONTRADICTORY FINDINGS FORMER BERLINERS ON RETURN VISIT German Embassy official vom Rath. This action A poll undertaken for Chancellor Helmut 150 former Jewish citizens of Berlin visited became the pretext for the November pogroms in Schmidt's advisers but not so far published is their home town for a week at the invitation reported by "Der Spiegel" to show that 18 per of the West Berlin Senate. Most of them came Germany and Austria. Grynszpan was arrested by cent of West Germans believe that Germany was the French authorities and later handed over to from the USA and Australia. Reigning Lord better off under Hitler than now. Goveriunent Mayor Dr. Vogel welcomed them and thanked Germany by the Vichy government. The German departments are studying the findings to see them for their readiness to visit the new Berlin. proceedings against him were continually post­ whether action should be taken. He said that another 13,000 former Berlin citizens poned and it is assumed that he now lives under The magazine "Stern" reports that 50 per cent still waited for an invitation. Rainer Papenfus, an adopted name in France. On the other hand it of West Germans show "negative" views on Jews, and head of the Senate Chancellery, said that three is also considered possible that he was killed by one-third of those questioned admitted strong hundred years of Jewish history in Berlin had the Germans while under arrest. anti-semitic prejudices. On the other hand, the been important for the city as a whole. Pre­ survey says that 68 per cent strongly agreed that war Berlin would have been much the poorer Of course most of the entries refer to emigrants Jews in general were just as moral as most other who had left their homelands on account of their but for many contributions of its Jewish citizens people, well over 50 per cent believing that Jews to its cultural and economic development. He Jewish origin. The book includes many lawyers, were generally "decent people". himself, though born in 1941, felt that he shared industrialists, Jewish lay leaders, rabbis and com­ Another West German poll carried out by the a duty to atone for the terrible wrongs done to munal workers. The reference to Georg Kareski AUensbacher Institute showed that, of 2,000 the Jewish community under the Nazi regime. does not condone his collaboration with the Nazis. people questioned, 59 per cent still thought the When he went to Palestine, the organisation of word "Vaterland" had a good ring to it. How­ THE SLOW WHEELS OF JUSTICE Jews from Germany publicly accused him of ever, nearly two-thirds of the younger age-group According to the Hesse Minister of Justice, briber>', denunciation and incitement to murder. between 16 and 29 felt that the word had no Mr. Herbert Gunther, 31 new investigations were Kareski put his case before the Supreme Rab­ relevance today. started last year against people suspected of having binical Court, which rejected his defence and thus CRACKDOWN ON NEO-NAZIS committed or abetted Nazi crimes against confirmed the correctness of the accusations raised Over 500 homes of neo-Nazis were raided by humanity. Altogether there are 615 investigations against him. West German Police in their biggest ever action under active consideration in Hesse at present. against right-wing extremists. Quantities of banned In Frankfurt, there are at the moment four trials Quite a few families are represented by several antisemitic and neo-Nazi books and pamphlets, as in progress. Elsewhere alleged Nazi criminals are members. Among them are the Vienna Roths­ well as 16 unauthorised guns, were seized and in court procedures in Dusseldorf, Hildesheim, childs (Alphonse, Eugene, Louis Nathaniel), who several hundred prosecutions are expected to fol­ Bochum, Hanover, Hamburg, , Stade, and had to emigrate. Another prominent, though no low. One of those accused of having prohibited Dortmund. In Diissetdorf the trial against former longer Jewish, family, which met the same fate, material in his possession is the Police Chief of SS sergeant Heinz-Giinther Wiesner is about to are the Ullsteins (Franz, Friedrich, Hermann, Recklinghausen, Emst-Albrecht Lohmuller. The begin. Wiesner is accused of having killed at Karl, Leopold and Rudolf). The Feuchtwangers, pamphlets, bearing such titles as "The Auschwitz least 24 Jewish prisoners and assisted in the Swindle" and "Nazi Call to Battle", had been murder of another seven, when he was a medical all of whom had remained loyal to their religion, imported from North America. orderly in Riga-Kaiserwald concentration camp. are represented by seven members (not including The raids arose out of inquiries in Stuttgart into Forty survivors are expected to appear as Lion, who, as a prominent author, will in all the activities of two German-Americans, Garr>' witnesses. likelihood appear in the second volume). Lauck and Georg Dietz, and a German-Canadian, The book also includes former and present Ernst Zundel. Four years ago, Lauck was sen­ ACCUSED MAN DISAPPEARS British Members of Parliament, among them tenced by a West German court for spreading In Dusseldorf, a former SS man at Maidanek Clement Freud and the late John Jakob Mendel­ neo-Nazi propaganda. Despite expulsion from death camp was found to be absent during the son, who was born in Poland but spent several Germany, he was allowed to testify in another trial, in which he is accused with eight other years in Berlin before he came to this country. trial in 1979, when he said he was "fighting for guards. After several days, however, Herman Karl Mention is made as well of Robert Maxwell, the restitution of the ". Villain reappeared to face the court. It was stated Labour MP until 1974; he was bom in Czechoslo­ GUILTY LAWYERS that he had been driving round in a state of The West Berlin Public Prosecutor has started shock at the prospect of being found guilty in vakia and his original name was Hoch. It is, the five-year-long trial. however, less known and therefore not recorded investigations of 16 members of the legal pro­ fession who were involved in death sentences ANOTHER UNSUNG HEROINE in the book, that the Conservative MP Peter passed by Nazi special courts. Thirteen of them Rost also came to this country as a refugee; his were judges, another three public prosecutors. 77-year old Eva Schenk received the Federal father, to whom a special entry is accorded, was They were involved in the passing of 141 death Order of Merit for the humanity she showed in the economist and journalist Dr. Fritz Rosenstiel, sentences on enemies of the regime. These 16 are giving shelter to her employer Mrs Erna Roths­ who emigrated first to this country and later to the only survivors. Another 19 judges who have child from December 1942 to the end of the war. the US. where he died in 1971. since died, were resjxjnsible for 158 more death Ema Rothschild, 91, was present when Mrs Schenk Nearer home, the book includes the four past sentences. Investigations about a further 47 judges was given the Order by West Berlin Senator of and 21 public prosecutors are pending. So far, no the Interior Peter Ulrich and told about her chairmen of the AJR, Adolf Schoyer, Hans Reich­ experiences and of the many courageous men and mann, Alfred Dresel and Werner M. Behr, as well former judge has been brought to justice in the Federal Republic. In 1968, the Federal Court of women who had helped Eva Schenik to move her as the founder members Walter Breslauer, Adolf Justice decided that Nazi judges had acted accord­ about, hide her, and provide food for her. Michaelis, Abraham Horovitz, Wilfrid Israel, Salo­ ing to the laws of the time and were therefore mon Adler-Rudel and Kurt Alexander. There are exempt from prosecution. NO HEINRICH-HEINE SCHOOL? also many other personalities who make a point of The Board of Governors of the district NEO-NAZIS ON TRIAL Gymnasium in Heikendorf near Kiel decided last stressing that they were or are office holders or Criminal assault and antisemitic propaganda active members of the AJR. Others mention year, to give the school the name of "Heinrich were some of the charges made against six young Heine Schule". The Minister of Education of among their writings their contributions to "AJR men at a trial in Frankfurt a.M. They are all Information", and quite a few biographies quote Land Schleswig Holstein gave his consent, but members of a militant neo-Nazi group, the Volks­ the civic authorities refused theirs. They pleaded this journal as a source of information. sozialistische Bewegung Deutschlands. that there was neither a local nor an ideological When the idea of the Handbook was first EVERYDAY LIFE UNDER THE NAZIS relationship to Heine. In their report they added ventilated, there were various doubts about its More than 12,000 schoolchildren contributed that Heine's writings had been banned in 1835, advisability. Some considered it as sacrilege to 2,172 essays on the subject of everyday life under and that both as a Jew and as a political critic, mention the biographies of survivors of the holo­ National Socialism in a competition among Heine had been drawn into political controversies caust together with several non-Jews who, at one schools. The wiimer will receive the prize donated and had remained a controversial figure to this stage or another, had been Nazis or antisemites. by the Federal president. These competitions have day. Wolf Rildiger von Bismarck, head of the been held since 1974, but none of the previous district school commission, added that he did Others were against the venture because, con­ ones attracted so much interest. The winner will not consider Heine a model for German youth. sidering the upheavals of the period to be covered, be announced in June. For three months, the Diisseldorf Heinrich- it was bound to be limited by omissions. All these TASTELESS JOKES AT CARNIVAL MEETING Heine Institute has shown a special exhibition doubts were certainly understandable; yet, as the At a carnival meeting, Heinz Schultze, 35, the 'Heine in Paris 1831-1856" which attracted many result shows, they were not of decisive relevance. president of a Diisseldorf carnival club, told two visitors. A cross section of individual life stories gives a "jokes" about Jews and gas ovens. The resulting vivid picture of the emigration as a whole, with storm of protest by city councils and members of CONSUL FOR EILAT i all its diversity, vicissitudes and achievements. It the public forced him to resign his post. Anti- The West German Govermnent has decided to also testifies to the tess the German language Jewish jokes have been circulating lately in West appoint an honorary consul for the Red Sea countries have sustained as the result of the , undoubtedly spread by neo-Nazi propa­ resort of Eilat because of the large number of nfegime. gandists among young people. Schoolchildren in German holiday-makers who visit the town every particular pick up and retail such stories. year. I AJR INFORMATION May 1981 Page 3

THANK YOU BRITAIN FUND LECTURE ,«^ A s|>ecial Thank You Britain Fund Lecture HOME NEWS was given at the Royal Academy by Professor G. H. N. Seton-Watson, FBA on "Language and A TRIBUTE TO WAIXENBERG COMMEMORATION MEETING National Consciousness" in memory of the late A plaque to the memory of Raoul Wallenberg, Address by Mr. Simon Wicsenthal Professor Robert Auty who helped to save the lives jhe Swedish diplomat who disappeared into of a great number of refugees from Germany Readers are reminded that the Meeting in and Czechoslovakia. Professor Auty was Professor Russian hands after saving thousands of commemoration of victims will take Hungarian Jews, was recently unveiled at Mam- of Slavonic Languages at Oxford. He travelled lock House, Manchester, before a distinguished place on Sunday, 10 May, at 3 p.m., at the Prince widely in Central Europe and studied as a audience led by the Duke of Devonshire. The of Wales Theatre, Leicester Square, W.l. The young man at Munster University where he BBC TV film "Missing Hero" was also shown and speaker will be Mr. Simon Wiesenthal. We repeat received an additional degree. During his travels, introduced by its producer, Alan Patient. Praising our urgent request to our friends to attend this he met many scholars and others who subse­ the diplomat, the Israeli Ambassador said "Had highly important function. quently suffered Nazi persecution and whom there been 600 more Wallenbergs, there would he helped to settle in this country. During ^ve been no Holocaust". In reply, the Swedish RECOVERY OF the war, he was attached to the Foreign Office and Ambassador pledged that the Swedish Govermnent CANTERBURY SYNAGOGUE? worked closely with the Czechoslovakian author­ ities in this country. Would not relinquish its efforts to clarify the After 50 years' ownership of the former syna­ mystery surrounding Wallenberg's disappearance. Professor Seton-Watson's erudite lecture was gogue in Canterbury, the Church Commissioners well attended both by fellow-scholars and by wish to convert it into a private dwelling-house. members of the AJR. In a wide-ranging survey, HOSPICE FOUNDED ON SURVIVOR'S Built in the Egyptian style of the early 19th cen­ he showed that in many countries, especially in GRATITUDE tury, the synagogue was opened by Sir Moses those of the old Austro-Hungarian monarchy pThe gratitude of a survivor of the Warsaw Montefiore, and efforts are being made to rein­ after the First World War, the awakening of Jjhetto has borne fruit which will continue to state it for the use of the local Jewish community national consciousness was closely connected with j^^efit hundreds of people unknown to him. In and Jewish students and academics at the Uni­ the re-emergence of the old native languages, iy47, David Tasma, a cancer sufferer who had versity of Kent. Organisers of the "Save the but that this was not invariably the case. In many survived the Ghetto, met Cicely Saimders, then a Synagogue" campaign point to the historic value cases social developments or a strong feeling of social worker at St. Thomas's Hospital. She con- of the building and to the fact that there is no religious coherence played a greater part than inued to help him until his death in 1948 and he proper place of worship for the revived local language. 'wt her £500 in his will. With this money, she community. A petition has been presented to The lecture proved to be an event of which all ?'udied medicine and was able to develop her Canterbury Planning Committee and appeals are supporters of the Thank You Britain Fund can interest in hospice care; she founded the St. being made for financial assistance with the be proud. It also showed once again that single ^nristopher's Hospice in London, where she is project. lectures attrart much wider audiences than series "°w medical director. Dr. Saunders has been of three which very few people seem to be able awarded the 1981 Templeton Prize for "progress A SETBACK FOR JEWISH SOCCER to attend in their entirety. " religion"—she is an active member of the Our member, the well-known St. Annes phil­ MUSIC LIBRARY EXmBITION ^™i"ch of England. This prize, worth £100,000 anthropist Walter Hubert, has severed his con­ An exhibition of the Paul Hirsch Music Library an u Pf^ented to her by Prince Philip in May nections with the Manchester Jewish Soccer and the Olga Hirsch Collection of Decorated th if intends to donate it for a day centre at League of which he was president. He was also the Papers has been mounted at the British Library art "°spice. Dr. Saunders, speaking in New York, sponsor of the Walter Hubert Cup competition and can be seen until 14 June. u^^owl edged that her work had been motivated run by the league. He stated that so far he had The event marks the centenary of Paul Hirsch, y her meeting with David Tasma. spent £2,000 p.a. for the competition, and this the foimder of the music library. He was far from year it would have been £2,800, but he thought it being a professional musician—he worked in his ZEALOT PROTESTS IN LONDON could have been run more economically. He father's iron foundry in Frankfurt until 1936, Q^'°ts in Jerusalem by the anti-Zionist ultra- objected to having to pay £8(X) for players to when the family was forced to emigrate and ntiodox zealots were echoed in London when a travel from London to Glasgow for a match. moved to Cambridge. His collection of 20,(XX) 8 oup of demonstrators near the Israeli Embassy The money would now go to benefit other causes. musical publications was shown at the University f °'^sted against the "brutal behaviour of the LEGACY Library before it was bought for the nation in di? I P^'i'^s" in dealing with the Mea Shearim 1946 and housed in the British Museum. The J .'tirbances. Inflammatory banners accused "Zion- Mr. G. L. Tietz, for many years an interested price of £120,0(X) could easily have been out­ bn ,")"'''lCTers" and demanded "Stop malicious member of the AJR Board, left a legacy of matched, but Hirsch wished the library to stay am T P°S''°'"s". In New York, too, thousands of £2,200 to the AJR Charitable Trust. intact in his country of refuge. He continued to 7j ?srael demonstrators equated Nazis and interest himself in the collection and even to add onists in a protest meeting outside the Israeli to it until his death five years later. consulate-General. The Association of Jewish Refugees in POPE RECEIVES LEO BAECK LODGE Great Britain DELEGATES CZECH PAST AND BRITISH PRESENT invites members and friends to the Members of the B'nai B'rith Leo Baeck Lodges, (L'^ Synagogue at Kingston on Thames will link who recently visited Rome, were received by the ,^jj, ^^nished Jewish community of Czechoslovakia Pope in general audience. They were the only one re« present when it acquires a Sefer Torah GENERAL MEETING among the large number of groups who were ^scued from that country after the Second Worid on Tuesday, 16 June, at 7.45 p.m. addressed in English. Later, the President of the ^•Ly^• The damaged scroll will be housed within Lodge, Mr. Richard Fisher, and the Group Leader, cau ^^"^Sogue foyer as a reminder of the Holo- at Hannah Karminski House Dr. Arnold Horwell, had the honour of being «... i ^d a memorial to a former Czech-born 9 Adamson Road, Swiss Cottage, N.W.3 received in special audience. The Pope proved warden. Jack Landa. (Side Entrance) well informed on the background of the Leo Baeck Lodge, which was founded by refugees I OPERATION WHEELCHAIRS from Germany and Austria. He graciously accepted Report on AJR Activities a silver medallion commemorating the 50th anni­ Co '^^ reception of the Operation Wheelchairs Treasurer's Report versary of B'nai B'rith in Britain. tu ''"tiittee which looks after Israeli war invalids, Discussion The party was also entertained by the President attp j"'" °^ £9,5000 was raised. Amongst those Election of Executive and Board of the Rome Lodge, Professor Roland Ganem, p rending the reception at the home of Mrs. Lily and had an opportunity to discuss affairs of Gilt?'' ^^^ committee's founder, was Dr. Dennis The list of candidates submitted by the Executive Prlf ^"' son of the founder patron, the late will be published In the next issue. Italian Jewry with members of the Rome B'nai Members who wish to propose candidates for the B'rith. •^oiessor Sir Ludwig Guttman. Board should write to the General Secretary by the end of May. Your House for— "THE STORMER" IN DUNDEE FLOOR COVERINGS Con ^ name of Robert Relf has cropped up in MR. HERBERT LOEBL, OBE, M.Phil, BSc tjjg ^^lon with antisemitism in Dundee following CURTAINS, CARPETS, fl^- '^ntroversial town-twinning with Nablus, the Newcastle upon Tyne SPECIALITY L'"".{'ng6 o"fI the PLO flagflae and the council'."council's! Arab will speak on gS"f-financed visit to the Middle East. ENGLISH & CONTINENTAL n^„ ,°th in Dundee and Glasgow, attempts were A VIEW FROM THE NORTH DOWN QUILTS, DUVETS, anij^ ^9.distribute "The Stormer", a racist and Mr. Loebl, an industrialist, has written a scj,^["'tic comic—as its name implies—outside thesis on the establishment of industries by DUVET COVERS & SHEETS prjj' playgrounds. Relf, who has been im- Refugees ALSO RE-MAKES AND RE-COVERS res °"^ niore than once for his racist acts, claims ESTIMATES FREE .Ponsibility for this virulent publication, Non-members are not entitled to vote but DAWSONLANE LIMITED the n ""^.tof of Public Prosecutions is considering are welcome as guests at the meeting (••labllthcd tut) Rpii^^^^"^ ^th a view to prosecution under the Race Space donated by Pafra Ltd., Basildon 17 BRIDGE ROAD, WEMBLEY PARK ^^'ationsAct. Telephone: 904 6671 Page 4 AJR INFORMATION May 1981 SOVIET RUSSIA The Battle for Higher Education NEWS FROM ABROAD After a year's harassment and the arrest of Victor Brailovsky, the Soviet authorities are once UNITED STATES ROMANIA again permitting refusenik seminars to be held. Deportation for Treblinka Guard Pamphlets cause Indignation Brailovsky, a cybernetics expert, had organised The Romanian Ambassador in London did his these meetings in his flat; he is still imprisoned. Feodor Fedorenko, a former guard at Treblinka Following his arrest, another professor allowed concentration camp, now aged 74, faces deport­ best to reassure a Board of Deputies delegation concerning the antisemitic pamphlets recently his flat to be used for the same purpose and ation from the United States. When he arrived continued despite official warnings and a fire in 1949 as a displaced person, he confesses, he circulating in Romania. Declaring that they must have been smuggled into the country, he firmly started by petrol thrown at his door. At a recent concealed his connection with the camp. The seminar two American physicists attended, to­ Justice Department in Washington accuses Fedor­ denied that the pamphlets expressed Government thinking. gether with 15 to 20 Russian scientists, to hear a enko of aiding the Nazi regime "in the per­ talk on crystal physics. They report that the secution of civilians". Later Dr. Moses Rosen, the Chief Rabbi of Romania, expressed the community's astonishment people they met were in good spirits. The semi­ Jewish TV in Califomia and indignation at what he called "the most nars are valuable for scientists who have lost Los Angeles now has its own Jewish Television disgraceful pamphlet I have seen for 30 years". their jobs after applying for exit visas, as they Network, which transmits for four hours daily. He had referred the matter to the Government have difficulty otherwise in keeping up with Its wide range covers children's programmes, and confirmed that an apology had been made and current research. Yiddish and Russian language transmissions and an investigation was under way. Dr. Rosen, him­ Another means of maintaining cultural self- university courses. Other programmes to be seen self a target of the pamphlet's attack, disclosed respect is shown by a group in Kharkov who have in the area include a weekly "Tel Aviv TV" in that some of the perpetrators had been identified established an unofficial university where they English and Hebrew, and "The American-Jewish and that they included prominent press admini­ teach the children of refuseniks, who are excluded TV Hour". The sudden flowering of such special­ strators. from higher education. Courses in chemistry, ised subjects is due to the increase in cable tele­ RECORDS OF THE BULGARIAN RESCUE physics, mathematics, Hebrew and English are vision, which is not limited to mass audience The documentary film "The Death Transports given in private flats by academics who have been appeal. did not leave from here" was recently shown to dismissed from their official posts. Oaim against a "Learned Institution" the British-Bulgarian Friendship Society. The Emigrants' Difficulties Increased The Institute for Historical Review, which in diiector, Chaim Oliver, has also written a book The Manchester Council for Soviet Jewry states 1979 declared that it would pay over £20,000 for on the same theme, "We are Saved". The film was that, although the Soviet Union is apparently proof of Nazi mass murders in Auschwitz, is introduced by Ivor Montagu, and Dr. Josif Astru- allowing a greater number of Jews to leave for being sued by Mel Mermenstein, a Czech sur­ kov of the Organisation of Jews in the Bulgarian Israel, these are almost all people who have vivor of the death camp. Besides the sum of National Assembly was present to answer ques­ applied for their visas within the past year. Those money promised, Mr. Mermenstein is claiming tions and give the background to the rescue of who have already waited over three years are nearly £8 million damages from the Institute, Bulgarian Jews, which was the result of a success­ still unable to cross the borders. whose high-sounding name conceals the fact that ful struggle by their fellow-citizens. Over 1,400 Jews arrived in Vienna in February, its main interest is the denial of the Holocaust. compared with 850 in January, but only 16% LIBYAN THREAT TO GREECE (222) opted for Israel. Almost all provincial Unconfirmed reports in Greek newspapers say Soviet passports offices are strictly limiting visas CANADA that Libya will no longer supply Greece with oil, Arsonist Sent to Gaol to people who wish to be reunited with a member a consequence, they imply, of a few days spent by of their inrunediate family. Other relations are Damage to the amount of £450,000 was suffered the Greek Agriculture Minister as the guest of called on to guarantee that they will not seek to in a fire at Beth Shalom Synagogue in Edmonton, Ariel Sharon, his opposite number in Israel. This emigrate and in some cases the authorities are Alberta. In a Canadian court recently, Daniel was the first ever visit to Israel by a Greek refusing to accept applications from anyone with Kautz confessed to setting the building on fire and minister. relatives remaining in the Soviet Union. to scrawling a swastika there. Similar crimes had NEO-NAZIS IN THE NORWEGIAN ARMY Meanwhile Soviet immigrants in the Haifa area been committed in Protestant and Catholic Following reports of infiltration of the Nor­ are protesting against rent rises affecting their churches and in a mausoleum. Kautz received a wegian Home Guard by a neo-Nazi organisation, temporary- homes. Although the absorption sentence of four years' imprisonment. a Norwegian sergeant in the UN Interim Force in officials, charged with finding the immigrants Assistance to Yiddish Paper Lebanon was ordered back to Norway, where he permanent homes and jobs, say that the rent Montreal's Yiddish weekly "Kanada Adler", has was put under arrest by the police in connection increases apply only to people with steady work, received a grant from the Quebec Government, as with their enquiries. the immigrants have refused to attend Hebrew part of a programme to help ethnic groups main­ Sergeant Tore Blumquist is the leader of an organisa­ classes or to co-operate with the officials. tain their own press and culture. It is the second tion called "Vigilante". Also under investigation is the PALESTINIAN COMPLICITY IN year that this aid has been given. "Norges German Arm6", which is alleged to have FRENCH OUTRAGE connections with the West German "Wehrsportgruppe The "tourist from Cyprus" who perpetrated the Traditional Marriages for Immigrants Hoffmann". It was a Hoffmann-group member who Each year. Rabbi Morton Green holds group Paris Liberal Synagogue bombing last October, was killed by the bomb he planted at the Munich when four people were killed, is now thought to weddings when Soviet-Jewish immigrants to Oktoberfest of 1980. Canada are remarried in a religious ceremony. have been a Palestinian. A weekly news magazine, Eighty couples have now shared in this experience Two men are charged with a double murder com­ "Le Point", has revealed that police no longer over a period of four years. mitted while the police were actually in pursuit: ten believe the outrage in the Rue Coperaic to have people in all are in custody, mostly accused of thefts of been the work of neo-Nazis. SOUTH AMERICA weapons and explosives. Promises and Action against Antisemites Blumquist's girlfriend has also been arrested: she was employed by the Norwegian army and had access The new President of Argentina, Roberto Viola, to confidential material and military identity cards. has declared his intention of putting a stop to Spanish fascists are rumoured to have been among her anti-Jewish bombings and incitement to hatred. contacts. In Uruguay, three arrests have been made Traditionally democratic Norway has been shaken following a firebomb in a synagogue, swastika- by the revelations of neo-Nazi penetration in the daubing and other attacks. defence establishment and the evidence of growing GREEKS ATTACK ELECTRICITY CHIEF right-wing extremism in Northern Europe. Members of the Opposition Greek Socialist TOKYO INVITATION TO THE PLO Party have presented a written report to Parlia­ The Japanese Ambassador in London has denied ment attacking the head of the Greek Public that the PLO office in Tokyo has received diplo­ Power Corporation, Dr. Raphael Moissis. TTieir matic status. Conceming the profKJsed visit of statement includes such remarks as "The Jewish Yasir Arafat to Tokyo, he said that there was no descent of Dr. Moissis makes him unfit for such official Government invitation but that the PLO a position" and asks "What are the dark forces leader had been invited by an all-party Japan- which have established Dr. Moissis . . . what Palestine friendship group. Althou^ he would Fights Rust measures does the Government irtend to take to probably meet the Japanese Prime Minister, this save the PPC?". Their move follows rises in did not mean Japanese support for the PLC's Newly developed. Zinc compounds electricity charges which have in tum led to the "terrorist element". are some of the finest rust inhibitors.The Greek press filling its columns with antisemitic CONFERENCE OF JEWS, CHRISTIANS synthetic resin base forms a tough skin, slanders on the electricity chief, who was for­ AND MOSLEMS merly a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of which seals the surface from moisture. A conference of Jews, Christians and Moslem From all good hardware and accessory stores. Technology and was appointed by the Govern­ students has been held annually for the last six ( ment to solve some of Greece's energy problems. Free literature from David's ISOPON, FREEPOST years at Redwig Dransfeld Haus, Bendorf. This Northway House, London N20 9BR. year's conference was well attended by students, With acknowledgement to the news service teachers and youth leaders from a number of countries who discussed "the influence of religious of the Jewish Chronicle. education on our relationship to the use and t^H'JJ'h'l misuse of power or violence". AJR INFORMATION May 1981 Page 5 Eva G. Reichmann his moral principles led him from the start towards the quest for peaceful co-existence with the Arabs. He was a member of the B'rith Shalom and when with changing times he had to change his political CRITICAL IDENTIFICATION adherence he did so unhesitatingly in favour of Collection of Ernst Simon's Essays other groups that stood for Jewish-Arab peace. Today he is a member of the political group "Os "We Jews sit learning, in an infinite conver­ but a liberal one who adheres to many more we Shalom" ("Strength and Peace") whose co- sation, originating from Moses and never and commandments than the usual liberal Jew. On the founder and leader is his son Uriel Simon. It nowhere since totally discontinued. The melody of first Seder night of his life, in 1918, he decided to stands within the framework of Jewish tradition 'he prayer is synchronized by the melody of follow in vital seriousness the vow: "Next year in for harmony between the nations and against earning; that is why it is so loud in the Judenschule Jerusalem". Ten years later he went on Aliyah. chauvinism. No generation gap in the Simon 3s the not quite friendly saying will have it." Since then he has lived, worked, thought and family! To teach young people Arabic, to work for Ernst Simon's conversation with the principles written in Palestine/Israel, first as a teacher, later the integration of the Arab minority, to promote *|id contents of Judaism is neither loud nor as university professor of pedagogy, always as a the Arab educational system by maintaining its uiscordant.* It is eminently harmonious and tune­ Zionist individualist, in "critical identification". He linguistic-cultural autonomy—these are only some ful while touching upon the most manifold variety only interrupted his stay in the country from 1933 examples of Simon's peace-programme. He was °' themes. This collection of his essays and lec­ to 1934, when he went to the aid of German deeply shocked by signs of nationalist complacency tures, covering 15 years of his literary production, Jewry and, together with Martin Buber, built up after the Six-Day-War. Could it happen, does he IS as instructive as it is readable, as informative the organisation for Jewish adult education. ask in anguish, that a people wounded by irremedi­ 8s entertaining. Only part of them, the ones he In one of the fundamental articles in the col­ able suffering gets into tlie danger of hubris and chose as the introductory chapters, deal directly lection under review, "Totality and Anti- over-estimation of its own power? ^ith his "Decision for Judaism," but intrinsically Totalitarianism as Features of Traditional Juda­ Ernst Simon asks even the most precarious 'hey all belong to the "infinite conversation". ism", Ernst Simon invokes the prophets, the questions, even those that touch upon the very Whether he deals with Hofmannsthal, Schnitzler, essence of his being, in sympathy and kindness. It Pontane or Freud—what attracts Ernst Simon's Talmud teachers, philosophers and poets in justifi­ cation of his basic stance: they all identified is only in his settling accounts with Hannah attention and interpretation is their conscious and Arendt's articles on the Eichmann Trial in sub-conscious attitude to things Jewish, the Jewish themselves ardently with their people, but their identification was critical. "They criticised it Jerusalem that an ardent anger gets the better of problem as such or marginal encounters with his charity. His criticism of her way of presenting ••udaism suggesting wider implications. severely, but their criticism came from within, from their identification. Only in critical identifi­ the proceedings becomes the most comprehensive His decision for Judaism happened at an early cation can the belief in Israel's Chosenness be chapter of his book. It amounts to a passionate fge. When still a child his father, deeply involved justified and maintained. Here does Martin Buber's condemnation both in sorrow and in anger. Her |n the great values of Western civilisation, forbade lasting realisation retain its validity: if we are not injudicious and cynical report first appeared in the nim to write a story about the Jewish State. Yet, more than any other nation on this earth, we shall New Yorker, later as a book. It met with so much Unwillingly and unwittingly, he also made him a not even be a nation like the other nations on this adverse publicity in the Jewish communities every­ ^lonist. When years later, the son had taken the earth. Chosenness has its price. He who talks of where, that the criticism need not be renewed in uecision which made him part ways from his his belief in it, but falsifies it from a special this context. Just because Ernst Simon knows and ather's assimilationist conviction, his father asked obligation into a privilege is an impostor in history." appreciates Hannah Arendt's scholarly achieve­ '•n and his similarly inclined brother who and Criticism from within, towards oneself, one's ments in other fields he is hurt more deeply by hat had been their decisive motives. He replied: brethren, and above all towards what is meant this manifest intellectual aberration. He detects its lou yourself. You taught us decency, and that with the creation of the State of Israel—these are underlying causes in certain traces of self-hatred ^eant Zionism". It was the age of virulent anti- the ever recurring demands which Simon puts to of her own past. "Do not dissociate yourself from nutism in Germany when radical about-turns his fellow-Jews. By showing in numerous examples your community; do not trust yourself until the uggested themselves by the turbulent events. the relationship between modern and traditional day of your death, and do not judge your com­ ti I * Ernst Simon remained a Zionist of par- Jewish literature he makes the Bible our contempo­ panions before you have been in their situation"— jCUlar intellectual coinage. He is an observant rary and present-day writers witnesses of age-old with this quotation from the "Words of Our ^*. not an orthodox one as he likes to point out. tradition. His religious allegiance in unison with Fathers" he rebukes her fallacy. In his criticisms as well as in his identification Ernst Simon proves his educational mastership. Being himself a man of wide learning, equally at home in many worlds of thought and a specialist RENAULT in comparison and differentiation, his wisdom A shines most brightly when he can show up and examine encounters of different spheres of civilis­ ation, mutually enriching each other. There's a lot happening at Old Oak. A previous publication of a collection of Emst Simon's essays was suitably entitled "Bridges" Last year, more people than ever before bought a (Brijcken, Heidelberg 1965). He is a builder of bridges on our strife-ridden earth. new Renault from Old Oak Motor Company. •Ernst Simon: Entscheidung zum Juderuum. Essays und This might be because we are a family firm that still Vortrage. Frankfurt 1979. believes the customer should come first. Or maylDe it was because Renault produce Europe's "BRITAIN'S NEW CITIZENS" most up-to-date and economy-conscious range of cars, Request for Copies from the thrifty 5, to the super-luxury 30TX. In 1951, the AJR published a brochure "Britain's New Citizens", which described the story of the It could even have been because our unique Refugees from Germany and Austria. We no "Service Preference" scheme guarantees our customers longer have copies in stock. On the other hand, we are frequently asked by research workers to cheaper and faster servicing and after-sales care. let them have material on the subject. It would be But whatever the reason, shouldn't you come along greatly appreciated if any readers who still have yourself and see what happens at Enfield's Renault Centre. copies of the brochure but do not want to keep them for themselves or their families kindly send them to the AJR Office, 8 Fairfax Mansions, London NW3 6LA. Annely juda Fine Art Come and see for yourself. Old Oak— Service for cars—and people. 11 Tottenham Mews, London WIP 9PJ MOTOR o»-637 5.^'7/8 COMPANY CONTEMPORARY PAINTING LIMITED AND SCULPTURE OLD OAK Mon-Fri: 10 ain-6 pm Sat: lOam-lpm 79 WINDMILL HILL ENFIELD EN2 7AG 01-363-2261 Page 6 AJR INFORMATION May 1981 F. Hellendall Sammons who rightly sees the Moors in Heine's early tragedy "Almansor" as an "allegorical figur­ ation of oppressed Jewry" describes the words A NEW HEINE BIOGRAPHY IN ENGLISH appearing in this tragedy "Where books are burned in the end people are burned as well" as Jeffrey L. Sammons, Professor of German at Yale (p. 19), but in Bouxviller in Alsace where he made "most stunningly prophetic lines". However, he University, describes his new Heine biography' the acquaintance of the Abbe Gregoire whom as takes a different view of other prophecies by as a "first attempt in many years at a compre­ Sammons rightly states he helped to prepare the Heine. Thus the famous words of "Thor with the hensive biography and the first fully documented ground for the emancipation of the Jews in the giant hammer" at the end of the "History of one in more than a century". This appears to be French revolution. Religion and Philosophy in Germany" have often a rather exaggerated claim as quite a few Heine The book contains some strange criticism of —and in the opinion of this reviewer rightly— biographies have been published in German dur­ some of Heine's most famous poems. Thus Sam­ been interpreted as a prophecy of what happened ing the last two decades some of which were mons describes the Pilgrimage to Kevelaer as "a in Germany between 1933 and 1945. Sammons reviewed in this journal; but it is certainly correct long overestimated Catholicising poem" evidently thinks that "this interpretation, as more recent to say that Professor Sammons's work is, as far as not noticing its deep irony which is anything but commentators have seen, is quite wrong". He does, this reviewer is aware, the first comprehensive "Catholicising". He calls Heine's poem on the however, not state who these "more recent com­ Heine biography which has appeared in the Israelitic Hospital in Hamburg where Heine refers mentators" are. English language for quite some time. to Jewish orthodoxy as the "old Egyptian and Professor Sammons finds some difficulty in The book appears to be the first Heine bi­ unhealthy faith" "a rather odd poem" and dis­ properly assessing Heine's role as a political poet ography which benefits from the two separate misses "Nachtgedanken" as an "utterance of long­ and, connected with this, the relationship between Heine editions which are in the process of being ing for his mother the bulk of it has been Heine and Marx. Heine, says Sammons, was not published in Dusseldorf and Weimar and in par­ forgotten by most people; but its opening is often a "poet of the people", but a "poet against the ticular the eight volumes of letters to and from recited 'Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht'". people's enemies", an argument somewhat difficult Heine compiled and edited by the late London The author evidently fails to understand this grand to follow when one bears in mind the Winter's Heine expert Fritz Eisner under the auspices of poem full of the irony and grief of the exile! Tale promising a new song and a better song, the the Weimar edition. Silesian Weavers and other poems of the same The fact that Sammons is writing from Mother's "Judendeutsch" period. One should rather ask the question America, at some distance from the age-old con­ Similar misinterpretation may be discovered in whether the fact that Heine's political poems did troversies, distortions and apologies around Heine the observations by Professor Sammons on Heine's not become as popular in Germany as his lyrical in Germany, has enabled him to write a well- mother whose learning Heine is said to have over­ poetry might not have something to do with the documented and generally balanced story of estimated. The evidence for this statement given general misery of the German political scene in Heine's life and works. Stating this, however, does by Sammons are "some preserved letters from her the 100 years preceding 1933. not necessarily mean that the book does not younger days written in Hebrew characters not in contain some errors of fact and judgment. In the Yiddish but in somewhat faulty German" (p. 14). Relationship with Marx description of Heine's youth Sammons states He overlooks the fact that Heine's mother like Sammons agrees that it will not do to under­ (p. 33) that Heine "seems to have had no experi­ the majority of German Jews of her generation estimate the relationship between Heine and Marx, ence of Jewish oppression in his youth" although used "Judendeutsch", not Yiddish as her daily but again this generally excellently documented he mentions a few pages later (p. 38) the incident means of communication, and wrote her letters to book does not produce the slightest piece of described in Heine's Memoirs when Heine was her son in the same idiom in Hebrew script. This evidence for the Professor's proposition that caned by his teacher after he had referred in class was not a "faulty German", but a language in its Heine "never grasi)ed Marx's historical vision or to his grandfather as "a little Jew with a long own right which German Jews of later generations his profoundly revolutionary transfiguration of beard" and caused an uproar amongst his class­ in their eagerness to assimilate to their German Hegel's philosophy" (p. 263) or that "it is certain mates. Anti-Jewish rioting started in some pans environment were only too anxious to discard and their (Marx's and Engels') ultimate judgment was of Germany earlier than 1819, the year when forget. It proves nothing about the degree of Heine entered University, as alleged by Sammons. education of Heine's mother. continued on page 7 Heine's great uncle Simon van Geldem did not Students of Heine have often been impressed by live the last decade of his life in Hesse-Darmstadt some of his outstanding prophecies. Professor Remember What Israel are you So Israel may remember you doing If you wish Israel and Jewish about gifts Organisations to benefit by your Will, why not consult us? tiiis year ? We have a special knowledge of No longer a problem, no longer a chore, the problems and needs of here is the gift you will be delighted to give and secretly wish to keep. Jewish Clients, and can help you This superb range of pocket knives, from the elegant Executive to the or your Solicitor to carry out your multibladed Champion is designed intentions. to satisfy the most discerning user; made by Swiss craftsmen, the knives have for years been regarded For further information and as the world's best. advice, without obligation and Chris Bonington and his team used our knives on the successful free of charge, please apply to: climb of the South Face of Annapurni and the great ascent of the South West Face of Everest. Mr H. Rothman (Director) For the gift that is different but sure to please, choose from the K.K.L. Executor & Trustee Co. Ltd. wide range of Victorinox pocket knives. Harold Poster House, There is no better gift to carry your company logo. Kingsbury Circle, London, NW9 98P. FOR DETAILS WRITE OR PHONE SWISS CUTLERY (GIFTS) LIMITED Telephone: 01-204 9911, Ext: 36 VICTORINOX HOUSE 1 RIDGE ROAD LONDON NW2 2QR • 01 435 5475 AJR INFORMATION May 1981 Page? HEINE BIOGRAPHY IN ENGLISH (cent.) Egon Larsen not that Heine had been their ally and forerunner" However two other Heine paperbacks ought to THE MONEY-FORGERS OF when the second paragraph in Engels' "Ludwig be welcomed. In "Heine in Deutschland"^, the Feuerbach" proves exactly the opposite! Heine is Deutsche Taschenbuchverlag has published some BLOCK 19 great enough to stand on his own feet, but on the of the appreciations and vituperations of the poet The most surprising thing about Peter Edel's evidence Sammons himself quotes it is obvious that written between 1834 and 1956, beginning with a autobiography, "Wenn es ans Leben geht", is that quite a few of Heine's ideas were taken up by letter by Ludwig Borne and ending with statements it was published at all and in such extraordinary Marx and further developed, and that they were made on the 100th anniversary of Heine's death length—two volumes with a total of 950 pages— close friends and allies in the years before the in 1956 by the East and West German Govern­ by the leading publishing house of the German 1848 Revolution. ments and containing inter alia antisemitic com­ Democratic Republic, the Verlag der Nation in Pious souls have believed the story that in his ments by Treitschke, Rosegger and Adolf Bartels East Berlin. For this Peter Edel, born in 1921 as l^t years, the "Mattress Grave", Heine returned and positive appreciations by Hebbel, Franz Meh­ the son of a Jewish business man in Berlin, grew to the belief in a personal god. Against strong ring, Wilhelm Bolsche, Alfred Kerr and Heinrich up in the bourgeois cultural climate of the Weimar evidence which he admits exists Sammons con­ Mann. It is good that this material is now avail­ era, strongly influenced by his famous grandfather, tends that the "transformation was a genuine able to anybody studying the Heine reception in the artist and writer Edmund Edel, a "regular" of °ne". Is it not more likely that, in the enforced Germany in the last 150 years. After all the writing the Romanische Cafe. Today, Peter Edel is a busy, loneliness of his "Mattress Grave", Heine searched on Heine it is also gratifying that the Deutsche respected, even prominent member of the GDR 'Of an imagined partner in his monologues and Taschenbuch-Verlag has published the Book of cultural 61ite. We may draw our own conclusions chose "somebody to whom I can describe in tears Songs in a paperback edition*. Another paperback" about the status and treatment of the Jews, or at the liturgy of my suffering?" In a letter to Georg gives a selection of the most important political least some of them, in East Germany from his weerth dated the Sth November, 1851, written writings by Heine. Whilst the author has endeav­ case. ^fter more than three years of the "Mattress oured to give a reasonable extract from such The highlight of his childhood memories was a virave", Heine stated quite clearly: "I die as a writing, such selections will to some extent always visit, with his grandfather, to Max Liebermann in poet who needs neither religion nor philosophy and be dependent on the taste of the person selecting. 1934, a year before the grand old man's death. *ho has nothing to do with either of them". Thus there is not one poem dealing with a Jewish The visit encouraged the boy to train as an artist; Gammons, otherwise such a thorough research theme and apart from a little extract from the Kathe Kollwitz, whom he met a year later in the Worker, neither quotes nor mentions this unam­ dialogue between Hirsch-Hyazinth and Gumpelino Jewish cemetery when his grandfather was buried, biguous piece of evidence. in the Baths of Lucca nothing on that theme became his first mentor. The teenager was intro­ appears in prose! Nevertheless this paperback duced to Bruno and Paul Cassirer (and Paul's wife, In a final Chapter "Aftermath" Sammons sum- whets our appetite to read Heine once more in •*»arises the continuous effect of Heine's work all Tilla Durieux); then there was Isaiah Granach, ''^er the world. Unfortunately he repeats the story the original and not in extracts. fresh from his Galician Shtetl, whom Peter's °t_ Heine's alleged "persistent disdain for England" D.P. Meier-Lenz, one of the editors of the father had met over a plate of frankfurters and Without mentioning his admiration for the liberal lively literary magazine "Die Horen", tries to potato salad at Aschinger's, years before he f'^d democratic institutions of the country which compare two Winter Tales, the famous one by changed his first name to Alexander and made his ^e visited in 1827 and which he described in Heine and a less famous one by Wolf Biermann'. way on the stage under Reinhardt. 5>hakespeare's Girls and Women and years later in Comparing these two works it becomes obvious The Edels did not think of emigrating—after tne State of Affairs in France. that Biermann's verses full of crude and dirty all, Peter's mother was "Aryan"—until the shock Professor Sammons recognises the dilemma platitudes, just will not measure up to Heine's of the shattered their fatalism. Father |acing students of Heine which he wrongly limits to famous ballade. Meier-Lenz's serious and studious was taken to a KZ, mother tried to earn a living Marxist literary critics": "The most radical attempt of a comparison just cannot succeed. The by dress-making. Peter had been forced to leave eatures of contemporary Heine scholarship retain most interesting part of this study is an historical the Gymnasium. Early in 1939, Frau Edel started '"e most traditional habits of seeing literature as investigation by the author tracing the theme of on the desperate path to get visas and money for * secular scripture .... This German habit has the Winter's "Tale to Shakespeare's play of the a journey to England—and a permit for herself eeply permeated Marxist literary criticism and is same title. Unfortunately this investigation limps and her husband as a "married couple" of dom­ °^^ of its most vulnerable weaknesses. If the in the end as Biermann is neither a Shakespeare estic servants, taking Peter with them. She got to message embodied in the literary phenomenon nor a Heine! England, got the jobs—and then the war broke eannot be made consonant with our current ideas out. The Home Office, suspicious because she was °' what is right and good, the work must be "Aryan", told her to return as soon as possible to expelled from the canon; if however it is too ^ Jeffrey L. Sammons, Heinrich Heine, a Modem Biography. Germany, or she would be interned as an enemy Carcanet New Press, Manchester and Princeton University strong, incapable of being dislodged from the Press, Princeton, NJ, USA. alien. She took the last boat from Southampton. eights of human achievement, the means must be ^ Fritz J. Raddatz, "Heine, ein deutsches Mdrchen", Back in Berlin, some Nazi official told her to °tind for making the message serviceable to our Fischer-Taschenbucii, Frankfurt a.M. get divorced from her Jewish husband. Both dis­ °wn aspirations, even if this means wrenching 3 Heine in Deutschland—Dokumente seiner Rezeption 1834- 1956. Mit einer Einlcitung hcrausgegeben von Karl Theo­ cussed the matter seriously: was it not, after all, einterpretations, suppression of intractable parts dor Kleinknecht Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag Max Nie- a mere formality? They decided to do it, and the t the oeuvre, or abstruse decoding of a secret meyer Verlag. Tijbingcn. ex-husband left the home to move in with a friend. jnessage transcending the author's own conscious­ * Heinrich Heine, Buch der Lieder—Nachlese zu den Gedich- ten 1812-1827. Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Klaus Peter found a Jewish girl friend, a violinist; she ness". Briegleb Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Munchen. killed herself with an overdose of drugs when life ' Heinrich Heine, Die Wahl-Esel, Ein salirisches Lesebuch. f ,, °^sor Sammons, though not a Marxist, has Zusammengestcllt von Lutz Gomer, Satire Verlag. Koln. seemed to become unbearable. ^uen into the same trap—as have many contem­ • D. P. Meier-Lenz, Heinrich Heine-Wolf Biermann, Deutschland, ZWEI Winlermarchen. ein Werlcvergleich From forced labour to KZ porary writers on Heine, East and West, on the Bouvier Verlag Herbert Crundmann, Bonn. r*'t and on the Right. It is a pity as Sammons' Peter had stayed with his mother. Early in 1941, &v^ ^ ^ tremendously interesting work, and if the he was told to come to the labour exchange, f thor had steered clear of this dilemma it would where he was ordered to join the Jewish work ^^ ''een a first class biography of Heinrich Heine RIGHTEOUS GENTILE MEDALS force at Siemens. It was on that visit to the uom Sammons recognises as "one of the cultural FOR ITALIANS exchange that he met again Esther, a childhood •heroes of human freedom". The Righteous Gentile medal of Yad Vashem friend; soon they became engaged, married . . . Siammons mentions a "current Heine industry has been awarded to six Italians, three of them and got baptized, complying with the urgent advice posthumously. All had risked their lives to save irr^^ Benerates some two hundred books and of a Catholic Pater. Together with the marriage Jews from the Nazis and Fascists during the certificate they got a copy of the new law requir­ "icles annually". Almost at the same time as Second World War and one of them, Torquato Prof,esso r Sammons' book was published in the ing them to wear the yellow star, no matter what Straccone of Vicenza, died in Mauthausen con­ their religion might be. USA and in Great Britain a paperback edition of centration camp with his 18-year-old son because So-called Heine biography by the literary editor of the help he had given to Jews. A former At the factory, Peter Edel made friends with an ' the WesWpcft Germar:o,-«,on„ weekl«,.><.i,i.y> "Di"r\;e- Zeit"•7^!t", T7n«.Fritz. partisan commander. Dr. Giacinto Lazzarini, had older worker who entreated him to join yet Raddatz was published in West Germany^ The rescued thousands of people, among them 1,550 another fellowship: that of the Communist resist­ tiH ','^'"2 which is correct about this book is its Jews. Others honoured were the late mayor of a ance. We hear little about his underground activi­ Piedmontese town and his widow, while another ties, apart from pasting leaflets on walls and th t "^^'"^' * German Fairy Tale". It is a pity couple from Milan had enabled Jews to cross the listening to Radio Moscow. At night, nothing *t a book which repeats some of the most Swiss border. The presentation was made by Dr. could be done except rushing down to the cellar jj7°*^'ous nonsense about Heine should have found Avner Arazi, the Israeli Consul in Milan, at a when the sirens sounded. Even there, non-Aryans way to the paperback market. The book is a ceremony attended by many high officials of the "T tale, but not a biography. region. continued on page 8 Pages AJR INFORMATION May 1981 THE MONEY-FORGERS (cent.) KOLLEK INVITES BERLIN'S LORD MAYOR The former West German Minister of Justice, were separated from the pure-blooded Berliners. prisoners into aiding and abetting the murderers Dr. Vogel, who is now Reigning Lord Mayor of Behind a wooden partition Peter and Esther heard of their relatives as accomplices with an inter­ West Berlin, received congratulations on his ap­ those outside praying between explosions. national crime." It was also suicidal, for the pointment from the Mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kollek and an invitation to visit Jerusalem as Edel gives no date of the morning when the "polite" officer made it clear that anyone who soon as possible. Dr. Kollek added that he was Jewish forced-labourers were rounded up at breathed a word about the operation to an out­ extremely glad and grateful to have a faithful and Siemensstadt and other factories around Berlin to sider would be eliminated, and "if necessary, the well-meaning friend like Dr. Vogel as Berlin's "make the capital judenrein". Yet after a few whole team would be shot". But the prisoners Lord Mayor. days at the "Clou" in the Mauerstrasse, a place of learnt that the equipment and material they were THE OLD CITY RENOVATIONS entertainment that had been taken over by the using had been supplied by many sectors of the Following the collapse of part of the Via SS, the "descendants of one Aryan parent" were German industry, and that the technical organiz­ Dolorosa in Jerusalem last year, it is being released and ordered to return to their place of ation was in the hands of Obersturmbannfuehrer restored and rebuilt. New public services have work. Edel looked in vain for Esther; she had Otto Skorzeny. been laid in the area and the road, the traditional been taken away, and so had his father. He Early in 1945, as the Russians were approaching, path of Jesus to the Crucifixion, has been repaved. decided not to return to the factory, but to go Some stones dating from the days of King Herod, everything in Block 19 was dismantled, packed up, which lay 13 feet below the present level, have "underground" with false papers and without the and loaded into lorries while the team of counter­ been raised and included in the renovation. yellow star. Within a few days, the caught feiters was sent by rail to Mauthausen in Austria, him in his mother's flat. a KZ dubbed "Mordhausen" because of the sup­ AMBASSADOR'S FAREWELL TO EGYPT In an atmosphere of warmth and friendship. For a month they kept and questioned him at reme efficiency of the murderers who operated Dr. Eliahu Ben-Elissar, the first Israeli Ambas­ the Polizeipraesidium. In the autumn of 1943 he here, vying with their Auschwitz colleagues. But sador to Egypt, had a farewell meeting with landed in the Grossbeeren KZ, where he got the as the Allies came nearer, the SS had only one President Sadat before leaving for Israel, where "usual" treatment: sadistic, brutal beating. That worry: how to get rid of the evidence, the many he is to stand in the forthcoming elections. His was only the beginning. The next stop on his crates full of forged banknotes. Rumours were historic appointment had lasted just over a year. nightmarish Odyssey was Auschwitz. But there, speaking of plans to throw them into a deep Aus­ SEA-TO-SEA CANAL almost at the door of the gas chamber, things trian lake. The Block 19 team were sure they, too, Construction of a 60-mile canal to link the changed for him so grotesquely that he could would now be eliminated. But they were taken to Dead Sea with the Mediterranean may soon begin. hardly believe it. the lovely Salzkammergut in the first days of May, Mr. Isaac Modai, the Israeli Energy Minister, said He and a few other prisoners were taken to to the KZ Ebensee, not far from the that funds raised by the sale of Israeli government Sachsenhausen with its mysterious, windowless setting of the Weisses Roessl. As it later turned bonds in America would be used for the work. Block 19. There, among strange pieces of equip­ out, the idea was to send all the 20,000 prisoners SETBACKS FOR KREISKY'S MEDIATION ment, the group were addressed, almost politely, of the KZ down the nearest salt mine: allegedly Dr. Bruno Kreisky, the Chancellor of Austria, by the commanding SS officer: "This will be your to protect them from American bombs, but in fact has again attempted to show that the Palestine to blow them all up. The mine was laid. There was Liberation Organisation has become more mod­ noblest job. Here we print English pound notes of erate, by stating that he had "definite indications" the highest accuracy, also passports, postal stamps a revolt of the prisoners; they refused to leave the that the PLO was prepared to amend its charter and so on. The operation is already in full swing. camp. Now the SS themselves got the wind up and by removing the call for Israel's destruction. This You, who have been trained in the graphic pro­ ran or drove away. The prisoners hoisted white remark was made before his meeting with PLO fession, will now be able to show what you can do. flags. The first American jeep arrived. representative Farouk Kaddoumi. After the meet­ Stand at ease, men." Peter Edel stayed in Austria; only his mother ing, however, Kaddoumi told reporters that the The grand scheme, said to have been devised by had survived. He started a new career as a writer matter had not even been discussed. Himmler, was to flood Britain and other non- The Israeli Ambassador in Vienna has warned and artist. He helped the US prosecution as a that the decision to sell tanks to Saudi Arabia occupied countries with pound-notes in all denomi­ witness at the last trial of war criminals at would disqualify Austria from her proposed role - nations, thus undermining the British economy, Nuremberg. Then he moved to East Beriin and as Middle East mediator. bankrupting the Bank of England, and creating settled in the GDR. His autobiography begins, and abroad funds for Nazi spies and agents. "It was a ends 950 pages later, with the question that had satanical idea," writes Edel, "to force Jewish been put to him: "Why did you come to us from 'over there'?" Those two volumes, he claims, are the answer. A rather wordy one, full of fictitious monologues and dialogues (often in some badly LEON JESSEL UMFTED France & Germany's imitated dialect, from that of the olle ehrliche Prolel to Yiddish), with confusing time jumps, and Finest Wines all interspersed with obtrusive eulogies on the Manufacturers of GDR, its bigwigs and its ideology. Yet Edel's SHIPPED BY story, if reduced to facts and a quarter of its Fancy Leather Goods, length, could have been a valuable document of that traumatic period, instead of an "answer" to Gift Goods HOUSE OF an absurd question, so loaded with doubt and insecurity that one could not imagine it being asked today in any other European country: "Why which are advertised throughout the HALLGARTEN did you come to us? " world as I am able to offer you a superb THE THIRD REICH ON BERLIN STAGES selection of French (incl. Kosher Two theatres in West Berlin are currently stag­ "EMBLEMS OF GOOD CRAFTSMANSHIP BY Alsace) and German wines, ing works concerned with . "Fallada Revue" in the Schiller Theatre, presents a spec­ THE JESSa ORGANISATION" shipped by the famous importers, tacular view of the NSDAP's rise—also the theme House of Hallgarten, and to advise of "Cabaret" which has recently been seen on stage here. "Bent", which had a critical and We also manufacture Industrial you personally and help you with controversial success in London, has also opened your wine purchases. The selection recently. Set in a concentration camp, the play Equipment in Leather and Canvas deals with the persecution of homosexuals. ranges from your everyday wines Films seen at the Berlin Film Festival included to the finest for your speoiai Dieter Hildebrandt's "The Yellow Star". Using P.O. Box 12. Corporation Street original footage, some of it propaganda showing a Simcha. "model camp" in contrast to real-life scenes of persecution and murder, the film condemns all Walsall, WSl 4HP Delivery to all U.K. addresses. those who in any way abetted the Nazis whether Please write or phone: by acts of commission or of omission. It has been West Midlands nominated for an Oscar in the documentary class. JUSTIN QOLDMHER Another prizewinning film at the festival was Wine Merchant "Lifeboat full", directed by Markus Imhoof. A Talee

official capacity, and gradually was attracted to the Robert Weltsch (Jerusalem) inner circle of the leadership. From that time onwards, she was an ardent supporter of Weiz­ TRIBUTE TO A GREAT JEWISH LADY mann's policy and kept this faithful affection also after Weizmann's death. Today she is unhappy— as are others too—because of the changes in Lola Hahn-Warburg, whose 80th birthday on conversation, Marshall and Warburg (the leading Zionist reality, which she regards as a betrayal of 19 May 1981 will be celebrated with good reason men of the American team) assured Weizmann Weizmann's legacy and of those who were close throughout the Jewish world, occupies a unique that his financial worries were over. to him, like Shmarya Levin and others. (This she position in the Jewish movement of the last half But alas! It was not to be as simple as that. expresses even in her letters during recent months.) century, owing to her personality, her activities in The new formation was bom under an unlucky One of the main Zionist or Palestine-linked various spheres of Jewish life, and, first of all, her star. A few days after the great occasion, one of activities in which Lola participated was Youth passionate involvement in all that concerns the its principal promoters, Louis Marshall, died. Aliya. Only recently—in February 1981—an in­ Jewish problems of the epoch and especially the Moreover, a Wall Street crash signalled the start stitution in Israel was given her name, though Zionist idea and its realisation in the complicated of the great depression which was to hold the owing to illness she could not be present at the and partly adverse circumstances of the epoch. She American economy in its grip for a long time.* dedication ceremony. Thus, "Lola House"—Beit emerged as one of the leading and influential Other disasters followed, culminating in the mur­ Lola—had to be inaugurated (in the first week of personalities in this situation, owing to her grasp derous Palestine riots of August 1929. In the this March) without her presence: Hamlet without °f the relevant issues and her passionate involve­ course of a few weeks the whole situation had the Prince of Denmark. The magnificent building ment. changed fundamentally. is situated in Moshav Beth Uziel, near Ramla, I remember the momentous journey by boat in Yet, during the festive days of Zurich, nobody and is a special school for children of broken lf29 from Palestine to attend the meeting in foresaw the menacing future. The main purpose families. The children live now with the families 2 Cyrus Adler and the others. The sation partners. Also Felix's niece Lola fell under 1980, 67 reports on their work were published by Fellows of the Foundation in addition to the doi assembled crowd gave Weizinann a tremen- his spell, which was to become for her a dominant force for a life time. Lola became a frequent 184 published in earlier years. It is obvious that nenf' ^P'^^^^eous ovation. There were no oppo- such far-ranging support will be most welcome " of the scheme any longer. In an intimate visitor at Zionist Congresses, though in an un­ to researchers at Israeli universities.

BELSIZE SQUARE SYNAGOGUE CAMPS BECHSTEIN STEINWAY BLUTHNIR INTERN MENT-P.O.W^ SI Betoize Squwe, London. N.WJ Finest selection reconditioned PIANOS FORCED LABOUR-KZ ?U[ new communal hall Is available for Always interested In purchasing I with to buy cards, anvelopei and folded po«t- *^«iiural and social functions. For details well-preserved instruments marked latter* from all camp* ol both world wara. •PPly to: Secretary, Synagogue Oflkse Plaata aand, reolatarad mall, stating prIca. to: JACQUES SAMUEL PIANOS LTD. 14 Rosslyn Hill, London, NWl 1PF TeL: 01-794 142 Edgware Road, W.2 Tel: 723 8881/9 PETER C. RICKENBACK Page 10 AJR INFORMATION May 1981

NONNENWEIER E. G. Lowenthal Jewish life in a small Jewish rural community was investigated by Elfie Labsch-Benz in her thesis for a master's degree at Strasbourg uni­ JEWISH PAST IN GERMAN TOWNS versity. It has now been translated into German and published by the Baden-Wuerttemberg NUREMBERG FRANCONIA Centre for Political Education under the title The Germanische Nationalmuseum has just Dr. Herbert Schultheis received his degree in "The Jewish Community in Nonnenweier. Jewish closed a special exhibition of all the Jewish theology from the Catholic-Theological faculty life and customs in a Baden rural community at ritual and everyday objects in its collection. They of Wurzburg university for his thesis on "Jews the beginning of the 20th century." The author are normally distributed over its various de­ in Lower Franconia 1933-1945." It has now been interviewed in depth five Jewish former inhabi­ partments, i.e. the Shofars are in the collection published as the first volume of the "Bad Neu- tants and four Christians still living in Nonnen­ of historical musical instruments, and the docu­ stadter Beitrage zur Geschichte und Heimatkunde weier. The small village in the Rhine plain near ments and mediaeval scripts in its library and in Frankens". It relies on a vast amount of thorough Lahr in Baden had 244 Jewish citizens in 1855, the collections of etchings. In 1912/13 Jewish research, hampered, as the author states, by the when the entire citizenship numbered 1300. Jews citizens of Nuremberg, together with the religious loss of many documents, particularly for the had lived in the village since the early 18th congregation under Rabbi Freudenthal had pro­ Schweinfurt region, during the war, by the century, at first immigrating from nearby French vided a vast amount of objects connected with refusal of the authorities to allow access to Alsace. By 1933, their numbers had fallen to 65 German-Jewish culture, for the Museum. There denazification files and by the lack of any source —many villagers, both Christian and Jewish, had were also four mediaeval tombstones which had material for the Jewish students' union "Salia" by then moved into larger towns. At present there been used for ordinary buildings after the of Wurzburg university. Even so, the thesis with are no Jews living there. destruction of Jewish cemeteries in Nuremberg in its 650 pages of text, its extensive and interesting 1349 and 1498/99. The oldest of them dates back appendix and its 130 hitherto unpublished photos JEWISH SENIOR RAMBLING GROUP to 1282. They were later secured for the museum. of differing quality, is an invaluable source of We have been asked to draw our readers' information. It describes many political events: attention to the Jewish Senior Rambling Group, isolated attacks on individuals, general anti-Jewish which arranges weekly outings and other functions. MAEVZ AND WORMS measures such as exclusion from professions and Founded 53 years ago, the Club has a high In the Medical Journal for Rhineland-Palatinate, organisations, boycott and enforced sale of proportion of members of Continental origin. the Mainz Professor Dr. Otto Bbcher, a Protestant businesses, arrests and illtreatment of individuals Details may be obtained from Miss I. E. Gunston theologian and art historian, has just published and groups, and desecrations of cemeteries. It (after 9 pm) 229 8373 or Mr. Peter Johnson (after an essay on the old Worms Synagogue. He is a gives details of Jewish experience in 21 towns 8 pm) 286 8825. specialist on Jewish history in the old Land in Lower Franconia among which Aschaffenburg Hesse. Not very long ago, he published a very and Wiirzburg are the most imjjortant. In 1933, instructive survey of the history of Jews in there were some 125 Jewish communities in the OBITUARY Mainz in a learned journal "Mainzer Kompara- region. They all had a synagogue or at least a HUGH HARRIS tistische Hefte" in which he described in detail prayer hall, and the book lists them all, giving For 15 years editor of the Jewish Year Book, the work of many eminent Jewish scholars in the date when they were built and short details Hugh Harris died in March at the age of 83. A the early middle ages, the ensuing acts of per­ of their eventual fate. Several synagogues were Liverpool man, he became a teacher and as head­ secution from the 14th to the 17th century and built in the early 18th century. master of the West Hampstead Jewish Day School the memorable period of peaceful coexistence taught both Keith Joseph and Edmund de Roths­ between 1800 and 1933. E.G.L. child. Later, he lectured at Jews' College on Classics and English. He had long been associated with the Jewish Chronicle and in 1938 became ILUNGEN BORGENTREICH literary editor, a post he held until 1968. Mr. The Saarland group of the Council of The small town of Borgentreich in Westphalia Harris supported, or held office in, many groups Christians and Jews has just published the first recently published a symposium to celebrate its such as the International PEN Qub, B'nai B'rith history of a once important Jewish community 700 years of existence. It contains a most and the Jewish Peace Society. in the Saar region, written by Otto Nauhauser interesting essay by Rudolf Muhs, a young "The Jewish Community of Illingen". It gives a fiistorian of Freiburg university on the history WOLFGANG DAVID GORDON comprehensive history of this commimity, starting of the Jewish community in Borgentreich between A founder of British Hashomer Hatzair, Wolf­ in 1717 and ending with the deportation of the 1646 and 1941. The town which is in the neigh­ gang David Gordon recently died in Hampstead. last local Jews in October 1940. It contains records bourhood of Paderbom, had at least until the Born in Germany in 1920, he was baptised as a of all births, marriages and deaths since 1801, end of the 19th century more Jewish than child in an attempt to protect him from anti­ based on the local Standesami records, lists of Protestant inhabitants—the majority of its citizens semitism. However, he retumed to his Jewish inhabitants in various key periods and a survey being Roman Catholics. In 1840, there were 104 traditions through his interest in the "Werkleute", of the social and professional life of local Jews, Jews living there, but, owing to the movement which later merged with Hashomer-Hatzair. Emi­ their religious and social organisations and the to larger towns, their mmiber fell to 74 in 1861, grating to Britain in the late thirties, in 1945 he increasing wave of emigrations between 1934 and and 23 in 1905. The book gives some interesting organised a school at Windermere for child sur­ 1939. In 1939, those remaining were deported to details on the social and professional life of the vivors of the Holocaust and cared for another Vichy France, in most cases to be re-deported to inhabitants and also contains a few reproductions group in Hackney. the East. The book also contains a number of of documents and photos of graves. One of the In addition to this communal work Mr. Gordon illustrations showing the old synagogue and the documents refers to the re-establishment of the took the opportunity to obtain a joint degree in cemetery. congregation in 1929. philosophy and psychology.

FAMILY EVENTS Reichold:—Mr. J. Reichold of 32, King's CLASSIFIED Situations Wanted Entries in the column Family Events Court, Wembley, will celebrate his 88th TTie charge in these columns is 50p GENTLEMAN MID-FIFTIES, car are free of charge: any voluntary birthday during May. Congratulations for five words plus 50p for advertise­ owner/driver, lifetime experience in all donations would, however, be appreci­ from his relations and friends. ments under a Box No. aspects of the Dress Trade and open for ated. Texts should be sent in by 15/A of Situations Vacant any proposition, i.e. cutting room, stock the month. WE WOULD WELCOME hearing and production or quality control, Golden Wedding contact with contractors. Box No. 870. Kenley:—Erna and Willy Kenley (for­ from more ladies who would be will­ merly Katzky) of 3, King's Drive, ing to shop and cook for an elderly For Sale Birdi Wembley Park, Middlesex, will celebrate person in their neighbourhood on a ROSENTHAL DINNER SERVICE Fabian:—A lovely boy, Darren James, their 50th Wedding Aimiversary on May temporary or permanent basis. Cur­ (Maria White), 12 place settings, soup arrived on March 3rd. Fifth great­ 21. rent rate of pay £1.80 per hour. tureen and all serving dishes. Half grandchild of Mrs. Freda Fabian. Please ring Mrs. Matus 01-624 4449, current price list. Tel: 01-965 7177. Deaths AJR Employment, for Appointment. Pringle-Wilson:—Ruth Pringle-Wilson, HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED for INFORMATION REQUIRED Birthdays died 23rd March 1981 (17th Adar Sheni elderly lady to live in. Comfortable flat. Personal Enquiries Lehmann:—Henry Louis Lehmann, for­ 5741) after many years of serious ill- North West London. Box No. 871. Weiss:— Particulars about Dr. med. merly of Middleton, Manchester, cele- health bravely borne. Elder daughter of Fritz A. Weiss, born 4 July, 1898, in te-ated his 70th birthday on 31 st December Kurt and Ella Graetz of Glogau who, RESIDENT HOUSEKEEPER wanted with her younger sister Ilsa, were for elderly Austrian gentleman. Ring Berlin (parents Dr. Berthold Weiss 1980. He and Lore R. Lehmann, nee 642 7106. and Elisbeth nee Rathenue), come to Borg, have recently moved to Hove, murdered in Teriesenstadt 1945. Deeply England via Czechoslovakia, would be Sussex. moumed by hei relations, friends, and by Miscellaneoas her husband. REVLON MANICURIST. Will visit greatly appreciated for research. Liebert:—Mrs. Eveline E. Liebert, now your home. Phone 01-445 2915. Hirsch:—Else Hirsch, bom 1912, lived residing at Osmond House, and for Schemel:—Hans Schemel died in his Personal in Sprottau/Schlesien. Information re­ many years associated with Children and sleep on the 19th March 1981. Deeply HOMELY LADY, 65, independent quired by former schoolfriend RUTH Youth Aliyah, celebrated her 90th birth­ moumed by his devoted wife and missed means, seeks matching partner/compan­ Brueninghaus, nte MATZGE Komweg day on 16th April 1981. by so many. ion. Box 872. 25d, 8400 Regensburg. Germany. AJR INFORMATION May 1981 Page 11

BERLIN'S "SCHEUNENVIERTEL" Sir,—Today hardly anybody remembers the fact NINETY-NINE that in Berlin there existed in the middle of the MRS. MARGARET JACOBY'S BIRTHDAY 99. What impresses everybody who sees Mrs. city a quarter inhabited by poor Jews. Being I Nowadays, the official retirement age is 65. Jacoby is her youthfulness, her vivacity, her almost a ghetto, this quarter was ignored then and, ^me carry on for a further number of years. ever ready smile. Behind this smile, however, is after the destruction of the Jews and the demo­ Yet there will be few who start a new job when the caring for others, and the members of the lition of the city, its history is now forgotten. The they are 74, and those of them who remain in AJR CLUB, her "children", have ample oppor­ so-called "Scheunenviertel" behind the Alexander- harness with tmdlminished vigoiu" for another tunity to experience this over and over again. platz was one of the bustling places of the city, 25 years are certainly very rare exceptions. One An example to us all, we wish her on this inhabited by Jews who had fled from Eastern of these miracles is Mrs. Margaret Jacoby. Her 99th birthday that she may continue her active Europe. 99th birthday on May 22 coincides with this life in good health for many, many years to come. Readers who are in possession of pictures (show­ year's Silver Jubilee of the AJR Club, of which We wish her happiness in the love she gives and ing professions, shops, conditions of housing, she was a co-founder and whose chaimian she has which finds an echo in our love and affection for families, religious celebrations and institutions or been ever since. Yet beyond her work for the her. D.S. any remarkable events) are kindly requested lo Club, which is nearest to her heart, she has re- help me by sending originals, which will be care­ tamed many other interests. She attends opera fully treated, or copies. Expenses will be refunded. ^d theatre performances, and if a morning LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Am MarstaU 1, EIKE GEISEL. nappens to be sunny, she snatches the opportunity 3000 Hannover 1, {O drive to Golders Hill Park and enjoy the LUDENDORFF AND THE JEWS West Germany. olossoming crocuses. A senior citizen, as far as Sir,—In your February issue, Mr. Jack Barnett THE LATE DR. ITALIENER the population census goes, she is younger than described in his interesting article how Napoleon Sir,—The appreciation of Dr. Italiener published many who are her juniors in age. The AJR has wooed the Jewish population of Poland and in your March issue prompts me to add a small every reason to thank her for all she has done Russia. tribute. ^nd is still doing for us. Heartfelt congratulations! It might be of interest to recall that General Having grown up under his wing, as it were, I W.R. Ludendorff had the same idea during the invasion have fond recollections of his lessons at school in Greetings from the AJR Club of Poland and Russia in the First World War. Hamburg, also of the religion classes at the .Nine years ago, in a birthday tribute, some- I remember distinctly seeing pamphlets headed Temple, not to forget the Chanukah celebrations, oody wrote that "there are not many people who "An meine lieben Jidden in Polen", promising full which we shared with his family and other school *t the ripe age of 90 evoke so much love, civil rights and protection by the occupying power. children in the early thirties. ^miration and reverence as Margaret Jacoby." 74 North End House, C. H. ROTHSCHILD. 36 Buryfield Road, KEN SHINDLER How true this is; only "ripe age" does not ring Fitz-James Avenue, Solihull, (formeriy Kurt Schindler). nght even today when the figure is not 90 but London W14 ORX. West Midlands B91 2DG.

BELSIZE SQUARE GUEST HOUSES CLEARED T.V. EMERGENCY BOOKS WANTED HOUSE REPAIR SERVICE GERMAN AND JEWISH Furniture, pictures, carpets, etc. 24 BELSIZE SQUARE, N.W.S ILLUSTRATED, ETC. bought Teh 01-794 4307 or 01-435 25S7 Black/white and Colour Prompt Attention MODERN SELF-CATERING HOLIDAV All work guaranteed E.M.S. BOOKS E.C.S. Company ROOMS. RESIDENT HOUSEKBBraR 904 8974 Mrs. E. M. Schiff 01-440 0213 MODERATE TERMS. 223 Salmon Street NEAR FWISS COTTAGE STATION London, NW9 SND Tel. 205 2905 MADE-TO-MEASURE GERMAN BOOKS THE DORICE Doubia knK Jersey wool and wattiable BOUGHT drip-dry coats, suits, trouser-suitt and Continental Cuisine—Licensed dresses. Outsize our speciality. From YOUR FIGURE PROBLEMS Art, Literature, Topography, £8.00 Inclusive material. Also customers Baf>erally pre-war non clasalcal 169a Finchley Road, N.W.3 own material made up SOLVED (624 6301) Phone: 01-459 5817 ... by a visit to our Salon where B. HARRISON PARTIES CATEREO FOR Mrs. L. RudoKar ready-to-wear foundations are exp>ertly fitted and altered If The Village Bookshop required 48 Belsize Lane, N.W.S Tel: 01-794 3180 DAWSON HOUSE HOTEL Newest styles in Swim- a Free Street Parking in front of the Hotel MAPESBURY LODGE Si Beachwear & Hosiery e Full Central Heating e Free Laundry (Licensed by the Borough of Brent) e Free Dutch-Style Continental Bresl(fast tor the elderly, convalescent and Mme H. LIEBERG *^OODSTOCK LODGE' 72 CANFIELD GARDENS partly incapacitated. 871 Finchley Rd., Golders Green near Underground Sta. Finchley Roed. Lift to all floors. N.W.11 (next to Post Office) 40 Shoot-up Hill LONDON, N.W.S. Luxurious double and single 01-455 8673 Tel: 01-624 0079 rooma. Colour TV, h/c, central London, NW2 heating, private telephones, etc., in all rooms. Excellent kosher Well furnished single and cuisine. Colour TV lounge. Open double rooms. TORRINGTON HOMES COLDWai RESIDENTIAL visiting. Cultivated Gardens. MRS. PRINGSHEIM, S.RJSf., High standard of care, HOTEl Full 24-hour nursing care. MATRON ''•mlly atmosphere. Please telephone slster-ln- For Elderly, Retired and DIETS AND NURSINO ® R-N.s In attendance. charge, 450 4972 Convalescent SERVICES AVAILABLE (Licensed by Borough of Barnei) Please telephone Matron for Lovely Large Terrace & Qardens 17 Mapesbury Road, N.W.2 •Single and Double Rooms. details 91-452 6201 Very Quiet Position. *H/C Basins and CH in all rooms. North Finchley, near Woodhouse •Gardens, TV and reading rooms. Grammar School. •Nurse on duty 24 hours. "AVENUE LODGE" QROSVENOR NURSINQ HOME •Long and short term, including '-loensed by the London Boroooh of MRS. COLDWELL Licensed by the Borough of Csmder trial period if required. Bsrnet) 11 Fenstanton Avenue, £65-£l05 per week Luxurious and comfortable home. 01-445 1244 Office hours Qolders Green, N.W.11 London, N.12 Retired, post-operative, convales­ Tel.: 01-445 0061 01-455 1335 other times ••ORTH-WEST LONDON'S EXCLUSIVE cent and medical patients cared 39 Torrington Park, N.12 HOME FOR THE ELDERLY AND for. Long or short term stays. RETIRED Under supervision both day and Luxurtoua single and double rooins REMINDERS COST MONEY night by a qualified nursing team. •'th tslsphona. Well furnished single or double * Principal rooins with bathroom an Please pay your subscription rooms. Lift to all floors. A spaci­ CHANGE OF ADDRESS suite. ous colour TV lounge and dining * Lounge with colow TV. promptly In order to ensure that you room, excellent kosher cuisine receive your copy of "AJR In­ * tosher cuisine. and * Laeeij gardens—easy parking. Please telephone Matron for taH formation" regularly, please in­ form us immediately of change iLPa^r and niglit nursing. HELP us to SAVE lielalls. 01-203 2092/01-452 0518 ^**M lalaplieas Ihe Matron, ei-4C« T0S4 85-87 Foidwych Road, N.W.2. of address. Page 12 AJR INFORMATION May 1981

Moore and Francis Bacon. How fortunate that we are now able to enjoy the wealth of artistic talent THEATRE AND CULTURE available in this country. The present exhibition "Some Chantrey Favour­ Viennese Music. It has been generally deplored Tit-Bits. The composer Bela Bartok, although ites" at the Royal Academy of Arts (until 24 May) that the typical music of Vienna, played all over not Jewish himself, often sponsored Jewish causes; derives from the magnificent bequest of Sir the world and universally acclaimed, is sadly on the occasion of his centenary (he would have Francis Chantrey, RA (1781-1841) who left the neglected in Vienna itself. To disclaim that repu­ been 1(X) years old in March), Israel Radio broad­ whole of his considerable fortune for the purchase tation. Cafe Schwarzenberg has introduced live cast a great many of his compositions together of fine works of art executed within the shores of music every afternoon, a gesture that seems to be with discussions about his contributions to the Great Britain. The whole collection comprises highly appreciated by Austrians and visitors alike. musical scene. London's Royal Shakespeare Com­ some 550 pieces; the selection on show includes Cafe Schwarzenberg is one of the three remaining pany at the Aldwych Theatre plans a production fine works by Sargent, Lucien Pisarro, Augustus "Ring" Cafes, the others being the "Landtmann" of Arthur Schnitzler's "Reigen" during this John, Lowry, Stanley Spencer, Ben Nicholson, and Cafe Pruckl. autumn to mark the 50th anniversary of the etc. It also includes a number of works by Weill and Brecht. Ever since the war, better— author's death. Victorian artists, long neglected but now coming and lesser known works of Brecht and Weill Birthdays. Clemens Holzmeister, Tyrol-born back into favour. (whose collaboration in "Dreigroschenoper" architect, designer of many buildings in various On quite another level, it is worth noting that brought them world fame) have appeared on parts of the world, best-known as creator of the the Ben Uri Art Gallery is holding its armual German and Austrian stages. Last month, new Festspielhaus, Salzburg, has reached the great Picture Fair on Sunday, 10 May. A notable "Mother Courage" was revived at the Schauspiel­ age of 95. Altila Hoerbiger, the Austrian actor, collection of pictures has already been assembled haus, Nuernberg, and the ballet "Seven Deadly married to Paula Wessely since 1935, celebrated and those who care to purchase a ticket (price Sins" (music by Weill) in Wiesbaden. Vienna's his 85th birthday. Boleslaw Barlog, former Inten­ £30 from the Secretary, Ben Uri Art Society, Raimundtheater performed "Die Dame im Dun- dant of the Schillertheater, Berlin, still active as a 21 Dean Street, London, W.l), will have a chance kel" with Nadja Tiller in the main part. This stage director, is 75 years old. S.B. of securing a real bargain. ALICE SCHWAB. work was written by Kurt Weill during his exile (words by Moss Hart and Ira Gershwin) and had STEVEN ISSERLIS THE CHANTREY BEQUEST The cellist Steven Isserlis, grandson of the its New York premiere 40 years ago. Exhibition at Royal Academy famous pianist who died at Osmond House, gave Ladies in the Limelight. Johanna Hofer (Fritz Those of us who come from the Continent had a successful concert at the Purcell Room. On Kortner's widow) can be seen in Buchner's little opportunity before settling in this country of many occasions, he and his gifted brothers played "Woyzeck" at Berlin's "Schaubuehne." Ursula knowing much about British art. We probably for the residents of our Old Age Homes. Lingen, daughter of the late comedian Theo knew of Gainsborough, Romney, Turner and LEO BAECK BIOGRAPHY Lingen, plays the title part in Schiller's "Maria Blake, but very little else. A reading of present- Leonard Baker's Biography of Leo Raeck, Stuart" in Munich; also in Munich, Luise Ullrich day German catalogues does not seem to indicate "Days of Sorrow and Pain", which was reviewed in our November 1980 issue, has now been has made a welcome stage come-back after a that the situation has much changed, except published in England by Oxford University Press number of years. perhaps for the addition of Hockney, Henry (£4.50). WALM LANE NURSING HOME Purpose designed, modern, comfortable, medical Nursing Home. CROFT COURT Convalescent, medical and post-operative patients, both long and short term stay, cared for by fully qualified nursing staff. Single HOTEL Tir: and shared rooms with every luxurious facility. Lifts to all floors. "In our hotel you are a penonaliiy—not just a room number" All diets catered for - Kosher meals can be provided. RAVENSCROFT AVE., GOLDERS GREEN, LONDON. N.W.11 Licenced by Brent Health Authority and recognised by B.U.P.A. 01-458 3331/2 » 01-455 917! and P.P.P. insurance. Contact Miss G. Rain, Matron, 141 Walm Lane, London NW2 Centrally heated throughout. Some rooms with private bath i w c Beautiful garden. Sun Terrace. Children welcomed Tel. 450 8832 or 452 2281

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Published by the Association of Jewish Refugeee in Great Britain, 8 Fairfax Mansions, London NWS 6LA. Phone: General Office and Admmistration Homes: 01-624 9096/7, Employment Agency and Social Services Department: 01-624 4449 Printed at The Furnival Press, 61 Lilford Road, S.E.5.