Jack Barnett Reform Historical (or Conservative) and Neo- Orthodox Judaism; the academic study of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums): political Zionism." A QUESTION OF mENTITY The most universal Jewish experience of mod­ ernity was anti-semitism. And it was in these same Only a few years ago it would have been severely, and, tragically, they have borne the lands, also, that it received a unique stamp. Again difficult to imagine the New Statesman, Britain's brunt of the most demonic enemies of mod­ Germany provided its most intense and voluble premier intellectual weekly of the left, feeling ernity, the anti-Semites, who, eventually, lead­ ing an apocalyptic war to dismantle the modern expression; and the Holocaust. itself compelled to publish a major feature article world—or at least what in their eyes were its It is perhaps lexical that the book's first docu­ condemning anti-semitism in the country's uni­ most egregious features, democracy and Jewish ment is Menasseh ben Israel's appeal to Oliver versities. On 20 June, 1980, it did precisely that emancipation—unleashed a Holocaust that de­ Cromwell, as Lord Protector of the Common­ in a report by one of its principal feature-writers, voured a third of the Jewish people. This wealth to re-admit the Jews to England. He Christopher Hichens, using for his title, "The trauma, in consonance with the contradictory presented his address personally in 1655 and Socialism of fools," a term borrowed from the rhythms of Modern Jewish history, was quickly "although his mission was ostensibly unsuccessful, German Socialist leader, August Bebel, who in­ followed by the rebirth of the State of Israel it did prepare the way for the resettlement of the terpreted anti-semitism as a method of conscript­ and a renewal of Jewish pride and sense of community." Jews in England," from which they were expelled ing the politics of envy for racial purposes. in 1290. Besides providing Cromwell with a potted Hichens gives a number of examples of the The editors contrast two main conceptions of modern Jewish history; that of Simon Dubnov, history of his people's dispersion, Menasseh gave harassments suffered by the Union of Jewish strong emphasis to the value of Jewish traders to Students (UJS) on the Campuses; but seems to who argued that the era of Jewish political emancipation (and the anti-Semitic reaction to it) the economies of the countries where they were offer in some mitigation that "the current outrage permitted to reside, This was often the limited over Begin's colonial policy has led, disgracefully, was ushered in by the French Revolution of 1789; and that of Ben Zion Dinur whose starting point basis of the tolerance that they received. Service to a certain shoddiness in the vocabulary of some to the imperial courts often afforded individual campaigners." is 1700, when Rabbi Judah Hasid led a band of some thousand pious Jews on a march to settle Jews special privileges, grudgingly granted. The The Jewish students suffer from a lack of in the Holy Land. Most of his followers failed to document on the Appointment of Samson finance and more seriously, insufficient numbers complete the difficult journey, but for Dinur their Wertheimer as Imperial Court Factor to Emperor to combat their tormentors effectively, and the effort at "organised immigration" to the ancestral Leopold I, aptly illustrates this: "We, . . . with National Union of Students, where it has not homeland signified the beginnings of the revolt this letter proclaim publicly that we have openly supported their opponents, has lacked the against Jewry's millennial Exile, ineluctably cul­ graciously looked upon the industrious, indefatig­ authority to protect them. The UJS is only able minating in the reestablishment of the State of able, efficacious, loyal and selfless services that to attract to its ranks a minority of the Jewish Israel in 1948. have been rendered to the Holy Roman Empire students attending British universities. These are and to our, the Imperial House of Austria ... by mainly those who arrive with a strong Jewish or Conceptions of .Jewish Modernity the Court Factor Samson Wertheimer, chief rabbi Zionist commitment. Most of their fellows do not The editors of this book further argue that of the Jews in our countries, throughout the last possess the additional strength of purpose that is many conceptions of Jewish modernity share in seventeen years." required to maintain their place in the academic common the "conviction that the last two hun­ In 1740, the Plantation Act of the English rat-race, pursue their general political or social dred years or so have witnessed a radical trans­ Parliament removed the requirement of the Chris­ "iterests and meet the calls of Jewish, religious formation of Jewish life." The pattern, however, tian oath to Jewish residents of Britain's Ameri­ or communal duty. They face the classic di- has been uneven; "the Jews of the Orient have can colonies. Native English Jews had to wait jemma of the Jew in the Modern World, which for the most part just begun to enjoy the another 13 years for a Jewish Naturalisation Act 's the generic title of a new book co-edited by an ambiguous fortunes of modernization with their to be enacted by Parliament, only to see it re­ Israeli academic, Paul R. Mendes-Flohr, and an settlement in the twentieth-century State of pealed within a year in "face of the energetic Arnerican Professor, Jehuda Reinharz,* and which, Israel." They have arranged the documents opposition by Christian Merchants of London." 'f it may not give Jewish students much comfort, according to themes that illustrate the various Cynics of today may see some comparison with could provide them with an understanding that dimensions of Jewish modernity—political, social, recent events inside the "square mile", thinking their dilemma has been shared by many dis­ intellectual—that are significant, but have "em­ it no coincidence that persons recently refused tinguished Jews of earlier generations. phasised those aspects that point to a break with, confirmation to elected office there, have been of „ The publishers wrongly describe this book as a or at least a weakening of, traditional values, Jewish origin. It is of course to the City of Lon­ 'Documentary History." This is an exaggeration, institutions and socio-economic patterns of Jewish don's credit that it was their repeated retum of probably forced upon the authors for commercial life." This "eclipse of tradition, both in its specific Lionel de Rothschild to be their MP, despite his reasons. It is an excellent "anthology" of histori­ religious and broad cultural sense . . . roughly being denied the right to take his seat in the cal sources, which does not need this kind of coincides with what are generally considered to House of Commons because of his refusal to artificial boost. The grounds for the claim are be the temporal delimitations of the modern make the Christian Oath, that led to the removal probably based on the mainly excellent notes period in Europe. . . . This implies that . . . of that major impediment to Jewish emancipation which accompany each document, placing them Jewish modernity derives its primary energy and in England. The striving, however, took another •n the context of their time and problems with legitimation from sources other than the sacred 100 years, the Jewish Relief Act finally being authority of Jewish tradition." conciseness and erudition. The reader already approved on 23 July, 1858. "nds this quality in the Preface where they sum- tnarise the general approach that governed the This occurred first in any comprehensive way Jewish emancipation in continental Europe pro­ selection of their material. Take this example: among the Jews of the German-speaking countries ceeded at a somewhat faster pace. The influence The modern, secular world has granted the in a particularly intense manner: of Moses Mendelssohn is evidenced in many docu­ Jews equality and has opened before them "Hence the dynamic of Jewish modernization— ments, either directly initiated by him, or pub­ undreamt of opportunities for intellectual and with all its passion, ambiguity, promise and lished under his influence in Germany. It was at personal development. . . . Yet this same new contradictions-—is viewed in an especially his behest that the leading German scholar in era has been for many Jews a veritable pur- clarion fashion in Germany and Central constitutional law, statistics and modem history. Satory: in the Jews' passage through modernity Eurof)e. Moreover, the Jewry of these regions— Christian Wilhelm von Dohm, wrote his famous their religion, culture and identity have suffered the so-called deutscher Kulturbereich—estab• essay: "Conceming the Amelioration and Civil lished many of the intellectual and institutional Status of the Jews" in 1781. Its appearance coin- forms that were paradigmatic for Jewish mod­ Continued at column 1 page 2 Orford University Press 1980, S56pp. 8.95 (Paperback) ernity in general. We may mention, at random. Page 2 AJR INFORMATION February 1981 A QUESTION OF roENTITY democratic mood required the revolution of 1848 Holocaust period. They pinpoint with accuracy to see its rekindling. "The process of legal eman­ Hitler's personal responsibility for instigating the Continued from page 1 cipation of the Jews in Central Europe was Final Solution, popular profit-seeking modern his­ completed only with the unification of Germany torians notwithstanding. And unerringly as ever cided with Emperor Joseph II's Edict of Tolerance from 1869 to 1871, and even then was not truly they hit upon an essential point in their intro­ and "thus helped give focus to the ensuing debate consummated," write our editors, "until after the duction to those documents that they have throughout Europe on the desirability of granting First World War." selected to illustrate their theme: the Jews civil parity." Mendelssohn was suspicious Because this book is so rich in evocative mate­ "The lack of moral resolve to aid the victims of of the Emperor's motives, but it did mark the rial there is a temptation for a reviewer to pur­ the Nazi atrocities invites reflections on Goeb- acceleration of various civic and economic reliefs sue many highways and byways in the chequered bels' cynical observation in his diary that the even if they were often offset by contrary re­ history of Jewish emancipation. One can only silence of the Churches and the Western strictions such as the banning of the use of assure the general reader that he can profit and dernocracies indicated implicit approval of Nazi Yiddish and Hebrew in public and commercial enrich his knowledge by dipping into almost any anti-semitism. In every respect, the Holocaust records. Its worst feature, perhaps, was its per­ section of this compendium. Not least in value is revealed a profound weakness in the moral petuation of two categories of Jews, the "toler­ the section on the "Emerging Patterns of Re­ conscience of Western man." ated" and the "regular protected" which had ligious Adjustment: Reform, Conservative and Here one must enter a caveat. There is a L been a specific feature of Frederick II's earlier Neo-Orthodox Judaism." The battle over the danger that history and historians will accept this ' "Charter Decreed for the Jews of Prussia" of Reform movement's attempt to reinterpret the summary as complete truth. It does not do full 17 April, 1750. Halakha early in the 19th century as epitomised justice to the facts. The current playing down of The invective of the opponents of Jewish em­ by the Hamburg Israelite Temple Association is the efforts within the democratic countries both ancipation has its echoes down the centuries. central to that theme. The rabbinic court of before and during World War II to mitigate the Document 10: "Arguments Against Dohm" by Hamburg published a volume entitled Eleh Divrei worst effects of the Nazi horrors is creating a new Johann David Michaelis, German bible scholar ha-Brit (These are the words of the covenant), in mythology. Missing from these documents is the and professor of oriental languages at Goettingen 1819. It presented statements by 22 of Europe's allied condemnation of Nazi war crimes of University, dated 1783, is salutary reading: the leading rabbis condemning the "Hamburg reforms 17 December, 1942. Nor will you find here the Jews' conception of themselves as God's Chosen as based on a specious reading of Halakha and famous telegram of Gerhart Riegner, General- People prevent them from mingling with other constituting a schismatic threat to the unity of Secretary of the World Jewish Congress in war­ people; the Jews "will always see the state as a the Jewish people. They conspicuously ignored time Geneva, that alerted simultaneously Rabbi temporary home"; "will never be reliable in an the Reformers' contention that halakhic Judaism Stephen Wise in New York and Sidney Silverman, hour of danger"; they will not contribute soldiery itself was in effect schismatic by its failure to MP, in London, of the German plot to exterminate as they will not fight on the Sabbath; "as long as acknowledge and adapt to the fact that an ever- the entire Jewish population of Europe and even­ they observe the laws about kosher and non- increasing number of Jews were abandoning tually the world. The significance of these events kosher food it will be almost impossible to Judaism because they found it incompatible with and how they both resulted in the saving of some integrate them into our ranks." their new sensibilities and priorities." The argu­ Jewish lives and led to the projection into the ments of the 1980s have not advanced all that far. allies' war aims the prosecution of the genocides has been badly underestimated. They were suc­ The Dreyfus Affair The influence of the women's liberation move­ ments may have introduced women Rabbis within cessfully evaluated by Arthur D. Morse in his It can be argued that the debate in Germany some Liberal and Reform congregations, but this "While Six Million Died" (Random House, New eased the way for the parallel progress in France is only an advancement of the practical differ­ York, 1968), but lo my mind wrongly assessed by following the revolution. The Declaration of the ences not of ideological or theological approach. Walter Laqueur in his recent writings on the Rights of Man of the French National Assembly, period. This is a debate that is not merely 26 August, 1789, also had echoes of the American The documents that this book reproduces follow academic, because it carries with it also the Declaration of Independence: "All men are born, the logical sequence from the purely internal argument that Jewish leaders either ignored or did and remain, free in equal rights." The assumption religious argumentation to a strong section on not do enough to combat the threat and atro­ that the declaration would automatically accord the Science of Judaism {Wissenschaft des Juden­ cities of . equal citizenship to French Jews was soon rudely tums), and follow this with one on "Jewish Nothing that could have been done would ever shattered and it took a further two years of bitter Identity Challenged and Redefined." The essence have been sufficient. But it is important that the i debate before that was affected. Thus began the of this section is perhaps partly captured by lessons of the period are looked at in depth and • French Republic's political tradition of ambiguity quoting a comment by Isaac Deutscher from his with honesty, because even in the era of the towards its Jewish citizens, which has surfaced famous essay "The Non-Jewish Jew," where he computer and micro-chip technology, man still has again and again for the best part of 200 years, spieaks of Spinoza, Heine, Marx, Rosa Luxem­ an ability to direct his own destiny. And Jews guilt and hatred intermingling and anti-semitism burg, Trotsky, and Freud as having "lived on "being the same as other people only more so," excused in high places. The physical attacks on the margins or in the nooks and crannies of their finding themselves faced with not dissimilar prob­ Jews and their property in 1980 with the hints of respective nations. Each of them was in society lems to those of their fathers and forefathers, the possible involvement of members of the Police and yet not in it, of it and not yet of it. It was need a true understanding of their own history is not far removed from the framing of Captain this that enabled them to rise in thought above in order to do so. Dreyfus for political ends or the dismal collabora­ their societies, above their nations, above their tion of French authorities in the dedortation of times and generations, and to strike out mentally Jews to the Nazi extermination camps under the into wide new horizons and far into the future." ANGLO-JEWRY'S RELIEF WORK Vichy government. It is one of the ironies of It is perhaps significant that Deutscher was More than £300,000—were spent by CBFAVorld history that the persecution of Dreyfus led almost unable to include the name of Albert Einstein, Jewish Relief for constructive welfare work in directly to Herzl's founding of modem political who perhaps epitomises the Jewish genius who can this country and abroad during the year June Zionism. It is not too hard to imagine that recent develop a revolutionary concept for mankind with­ 1979/80. This is recorded in the 47th Annual right-wing excesses in France and elsewhere in out abandoning or ignoring his Jewish origins. Report of the organisation. The Report also deals Europe may also be harbingers of some other with the use of the Fund derived from the pro­ form of Jewish renaissance. ceeds of the Jewish Trust Corporation out of the Racial Anti-semitism heirless Jewish property in Germany, which is Napoleon gave further impetus to Jewish eman­ Here we begin to enter an area of profound separately administered by the Allocations Com­ cipation throughout Europe as he applied the trial for many Jews during the inter-war years and mittee under the chairmanship of Mr. H. Oscar French principles of equality to the territories he may well pause to salute those who faced a rising Joseph, OBE. The main single item of expendi­ conquered. His famous calling of a Sanhedrin was tide of anti-semitism with great bravery. In the ture consists of the cost for the Homes (jointly documents of this section our young Jewish administered with the AJR) which amounted to not without a hint of political opportunism: "As £58,000 during the year under review. The Report Napoleon marched east to Poland and to Russia students will find much to compare and identify expresses the CBF's gratitude to Mr. A. S. Dresel he had undoubtedly hoped that this dramatic with their own present day conditions. Equally and Dr. C. I. Kapralik who have retired respect­ 'messianic' gesture . . . would earn him the they will find that the "Zionism is Racism" ively as chairman and vice-chairman of the man­ enthusiastic support of the millions of traditional resolution of the 20th century United Nations has agement committee of the Homes, but who have Jews of the region." This seeking of Jewish sup­ many forebears and will recognise the accuracy of agreed to remain members of the committee. To port was the Emperor's personal initiative; 100 the opening sentence of the section on Political fill the vacancy, Mr. Ludwig Spiro (who is also years later his example was to be followed by the and Racial Anti-Semitism: "Modern anti-semi­ hon. treasurer of the AJR) was elected chairman. tism, as distinct from Christian medieval contempt Thanks were also extended to Mr. Julian Layton, harbingers of the Balfour declaration with more OBE, who decided to retire as chairman of the lasting consequences. Napoleon's Waterloo was toward Jewry, is prompted, at least at the ideo­ Jewish Refugees' Committee after 30 years of also a defeat for Jewish aspirations and marked logical level, by secular motives." devoted services: he is succeeded by Mrs. Simone the erosion of many of their civic gains in Possibly the most important lessons to be learnt Prendergast, JP, who was made an OBE in the New Europe, outside France itself. The Liberal- Year Honours List. from this book are from its documents on the I AJR INFORMATION February 1981 Page 3 HOME NEWS AJR ROUND-UP JEWISH BOOK WEEK HOME SECRETARY'S PLEDGE IN MEMORY OF "THE MODERN The Home Secretary, Mr. William Whitelaw, 23 February to 1 !*iarch has pledged to take all possible measures to pro­ This year's Jewish Book Week will be held PIMPERNEL" tect the Jewish community from racist attacks. In from 23 February to 1 March at Adolph Tuck Next Thank-you Britain Fund Lecture a letter to the Board of Deputies he stated that Hall, Woburn House, Upper Woburn Place, W.C.I A special lecture in memory of Professor he understood their concern at the possibility of (Entrance in Tavistock Square). The Opening acts of violence against British Jews in the light Robert Auty (1914-1978), who on account of tiis of recent incidents in France and Germany and Lecture on Monday, 23 February at 8.15, of courageous rescue of Nazi persecutees was called assured them that the security services would which the AJR is one of the sponsoring organ­ by his friends "the modern Pimpernel", will be exercise the strictest vigilance. He also expressed isations, will be given by Dr. David Patterson, held on Thursday, 12 March, at 5 p.m., at the concern at the recent growth of overtly racist president of the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate British Academy, Piccadilly. Professor G. H. N. groups, which organised provocative marches and Jewish studies, on "Ahad Ha'am, Smolenskin Seton-Watson, FBA, of the School of Slavonic produced pernicious propaganda. and the Rise of Jewish Nationalism". There will and East European Studies (London), will speak MICHAEL FOOT OPPOSES VENICE be a Symposium on "Antisemitism Today" on on "Language and National Consciousness". AGREE.MENT Wednesday, 25 February at 8 p.m., with three Professor Auty, in whose memory the lecture Any doubts concerning the attitude of the new expert speakers on the subject. Professor Leonard will be given, was a distinguished scholar, who Labour Party leader, Mr. Michael Foot, on B. Schapiro, Dr. S. J. Roth and Mr, C. C. Arons­ held several academic positions and, at the time Middle East questions were completely dispelled feld under the chairmanship of Professor S. J. of his death, was Professor of Comparative when he addressed a Labour Friends of Israel Gould; the function is sponsored by the Institute Slavonic Philology at Oxford. However, his acti­ dinner in the House of Commons. He attacked of Jewish Affairs to mark the 40th anniversary of vities outside his professional sphere were not the recent Venice declaration of the EEC saying: its establishment. Of equal topicality will be the "I believe that the Foreign Office has shown a as widely known as he deserved. After the Nov­ certain shortsightedness. I do not believe that Thursday lecture at 8 p.m., when the author and ember pogroms, he went to Germany to intercede what happened at Venice would be considered a director of "Britain and Israel", Terence Prittie, with the authorities, particularly the , for great achievement. I concur with every word will speak on "The Future of Jerusalem", The the release of Jews who had been arrested, and spoken on the subject by Peter Shore. I believe Ven. C. Witton Davis, Archdeacon of Oxford and he also persuaded many people in Britain to offer in the friendship between Britain and Israel and Canon of Christ Church, will be in the Chair of them personal guarantees. In March 1939, shortly particularly between the Socialist parties of the the lecture, which is sponsored by the B'nai B'rith before the German occupation, he entered two countries, a friendship which is one of the Leo Baeck (London) Lodges. Czechoslovakia on the last free train to cross the greatest events in the worid today." BENN ON FASaSM There will be further lectures on Tuesday at border in an attempt to continue the same work. 8 p.m. by Dr. Stefan Reif on '"The Geniza and its The fact that he spoke fluent German and Czech Speaking at a recent Anti-Nazi League rally Secrets", on Sunday, 1 March, at 7.30 p.m., by made his efforts particularly effective. Mr. Anthony Benn, MP, blamed society for the resurgence of racist groups in Britain. "It is our Dr. Jonathan Frankel on "1881-1981—The Course It is a fitting tribute to Robert Auty that a fault," he declared, "for allowing the creation of Jewish History since the Assassination of Tsar lecture in his memory has been arranged under of conditions by which they are attracted to a Alexander H". The programme also includes a the auspices of the "Thank-you Britain" Fund. fascist solution to the problems of unemployment "Hebrew Evening" and, on Wednesday, 25 Febru­ No admission cards will be required but it will and inflation." Mr. Leo Heinemann, a 72-year- ary, at 6 p.m., musical recitals by the flautist, be helpful if acceptances (with the indication of old concentration camp survivor, wearing a sym­ Eugenia Zukerman. how many will attend) could be notified to the bolic prison uniform repeated an oath he had Special morning functions for schoolchildren Secretary of the British Academy. Burlington taken when imprisoned by the Nazis: "We fought House, PiccadiUy, London WIV 0N& the fascists in the streets but we had to pay a have been arranged and an Exhibition and Sale heavy price in the concentration camp. We took of Jewish and Hebrew books will be opened on ^t oath then never to allow fascism to rise again Monday at 7 p.m. and continued during the CITY FREEMAN and to exterminate them root and branch. We following days from 10.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Dr. Arnold Harwell, Executive Committee member must not allow the Nazis to have any part in the A full programme, which carries further par­ of the AJR, has been awarded the Freedom of the streets again." ticulars, may be obtained from: The Jewish Book City of London and elected a Livery Man of the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers, LONDON CONSERVATIVES' Council, B'nai B'rith Hillel House, 1-2 Endsleigh one of the distinguished City Guilds. ANTl-VIOLENCE PROPOSALS Street, London WCIH ODS, Tel.: 01-387 5278/ Dr. and Mrs. Horwell's son, David, who is a Fellow A Conservative Party campaign guide for the 5954. of the Royal College of Surgeons and Gold Medallist Greater London Council Elections next May of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecolo­ "rges that the existing public order powers gov- SHOW AUSCHWITZ FILM IN SCHOOLS gists, has been awarded a visiting fellowship and a emmg the direction or banning of marches should Following a report that a group of Nazis were visiting consultancy at the Singapore University "c extended to other protest gatherings. This recruiting in schools in his constituency, Mr. Hospital. Would enable the police to ban counter demon­ William Benham, Conservative MP for Bucking­ Congratulations to the Horwell family on their strations such as those mounted by the Anti-Nazi ham, called for the showing of films about outstanding achievements. League and others in opposition to National Auschwitz concentration camp to the pupils rront marches and meetings. They want control, affected. He made his appeal following a demon­ POLICE GENEROSITY nowever, left in the hands of the police and the stration in which teenage skinheads shouted "Sieg Home Secretary. Other recent proposals have Heil" and gave Nazi salutes. Commander Donald Hanson, chief of Baraet 'J|Sgested that political decisions of this nature police, presented the Leo Baeck House with a Should become the province of either local author­ PREFECTS WITH SWASTIKAS cheque for £1,000 from the Police Property Act ities or parliament. The Conservative guide The Glasgow Jewish Representative Council Fund. This happened at a ceremony at the Ella accuses the London Labour Party of wishing to felt it necessary to make representations to the and Ridley Jacobs Home in Hendon which also control the Metropolitan Police and that political Headmaster of the Mearns Castle School, Ren­ benefited. interference could ultimately lead to a totalitarian frewshire, after reports that prefects there wore state. swastika badges, antisemitic slogans were daubed NEW YEAR HONOURS on walls and that Jewish children were told to go The New Year Honours List includes several NAZI SOCCER HATE CAMPAIGN to the back of a diimer queue. The headmaster recipients of Continental origin. Mr. S>'dney Bidwell, MP (Labour, Ealing, had given assurances that satisfactory action had Mr. Paul Herzberg Frankel, president of Pet­ *outhall), is heading a group of MPs in making been taken over some incidents that had occurred. roleum Economics Ltd., was made a CBE. Mr. representations to the Home Secretary concerning Vilem Tausky, director of opera at the Guildhall ?""!fmitic activities at a number of London School of Music, also received a CBE; before he lootball grounds. This follows a campaign by the Your House (or— y^ came to this country in 1939, he was for 10 years xtremist British movement to recruit new mem- FLOOR COVERINGS/ conductor at the National Opera House in uers at football matches and in schools. The anti- CURTAINS, CARP^ Bruenn. Mr. John Manfred Silbermann, chairman W^Jh"^ .material includes a gramophone record SPECIALITY ,/ of the Brent Group of Companies, was made an y tiie 4 be 2s" (rhyming slang for Jews) and OBE; we extend our special congratulations to paoges with the legend "I hate Tottenham Yids." ENGLISH & CONTINENTAL Mr. Silbermann who has been a long standing " IS understood that the Minister for Sports, member of the AJR. Hanover-bom Heinz Joseph ul' "^tor Monro, has referred the matter to the DOWN QUILTS, DUVETS, Lobenstein, member of the Hackney borough Home Office. DUVET COVERS & SHEETS council, became an MBE; Mr. Lobenstein takes APPEAL TO PRIME MINISTER ALSO RE-MAKES AND RE-COVERS a leading part in Anglo-Jewish affairs. err.,, **'*=.'ety for Religious Peace, an interfaith ESTIMATES FREE mnnv. ^i*"^*^ ^^'"'•''s for tolerance in the com- DAWSON-LANE LIMITED the w' ^^ written to the Prime Minister and (••tabllthed 1946) With acknowledgement to the incr^"™^ Secretary expressing concern at the 17 BRIDGE ROAD. WEMBLEY PARK service of the Jewish Chronicle. "case of extreme right-wing activities in Britain. Telephone: 904 6671 Page 4 AJR INFORMATION February 1981

GREEK CHURCHMAN'S HATE BOOK An antisemitic book by the Metropolitan of NEWS FROM ABROAD Corinth entitled "Jews and Christians" has been distributed to the hierarchy of the Greek Church, UNITED STATES leading political figures and journalists throughout -BORN WASHEVGTON SENATOR the country, ft contains numerous references to Haig's Appointment Welcomed Rudy Boschwitz, the Republican Senator for Jews, Zionists and Communists, accusing them of The naming of the former General Alexander Miimesota, who has just been elected to the US responsibility for "corrosive propaganda" against Haig to be the new Secretary of State has been Senate's Foreign Relations Committee, is the son Greek history, national institutions and the generally welcomed by the American Jewish com­ of Jewish Refugees and came to the States at the Orthodox church. Among its wilder claims is munity and politicians in Israel. Fears that his age of three. He is tipped to become the leading that Marxists, Jehovah's Witnesses and Zionists concern for the strengthening of the NATO pro-Israel spokesman among the six Jews now in have as their sole aim the destruction of Chris­ alliance may make him over-sympathetic to the the Senate. tianity. European Middle East initiative are offset by his CANADIAN HELP FOR FALASHAS ITALY strong pre-election commitment to Israel. In Three Beta Israel (Falashas), black Jews from Annuities for Camp Victims October, 1979, he told the Zionist Organisation Ethiopia, have arrived in Canada to be the first A large number of Jews are among the Italian of America: "It is moral to support the right of to emigrate to North America. Their ultimate citizens who have been awarded annuities under the Jewish people to their own State. As in the destination is Israel, but they were enabled to a new Italian law that benefits those who survived past, a strong, viable Israel will continue to offer come to Canada through the efforts of the re­ detention in Nazi concentration camps during assistance to American interests and activities." cently formed Canadian Association for Ethiopian World War II. Beneficiaries include survivors of UN Human Rights Record Assailed Jewry, based in Toronto, and through the friendly the San Sebba "rice depot" near Trieste, the only Some 100 internationally recognised academics, relations that exist between the Ethiopian and death camp established by the Nazis inside Italy. scientists and intellectuals, including 30 Nobel Canadian governments. It is hoped that as their Women survivors over 50 and males over 55 are Prize winners, have accused the United Nations cause is publicised more funds will be raised to eligible for payments. Those under the qualifying of forgetting its humanitarian role and allowing help the Beta Israel and their integration in age have been classified to receive the same em­ itself to be completely dominated by anti-Israel Israel. Their community in Ethiopia is estimated ployment rights and medical treatment accorded forces. Their accusations were contained in a at 28,000. More than 200 settled in Israel before to war invalids. The Committee set up to adjudi­ statement issued by the Committee for UN In­ 1976. cate on claims includes representatives of the tegrity. It stated, inter alia: "The (1975) UN AUSTRALIAN ARCHBISHOP IN Union of Italian Jewish Communities. The an­ resolution which branded Zionism with the false SYNAGOGUE CEREMONY nuity payments are expected to total 3,000 million label of racism must bear some responsibility for The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne lire (about £1,400,000) a year. the scourge of antisemitism now reappearing in became the first senior Roman Catholic church­ Jewish Community aids Earthquake Victims many parts of the world. The UN is no longer man to address a synagogue congregation in The Union of Italian Jewish Communities was the guardian of social justice, human rights and Australia when he addressed Temple Beth Israel, among the first organisations to send relief to the equality among nations. Indeed, perverted by the oldest Australian progressive congregation, victims of the nation's earthquake disaster. All irrelevant political machinations, it is in danger now celebrating its 50th anniversary. Speaking on 22 member communities contributed to a Victims' of becoming a force against peace itself." Among the developing relations between Jews and Catho­ Relief Fund. Thousands of blankets were immedi­ the Nobel prize winners signing the document are lics, the Archbishop, Dr. Frank Little, stated that ately despatched to the worst hit areas. In Rome Professor Kenneth Arrow, Professor Hans Berthe, "just as it was unacceptable to blame Jews for an extensive clothing collection was organised Professor Felix Bloch and Professor Andre Lwoff. the death of Jesus, so it would be unacceptable among the 15,000 strong community, many of Other signatories include Sir Isaiah Berlin, Elie to blame the Church for the Holocaust." whom are engaged in the wholesale and retail Wiesel, Simone de Beauvior, Eugene lonesco; and clothing trade. Israel's Magen David Adom organ­ Eugene V. Rostow and Mr. Richard Pipes, two FRANCE ised large shipments of relief supplies. The Israel of President Ronald Reagan's close advisers. Embassy in Rome opened a relief fund among Elizabeth Taylor Holocaust Narration Silence may be best defence The new fascist propaganda in Europe might members of its staff. The American Jewish Joint Actress Elizabeth Taylor has joined Orson be better met by silence than argument which Distribution Committee in addition to a $30,000 Welles on the Board of Trustees of the Simon only adds to its publicity. Professor Saul Fried­ donation offered the services of its Italian staff Wiesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies in Los lander, the historian from Tel Aviv University, for relief work, as did the Italian office of HIAS. Angeles. She has been active in raising funds for told 200 representatives attending a Youth Con­ The Israel Government also offered to accom­ a 77-minute film, videotape, slide and sound ference on racial, religious and political intoler­ modate 300 children from the earthquake areas programme on the wartime extermination of the ance at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. for the winter. Jews scheduled for nationwide exhibition. Miss Arguing that the revival of Nazism was fanned MENTEN'S DEBT TO SOTHEBY'S Taylor and Mr. Welles are joint narrators of the by the publicity it obtained, he suggested that A Haarlem district court ordered Peter Menten descriptive text. "when you see this literature of the new right who is serving a 10-year jail sentence for war Vigilantes Opposed about how there were no concentration camps or crimes, to pay some £110,000 to Sotheby's The Long Island Chapter of the American gas chambers in Germany, you should refuse to Amsterdam branch. The payment is for auction Jewish Committee is opposed to a proposal put react because otherwise you will be causing these debts and compensation for having to cancel a forward by the Jewish Defence League to estab­ views to revive." The Professor added that it was sale of Menten's art treasures in 1976. Menten lish vigilante patrols in the face of a number of essential to reappraise history so that the full owed £62,000 to Sotheby's for purchases he made horror of Nazism in Germany was realised. at auctions before fleeing to in order acts of anti-semitic and racial vandalism. The to escape arrest. police had made over 40 arrests on suspicion WAR CRIME SENTENCES concerning 160 incidents. They did not suspect Four Soviet citizens were sentenced to death either Ku Klux Klan or neo-Nazi involvement. for collaborating with Nazi occupation troops during the war and their involvement in burning people to death and shooting cripples. They were also charged with killing 500 residents of the Russian village of Zallazni in a two-day mas­ sacre in January, 1943. YIDDISH THEATRE'S MOSCOW SUCCESS The Jewish Chamber Musical Theatre, founded ANM three years ago, held three performances in Mos­ BUm| cow recently to packed audiences. The total of 182 tickets available were sold out in two hours and cor soon fetched a black market price in excess of £50. The troupe belongs technically to the Jewish ISOPGN Autonomous Region, but most of its 90 actors and employees live in Moscow. Its creation was subsidised under the government programme for aiding ethnic cultures. It has not been permitted FightsRust to perform in Leningrad or Kiev during 1980, Newly develope(5. Zinc compounds but has given shows in at least six other cities. are some of tji>e finest rust inhibitors.The synthetic xesm base forms a tough skin, DO YOU WANT TO EAT WELL? which seals the surface from moisture. Luncheon, Dinner, Parties, Teas, etc. From all good hardware and accessory stores. Free titer/ture from David's ISOPON, FREEPOST Moderate Prices Northw^ House, London N20 9BR. Quick Service Ring: 01-794 4247 Between 9-10 a.m. or 6-9 p.m. naH-jj-m t AJV. INFORMATION February 1981 Pages Margot Pottlitzer LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OUR VISIT TO BONN Sir,—In your December 1980 issue you briefly reported that 113 former Jewish citizens of Bonn AS OTHERS SEE US... had paid a visit to the town at the invitation of ^^ It was probably the success of "Holocaust" and had strongly objected to Vanessa Redgrave represent­ the city authorities. As one of the participants 1 'Roots" that has made TV producers delve into past ing her, not only because of the actress's known want to say that it was one of the most emotional history, and Jewish history in particular, in recent political stance, but first and foremost because she experiences in my life and that of many other guests. The Mayor's invitation was framed in a months. BBC2 started it with a six-part Sunday serial was totally unlike her. unique way, asking for forgiveness, a theme "The Lost Tribe", recounting the trials and tribula­ Up to a point, "Playing for Time" gives a much truer which went through all the speeches held in our tions of a Lithuanian Jew and his family who had picture of one section at least of conditions in Ausch­ honour at Ihe many receptions. The occasion of cortie to Scotland as refugees from Tsarist persecution. witz than "Holocaust" ever achieved, and for this the invitation was the 30th Beethoven Festival, Their story was not a particularly typical one and reason its immediate impact is much greater. Hovk'ever, which we celebrated by attending the concerts in must have given some strange ideas to the ordinary it, too, once more reveals the fallibility of human the Beethoven-Halle. We were also invited to the British viewer, but at least it followed a consistent, if memory and the limits of human imagination when "Bundestag", where we were addressed by not always convincing line. faced with the ultimate horror. The leader of the camp speakers of all three parties as well as by the Association of Christians and Jews, and we at­ Soon afterwards BBCI showed "Beyond the Pale", orchestra in which Fania played, was Alma Rose, a tended interdenominational services. The press purporting to portray the experiences of one particular niece of Gustav Mahler, who did not survive. In the extensively reported on our visit and published immigrant and the political background to his recep­ play she is depicted as a heartless and cruel discipli­ many personal interviews. Yet the most emotional tion in this country: antagonism and xenophobia narian who sacrifices everything to the supremacy of experience was the reunion of so many old friends leading to the passing of the 1905 Aliens Act, and the her art. Another survivor, the cellist Anita Lasker, from all over the world, many of whom one had antics of the antisemitic British Brothers League. The now in London as a member of the English Chamber thought perished in the Holocaust. The order of play was obviously meant to show a parallel to orchestra, has protested against this defamation of the day was "tears and laughter", and I un­ present-day anti-immigration measures and attitudes. one who can no longer defend herself, and said that ashamedly admit that I cried for the first time she received nothing but kindness from her. She also since 1 was a small child. Among others I met Unfortunately, even that did not become very clear, seven of my old school friends from the Jewish since—a fact which not all viewers realised—the play makes the valiant point that inmates only saw their school and its old teacher, now living in Israel. was "devised", i.e. the actors were given a general immediate surroundings and that she herself, on a recent visit to Auschwitz, had not recognised anything. All expenses (including air fares and hotel outline of the story and had to make up the dialogue accommodation) were paid by the city, and each as they went along. It led a few of them to think they Other survivors have doubted an incident where Fania guest was given DM 200.—spending money. Most ought to include as many Yiddish words and expres­ refuses to eat a slice of bread given to her by a girl who of the visitors came from the US (55) and Israel sions as possible, once again not very enlightening for had earned it by sleeping with a guard. One obvious (23). From London, four families were invited. the ordinary viewer, and sometimes downright error of the play is that Auschwitz was liberated by The arrangement of a further visit by former disastrous. the British—as it was in fact liberated by the Russians, Jewish Bonn citizens is under consideration, and Fmally ITV came up with the controversial TV and it did not happen as shown on the small screen. I shall be pleased to help any interested readers. cttama "Playing for Time" with Vanessa Redgrave as What is probably the most accurate and harassing 1 Borden Avenue, the equally controversial heroine. Artistically, it was account of Auschwitz has been written by another Enfield, Middx. HARRY KLEY. in a different class from the other two productions, survivor, the Italian Primo Levi, and his story "HISTORY REPRINTED" having been scripted by the American playwright certainly differs greatly from that shown on TV. Sir,—We would like to state that Dietrich Bon- Arthur Miller and based on the Auschwitz recollec­ He writes: hoe ffer would have utterly rejected the antise­ tions of Fania Fenelon, a half-Jewish Paris cabaret "All the healthy prisoners . . . left diu-ing the night mitic views quoted and described in your December singer who survived as a member of the camp of 18 January 1945. They must have been about twenty 1980 issue by Mr. Egon Larsen in his review of orchestra. As Fania, Vanessa Redgrave gave a great thousand coming from different camps. Almost in the reprint of the Denkschrift des Freiburger Mitarbeiterkreises (1945), which the new editors performance, but she did not convince this reviewer their entirety they vanished during the evacuation of 1979 have wrongly chosen to call "Denkschrift that she was a Jewish inmate of Auschwitz. Some time march . . . Perhaps someone will write their story des Freiburger 'Bonhoeffer-Kreises'." Dietrich ^go, Fania Fenelon herself appeared on BBC2's one day." Bonhoeffer's views may be found in Eberhard Light of Experience" programme and said that she How fallible is human imagination! Bethge's article "Dietrich Bonhoeffer und die Juden", page 171 of the book "Konsequenzen— Dietrich Bonhoeffers Kirchenverstdndnis heute", published 1980 by Chr. Kaiser Verlag, Miinchen. SABINE LEIBHOLZ-BONHOEFFER (Dietrich Bonhoeffer's twin-sister) EBERHARD BETHGE (Dietrich RENAU Bonhoeffer's friend, editor and biographer) Herzberger Landstrasse 57, 3400 Gottingen SS FILM AT PRAGUE EXHIBITION Theie's a lot happenirg at 0) One of the more unusual contributions to the Prague Exhibition of Jewish Art held at the Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, was the Last year, more people than ever before bjxlght a screening of a 1944 propaganda film, "The Fueh­ new Renault from Old Oak Motor Company/^^ rer Gives the Jews their own Town", which was This might be because we are a faroilv f irm that still flown over from Koblenz. Originally made under commission from it was de­ believes the customer should come fip^ signed to mislead the Red Cross into believing Or maybe it was because Repartjit produce Europe's that Theresienstadt was not a concentration camp most up-to-date and economy-cemscious range of cars, but a model resettlement centre. from the thrifty 5, to the suDgM^Tuxury 30TX. ERICH KAHN (1904-1980) It could even have b^en because our unique Retrospective Exhibition from "Service Preference''sefieme guarantees our customers February 17 to March 7 cheaper and faster;8micing and after-sales care. Weekdays 2-6 p.m., But whateyefthe reason, shouldn't you come along Saturday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. yourself and^^^ what happens at Enfield's Renault Centre. MARGARET FISHER 2 Lambolle Road, (Belsize Square) NW3 Tel.: 794 4247 Annely judaHrre Art Conne^d see for yourself. Old Oak—Service for cars—and people. 1 ITottenham Mews^Condon WIP 9PJ 537 5517/8 MOTOR CONTBftO»ORARY PAINTING COMPANY AND SCULPTURE OLD OAK LIMITED S^Fri: 10 am-6 pm Sat: lOam-lpm 79 WINDMILL HILL ENFIELD EN27AG 01-363-2261 Page 6 AJR INFORMATION February 1981

THE MOZART MYSTERY After the publication of Robert Weltsch's MISCELLANY article in our November 1980 issue several readers drew our attention to one of Pushkin's GERMAN HARDSHIP FUND ROSSLER'S "FUENF FRANKFURTER" "Little Tragedies", "Mozart and Salieri", which In 1911, Carl Rossler wrote a comedy about the was set to music by Rimsky-Korsakov in We refer to the aimouncement in our December Frankfurt Rothschild family and called it "Die 1879. An assessment of Pushkin's tragedy and 1980 issue. Meanwhile, we received the following funf Frankfurter". It described the background Rimsky-Korsakov's one-act opera by Gabriella official statement of the Conference on Jewish of the Rothschilds and the youth of the five Gros-Galliner appeared in the Summer 1976 Material Claims Against Germany: brothers who went out to establish their banking edition of "About the House", the Magazine of Jewish victims of Nazi persecution who were in business in the capitals of Europe. The play was the Friends of Covent Garden. With the kind no position to file claims under German indem­ a great success and continued to form part of the permission of the authoress we publish below nification laws may apply for a grant from a programmes of German theatres in big and small the end of her article about the Mozart Salieri towns until 1933. In 1952, it had its first post-Nazi Enigma. A special article about the musicolo­ Hardship Fund established with German Fed­ revival in an overcrowded small Frankfurt theatre gist Guido Adler (1855-1941), who is quoted by eral Government appropriations. —all the big ones had been destroyed during the Mrs. Gros-Galliner, will be published in one of According to the Guidelines issued by the war. A Jewish actress, who had once been the our next issues.—The Ed. German Goveriunent, grants will be made to such star of the renowned Frankfurt Schauspielhaus, It is surprising that Salieri, who to all intents Jewish persecutees who suffered damage to their returned from emigration in Israel to play and purposes had achieved his aims, should have health and are in straitened financial circum­ Gudula, the lovable Rothschild mother, and was gone to such extremes as to poison his opponent. stances. The Guidelines limit individual payments given an ovation by an audience of old Frank­ It is true that towards the end Mozart was to DM 5,000 (five thousand) per person. furters who avidly followed the performance and understood every word of the "Judendeutsch" obsessed with the idea of having been poisoned, It is the intention of the German Government, which occurs throughout the play. Now, the and the name of Salieri may have been men­ within its budgetary limitations, to make available "Frankfurther Volkstheater" has taken the play tioned. Certainly the rumour of such a story must up to DM 400 million for this purpose in the to Israel and has given performances, sponsored have been active for a good many years, and coming years. The Conference on Jewish Mat­ by the German Embassy and the Goethe Institute, apparently Pushkin believed in its possibility. erial Claims against Germany will distribute the in Tel Aviv and Haifa. Carl Rbssler, bom in This story has been discredited long ago, but I funds subject to the German Government Guide­ Vienna in 1864, came to Britain in 1938 and have recently come across an item in an East lines. died in London in 1948. German publication, Presse der Sowjetunion, The Hardship Fund is intended primarily to AUSTRIA 1955, 53, p. 1136, reporting on a book published handle applications from such Jewish victims of Tyrolean Peasants against Nazi Mayor in the same year in Moscow, by Professor I. Nazi persecution who left Eastern Europe after When it was suggested that 60-year-old Franz Belsa, a music historian. Belsa states that another 1965 when the deadline for filing claims under Hausberger, Mayor of Mayrhofen, Tyrol, should music historian, the Austrian Guido Adler, has the German indemnification laws expired. Other be made a freeman of the town, a number of found a detailed report of Salieri's confession in persecutees who failed for very valid reasons to inhabitants protested that Hausberger had been a the Vienna Archives. Apparently, this confession file timely indemnification claims in past years voluntary SS member and had taken part in was made by the composer to his father-confessor, may also apply to the Hardship Fund. persecution of Jews in Holland and should not a bishop, and Salieri not only admits his guilt of Interested individuals should register by writing isecome Freeman of a Christian town. Farmer murder by slow poison, but also describes the to: Josef Troppmair declared under oath, that, whilst occasion on which the poison was administered. on leave in 1941, Hausberger had boasted that Guido Adler seems to have made a thorough Conference on Jewish Material Claims together with other SS officials he had driven Against Germany men, women and children, mostly Jews, into a investigation of the details contained in the con­ Gruneburgweg 119 lake in Eastern Prussia and shot at them when fession, and concludes that there can be no doubt 6000 Frankfurt, Germany they tried to keep their heads above water. that the facts are true. The report ends by stating not later than 31 December 1981. Applicants Hausberger has brought a libel case against that although Adler intended to reprint the dis­ should state their full name, current address, date Troppmair and his son. covered confession, "the Vatican, understandably, and place of birth and the date and country from had suppressed any such publication". which they emigrated. Before Salieri died in Vienna in 1825, he sent for Ignaz Moscheles (1794-1870), a German Remember musician and said to him: "I did not poison Mozart". Was this a case of: "Qui s'excuse, s'accuse", or was he telling the truth? CLUB 1943 Israel Vortraege jeden Montag um 8 p.m. GABRIELLA GROS-GALLINER. im Hannah Karminski House So Israel may remembe/you 9 Adamson Road, N.W.3 2 Februar. Hans Freyhan: "Humor in der Instrumentalmusik der Wiener Klas- if you wish Israel and/lewish siker" (Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven). Organisations to benefit by your AJR CLUB 9 Februar. Dr. Angela Hobart, Ph.D.: "Dance and Drama on the Isle of Bali" Will, why not consmt us? TWENTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY (with slides). We have a specialyKnowledge of 16 Februar. Dr. F. Hellendall, LL.B. (Sol­ BRING AND BUY SALE icitor): "Geschichte der Heine-Ehrun- the problems and'needs of gen und Nicht-Ehrungen". SUNDAY, 22 FEBRUARY 23 Februar. Dr. R. von Schulze-Gaever- Jewish Clients,^nd can help you nitz: "Schiller und seine Freunde und or your Solicitc/r to carry out your from 2 to 5.30 p.m. Freundinnen, zum Teil aus persoen- lichen Erinnerungen" Jena, Weimar. intentions. at Hannah Karminski House 2 Maerz. Walter Lewis: "Die Russische (Side Entrance) Revolution von 1905". For further information and 9 Adamson Road (Swiss Cottage) 9 Maerz. The Hon. T. C. F. Prittie, M.B.E. advice, witnout obligation and (Mil.). M.A., will speak on "JERUSA­ LEM", prior to the publication of his free of charge, please apply to: in aid of book "Whose Jerusalem". Gertrud Schachne Fund 16 Maerz Alfons Rosenberg: "Gibt es nur Margaret Jacoby-Orgler Fund einen Gott? Hinduism, Buddhism und Islam". Mr H. R^thman (Director) Ahavah Children's Home In Israel 23 Maerz. Dr. Kurt Pflueger: "Hampstead K.K.L/Executor & Trustee Co. Ltd. and the Highgate Cemetery". Entrance 30p Refreshments 30p 30 Maerz. Adele Reifenberg-Rosenbaum: Harola Poster Houso, "Kuenstler sprechen ueber Kunst und Kin;pbury Circle, The AJR CLUB (9 Adamson Road) would Kuenstler". Lortdon, NWS 9SP. appreciate H If members of the AJR would 6 April. Amo Reinfrank liest Auszuege contribute gifts and support the SALE by aus seinem Buch "Wir waren froh Telephone: 01-204 9911, Ext: 36 dieses Leben nur getraeumt zu haben". their attendance. AJR INFORMATION February 1981 Page 7

MANNHEIM JEWS DURING THE NEWS FROM GERMANY WEIMAR REPUBLIC In the 1980/11 edition of the "Mannheimer NAZIS AND NEO-NAZIS BV COURT END OF MAIDANEK TRIAL IN SIGHT Hefte" the city's former Lord Mayor Dr. Wat- 20-year old Ralf Platzdasch, a Frankfurt pub­ In the Dusseldorf Maidanek trial, which has zinger referred to the deportation of Mannheim lisher and bookshop owner, was given a suspended just ended its fifth year, prosecuting counsels have Jews to Gurs forty years ago and published an one-month's jail sentence for forming a neo-Nazi begun their final pleas. They will be followed by essay on the Jewish Community in the Weimar group and inciting hatred against Jews. With a those of the 18 defending counsels who represent Republic, both in its relationship to its non-Jewish 19-year-old co-defendant who was given a sus­ the nine defendants left. During the five years environment and its own organisation. The basis pended six-months' sentence, he had founded a of the trial, the court made thirty journeys to of his studies were the preserved copies of the "Nationalsocialist Democratic Workers Party" almost all parts of the world to hear the de­ "Gemeindeblatt". Subsequently he gives sketches early in 1980 which had adopted all the principles positions of 67 inmates of the Lublin-Maidanek of 16 Jewish personalities who made a name for of the NSDAP. He had also published a poem camp. Altogether, 318 witnesses were heard during themselves in public life during that period. 'Holokotz" in which he claimed that the Jews the trial. At the end of the hearings, transcripts They include Dr. Paul Eppstein, lecturer at the and the Zionist press had invented the murder of all the depositions were read out. Commercial Academy, later a leading member of 6 million Jews "in order to force the German In 1965 a Frankfurt jury needed 182 days to of the Reichsvertretung who was depwrted to people to pay reparations." The trial took place pronounce sentence in the Auschwitz trial, which Theresienstadt and shot in the so-called Kleine in a juvenile court before a jury, but the court was said to have been the most important murder Festung for reasons which have never been refused to apply the law for juvenile offenders. trial in the history of the German courts. That suiBciently explained. Another sketch is devoted In EHisseldorf, former SS Colonel Kurt Christ- court heard 359 witnesses from 19 countries. Six to Rabbi Dr. Max Gruenewald, now president of mann was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment of the 20 accused received life sentences. the Leo Baeck Institute in New York. Dr. Wat- for complicity in the murder of Jews and other BALANCE SHEET OF TRIALS zinger intends to follow up his studies with a 9ivilians in Southern Russia in 1942 and 43. The The Baden-Wuerttemberg Minister of Justice history of the Jews of Mannheim between 1862 jury found that he had been responsible for the Heinz Eyrich (CDU) told the press that the and 1918. as he has already written about their gassing of at least 30 Jews in a special van and Ludwigsburg Central Office for the Examination fate between 1660 and 1862. had been in charge of the mass execution of more of NS crimes would not be closed for some time EGL than 50 men, women and children. He had been a to come. In 1980 there were still 2450 cases TRIER Willing instrument of the Nazi rulers, had not pending. Between the end of the war and the 1st acted under duress and had been an extremely January 1980, 86,498 persons had been investi­ The city of Trier will celebrate its second brutal persecutor. Christmarm had pleaded "Not gated, 6,446 of whom were brought to trial and millenium in 1984, and research into its past has guilty" and said that he had not believed that a sentenced. A staff of 42, including ten judges and been resumed with great vigour. It will be inter­ German court would sentence him on the basis of public prosecutors, weie still working at Ludwigs­ esting to see whether it will include research evidence given by Russian witnesses. burg. undertaken nearly 50 years ago by Chief Rabbi Dr. Adolf Altmann whose centenary was cele­ FIGHT AGAINST NEO-NAZIS brated in 1979. (A handsomely laid out illus­ LAST IMPORTANT NAZI TRIAL? Hans Jochen Vogel, Federal Minister of Justice, trated brochure recounting the celebration ad­ said in a press statement that the number of dresses was recently published by the city of Trier.) .^/'l-year-old pensioner Kurt Asche, once the SS prosecutions of neo-Nazis had risen from 992 in Dr. Altmann discovered a menorah from the third Judenreferent" for Belgium and Northern France 1978 to 1483 in 1979. In that year there were 272 or fourth century which he thought to have come a-Ppeared before the criminal court alone, antisemitic incidents. Mr. Vogel added that, from a Jewish burial place or catacomb. He atter his co-defendant Emst Boje Ehlers had whilst these figures might be an indication that regarded it as the earliest proof of Jewish life on committed suicide and 73-year old former SS there was a need for increased vigilance, they •-olonel Konstantin Canaris had been found German soil, but was contradicted by other also proved that the security and law offices of Jewish researchers who pointed out that there is medically unfit to stand trial. He said he did not the Federal Republic were aware of the dangers of remember anything about the deportations to documentary evidence for a Jewish presence in right-wing activities and doing their utmost to Cologne in 321. E.G.L. Auschwitz, as he had only collected reports and fight them. One loophole to be closed in the Written situation surveys in his Brussels office be­ immediate future was the unhindered importation SIMMERN (HUNSRUECK) tween January 1941 and October 1943. He said that of Nazi propaganda material from abroad. in June 1942, he and his Paris colleague had been In a booklet "650 Jahre Stadt Simmern im ordered to Berlin where Adolf Eichmann told RESTORED S-iTVAGOGUES Hunsruck", Rector Gustav Schellack, the chair­ mem that Jews from Belgium, Holland and France The octagonal neo-Baroque Synagogue of Floss man of the Hunsruck History Association, reveals snould be sent to Auschwitz and work there. He in Lower Bavaria which was destroyed in 1938, that there had been a Jewish school in Simmern nad to organise transport for the Jews from Bel- has been completely rebuilt by the State. It will for many years, but that it was conspicuous for g'um, but this had been merely clerical work and serve as a museum, as there are no longer any its rapid turnover of teachers, particularly be­ w ij^ never wondered how all these people Jews living in Floss which once had a large tween 1825 and 1872. This was partly due to a would be accommodated in Auschwitz. He had community set up in the 17th century. Floss is lack of money and of proper schoolrooms, but joined the SA in 1931 as an unemployed chemist situated near the notorious Flossenburg concen­ also to a shortage of suitable candidates. There he th changed over to the SS in 1935, because tration camp. were 13 teachers during that jJcriod. Between all v°"8^^ "Hitler would have more success than The town of Hadamar has bought the old 1833 and 1838 the number of Jews in Simmern f'' 'ne others." In May 1944 he was dismissed synagogue and will, after restoration, use it as a grew from 143 to 167, but in the 1920s there hp k* J ^ ^'^'^ ^^"^ '° prison for 16 months, as memorial shrine for the Jews of Hesse-Nassau. ue nad kept Jewish loot for himself and acted as remained only 80, constituting 2.1 per cent of the The State Archives will provide it with all im­ town's population. The booklet also contains a in 1 j^- before the trial opened. 300 people, portant documents or copies of documents re­ mciuding 150 Belgian Jews, some of whom wore picture of the Hunsgasse Synagogue, but not a lating to the long history of the Jews in Hesse. word about the fate of the community and its mp umform and displayed their camp numbers, ISRAELI ORCHESTRA'S VISIT ™rched silently through the town. They carried members. It is, however, known that the com­ ^nners reading "We shall never forget Ausch- During a two-week tour of the Federal Republic, munity employed a teacher and rabbi until 1938. w"2 , and "Justice not Revenge!". the Tel Aviv University String Orchestra played E.G.L. in Berlin, Tubingen and Karlsruhe and m the Station Hall at Rolandseck near Boim, a well- EXPENSIVE HITLER DRAWINGS known centre of artistic activities where Menuhin and Zuckerman had played before them. ITie At an auction by the Mxmich auctioneer Graf orchestra of 20 players had followed an invitation Klenau, three 1909 water colours by by the German-Israeli Society for Academic Co­ were sold to an American public gallery for some operation between Tel Aviv University and Ger­ £12,000. man Universities. Last year tiiey accompanied a Berlin choir during its Christmas concerts in churches and music halls in Israel. HERSFELD REMEMBERS ITS JEWS THEODOR HERZL SOCIETY In Bad Hersfeld near Kassel, the German Federa­ tion of Trades Unions fixed a tablet to its office Hannah Karminski House Hall building in the old Jewish school which reads: "Former School of the Hersfeld Jewish com­ 9 Adamson Road, N.W.S munity. To remember the Jewish citizens of our town who were iJersecuted and killed by the DR. BASIL BARD, C.B.E. Nazis. The citizens of Bad Hersfeld". The town mayor said at the unveiling ceremony that in 1910, will speak on the town had 325 Jewish citizens, three per cent of its population. Thirty years later those who "Einstein, the Jew and the Zionist" had not managed to flee abroad, had been mur­ Tuesday, 10 February, at 8.15 p.m. dered by the Nazis. The trade union official who had been responsible for the restoration of the All Welcome school, Eugen Weigel. had been in concentration camps because of his trades union activities. Page I AJR INFORMATION February 1981

RAEVMAKERS AT HEBREW UNIVERSITY A committee of leading American scientists has NEWS FROM ISRAEL told Congress that cloud seeding research by Hebrew University of Jerusalem scientists is the 300,000 ISRAELIS IN THE UNITED STATES NEW HOLOCAUST CHAIR AT BAR-ILAN most reliable in the world and, with aimual bud­ A report compiled by the Israel Government Bar-Ilan University at Ramat Gan has estab­ get imder £180,000, the cheapest too. Braving and the Jewish Agency as the basis for discus­ lished an Institute for Holocaust Studies, which danger, the University's atmospheric scientists sions on how to combat emigration effectively is to be headed by Professor Nathaniel Katzburg, take off by plane into the clouds during Israel's estimates that between 300,000 and 500,000 the present holder of its chair in modern Jewish all-too-short rainy season and bombard them with Israelis are now living permanently in the United history. The new Institute will specialise on the silver iodide at a temperature of below -5 degrees States. It also estimates that there are 100,000 experience of religious Jewry in Europe during centigrade. This makes ice-crystals form, causing children of emigrants with Israeli citizenship the Nazi period. although they were born or brought up outside the clouds to dump between 15 to 20 per cent Israel. For the first time in 12 years the monthly ARAB PUNISHED FOR DEATH THREAT more of their rain than they normally would. arrival figures of new immigrants to Israel has A 32-year-old Israeli Arab was sentenced to six BLIND HELPER HONOURED IN ISRAEL fallen below the 1,000 mark. One of the reasons months imprisonment—three months suspended A number of Institutions for the Blind in Israel has been the sharp decline in the numbers of Jews —for telling a Jewish merchant with whom he are to be called after Saarbriicken Dr. Ernst Blum being allowed to leave the Soviet Union. In had quarrelled: "It is too bad Hitler did not gas who died 10 years ago and who was largely November this figure stood at 789 for the month, all the Jews. Still, I will finish you off". responsible for the great work done by the but only 200 came to Israel. W. German "Aid for the Blind of Israel". Dr. PUBLISHERS CHALLENGE BOYCOTT NEW BREED OF BIRD Blum who was himself blind, was a lawyer and The Publishers' Association is taking up the "Molrad" is the name of a new bird bred in social worker who until 1935 and after 1945 held case of Corgi Books who refused to comply with Israel by crossing a swan with a duck through leading offices in the Saarland administration and Arab boycott regulations with the Foreign Office. artificial insemination. It is supposed to taste regularly attended congresses of international and The company refused to supply the authorities of better than any other known bird and to produce Jewish welfare organisations. In 1965 he was Kuwait with a letter guaranteeing that they did lean meat and therefore to become an export awarded the Leo-Baeck-Prize of the Central not trade with Israeli companies and that none of asset in due course. Council of Jews in Germany and donated it to their employees had Israeli interests. Corgi is a the "Aid for the Blind in Israel." In his youth he subsidiary of Bantam Books, New York, the RUSSIAN BEAR FOR SICK GIRL had been assisted by the Berlin Steglitz Jewish majority of whose employees are Jewish, and As a humanitarian gesture, the Russian Minis­ Institution for the Blind. The organisations Bantam are a subsidiary of Bertelsmann of West try of Education sent a toy Olympic bear to a which are to bear his name, are a dental clinic Germany which has just invested in a book club chronically ill Israeli girl who wanted it for her for the blind and their families, and a gym­ in Israel. birthday. Her parents were unable to obtain one nasium for blind children. Both have received generous support from the German organisation. DEPARTMENT OF TRADE'S anywhere, and her naother wrote to the Russian ANTI-BOYCOTT ADVICE Government, offering to pay for it. They replied E.G.L. by sending it through a Ministry official attend­ HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL The imponance of Anglo-Israel trade, which is ing the International Medical Congress in enjoying a substantial boom, is reflected in the Jerusalem, accompanied by a letter of birthday The latest campaign of the voluntary organisa­ publication by the Board of Trade of 50,000 greetings in English. tion Am Yafe—Am Ehad (Beautiful People— leaflets for British companies giving advice on —One People) epitomises the triumph of hope how to avoid the Arab boycott. GOLAN DRUSES ASK TO BE ISRAELIS over experience. Dedicated to improve the quality YAD VASHEM TEACfflNG SEMINAR During the first month of a new Knesset law of life in Israel they hope to persuade politicians Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, for the second year permitting Druse in the administered territories not to hurl verbal abuse at one another. It is to running is organising a summer institute in July to become Israel citizens, some 500 from the start off by asking Knesset members to sign an entitled "Teaching the Holocaust" directed to­ Golan Heights submitted applications to do so. anti-slander pledge. This is to be followed by wards teachers and community leaders. The It is anticipated that should Israel ever formally approaching the general public to sign petitions course will offer intensive study with emphasis on annex the territory many more would do so. against political mud-slinging and a watch on teaching techniques. Further information is avail­ the media advertising of all political parties. able from Shmuel Spector, Director, Education Department, Yad Vashem, PO Box 3477, Jerusa­ lem. France & German)4s LEON JESSEL LIMfH Finest Wines with the compliments of Manufacturers of SHIPPED BY Fancy Leather Goody. HOUSE 01 Gift Goods HALLGARTEN whicfi are advertised tnroughout the world is I am able to offer y6u a superb selection of French/(incJ. Kosher "EMBLEMS OF GOOD/RAFTSMANSHIP BY Alsace) and German wines, shipped by the famrious importers. THE JESSEI/^RGANISATION" House of Hallgarten, and to advise synthetic sfdhesives We also (Manufacture Industrial you personallw'and help you with adhesive^ipplicators your wine purchases. The selection Equipment/in Leather and Canvas ranges frorr/your everyday wines to the fi/est for your speclai P.O. Box 12. Corporation Street Simcha. PafraLimited 'Walsall, WS1 4HP Delivery to all U.K. addresses Beotatls. Basildon Please write or phone: SS14 3BU West Midlands JUSTIN GOLOMEIER Wine Merchant . 0922-24649 or 0922-22058 22 Pennine Drive, London, N.WJt TatMi Chaeom G Waliall 338212 LEJES Tel: 01-4S5 8672 .•UR INFORMATION February 1981 Page 9 F. Hellendall position of exiled writers better than tomes by Walter and Stephan: "Gradually, whether we like it or not, we are DISTORTED HISTORY — A NEW CHAPTER? changed by the environment and with us every­ thing that we create is changed. . . . The writer in exile meets such a mass of new material and After a neglect of the history of cultural life thai, Jakov Lind (who according to Stephan was new ideas, such a mass of faces which he amongst the exiles from Nazi Germany for more 18 years old when the war ended) and Martin would never have encountered at home . . . and than a generation interest by German academics Esslin stayed in England, we discover on p. 168 the enforced permanent contact with the for­ in that subject has suddenly started to bloom. that Grete Fischer and Alfred Kerr remained in eign language proves in the end to be an Some years ago Gabriele Tergit reviewed in this London. Nobody would guess that Erich Fried, enrichment. . . . Lastly suffering may make the journal (October, 1973) the first two volumes of who is honoured by the author with a number of weak weaker, but the strong stronger." Hans Albert Walter's "Deutsche Exil-Literatur sneering remarks, has lived in London and writ­ Arnold Zweig in his "Answer to Tucholsky", 1933-1950" under the headline "Verzerrte ten in German (not in English as Stephan alleges an Obituary written after Tucholsky's suicide and Geschichtsschreibung" (Distorted Writing on on p. 151) since 1938. Although—quoting as his reproduced by Loewy, gives the answer to the History). A new volume of Walter's grand oeuvre source of information Klaus Mann who died Walters and Stephans: "Exilpresse" has now been published*, a tome more than 30 years ago—he mentions that the "One of the ridiculous lies which the Jews of 841 pages dealing with what the author Pen Centre of German Writers Abroad in Lon­ allow to be spread about themselves is the tale about the Jews being a wandering people. If apparently considers to be the 12 most important don became the representative of German one left them alone they would not move any periodicals of Anti-Nazi exiles under three main literature in the International PEN after the longer. Their roots are and they feel at home chapters "political and cultural", "cultural and Nazis left that organisation in 1934, not a word where the graves of their ancestors are, and as literary" and "Periodicals of the Jewish Mass is mentioned about the fact that this Centre still a hopeless minority and defenceless are thus par­ Emigration". Some of these journals were fairly exists and counts amongst its members quite a ticularly useful to distract from mass discon­ well known at the time, like "Das neue few outstanding writers in London. Stephan tent. They are chased away and then called Tagebuch", "Die neue Weltbiihne", Thomas pontificates that apart from some poems by nomads. . . ." Mann's "Mass und Wert" and the New York Brecht and Anna Segher's novel "Transit" "Or "mass emigrants", "Wirtschaftsemigran- ^_^nfbau", one of the two journals of the important books by exiles on the subject of exile ten" or "homeless" outsiders", . . . Jewish mass emigration" honoured with an are missing. Lion Feuchtwanger's "Exil" and analysis betraying the author's gross ignorance of "Unholdes Frankreich" are dismissed with the •Hans-Albert Walter, Deutsche Exilliteralur 1933-1950, the problems of Jewish exiles from Germany in remark that Feuchtwanger's world-wide repu­ Band 4: Exilpresse, J. B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhand- lung. Stuttgart, 1978. the USA and other countries of refuge, not to tation originated from his historical novels and "Alexander Stephan, Die deutsche Exilliteralur, 1933- speak of the repeated sneers at the "Jewish mass not from these books. Arnold Zweig's fascinating 1945, Verlag C. H. Beck. Munchen, 1979. semi-autobiographical novel "Traum ist teuer" ***Exil, Literarische und politische Texte aus dem deutsch­ emigration" as opposed to the political exiles. en Exil 1933-1945, herausgegeben von Ernest Loewy Other journals analysed by Walter, such as "Die and Gabriele Tergit's "Effingers" evidently unter Mitarbeit von Brigitte Grimm, Helga Nagel und escaped the attention of the author. Felix Schneider, J. B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhand- Zukunft" published by Willi Munzenberg in lung, Stuttgart, 1979. Paris after his break with the Communists for about 18 months or the "Deutsche Blatter" pub­ Impudent Classification lished by a group of anti-Nazi Germans in Chile There are repeated sneers in Stephan's book at NAZI REFUGEE BECOMES RECORDER between 1943 and 1945 were hardly known to the "Jewish mass emigration"—defined by Walter A Jewish refugee from Nazism, who came to Jbe politically interested refugees of those years. in his previous volumes as those who left Britain from Vienna, Mr. Rudolf Rosenfeld iNone of the German language journals pub- Germany not because they were active opponents Russell, was recently sworn in as a Recorder by ished in London during the war is considered of Nazism but only because they tried to save the Lord Chief Justice's Court in London, after orthy of any thorough consideration, nor is any themselves. The impudence of such classification being a deputy circuit judge for a number of °f the anti-Nazi daily papers appearing in requires no further comment. Stephan tops his years. sneers with a passage on a number of famous ^arbriicken and Paris during the first years FAMILY CHRONICLE AVAILABLE alter 1933 In 19 long introductory pages the writers of that period, such as Heinrich and Among the items left by a recently deceased author gives no satisfactory explanation for his Klaus Mann, Alfred Doblin, Stefan Zweig, Kurt Tucholsky and others of whom he says (on p. former German Jewess was a chronicle of the arbitrary choice of 12 journals out of 430 exile families of Leonhard FiJrst and Victor Israel, publications admitted by Walter to have existed. 154): "The experience of exile was hardly news written by Jacob Furst of Crefeld in 1912. As As a result the historical value of Walter's new to those—often bourgeois and Jewish—writers to none of the close relatives of the deceased is wme must be regarded as extremely doubtful. whom exile was already a form of life before interested in the booklet, descendants of the Fiirst Another—possibly worse—example of a study 1933. To them the lifting of provinciality, the and Israel families, who would like to obtain the disentanglement from commercialism in culture, copy, are advised to get in touch with the AJR, "KT '™^" literature in exile by one of the the loss of social ties, in other words the hard where it is deposited. Nachgeborenen" is a paperback by Alexander school of the experience of exile, meant little. tephan, born in 1946, and Assistant Professor of Outsiders, homeless, reflective and distrustful— COPIES OF "AJR INFORMATION" ^ontemporary German History of California in all this they had already been before their flight". Our stock of April and June 1980 issues of J-os Angeles.** Some of the "facts" reported Joseph Goebbels could not have formulated it "AJR Information" has run out. Any readers who WV? ^^^ contradicted by the author himself. better! can spare both copies or one of them should -T^. °P P- 65 Stephan alleges that apart from kindly send them to our office, 8 Fairfax Man­ ic Zeitung" which he dismisses as an English It is a relief to read after this again what the sions, London NW3 6LA. P'Opaganda organ there was no German language exiles themselves felt and wrote about their periodical in Great Britain during the war, he experience in exile in a symposium compiled by eports in detail on p. 122 on the contributions Ernst Loewy,*** a former exile himself and who LEGACIES a /u'°^ well-known authors, including Thomas has carefully chosen 230 texts by 100 different Mrs Elizabeth Rose Maier who died last June, exiled authors. These give more insight into the °° Heinrich Mann to "Freie Deutsche Kultur", left £43,000, of which £200 go to Leo Baeck lives and works of anti-Nazi writers in exile than Q/i'*°i'Uy journal of the Free German League House and most of the residue is equally divided the secondary and tertiary pseudo-scientific treat­ jj] *-u'ture in Great Britain although he remains between the AJR and the Leo Baeck Women's ises by the Walters and Stephans. In this excel­ Lodge. in I °^^ other German language periodicals lent symposium Lion Feuchtwanger—in spite of Miss Martha Eckstein left £1,000 to Heinrich Trlv°"»°° 'during that period, such as "Freie Stephan's strictures one of the most impressive Stahl House and several other legacies. The resi­ eiv t"' !'^eitspiegel", etc. Whereas on p. 65 he writers of German speaking exile—summarises the due of her estate is to be equally divided between es the impression that only Richard Frieden- the Jewish Blind Society, the Jewish Association for the Physically Handicapped and the AJR.

BECHSTEIN STEINWAY BLUTflNER BELSI2E SQUARE SYNAGpaOE CAMPS Finest selection recondition^ PIANOS 51 Belsize Square, Lon(lenrN.W.3 INTERNMEN-IVFTCW.- Always Intereste^>ripurcha8ing F0RCEDLA60UR-KZ Our new commurjaKffall is available for well-pre8p*VM instruments I wiah to buy CUMT envelopes and folded poat- cultural and^sdoal lunctions. For details martted \alteif-^m all campa of both world wara. JACQU^S^AMUEL PIANOS LTD. *PPly jor Secretary, Synagogue Office PlaaaeMfid, registered mall, stating price, to: TeL: 01-7S4 142,E(lsware Road, W.2 Tel: 723 8881/9 f4 Rosslyn Hill, London, NWS IFF PETER C. RICKENBACK Page 10 AJR INFORMATION February 1981

SIR JULES THORN Sir Jules Thorn, president of Thorn Electrical OBITUARIES Industries since 1976 and its chairman from 1936 to 1976, has died aged 81. Bom in Austria, he ADRIENNE THOMAS SHLOMO LEWIN studied business management at the University The writer Adrieime Thomas has died in Vienna, Shiomo Lewin, 69, chairman of the Nurem­ of Vienna, but settled in Britain in 1928, when aged 83. Her best known novel "Die Katrin wird berg branch of the Association for Christian- he established his Electrical Lamp Service Com­ Soldat" which appeared in 1930, was avidly read Jewish Co-operation, was murdered along with pany, opening his first retail shop at Twickenham by the generation that grew up in the Thirties and his companion. Miss Frida Poesche, at their in 1931 and acquiring his first factory the follow­ was translated into many languages. She survived home in Erlangen. Both had been shot in the ing year. In 1936 he bought control of the the Nazi years in France, Switzerland and finally head, and the Federal Criminal Investigation Ferguson Radio Corporation, from which de­ the US together with her husband, the socialist Agency has taken over the case from the local veloped one of the world's largest electronic politician Dr. Julius Deutsch. They returned to police. Mr. Lewin was born in Jerusalem, but companies bearing his name. A very private but Vienna in 1946 where Deutsch was appointed taken to live in Silesia by his parents when a charitable man he was knighted in 1964. Among manager of the Austrian Socialdemocratic Pub­ child. Educated at Breslau and Cologne, he later the organisations that received his support was lishing House. Before his emigration he had been became a teacher. He was arrested by the Nazis the Haifa Technion, which gave expression to a member of the Austrian National Council and in 1933, escaped and fled to Paris. He returned to both his Jewish sentiments and his scientific ex­ at one time commissar for the Army. Adrieime Palestine in 1938 and joined the Haganah, be­ pertise. came from a Lorraine Jewish family. coming an officer in the Israel Defence Forces EGL when the State was established. He returned to Germany in 1960 and founded the Ner Tamid MONROE GOLDWATER publishing house. Shiomo Lewin was very active Monroe Goldwater, for many years a promi­ MAURICE BOUKSTEIN in promoting Christian-Jewish understanding and German-Israel youth exchanges. nent Democratic Party politician in New York, American Zionist leader Maurice M. Boukstein has died aged 95. A former local president of the died in New York, aged 75. He was legal adviser ROMAEV GARY United Jewish Appeal he led wartime efforts to to the Jewish Agency and the World Zionist raise funds for Jewish refugees and served as a Organisation since 1946. He also played a leading The novelist and former French dipolmat vice-president of the American Jewish Joint role in the negotiations with West Germany for Romain Gary took his own life in his Paris flat Distribution Committee. He was also actively compensation for victims of Nazism and was one at the age of 66. He was born in Vilna of a involved in the securing of compensation for Jewish mother, Mina Josel, and a father of Mon­ Jewish victims of Nazism. of the founders of the Conference on Jewish gol ancestry, Leibja Kacew, who abandoned the Material Claims against Germany. family when Gary was seven years old. Gary took a degree in law at the University of Paris and was in Poland studying for a diploma in DR. ERNST MUELLER REMEMBERED MRS. LOUISE MENDELSOHN Slavic languages when war broke out. He served On the occasion of the centenary of his birth. Louise Mendelsohn, widow of the famous first as a fighter pilot with the British air force Dr. Emst Mueller is remembered by his numerous architect Eric Mendelsohn has died in the United and later with the Free French "Lorraine" squad­ friends and fellow workers. Before he came to this States aged 86. Born Louise Maas in Mannheim, ron. After the war he entered the French diplo­ country, Dr Mueller was Vice-Director of the she studied the cello in Germany and Italy and matic corps. His lasting work, however, was in Vienna Jewish Community Library. He was an was married in 1915. Her husband was one of the the literary field. One of the best-known books, authority on Jewish mysticism, and his works leaders of the modem movement in architecture "Roots of Heaven" is set in a German concen­ include an English translation of the Zohar. He and earned much recognition for designing the tration camp; another, "The Dance of Genghis died in London in 1954. A vivid description of Potsdam Observatory to further the researches of Cohn" deals with a Jewish Berlin nightclub Dr. Mueller is given by Mr. Richard Kobler Albert Einstein. The couple left Germany in 1933 comedian who dies in Auschwitz, became a (Zurich), the son of the historian the late Dr. because of the anti-Jewish activities of the Nazis dybbuk and entered the subconscious of his ex­ Franz Kobler. He recalls a fiery discussion in his and took up British nationality in 1938. They ecutioner. parents' house between the two scholars, the settled in the United States in 1941, first staying subject of which was a fight over the right German with the American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright LEOPOLD SCHEUER word for a Greek word in Plato's Symposium. in Wisconsin before moving on to San The death has occurred of Leopold Scheuer, "The gentleness and simultaneous strength of mind Francisco. Mendelsohn who died in 1953 did founder member and honorary life president of of Ernst Mueller, based not only on mysticism and much work in Palestine, where he designed, among the Hounslow and District Synagogue, which he philosophy but also on his deep knowledge of other buildings, the Hadassa Hospital. He was also represented at the Board of Deputies and on mathematics, left their mark on anybody fortu­ also involved in designings for the Atomic Energy the education committee of the United Syna­ nate enough to have Icnown him", writes Mr. Commission at Berkeley. gogue. He came to England from Austria in 1938. Kobler.

FAMn.Y EVENTS Ryde:— Stephanie Ryde, nee Antal, For Sale Entries in the column Family Events suddenly passed away after a long SINGER NAEHMASCHINE, 33 are free of charge: any voluntary illness on 3 December 1980, in her Zubehoerteile, Massage-Apparat, REMINDERS COST MONEY donation would, however, be appreci­ 80th year. Mourned by her brothers, Mixer, Belling-Ofen, Belling Convec- ated. Texts should be sent in by 15th sisters, relatives and friends. tor, Kaffeemaschine, Teekessel, Steh- Please pay your subscription of the month. Schlesinger:— Bertha Schlesinger of lampen, Buegeleisen - alles elektrisch; promptly Heinrich Stahl House, The Bishop's Porzellan, Glas und Koechtoepfe. Birthday and Guttfietd:— Mr. Frank Guttfield, for­ Avenue, London N2, formerly Tel.: 435 4736. Pforzheim, passed away peacefully on mer Antiquariats Bookseller of Ber­ ROSENTHAL Tea and Dinner Service, HELP us to SAVE lin, is celebrating his 80th birthday December 23rd, 1980. white (Maria) incl. soup terrine and all on 1 February. Shackman:— Werner Shackman of Northwood, Middx., died on 27 serving dishes. 12 place settings and Deaths December peacefully at home, following spares. Half current price list. 'Phone Hahn:— Irene Hahn passed away on a short illness. 965 7177 after 6 p.m. 14 December 1980, in her 76th year CLASSIFIED NEW MINK JACKET, Size 10/12. after an illness patiently borne. Pro­ The charge in these columns is 50p Tel. 958 5080 evenings. PHYSIOTHETHERAPYR ^ foundly mourned by her daughter for five words plus 25p for advertise­ by ^^ Rita Knopf, son-in-law, grandchil­ ments under a Box No. Miscellaneous dren, sister, relatives and many many Situations Required GERMAN-JEWISH BOOKS, especi­ fully qualified.pKysiotheraplst friends. She will always be remem­ WE WOULD WELCOME hearing ally the "Juedische Lexikon" wanted. in pati^nf^ own home bered. from more ladies who would be will­ Nicola Galliner, 27 Queens Grove, ing to shop and cook for an elderly London, N.W.S. Tel.: 01-722 0361. Phoi^ef624-4424 before 8.30 a.m. Herz:—- Walter Herz, bom 1908 in /' or after 7. p.m. Pfungstadt. Mourned by his wife person in their neighbourhood on a REVLON MANICURIST. Will visit Lotte and family. temporary or permanent basis. Cur­ your home. Phone 01-445 2915. rent rate of pay £1.80 per hour. JEWISH COUPLE would value op­ Mattes:— Mrs. Hedwig Mattes passed Please ring Mrs. Matus 01-624 4449, portunity to purchase Persian carpet away in the early hours of December AJR Employment, for Appointment. to help furnish their home. Tel.: 31st, 1980, after a protracted illness. She Accommodation Available 458 3010. CHARLES N. GILBERT is deeply moumed by all her family and LADY offers room in pleasant house F.B.Ch.A. her very many friends. off Market Place, Hampstead Garden ESFORMATION REQUIRED Personal Enquiry CHIROPODIST Moses:— Dr. Otto Moses died on Suburb, in exchange for sharing light at "Richey" D««mbcr 28 peacefully at his home, household duties. Phone: 01-203 3906. Jacob:— Mrs. ErnaTimmermans-Jonas, 169 Finchley Road 32 Wolverton Gardens, W6. Sorely FURNISHED ROOM, modern block, Holland, is looking for her cousin N.WJ missed by his wife, Greta, son, daughter- 2 mins. Golders Green Tube Station, Franciska Jacob, bom March 24, 1914, near Sainsbury in-law, grandchildren, brother, relations park. Use kitchen suits strictly orthodox in Urbach/Kirchdorf, Germany. Replies and friends. mature lady. 455 9367 evenings. to Box 856. 624 8626/7 I AJR INFORMATION February 1981 Page II

WARBURG PRIZE FOR ART HISTOIUAN BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE TO ANNA FREUD The DM 20,000 (abt £5,000) Aby M. Warburg Fund, set up last year by the Hamburg munici­ Anna Freud, Sigmimd Freud's last surviving an ovation when she returned to Vienna for the pality, has been awarded to 59-year-old Polish art daughter, celebrated her 85th birthday at her home first time and took part in the Psychoanalytical historian Jan Bialostocki, director of the Warsaw in Hampstead. She was his favourite daughter and, Congress. In the following year, she received an National Museum, who spent nine months in tiiroughout her adult life, his closest collaborator honorary doctorate from Vienna University. the concentration camps of Mauthausen and Linz who understood his ideas and interpreted them to When she received an honorary charter from the in 1944 and 1945. A further scholarship of DM the world. At one time, he was strongly attacked Hebrew University recognising her contribution 10,000 was given to Dr Bredekamp of Hamburg for having submitted her to analysis, but it was to human scholarship, she regarded it as a University. The prize, distributed every four years, I^rt of her introduction to his ideas. In Vieima, posthumous honour bestowed on her father. is to be awarded to scholars, artists and writers she was head of the Institute of Psychoanalysis To celebrate her birthday, the Hogarth Press whose activities conform to the "high standards until 1938, when she emigrated to Britain with have just published a volume "The Techniques of set by Aby Warburg" (Hamburg 1866-1929), who her father, already struck by his final illness. Her Psychoanalysis, Discussions with Anna Freud" began, in 1901 to collect books and documents special field had always been the analysis of by Joseph Sandler, Hansi Kennedy and Robert relevant to the study of art and culture. They children, about which she wrote a book in 1927. Tyson, which summarizes the discussions of a formed the basis of the Warburg Institute trans­ After her father's death she founded the Hamp­ number of eminent practitioners, whilst quoting ferred to London in 1933 and now a world-famous stead Child Therapy Clinic in Maresfield Gardens Anna Freud's wise and witty remarks verbatim. Research Institute of London University. which has become world famous, not only for the Anna Freud has been a member of our organ­ The Valentin Koemer publishing house in practical work done there, but also for the teach­ isation for a long time, and belatedly we join the Baden-Baden has just brought out a volume ing and training of child analysts from all over many friends and admirers who wish her many "Ausgewahlte Schriften und Wurdigungen" |"e •woj.jjj During the war, her special self-chosen more years of creative and fulfilled activities. whicli contains 25 essays by and about Warburg. |ask was the care and treatment of children who Among the London contributors are Sir Emst Hans had been psychologically damaged by war events, Gombrich, director of the London Institute until ^migration, bombing, separation from loved ones 1976, and Professors Fritz Saxl and Gertrud Bing and many other war-infliaed damages. This work CANETTI EV ENGLISH who died in 1948 and 1964 respectively. IS described in her book "War Children". In 1%8, EGL she published her major work, the condensation of The autobiography of Elias Canetti ("Die ANNE FRANK FILM AT her teaching and experience in which she describes gerettete Zunge"), which was mentioned in our ANTI-FASCIST WEEK the methods of children's development and treat­ birthday tribute to the author (October 1980), The film "Diary of Anne Frank" and a display ment. is now also available in an English translation by of holocaust photographs were among the items She received honours all over the world. In 1967 Franz Neugroschel under the title "The tongue used by the Leicester Jewish Students' Society she was awarded a CBE. In 1971 she was given set free" (The Seabury Press, New York). during an anti-fascist week held at the University.

BELSIZE SQUARE QtiEST MADE-TO-MEASURE HOUSES CLEARED HOUSEX Double knit Jersey wool and insHCble drip-dry coats, suits, trousepetfits and Furniture, pictures, carpet^ 24 BELSIZE SOtJARE, N.W.3 dresses. Outsize our spec^ity. From bought Teft 01-794 ASprot 01-435 2557 £0.00 Inclusive matejftalT^lso customers own msMfial made up. Prompt MODERN Mcf-CATERINfi NOUOAV 'BbOfte: 01-450 5817 E.C.S<^ompany ROOM S^^RESIDUKT HOI»SKBar«R >^MOO«RATl TCRMS. Mrs. L. RudoHer -440 0213 /^AR rWISS COTTAGI STATION

GERMAN BOOKS THE DORI DAWSON HOUS^xHOTEEMOV L BOOKS WANp BOUGHT • Free Street Parking Ir^^'ont of the Hotel Continental Cuisipec—Licensed • Full Central Heat>rfi) • Free Laundry GERMAN AND^<}^ISH Art, Literature, ography, • Free Dutch-Styfe Corrtlnental Breakfast ILLUSTRAJCD, ETC. ••nerally pre-wi non classical 169a FInclilefRoad, N.W.3 72 ^AlflFIELD QARDENS E.M,9r^OOKS 6301) near UnjMrground Sta. FlncMey Read, E. M. SchiH ARRiSON PARTIES CATERED FOR LONDON, N.W.t. Tel: 01-824 0079 Salmon Street Village Bookshop London, NWS SND Belsize Lane, N.W.S Tel. 205 2905 Tel: 01-794 3180 WALM LANE NURSING HOr Purpose designed, modern comfor­ table, medical Nursing Hbme. MAPESBURY LODGE Convalescent, medical and/post­ (Licensed by the Borough of Brent) "WOODSTOCK LODGE operative patients, both long and for the elderly, convaiescdnt and YOUR FIGURE PROBLEMS short term stay, cared fdr by fully partly incapacitated. SOLVED // 40 Shoot-up Hil] qualified nursing staff/Single and Lift to all flopfs. . . . tjy a visit to our S>rlon where shared rooms with a>^ry luxurious Luxurious double/and single ready-to-wear fourKiations are London, NW facility. Lifts to all iloors. All diets rooms. Colour TV, h/c, central •xpertly fitted am altered H catered for - Kos>

"AVENUE LODGE" GROSVENOR NURSINO HOME TORRINGTON HOMES i-loanaad by the London Borougl Licensed by the Borough of Camd] MRS. PRINGSHEIM, S.RJV. COLDWELL RESIDENTl MATRON Barnet) Luxurious and comfortable home Golders Green. N.W. HOTEL For Elderly, Retired Retired, post-operative, cpiivales- Convalescent ••WTH-WEST LONDON'S B4CLUS1VE DIETS AND NURSING cent and medical patiepfs cared (Licensed by Borough HOME FOR THE ELOEJILY AND for. Long or short >erm stays. RETIRED SERVICES AWtfLABLE •Single and Double Rboms. Under supervision troth day and •H/C Basins and Cjfc* in all rooms. * Luxurious (Ingle double rooms Lovely Large Teyface & Gardens night by a qualified nursing team. ••th telephone. •Gardens, TV an« reading rooms. Very Quiet Position. Well furnished/single or double •Nurse on duu/74 hours. * Principal roon with bathroom en sun*. North Finch)^, near Woodhouse rooms. Lift tp/all floors. A spaci­ •Long and s*K)rt term, including G>^mar School. ous colouf/Tv lounge and dining trial peri|>d nfqhl nurvinq London, N.12 deMfs. 01-203 2692/01-452 0515 39 Torrington Park, N.12 '•• lelephone the Matron, 01.4SS 7094 Tel.: 01-445 0061 fS^87 Fordwych Road. N W.2 Page 12 AJR INFORMATION February 1981

itself a magnificent example of the printer's art and worth its place on any library shelf. THEATRE AND CULTURE The design of typefaces, book production, illus­ .\ record on records? When 18-year-old Erich ance of the Hamburg Schauspielhaus, 1960), star­ tration and all the arts in which Wolpe excels Wolfgang Korngold's opera "Violanta" was first ring Gruendgens, Will Quadflieg and Elisabeth are the backroom arts of the publishing and produced in Munich in 1916, the young com­ Flickenschildt, was recently presented by the printing trade. Often we neither realise or care poser (who had already been in the limelight London Goethe Institute. who has been responsible for the design and with his pantomime "Der Schneemann" several Birthday. Theatre and Film producer Otto L. format of the books that give us so much years before) was tiailed as a great talent. Now, Preminger who after his early years as theatre pleasure, but it only needs a cursory glance at the record firm CBS started 1981 with a rather manager on the Continent has become one of the this exhibition and its catalogue to realise what surprising issue of "Violanta" on two discs: busiest film directors in the United States, cele­ a debt we owe to Wolpe for the excellence and modem reviewers are enthusiastic and find the brated his 75th birthday. imagination of his work and for the technical work of the young musician, influenced though Obituary. The death is announced of Karel virtuosity of his skill. he was by d*Albert and Richard Strauss, worthy Stepanek, a versatile actor who will be remem­ When visiting this exhibition at the Victoria of unqualified praise. Later on, Komgold became bered for many stage and film rSles. He came to and Albert, it is also worth visiting their better known for his opera "Die tote Stadt" Britain in 1940, and played parts as varied as the Ganymed exhibition. The somewhat complicated which is rarely performed these days. After German admiral in the film "Sink the Bismarck" history of this renowned press is well described emigration to the United States he made his and Werfel's "Jacobowsky and the Colonel". He in the excellent catalogue produced for the oc­ name mainly as a composer of film music. was 81.—Walter Rilla, who had returned to Ger­ casion. The Ganymed Graphische Anstalt was Opera in Vienna. Flalevy's "La Juive", an many after the war and had been active as actor established originally in Berlin by Bruno Deja, a opera that deals with Jewish persecution during and broadcaster, has died in Rosenheim (Bavaria) well-known printer, and Julius Meier-Graefe, the the Middle Ages, was given concert performances at the age of 86. S.B. art historian and former editor of "Pan". Des­ at the Vienna State Opera last month. Jose troyed during the Second World War, it was Carreras sang the part of Eleazar, a dream role GRAPHIC ART EXfflBITIONS re-established, and a linked establishmert was also for tenors early this century when sung to per­ set up in London in 1949. The exhibition shows fection by Caruso and, later, by Leo Slezak. Victoria and Albert Museum examples of the work executed by the press over Opoa in London. Alban Berg's "Lulu" (based Dr. Berthold Wolpe, RDI, renowned calligra- the years, including graphic works by Oskar on Wedekind's plays "Erdgeist" and "BUchse der pher, designer of typefaces and of books, bibli­ Kokoschka, Henry Moore, L. S. Lowry, Ben Pandora"), completed after the composer's death ophile and craftsman in precious metals, was Nicholson and many others. by Friedrich Cerha, will be performed six times born in Offenbach-am-Main, studied under Rudolf For those who missed the exhibition of 20th at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Koch and taught in Oflfenbach and Frankfurt Century German and Austrian Art at the Goethe starting on 17 February. until 1935 when he emigrated to England. He is Institute, there is a representative exhibition of A great actor remembered. An exhibition is now 75 years old, and the Victoria and Albert similar work at the Cottage Gallery, 9 Hereford being held at the Munich Residenztheater Foyer Museum has mounted a comprehensive retrospec­ Road, London, W.2, until 7 February. From in honour of Gustaf Gruendgens who died in tive exhibition of his work (open until 15 March 20 February the same gallery will be showing 1963. Simultaneously, a series of his films is being 1981) to mark the occasion. The catalogue works by Leonard Baskin. shown at the Munich Stadtmuseum; his most "Berthold Wolpe: A Retrospective Survey", pub­ brilliant film, Goethe's "Faust" (a filmed perform­ lished by the Museum and Faber & Faber, is ALICE SCHWAB

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Published Ijy the Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain, 8 Fairfax Mansions, London NWS 6LA.'Phon« General Office and Administration Homes: 01-624 9096/7, Employment Agency and Social Services Department: 01-624 4449 Printed at The Furnival Press, 61 Lilford Road, S.E.5.